EMF: Whiplash

(We put the copyright information, then we fade into the video package and then once it ends we go into the arena where fireworks blasts on the specially made stage. Once it ends, fans start yelling and waving their signs as we go into JR, King, and Kris. Though suddenly you see someone in the background kneeling behind them.)

JR-Welcome to Whiplash, and what a history this event this has. Just last year Chris Jericho held the EMF’s future in his hands to defeat Triple H and win the world champions…

*It’s revealed that the person behind him is Chris Masters, as he starts to pose with his ridiculous amount of pyro going up*

King-SHUT UP JR….it’s a master piece…


Kris Gaffney-Wow that worked!


Chris Masters- Keep, posing, posing, posing, posing

King-*groans*…maybe it’s not that good of an idea after all

“Who I am” blasts on the PA system as Chyna walks to the ring with her fireworks cannon

King-NOOOOO, not this theme again

Kris Gaffney-Blah, you secretly like it

JR-Anyways, this is a the first match in a while for Chyna…gotta wonder if there is any ring rust?

“Jackie’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Miss Jackie walks to the ring with John Cena

JR-This is Jackie’s debut

King-This theme is generic…but not annoying at least

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, it could have been Joy theme instead

King-*gasp* the worst one of them all AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH


[Jackie comes into the ring and then starts to hammer away at Chyna, but it’s having no effect and Chyna pushes Jackie down and then Jackie looks up can’t believing that no of the offense hurt Chyna and then Chyna closes in on Jackie in on the corner and then Chyna goes for a fist. But Jackie ducks it and then Chyna is in the corner after that swing and a miss and then Jackie hits a few fists that seem to have some effect on Chyna. Jackie then pulls Chyna out of the corner and then tries to whip her to the ropes and then Chyna won’t go anywhere. Then Jackie gets pulled back into Chyna and Chyna takes down Jackie with a short arm clothesline and then easily shakes off the moves and then hits a few stomps on the downed Jackie who is trying to get away. But Chyna pulls Jackie and then starts to choke her on the ropes and then the ref uses his five count which Chyna breaks up and then Jackie uses the ropes to get up as Chyna backs off and then lets Jackie get up and then Chyna measures up Jackie and then hits a few big knife edge chops and then Chyna whips Jackie off the ropes and Jackie bounces off the ropes and Chyna hits a big shoulder block and Jackie stumbles up and then Chyna hits a body slam. Chyna then takes time to play to the crowd and then goes to the ropes and then bounces off and goes for a big leg drop. But Jackie moves out of the way and then Chyna just sits there on impact in a lot of pain. Jackie stumbles to her feet and then quickly hits a low front drop kick to the face of Chyna to send her the rest of the way down and then Jackie hits a few stomps on the downed Chyna. Chyna gets up and then Jackie kicks Chyna in the gut doubling her over and then Jackie goes to the ropes and then goes for a swing neck breaker. But then Chyna counters the move with a diving clothesline that takes down Jackie. Chyna goes into the cover not really being able to put a real cover together gets a 1…………………….2…………..kick out. Chyna looks a bit dazed after a few of the moves she’s taken. But see’s that Jackie is getting up so that Chyna decides to try to end the match now. Jackie stumbles up and Chyna kicks Jackie to the gut and then sets up Jackie for the Chyna bomb and lifts her up, but before Chyna can drive Jackie into the mat. Jackie hits a few hard fists before this can happen, Jackie is able to flip behind Chyna and then puts her in a sunset flip and gets the 1………………..2…………..kick out]

JR-It was lucky that Jackie had stun Chyna enough to get out of the Chyna bomb, because if she hit that move, it most certainly would be over.

King-That would have been the most unpredictable thing ever though

Kris Gaffney-predictability gets a bad wrap…

[Jackie and Chyna after the kick out go to opposite side of the ring and then Chyna charges at Jackie trying to get the advantage and then Jackie is able to counter the charge with a drop toe hold sending Chyna throat first into the ropes and then Chyna stumbles up and then gets a drop kick. Chyna stumbles back and then falls through the rope and then to the arena floor hard. Jackie draws a lot of boo’s from the crowd and then Jackie yells at them for a few moments as Chyna gets up. Jackie measures up and then charges at Chyna and then nails a baseball slide to Chyna. Chyna stumbles back and then crashes into the guard rail back first. Jackie rolls out of the ring and goes to where Chyna is and then hits a few hard fists and takes Chyna who is really stunned and then whips her to the steel steps. Chyna goes crashing into the steps shoulder first and Jackie pulls up Chyna by the hair and rolls her into the ropes. Jackie climbs to the top rope waiting for Chyna to get up. Once she does Jackie leaps off the top rope and catches Chyna with a flying cross body block for the 1…………………..2………..kick out by Chyna that sends Jackie flying to the other side of the ring almost and then Jackie gets up and Chyna stumbles up. Jackie charges and Chyna knocks downe Jackie with a big shoulder block and then Jackie stumbles up stunned and then Chyna tries to hit a belly to back suplex. But Jackie rolls through and Chyna turns around, Jackie then hits a jaw jacker. Chyna stumbles around Jackie takes a few moments to recover and then Chyna is able to recover before Jackie and Chyna goes for a running clothesline. But Jackie ducks under, and then hits a reverse neck breaker. Jackie then gets up looks at Cena, who says something and then Jackie runs to the ropes, bounces off and nails the leg drop of DDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM. Jackie goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………………2…………..kick out]

King-Hogan’s probably going to sue now

Kris Gaffney-I doubt it, Cena is one of his biggest fans

JR-Seems Jackie is going to try to put this match away

[Jackie waits for Chyna, Chyna stumbles up and then stumbles right into Jackie who picks up Chyna then drops her for the F-U. Jackie goes into the cover and gets the 1………………………..2…………….3]

“Not the lady to mess with” blasts on the PA system as Victoria walks to the ring with Steven Richards

JR-Victoria has a chance to finally beat Trish Stratus

King-You know that I never seen Victoria so ready for a match!

Kris Gaffney-You think she’s going to win?

King-I didn’t say that

Kris Gaffney-aw, your still jealous, because she beat YOU

*a single tear rolls down King’s face*

“Walk Idiot Walk” blasts on the PA system as Christy walks to the ring with Daemon Archaos

King-hhhhmmmm am I hearing things, or did Christy channel John Cena at the end of her promo?

