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Commentary Page

Sunday - June 2, 2001

Hello again and welcome to another edition of the Weekly Commentary, written by yours truley, B.J. the DJ. I appologize for not updating this for a while. I recently worked two shows, one for NPW, one for MSWF, so instead of writing two sepearate commentaries, I am going to sum both shows into this one. The first show was on May 5, 2001 at Blaine, Kentucky. Jason Jett, a.k.a. EZ Money of ECW fame, worked the show and became the first NPW Champion. I did a run in in the match between the Dirty Dealer and the Old School Superstar. I then came back out and worked a battle royal, where I was thrown out by the eventual winner, Sledge. Nothing major at that show, with the exception of EZ working. The second show was last night, June 1, 2001 when I worked my 3rd show for MSWF. I was involved in a Fatal Four Way Elemination Tag Team match. It was B.J. the DJ and Danaconda, my partner for the evening, vs The Darkside (Riot and Xtren) vs The Russians vs Wicked Lester and Little Jimmy Studd. How did it all come about???? This is the story.

I woke up at about 10:30 that morning. Dad had left earlier to pick up some friends to the airport and the Dealer and Kobra were unable to go, so I would be flying solo today. I left home at about 2:30 and at around 5:45, I arrived at the Wal-Mart parking lot in Mancehster, Kentucky. The rest of the group was busy setting up the ring and the dressing rooms, so I decided to greet who was there. In no time at all, the other wrestlers arrived and before we knew it, it was an hour before showtime. This was a big show as it was being done for the Children's Miracle Network and would be shown on a local Christian channel. While chaning into my gear, I noticed that Joey Bravo and HellRaiser had arrived. I had talked to them a few times before and I was glad that there were people there I had known for a while. I greeted both of them and then put on the last of my gear. G-Money then came in and told us the card for the evening. In match one, it would be B.J. the DJ and Danaconda, who is one of the nicest guys in the MSWF locker room, vs Darkside vs the Russians vs Wicked LEster and Little Jimmy Studd.

The eight of us finally caught up with one another and began to work out a match. It was finally showtime. G-Money went out first and led everyone in prayer and then turned things over to John E. Savage, the announcer for the evening. He then introduced the Russians first. Then, "Ooops...I Did It Again" by Britney Spears hit and that was my cue. I made my way to the ring, led by chants of "Britney Sucks" by the crowd, which is a catch phrase that they have used since my first show there. Danaconda then made his way to the ring, followed by Wicked Lester and Little Jimmy Studd. Darkside, led by SinClair, made their way to the ring and the match was offically underway. I started out against Wicked Lester. I reached for a tag to Danaconda before we locked up, but he dropped down from the ring apron. Finally, I realized that I wasn't going to be able to make a tag, we finally locked up. Lester proceeded to throw me back sevearl times, but I was finally able to get him in a headlock. However, he somehow managed to throw me off and took me down with a big shoulder tackel. I then decided that I wasn't going to have any luck against him and tagged in Danaconda. Wicked Lester then tagged in Little Jimmy, who has been feuding with Danaconda in DCW. They went back and for before Danaconda was finall able to hit him with a version of Vamprio's "Nail in the Coffin" to give us a fall and eleminted Wicked Lester and Little Jimmy.

I then tagged in Danaconda and jumped back into the ring only to be met by Xtreme of the Darkside. We traded punches back and forth before I was finally able to nail him with a flying DDT. I was so close to the win I could taste it. I went to the top and leaped off with a 5 Star Frog Spalsh. I made the cover. 1..2...NO!!!! Riot breaks up the count. I then begn to work on him unil Xtren cuts me off. He then whips me off the ropes and gives me a drop toehold, followed by a legdrop to the back of the head from Riot. Xtreme makes the cover. 1...2...3!!! And Danaconda and I are eleminted. Darkside eventually goes on to the match against the Russians, but I am able to take some measure of revenge against them as I ran in after the match and helped the Russians take them out. Our moral victory was cut short, however, as Malaki, the leader of Darkside, ran in to help his partners. After all that was over, I talked with Joey for a few minutes, then headed for home.

So there you have it wrestling fans. The results of the last two shows I have worked. My next dated show is unknown, but I should know within the next week or so. So, until next time, this is B.J. the DJ, the hippest man in the land, signing off.