
The Lusus, Indianapolis, In

K. Fred Brown & Johnny Saturday

Tonight is our second show at the Lusus.  We've pulled a following and a great sensation around the Indianapolis area.  The Lusus is now turning people away and our wrestlers have become instant celebrities around the Indianapolis area.  I don't want to brag but even I am getting recognized around town.

Yes but men with arrest warrants don't count.

Look dickhead, I'm excited, excited about our new place, excited about the card and excited to see the matches in store for tonight.

You don't get it do you?  Tier Alpha is squeezing the life out of the Big Sky.  There isn't a damn thing that you or any of your boys can do about it.  So you had better just sit back and enjoy it because it is inevitable.  Just like Bobby Knight said, "If...."

Don't you dare!

What?  He just said "If losing in the first round is inevitable he might as well do it every year.

Well the Indiana Hoosiers didn't do that this year and we don't have to deal with him anymore!  Coincidence?  I think not!  Just like Indiana is blossoming after relieving themselves of that tyrant, the Big Sky will do just as well when they rid themselves of Tier Alpha!

If the Big Sky rids themselves of Tier Alpha you had better update your resume because we aren't going to be employed.  We're not going to fill this place with America's Youth and Mr. Tschida headlining I can tell you that!

Tier Alpha sucks!

You suck, and speaking of suck did you catch our first match?

Yes it pits some of the new generation of Big Sky competitor coming to the forefront putting themselves up in front of a crowd for the first time.  This is where everyone starts!

I hope for our sake this is where it finishes!

Scorpion, Souja and Mr. Showtime are already in the ring starting their match.  The show cuts to the back where Prime is sitting in his truck polishing his hunting rifle.  The camera zooms in and Prime shuts his door on the prying electronic eye.

What the (beep) is that?  He can't bring a weapon like that to a show!  What kind of dumbass is he?  Hi, I'm Prime here's my gun!  This is ridiculous!

Well, I can't say I'm in favor of what he is doing but maybe he has a valid reason.  You know it's not illegal to have a firearm in the United States.

It's illegal to carry one into a parking lot filled with people.  What kind of statement is he trying to prove.  That he is so scared of Tier Alpha he has to bring a gun.  In this day and age I'm sure that's not the image we should be showing the kids.  That carrying a gun is cool!  Give me a break!

I can't say I approve, but maybe it's a ceremonial piece, maybe it doesn't even fire.

I'll tell you who should be fired, Prime!  This isn't a civil war reenactment, this is the Big Sky!  That burns my ass!

As Saturday continues with his rant the match continues.  Most of the fans show little or no interest on the goings on in the ring and the silence is only broken when some fans decide to chant "boring."

Get somebody the (beep) out in that parking lot and get that firearm away from Prime!  This is horseshit!

Finally, Soulja pins one of the other wrestlers to a three count.  The fans show no interest.

The Winner of the Match by pinfall....Soulja.

Who gives a crap what is happening inside the ring.  I want something done!  If that was Gryphon out there we wouldn't even be having this conversation.  He would be arrested on the spot and you would be leading the charge!  This is bullshit!

The show cuts to backstage again.  A door marked "Tier Alpha" in bright red is closed.  The door slips open and someone walks out cloaked in black.

That's not anyone I know.  Who the hell is Tier Alpha recruiting now?

The black figure walks away from the camera.  He turns around a corner.  The camera hurries to show up and shoot around the corner.  The get to the hallway and nothing.  The camera shoots down the hallway and walks to a set of doors.  Someone opens the doors and just as they door a figure slips out the back with something swinging from his right hand.  He disappears behind the door and the camera crew scurries to the door and tries to open it but it is locked.

Was that a belt?  That looked like a freaking belt!  Who the hell was that?  Marky Chang?  Oh God I hope not!  Who else, Raine Dawson?  Mason?  Oh man I don't even want to think of it if Tier Alpha has recruited another wrestler let alone another one of our Champions!

That might not of been a Big Sky belt, they could have been from some other league.

I hope so, this is getting insane!  What if they get Raine!  What if they have Marky in their back pocket?  What if they have Mason?  This doesn't look good!

Speaking of not looking good, America's Youth everybody.

Shut up!

Rick Valentine comes to the ring.  The crowd pops slightly as America's Youth walks through the curtain full of energy.  He runs to the ring and bounces off the ropes inciting the crowd.  The crowd does give him a pretty good pop and he flips over the top rope to the chants of "Youth!"  He pumps his fists and jumps into the corner welcoming the fans to cheer more.  The welcome is short lived as a Nick Tarden title reign as Valentine drags him off the ropes and slams him to the mat.  Valentine stomps down on the body of Youth.  He pulls Youth to his feet and whips him into the ropes.  Valentine stops Youth with a short dropkick.  He jumps down for a cover.  1..............2................No!  Youth kicks out.  Valentine continues his offense but slows the match down.  He grabs onto Youth's arm and twists it around his leg causing pressure to Youth's elbow.  Youth punches Valentine in the nose but cannot break the hold.   Valentine slaps his legs to exert more pressure to the joint.  Youth slaps the mat.  He kicks up and flips onto his feet and then drops down in a sliding kick to Valentine's jaw.  The quick reversal throws Valentine off as he slams back onto the mat.  Youth bounces off the ropes and drops down for another sliding kick knocking Valentine out of the ring.  Youth grabs his arm selling the injury and slaps the top of the ropes over Valentine.  He bounces again off the ropes and back towards Valentine.  He jumps and flips over the top rope landing with a plancha over Valentine.  The crowd gets up for the move and claps.  Youth stands up and again pumps the crowd.

Youth sure is full of energy.

The energy stored from sucking the life out of his career. 

Oh shut the hell up!

 Youth jumps atop the railing and steadies himself.  He takes a running start and leaps off the railing twisting into a body press sending him and Valentine to the floor.  Youth jumps up right onto the apron.  He motions for Valentine to get up and when he does Youth jumps down and wraps his legs around Valentine's neck and tries for a hurcanranna but Valentine grabs the apron and blocks it.  He scoops Youth up and spins slamming him down into the floor with a powerbomb.

I don't like either of these wrestlers. 

Why?  Because they have talent and don't have to cheat to win?

No, I don't think that's it at all.

Then what is it?

I have a feeling it's because they both suck.

Shut the hell up!

Valentine pulls up Youth and slams his face against the top of the railing.  Youth ricochets off and slams back onto the floor.  Valentine pulls Youth up and whips him into the ringpost.  Youth slams right into the steel and to his knees grabbing his shoulder.  

Valentine comes charging in and clotheslines Youth to the floor.  Valentine doesn't waste time.  He grabs Youth and places him onto the apron.  He hooks his head under his arm like a DDT still standing on the floor.  He pulls up and backs away from the apron and then drops himself and Youth down through the announcer's table with a brainbuster.

Oh my God!

You know, I have an issue with the Big Sky spending money on tables just to be used by these two.  That's a waste!

Shut up!  That was devastating.  Youth looks out cold.  Valentine doesn't look much better!

Valentine grabs a piece of table and throws it off of him and stands up.  He grabs Youth and whips him into the ring.  Valentine jumps up onto the apron.  He grabs the top rope and jumps up onto it.  He springs off of it and flips over coming down onto Youth with a senton bomb.  Valentine drops back and hooks the leg on his back.  1..................2...No!  Youth grabs him and hooks him over into a pin of his own.  1..................2...No!  Valentine pushes him off and both men spring to their feet.  Valentine rushes Youth with a clothesline but Youth ducks and both of them bounce off the ropes and run at each other.  Valentine springs across the ring and delivers a flying forearm.  Valentine drops to the mat.  Youth jumps onto the top rope.  Valentine gets to his feet and turns around trying to find Youth.  Youth flies off the ropes and grabs Valentine around the neck and drops him straight down into a DDT.

What a move!

Youth grabs the leg and covers.  1.......................2..........................3!

The Winner of the Match by Pinfall...............America's Youth!

That was a pretty good match for the two of them.  Maybe Youth and Valentine are making a turn for the better here in the Big Sky.

Yes, I'll bet they will be wrestling each other at the Anniversary Pay Per View in the main event.

I didn't say that, they did put on a good match though.

Nemesis walks through the curtain to a mild reaction.  

The camera cuts to Hawk walking in the backstage area, seeming all alone, when he runs into Luke Von Erich. At first they eye each other suspiciously but Hawk breaks a smile.

