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Predictions for Sunday Night Mayhem (2/4/07)
by: Frank Johnson and Rebecca Jones

Hi folks this is Frank Johnson and Rebecca Jones from the CNW and today we'll be predicting the matches for CNW first PPV Meltdown. So lets get going.

Iron Dix vs Dreamer, Hardcore Title

Frank:Tough match to decide just yet. I have read rumors about it not being an ordinary match so I believe Shocker will find a way to help Dreamer pull this off.

Rebecca: Well as long as Synn keeps watching Dix's back I don't see a problem. My money is on Dix.

Salted with Fire vs M&M Express, Tag Team Titles

Frank: New match rules will play a part but I still say the titles stay put.

Rebecca: Yeah I have not seen enough to side with SWF and the Meyhus are well rested.

Crow vs Charger, European Title

Frank: Charger hasn't been able to successful toss Crow out over the top ropes. The fustration has got to be getting to him. And fustration is not the best thing to have in a match like this

Rebecca: I say third time is the charm. He has learned from the first time and no ref will be in his way like the second time. Charger gets the job done and remains champion.

The Doctor vs Black Scorpion, Intercontinental Title

Frank: This is a no brainer. The Doctor has faced Black Scorpion twice now and hasn't won neither time. Making it a ladder match might shake things up but not enough.

Rebecca: I agree but I don't think Black Scorpion can take this match lightly or he will end up on the losing end.

Pitbull vs Bronx, Heavywight Title

Frank: Bronx has seemed to have Pitbull's number and forces Pitbull to use outside help. However this is a first blood match and after Meyhem this week Bronx was busted open and two days is not long enough for a wound to heel. Like the old saying goes the light even shines on a dog ass sometimes and in this case the dog is a Pitbull.

Rebecca: Bronx is too much of a competitor he will not go down without a fight. The wound does bring up so worries but I say Bronx beats the blood out of Pitbull before Pitbull can even get to the wound.

Both: That's it til next time when we will look at the rankings and try to predict CNW's next PPV.