EMF: Whiplash

Micheal Cole - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mordecai!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Mordecai comes to the ring. ]

Micheal Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Big Mastadon!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Big Mastadon walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Mordecai checks his boots. Mordecai gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Big Mastadon. (ring, ring, ring) Big Mastadon gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Mordecai. Big Mastadon pins Mordecai against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Mordecai hits Big Mastadon with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Big Mastadon is up again. Mordecai hits Big Mastadon with a heart punch. Mordecai goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Big Mastadon. Mordecai climbs to his feet. Big Mastadon is back on his feet. Mordecai goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Big Mastadon. Mordecai applies an arm wrench to Big Mastadon. Big Mastadon is up again. Big Mastadon hits Mordecai with an inverted atomic drop. Big Mastadon hooks Mordecai in the abdominal stretch. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Mordecai is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) Big Mastadon breaks the hold. Big Mastadon executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Mordecai. Now Big Mastadon standing. Big Mastadon takes a slap to the face from Mordecai. Mordecai is back on his feet. Mordecai connects with a flying knee. Big Mastadon goes down. ]

The King - Mordecai executes a knee.

[Big Mastadon is back on his feet. Big Mastadon hits Mordecai with a slingshot bodyblock. Now Big Mastadon standing. Big Mastadon puts Mordecai in the double reverse chinlock. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Mordecai trys to escape. ... ... Big Mastadon tightens the hold. ... Mordecai escapes. ]

Micheal Cole - My God!! What a match!

[Big Mastadon hits Mordecai with an elbowdrop. Big Mastadon moves back to his feet. Mordecai gets hit with the shooting star press from Big Mastadon. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Mordecai kicks out. Big Mastadon does a cartwheel and kicks Mordecai in the face. ]

The King - Big Mastadon executes a cartwheel kick.

[Big Mastadon stomps Mordecai's head. Big Mastadon goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Mordecai. Now Mordecai standing. Mordecai goes for a spine buster but Big Mastadon dodges the attack. Big Mastadon goes for a spinning neck-breaker but Mordecai dodges the attack. ]

The King - I AM THE SNIPER *gets sniped*

[Mordecai kicks Big Mastadon in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. Mordecai measures Big Mastadon up and drops a closed fist. Mordecai is back on his feet. Mordecai puts Big Mastadon in an arm grapevine submission. Mordecai knees Big Mastadon and rolls back to his feet. Big Mastadon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Mordecai. Mordecai stands up. Mordecai hits Big Mastadon with an elbowdrop. Mordecai gets back to his feet. Mordecai kicks Big Mastadon on the mat. Mordecai executes a corkscrew legdrop on Big Mastadon. Mordecai is back on his feet. Mordecai executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Big Mastadon. Big Mastadon gets hit with the shooting star press from Mordecai. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Big Mastadon escapes. ]

The King - Mordecai should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Big Mastadon stands up. Flying sommersault drop kick by Mordecai puts him back in the match. ]

Micheal Cole - Mordecai executes a flying sommersault dropkick.

[Mordecai moves back to his feet. Mordecai jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Big Mastadon. Mordecai stands up. Big Mastadon gets knocked on the ground and Mordecai flips onto him. Big Mastadon gets back to his feet. Mordecai picks up Big Mastadon and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Mordecai chants start. Big Mastadon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Mordecai. Mordecai with a falling splash on Big Mastadon. Mordecai stands up. Mordecai climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Big Mastadon. Mordecai is back on his feet. Mordecai goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Big Mastadon. Mordecai chants start. Mordecai with the Flying Elbowdrop on Big Mastadon! Big Mastadon gets hit with the shooting star press from Mordecai. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Micheal Cole - The winner of this match, Mordecai!!!

Micheal Cole - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Edge and Rey!!!

[Edge and Rey come to the ring. ]

Micheal Cole - and their opponents, the team of New Age Jobba's.

[Titan and RVT walk out, smash in each other and job! Earl Hebner checks Rey Mysterio's boots and knee pads. Rey Mysterio gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Titan. (ring, ring, ring) Rey Mysterio hits a jumping elbow hrust on Titan. ]

The King - Rey Mysterio with a jumping elbow thrust.

[Titan tags in Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. ]

Micheal Cole - Road Van Toad executes a back fist.

[Rey Mysterio tags Edge. Rey Mysterio comes running with flying head scissors, whipping Road Van Toad across the mat. ]

The King - Come on ref! Do something!! Road Van Toad is being double teamed!

[Rey Mysterio attempts to kick Road Van Toad, but Road Van Toad catches his leg. Rey Mysterio flips around and kicks Road Van Toad. Rey Mysterio gets back to his feet. Road Van Toad tags Titan. Titan moves back to his feet. Edge gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Edge gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Titan. Edge gets up. Edge picks up Titan and hits him with a Back Suplex. Edge chants start. Titan tags Road Van Toad. Edge executes a corkscrew legdrop on Road Van Toad. Edge is up again. Edge rolls onto Road Van Toad connecting with a knee. Edge measures Road Van Toad up and drops a closed fist. Edge is back on his feet. Road Van Toad gets up. Road Van Toad executes the airplane spin and throws Edge onto the mat. Road Van Toad hooks Edge in an armlock leglock submission. Earl Hebner asks Edge if he quits. ... ... Edge trys to escape. ... ... Edge escapes. Road Van Toad drags Edge to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Edge gets back to his feet. (..2) Edge hits Road Van Toad with a Baba chop. ]

Micheal Cole - Edge with a Baba Chop.

[(...3) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. (....4) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. (.....5) Road Van Toad takes Edge into the ring. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad gets sidewalk slammed by Edge. Edge tags in Rey Mysterio. Road Van Toad clotheslines Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio tags in Edge. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad tags in Titan. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Edge get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. Edge hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Road Van Toad! ]

The King - Good Scorpion Death Drop by Edge.

[Edge is up again. Edge sends Road Van Toad to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Edge knee drops Road Van Toad. Edge chants start. Edge moves back to his feet. (..2) Edge throws a chair at Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad stands up. (...3) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. (....4) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Road Van Toad and Edge move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Road Van Toad and Edge move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Road Van Toad and Edge move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Titan tags in Road Van Toad. Edge get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Titan tagged in by Road Van Toad. Edge hits a frog splash on Titan. Edge chants start. Edge gets up. Titan goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Edge. Titan moves back to his feet. Titan grabs Edge and applies an arm wrench. Titan fist drops Edge on the mat. Edge is up again. Edge tags in Rey Mysterio. A side kick by Rey Mysterio turns the match around by knocking Titan to the mat. Rey Mysterio climbs to his feet. Rey Mysterio covers Titan hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Titan kicks out. Road Van Toad tagged in by Titan. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad tags in Titan. Titan with an Aztecan suplex on Rey Mysterio sends him to the mat. Titan is up again. Edge tagged in by Rey Mysterio. Edge leaps up, swings around Titan and DDT's him onto the mat. Edge chops Titan. ]

The King - This is just awefull! Titan is being double teamed!

