While going through the archives of documents here at ECG, I ran across something very interesting. Something long overdue and anticipated…another commentary from Danny Ray. This is dated back a few months so, bare with the time frame, but enjoy.

The Lost Commentary: “Dedication”

Dedication: To devote, commit, pledge; give completely, consecrate.

Devote: Dedicate, give over to, direct, apply, address, utilize, concentrate, center of ones attention. Give oneself up to.; dedicated, earnest, strongly committed, staunch, zealous, steadfast, unwavering; ardent, fond of, loving, passionate; faithful, true, loyal, adhering , devout, reverent, intense.

Desire: crave, want, wish; long for; yearn for, hunger for, thirst for, needful urge, obsession.

Here are some definitions of three words that are key to achieving goals. Through this commentary, we will explore some issues that may push you to do more to attain a goal. Or this may make you give up and say, “This is as far as I’m going to take it.” Either way, the choice is yours.

Someone a few days ago asked me if I thought that they had what it took to make it (in wrestling.) Well that’s not for me to say. If your idea of success is being where you are and trying to be better, then yes. But, if you want it all, well that’s up to you to decide. How far are you willing to go? I have some students who think that just because I said you’re good enough to make it, that that is it. That’s all I need. Don’t take what I say to not be the truth. I have faith in them to go as far as they want to take it, but me saying it will happen, will not make it so. Bottom line….its up to you.

This brings up some issues that also need to be addressed. Respect, willingness to learn, communication, sacrifice, and work ethics. Now if you have a problem with any of these topics, see the definitions above. If you get mad, inspired, or just don’t give a $hit, then do something about it. Either way, the choice is yours. Nothing in this world can be attained without applying some effort to achieve it. Nothing.

If you think someone else is going to do it for you, then guess what, they will be the ones with the spot. You know, the one you thought belonged to you. This is a “me” business. Number one comes first. When you hear someone say “sorry that happened, but that’s the way it is”, don’t get mad at them. Get mad at yourself. Why did this happen to me? How could they? What’s the problem? These are some questions someeon may ask when they miss achieving one of their goals. Let’s take a little time and break this down.

1. I thought I should have been the one to get that match. I’m more deserving than they are! How could that stupid booker/promoter pull this on me?

Well, it sounds to me, like you may have at some point disrespected someone at one time or another.

2. Dang, I could have done that spot! Why did he get it?

Ok then, what’s the reason for you not being at practice. Or maybe while it was being put together you were in outer space or telling a joke. Maybe you thought that you knew everything and didn’t have to listen.

3. I was going to go but….or why didn’t you call…or so & so didn’t tell me.

Here’s a real problem. Want the answer? Find out for YOURSELF. If you tell someone something and ,for some reason, plans fall through. CALL!!! This simple act can keep you in the mix or get you washed out altogether.

4. I would have went, but it was my dog’s birthday and the whole family was in.

Looks like Ol’ Rover just got you screwed out of something that could have been great for you. No more b*llsh*t, get your head in the game. Maybe these examples will help.

To close, I would like to just say, if wrestling is what you want to do, whether it be working the armory, flea markets, or big contracts and major arenas. Do it with everything you’ve got. For the ones that do it because “its cool.” Don’t screw the ones that have a God given talent and gift to do it. If you’re a weekend warrior, or you feed your family wrestling, remember, we’re all in this together. Sleeping in cars, going hungry on the road just to buy gas, paying dues….God I love this business.

Danny Ray

P.S. If you need more information on this subject, see Joey Morton’s commentary from a few months ago.

Commentary for 10/01/01

Here we go again. I hope this commentary gets posted. The last one was lost We’ll not go into that. (*webmaster’s note: key word WAS.*) So much has happened in the last few weeks, so I’ll start with the situation in the U.S.

The whole thing seems like a nightmare. Its very sad, but I know if we all pull together, we can get through this. It has got me really looking at myself. I’m sure all of you have done the same. In this time, let’s all be the best that we can be for God, and for our country. I read something the other day that struck me. The terrorist said that they had brought America to her knee’s. No God did that. Sometimes we forget what this country was founded on. Well after September 11th, 2001, we all goa a reminder. The laws of God.

Let’s move on to what’s been going on in wrestling. A lot has went on since the last posting, so much that I really can’t recall. I’ll try to hit on the high spots. APW had the “big” show. I’ll not go into it so draw your own conclusion. No wait, I think I will. Things didn’t go to well for me. Things were done that I personally didn’t agree with. Oh well, who am I. Anyway, without going into detail, I will say that everything has been taken care of. And for you internet marks, how do you know what happened if you weren’t even involved in the situation? You think you know it all, but ask yourself “how much do I really know?” I can hear you now, “I’m very smart in the business.” Oh yeah, ask yourself this question also. “Was ADR shooting or did I in my infinite wisdom get worked?” (I’ll never tell.) Onward…

WPW had a show in Logan, WV that saw ADR and Joey Nelson tag and take on the Studd Stable (James Stevens and Shaun Edwards with Gangsta Z) in front of a crowd of over 700. What a match! I was very proud to have been in the ring with these young men. We tore Main Street up! Everything was right on the money and the finish has caused more controversy than the Mamie Thurman story. The whole show was very good. We had it all, almost except for a certain Superstar. I wish that he could have gotten to work, but his age gets him left out sometimes. Don’t worry my friend, its coming. Fuel to the fire. Superstar Shane Matthews, remember that name. Broken also made his WPW debut. Just who is Broken? Wait and see.

HCW had a show at Chief Logan State Park on Sept. 8th. It could have went a little better, but that was the main reason we were there. To learn. It was the first time that a lot of the boys got to perform in front of a crowd. I’m still proud of you guys and I love everyone of you. Thanks. Also special thanks goes out to a few others.
Ward and June: for bringing the ring down. Thanks, you saved my @$$.
Eddie Podunavac: Without him, none of it would have been possible.
Kevin and Susan: for making things go so smoothly.

At All Star Wrestling, things here are going pretty good. The crowds are holding in numbers, the angles are very good, and Scotty (McComas) and I are doing our deal there with J.D. and the Rebel. Its good stuff. There is a difference in the way we work here. Its very old school. Psychology is the main ingredient and our matches consist of a few bumps (very few), and working with the crowd. Notice I said working “with” the crowd. There is a difference, we are drawing a ton of heat.

All Star is doing sometimes as many as 5 shows a week, and no less than 3. If you don’t know psychology or how to work a crowd, you’ll learn or you won’t be able to walk good for a while. APW and ASW have two different flavors, so I suggest checking them both out. Whether it be Tuesday in Oak Hill for APW, or Thursday in Blue Well or Sunday in Princeton for ASW, you won’t be disappointed.

The PWI top 500 is out. No one from APW or ASW made it. Well the core group. I guess we don’t have enough stroke or money to get in. (That’s a shoot folks.) I mean WV has a great deal of solid wrestlers that should be in there, and a lot of them are in the APW and ASW area. Joey Morton, Punchy McGee, Scotty McKeever, Brian Logan, Johnny Blast, Scotty Blaze, War Machine, Cuban II………..Rip Manson. (Oops, sorry.) Just to name a few who really deserve it.

Well, that will do it for now. Until next time, y’all be good and take care.

Danny Ray

P.S. Congratulations to APW and ASW for making it in the Wrestle America “Top Promotions” issue. I’m very proud to be apart of them both.

Past Commentaries