Hawk: Hey Luke listen, I don't have any more quarrel with you, that's all Jackson Rust. Frankly as BSWF Champion I could care less about you anymore, I've got bigger fish to fry, alright?

Luke Von Erich: Yeah well I've got a quarrel with you and all your other bedroom pals. You may have bigger fish to fry but I suggest you keep a close eye on me because after I'm through tearing apart Gryphon limb from limb I'm taking the BSWF Title back where it belongs, into the BSWF!

Hawk: Yeah sure, whatever. Good luck in your match Luke.

They are about to walk in opposite paths from each other when Hawk turns around, seemingly forgetting something.

Hawk: Oh yeah, about that luck part Luke? You sure as hell will need it.

Suddenly Jackson Rust in his red flannel and black tights comes from behind with a lead pipe and bashes it across the back of Luke's head. His black hair whipping around his face.  His back to the camera.  Luke stumbles forward but catches himself against the wall.  Jackson runs from behind but Luke kicks him in the stomach.  Luke pulls the pipe from Jackson's hand and cracks it over his head.  He turns and looks at Hawk who shrugs his shoulders and walks away.  Jackson is laying on the floor on his stomach.  Luke pulls him up by his hair to kick his ass some more and then stops.  The camera rushes around to the front of Luke to see Jackson.  

That's not Jackson!  That's...what the hell was his name?

Tulsa West.

Yes!  That's Tulsa West!  That wasn't Jackson at all!

Luke growls in anger.  Tulsa smiles a crooked smile.  Luke pegs him in the face and throws him to the floor throwing the pipe on top of him.

"Back in Business Again" by the Four Horsemen plays and the crowd gets to their feet to jeer Jackson.  Jackson comes out through the curtain holding a mic.

Jackson Rust:  Expecting someone different Luke?  Did you really think that I would waste my time kicking your ass in the back?  There's no way I'm giving you an excuse when I finally kick your ass.  I don't need to jump you in the back when I can kick your ass in the ring.  Why would I lose the opportunity that I come back to get just to give you an excuse by doing something to you in the back.  Guess what Luke, from now on I'm putting a moratorium on you.  Just like Mr. Meagi did for Danialson.  From now on nobody touches Luke Von Erich until I get him in the ring one on one.  So you can walk down the aisle and feel safe knowing that you are safe and sound from a Tier Alpha attack.  That's the good news, the bad news is that all of the beatings you would have received you will get in one big night.  So enjoy your freedom, it will soon be over...just like you.  Now if you don't mind I have to take care of this big waste of life in the ring.

Jackson throws the mic down and slips under the ropes.

What?  Jackson has declared that Luke is untouchable.  I wonder if the other Tier Alpha members know about this?  What about Luke's match with Gryphon tonight?

Well Gryph's going to kick his ass without any help.

Bullshit!  Gryph couldn't do it on his best day.

Well see.

Nemesis doesn't run away from this challenge slamming his big boot over the head of Jackson kicking him out of the ring.  Jackson lands on the floor.  Nemesis reaches over the top rope and grabs Jackson by the hair.  Jackson jumps up onto the apron and grabs the second rope so that Nemesis cannot drag him over.  Jackson punches Nemesis in the stomach and counters by turning around grabbing Nemesis by the neck and whipping him over his shoulder to the floor.   Nemesis goes crashing down and slams into the railing.  Jackson stands on the apron waiting for Nemesis to get up.  Nemesis grabs the railing and pulls himself to his feet facing the crowd.  Jackson jumps off and hooks his legs over the neck of Nemesis and flips back.  A reverse hurcanranna!

Jesus!  Nemesis looks like he just broke his neck!  Jackson whipped him right onto his neck!

Jackson stands up over Nemesis.  He drops a knee down over the back of Nemesis' neck.

Look at that, he's working on the neck.

Huh?  Why?

Umm, probably because he's setting him up for the Texas Sleeper, you know some wrestlers actually do that now a days, they don't just pull the worm out of their ass after getting beat down all match.

Jackson steps up to the apron over Nemesis.  He waits for Nemesis to get into position, but Nemesis grabs him by the tights and throws him over to the railing.  Jackson lands his neck onto the railing.  Nemesis comes up from behind and pulls Jackson off by his legs so that he slams down flat onto the floor.  Nemesis motions for the fans to get out of the way and throws Jackson over the railing.  Nemesis steps over and grabs a chair.  He slams it down over the retreating Jackson.  Nemesis grabs Jackson and pushes him towards the camera riser by the concession stand.  He grabs Jackson and slams his back into the retaining beam of the riser.  He grabs Jackson and throws him on the riser.  Nemesis grabs two tables and sets them up side by side.  He walks up the stairs and finds Jackson still wounded.  Nemesis kicks Jackson to his knees, then he pulls him up in a pump handle slam and literally drops him down through the first table.  Jackson lays on the ground in the middle of the broken table.  Nemesis runs off the edge to the chants of "Big Sky!" and drops a leg drop over the wounded Rust.  Nemesis grabs the referee and drops down over Jackson.  1......................2...........

That's it!  Welcome back to the Big Sky!

....No!  Jackson just barely kicks out.  The fans boo the long count.  Nemesis grabs Rust and whips him into the front of the concession stand.  He grabs him and whips him into the stairs leading up to the camera riser.  Jackson crawls up the stairs.  Nemesis follows and grabs Jackson preparing to throw him off the edge.  Jackson counters with an elbow to Nemesis' stomach.  It doesn't stop him and he pulls Jackson to him setting up for a powerbomb.  Nemesis walks to the edge holding Jackson over the table.  He pushes him up higher but Jackson counters again placing his feet on the shoulders of Nemesis and jumping over his back.  Jackson falls onto his stomach.  Nemesis turns pissed.  He charges Jackson but misses as Jackson ducks under.  Nemesis turns and punches Jackson.  He pushes Jackson towards the edge of the riser.  He charges again but Jackson counters pulling him up over his shoulders and using Nemesis' momentum against him.  Jackson drops with Nemesis over the edge and through the table with the "Snake Bite!" DVD!  Jackson lifts up an arm and places it over Nemesis' chest.  1.....................2...........................3!

The Winner of the match by pinfall Jackson Rust!

What did you say, "Welcome back to the Big Sky," or was it goodbye to the Big Sky for Nemesis?

Oh shut up!  Jackson got this one but that wasn't Luke in the ring!

I didn't see them in the ring at all.

Oh shut the hell up!

Again we are backstage.  The camera again is sneaking around the halls.  It slips through a door and the figure in black has his back to the camera.  The camera slips closer to the figure who seems to be getting ready for a match lacing up his boot.  A belt is draped over his leg.  The camera slips in quietly trying to zoom into that belt just then it goes black.

What the hell was that?  Who is that?  Is that the Tier Alpha member?  Damn it!

The camera comes back on it is behind the door again.  The door is locked so it runs down the hall to Tier Alpha's dressing room again.  The door is slammed shut.  When it turns around Mason is behind the camera. 

Mason!  That's the man in black!  That's was his belt!  God Damn it!

Nick Jay Hill runs out with his trusty microphone.  Trying to catch his breath he tries to interview Mason.

NICK JAY HILL:  Mason?  Was that you in Tier Alpha's dressing room?  Are you in Tier Alpha?

MASON:   I don't know what you are talking about.

But that was you wasn't it?  The man in black.

I've got a match to worry about not this investigative reporter wanna be crap.

Just then a Fed Ex employee comes into the picture.  He has a package for Mason.

Fed Ex Worker:   Are you Mason?


Sign please.

The delivery guy hands over the package.  Mason opens it and then hides it behind his back.

That was a Tier Alpha shirt wasn't it?

Hey!  That was a gift from my Mommy, ok!

That was a Tier Alpha shirt!  I saw it!

Oh go to hell!

Well it looks to me like Mason has joined the dark side.

 Damn it!  I'm tired of this take over!  When is somebody going to show some backbone?

Masta K slips through the curtain and down to the ring and slips behind the railing and waits.

Announcer: "And Now, Introducing the 2 Time Big Sky Wrestling Federation Hardcore Champion, Hailing From Momma's House, The One, The Only, MAAASSSOOON!"

"Debonaire" by Dope hits and Mason struts into the brand new arena.  Fans are on their feet with boos, as Mason just smiles. Mason is in his black tights, and a gray Return of the Mason shirt with the Hardcore Title around his waist. Mason looks over into the crowd and sees a sign that says 'I'm Telling Momma!' Mason shudders after looking at it, and climbs into the ring. He looks around again and notices a sign that says 'Momma Loves Luke!' Mason looks out raged, and gets an evil smirk on his face.