[Titan kicks Edge in the groin. Flying Tomahawk by Titan sends Edge down to the mat. Edge makes the tag to Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio stands up. Rey Mysterio hits a ropeflip moonsault on Titan. Road Van Toad tagged in by Titan. Rey Mysterio hits a flying karate chop right to Road Van Toad's neck. Rey Mysterio brings in Edge for Edge and Rey. A flying shoulder block send Road Van Toad to the mat. Rey Mysterio executes a bulldog off of the top rope, bringing Road Van Toad crashing face first to the mat. They lockup. Edge sends Road Van Toad to the corner of the ring. Road Van Toad punches Edge repeatedly. Road Van Toad executes the airplane spin and throws Edge onto the mat. Road Van Toad chants start. Road Van Toad hooks Edge in an armlock leglock submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Edge trys to escape. ... Road Van Toad breaks the hold. Edge get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. Road Van Toad drags Edge to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. (...3) Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. ]

The King - Road Van Toad executes a back fist.

[(....4) Edge nails Road Van Toad with a belly-to-back suplex. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Edge and Road Van Toad move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Edge and Road Van Toad move back to ringside. Edge takes Road Van Toad into the ring. Edge stomps Road Van Toad. Rey Mysterio tagged in by Edge. Road Van Toad suplexes Rey Mysterio. Road Van Toad chants start. Road Van Toad tags Titan. They lockup. Rey Mysterio sends Titan to the corner of the ring. Rey Mysterio kicks Titan's head out of desperation because Titan blocked Rey Mysterio's first kick. Rey Mysterio tags in Edge. Titan punches Edge repeatedly. Edge applies the clawhold on Titan. Edge hits Titan with a heart punch. Titan gets knocked on the ground and Edge flips onto him. Edge gets back to his feet. Edge makes the tag to Rey Mysterio. Titan gets elbowed to his midsection by Titan. Edge gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Titan. Edge superkicks Titan. Edge tagged in by Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Titan. Edge with a headscissors takeover on Titan. Titan get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Edge. Titan with a Russian legsweep on Edge. Titan chants start. ]

The King - If Titan keeps using moves like that Russian legsweep he could win the match!

[Now Titan standing. Edge tags Rey Mysterio. Titan short lariats Rey Mysterio. Titan executes a corkscrew legdrop on Rey Mysterio. Titan climbs to his feet. Rey Mysterio gets up. Flying somersault drop kick by Rey Mysterio puts him back in the match. Rey Mysterio is back on his feet. Rey Mysterio flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Rey Mysterio tags Edge. Titan executes the guillotine choke on Edge. Titan moves back to his feet. Edge is back on his feet. Titan brings in Road Van Toad for New Age Jobba's. Road Van Toad is bounced off the ropes and hit with the rocker dropper. ]

The King - If Edge keeps using moves like that rocker dropper he could win the match!

[Road Van Toad climbs to his feet. Edge trys for a single arm DDT but Road Van Toad avoids it. ]

Micheal Cole - This is how wrestling should be!

[Road Van Toad goes for a airplane spin toss but Edge dodges the attack. Edge get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. ]

The King - If Road Van Toad keeps using moves like that avalanche he could win the match!

Micheal Cole - This is how wrestling should be!

[Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Edge hits Road Van Toad with the spinebuster slam. Now Edge standing. Road Van Toad climbs to his feet. Edge hits the Samoan drop on Road Van Toad. Edge Choke Slams Road Van Toad. Road Van Toad looks to be out cold! Road Van Toad gets hit with the shooting star press from Edge. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Micheal Cole - The winners of this match, Edge and Rey!!!

(Suddenly as Edge climbs to his feet, he gets hit by a flying kick to the face by RVD. Rey comes into the ring to help, but then Tyson Tomko slides into the ring and then nails him with a big boot RVD climbs to the top rope and then Tomko gets ready to nail the power bomb.Tomko gets him up and RVD leaps off the top rope and then Tomko hits a power bomb on Rey and RVD hits a 5 star frog splash on Edge)

(EMF copyright information go up on the screen and then we go into a video about the main event. Once it ends a huge pyrotechnics display happens on the specially made stage and the lights go on and then scan the crowd)

JR-Welcome to Whiplash

Coach-I’m the Coach, the only worth while member of the commentary team

King-You know I would say something, but I don’t care

“Without me” blasts on the PA system as Degenerate walks to the ring

JR-This is a late addition to the card, but this is over a match in which Impact cost him

Coach-It would seem that Impact like’s to steal a lot of things

King-Well I disagree, Van Man did win that hat fairly

“Impact’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Impact walks to the ring with Van Man who’s wearing Brandshaw’s hat (and dressed…strangely like Ric Flair)

Coach-Oh come on!! Give him back that hat!

JR-I think he gets it

King-But you haven’t seen him give it back…do you JR?

[Degenerate and Impact lock up and then Impact then nails a hip toss and then Degenerate gets up fast and then Degenerate gets up and then Degenerate charges at Impact and then Impact drops him with a fist, Degenerate goes down and gets up only to be knocked down with another fist. Degenerate gets up stunned and then Degenerate gets hit a few fists and he rocks against the ropes and then whips Degenerate to the ropes. Degenerate bounces off the ropes and then Impact lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Impact, Impact then waits for Degenerate who stumbles up and then Degenerate stumbles right into Impact who then picks him up and then nails a break breaker. Impact then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Degenerate. Impact then picks up Degenerate and then sets him up for a piledriver. But before he can get him up, Degenerate counters into a back body drop. Degenerate then goes to his knee’s after getting a few moves that really stumbled him and then Impact stumbles up and then nails a few fists on Impact and then whips him to the ropes, Impact bounces off the ropes and then Degenerate goes for a clothesline, but Impact ducks it and then Impact runs to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and nails a cross body block. Impact then hits a few fists on the downed Degenerate and then Impact pulls up Degenerate and then pushes him to the corner and then hits a few hard shoulder blocks into the gut and then Impact jumps up and then hits a monkey flip out of the corner and then Degenerate goes flying into the mat and then Degenerate gets up and then stumbles right into Impact and then Impact sets up and then hits a shin breaker on Degenerate. Impact then holds on to Degenerates leg and then puts on a figure four leg lock as the crowd chants “whhhhhhhhoooooooooo” Van Man does a very Ric Flair like strut on the outside and then the ref asks Degenerate if he wants to give it up, Degenerate refuses but is in a lot of pain and then forgets where his shoulders are then puts them down and then the ref counts 1………2……Degenerate raises his shoulders and then decides to try to get to the ropes slowly getting there and Degenerate grabs on to the ropes breaking the hold and then Impact gets up and then tries to think of what to do next. Impact then goes to the outside and then climbs up to the top rope.]