JR-Your probably imagining it…


“Keys to the city” blasts on the PA system as Trish walks to the ring with Rhyno

JR-Well you can’t blame her, but she’s a bit paranoid. For at least in Amy Dumas’ case she was only trying to help

King-You don’t know that….she’s clearly trying to take the title

Kris Gaffney-You know…the Other World always reminded me of a poor man’s TwilighT…

[Victoria and Hemme hammer away at each other and as Trish just watches on and then Victoria gets the upper hand and then Hemme stumbles into the corner and then Victoria hits a few hard fists as Hemme is in the corner and then Victoria hits a few hard fists over and over again as Hemme is in the corner and then Victoria pulls Hemme up and then sets her up and then hits a fall through hip toss and then Victoria gets up and then gets knocked down with a quick running forearm to the face and then Hemme goes down to the mat and then Victoria then gets blindsided with a clubbing blow to the head and stumbles towards and then Trish takes Victoria by the hair and then and then charges at the corner and then throws Victoria shoulder first into the corner sending Victoria shoulder first into the ring post and then Trish waits as Victoria pulls herself out of the corner and then Trish school girls her and then gets the 1………………..2………….Hemme comes flying into the picture with a flying double sledge to break up the pin and then Hemme waits for Trish to get up and then Hemme hits a knife edge chop to Trish and then Hemme whips Trish off the ropes and then Trish bounces off the ropes and then Hemme hits a back elbow and Trish falls to the mat and stumbles up and Hemme hits a body slam into a standing knee drop on Trish’s face and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out. Trish stumbles up and then backs off. Hemme slowly goes towards Trish as Trish runs out of room to back up and then Trish goes for a fist, but it’s blocked and returned by Hemme with a straight fist to the face and then hammers away at Trish and then whips Trish, but Trish reverses Hemme as Victoria is stumbling up and then Hemme goes into Victoria and then Victoria is able to hit a big clothesline on Hemme that sends her into the mat and then Hemme after a time stumbles up and then Victoria and Trish are standing on either side and then Hemme stumbles up and then Victoria and Trish nod to each other as Hemme stumbles towards Victoria and then Hemme stumbles away into Trish who hits a fist of her own. Hemme stumbles into Victoria who back up to the ropes and comes off hitting a running shoulder block sending into Trish backwards and then Trish picks up Hemme and then nails her with a spinning back drop. Victoria and Trish pump up the crowd as Hemme is really slow to get up and then Trish and Victoria grab Hemme’s hair and then the crowd cheers as they throw Hemme out of the ring through the ropes. Trish is yelling a few things at Hemme, but then Victoria doing the heelish heel thing attacks Trish from behind while her attention is turned]

JR-Guess that alliance didn’t last long

King-Well guess shows you the trust between women (or so I’ve heard, don’t kill me :-/ )

Kris Gaffney-Maybe that’s why Trish didn’t really appreciate Amy Dumas’ help last week

JR-Well…she’s been through a hard time, thanks to that son of a bitch John Cena

[Trish stumbles around to turn to Victoria who hits a few hard fists and then Victoria tries to whip Trish to the ropes. But Trish reverses it and sends Victoria to the ropes and then Trish lowers her head for a back body drop. But as Victoria nears Trish, she grabs a hand full of hair and then drive Trish face first into the mat and then Trish hits a few stomps on the downed Trish and then Victoria calls for the Widows peak, Trish stumbles up and then Victoria kicks Trish in the gut and then goes for the Widows peak. But Trish is able to struggle out of the move and then hit a few forearms as Victoria turns around and then whips Victoria to the ropes and then Victoria bounces off the ropes, and then hits a big back body drop and then Victoria stumbles up and then Trish goes for a chick kick. But Victoria ducks it and then goes for a back suplex. But Trish is able to roll out the back of it and pushes Victoria to the ropes and tries to roll her up, and does for the 1………………..2…………….kick out. Victoria stumbles up and then Trish charges at Victoria who is near the ropes and then Victoria counters with a hot shot on the top rope. Trish stumbles back and Victoria tries to whip Trish to the ropes, but reverses Victoria to the ropes. Victoria bounces off the ropes, and then Trish hits a falling spine buster on Victoria]

JR-nice move by Trish

King-Yeah, but Victoria is not going to be easy to beat

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, she’s probably more focused than this match than…um…any before

[Trish falls into the cover and then gets a 1……………………..2………………Christy comes into the ring and then pulls up Trish by the hair and hits a knee into the gut, then takes Trish to the corner and then hits Trish’s head into the corner 1…………..2………..3……….4……….5……….6……..7……..8…….9……10 times. Christy backs off as Trish stumbles out of the corner. Christy then hits a scorpion death drop on Trish. Christy goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………….2…….Victoria comes back and then breaks up the cover. Victoria pulls up Christy up and throws her through the ropes and Christy crashing to the floor on ring side very hard. Victoria then pulls up Trish and then sets her up and then gets Trish up for the Widows peak. Victoria puts Trish in position, somehow at the last second Trish is able to break Victoria’s grip before she drops Trish for the widow peak. Trish falls behind Victoria, hooks Victoria and then puts Victoria in a back slide and Trish has Victoria hooked very well and gets the quick 1…………………2……………3]

JR-Just that sudden, Trish is still the womens champion

King-Blah, Victoria or Christy should have won…

(Trish rolls out of the ring, really stunned from the match, but happy she got out of it with her womens championship.)

(OOC-very competitive between the three RPers. Especially Victoria, who stepped up more than I think I’ve ever seen. Wish I had a better result for the two that lost, but someone has to lose..that’s the nature of the game.)

“Getting away with Murder” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring

JR-Winning the TV title would be a huge boost for Rhyno

King-Yeah…first it would seem he loses his best friend, and now seemly his stable

Kris Gaffney-Sucks to be him

“Steal, Cheat, Lie” blasts on the PA system as Neddie comes to the ring in his low rider


Kris Gaffney-You know I hear Neddie’s promo’s this week is much like Matrix movies, it’s best to watch it while your stoned…

JR-I’ll keep that in mind

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

King-Seems like Jericho and Amy aren’t making too many friends lately

JR-Well, their making enemies for the weirdest reasons that’s for sure. I mean Jericho was just sticking up for Amy

Kris Gaffney-That’s a clear violation of the Punisher rule book. *holds up a book* See it’s right under “any match with Darter in it, must be stopped”

