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Welcome to Craig Allen's site of wrestling humor

Of course, was the mainstay of crapiness in professional wrestling on the internet. As well all know, wrestlecrap has shut down its doors to all customers...I'm not going to try and mimick wrestlecrap, but other than that, I'm going to try and deliver more crap that they never got to. Of course, most of the stuff you'll find on this site can be found in the wrestlecrap junk drawer, I'm just going to touch on it more than they did. Of course, some stuff that they had on their site was not on my previous one...Bushwhackers...Rick Rude...and Haku vs. Harley Race...but I will revamp the site completely and put up the new stuff soon.

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Now, yes, I know, it looks bad right now...but the site will be better looking in the not so far future...Promise