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Commentary Page

Tuesday - March 24, 2001

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the Weekly Commentary, written by yours truly, B.J. the DJ. Well, I suppose we should jump right into things. Last Saturday night, I, along with King Kobra and The Dirty Dealer, invaded new territory when we worked our first show for Mid-South Wrestling Federation. It was originally set to be B.J. the DJ with King Kobra vs. The Dirty Dealer. However, I would later that evening find out that my originally scheduled opponent would end up being my tag team partner for the evening for a shot at the MSWF Tag Team titles. How did this come about??? This is the story:

It was Saturday, March 24, 2001. At 8:30 I arose from the bed. I had to get an early start due to the show being almost 200 miles away. Soon after, my dad woke up and got ready to go to Hazard to take care of a few things. At around 9:00, he left. I then pulled out about an hour later. After picking up King Kobra, we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up the Dealer. At 11:00, we started that long drive toward the D & S Fun Center in Jackson County. At around 3:00, we finally arrived. None of the other wrestlers had arrived yet, but the ring was set up, so we decided to go over our match and test the ring a little bit. Two of the boards were broken, but I was informed that it would be repaired when the promoter arrived. At around 4:30, two of the MSWF workers arrived. Kobra, the Dealer and myself introduced ourselves and watched them work out in the ring. At 5:00, G-Money, the promoter/booker/owner of MSWF arrived. I had talked to him via the telephone for the last couple of weeks and was pleased to finally meet him in person. We helped to fix the ring then went backstage to change into our gear.

After we got changed, we introduced ourselves to more workers who were arriving and before we knew it, it was less than an hour until show time. As the Dealer and I talked over our match again, G-Money informed us that a problem had risen. One of the tag teams in line for a title shot later that night had not arrived and the Dealer and I were to take their place. It was now B.J. the DJ and The Dirty Dealer vs. J.T. Funk and Diamond Gem, otherwise known as “Southern Justice.” We introduced ourselves and began talking out a new match when the team they were originally set to face, Mr. J.D. Biggs and “The Dragon” Chuck Lee, arrived. However, instead of changing things back to they way originally planed, G-Money made a Triple-Threat tag team title match: B.J. the DJ and the Dirty Dealer vs. Southern Justice vs. J.D. Biggs and Chuck Lee. We talked out somewhat of a match and before we knew it, it was time. The Dealer and I had planned to make separate entrances, but he all of a sudden decided to walk out my music, “Ooops…I Did It Again” by my future girlfriend, Brittany Spears, with me and Kobra. Southern Justice and Biggs and Lee made their entrances and the match began.

It started out with the Dealer against Chuck Lee. They started off high-paced, with Lee ducking a closeline and nailed him with a cross-body. The Dealer kicked out at 2 and quickly tagged me in. I ran toward Lee only to be caught in a big arm-drag. However, knowing my ring positioning, I got my feet in the ropes. I then made the mistake of arguing with the ref that Lee had pulled my hair. This gave him the chance to tag in J.D. Biggs. I turn around to see Biggs in front of me. I try to duck, but he gives me a kick to the gut and a big suplex. It was during this move that the unexpected happened: The ring broke. As I got up, I tagged in Diamond Gem, but the ref order us to the back so they could fix the ring. After they got it fixed, we were informed that we would now be the main event of the evening.

After the two other scheduled matches, we came back out. I was set to start off against Biggs again, but then pointed out to the ref that I had tagged in Diamond Gem before we went to the back and that he should be in there, not me. The ref bought it and forced him into the ring. They then went back and forth with J.T. Funk being tagged in. Biggs then took control and went over and tagged the Dealer. The Dealer gave Funk a couple of blows to the back and then held him. This was it. I was finally going to get my first title reign. I came off with a double ax handle on Funk. I then began to celebrate as the ref counted to three. I turn around and the Dealer is out of it, with Funk getting his hand raised in victory. I then knew what happened: I had accidentally nailed the Dealer. Kobra got in and we helped the Dealer up. After a few moments or arguing, they then jump me, giving me a pretty good beating. They then leave the ring as Southern Justice and Biggs and Lee go at it in the crowd. I make my way over to the announcers table and speak my peace, much to the distain of the crowd. G-Money then books a match for me against either the Dealer of Kobra the next time we come there.

We get to the back and receive a praise from our peers. We then change clothes and I head out to thank G-Money. When he met me, he thanked me for coming and said I was welcome back anytime and that he loved the B.J. the DJ character. After greeting a few of the fans, we headed for home, arriving back at 3:00 that morning.

And that my friends, is the story of my first show for MSWF. I hope you enjoyed reading this week’s commentary. Be on the lookout as I will be working another show for National Pro Wrestling on April 7, 2001 in Kermit, West Virginia at the Kermit Community Center. At this show, I will be taking on the Old School Superstar in what’s sure to be a good match. And with that being said, it’s time once again for me to sign off. Tune in next time for another edition of the Weekly Commentary. Until then, this is B.J. the DJ, the hippest man in the land, signing off.