[Punisher comes into the ring and then Rhyno hammers away at Punisher, Punisher stumbles back and then Rhyno backs up and then goes for a clothesline over the top rope. But Punisher counters the move with a back body drop over the top rope. Punisher then yells a few things at Rhyno. But as this is happening Neddie slowly comes behind Punisher and then school boy’s Punisher as the ref goes into position to count, Neddie grabs the tights and gets the 1……………….2………….kick out. Neddie can’t believe he didn’t get the count. Punisher gets up pissed, Neddie tries to beg off and then Punisher hammers away at Neddie. Neddie stumbles into the corner and then Punisher starts to hammer away at Neddie and then at a point the ref starts to try to stop it all and Punisher backs up for a second to make sure the ref doesn’t DQ him and then goes back in. But this gave Neddie enough time to recover and then Neddie meets Punisher with a poke to the eye. Punisher stumbles back and then Neddie comes running out of the corner as he turns around and then gets nailed with a running clothesline by Neddie. Neddie stumbles away and then Punisher runs at Neddie. Neddie counters with a deep arm drag release and then Punisher stumbles up and runs at Neddie once again and then Neddie turns it into an arm drag with no release this time and then goes right into an arm bar Punisher stays on the mat trying to find a way out of the hold and then he decides to get to his feet. Once he does Punisher backs up Neddie, then tries to whip him out of the hold and does and then Neddie bounces off the ropes and Punisher then throws him up as he comes at him. But it’s countered by Neddie who hits a hurricanarana as he was falling on the mat and then both wrestlers get up and then Neddie hits an inverted atomic drop. Suddenly Neddie see’s something and then he dives out of the way and then Rhyno comes out of no where and gores Punisher and then Rhyno goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2………..Neddie breaks up the count. Punisher rolls out of the ring. Neddie hammers away at Rhyno as he tries to get up. Rhyno stumbles up in the corner and then Neddie whips him to the other side of the ring. Rhyno crashes into the turnbuckle, Neddie goes charging at Rhyno and then Rhyno takes a few steps out of the corner and then Rhyno hits a flap jack that sends Neddie face first into the turnbuckle.]


Kris Gaffney-Ouch is right…

JR-Well this sure ain’t ballet

King-It’s not….BLAH…What a rip off…

*Kris and JR look at King weird*

[Rhyno is able to shake off the small amount of damage he has taken and then hits a few clubbing blows to the back of Neddie then Neddie turns around Rhyno hits a few hard fists and then Rhyno whips Neddie to the other side of the ring. Neddie stumbles out of the corner fast and then Neddie hits a back body drop and then Neddie goes flying to the mat hard. To the mat and then Rhyno measures up and then hits a running shoulder block on Neddie who goes down to the mat and then stumbles up. Rhyno picks up Neddie and then slams him down to the mat. Neddie gets picked up by Rhyno and then nailed hard into the mat with a body slam. Rhyno back to the ropes and then comes off the ropes with a big leg drop that nails it on Neddie. Rhyno goes into the cover, then gets the 1………………..2……….Punisher pulls Rhyno out of the ring and then takes Rhyno and then hammers a few hard fists to the face of Rhyno and then takes Rhyno by the hair and then throws him hard into the ring steps Rhyno’s head bounces off as Punisher pulls Rhyno a little bit and then whips him hard into the steps and Rhyno falls to the steps back first and Punisher takes Rhyno and then rolls him into the ring and then Neddie stumbles over to Punisher. Punisher hits a hang man that sends Neddie stumbling back. Punisher slides into the ring and then Punisher hits a few hard fists and then Punisher whips Rhyno to the ropes. Rhyno bounces off the ropes and then goes for a flying cross body block. But it’s caught by Punisher, Punisher takes a few steps. But before Punisher can hit a fall away slam. Neddie comes out of no where and nails a drop kick that makes Punisher loses his balance, but before he falls down. He hurls Rhyno and then knocks into the ref, ref is down a bit stunned, Neddie now has a big smile on his face .]

JR-oh no, he can’t help himself

King-This won’t work

Kris Gaffney-Hey they said the same thing about Antonio Daniels, and they were all proven wrong

[Neddie slides out of the ring and then grabs the TV title, and rolls back into the ring as Punisher and Rhyno stumble up Neddie throws Rhyno the title, he then throws it to Punisher. Neddie, Punisher, and Rhyno play hot potato with the title belt, until the ref catches them, which he does with Neddie holding it last. The ref stands to question Neddie, Neddie deny’s doing anything wrong. Then while he’s distracted Rhyno hits a gore on Neddie. Neddie rolls out of the ring, Rhyno laughs at Neddie, turns around right into Punisher who picks up Rhyno and nails the capital punishment, Punisher goes into the cover and goes for the cover 1………………….2………….3]

(OOC-I liked Neddie’s RP (it was very interesting), but I figured that doesn’t out weigh Punisher’s 3 RP’s that I also liked. Don’t dismantle me *goes and hides*)

(We go earlier in the day at some clothes store. The camera searches a little bit until it finds Amy Dumas looking at some clothes, seemly in really deep thought. So much, she doesn't seem to notice Sierra showing up out of the blue. Sierra just stands there not saying much (it should be noted that she has a knee brace on, so she doesn’t need the crutches)...until)

Sierra: *speaking up* Interesting Choice.

(Instantly noticing who the voice belongs to Amy's just about caught off guard, and even jumps a little bit as she was really deep into thought. As she wouldn't think that she run into Sierra here. But then says..)

Amy Dumas-Don't do that! Anyways, yeah, well I need new clothes for some....reason....

(Amy trails off, as she's still a bit iffy on telling Sierra stuff, due to their history)

Sierra: New clothes for what? A special Function or what not? I'm here looking for something to wear to the slammies and I saw you as I was passing by.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well, I'm buying new clothes for just about the same reason you are. I just want to get something a little new for the Slammies, Jericho's up for a few awards....

Sierra: Well why are you looking at these then. Its a huge occasion. You should really find something nicer.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Because this is what I usually wear, why what you leading me to.

(Amy's not liking where this is going)

Sierra: Well you are a woman, and women generally wear dresses to these sort of functions. I was going over to pick one out for myself, I have an eye for this Amy. Let me Pick you out a dress.

.::Amy Dumas::.-But.....um..........*trying to think of a reason not to do this*...I hate wearing dresses, but you could always give me my other dress back..

(Amy smiles thinking she found a way out of this)

Sierra: That dress is so 1980s, come on Amy, Think about it. Jericho would probably love to see you in a stunning dress.. Uh huh....Just think of the after party.

(Amy can't control a smile at the last thing Sierra said, but she still looks really doubtful about the whole thing.)

Sierra: Come on atleast come look at some and try them on. YOu don't have to buy anything, just look.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Your just not going to drop this, are you?

Sierra: no I'm not. Is it working?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well, I'm on limited time due the show tonight. Seeing how us going back and forth is not going anywhere, what other choice do I have other than to run away....

Sierra: Would it kill you to try on a few dresses.. Thats All I ask.. Try on 2 dresses then if it doesn't work for you then I'll give up.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Fine...but I wouldn't bet against it killing me..

Sierra: Oh shut up...Come on..*Sierra grabs her arm and leads her through the store to the dress and formal wear department* Look at this dress. Solid Red. Plunging neck, backless.. Long and flowing, slit up the side to the knee...That would look hot on you Amy.. Try it on..

.::Amy Dumas::.-Alright...*mutters* man, she's worst than my Mom..

*Amy takes the dress, then leaves into dressing area, then after a few moments comes out in the dress. She crosses her arms muttering "think of Jericho, think of Jericho" over and over again*

Sierra: Look in the mirror.. That dress is you. If Jericho were here he'd say the same thing.

*Amy looks in the mirror at herself*

.::Amy Dumas::.-um...I guess...