Mason has made the change to the darkside.  Now it's time for the Tier Alpha takeover to begin!  No more Big Sky!

Again, shut the hell up.

Mason walks down the ramp to the boos of the fans.  He mocks them and walks to the end of the ramp only to get blindsided by Masta K.  K spears Mason into the railing and the match begins.  K kicks down onto the fallen Mason.  Kick after kick finds it's mark.  K pulls Mason up into a DDT position, he walks him so that Mason's back is towards the railing.  He pulls Mason up and drops him over the railing so the his stomach crushes over the steel.  K grabs a chair and slams it down over the back of Mason who is still hung over the railing like a piece of meat.  K steps back to the other railing and runs full speed and dives slamming the chair again over the back of Mason's head.  Mason slumps over and falls from the railing.  K grabs the chair by one leg and holds it above his head.  He walks up to the end of the ramp and stands at the edge of the walkway.  K throws the chair from the plateau above the ramp so that it drops down over Mason.  He walks back to under the screen and takes off at a sprint.  He jumps off the edge and flies almost 10 feet down to the still lying Mason.  With a crash he slams a leg drop over the chair placed over Mason as the crowd goes wild.

Maybe Mason should have worried more about this match than joining Tier Alpha!

Masta K grabs the leg.  The referee drops down to count.  The fans count with him.  1..........................2..........................No!  Mason kicks out somehow.  K holds his arms over his head in disappointment not believing that Mason kicked out.  K drops down and slams his fist into Mason's face with a new viciousness.  The punches rattle off of Mason's jaw.  K stands up and looks for a new weapon.  He reaches under the ring for something and finds a table.  He pulls two out and sets them up beside the ring but he doesn't get the chance to make them count as Mason rushes him from behind and spears him into the side of the table.  K limps down the rampside holding his side as Mason gathers for another charge.  Mason jumps up and hits a knee into Masta K's back knocking him to the floor.  Mason steps over him and pulls him and whips him into the railing corner.  Mason walks over and steps up onto the railing and drives his forearms into the nose of Masta K.  Rat-a-tat again and again his forearm's full force goes into the face of Masta.  Mason steps off the railing and gives the booing fans a gesture.  He runs at K and with a charging clothesline takes both men over the railing.  Mason steps up first.  He pulls Masta K up into a suplex, he drops him over the railing and snaps it back over himself.

A snap suplex over the railing!  K is in real trouble!

Mason grabs two chairs and sets them up around two feet apart.  He goes over to the closet in between the bathrooms and finds a two by four piece of wood.  Mason grabs the wood and places it over the chairs so it bridges over the both of them.  Mason grabs K and places him between his legs and tries to lift him up for a powerbomb.  K blocks the move.  Mason tries again but K pushes him off.  Mason comes at K but K kicks him in the gut doubling him over.  K grabs Mason and quickly snaps him over with a suplex through the 2 x 4 as the crowd goes mad.  The wood breaks in half leaving Mason grabbing for his back.  K, still groggy, gets  to his feet and grabs one of the pieces of wood and tries to drive it like a stake through Mason's heart but Mason grabs it and blocks it.  Mason holds the wood and inch from his chest as K puts all his weight over it.  Mason twists K's momentum and trips him to the side.  K goes right into the concrete driving the stick's point to the floor.  K rolls to the right and Mason to the left.  Mason pushes K to the concession stand.  They fight right up to the window.  Mason grabs a cup from some guy who just left the window and throws it into K's face.  K covers his eyes and doubles over.  Mason looks at the board showing all the concessions available.  His eyes light up when he sees "Mason's Shampoo $2.95" on the board.

Now why would they sell that?

Dude, that's a great product!  I've got some for myself, too bad they don't make any for your rug.

Shut up!

Mason points but the little girl running the register won't let him have any until he pays.  He shows the girl that he doesn't have any pockets and she just ignores him and puts out her hand.  Mason slams his fist onto the counter but she doesn't budge.  He looks behind him to some kid with a Luke shirt on, he grabs the kid and tells him to cough it up.  The kid looks like he is going to cry, Mason shakes his head in disgust and lets the kid go.  At this time he grabs some guy with a Mason shirt on, he yells at him to pay but the guy extends a "sharpie" for Mason to sign his shirt first.  Mason shakes his head in disgust and signs "Mason" on the front.  The guy lays down a $5 and the girl gives Mason his shampoo.  The Mason fan turns to the crowd with his arms extended in triumph.  Mason turns to him and glares, then as the fans boo he rips the guys shirt off.  Tearing at the shirt he rips it completely off and throws it to the crowd.  The guy looks like he is going to cry and runs off into the crowd, shirtless.  Mason turns to K with his 'tearless' shampoo but only gets a right cross for his troubles.  K grabs Mason and makes his way through the crowd to the merchandise table.  Masta K slams Mason's face down onto the table and then motions to the crowd to bring the kid over.  The shirtless kid walks over, K grabs Mason and slaps him, he pulls him up and places him on the table punching him in the face for good measure.  K grabs a Masta K shirt and then signs it over Mason's chest.  He grabs the shirt and gives it to the kid who quickly places it on and jumps up and down to the crowd in victory.  Masta K takes a walk up the ramp and then to the same entranceway he jumped from before.  He looks over to see if Mason is still there and then takes about ten steps back down the plateau.  He sprints off and jumps spinning heels over head and coming down over Mason breaking the table in half.  The fans stand onto their feet and cheer, "Big Sky!"

K and Mason lay underneath a pile of tables, shirts and toys.  K gets up first grabbing Mason's hair and dragging him to the camera platform.  K grabs a couple of tables and sets them up where Jackson set his up earlier in the night in front of the platform.  He grabs Mason and drags him up the stairs.  He sets Mason up for a plunge, but Mason stops him with a knee to the face.  Mason quickly reverses it and grabs Masta K's leg up for a fisherman's suplex.  Mason looks over the edge behind him and pulls Masta K up and over the edge with a fisherman's buster through the table below.

My God!  Mason just pulled that out of nowhere!  K's got to be out!

What's that?  Tier Alpha retains?  Well they sure as hell do!

The referee scrambles down the stair to the two men.  Mason grabs K's leg and makes the cover.  1...................2................No!  Masta K kicks out.  Mason is angry now. He drops onto his knees and slams his fist over and over onto K.  K fights him off.  They both stand toe to toe fighting fist to fist.  Neither man backing down.  Finally Mason slams his knee into the chest of Masta K.  K bends over, Mason hooks up his arms and pulls up, Mason twists and drops him over the second table.  "Double Arm DDT!" through the second table!  Mason makes the cover.  1........................2..................................3!  K's kick out is too late.

Winners of the Match and Still Hardcore Champion...........Mason!

Mason may still be the Hardcore Champion for now but he has lost my respect!

Who the hell needs your respect when they have the strongest faction ever behind them.

We cut to backstage quickly to find Prime on the prowl seemingly hunting something.  The show cuts back to the ring.

The arena lights dim to almost nothing as open cords to "What If" by Creed begin to bleed through the entire PA system. With the crowd confused as to whom this opener belongs to, a sudden bolt of man-made lighting strikes the stage sending off a cascade of silver fireworks and pyros. The name Raine slams on to the big screen within the sound of the explosion, as two figures appear at the entrance. One was the champ herself, with the belt firmly around her waist. She was seen to be in pretty good shape buit a few noticible stitches. Her long black hair donw back tightly into a french braid. Raine was seen wearing her usual time this time, and a lone was made of up black windbreaker style pants, and a black tank-top. She waves to the crowd whom cheer for her return, as she gazes over to her companion who som happens to be Masta K. He is seen in her wrestling gear as well, but
appears only to be escorting her to the ring.

Masta K just put up one hell of a match against Mason but he is still out here to support Raine.  I hope that she beats this jerk within an inch of his life.

A man's voice says, "I am best, you alone must die!" and K.C. Slash emerges from the curtain.  "I hope you die" from the Bloodhound Gang plays and Slash glares at the fans.  He glares at them down to the ring and then flips over the top rope.  He motions for the microphone.

