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Commentary Page

Sunday - April 8, 2001

Hello again my loyal fans and welcome to another edition of the weekly commentary, hosted by none other than me, B.J. the DJ. Well, things have been kind of slow as of late. No shows in the area, nothing major to report. All in all, pretty dull. Until last night, when NPW held a show in Kermit, West Virginia at the Kermit Community Center. And it was at this show where the unthinkable happened: Yours truly, B.J. the DJ, picked up my second straight victory for NPW and the first singles victory of my career when I defeated the Old School Superstar. How did it all come about??? This is the story:

That morning started off just like any other morning. I woke up and fixed myself a very healthy breakfast (that is, if you call a bowl of cereal a healthy breakfast. LOL!!!). After eating, I showered, shaved and gathered my gear. Before I knew it, it was 1:00. I hopped in my car and headed to Johns Creek, Kentucky to pick up Bobby Storm and King Kobra. At 2:30, we took that long drive to Kermit, arriving at the Community Center at around 3:15, no thanks to Bobby’s lousy directions and making me miss the turnoff. LOL!!!! J/K Bob.

When we got inside, we found that the ring was already set up, but that the promoter, Kenny McCoy a.k.a. Chris Draven, hadn’t gotten back from an errand he had to run. Luckily, there was a Giovanni’s right next door, so we decided to grab a bite to eat. When we got there, we found another of the workers that night, The Dirty Dealer, already there. After talking with the Dealer for a while and ordering our food, we headed back over to the Community Center. At around 5:00, Draven finally returned. We greeted him and helped him set everything up for the show later that night. A short time later, the Old School Superstar arrived. This is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever want to meet. He is a true professional in every sense of the word. We shook hands and walked off to talk out a match. We would have added more, but found out that there would be separate locker rooms at this show. After working out a finish, he headed for his locker room while I changed into my gear. Finally, Paul Diamond, the announcer for the evening, came down and gave us the final format. In match number 1, it would be The Hellian vs. Bozz. Match number 2 would feature the Dirty Dealer taking on Flying Death. And match number 3 would feature B.J. the DJ (moi) vs. The Old School Superstar.

After watching the first two matches, it was time. As always, the butterflies started going, but you have to block that out and focus on what you’re supposed to be doing. Finally, the music of the Old School Superstar hit and he came out to a decent pop from the Kermit crowd. Next, my theme music, “Ooops…I Did It Again” by my future girlfriend, Miss Brittany Spears, hit and Kobra and I made out way to the ring to some decent heat from the crowd. Finally, the bell rang and the match was underway. I start off by making the first mistake by telling the Superstar that they didn’t come to see him, but that they came to see me dance. Right in the middle of my routine, he jumped me from behind. However, being the clever one that I am, I held onto the ropes, with my upper body upside down outside of the ring. The Superstar wasted no time and quickly pushed my legs down like a seesaw and gave me a quick pop to the face. He did this two more times before I finally let go of the ropes. As I got back in, the Superstar and I traded several moves back and forth until I was able to hit him with one of my newest moves, the “Breakdown Leg drop”. I cover him. 1..2..NO!!! The Superstar somehow manages to kick out. I pick him up, but he quickly makes a move and takes out my knee. He then goes into a Boston Crab, but I smartly get to the ropes and overpower him at the same time. He quickly gets back in and goes to work over my knee again, until he says it’s finally over. He quickly clamps on the Figure 4 Leglock, but I quickly make it to the ropes.

He whips me into the corner, but I make another very brilliant move and ask the ref to come over there. When the Superstar charged at me, he may have knocked the wind out of me, but the ref was taken out as well. He then takes out my knee again and locked in another Figure 4. I make him think that I’m tapping, but it’s really the signal for Kobra to make his move. He gives the Superstar a shot to the throat and nails him with a Spear, knocking him senseless. I’ve almost recovered and I tell Kobra it’s time to end it. We go outside and take Paul’s chair away from him. I then drag the Superstar to the corner. What’s this??? Could it finally be??? I walk to the other side of the ring and signal to the crowd that NOW it’s over. I take a deep breath, and jump to the top rope, leap across the ring and WHAM!!! IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED!!! I HAVE FINALLY DEBUTED THE MOST DEVISTATING FINISHING MOVE IN NPW TODAY, THE CHART TOPPER (a.k.a. The Van Terminator)!!!!

I drag the Superstar to the center of the ring as Kobra throws the ref back in. I make the cover as the ref counts. 1…2…3!!!! Your winner of the match, as expected, B.J. the DJ. After the match, the Superstar got on the mic and challenged me to a re-match on May 11 at Blaine, Kentucky. Naturally, I accepted the challenge and informed the crowd of a battle royal coming up and that there was no time like the present to get it started. The Superstar and I rushed in and before you knew it, the entire heel locker room cleared. As we took out the Superstar, the faces rushed to the rescue and the match was on. Unfortunately, while helping Kobra take out Jesse Lundas, the Superstar came up from behind me and threw me over the top. However, rather than staying in the match, he eliminated himself began to chase me all over the arena. He finally went back to the locker room and soon after, Lundas eliminated Kobra. We then grabbed Lundas and threw him over the top from the outside, eliminating him, but we decided he wasn’t worth our effort and headed back to the locker room. (LOL!!! Sorry Jesse.)

During intermission, the Superstar approached me. We shook hands and I thanked him for a great match. After the show, we took a picture together and Bobby, Kobra and I headed off into the sunset. And that is the story of my first singles victory. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this weeks commentary. And don’t forget to tune in next time where you’ll have the results of my upcoming tag team match for Mid-South Wrestling Federation where I, along with my good friend and partner J.T. Money, will take on King Kobra and the Dirty Dealer in what’s sure to be a fantastic match. And with that being said, it’s time for me to leave the airwaves for now. So everybody out there take care and don’t forget to keep checking back at the official B.J. the DJ website for all of the latest news and upcoming events. So once again, until next time, this is B.J. the DJ, the hippest man in the land, signing off.