Sierra: I like this one so much I don't think you need to try on something else..but what the hell.. Here try this.. *Similar style of dress only its a violet/royal blue shimery colored Dress* Here..

(Amy takes the other dress from Sierra, and then goes back with it. After a few moments Amy says from the dressing area)

.::Amy Dumas::.-I think I like this one!

(But Amy doesn't come out in the dress, rather comes out in her usual pants on, and a top much like the top her WWE version wore in the first round of the gold rush tourney. Amy has almost a goofy smile with it on.)

Sierra: So you are going to get it?

.::Amy Dumas::.-What this? If this works, than awesome!

Sierra: the top is awesome..But I'm talking about the dress..You gonna get the dress?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well, I think I could go like this...Jericho would love it, I know it!

Sierra: No I think you should go for the dress

(Suddenly for whatever reason it starts raining in the store)

.::Amy Dumas::.-See, my narrator likes it! He's drooling already.

(Suddenly a slapping sound is heard, and it stops raining)

Sierra: Well Mine Doesn't.

.::Amy Dumas::.-*mumbles* damn co-narrators*mumbles* Alright...alright, I'll try that other dress on.

Sierra: Good..You can wear that top at the office sometime..Wear the dress to the awards

.::Amy Dumas::.-Sounds like a plan, I guess

(Amy goes to back and then comes out in the other dress that Sierra told Amy to put on before that other occurrence)

Sierra: I like the red one better..

.::Amy Dumas::.-I suppose your right on that one...

Sierra: So..You gonna get it? Come on Amy show everyone you are a woman.

.::Amy Dumas::.-What...they can't tell already?

Sierra: You know what I mean. Just show them that you can dress like a woman for once, and not in the tomboyish outfits.

.::Amy Dumas::.-At this point, I might as well get the dress because I'm quickly running out of time. Jericho and I are going out to get something to eat before the show...man, though I'm gonna feel so stupid though...

Sierra: Don't feel Stupid, express yourself. Show off your body, be a woman Amy. Jericho is so gonna love this dress..

.::Amy Dumas::.-Hope so....

Sierra: I know so....Lets go pay..My dress is on hold..

.::Amy Dumas::.-Alright....um.....this feels kinda weird saying...but thanks for helping out.

Sierra: I'm pretty girlie it wasn't any trouble at all.. I like Shopping...

.::Amy Dumas::.-Alright....thanks again

(Amy Dumas leaves with the dress to go pay, as the scene fades.)

(“Cold” blasts on the PA system as Devin Malis walks to the ring

JR-Without a doubt Devin Malis has made an impact since coming back to the EMF

King-….blah, they could do nothing special and you would impressed

(“Spalding theme” blasts on the PA system as Spalding walks to the ring

Kris Gaffney-Remind me why he was important enough to go last


[The ring of superstars start to randomly fight each other, Batista has LRK in the corner hammering him. Bret Hart runs at Booker T who is already near the ropes and then Bret gets countered with a back body drop over the top rope. But Bret is able to hand on to the ropes and then he lands on the apron and then rolls under the ropes and then pulls himself up with help of the ropes and then gets up. But then Bret then gets a harlem side kick, Bret stumbles back and then falls over the top rope and to the floor. Batista is charging at Malis and he then charges at him going for a big boot. Malis ducks, and then Batista is now on the top rope. Malis then hits a super kick and Batista falls out of the ring and then to the floor. Dewey Pond is in the corner hitting a few hard fists on LKR and then following it up with a few knife edge chops and then LKR whips Pond to the corner, which just somehow clears out and then LKR charges in with Pond and then Pond leaps using the corner to leg scissors LKR’s head and then Dewey Pond roll through that sends LKR flying over the top rope, and falling on the arena floor. Booker T comes into picture and then tries to knock Dewey Pond over the top rope with a harlem side kick. But Dewey Pond ducks it and then takes down Booker with a double leg take down as Booker recovers gets ready and then sling shots him over the top rope and Booker T goes flying to the outside.]

JR-Were down to the final four Spalding, Cage, Malis, and Pond

King-Their dropping like flies…this never happens

Kris Gaffney-Guess the competitors didn’t take this challenge seriously

[Pond and Cage hammer away at each other as Malis and Spalding do the same. Malis puts Cage in the corner and then pounds on him a little bit. Pond gets Cage in a head lock and then Cage backs up Pond to the ropes and then Pond bounces off the ropes and Cage hits a hip toss. Cage motions for Pond to get up. Pond stumbles up and then Cage hits a body slam and then backs to the ropes and comes off and then nails a splash on Pond. Pond is down and Cage starts to choke Pond, on the other side Malis has Spalding up and then drops him for a gut buster. While this is happening Cage sets up Pond for a suplex, Cage gets Pond up and then he starts moving to the ropes and then tries to dump Pond out of the ring. But as he does, Pond lands on apron and then hits a few stiff fists and then brings him into the apron as well and then Cage and Pond hammer away at each other. Mean while Spalding has Malis reeling and then Spalding whips Malis to the ropes as he bounces off the ropes he hits into Pond and Cage. They both go flying off the apron and then falls on to the ground.]

JR-Spalding and Malis are the only one left

King-Wow who saw this coming

Kris Gaffney- I did

King-um…you don’t count

[Spalding and Malis lock up and then Spalding drives Malis back to the ropes. Trying to force him over, but whenhe can’t Spalding goes for a chop. But Malis is able to roll out of the ropes and then answers with a few hard fists Malis hits a few fists and then whips Spalding to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes and then lowers his head and hits a big back body drop. Malis stumbles up and then charges into Spalding for a fist. Spalding ducks it and then turns it into a atomic drop and then he tries to drop Malis out of the ring. He is able to do almost do that. But Malis keeps hold and then brings Spalding with him and then both end up rolling back under the ring ropes before they fall and then both stumble up. Spalding kicks Malis quickly in the gut as he gets up and then hits a DDT. Spalding then stumbles to his feet, then looks at the corner and then climbs to the top rope, but just as he goes to the top Malis all of a sudden runs up the turnbuckle and then hits a hang man of sorts off the top that has Spalding hanging on the ropes. Malis measures up and then hits a base ball slide that sends Spalding base off and then sends him flying off the apron hitting his face then hitting the floor. Malis has won this match.]

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen in the last few weeks we have all witnessed the return of Wes Ikeda. In just three two matches he has gained and retained the IC Championship. He was also responsible for the arrival of a promising newcomer Scott Kincaid. Kincaid looked amazing in his previous matches. Now the two of them have formed a tag team, and therefore promised to Dominate the Competition. So now, please welcome Wes Ikeda & Scott Kincaid, DTC!!!

Wes and Scotty came from behind the curtain and the ovation was huge. The rolled into the ring, and Wes climbed the turnbuckle taunting the fans, as Scott stayed near JR. Wes came back to the center of the ring.