JR-Impact might be going for the kill here

King-Well at least he’s not Flair…this usually never works for Flair

Coach-I will agree with you on that…Ric never has much luck off the top rope.

[Impact then waits for Degenerate to get up and then once he does. Quickly Degenerate dives on the ropes shaking making Impact fall on the top rope. Then once Degenerate has taken a few moment to recover, Degenerate then climbs up to the top rope and then sets up Impact and then Degenerate nails a super plex on Impact. Both wrestlers are down Degenerate is able to slowly turn around and then put his arm over the Degenerate and then gets the 1………….2……….Impact rolls his shoulder up before the 3. Then Degenerate gets up and then goes in the corner and then waits for Impact to get up, once he does Degenerate goes for a super kick, but then Impact blocks it and grabs Degenerate leg. Impact then spins around Degenerate, but then as Degenerate comes full circle he nails a clothesline. Degenerate gets up and then waits for Impact to get up once he does Degenerate hits a few hard fists and then back up Impact to the ropes and then Degenerate whips him to the ropes. Impact bounces off the ropes and then Degenerate goes for a standing clothesline. But Impact ducks it and then continues to the other side if the ring and then bounces off there and then Degenerate nails a flying back elbow.]

JR-Looks like Impact setting up Degenerate for the Impact Icer

King-Yeah…and stuff

[Degenerate stumbles up and then Impact kicks Degenerate in the gut and then lifts him up for Impact Icer, but before he can nail it. Degenerate takes them both over the top rope both wrestlers are down, suddenly the specially made EMF tron lights up with an image of Carnage down. Degenerate seeing this springs to his feet and then makes his way to his back to see what happen to his friend. Impact just shrugs his shoulders as Impact rolls into the ring and then gets the count out victory!]

JR-What was that about? Who attack Carnage

King-who cares?

[Degenerate gets where Carnage is on the ground, suddenly a mask man comes from behind and then drives him into the cement with a DDT. The masked man then takes Degenerate by the hair and then throws him through a window! The camera gets a view of the beat up Degenerate, who is bleeding very badly from the glass he just went through. The camera then after catching all of this walks down to the hall we get to where Wes is down, but not really knocked out…just you can tell he got attacked from behind and then beaten down a little bit. A shadow off camera can be seen, and then fades back]

King-The bird man strikes again

JR-How could it be a bird man?

King-Well how do you think he got by “security” in his “unfindable” house

Coach-Well I know I could find the home if I wanted

JR-From what source?

Coach-Oh, I have my sources

JR: We're ready for the TV Title match!

King: There has been a lot of competition in the TV title division lately.

JR: Did you just say something pertinent to wrestling?

King: Did you just sat pertinent?

JR: Shutup

[KANE's music hits, and he comes out to the ring, soon followed by Assasin. They get into the ring. KANE and Assasin lock up. They fight for the upper hand, and KANE drops down to his knees and nails Assasin in the gut with a right hand. KANE stands up and gives Assasin a European Uppercut then a dropkick taking him down. KANE drops a leg drop on Assasin, then quickly picks him up. KANE throws Assasin into the ropes. Assasin lets out a scream as he gets ripped in the back and he comes back towards KANE who is ready with an arm drag take down. Assasin lands on his back but quickly gets to his feet and backs into the corner. The quick KANE runs up and jumps onto Assasin then hits a monkey flip sending Assasin to the middle of the ring. KANE jumps up on the second turnbuckle and nails an elbow drop. KANE picked Assasin up and then took a few steps back. KANE runs towards Assasin, but Assasin hits a drop toe hold on KANE bringing him down. KANE's face landed right on the ropes. Assasin picked up KANE and threw him over the top to the outside. KANE got up and jumped up onto the ring apron ready to try and step over but Assasin grabbed him and suplexed him back to the inside. When KANE got up to his feet Assasin came up behind him and gave him a bulldog down to the mat. Assasin gave KANE a few good stomps to the side then locked him in KANE's own submission maneuver. KANE refused to tap and Assasin after a few agonizing moments let him go.]

JR: KANE won't give up.

King: He's trying to keep the gold.

JR: By God it's a miracle! You're actually trying to do your job.

[Assasin picked KANE up and threw KANE into the ropes. It hurt KANE's back as Assasin took a few steps towards the corner. KANE ran for Assasin, but Assasin bent over and back body dropped KANE into the turnbuckle as it went into KANE's face. Assasin wrapped his hands around KANE's throat. Assasin started choking KANE out. Blood was flowing down from KANE's face from the face shot into the turnbuckle. Assasin backed into the referee sending him over the ropes. Assasin took the time to capitailize. Assassin then smashes Kane on the side of the cage. KANE slowly got onto all fours and Assasin gave him a knee to the back. Then Assasin picked KANE up but KANE grabbed Assasin around the waist and rammed him into the turnbuckle.]

JR: The ref has to get to his feet.

King: Ah, he's tired, let him sleep!

JR: Good, I was hoping you'd be back.

[Assassin stumbles out of the ring post and then Kane takes down Assassin with a double leg take down and then KANE hit the slingshot throwing Assasin face first into the cages steal side. KANE started throwing a few right hands the locks Assasin up into the full nelson and gives him a full nelson slam right down to the ground. KANE then locked Assasin into the devillock to return the favor from earlier. KANE let him go then pulled Assasin up with him onto the ring apron. The referee slowly made his way to his feet. KANE hit the Chokeslam down to the ground. KANE rolled Assasin into the ring and covered for the ...1...2...KICKOUT! Assasin was able to kick out. KANE nailed an arabian facebuster on Assasin. KANE fell down and both men were on the mat resting as the ref counted ...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...KANE stood up and helped Assasin up whom gave KANE a kick to the midsection. KANE was caught off guard not expecting that sudden move from Assasin so quickly. The desperate Assasin clotheslined KANE down to the ground. He picked KANE up and whipped him into the corner. Assasin came running in and hit a shoulder tackle. Assasin gave KANE a power slam. Assasin stood up breathing hard and backed into the turnbuckle. KANE started to stand up and Assasin got back to his feet. Assasin walked over to KANE, but Kane hits a few fists and then whips Assassin to the ropes, Assassin bounces off the ropes and then Assassin leaps in the air and goes for a flying forearm but he bashes the ref, the ref goes down and then Assassin looks at the downed ref and then Kane charges and then Assassin and Kane knock each other down with double clotheslines…suddenly the lights go out and then suddenly there is a familiar howel and the moon goes up in Madison Square Garden]

King-JR, is it time for the Wolverine to hunt again?

JR-possibility King

[The words “the Wolverine hunts again” flashes….suddenly the lights turn blue…and “whatever” by Our Lady Peace blasts on the PA system as Chris Benoit comes walking down the ramp way. Benoit starts to climb up the cage. Benoit then climbs higher and then stands on the top of the steal cage, Benoit then positions himself and then drops the head but from the top of the steal cage to a huge pop from the crowd. Benoit then rolls out of the ring, Assassin then throws an arm on the downed Kane, and gets a 1……………..2…………..3]

JR: King, Assasin has done it. He has become the TV Champion.

