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Dusty Rhodes

Bad News Brown

The Repo Man

The Guardian Angel

The Shockmaster

Steve McMichael

Koko B. Ware

The Zodiac

Papa Shango

The Shark

Dink the Clown

The Juicer


The Goon

The Patriots


Harvey Wipplemen = Kiss of Death

Big Bully Busik

Of course, that would be the Big Bully on the right up there, but hey, who is THAT on the left? Could it be? Why yes, I believe it is Harvey Wipplemen. Now, for those of you who have been watching wrestling 2 years or less, you will remember Harvey as *shivers* The Fabulous Moolah's lover. (I can't believe I just said that) Did you know, however, back in the Early 90's Harvey had a better job than making love to Moolah. He had the distinguished job of being the Kiss of Death (as I call him) He couldn't get anyone over. He couldn't even get Sid over when Sid was fighting Hulk Hogan. (Yes, that IS sad) Now, on to the main point, Big Bully. This guy is obviously a rip of some old-english Bully guy. Look at the mustache and the ring attire. The stupid looking hat didn't help his image out much either. Let's face it, this guy was destined to doom from the very beginning. Now, why on Earth would you put this guy with Harvey Wipplemen? It just doesn't add up does it people? I mean, you have someone that already sucks, but let's make the fans give a crap less about him by putting him with the "Kiss of Death." Now, it doesn't seem like a good idea does it...didn't think so, case in point.

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