JR: Wes, Scott… thank you for joining me out here tonight. First of all, Wes, your thoughts on not having a match tonight.

Wes Ikeda: Well JR. I have nothing to prove. Someone was smart enough to realize that throwing an opponent my way this week would have been nothing more than a waste of my time.

JR: Well, perhaps this is what everyone wants to know. Why on earth did you choose a rookie kid like Scotty Kincaid to be your tag team partner?

Wes Ikeda: Have you seen this guy? Scott Kincaid is the future of the EMF. He’s better than ¾ of the talent on the roster. Scotty Kincaid is better than any up and coming wrestler in the business today. There was no other choice. There’s no one else who understands Wes Ikeda’s style better than him. There’s no one else that deserves gold more than him. He and I are the perfect lethal combination.

JR: Do you think that's true Scott? Do you think Wes can match your wrestling skills?

Scotty Kincaid "I'm not saying that I'm the greatest here. I will say that there is not anybody who can out wrestle me. I'm a student of the sport, much like Wes Ikeda is. I mean, your talking about a grandslam champion, and a rookie who has done nothing but turn heads since arriving here in the EMF. Lethal combination? Definitly

JR: So Scott, are you saying your ready to face any opponent that's thrown at you? Even if it's Punisher and the current World Champion Angelus Archer?

Scotty Kincaid "Am I saying that I can beat Punisher, or the world champ, Angelus Archer? No.....Oh wait. Yes I am. Thats exactly what I'm saying. Me or Wes, tag team or one on one against any of the two, any time, any where, on our worst days, and their best days, you got it. Angelus is a bad dude, I will admit, but this is wrestling. Not a horror movie!"

Wes Ikeda: Not to mention JR, that Angelus is going to get what's coming to him whether I dish it out or someone else does. These people have no idea what has just hit them. The boys in the back aren't going to believe it either.

JR: Wes, do you think that Scott Kincaid is better than... *He paused, and looked up at Wes.*

Wes Ikeda: What JR? Just go ahead and say it! My brother? Do I think Scott Kincaid is better then the infamous BADD BOY?? *He paused and looked over at Scotty.* You're DAMN RIGHT I do. Come to think of it, I would venture to say that Scott Kincaid is more talented now than Tony Ikeda was at the pinnacle of his career.

JR: What do you say to the Scott? Your tag team partner is saying your better than an EMF Hall of Famer.

Scotty Kincaid "I will never say i'm better than anybody in a sense. I will say that I can beat everybody. I know my body better than anyone knows their body. I'm know my strengths, and I work harder than anyone to limit my weaknesses. Am I better than the badd boy? That I cannot answer. If I stick this out, I fully believe I will be an EMF hall of famer. If I didnt believe that, I would Still be running my wrestling school. I dont do things to be good at them, I do them to be great at them And what better person to team with then the great one, Wes Ikeda"

JR: Wes, what's your goal here? What are you setting out to prove?

Wes Ikeda: I think it's simple here JR. Scott is going to get himself a singles title, and we're going to have double gold here in the EMF. We're that damn good. Scott won't say he's better than anyone, and that's fine. I'll say it for him. Soon JR, you... King... and that idiot Gaffney are going to be sitting behind that announce table, and announcing us the tag team champions. You can count on that one JR.

JR: Any final thoughts from you Kincaid?

Scotty Kincaid "Listen, Wes and I do not let people put limits on what we can do. The sky is the limit for either one of us. And I'll tell you this. The only thing holding either one of us back from running this place is politics. Either one of us could have Angelus in a match, and beat him on his best day. We're about to do something that is unprecedented. I'm going to win the Extreme Championship, Wes already has the Intercontinental championship. Then we're going to win the tag championships. Maybe, just maybe when we do that, Prez Mike will put on his glasses and see the talent that Wes and I posses. Maybe, just maybe, one of us will be reaching up for that brass ring. I give you the Kincaid guarentee right now, when the opportunity arises, we will not loose!"

Wes Ikeda: Dominate the Competition. It's what we do. It's that simple!

Kincaid's Music hit, and each man climbed a turnbuckle taunting the crowd, before going to the back.

Finkel:"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EMF Extreme Championship. Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring, he is the challenger...Johnny Cash!"

["Cash's Theme" begins to play and Cash walks out onto the stage. Cash stops at the edge of the stage, where it meets the ramp, and begins to briefly pose for the crowd. The posing is very short lived though, as Dude Nick rushes out onto the stage with a Kendo Stick and whacks Cash in the back with it. The music comes to a sudden stop and the bell sounds to start the match. Cash goes down to one knee and Nick whacks him again in the back, causing him to bend back, arching his back and exposing his head for a shot from the Kendo Stick. Nick nails Cash right between the eyes the Kendo Stick and Cash falls back onto the stage, grasping at his face, blood already beginning to trickle from his forehead. Nick doesn't let up though. As Cash lays there clutching his head in pain, he rolls over on his stomach, and Nick takes the opportunity to deliver several more shots with the Kendo Stick, stopping only when the Kendo Stick finally splinters and breaks apart. Nick tosses the shattered and broken Kendo Stick off the stage to the floor below and begins to put a few boots to Cash before finally grabbing him by the head and pulling him up to his feet. Once Cash is on his feet, Nick looks him in the eye and grins as he gets a running start and sends him head first into the Whiplash set at the back of the stage.]

J.R:"Dude Nick was obviously very serious about completely destroying the CWL, and it looks like it starts right here tonight with Johnny Cash."

King:"You mean to tell me that Dude Nick is actually going to follow through on a promise he made? I might win a little money off of this match after all!"

Gafney:"Becareful King, winning one bet doesn't mean you need to go to Vegas and play Texas Hold 'Em with the kings of poker."

[Dude Nick stands there and soaks up the carnage, a smile on his face as he looks down at Cash who is laying on top of parts of the set that collapsed and shattered upon his impact. Nick finally walks over and drags Cash out of the pile of debris and begins to head down to the ring with him. Nick and Cash finally reach ring side and Nick immediately drags Cash over and drives his head into the ring steps, then watching as he bounces back and lands on the floor. Nick drops to his knees very nonchalantly and covers Cash, not bothering to hook the leg. Nick Patrick gets into position and starts the count....1.....2.....NO! Cash is able to throw a shoulder up just before the count of three. Dude Nick stands up, pulling Cash up by his feet and rolls him into the ring. Nicke slides into the ring behind him and drags him to his feet as he himself stands up. Nick whips Cash across the ring into the farthest corner and charges in after him. Just as Nick is about make contact with a clothesline, Cash manages to fall out of the way, causing Nick to collide with the top turnbuckle. Nick stumbles back a couple of steps, and ends up walking right into a low blow from Johnny Cash. Cash immediately takes the opportunity to roll out of the ring to catch his breath for a moment while Nick is laying on the ring mat clutching his groin. Cash manages to pull himself to his feet using the ring skirting and the apron, and then raises the skirting and pulls out a couple of chairs, a trash can full of weapons and a table. Cash tosses the trash can full of weapons into the ring, and slides the table in, sliding into the ring himself right behind it. Cash stands up and kicks Nick a few times, making sure that he stays down for a couple moments longer. Cash walks over and dumps the trash can's contents out, and rummages through them for a few seconds before finally picking up a stop sign. Cash turns his attention back to Nick raising the stop sign over his head and bringing it down hard onto his back, over and over again. Nick is now laying on the canvas twitching from the pain as Cash drops the stop sign and grabs Nick by the head, dragging him to his feet. Cash tucks Nicks head under his arm and shouts something out to the crowd just before driving Nick's head into the stop sign with an Evenflow DDT. Cash rolls Nick over onto his back, revealing that he too is now busted open. Cash lays across Nick, hooking the far leg, prompting Nick Patrick to start the count....1....2......NO! Somehow Nick manages to just barely kick out before the count of three.]