King: Good, this match is over that means this night is a whole lot closer to being over!

(The camera gets a shot of Chris Benoit smiling as he backs up on the ramp and then it fades into an advertisement for EMF products)
JR - This match is a Hardcore Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Cactus Jack!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Cactus Jack comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Twilight!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Twilight walks to the ring. John Cena is the referee for this contest. Cactus Jack tests out the ropes. Twilight tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) Cactus Jack grabs ahold of Twilight's waist....Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!!! Twilight gets up. Cactus Jack gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Twilight attempts to kick Cactus Jack, but Cactus Jack catches his leg. Twilight flips around and kicks Cactus Jack. Now Twilight standing. Cactus Jack gets back to his feet. Cactus Jack grabs onto Twilight and a Belly to Belly Suplex sends Twilight down onto the chair!! Twilight stands up. Twilight off the top rope with a dropkick, hitting Cactus Jack right in the chin. ]

The King - Good flying dropkick by Twilight.

[Twilight moves back to his feet. Cactus Jack is locked in an elbow submission by Twilight. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) Cactus Jack escapes. Twilight and Cactus Jack head to the floor. ]

JR - My God! Cactus Jack could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[Twilight swings a steel chair and hits Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack is bleeding as a result. Cactus Jack gets back to his feet. Cactus Jack gives Twilight the chair...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair into Twilight's face!! Cactus Jack throws the chair at Twilight...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair in his face!! Cactus Jack moves back to his feet. They lockup. Cactus Jack sends Twilight to the corner of ringside. Cactus Jack opens up the chair...Twilight is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair! Cactus Jack is up again. Twilight is back on his feet. Twilight in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex onto the chair!! They lockup. Cactus Jack sends Twilight to the corner of ringside. Cactus Jack gives Twilight the chair...Cactus Jack climbs to the top..Cactus Jack dropkicks the chair into his face! Cactus Jack is back on his feet. They lockup. Cactus Jack sends Twilight to the corner of ringside. Cactus Jack gets up off the ground and Twilight hits him with a flying dropkick. Twilight climbs to his feet. Twilight chokes Cactus Jack with a microphone cable. Twilight runs in and leg drops Cactus Jack. Twilight chants start. They head to the aisle. ]

Micheal Cole - It was a smart move to the aisle. Cactus Jack no longer has to watch out for weapons.

[Cactus Jack is driven further into the floor by Twilight with a diving elbow smash. Cactus Jack is up again. Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends Twilight onto the chair by Cactus Jack!!!! Cactus Jack puts the chair on Twilight's body...Cactus Jack climbs up top...Splash onto the chair!! John Cena counts the pin. ...1 Twilight kicks out. ]

JR - Cactus Jack should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Twilight moves back to his feet. Twilight executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Cactus Jack. ]

The King - Cactus Jack takes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Cactus Jack is up again. Cactus Jack throws the chair at Twilight...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair in his face!! Cactus Jack gets up. Twilight climbs to his feet. Twilight knocks Cactus Jack out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Cactus Jack is locked in an elbow submission by Twilight. John Cena asks Cactus Jack if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) Cactus Jack escapes. They head to the locker room. Twilight swings a briefcase and hits Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack is bleeding as a result. ]

JR - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[Cactus Jack gives Twilight the chair...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair into Twilight's face!! Flying somersault drop kick by Twilight puts him back in the match. Twilight stands up. Cactus Jack is back on his feet. Cactus Jack throws the chair at Twilight...Cactus Jack spins around and kicks the chair in his face!! Cactus Jack climbs to his feet. Cactus Jack clotheslines Twilight. ]

JR - Cactus Jack executes a weak move.

[Twilight gets set on top the turnbuckle then Twilight hits Cactus Jack with a splash. Twilight chants start. Twilight swings the ringbell and hits Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack is bleeding as a result. Cactus Jack gets elbowed to his midsection by Cactus Jack. Twilight chants start. Twilight jumps from the top rope, chopping Cactus Jack on the top of his head. They head outside of the arena. Twilight connects with a somersault slam on Cactus Jack. Twilight gets up. Twilight jumps and elbow smashes the lying Cactus Jack. Twilight moves back to his feet. Cactus Jack stands up. Cactus Jack recieves a 5 Star Frog Splash from Twilight off of the top rope. Cactus Jack gets hit with a flying crossbody press from ATT. John Cena counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Twilight!!!

The arena lights go out and the arena is left in darkness. Then a gong sound echoes through the arena 3 times then the arena flashes with the lights of the film clip. Rollin by Limp Bizkit echoes through the arena as The Undertaker appears on stage with his Harley. He speeds down the ring and pulls the bike to a halt before the ring. He gets of it and gets in the ring. He raises his hands and the crowd are going crazy. He signals for the mic and then he speaks into it.

Undertaker: Finally we have arrived at Whiplash! Now later on I have a match against Kaedon, so lets get this over with quickly.

King: What’s he talking about?

Cole: Not sure King, lets wait and see.

Undertaker: First I’d like to call out the people who are involved in the thing I have to introduce. Firstly I’d like to call out……KANE!!!

King: Kool, there back on the same wavelength.

Cole: Its a great day here in the EMF not only do we have a monster PPV but we have the Brothers of Destruction forming.

Kane’s theme Slow Chemical hits the arena. Instead of his normal clip playing, it shows highlights of his EMF career. He gets to the ring and then enters it by going over the top rope. He stands in the middle of the ring and raises his hands and brings them down hard and fast! That triggers the fire to come out of the ring posts. Kane and Undertaker shake hands.

Undertaker: Now we have 1 of the people, I’d like to introduce the second……..Tyson Tomko!!!

Tyson Tomko’s theme hits the arena as he steps on stage. The clip shows his impact on the match at Shockwave. He walks to the ring and gets in, he shakes both of their hands before standing in the center of the ring with Taker and Kane.

Undertaker: 2 down 2 to go. Next is Mordecai!!

Mordecai walks on the stage and his theme plays and ashe has no EMF history his normal clip plays, he gets to the ring and gets in. He shakes the hands of the members already in the ring.

Undertaker: Last but not least Rob-Van-Dam!

One of a Kind by Breaking point hits the PA system as RVD steps out on the stage. He gets half way down the ramp as he does his taunt. Rob….Van….Dam! He gets to the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope he taunts and taunts until he embraces the company of the people in the ring by shaking their hands.

Undertaker: Now that we have all 5 members in the ring. I’d like to announce the newest faction in the EMF………

Cole: Ohhhh I can’t wait!

King: Shut up!

Undertaker: We are the Dark Alliance!!!

The crowd break out in cheers as all 5 members taunt and taunt. Finallt the settle down.