K.C. Slash:  Not only do I have to wrestle in this shithole in front of you mongrels, but I have to wrestle a girl.  To make it worse this is a girl with a belt!  What in the hell do we think we are a f###ing equal opportunity wrestling organization.  Is there some government mandate that we have to put over the inferior sex.  Hey Raine, get your ass into the back and make sure that my clothes are packed.  After that I'm probably going to need dinner.  Capish?  Well Raine if there's one thing that I know about America is that it is still ran by old fat white guys and the only reason that you even have the opportunity to vote is because our forefathers thought it would make it easier to get into your pants.  So now it's time for your court injunction for holding that belt to be up.  Get ready to be a footnote!

Raine scoffs at Slash who is glaring and telling her to come on.  She blows him off and goes to the corner and waits for the bell.  She doesn't get the chance as Slash comes in charging.  Raine drops down and Slash runs into the corner.  She rolls him up from behind.  1.....................2...........................No!  Slash kicks out.  Raine drags him to the mat with an arm drag.  She controls him by holding the arm.  He gets to his feet and circles, she switches direction and whips him onto his back.  She spins his arm and drops onto it with a leg drop.  Slash rolls out of the ring as Raine stands up and bows to the crowd.

Raine doesn't seem to be showing any ill effects of her match at the Pay Per View.

Slash grabs his arm and fights verbally with one of the fans.  He turns to the ring only to see Raine jumping over the top rope splashing down onto him.  Raine bounces up and waves to the crowd.  Raine circles Slash to get him into the ring.  Slash stands up and Raine dropkicks him into the ring post.  Slash ricochets off the steel and to his knees.  Raine jumps up onto the apron and climbs up to the top rope, from the top rope she jumps off spinning into a senton bomb over the back of Slash.  She rolls to her feet with a smile.  She pulls Slash to his feet but he clocks her with an uppercut.  She stumbles back.  Slash grabs her into a suplex.

Where does he think he's going with that?

Hey Raine loves the fans and the fans love Raine I think they should have each other.

No!  He's not!

Slash pulls Raine up quickly and at the top of the suplex releases her sending her over the railing and into the crowd.

My God!  He can't do that!  Disqualify him!  She's got to be hurt!

Slash jumps up onto the apron.  He jumps up onto the top rope.  Security tries to get the people out of the way as Slash takes no effort to worry about them.  Raine sets about four rows back crumpled in some chairs.  She took a fall over the back of a chair and looks to have hit her head.  Slash readies to jump off but Masta K pulls his feet back making him fall over the top rope.  The crowd cheers K's move.

Hey!  That's Phoenix Burn from the back.  What is he doing?

Burn pulls K off the apron and pushes him away.  K holds up his hands in innocence.

Why does Burn care?  Slash attacked him again last week!

Slash falls off the top rope and to the floor.  Burn helps him up but Slash pushes him off.  Slash goes to the railing to find Raine but is slammed with a jumping leg lariat from Raine.  Raine drops to the floor, Slash beside her as the fans cheer for her.

Raine is spent, that was a last ditch effort to get that move off!

Slash gets up and throws Raine into the ring.  He jumps up onto the apron and springs over the top rope splashing over Raine.  Slash pulls Raine up to him, he grabs one of her arms and then the other.  He starts to drop her down but Burn jumps up onto the apron.  Slash yells at him, "What the (beep)?  Get the hell out of here!"  The referee steps over to yell at Burn and Masta K comes rushing in and slams a Test boot to Slash's face and slips out the other side.  Burn drops off the apron and the referee turns around as K is already slipped out of the ring.  Slash is laying on the mat.  Raine steps over him and grabs his legs up into a Boston Crab.  She pulls him further into the ring.  Slash slams his fist into the mat.  The more that he is in the move the more angry he gets.  Raine holds the move on tight.  Slash pushes up onto the mat.  He pushes up so that he is almost a full arm's length off the mat.  Slash tucks his head and drops through Raine's legs spinning out of the move.  The momentum pushes Raine off the ropes She bounces off and spins jumping up onto the new standing Slash and whipping around into a frankensteiner.  She grabs up Slash and tries to place him in a powerbomb but slips through and slams her face into his bent knee.  He grabs her and takes her to the corner, he sets himself onto the top rope.  He pulls her to him and up to the second rope.  He hooks her arms up for a pedigree.  "3rd Degree Pedigree!"  Slash starts to go up but Burn grabs his leg.  Slash pulls his arms up and pushes Burn off the apron.  Raine quickly grabs his arms under her stomach and flips him on her back off the top rope.  He goes slamming down onto his back with her on top.  Raine grabs his legs up and bridges.  1.......................2.................................3!

The winner of the match and Still Midwest Heritage Champion Raine Dawson!

Burn needs to stay the hell out of Slash's business!

Burn walks down with his arms raised.  Slash reaches down and grabs him by the hair and pulls him up to the apron.  Slash pulls his fist back to hit Burn but Burn drops down pulling Slash's throat over the top rope to the cheers of the fans.

You can't tell me Slash didn't deserve that.

This was none of Burn's business!

It was Burn's business!  That was payback!

'Pied Piper' Kirk Visconty is preparing for his match backstage. There's a knock at his locker room door.

Kirk Visconty: "Who is it?"

A muffled voice replies.

"Mr. Tschida."

Piper goes to reach for the door handle but suddenly the door is hit with a powerful impact sending Piper sprawling backwards. The massive frame of the ICON, Gryphon, appears at the door way. Piper is quick to his feet and nails Gryphon with a flurry of punches that sends them out in to the hallway. Gryphon fires back and it goes back and forth for a bit. Gryphon whips Kirk against the wall but somehow Kirk manages to spring back with some sort of splash. It looks like it's all over for the ICON but he somehow manages to stand his ground, despite the hard impact and quickly delivers a Cliff Hanger on to the concrete. Laughing, he then grabs a Tier Alpha t-shirt sitting near by and wraps it around Kirks neck.

Gryphon: On the bright side Visconty, at least you can say you got a little something else from Camp Tschida now. Just remember, like I said, anytime...anywhere...one on one...two on two...four on four. You want a piece of me? Great! You want to bring the whole Benefaction? Can't wait! But until you're ready to step up, keep your damn mouth closed chump.

Gryphon walks off laughing.

That bastard!  Who does he think he is?  We need to keep those criminals under lock and key!

Tormentor is in his locker room, tying up the strings of his boots, preparing himself for his upcoming match. His hair is neatly tied in a pony
tail, as he flexes briefly, eyeing the tv screen, watching the previous match. Bouncing lightly on his feet, he thinks about what it would mean for him to win the belt right here tonight, as well as what kinda of face Hawk and the rest of Tier Alpha would make. Yet, he is also slightly apprehensive, knowing full well what Tier Alpha is capable off. All his thoughts are suddenly interrupted as knocking can be heard coming from his door. Turning around, Tormentor slowly walks toward it, about to open it up when he suddenly thinks better, moving first to grab his
sledgehammer. Slowly opening the door, he raises his sledgehammer and is about to bring it down when he stops.

Tormentor: Hey!! You made it after all!!!

Putting the sledgehammer down, he smiles at whoever is at the door, the camera trying to get a shot of it, but not being able to catch view of
anything at all..even the voice is muffled.

Person: Told you I would...so what, aren't you going to invite me in?

Tormentor: Of course! Come right in.

Moving to the side, he allows the person to come in, the camera still not being able to get a good enough view of the person. Looking around, the person decides to remain standing, ash he points to the camera.

Person: I see some things never change with you do they Tormentor?

Glancing at the camera, Tormentor frowns and pushes the camera man away from his locker room, shutting the door to his room.

Who the hell is that?  Who is here to help out Tormentor?  Is Aguila back?

The Highlighters come to the ring toannounce that Camp Tschida has no chance with Piper out of the picture.  Tschida rushes to the ring and tries to defend Piper's honor.  Renegade and Caleb tear into him like a pack of wolves.  The drop on him and beat him down.  Tschida tries to fight but the two of them are too much.  Renegade pulls Tschida up and slams his fist into his temple.  Tschida drops down to the mat.  Caleb pulls him up and holds him in front of Renegade who continues to beat on Tschida.  Caleb drops Tschida down in a lump.  Renegade drops down to pin him with one finger.