J.R:"Johnny Cash has managed to somehow fight his way back into this match and damn near won it with that ddt into the stop sign."

King:"Oh, everytime I end up betting money on a match I always wind up losing! Why can't Dude Nick just do what he says hes going to do for once?"

Gafney:"Whats the matter King, is the number of bets you've lost catching up to the number of wives who have left you?"

King:"No, actually that number is quite safe....for now at least."

[Cash rolls off of Nick, and reaches back over into the pile of weapons he dumped out and begins to shuffle through everything searching for a weapon to help him put Dude Nick away. Finally, Cash comes across a set of brass knuckles and slips them on his right hand as he slowly begins to get to his feet. Meanwhile, Dude Nick has used the ropes to drag himself back to his feet, his face a bloody mess from the shot from the stop sign followed by the ddt. Cash gets to his feet and spins around to face Nick. Cash kicks Nick a couple of times in the stomach then measures him up and swings hard with his right hand, but Nick is able to duck under the punch, grabbing Cash, picking him up and dropping him across the top rope for a Stun Gun. Cash catches the top rope just under his chin, and it sling shots him back into Nick who catches him and drives him to the canvas with a reverse bulldog. Nick stands up and looks down at the pile of weapons that are scattered around the ring. He kicks a few of them around, then finally reaches down and picks up a cheese grater. Nick holds the grater over his head and then kneels down next to Cash, grabbing a hand full of hair and lifting his head up off the mat. Nick smiles a bit through his crimson mask and takes the cheese grater to Cash's forehead, cutting, slicing and tearing him open even more. Cash begins to scream in horror and agony as his flesh is ripped and torn away. After a few moments, Dude Nick tosses the cheese grater out of the ring and pulls Cash to his feet, whipping him into the far ropes, and blasting him with a massive boot to the face as he made his return across the ring. Nick immediately drops an elbow into the sternum of Cash, and lays across him for a quick cover....1....2....NO! Somehow Cash managed to just barely kick out before the count of three. Frustrated that Cash won't stay down, Nick gets up arguing with Nick Patrick. Nick grabs the ref by the collar of his shirt and backs him against the ropes, getting nose to nose with him and yelling at him. As this is going on, Cash begins to crawl over towards the weapons and gets his hands on a fire extinguisher. Dude Nick releases the referee and turns back around, only to find himself blasted in the face as Cash sets off the fire extinguisher. Nick stumbles back, wiping his eyes and his face, trying to regain his sight. Cash stands up, grabbing the trash can as he does, and immediately driving it into the skull of Dude Nick. Nick stumbles back into the ropes, and then steps forward again, and once again gets blasted with the trash can. Cash tosses the trash can out of the ring and grabs Nick by the head, nailing him with a couple of Eurpean Uppercuts, then hooking him and delivering a beautiful snap suplex. Cash stands up and kicks Nick in the head a few times before finally pulling him back to his feet and whipping him into the nearest corner. Cash walks over and delivers a couple of chops before setting Nick up on the top turnbuckle. Cash steps up onto the second turnbuckle, setting Nick up for a superplex, and forcing him to stand up. Cash steps up onto the top turnbuckle and picks Nick up for the superplex, only instead of a superplex he nails him with a brain buster off the top rope. Cash immediately rolls into a cover, hooking both legs this time as Nick Patrick starts the count....1.....2........NO!!!!!!! Dude Nick just manages to kick out before the count of three. Johnny Cash stands up in amazement that Nick was able to kick out. Cash stands there, motioning for Nick to stand up and calling for The Jackpot. Nick slowly gets to his feet after using the ropes for leverage. He wipes some of the blood out of his eyes and turns around, walking right into a kick to the midsection from Cash. Cash lifts Nick up for The Jackpot, but somehow Nick is able to fight out of it before its delivered. Nick winds up behind Cash, and spins him around, nailing him in the stomach with a massive kick, and then delivering The Dudemeister! Both men are down, Cash from the effect of The Dudemeister and Nick from exhaustion and blood loss. Nick is finally able to stand back up, and immediately heads over to the table that Cash brought in the ring earlier. Nick sets the table up, angling it so that its standing in front of the corner. Nick makes his way over to where Cash is laying, dragging him back to his feet by his head and pulling him over into the corner he set the table up in front of. Nick punches Cash a few times, then spins him around and sets him up on the top turnbuckle, his back facing into the ring. Nick steps out onto the ring apron and punches Cash a couple more times before stepping up onto the top turnbuckle. Nick tucks Cash's head between his legs and then lifts him up in a power bomb position. He holds him there for a few seconds before tossing him out and down through the table with a massive power bomb!!! Dude Nick looks down from the top turnbuckle at the broken table and Johnny Cash's near lifeless body. Nick smiles, and then dives from the top rope and delivers a massive elbow, ala Mick Foley. Nick hooks the leg and Nick Patrick makes the count.....1.....2.....3!!!]