Undertaker: We are the newest news in the EMF and we will be the best faction. We will be supreme. Now as you know all of us xcept for Rob, who is making his first appearance here in the EMF. Now I need to get ready for my encounter with Kaedon.

JR: King can you believe were getting ready for a biker chain match?

King: BORING... this whole show is boring, not to mention that we have to see Jericho and Triple H go at it. Aren't those two in wheelchairs by now? They're old news.

JR: I don't think so...

King: And Kaedon and Undertaker are old news too...

[Kaedons music hits as he makes his way down to the ring awaiting the arrival of the Undertaker. "Rollin'" by Limp Bizkit hits and the Undertaker rides down toward the ring on his mtorcycle.]

King: We have too many damn Limp Bizkit themes in this organization.

JR: I can only think of one other one.

King: And considering that it belongs to Wes, one is enough.

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen for those fo you who do not know in a biker chain match the chain is suspended from a pole and the first man to get to it and beat his partner senseless with it gets the win.

[Kaedon and the Undertaker start locked up in the center of the ring. After trading fists Kaedon gets in a suplex on the dead man. Taker quickly gets to his feet, and bonces on the ropes hitting Kaedon with a chokeslam from hell. Kaedon is laid out in the middle of the ring.]

JR: Undertaker should take this time to go get the chain.

King: No, you think?

[Undertaker makes his way to the pole. Kaedon drags his lifeless body toward Taker and manages to trip him up. Kaedon gets back up and gets the Taker in the Roll up. Taker kicks out, and moves to his feet. He is angry and gets a belly to back suplex. Then follows up with stomps to the chest of Kaedon. He helps Kaedon up and bounces him off of the ropes and uses the momentum to toss him out of the ring. Taker follows after him. (1...2...3...) Kaedon gets to his feet and throws Taker's head into the security railing. (6...7...8). Boh men roll back into the ring. The Undertaker stumbles and then locks his hand around Kaedons neck signaling for the chokeslam. Kaedon struggles out of it, kicking Taker in the stomach. He hits the Kaedon Crush and Taker is out. Kaedon goes to the pole, and takes down Biker Chain, and begins to hit the fallen Undertaker with the chain. Then Kaedon waits for Taker to get up to go for the knock out blow, but then Taker counters with a hot shot. Kaedon loses the biker chain and then nails Kaedon and school boys Kaedon and is able to hold him for the 1……………2……….3]

JR-Taker got this one

[Suddenly as Taker is celebrating, the lights turn out and suddenly a chanting theme starts over the PA system as slowly walks down someone with a rob on with a hood, this must be OV. Suddenly from behind Kaedon is waiting for Taker to turn around and then Kaedon smashes Taker with the Biker chain and then Taker goes down and then Kaedon then takes Taker who’s reeling around the hit and then ties him up in the ropes as the man in the robe and hood concealing his indentity walks into the ring.]

JR-This must be OV…will we finally find out who it is

[Suddenly OV goes up to Taker as Kaedon holds Taker in the ropes, then OV reveals his face to where only Taker can see. Taker has a very confused look.]

King-Well doesn’t seem like he expected who ever it is…

[Anyways Kaedon and OV walk up without anymore accurrance]

OOC-I’m waiting on a interview from OV, so he’ll reveal who is then.

(We cut in as Jarred’s theme is blasting on the PA system)

JR-Wes and Jarred are already up on the scaffolding

King-How they get them up there?

Coach-Why? Were you paying attention?

King-Not that much…no

[Both Jarred and Wes after getting up on the scaffold stand on opposite sides of it, they wait for the bell to ring, below there is a ring full of tables. The bell rings and Wes and Jarred come out swinging with fists and then Wes starts to get the advantage and then Jarred is quickly and to counter and then hits a few fists to stumble back Wes enough to pick him up and slam him on the scaffolding, it shakes Jarred makes sure he keeps his balanace and then hits a few stomps on Wes. Jarred then picks up Wes and then looks like he’s going to try to throw him off the scaffolding and then Jarred charges with Wes but before he can throw him off Wes hits a few elbows into the gut. Jarred stumbles back and then Wes gets to his feet and then Jarred charges at Wes and then Wes nails a toe hold that sends Jarred face first into the Scaffold. Jarred stumbles up and then right into Wes and then Wes nails a reverse DDT on Jarred. Wes then backs up a little bit after getting up and then hits a big leg drop on Jarred. Wes decides to go after the flag. But then Jarred gets up fast and then quickly turns Wes around and then nails an inverted atomic drop that stumbles Wes back and then Jarred nails a kick into the gut and then picks up Wes on his shoulder and then takes a few steps back and then goes for a running power slam and then Jarred goes for it, but Wes is able to slide out and then pushes Jarred forward. Though the scaffold starts to move around noticeable now and then Wes has to stop his come back there to keep his balance and then Wes charges at Jarred and goes for a running clothesline. But Jarred has had too much time to plan, and then Jarred ducks it and then nails a full nelson slam Jarred falls on his knee’s as the move starts to move the scaffold a lot and then Jarred gets up and then waits for Wes to stumble up. When he does, Wes stumbles right into Jarred who then picks up Wes and then nails an Arn Anderson spinning spine buster on Wes. Wes lands near the edge of the scaffold. Jarred smiles waiting for Wes who is very slow to get up, Wes stumbles up and then Jarred goes for the kill with a super kick.]

JR-If Jarred can nail this, it might be over. Wes might fall off the scaffold.

King-Wes has felt this move recently from the master of it.

Coach-Yeah, though according to him…it’s not that bad.

King-He’ll “Wes” up on you, better watch it brother!

[Jarred then goes for the super kick, but it’s blocked by Wes. Knowing that he might have caught the one bad mistake by Jarred. Wes tries to quickly go for a double leg sweep, but before that Jarred does a quick counter into a roll up and then rolls away from the edge and then gets up and backs up waiting for Wes to get up and then Jarred tries it again and then Wes catches it and does a back heel trip grabs Jarred’s leg and then Wes grabs Jarred’s other leg and then slowly turns him for a boston crab. Jarred is in a lot of pain and then Wes holds on to the move for a while and then decides to let it go and test the effectiveness of it, and do a few power moves to work on the back a little more. Jarred stumbles up holding his back and then stumbles right into Wes who picks up Jarred and then nails a side back breaker on Jarred, Wes then rolls Jarred on his back and then hits a few hard kicks to the back. Jarred gets back to his feet, obviously still stunned gets up Wes then realizes this is perfect chance to go for the homerun hit so to speak. Wes then kicks Jarred in the gut and then sets up Jarred and then lifts up Jarred and drops him for a power bomb. Though it the scaffold moves so much that Wes loses his balance, anyways Wes lets the scaffold claim down a little bit and then gets back to his feet and then waits for Jarred to get back to his feet. Jarred stumbles up right into Wes and then Wes goes for the full nelson slam, but Jarred then hits a few back elbows and then breaks loose of the full nelson attempt and then Wes stumbles back and then Jarred charges at Wes. Wes then counters with a power slam on Jarred.]

