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Stephanie McMahon-Helmsey Shrine!


SMH Bio!
SMH and ?
SMH News and Rumors!
SMH Galleys
SMH TV Reports!
SMH Quotes
Trish vs Stephanie!
The Real Bitch!
Message Board!
Steph Mini Polls!
SMH Shrine newsletter!

Daily News!: Smackdown!! Match Reports are up Meanwhile I am working on the pages!. The Rock's show...I am going to shut down my Lita site, and instead start a Rock Site!.Or someone else like Chyna or someone. Any when you check my Lita site you will see it totally shutted down...I am sorry. I love LITA but it is to hard to keep up with, As soon as I get banners for my *ROCK* site then that when I will start fixing it and stuff...sorry for all who REALLY liked my Lita site but I am really tired of getting all the buttons and stuff...Plus I didn't like the banners that much!. Thanks and Tune in for Smackdown!! which I will write a match report for Stephanie!!
Triple H and SMH a *Sweet* Couple, Once again!

Click here for my LITA SITE! I shutted down!

Thanks To Melissa for these great banners check out all her sites which will be in my link section!
I will have more things here as soon as I think of some...Thanks!
Updates: Well Nothing much...I just fixed *SOME* of the pages. Look around!