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Bronx,New York
25yrs old

CNW Home Page~Updated thru 2/22

Overall Rating
Overall Wrestler 32/35
Overall Last Match 49/65

Moves Training
Aerial Level One Level Two Level Three Finisher
21 23 20 20 21
Power Level One Level Two Level Three Finisher
24 23 28 24 20
Technical Level One Level Two Level Three Finisher
31 32 32 36 22
Grapple Level One Level Two Level Three Finisher
24 26 28 20 21
Ground Level One Level Two Level Three Finisher
23 23 28 20 20
Running Level One Level Two Level Three Finisher
21 20 20 22 20
Overall Ranking 24      

Match Training
Singles Match 33   Tag Team Match 22
Triple Threat Match 16   One vs Two Match 11
Fatal Four Way Match 10   Battle Royal 10
Hardcore Match 11   Cage Match 10
Ladder Match 10   Four Corners Match 10
First Blood Match 11   I Quit Match 10
Last Man Standing 10   Lumberjack Match 10
Guantlet 10   Other 11
Overall Rating 13      
Gym Training
Legs Calves Hamstrings Quads
38 31 38 46
Arms Biceps Triceps Forearms
38 46 38 31
Upper Body Neck Shoulders Chest
23 19 25 26
Lower Body Back Abs Buttocks
21 23 26 14
Strength Rating 30    
Reflexes Quickness Agility Stamina
35 26 20 59

Toughness Ranking
Toughness 34
Bonus/Reductions +3
Overall 37

Experience,Endurance Ranking
Experience 19
Endurance 42

Charisma Rating
Interviews 38
Commercials 0
Storylines 100
Last Match Overall 65
Overall 51

Wrestler Highlights
Jan 28
Joined CNW
Feb 4
Won CNW Heavyweight Title
Feb 11
Won Wrestler of the Week 2/4-2/11