King-hhhhmmmm yeah…he’s still Wes. Man he’s still around, I thought he broke his neck?

Coach-No he was faking it King

King-Shows you how much I pay attention to Wes

[Wes then waits for Jarred to get up and then Jarred stumbles up and then Wes catches him in a full nelson, then Wes tries to bring him to the edge, but then Jarred hits a few elbow to Wes. Wes lets go and then Jarred hits a quick kick to the gut and then sets up Wes and then gets him up for a power bomb! Jarred then charges to the edge and tries to throw Wes off, Wes starts to punch Jarred like a mad man and then before Jarred can throw Wes off, Wes counters it with a quick hurricanarana that sends Jarred flying….off the scaffold and crashes into the tables in the ring before as the chants “holy shit!! Holy shit!!]

King-Well hopefully it’s over now

Coach-We can only hope King…we can only hope…

(The screen turns into a replay and then shows Wes throwing Jarred off. We go back where Wes is celebrating on the stage, he turns around to go through the curtain, but suddenly from the curtain a fire explodes in Wes’ face. Wes goes down, not on fire…but obviously surprised and a bit hurt from the head. Suddenly Abdullah the Butcher walks out on the stage

JR-That must be the little birdy we have heard about

King-Man I was hoping for a bird man…

OOC-Ash, Like I said in the e-mail, it was necessary to put Abdullah after the match..so hopefully you can understand that

“War Machine” blasts on the PA system as Taz walks to the ring to a huge pop

JR-Here comes the hometown…

Coach-Thug you mean

“Tyrant’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant walks to the ring

JR-Though Taz maybe has the home field advantage…Tyrants been on a tear lately


[Taz goes into the ring, Tyrant charges at him. But Taz is able to counter it with a clothesline. Tyrant gets up fast and then gets knocked down with a fist. Tyrant stumbles up and then backs into the corner and then Taz starts to hit fist after fist. The ref makes him back up from that, then Taz yells at the ref. Tyrant grabs Taz after that distraction and then throws him into the corner and then goes for a big chop to Taz. Taz ducks and gets out of the corner and then Taz waits for Tyrant who turns around into a quick belly to belly suplex. Tyrant stumbles up and and then Taz kicks Tyrant in the gut and then backs up a few steps and then nails a running knee that sends him down to the mat Taz then stands over Tyrant as he is on his hands and knee’s, then Taz smashes him with a few hard fists across the neck and then the ref makes him back off. Tyrant then gets up and then Taz hits a few fists and then backs up Tyrant and then whips Tyrant to the ropes. But Tyrant reverses and then sends Taz to the ropes. Taz goes to the ropes, and then bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant hits a spinning back elbow. Taz stumbles up and then Tyrant hits a few hard fists and then hits a few elbows into the corner to stun Taz. Tyrant then whips Taz to the other side of the ring and then Tyrant charges into the corner and then Taz is able to get his foot up and then Tyrant stumbles back and then Tyrant then charges into the corner again and then Taz is able to counter it with another foot to the face. Then Taz pulls himself to the second rope as Tyrant stumbles around and then Taz hooks Tyrant into a tornado DDT, and goes for it. But then Tyrant pushes off Taz and then Taz falls on his feet. Tyrant then stumbles into Taz, and then Taz is able to hit a quick Taz plex. Taz then goes into the cover and then gets a 1………………2……..kick out. Taz then gets up and then waits for Tyrant to get up once he does Taz sets him up and then nails a shin breaker on Tyrant and then Tyrant goes down into the mat, Taz holds on to Tyrants leg and then drops an elbow into the leg and then puts on a single leg lock on Tyrant.]

JR-Will Tyrant tap out

King-It’s still

Coach-Yeah, yeah we know King. Honestly this is why the Coach is here, because you two can’t say anything different.

[The ref asks Tyrant if he wants to give it up and he refuses slowly Tyrant then pushes Taz to the mat and then smashes him a few times with his free leg and breaks up the move. Tyrant takes a few moments on the mat and then makes it to his feet and then is clearly limping and then Taz is able to recover and wanting to keep the advantage Taz charges at Tyrant and then Tyrant is able to counter the charge with a back body drop over the top rope, and Taz falls on the mat on the outside. Tyrant then drops down and then rolls out of the ring and then Taz is getting to his feet and then responses by trying to hit a few fists to Tyrant. Tyrant is stunned and then Taz leads him to the steps and then tries to smash Tyrants face into the steal steps. But then Tyrant blocks it and then hits a quick back elbow and then smashes Taz’s face into the steal steps instead. Taz stumbles back and then Tyrant throws Taz back into the ring and then Tyrant climbs to the top rope and waits as Taz stumbles to his feet and then once he does Tyrant leaps off the top rope and then nails a cross body block into the pin and gets a 1…………..2……..kick out, Tyrant then pulls up Taz and then hits a few fists and then whips him to the ropes and then Taz bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant goes for a clothesline. But Taz ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off that side. Taz seems to be coming in for a shoulder block. But Tyrant then counters it with a kick to the gut that doubles over Taz and then Tyrant sets up Taz and then lifts him and nails a gut wrench suplex!]

King-HAHA the Human suplex machine got suplexed

JR-It’s not like it’s never happen King

Coach-Leave it to Lawler to point the most pointless things…

[Tyrant gets up and then waits for Taz to get up, Tyrant then sets up Taz and nails the ragnarok. Tyrant goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………….kick out!! Tyrant can’t believe that Taz kicked out of his finisher. Tyrant then climbs to the top rope, but suddenly Taz pops up and then runs up to the turnbuckle and then nails a super Taz plex. The crowd pops huge for this and then Tyrant stumbles up as Taz locks in the Tazmission! Tyrant looks for a way out of the hold, but can’t Tyrant starts moving around looking for a way out before Taz can drag him down. Tyrant is able to grab Taz’s head by luck and then spins it into a head lock take down into a pin and gets a 1…………….2……….kick out. Taz gets up fast, Tyrant gets up second. Taz goes for a clothesline, but Tyrant ducks it and kicks Taz in the gut and nails the Ragnarok, Tyrant goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….3]

OOC-just because it was clean, doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard…probably the hardest to decide. In fact I got someone else to compare choices, we decided Tyrant by a hair should win. Good job to both RPers though

.::Michael Cole::.-Well it's finally here, Chris Jericho...though there is still a question of your health, what is your present day status going into this match

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Please Mitchell Cole, like it matters. Like I said, I could be 25% and I would be still here. I will tell you this, I know I'm healthy enough not to collapse in the middle of the ring, of course that probably is if the ref can keep that jackass Triple H from bash me in the head with anything. Will I ever be the same? Probably not, but that doesn't matter. The stipulation says that if I were to lose that I can never show up in the EMF again. That's fine, because I know that with this match and the fact that I'm going to have a target on my head. The only chance I have is right here, and even if I go down…at least I go down fighting. I'm probably not going to be any condition to go on for a few months at the very least. I know just going into this match I'm risking a lot, but it's worth it from the years I have waited for the chance to get my hands on Triple H. You see I could care less about the world title, knowing Triple H I'm probably not going to be in any condition to defend the world title after this. This match is simply about me finally settling my personal issues that I have ever since I came to the Extreme Measures Federation. So you got anymore stupid questions jerky?