"Captain Hi-Top" by Mother Love Bone starts to play through out the Lusus. Piper comes out of the back and stops on the edge of the ramp and drops to one knee and flexes to the crowd, cheeseing. Cheri comes out of the back now, waving a huge Camp Tschida flag. Piper runs over to the edge of the camera platform and scales up to the top and smashes his cheeser grin into the lens. Piper climbs back down and walks slowly down to the ring, taking time to point out a few pro-Piper signs and high five a few fans along the way. Piper slips into the ring as Cheri walks around the outside waving the Camp Tschida flag. The crowd goes mad as Piper slips into the ring.  Renegade and Caleb try to jump Piper but Piper ducks and takes them both down with a double clothesline.  Piper clutches his fists and poses.  Caleb comes charging to him but Piper leans down and backdrops him over the top rope.  Tschida stands up to pat Piper on the back but Piper gives him the cold shoulder and goes to the corner.  Tschida looks like a scolded puppy dog but it doesn't last as Renegade charges out of the corner and blasts him with a charging elbow.  Tschida hits the mat hard and Renegade wastes no time to pull him up and press him over his head.  He presses Tschida up once, twice, three times and drops him on his face.

Tschida reaches for the tag, but Piper turns and flexes to the crowd.  Renegade grabs Tschida and scoop slams hit in the center of the ring.  Piper turns back around and yells some words of encouragement to Tschida. Renegade spits at Piper and he acts like he is coming into the ring, and the ref runs over to keep him out. Renegade drags Tschida over to his corner and The Highlighters start to double team him as the ref yells at Piper.

Caleb smacks his hands and Renegade retreats to his corner.

What is Piper doing?  He's costing Tschida the match!

Maybe Piper's come to his senses and finally dropped Tschida.  He sucks.

Caleb rams Tschida into his corner.  Renegade grabs Tschida and holds him into the corner as Caleb blasts his kidneys with punches.  Piper slaps his hands together to get the crowd behind Tschida.  Then he laughs as they do.  Caleb slaps in Renegade and Renegade sets Tschida up onto the top turnbuckle facing outside.  He slips behind and powerbombs Tschida to the mat.  Tschida arches his back in pain as Renegade hops up onto the second rope and drives his fist into Tschida's skull.  Renegade pulls Tschida up and whips him into the ropes.  He drives his knee into the chest of Tschida flipping him onto his back.  Renegade jumps down onto Tschida and chokes him.  The referee counts and Renegade breaks it on the four count.  Renegade pulls Tschida up and slaps him in the face.  He whips him into the ropes and tries a clothesline but Tschida slips under, he kicks Renegade in the stomach and hits a stunner.  The crowd goes wild as both Renegade and Tschida hit the mat.  Tschida struggles to his feet to make the tag.  Renegade gets up and grabs for Tschida's boot.  He grabs him keeping him just inches away from Piper's tag.  Renegade pulls up on Tschida's foot standing him up on one foot.  Tschida jumps up and hits a last ditch enzeguri.  The crowd anticipates the hot tag.  He lunges and tags Piper.  The crowd goes mad.  Piper grabs Renegade by his hair and yanks him to his feet. Piper  cheeses in Renegades face and then drops him back down to the mat with a short arm clothesline. Piper then pulls Renegade back up, but is greeted with a right hand from Renegade, and then another. Renegade shoves Piper into the corner and then Backs up a few steps and comes in with an elbow, but he only runs into Piper's boot as Piper raises his foot up. Piper steps out of the corner and European uppercuts Renegade as he staggers back. Piper slips in behind Renegade and locks on a sleeper hold. 

He's setting up for the Idjitbuster!  He hasn't turned on the Camp! 

Piper turns Renegade around the center of the ring and then IDJITBUSTERS him. Piper hops up quickly and drags Renegade over to the corner and sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Piper hops up behind him and flexes to the crowd. Piper then hits his finisher, Pay the Piper, and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Piper pulled Renegade up off the mat at the last second. Piper walks over and tags in Tschida. Tschida slides in the ring and drops on Renegade for the pin. Caleb starts to slide in the ring, but Piper punts Tschida in the side of the head, knocking him off of Renegade. Piper slips out of the ring and grabs the Camp Tschida flag from Cheri and blows his nose on it, and throws it down. 

Piper is turning on Tschida!  Damn him!

Thank God!

Piper and Cheri laugh and walk away from the ring, leaving Tschida at the hands of The Highlighters.  Tschida turns to look at Piper walks out on him.  He doesn't get too much time to mourn as Renegade pulls him up powerbomb position, while Caleb goes to the top rope and does a spinning heel kick turned into a leg drop.

The Highlighter!  They are going to retain dammit!

Renegade covers Tschida.  1.......................2............................3!

The winner of the Match by pinfall and still Tag Team Champions The Highlighters!

God it's good to be Tier Alpha!

You're not part of Tier Alpha.

They love me, ask em.

Piper: Tschida, you can go back to managing Valentine now... It seems that you are only suited to handle the midcarders, seeing as that is all you will ever be. You blew your only chance at ever making it to the big times, idjit. Highlighters, count yourselves damn lucky... I had you, Reggie, and you know it! Damn, it's good to be me!

Piper chucks the mic into the crowd and then walks into the back with Cheri.

Piper just screwed himself out of the Tag Team Gold!  What a dumbass!

First of all he got out of Camp Tschida, what we call in the business a short bus camp.

You would know.  It's all over now anyway it's time for Luke Von Erich and Gryphon.  Their last match was legendary.  Some say it was the best match in the Big Sky so far.  I wonder if they can pull out another one without killing each other?

"Modern Day Cowboy" by Rush plays and Luke Von Erich walks through the curtain.  The crowd is on their feet to see the former Champion in the building for the first time.  Luke raises his arms and slips to the ring looking underneath it for something or somebody.

He sure is paranoid.

Wouldn't you be, he's got the entire Tier Alpha crew after him!

Sounds like he's a scardy cat.

Ya he's taking on Gryphon head on tonight.  Sounds really scary.

"Hold it Down" by Madball plays and the crowd erupts with disdain.  Gryphon breaks the curtain with Renegade and Carter behind him.  He stops at the walkway and turns to them and motions for them to leave.  Renegade and Carter don't immediately turn but Gryph checks his wrist tape and shakes his head "yes."  Renegade and Carter take off through the curtain.

Something's up!

Up?  He just sent them away.

Where the hell is Hawk and Jackson?

Probably with your wife in back.

Waaa?  Oh shut the hell up!

Gryph makes it to the ring and steps over the top rope.  He faces down Luke and they stare at each other.

These men know each other well.  This is the fourth match between them.  Uhem, lets just make sure everyone knows that Luke is 2 and 1 against Gryphon.

Let's remember that the loss was to take the belt away from Luke.

Gryphon raises his arms in a test of strength.  Luke laughs because he wasn't born yesterday.  Gryphon crosses his heart and places his arm up again.  Luke doesn't fall for it.  He instead grabs Gryph by the waist and whips him over with a belly to belly suplex.  Gryphon's large frame slams onto the mat.  Luke grabs Gryphon's leg and twists it around his own and pulls.  Gryphon reaches for the ropes.  Luke pulls the leg back further.  Gryphon reaches the ropes.  Luke breaks the hold but as Gryphon pulls himself up onto the ropes Luke comes in from behind with a shoulder to the back of his knee.  Gryphon knees down.  Luke pulls his neck back and drops him down onto his knee with a dragon sleeper backbreaker.  Gryphon bounces off onto the mat.  Luke pulls him up and slams his right fist into Gryphon's face sending him into the corner.  Luke jumps out of the corner and sets up in the opposite corner.  He comes running out of the corner and jumps into a Stinger splash.  Gryphon uses the charge against Luke and drops down and flips Luke over the top rope.  Luke falls outside to the floor.  Gryphon slides under the bottom rope and grabs Luke.  He pulls him to the side and slams him onto the floor.  Gryphon looks under the ring for something.  He pulls out a table and sets it up.  He grabs another and sets it up as well beside it.  Gryphon pulls Luke up and they exchange punches.  Luke drops down and pulls Gryph to the floor with a drop toe hold.  Luke slips around and pulls the back leg and twists it around his own with a step over toe hold.  Gryphon reaches for the apron.  Luke drops Gryphon and jumps on his back grabbing at his chin he pulls up with a camel clutch.  Gryphon reaches for help.  Luke pulls up like a modern day Iron Sheik.  Gryphon places his arms onto the floor and presses up with a push up.  Luke tries to keep the hold but Gryphon is too strong.  He throws Luke off like a bull rider and stumbles to his feet.  Luke grabs a chair, Gryphon spins.  Gryphon raises his left leg for a big boot, Luke swings the chair and they both meet at the same time.  The chair and Gryph's knee and Gryph's foot and Luke's chin.  Both men slam to the floor.