(We get a shot at Chris Jericho, and Amy Dumas walking down the hall way on their way to the Highlight Reel. Suddenly Amy stops, and seems to be in deep thought. Jericho looks back, and asks.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Something wrong Amy?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Well, I can't shake the feeling that I forgot to bring.......something....oh crap! I forgot to bring the contract renewal papers for Benoit! Jericho, you go ahead. I'll go get them.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Alright

(Amy gives her boyfriend a smile, and then Jericho goes back down to the hall to the ring entrance as Amy goes to her office. The walk is somewhat long, but she finally reaches her office door. She takes out a key and unlocks the door; she turns on the light and then goes to her desk that has a few files on it. She looks through a few of them for a little bit, it's extremely quiet. Then she finally finds the papers she's looking for, and then takes the papers. She then looks up, but you can see something is very, very wrong on her face as she gets a surprised look on her face. Then turns into pure fright as she literally screams, the camera looks over to see what has her so afraid. As it shows Gene Snitsky in the door way with an evil/psychotic smile on his face)

SNITSKY: Hello Amy.... Surprised to see me? You know... I've been at home thinking of why I've been having all this bad luck lately. First it was the loss of you, then Jericho and Benoit taking it upon themselves to get involved. But you know what hurt the most? Losing in my title match. When I think about all these things it points back to one person... YOU! You are in the way of my career Amy. It's time to eliminate you...FOR GOOD! (He slowly approaches her breathing heavily with his hands open in a strangling position)

(Amy's afraid for her life, backs away as Snitsky comes towards her. Snitsky starts breaking anything in his way; Amy running out of room is now being her desk as Snitsky is closing in. Amy yells for someone to help, knowing that Jericho's not even close. But Snitsky is already there, with the desk the only thing between them. Snitsky is on the side. Amy goes to the other opposite side...knowing that it might be her only shot. Amy makes a break for it yelling her head off. Snitsky is able to actually able to get a hold of her arm for a second. But not well enough, because she's able to slip away and then run out of her office and down the hall as Snitsky gives chase to her. Meanwhile Jericho is in the ring while this is happening; he's been talking for a while. Not having a clue what is going on (because obviously if he did, he would have just run to Amy's aid).

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Please welcome my guest on the Highlight Reel, CHRIS BENOIT!!

"Whatever” blasts over the PA system and Benoit is seen at the top of the ramp in dress pants and shirt. He looks left and right to the crowd’s eruption. He cracks a smile and lifts his arms up and walks down the ramp and into the ring. He climbs a turnbuckle and pounds a fist to his chest and rises to the fans. He climbs down and is handed a mic. The fans start chanting his name*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Benoit, for those who don't know already. What exactly have you been doing since leaving the EMF last year?

Benoit: Well Chris, for anyone who may not remember. I had been wrestling at half strength for a good long while after a traumatic injury that had not yet fully healed. I was in a best of 3 with a man by the name of Assassin. The competition was never resolved as I am sorry to say. Later on I made an abrupt return to help you and Amy. Between the brawling and the cage match, it took its toll and I was hospitalized. But after some rehab, hardcore training at my home, and tending to my wrestling school, I'm pleased to say by next week..I'm cleared to wrestle once again!

(While Jericho is listening, he now and then looks towards the entrance. Obviously worrying about Amy, thinking that she should have been here by now. But he shakes it off as paranoia and continues as Benoit finishes.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-That's good to hear Benoit, but are you saying that this is your return back to the Extreme Measures Federation, and if so what you plans for your return back to the EMF?

Benoit: Jericho... What I'm saying is I came back only because I knew now was the time to put full focus back into what I love most. Getting into that ring. Win, or Lose I've always put my soul into wrestling and for as long as you've known me I'm sure you know that as do any of my fans out there. I came back because now I am 100 percent and know full well I have a goal in mind. To get a EMF title on this shoulder. Wrestling to me, is not all about titles...but here in EMF I plan on proving I'm still the champion I claim to be. I'm calling out all champions to prove me wrong. Await for them all to think about if they want to tangle with the Canadian Crippler. If it's the tag team champions, It will give me some time to find a partner if need be. And if not...I'll try my best doing it on my own. The odds are against me a lot of the time, but that never stopped me from accepting a match. Win or lose...that’s what this sport is all about if you are a true wrestling champion.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Benoit, with all that time off I would have thought you would have thought about something else other than wrestling. Which brings me to the question is wrestling the only thing you think about?

Benoit: Well, like any man I have emotions, feelings of love, sadness, anger. I'm only human damnit. These are just sides of myself I'd rather drive me in the ring rather than my life. Life is so full of drama these days you never know when your going to fall into it. I have a home life and I'm comfortable in it, that’s all everyone needs to know.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Very, very interesting words Benoit. But you know...*suddenly he starts hearing screams that recognizes right away*....AMY!!

(Amy bolts down the ramp with Snitsky only inches behind her attempting to grab her. Jericho particularly leaps from the ring as Amy passes Jericho, Jericho starts hammering away at Snitsky. Benoit after a few moments comes on the screen too helping Jericho out. Suddenly officials pour out and then separate Snitsky, Jericho and Benoit after a time. Jericho makes a few attempts at Snitsky, and pounds him a few times. But then the locker room of less than known EMF superstars come out, and then pushes them back. Seeing how there is too many people. Jericho rolls into the ring to check on Amy, she obviously very shaken up. But you can see she says, she's ok. Then says she wants to say something, Jericho gets her a microphone. Then she brings to speak.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-That's it Snitsky, I'm tired of being your victim! I'm going to make sure that you don't bother us again, because as of right now. Your career in the EMF is DONE, OVER! Because I'm suspending you indefinitely, oh yeah...I hope you rot in hell.

*Snitsky has a mixture of anger and shock as he is being forced to the back by the officials.*

SNITSKY: You're going to rot in HELL! ALL OF YOU! I'll be back Amy...you'll see! None of this was MY FAULT!

(Jericho see's Amy's being over come with everything that just happened. He holds her close as she pretty much buries her face in his chest as Whiplash cuts to advertisement for some EMF t-shirt)

“Away way” blasts on the PA system as Michael De Kreek walks to the ring

JR-Hopefully MDK knows the chance he has right in front of him

King-maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t…doesn’t matter

Kris Gaffney-We could have him as a world champion

“Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the world title

JR-Angelus can’t take MDK lightly, he was a very good IC champion

King-It could be worst…like we could have Maven as world champion

Kris Gaffney-But that would never happen…right?

[MDK and Angelus lock up, Angelus back De Kreek into the corner and then Angelus looks like he’s going to clean break…but you should have known better as Angelus goes on the attack hammering MDK with a shot to the chest Angelus pulls up De Kreek and then hits a knife edge chop to the chest and Angelus hits a few kicks into the gut. Angelus then sets up De Kreek up and then whips him to the other side of the ring and De Kreek bounces off the corner and then stumbles to where Angelus is. Angelus picks up De Kreek and then drives him into the corner he just stumbled out of and then Angelus hits a few hard fists to make De Kreek even more stunned than he already is. Angelus then hooks up De Kreek and then hits a fall through hip toss from the corner. Angelus waits for De Kreek who gets up and then Angelus hits a running forearm to the face De Kreek goes down and then gets up fast and then Angelus picks up De Kreek and drops him for a back breaker. De Kreek is in a lot of pain and then Angelus hits a few stomps on the downed De Kreek and then measures up on De Kreek and then hits a big knee drop across the back De Kreek rolls around in pain and then Angelus hits a few stomps and De Kreek falls out of the ring. Angelus then smiles liking the results of this match so far and then Angelus steps out on the apron and then waits for De Kreek to get up. Angelus then charges at De Kreek and does something pretty uncharacteristic of himself, and goes for a summersault diving helio off the apron that pays off, both wrestlers are now down on the mat. But obviously Angelus is only a little effected after taking that move. Angelus pulls De Kreek by the hair and then hits a few hard fists along the way to keep him stunned and then Angelus picks up De Kreek and then drops him face first into the guard rail. De Kreek stumbles around and then Angelus kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and nails a DDT on the ring side mat. Angelus then looks at the ladder which is lying near the barcade. Picks it up and then holds it waiting for De Kreek to get up. De Kreek stumbles up and then gets nailed with the ladder. Angelus then decides that it’s not time better than now to push the ladder in the ring. Angelus then goes over, and grabs the belt. Angelus throws that in the ring, after taking some time. Angelus rolls into the ring. Then sets up the ladder, not particularly worrying about how much time he takes and now has the ladder set.]

