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Commentary Page

Sunday - July 22, 2000

Hello to all of the wrestling fans out there and welcome to the newest edition of my commentary. First off, I want to send my condolences out to the family of Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy, as the Origional "Freebird" passed away last week. I had the pleasure of meeting Gordy back in March when he took on "The Player" Brian Logan at NPW. This man was a true legend in the business and one of the nicest guys I have ever met in my life. Gordy will be missed by all. Now, onto the commentary. Yesterday The Dealer, Bobby Storm, myself and wrestling newcomer Chazz LaRaven wrestled another show for Mid-South Wrestling Fedeation. A match which I'm sure each of us lost 5 pounds each. LOL!!!! Here is out it came about:

We had to get an early start on the day, so I was up before the crack of dawn. At around 7:00 A.M., I headed for Johns Creek to pick up Bobby. At around 9:00, we met the Dealer and Chazz at Wal-Mart and were on our way. At around 11:15, we pulled into the Allen's Ford Car Lot, the sight of the show. After grabbing a bite to eat, we saw that MSWF Owner/Promoter/Booker, G-Money, along with his stable, Team Obscene, had arrived. After setting up the ring, we headed inside to our dressing room for the evening, which was the owner's air conditioned office, which is probably the best dressing room we have had. We changed into our gear as the other wrestlers began to arrive. Before we knew it, the show was only a few minutes away. G-Money then came in and announced the matches for that afternoon. It would be B.J. the DJ and Chazz LaRaven vs Bobby Storm and the Dirty Dealer.

Ring announcer John Savage then hit my music and I made my way to the ring, with a lot of heat from the crowd. I then introduced my partner, Chazz and we made our way inside the ring. John Savage then asked if we knew who we would be facing, saying that they were two guys who had beaten me before. Bobby and the Dealer then made their way to the ring, to a nice pop from the crowd. I then pointed out that it was 3 on 2 since the Dealer made up two people by himself (Sorry Dealer. LOL!!!!!). I then decided to give a fan in the audience that day a chance to live a dream and be mine and Chazz's partner. We selected someone and then stepped into the ring. After going back and forth for a little bit, I was finally able to put Bobby in the Sharpshooter. I thought it was finally over, but Bobby was somehow able to power out. After trading a few more blows, he made a tag to a fresh Dealer, who proceeded to throw me into the turnbuckles and give me a closeline. He followed it up with a bulldog, but I was able to kick out. I then tagged in Chazz and decided that he could take it from there. I then slid out of the ring, but the Dealer began to chase me around the lot. I finally ducked into the showroom, but he quickly followed me inside. I was then able to give him a low blow and throw him into one of the cars. I then made my way back to the ring, only to find out that Chazz had been pinned after taking the "Eye of the Storm." Bobby then left the ring, allowing me to slide inside and wake up Chazz. We then got our partner we choose from the audience inside and told him to stand there until Chazz and I decided what went wrong. We then began to blame each other, before we finally decided that it was our partner's fault, thus beating him down. Fortunatly for him, Storm and the Dealer came in for the save. I quickly saved myself by sliding under the bottom rope. Chazz wasn't so lucky as our partner turned on the both of us and gave Chazz a DDT. We then headed back to the dressing room, where we changed out and thanked everyone in charge of the show and headed for home.

So there you have it. Another show worked for MSWF. I hope you enjoyed reading this commentary and I hope you all will tune in next time after August 7, where I will once again enter the NPW ring. My opponent is unknown at this time, but keep checking in as I'll try to update it when I can. So, until next time, this is B.J. the DJ, the hippest man in the land, signing off.