I don't think I've ever seen anything like that, they both hit at the same time.

You sure you've ever watched wrestling before.

Yes I have.

Are you sure?

Gryphon gets up first.  He pulls Luke up and slashes up a European forearm.  Luke stumbles back.  Gryphon pulls him up into a suplex.  Gryphon pauses with Luke in the air.  He then drops Luke onto the floor.  Gryphon grabs Luke up and whips him into the ring.  Gryphon follows.  He grabs Luke with his hand around Luke's throat.  Luke struggles but cannot break free, Gryphon pushes him up and walks over to the ropes over the tables, with a big effort Gryphon pushes Luke over the  top rope and drops him through the table. 

Look at the power of Gryphon!  How the hell did he do that?

Probably because he eats his "Wheaties" every day.

Gryphon steps over the top rope and steps down into the rubble he created.  He finds Luke in the mess and pulls him up and crashes his head into Luke's.  Luke falls back.  Gryphon pulls Luke up and slams his head into Luke's again.  Luke falls back again.  Gryphon grabs Luke again.  He goes for another and stops.  

Luke got it!  The "Family Tradition!"

What a dumb move.

You'll think dumb when he makes Gryphon tap!

Gryphon is surprised by the move.  Luke looked to be out on his feet but he slapped it on just in time.  Luke is still not 100% from the beating Gryphon has delivered.  He doesn't have it on under his full power but is still enough to stop Gryphon's onslaught in his tracks.  Gryphon tries to pry Luke's fingers free.  Luke slaps on his other hand for better leverage.  Gryphon swings his arms wildly trying to break free.  Gryphon slaps his hand on the neck of Luke.  He pulls up and spins around sending Luke through the other table he set up.  Both Luke and Gryphon lay in the remains of both tables scattered on the floor.  The referee in the ring has no other recourse but to start counting.  1..............  The fans start to boo.

 2....3.........4..........5..............6.....  Gryphon gets to his feet rubbing his temples.  He sees the referee counting.  He slips under the ropes and back out to break the count.  He grabs Luke and throws him under the ropes into the ring.  He slips under the bottom rope and steps right into a discus right.  Luke pulls Gryphon up and whips him into the ropes, he slams the "Big Mad!" drop kick into him.  Gryphon falls flat as the fans go wild.  The chant of "Luke Von Erich!" echoes throughout.  Luke gets pumped.  He climbs up to the top rope.  He waits for Gryph to make it to his feet and turn to him.  Luke jumps off the top rope but right into Gryphon's arms.

Gryphon caught him in mid air!

Better than catching syphilis I guess.

Gryphon turns Luke over and drops down with a reverse tombstone piledriver.  Luke lays on the mat with arms extended.  Gryphon whips his hair back a la the Undertaker and crosses Luke's arms over his chest and makes the cover.  1............................2..........................No!  Luke kicks out.  The fans again leave their seats.

Luke pushes Gryphon off and beats him back with a couple of rights.  Luke grabs Gryphon and pushes him into the corner.  He hops up onto the ropes and starts slamming rights on Gryphon's face as the crowd chants.  1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6!

The crowd stops suddenly as Gryphon pushes Luke up onto the top turnbuckle, he slips under him and grabs Luke's arms out from underneath.  He steps out in the perfect position for the "Cliff Hanger!" and just like that Gryphon slams Luke down with his finisher.

The crowd is stunned.  The silence is deafening as Gryphon has just slammed Luke to the mat motionless.  Gryphon doesn't cover.

Why doesn't he pin him?

He's going to hurt him!

Gryphon pulls Luke up, he hooks up his arms and steps up again.  He drops him down again.  "Cliff Hanger!"  Gryphon slips down over Luke.  1....................2.....................No!

Luke kicked out!  He kicked out of two Cliff Hangers!  Gryphon has to be beside himself!

Gryphon glares at Luke, he pulls him up again.  He hooks him up for the third razor's edge powerbomb the "Cliff Hanger!"  Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell starts ringing like crazy. All eyes hit the empty handed time keeper, who is shrugging his shoulders looking for his small hammer to ring the bell, and his seat. 

Who the hell is ringing that bell?

Probably Luke's Mom.

Inside the ring a man in a black Gi slides under the bottom rope, and stands behind Gryphon without making a sound. He then holds the folded Time keeper's seat high into the air before bringing it down across Gryphon's back. The Masked man doesn't stop there as he delivers a shot to the side of Gryphon's head as well. As Gryphon stumbles around he jabs the top edge of the chair into Gryphon's throat, then kicks the back of Gryphon's leg sending Gryphon falling towards the ground and leaving the top edge of the chair and Gryphon's own throat the only thing to break his fall. The recoil sends Gryphon falling to the mat on his back with both hands clutching his throat. The Masked man shows no sign of slowing as he climbs to the top rope. His back is to Gryphon and his chair in his left hand. He jumps off the turnbuckle into a moonsault, in mid air he spins around, places the chair under his back and nailed Gryphon with a Senton bomb. The Masked man staggers to his feet and then begins to raise Luke's hand in victory, but Luke pulls his arm away and stares at the masked man. A few moments pass as the two wrestlers glare at each other. The masked man slides out of the ring and heads to the back. Luke looks at the masked man, then back at Gryphon.

What the hell is this about?  Who is that!

"Debonair" by Dope plays and Mason runs from the back with a chair in hand.

What is he doing out here?

He's coming to pledge his alliance to Tier Alpha!

Mason stops outside the ring and glares at Luke and the masked man.  He rips his shirt off revealing his brand new "Tier Alpha" t-shirt.  The fans cheer.  Gryphon smiles and stands up to Luke again.  The masked man and Luke get ready for the attack.

Damn it!  Just when we were evening the numbers!  Someone else has turned Tier Alpha!  Dammit!

Mason jumps in the ring with his chair.  He swings it hard at Luke but comes up short and swings though slamming it into Gryphon.  Mason looks stunned at what he just did.  He then grabs the chair and drives it into Gryphon's neck.

Mason is not Tier Alpha!  Mason is still with us!

Mason swings the chair knocking Gryphon out of the ring.  He holds the chair over his head as the fans cheer the three men on.

Now we have the advantage!  Now we have the numbers!  Get ready Tier Alpha we aren't just going to cave into you!  We are going to make a stand!

The winner of the match by disqualification...........Gryphon!

That's right Gryphon, tell your boys that your time is over!  We are making a stand!

Stand my ass!  It took three of your boys to defeat Gryphon.  He still won the match!

The first strums of "Cocky" slowly resonate from the speakers set up in the Big Sky Arena, the light fixtures slowly dim, only one bright light shining down on the rampway, the Big Skyview coming to life, showing many different still pictures of Tormentor in action, every few seconds a hammer flashing into the screen. Pushing the curtain out of the way, steps out Tormentor, dressed in his regular Wrestling tights.. As soon as he steps out the crowd is sent into a frenzy, cheering loudly and waving their signs high up into the air, Tormentor pointing to a few of them with his sledgehammer, before making his way down the ramp, sledgehammer in hand. Walking up the steel steps, he ducks over the ropes and struts to the center of the ring, where he slowly raises his sledgehammer high into the air, before bringing it down with full force, cause fireworks to shoot out of every turnbuckle, the crowd once again screaming. Handing the sledgehammer to the referee, he walks over to the announcer, who is about to step under the ropes and stops him, asking for the microphone.

Looks like he has something to say.

Tormentor: Tonight is a very special night for me..as I have a chance to prove just how great I am. But there is more to it. Tonight, a good friend of mine stop by for a visit..and you know what? I think that he should be out here as well....him and the rest of the people he brought.  

What does Tormentor think this is? His own personal party?

Through the speakers the crowd hears a strange riff, as a person steps out of the curtain, walking towards the rampway, followed by another one, and another, and another, and another..four in total. They are all dressed in wrestling tights, and despite the fact they get no reaction from the crowd, the play to it, waving and pumping their muscles, all while Tormentor does that smirk of his.

Tormentor: Ladies and gentleman.  Attax! Nightmare! Caelum! High roller Hayes! All good friends of mine..who for tonight only, will serve as
"protection"..they are here to make sure that nothing like last week match happens..there will be no run ins of any kind..none that will help me, none that will help Hawk.

At this, the crowd cheers heavily, as the four ex-EAWFers walk around the ring, surveying it, while Tormentor stands, ready to face Hawk.

