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The following material is a Roleplay written by Brandon Adams. The layout was done by Andy Brown and edited by Jonathan Hefetz. This Roleplay is in use for the SGW E-Federation. This Roleplay is not to be used anywhere else. The views you see in this roleplay do not in anyway express or are influential torwards the WWF WCW, and/or ECW. This Roleplay may contain scenes with foul language that some people may find offensive, and if you do, get a fucking grip it's not an after school special you've all come to learn and love. Read and enjoy this Roleplay that will pick up one more win for Test!!!
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Record: 0-0

Titles Held: None Yet

People Used: Test, Jonathan Coachmen, Trish Stratus

People Mentioned: Read It!

Place of RP: The set of SGW Excess

Next Match: Test vs. ???

This Is The Final Can You Pass The
Exam!!! Test?!!

:x:[-Foreword-]:x: After the re-opening of the SGW, many young superstars has fled there. Now, SGW one of the top and biggest feds in the world host November's paper-view Total Destruction. Where many great matches will take place make sure to call your cable providers to order SGW: Total Destruction live and only on paper-view.

:x:[-Scene-]:x: Scene opens up on the set of SGW Excess where the show is about to kick off. Jonathan Coachmen and Trish Stratus are going over what they are going to discuss in the program.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: Welcome fans to a brand new edition of SGW Excess. Im Jonathan Coachmen and sitting next to me is the lovely and always beautiful Trish Stratus. Today on the show we will take a look into the vault and talk to new SGW superstar Test. But first Trish what about the upcoming paper-view Total Destruction?

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Well Coach I think we have are selfs quite a show coming up. First let's talk about the Extreme Title match between Triple H and Johnny the Bull. Triple H hasn't quite gotten to his full complete talent yet and should start to envolve back into the cerebral asassain this Sunday.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: You may be right trish but you must remember that Johnny the Bull is one of the meanest and most feared men in SGW. It should prove to be a good fight. Next up we have the Television Championship match, Rob Van Damn vs Sid Vicious. This match will be a great match considering it's only a Television Title on the line both these superstars are main eventers and will prove that in the ring Sunday.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: I especially like RVD because he is an extremly good wrestler and he looks really good.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: O.K.! Next up we have the Tag Titles on the line. Edge and Christian probably are the most dominant tag team champs in the history of the federations excistance.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: But they are taking on the newly formed team of Kanyon and Tajiri and let me assure you Coach that they mean to get the job done. For the United States Title, four men will enter the ring all wanting the sam thing. You got Chavo Jr., The Hurricane, Sting, and Scott Steiner. This match should put the audience in a ahh as it will prove to be a nail biter.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: That's true now let's take an audience break a return to discuss the Main Event and take a look into the vault and remember Test is in the building too.

:x:[-Scene-]:x: Commercial break ends as scenes from past Shocks leading up to the battle between Chris Beniot, the SGW World Champion and the challanger Ric Flair. The scenes end as the camera changes and shows Jonathan Coachmen and Trish Stratus ready to discuss the match.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: Wow! What a Main Event for Total Destruction. Looking at the stages that lead to this battle, it seems to me that both men are prepared to put their careers on line just to become or stay SGW World Champion.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Coach you are right, Chris Beniot finally got the push he was waiting for and immediatly jumped on it winning the World Title and know Ric Flair wants to take it away, wouldn't you be ready.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: I suppose so, know lets take a look into the vault. Today we are going back to June 17th of this year where Kurt Angle faced off against Steve Austin and Jeff Jarrett, June 17th, 2001 for the United States Championship. Here we go.

:x:[-Scene-]:x: The camera changes to show a video of the match. The last clip shows Edge and Christian running down and attacking Kurt Angle then as Stone Cold was going for the Stunner, Jarrett reverses it and hits The Stroke for the clean win. Camera takes you back to Jonathan Coachmen and Trish Stratus reliving the memories of that match.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Next we have Test coming onto the show but first another commercial break.

:x:[-Scene-]:x: Before it goes to a commercial break it shows Test walking out of a room heading to the set of Excess...........The commercial break ends and the camera changes back to Jonathan Coachmen and Trish Stratus.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome one of the newest recruits to Solid Gold Wrestling, Test.

:x:[-Scene-]:x: Test's theme music plays and from the back, out walks Test. Test takes a seat next to Trish and Coach.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: Test welcome to the show and welcome to SGW.

:x:[-Test-]:x: Thanks Coach, Hello once again Trish. Your looking good like you always have.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Why, Thank You!

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: Test as you know Total Destruction is coming up this Sunday and as you also know you are not wrestling in it do to your late arrival but do you have anything at all planned for Total Destruction?

:x:[-Test-]:x: Coach, you should know that test always has something planned. At Destruction the only thing I can say is that Test will be there and he will get involved. Mark my words on that.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: Do you have anything planned for you next couple weeks and your career here in the SGW?

:x:[-Test-]:x: Like I said Coach, Test has a plan for everything and what ever Shane-O-Mac throws at me or gives me I'm going to capitalize on it and work my up to being an SGW great. Now Coach I'm sick of hearing you voice let Trish ask a question, her voice is much more pleasing to me.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: As you wish.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Hmmm..Since you say you have a plan for everything, what is your plan for me?

:x:[-Test-]:x: I guess we'll have to wait and see, if you know what I mean.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: I think I know what your getting at.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: O.K. let's go to the e-mails. Our first e-mail is from Tyler, he's from Seattle, Washington. He's question is, Test if you could team up with any one wrestler alive and in the SGW who would you pick and why?

:x:[-Test-]:x: Sounds like a game show question, well Tyler I would pick The Hurricane because you know I could use a good side kick to fight the evil in the SGW plus he is a good wrestler to.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: O.K. thank you Tyler for the question, next e-mail is from Robin, she's from Portland, Maine. Her question is, Test since you just joined SGW and you haven't been in any fueds are friendships yet, who do you look forward to fueding with?

:x:[-Test-]:x: I look forward to fueding with alot of wrestlers such as Chris beniot, Scott Steiner, Chavo JR. there are many others. I think once I establish my respect in the SGW things will start happen but as for now I'm just going to wait to see what comes my way.

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Thank you Robin for that question. Now let's get a letter before are program ends. This letter is from Sammy out of Louisville, Kentucky. It says, Test I have been a huge fan of your's for quite sometime and it's great to finally see you in the SGW. My question for you is, your recruitment by SGW revolve by being friends with Shane McMahon?

:x:[-Test-]:x: I think that is a big plus but Shane knows the talent I uphold and knows that I plan to be big in the SGW but Shane and I are still friends and I hope it stays that way, he's done great things for this federation and I plan on being there for the future of the SGW and Sammy keep on beleiveing in Test because I'll be more root able later down the road.

:x:[-Jonathan Coachmen-]:x: Thank you Sammy and fans thats all the time we have for you, I would like to thank Test for coming on here with us...

:x:[-Test-]:x: Anytime Coach and Trish the pleasure has been all mine!

:x:[-Trish Stratus-]:x: Thank You! Goodbye all until next time.