.::Michael Cole::.-Well, there is a question that if you do win if you are going to keep EMF world title

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute jackass, you see there is something that you and everyone understand something. I'm entering that ring as a contracted RWA member, as is Triple H. Like I have explained for the thousand time, you might as well call the EMF championship...the RWA championship tonight, and for the week I will hold it. My mind is pretty made up then after I have lived my dream to be RWA champion that I will return the title to the EMF on the Highlight Reel next week. Because honestly as great as the EMF has been to Amy and myself, I have no desire to hold their championship..or continue my legacy in the EMF. When it comes to Chris Jericho the wrestler, my place will always be the RWA and no where else. Hopefully everyone can understand that. Of course I will still leave the window open just a little bit, and enjoy week as champion. But more than likely the title will be put up under my terms in a way that everyone that wants to chase a dream to EMF champion, then they can. So I don't plan on just giving it to anyone, it will have to be earned. Of course Chris Jericho will always hopefully have a place in the EMF like normal.

.::Michael Cole::.-Well you seem kind of confident you are going to win here, what makes you so sure?

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now that we are here at Whiplash. I know there is no going back, and there is no losing. You see this is a situation I'm sure that anyone can relate to, when something happened in the past...something that you wish that you could do again. The difference is that most people never get that second chance to do it, tonight I do and I have to take this opportunity, use what I learned from the last time and not let it slip away without a fight. Because if I do, then I know I couldn't live with myself. But for those who thought that I couldn’t wrestle just because I choose not to, well prepare to be silenced once and for all.

.::Michael Cole::.-Also finally, what are your comments about what Wes had to say.

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-I’m happy that someone proved me wrong when I asked if anyone cared. The fact that Wes does seem to give a damn was all I was looking for…that and he understand the importance of the match. He doesn’t have to respect me, but the fact he said he did made me respect him all that more. Because I know that Wes is a great wrestler, and someone Amy and myself have been pretty much friends with since our Uproar days, and he doesn’t have to mention us at every turn. I know he just went through a vicious match of his own, and hopefully he’s alright from it and a certain little birdy showing his face tonight. But I’m sure Wes will take care of his business in all due time. Like I said, maybe I was too hard on people in the back. But I hope Wes can understand this, I’m sure Wes has had a time such as I had with at Triple H’s house and what happen to Amy, and I don’t hear even a little peep about what an outrage it was to have something like that happen to Amy, understand I was angry. But it was also necessary to truly understand what I’m fighting for, I’m not going to do something like Jarrett…come out here and claim I want to be a hero for the EMF and not actually care about any of them. Now not that I don’t care what happens to the EMF, just that I have so many personal issues against Triple H. Honestly it’s great that Prez ike has so much confidence in me, and I might be able to get rid of a little EMF problem tonight. But that can’t be the reason for me to enter the ring in the condition I am in and fight like I plan to for something that really hasn’t been going through my head ever since the RWA died. Because it wouldn’t be the truth and the only person I would be kidding is myself, no…no…no. You see at Whiplash, the RWA itself rises from the ashes. Under my terms, in the federation I first established my legacy in I get that second chance to beat the hell out of that jackass Triple H, and take him and his little stables down….DOWN TOWN TO CHINA TOWN and get him back for everything he’s done to me, for everything he did to the RWA, and for everything he did to Amy…

*Jericho walks off the screen*

(We go back into the arena, where ring workers are covering over the EMF banners for RWA ones)

JR-The time is apon us…it seems like the RWA will rise up for one last match


Coach-Guess not, but after this match is…Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas might be after this match

(Once everything has been…RWAized. The lights dim as a count down starts Y5J….Y4J…..Y3J….Y2J, suddenly the wWo token band Saliva from a set up on the side of the entrance way start to sing “King of my World” the lights turn on as Jericho is standing in the isle way, then starts to shake and then quickly turns around pumping his fist to a huge cheers from the crowd. Jericho walks down to the ring and up the steps on to the apron and then spins around and then under hooks the ropes and looks over the crowd. Jericho steps into the ring and then puts his arms out]

JR-Well it’s go time, it’s do or die here…this match is probably the biggest in EMF history, and won’t even be settled by two EMF superstars!!

King-Well technically Triple H is…but Jericho is still just holding on to his RWA contract

Coach-I suppose we find out that tonight after 2 years of bragging that Jericho was all hype!

JR-Also there is a question as if Jericho can even get through this match, remember he has a serious injury that is still never much nagging him

King-That’s why he’s an idiot, he’s risking even his health just being here!

(Jericho tests the ropes, as “time to play the game” blasts on the PA system, the lights go off and the usual Triple H lighting appears. Triple H appears on the specially made stage and then takes a sip of his water and then dumps some on his head and then spits the water out shaking his head and then continuing on down the ramp. Triple H continues down the ramp and to the side of the ring. Triple H then takes a huge gulp of water and throws the water bottle into the crowd and then climbs to the apron and then stands on the apron waiting for a part in his song. Then he raises his arms and spits out the water in the air, then spits some more out into the camera’s direction. Triple H gets into the ring and then climbs to the top rope and then does his turnbuckle taunt. Triple H then steps down.)

JR-This man like him or hate him, has proven he’s been if not the best…one of the best in any generation he’s competited in. He’s only been pinned by one person in his career, that was X-Cold.