"The Patriot" plays and the fans start to jeer the Big Sky Champion Hawk.  As Hawk slams through the curtain as red pyros fly off in opposite directions.  His gold belt shimmering over his shoulder.  He grabs the belt and lifts it over his head.  The fans shower him with trash.  He slaps some of it away and slips into the ring.  Hawk grabs a microphone.

HAWK:  Well look at you Tormentor.   Last week I single-handedly dispose of your little buddy and this week you bring in an entire army to take on me.  Attax?  High Roller Hayes?  Sounds more like names of bad action figures than wrestlers.  Well guess what?  You not playing in the minors tonight and your boy is going to need four hundred of you losers to get over me.  Tormentor, get ready to make the jump back to the minors like your little boy did last week cause I'm going to make you disappear.  Attax?...ha ha I just can't get over that...hold on...hang on before I laugh myself out.

 Hawk chuckles and throws the microphone to the ring attendant.  He chuckles and holds his stomach mocking the wrestlers around the ring.  He grabs his belt and shows them just where they are.  Hawk pushes the belt over the ropes making sure they all got a good look at it.  The referee tries to take the belt away from Hawk and turns him into the ring.  Hawk pulls it back, and then places it into his palm and generously gives it to the referee, but when the ref grabs for it Hawk rushes past him and slams it into Tormentor.  Hawk is livid.  He slams the belt over and over on Tormentor.  He yells, "Is this what you want?"  The referee grabs for the belt as the other wrestlers jump onto the apron.  The referee grabs the belt away.  Hawk jumps down and wraps his hands around the neck of Tormentor choking him.  Tormentor drops down to the floor as Hawk taunts him and the other wrestlers from the ring.  Tormentor slams his fists against the apron frustrated with Hawk.  He jumps up onto the apron and Hawk attempts to hit him but Tormentor blocks it.  He rakes Hawk's eyes and flips over him for a sunset flip.  The referee drops down and slaps the mat.  1...........................2.....................No!  Hawk kicks out.

Hawk and Tormentor stand up and face each other.  The rights fly as they punch each other in the jaw.  Tormentor gets the best of the exchange pushing Hawk into the ropes.  He whips Hawk into the opposite ropes and slams a big boot upside his head.  Tormentor bounces off the ropes and drops a leg drop over Hawk.  Tormentor grabs a handful of hair and pulls Hawk to him.  He slaps Hawk across the face and shows his power by pressing him over his head.  He yells out to the fans.  "Here's the Champion!" and drops him down into a jackhammer.  Tormentor hooks the leg as the fans chant out the count.  1..................2................No!  Hawk kicks out.  Tormentor sensing his momentum grabs Hawk and flips him over.  He cradles the leg and piledrives him into the mat.

Tormentor has all the momentum, he could very well take the belt!

Tormentor jumps up to the top rope.  He leaps off the ropes and slams down over Hawk with a splash.

That's it!  We have a new Champion!

Tormentor hooks the leg.  1.......................2..........................No!

Hawk kicks out just in time!

Tormentor grabs up Hawk and hooks up his arms for a belly to belly suplex but Hawk blocks it with a headbutt to Tormentor's nose.  Hawk spins around and drops a stunner onto Tormentor.  Hawk tries to catch his breath in the corner but Tormentor comes rushing in with a splash.  Hawk breaks up the move with an axe elbow smash out of the corner.  Tormentor stunned steps back.  Hawk slips down and hooks Tormentor's leg with a drop toe hold slamming Tormentor's head onto the bottom turnbuckle.  Hawk jumps up onto the top rope and drops down feet first landing both feet right onto the back of Tormentor.  Hawk grabs a leg and pulls Tormentor out of the corner.  He grabs the leg and pulls back in a mapleleaf.

Tormentor is in real trouble.

Tormentor reaches the ropes.  Hawk breaks the hold and whips a kick into Tormentor's side.  Tormentor is whipped around.  Hawk whips another kick but Tormentor catches him hooking his leg.  Tormentor suplexes Hawk up and over the top rope releasing him.

Tormentor just threw Hawk over the top rope!  Hawk just landed right in front of us breaking our table again!

Hawk ends up in a pile of splinters.  Tormentor stands in the ring with arms raised.

What a move!  He just broke Hawk in half!  I don't know if the Champion can continue....

Just then Hawk grabs his headset. 

Hawk:  Continue?  Shut the (beep) up you asshole!

Hawk throws down the headset in Fred's face.  As he turns around the camera set up behind him catches Tormentor in mid-air flying down from the ring over Hawk.  The fans scream "Big Sky!, Big Sky!"  Hawk and Tormentor flail around in the broken table and chairs.  Tormentor grabs Hawk by the head and slams him down into the railing.  Tormentor pushes Hawk into the apron.  Hawk arches his back in pain.  Tormentor runs at him but Hawk sidesteps him and throws him into the ringpost.  Tormentor bounces off the post and right into a superkick from Hawk.  Hawk throws Tormentor into the ring and grabs his belt.

What the hell is he going to do with that?

 Hawk slips into the ring and raises the belt to slam it into Tormentor but the referee grabs it.  He tears it away from Hawk and throws it onto the mat.  Tormentor comes at Hawk with a left but Hawk ducks, he grabs Tormentor up and slams him down onto the belt with a Hawkeye!  The referee drops down.  1....................2.....................3!

What?  How can that be?  Hawk introduced the weapon, the referee was trying to take it away allowing Hawk to use it to gain the pinfall!

Hawk is an opportunist!  He used his situation!  It was the referee's dumb fault!

The winner of the match by Pinfall and STILL Big Sky Champion is Hawk! 

Hawk just took the easy way out!  He's no Champion he's a cheater!

The operative word is that he is the Champion!

"Lapdance" by N.E.R.D. plays as Jayson Carter makes his way out to the ring. As a tribute, he wears his old high school football jersey, Lahaina Warriors #23, to the ring along with his customary khaki cargo shorts. Carter completes the outfit with a pair of silver rimmed, orange lenses pair of Oakley sunglasses. He stops at the top of the ramp, makes the Tier Alpha sign to a unanimous amount of jeers, and then continues to make his way down the ring. The first verse of the song begins to play.

Carter is looking ready for this match-up. Through the jersey, his arms are well rounded with some fine-toned definition with nice muscles. His hair, in dreadlocks, hang over his eyes, and his light brown skin shines with moisture as he climbs up onto the apron. He does a backflip over the top of the rope and enters the ring.

Prime's music plays and he comes out to a huge ovation.  He comes out with his gun.

This is horseshit!  I can't believe you are condoning this!

This is not how I would want Prime to act, he must have finally lost it!  It's taken Tier Alpha to push him over the edge!

Prime comes into the ring and Carter slips out in panic.  Prime pumps it, pop pop pop.  Carter looks at himself for wounds and finds only paint.

You see, it was only paint!

That's still not funny!  I can't believe you think that is funny in this day and age.  Suspend that bastard!

Marky walks out of the curtain to the cheers of the fans, but the music is strangely silent.

Hey sound guy!  Marky's music please!

I told Norm not to employ his family.

Marky shrugs his shoulders and listens to the cheers.  "Marky, Marky!" chants go over the crowd then "Karma Chameleon" plays.  Marky looks puzzled.  All of a sudden dancing by Marky is none other than "The Pied Piper" Kirk Visconty.  He dances by Marky and spins around and points two fingers at Marky.  "Nice Music Jacky!"  Marky shakes his head and tries not to smile.  Marky lifts up his fists but Piper puts up his hands signaling that he is cool.  Kirk slips over the railing and takes a seat.  He grabs a bag of popcorn and sips a coke smiling at Marky and even offering him a seat.  Marky points up over the ring and to his belt.  Kirk shrugs his shoulders and says, "You're missing a really good show."  As Marky walks away from Kirk Jayson Carter comes slamming in from the side spearing him into the railing.

Piper:  Come on, Carter! Marky sucks... Well so do you, but kick his ass anyway.

Carter ignores Piper and grabs Marky.  Marky and Carter turn towards the ring only to see Prime flying down over the top rope with a plancha over both men.  Piper stands up and leads the fans, mockingly of course.  Prime stands up and grabs Carter.  He whips him into the ring.  Carter slips under the ropes.  Marky and Prime slips under the ropes.  They grabs Carter and hit him with a double clothesline.  Marky runs straight through and under the opposite ropes.  He grabs a ladder.