JR-Angelus might try to win it here

King-Wow…can you say, shortest. PPV. Main Event. EVER.

Kris Gaffney- Yes.shortest.

King-figure of speech

Kris Gaffney-Oh…

[Angelus grabs the world title belt, and then beings to climb the ladder. With the belt, but he doesn’t realize that MDK is up and is on the top rope and leaps off the top rope and nails a missile drop kick just as Angelus is close to the top. The ladder starts to fall, and Angelus goes flying off and Angelus goes neck first into the top rope. Bounces off, the world title drops to the ground. MDK takes the ladder and then folds it up. Angelus stumbles up and MDK body slams Angelus on to the ladder. MDK goes into the corner and pulls himself to the second rope and leaps off with a leg drop from the top on Angelus who is on the ladder. MDK is clear pain, but he did his damage on Angleus. MDK slowly gets up and then grabs the ladder as Angelus rolls off the ladder and sets it up. Grabbing the world title belt, looking up and then climbing the ladder, but suddenly Angelus starts climbing the ladder on the other side as well. They both meet at the top of the ladder and then MDK has to put the belt over his shoulder and then Angelus and MDK start hammering away at each other. Angelus is getting the upper hand, but MDK then fires back with a flurry of punches. Angelus is now stunned. MDK now hooks Angelus and then super plexes him off the ladder on to the mat below to a huge response by the crowd. Both wrestlers are down, obviously seeing how there are now rules there is no standing 10 count. Slowly MDK stumbles up and then MDK grabs the ladder that had fallen after the super plex and stands over Angelus and then drives the ladder into the gut of Angelus. Then MDK opens the ladder and then puts Angelus in between smashing him first a few times and then going to the outside and then climbing to the top rope. MDK measures, leaps and nails a splash on Angelus who is still in the ladder!]

JR-MDK is without a double giving us his all

King-I bet I could top that

Kris Gaffney-I’ll take that bet

King-hahaha sucker…

[MDK rolls around in pain after that move, but obviously Angelus is more hurt of the two. But it still takes sometime to MDK getting up and then instead of taking the time to take Angelus out of the ladder, MDK rolls out of the ring and then goes under the ring and then pulls out another ladder and then slides into the ring with it. De Kreek then sets up the ladder under the ring, De Kreek grabs the title belt and then starts to climb up, closer…..closer….he’s just one step before he can start attaching the belt. But suddenly Angelus comes from under him and then takes him down from the ladder in power bomb position De Kreek starts punching Angelus. Angelus loses his grip and De Kreek falls to the ground. De Kreek is able to recover and then grabs the title belt, measures Angelus and goes to nail Angelus with the title belt. But Angelus ducks it, De Kreek misses. De Kreek turns around to load up another shot at Angelus. But Angelus is waiting and then nails a slayed into the ladder he was in driving De Kreek into the ladder. Angelus falls down, then crawls over, grabs the world title. Then takes it up the ladder…closer, closer, closer…Angelus is at the top and then attaches the world title belt to the ring. Angelus has won the match]

JR-De Kreek gave it everything he had, but it just wasn’t his night

King-Does this mean Angelus is going to dress up in stupid tuxedo’s now

Kris Gaffney-I hope not

(Suddenly, the masked man runs down to the ring and attacks Angelus with hard right hands, but Angelus retaliates and hits a few of his own. Angelus whips the masked man into the ropes and hits a huge spinebuster, but before any more damage can be done John Cena attacks Angelus from behind with a forearm to the back of the head, knocking Angelus out. Cena and the masked man begin stomping Angelus as he's on the ground. Suddenly Punisher runs down to the ring and slides in as the masked man jumps out of the ring. Angelus begins to turn the tables on Cena and knocks him over the top rope with a clothesline after a few right hands. Angelus turns to look behind him, noticing Punisher looking outside the ring at the masked man. Angelus turns back to Cena and starts yelling, then turns back around to see Punisher standing behind him. Punisher grabs Angelus and spins him around, nailing him with CAPITAL PUNISHMENT! A mixed reation of boos and cheers ring through the arena as the masked man and Cena slide back into the ring, all three of them staring down at Angelus. Punisher walks over and takes a microphone from the announcer and walks back to Angelus, kneeling down beside of him. He pats Angelus on the chest.)

Punisher: I bet this was the last thing you expected, wasn't it, Angelus? I bet you didn't expect me to join up with John Cena and...

(the masked man rips off the mask to reveal Barbwire Chris!)

Punisher: My old buddy BC, did you? I just got tired of carrying you around in our tag matches, Angelus. I got tired of watching you carry around that World title month after month. And it was just last week when you said that there wasn't a man in the EMF who could beat you. That you'd beaten the best of the best. Well, although you've taken all the superstars who have challenged you, you haven't beat me. I told you... I told you when I was done with my Grandslam chase I would be coming for the World title. Did you think I was going to sit back and wait just because we were partners? Did you think I would compromise my ambitions for you? Don't get me wrong, I kinda liked you. I like your attitude. But frankly, you began to make me sick. As long as you held the World title, you never offered me a shot. No... instead, you claimed to beat the best, when the best was standing by your side the entire time. over six months of friendship down the drain, and all because of your selfishness. But now, The Elite runs the show. There is no more Dangerous Alliance. I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO MADE THIS ALLIANCE DANGEROUS!! So now, in time, everyone is going to see the match the EMF has been dying to see. Everyone is going to see the two superstars who are undefeated in singles competition go at it. And someone's going to walk away with a loss. Because Angelus, I'm coming for your title, but in due time. I have some things to take care of and some people to set straight before I get to you. Just wanted to give you something to look forward to.

(Pun grabs an unconcious Angelus by the hair of the head and raises it up.)

Punisher: It's time we find out who the better man is, Angelus. And when it's all said and done, I'm going to be the next World champion, and you're going to be begging me for mercy. And that, Angelus.... THAT is a fucking gospel!!

(Punisher lets go of Angelus as he rips his Dangerous Alliance T-shirt and reveals an Elite T-shirt. He raises his arms in the air, as do Barbwire Chris and Cena, as Whiplash goes off the air.)

(Whiplash goes off the air with that.)