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Commentary Page

Monday - November 20, 2000

Hello everybody and welcome to my very first weekly commentary. I’m kind of new at this, so please try to be patient with me. This first installment of the Weekly Commentary is just going to feature a few shout outs to some of my good friends in the wrestling business and promote our next HCW show, “Urban Chaos” at the Whitman Community Center. But, more on that in a minute.

First off, I want to wish everyone out there a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Secondly, I wanna give a HUGE thanks to my good friend, Jason Cross, who designed and built every inch of this site for me. Ya saved me a lot of time and you deserve a huge thank you. Secondly, I wanna give a shout out to my friends out in Big Clifty, Kentucky, Josh “The Red Dawg” Richardson and Brandon “Hard Rock” Higdon. In the words of Edge and Christian, “You guys so totally rule!!!!” Last, but certainly not least, I wanna give a very special shout out to my trainers and fellow trainees at “The Storm Shelter.” Bobby Storm, it’s been over a year and a half and no matter what you say or do, you’re never gonna get rid of me. LOL!!! But, all kidding aside, I wanna thank you for the past year and a half of training. Your guidance and willingness to give up two days a week shows that you really wanna see everyone ever you’ve trained succeed in this business. Of course, I think paying you fifty bucks a month has something to do with it too. LOL!!!!! J/K. Nut, what can I say cuz??? You’re family and the guy who got me started in the business. For that, I’ll always be grateful. Rod, it’s been a year and Bobby still can’t get rid of us. Guess we’re both like the plague. LOL!!!! Jessie, Jason, you have to be the two craziest people I’ve ever met in my life and that’s what makes you guys so cool. Keith, try not to wiggle your thumb too much. LOL!!!! Just keep up the good work. And for anyone I missed, I’m sorry.

Well, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time to promote the next show for Hardcore Championship Wrestling entitled “Urban Chaos” at the Whitman Community Center in Whitman, West Virginia. You’ll see many HCW stars at this show, with the main event pitting HCW World Champion, Prophet putting his title on the line against Mad Dawg and “Sensational” Shaun Edwards in a 3 Way Dance. We will finally find out once and for all who the real HCW Hardcore Champion is as Gangsta Z and “Brutal” Bud Brewski finish their best of three series. Christopher Micheals will take on hometown favorite Jessie Lundas in what’s sure to be a technically sound match. Last, but certainly not least, yours truly, B.J. the DJ will team with Brian Gilbert to take on “Sexy Boy” Bobby Storm and the King Cobra with the stipulation that if Storm and Cobra win, then Storm gets a Cruiserweight title shot against Gilbert at a date to be named later. More matches will be announced soon and this promises to be one of the best HCW cards ever.

And with that, my first ever weekly commentary comes to a close. I hope that you all enjoyed reading it and I hope that you all will tune in next week. Until then, this is B.J. the DJ, the hippest man in the land, signing off.