Prime pulls Carter up to him and whips him into the ropes.  He slams Carter down with a tilt a whirl slam.  Prime jumps onto the ropes and flips over with a lionsault.  Marky slips into the ring with a ladder.  He sets it up the ladder under the belt.  Prime starts up the ladder, he makes it about half way up and turns towards Carter as he turns Carter jumps up and runs up the ladder.  Carter kicks up and kicks Prime under the chin.  Carter lands on his feet as Prime falls foreword.  Marky spins a kick at Carter's face.  Carter ducks and sweeps Marky's leg out from under him.  Carter bounces up and turns toward Prime and DDT's him down.  Carter starts up the ladder.  Marky starts up the other side as Carter reaches the top Marky runs over the top and grabs Carter by the neck and flips like a blockbuster and slams Carter down on his back off the ladder.  The crowd chants "Big Sky!  Big Sky!"

What a move by Marky!  Carter could be out of this all together!

Marky stands up and gets hit right in the head with a box of popcorn.

Dammit!  Throw that fan out of here!  It's fans like that that gives wrestling fans a bad name!

Dumbass, Piper threw it.

Oh, well still!

Marky points at Piper, then he tells him the he is number 1 with his middle finger.  Then he motions to the belt and climbs up slowly.  Marky just makes it but Carter grabs the back of the ladder and pulls up.  The ladder falls forward over the ropes.  The ladder bounces and Marky falls off the side.  Prime punches Carter from the side.  Carter and Prime exchange punches.  Carter spins a nasty kick over the face of Prime but as Prime falls the ladder comes crashing up under Carter's chin.  Marky dove over the other side and pulled down the top of the ladder slamming the other side up under Carter's chin.  Carter falls out through the ropes to the floor.  Prime grabs the ladder and sets it up.  He makes it way up the ladder and reaches for the belt.  He grabs it but cannot pull it down.  Marky comes in from the side and swings the ladder out from under Prime.  Prime's fingers slip and he slams down over the ladder.

Piper:  BOOOOO!! Marty Chang sucks! BOOOOO!!!

Marky wipes his brow and flips it at Piper.  Carter reaches underneath the ropes and pulls Marky out by his feet.  The two exchange blow after blow fighting back and forth.  Carter whips Marky into the railing right in front of Piper.  Marky hanging over the railing.

BOOOOO!!! This is boring!

Piper throws his Coke at Marky, but hits Carter instead.  Carter grabs his eyes and falls back.  Marky swings at Piper but misses.  Piper puts out two fingers and pokes Marky in the eyes.  Marky places his hand over his eyes and falls back and trips over Carter as Piper laughs so hard Cola comes out of his nose.  Prime stands above both men on the top rope.  He jumps down and slams his back over Marky and Carter.  His feet his the railing and knock Piper into his seat as the fans chuckle at Piper.

This match is wide open!  All three men are giving it their all!

Aren't we missing somebody?

Umm, no I don't think so.

Carter gets up first.  He pulls Prime up and hooks up his leg like a fisherman's suplex and drives him down onto the floor with a DDT.  Marky gets up and swings at Carter who uses his momentum to throw him over the railing into the crowd.  Carter jumps up onto the ring.  He slips inside and grabs the ladder.  He sets it up next to the ropes.  Climbing to the top Carter stands a top the top of the ladder.

What the hell is he going to do?

Carter jumps off spinning twice and splashing over Prime.  The "24/7!"  The crowd jumps to their feet as the Big Skyview replays the action from various angles.

What a move!  My God!  He just jumped from the top of the ladder!

Carter grabs his chest after the impact.  Marky stumbles over the railing.  He sees Carter on the floor.  He grabs him and throws him to the floor with a x-factor.

Marky has a clear shot to the belt.  He's going to retain!

Marky rolls under the ropes.  He grabs the ladder and replaces it under the belt.  Marky slowly makes the steps making sure that the ladder doesn't fall under his weight.  He makes it to the top and grabs for the belt.  The crowd gets to their feet as Marky grabs the belt.  Marky looks down to Piper and waves.  He tugs on the belt.  In the background someone slips past the announcer's table.

It's Hawk!  What is he doing here?  He up onto the top rope.  Marky!  Look out!

Marky tugs on the belt again but he cannot get it off before Hawk springs off the top rope and spears Marky off the top of the ladder.  Plucking him out of the air and slamming him to the mat.  The crowd boos and throws their cups and trash into the ring.  Hawk stands up and makes the safe motion with his arms symbolizing that Marky was out.  Hawk slips under the bottom rope and up the walkway.

Damn it!  Screw Hawk!  He already has a belt and now he's messing with Marky!  He has no business here!

Prime slowly makes it up into the ring.  He steps over Marky and grabs the ladder.  He again resets it in the middle of the ring.  Prime steps onto the ladder and again makes his way up.  Carter appears at the side of the ring.  He sees Prime going up the ladder.  Carter rushes up into the ring and climbs up the ladder behind Prime, in one quick motion Carter places his hands on Prime's shoulders.  He pulls himself up and wraps his legs around Prime's neck and bends back.

A reverse Frankenstiender off the ladder!  Prime didn't land well, I think he landed straight on his neck.

The crowd yells "Holy Shit!. Holy Shit!" after an amazing move from Carter.  Carter is slow to get up.  He grabs the ladder and starts to walk up the side.  Step by step he slowly makes it up to the top but Prime will not be denied.  He grabs a rung at the bottem and starts to push the ladder.  Carter steps down and kicks Prime off the ladder.  Prime stumbles back grabbing the ropes for leverage.  Carter starts up the ladder again.  He grabs at the belt but sees Prime making his way to the ladder again.  Carter jumps off the ladder and on the way down grabs Prime in a DDT and slams him straight down to the mat.  Again the crowd on their feet chant "Holy Shit!"  Carter grabs his knee and stumbles up the ladder.  He makes it to the top and reaches for the belt.  The crowd get to their feet and starts to cheer.  Carter grabs the belt.  Just then Marky springs to life and runs up the ladder.  He reaches the top and kicks Carter and spins off.  "The C.F.R. kick!"

Oh my God!  Marky just hit the CFR kick literally over the top of the ladder.  He must have fell 10 feet after that move.  Carter is also down!  My God what a move!  Marky may be out, Carter is hurt, what a match!  My Lord what a match!

While Carter and Marky struggle to regain themselves.  Prime starts up the ladder.  Rung by rung he makes it higher as the fans cheers begin to grow louder and louder.  Prime reaches the top and grabs the belt.  He pulls on the belt but cannot break it off.  Carter tries his last ditch effort to spoil Prime's stride.  He spins a yakuza kick into the ladder.  The ladder falls to the side but Prime hangs on.  Prime falls to the mat.  The belt hangs for a moment but then falls to the mat.

I've never seen that!  Does Prime get the belt or does Marky retain?

Both Carter and Prime scramble on their hands and knees like a football fumble.  On top of the belt both men grab and pull but nobody emerges with the belt.  Marky jumps in and grabs for the belt.  The referee pulls all three men off.  Prime falls to the floor under the ropes.  The referee grabs Carter looking for the belt.  He runs over to Marky looking for the belt.  The crowd erupts as the belt rises from the floor.  Held up by one hand.

It's  Prime!  Prime has the belt! Prime is the new Champion!

The winner of the ladder match...and NEW Deviation Television Champion......Prime! 

The crowd stands on their feet applauding one of the greatest ladder matches in the history of the Big Sky.  Prime slips into the ring and grabs Marky.  He raises Marky's arm as the fans go wild chanting "Marky, Marky!"

You have to give that guy his due.  He was by far the greatest Television Champion so far.  What a title run Marky has had, he has been a consummate Champion and a great competitor.  Those fans understand that Marky has been one hell of a Champion!  I can only hope that Prime will be half the Champion that Marky has been, he sure has big shoes to fill.

Well, I'll give Marky that but the only reason that Carter didn't win that match was because Marky and Prime teamed up against him.

What?  Tier Alpha doesn't like tasting their own medicine?

The crowd, still standing and chanting "Marky, Marky!" let all three combatants know how much the appreciate the match that they just watched.

I may be biased, but that was one hell of a card.  I'm glad the people of Indianapolis understand and appreciate just what we bring them every night.  Sold out, every ticket we have put out to the market has been sold for all upcoming shows.  Maybe we should have bought Market Square Arena instead?  We witnessed some amazing contests and that is what the Big Sky continues to bring their fans night after night and show after show.  I for one cannot wait until next week!

The show fades out with Prime holding his belt walking side by side with Marky up the ramp to the standing ovation of the fans.