Coach-And Chris Jericho isn’t going to be the second…

[Jericho and Triple H pace around the ring at each other, and then Triple H and Jericho lock up. They look for the advantage, Jericho goes around and puts a waist lock on Triple H, Triple H looks for a way out and then goes for an elbow on Jericho’s head early and then Jericho ducks it and then looses his grip spinning Triple H around right into a northern lights suplex and gets a 1………….2……..kick out. Triple H gets up with a unbelieving expression on his face, Jericho smiles a cocky smile and then Triple H then puts his hand up for a test of strength. But then once Jericho accepts, Triple H hits a knee to the gut that stuns Jericho. Triple H then measures up and then nails a fist to the face that puts Jericho down. Jericho gets up fast and then Triple H hits a few forearms and then whips Jericho off the ropes, Jericho bounces off the ropes and then hooks the ropes and then taunts Triple H to charge at him, but Triple H shakes his head with a smile and flips him off. Jericho then goes toward him. Triple H tries to catch him off guard, but Jericho blocks it and then knocks him down. Triple H then backs up to the corner and then Jericho goes into the corner and then nails a few hard fists and then yells stuff at Triple H and pulls him up, Jericho then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then delays and then charges in at Triple H and then Triple H moves out of the last second and Jericho goes shoulder first into the post, slowly he starts to pull himself out of the post right into the waiting arms of Triple H. Triple H then picks up Jericho and then nails a body slam and then backs up to the corner and then measures up Jericho and nails the knee lift across the face. Triple H then goes into the cover and gets a 1……..2…kick out by Jericho. Triple H then quickly then starts to hammer the downed Jericho the ref grabs Triple H’s arm and tells him to stop it. Triple H then starts to choke Jericho and the ref counts and makes Triple H get off. Jericho stumbles up and then Triple H kicks him in the gut and then tries to go for the pedigree, but then Jericho then counters it into a double leg take down and then sets up a sling shot and then nails it. Triple H goes flying into the ring post and then Triple H stumbles out of the corner and then Jericho runs to the ropes and then goes for his diving bulldog. Triple H ducks it and then laughs and then see’s that Jericho is waiting and then Jericho hits a kick to the gut and then Jericho backs to the ropes and then hits a swinging neck breaker. But he seemly is slow to get up a bit dazed and shakes it off, Triple H tries to get up. Jericho nails a running knee lift to keep him down]

Coach-I knew it, Jericho is in no condition to be in this match

JR-That may be true, but he’s been able to keep in this contest thus far

[Jericho hits a few stomps on the downed Triple H and then Triple H makes it to his feet and then Jericho hits a few knife edge chops. Jericho then tries to whip Triple H to the ropes, but Triple H counters with a reverse. But it’s clear he’s feeling the effects of the attack and then Jericho bounces off the ropes and then comes off with a flying shoulder block, Jericho tells Triple H to get up. Triple H stumbles up and then into body slam. Jericho then starts to shuffles his feet and then runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and then hits a quick elbow drop into the heart of Triple H. Jericho then goes into for his cocky pose cover with his foot on Triple H and gets a 1…kick out. Jericho waits for Triple H to get up and then Triple H stumbles up and then gets hit with a few hard forearms and then Jericho whips Triple H off the ropes, Triple H bounces off the ropes and then Jericho puts his head down and then goes for a back body drop. But Triple H counters with a kick to the face and then nails a kick to the face and then Jericho pops up in pain and then Triple H connects with a sick running clothesline that turns Jericho inside out, luckly for him landing on his back. Jericho stumbles up and then Triple H throws him into the corner and then Triple H hits a few fists in the corner then yells at Jericho something about your not taking my life. Triple H then backs out Jericho and then starts to hammer him on the ropes in the face/head trying to mess up Jericho again. Triple H then whips Jericho off the ropes and then Jericho bounces off the ropes and then Triple H then hits a back elbow square in the upper face/forehead, Jericho goes down and then seemly is very effective. Triple H thinking he may have gotten that injury to come back signals to the crowd that it’s all over. Triple H then sets up Jericho and then goes for a brain buster, but Jericho is able to shift his weight before Triple H can drop him on his head and then falls behind Triple H. Jericho pushes Triple H to the ropes, Triple H bounces back and then Jericho is able to nail a super kick and then Jericho goes down as well.]

(The camera goes into the EMF’s VP’s office, Amy’s looking very concerned)

JR-Jericho was able to hit the super kick, but you have got to wonder if he can continue

Coach-Of course he can’t, ref might as well just end the match right now

King-You guys notice I haven’t said much…damn it’s hard to think of comments

[Triple H is first to his feet, to his surprise when he looks over. Jericho is slowly getting to his feet and though it’s pretty easy to see that he’s dazed on his feet. Triple H pops up and then goes for a fist, but blocked and return with a fist by Jericho. Jericho then tags Triple H with his hardest fists that stumble him back and then Jericho tries to whip him to the ropes and then Triple H reverses it and then sends Jericho off the ropes and then Jericho bounces off the ropes and then Jericho comes off it and then nails a flying forearm. Jericho then takes a few moments to recover and then Jericho then quickly gets up seeing Triple H stumbling around. Jericho then runs to the ropes and then nails a diving running bulldog. Jericho then gets up and then pumps up the crowd, Jericho then holds his head then Jericho runs to the ropes and then spring board drops it and then hits the lionsault into the cover 1……………..2……kick out!! Jericho gets up and can’t believe it, Jericho gets up and asks how that wasn’t three. Triple H then in the corner putting his hand up to back up to Jericho who is trying to go back on the attack. Triple H then puts his head through the ropes, Jericho tries to pull Triple H back into the ring..blinded by rage. The tries to get in between, but then this gives Triple H the chance to get in a low blow where the ref can’t see. Jericho then stumbles back in pain and then falls on his knee’s in a lot of pain. The camera gets a look at Triple H’s face, who’s smiling knowing he baited in Jericho perfectly and then waits for..Jericho gets to his feet and then Triple H kicks him in the gut, hooks up Jericho and then nails the pedigree!]

(The picture goes back into Amy’s office, as she’s now just straight up worried…as she mouths “don’t kick out..don’t kick out”)

[Triple H goes into the cover on Jericho and then gets a 1………………2…………….kick out!! Triple H pops up with a look of disbelief and then yells at the ref..we go back into Amy’s office]

(Amy wheels her wheel chair to the door, Spree stands in the way)

Spree-Where you think you goin’ BITCH?!

Amy Dumas-I have to stop this! He’s going to get hurt

Spree-you ain’t allowed out of this room

Amy Dumas-What are you? A bodyguard…or a babysitter?

(Spree gets pissed)

Spree-Hey! I ain’t no babysitter!! *He thinks about it * I’LL KILL Jericho for making me a babysitter!!

Amy Dumas-Kill him…and you don’t get paid

Spree-ummm…SHUT UP BITCH!

[Back in the ring, Jericho seemly barely conscious is having a hard time pulling himself up. Triple H then kicks Jericho into the gut and then tries for another pedigree, but before he can hit it. Jericho counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Triple H crashes to the arena floor, Jericho then falls to his knee’s trying to recover. Jericho then pulls himself with help of the ropes and then Jericho not wasting any time then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Triple H to get up, once he does stumble up. Jericho then puts up the “Lita” hand sign and then leaps off and nails a moonsault from the top rope on the arena floor on Triple H. Jericho rolls off and is able to roll off Triple H and recovers, the ref allowing this match to go knowing what’s at stake doesn’t count. Jericho tries to pull himself up, but then falls back down . Triple H stumbles over to Jericho who shoots up with everything he has and then hits a few fists and then desperate front drop kick that’s blocked. Triple H then sets up Jericho and then hits a sling shot. Jericho goes face first into the ring post. Jericho is now on the ground, barely moving]

JR-This can’t be good

Coach-Man will this match just END

[Triple H has to take a lot of time to recover and then slowly he makes his way to Jericho who’s barely moving and now in a pool of his own blood. Triple H then Triple H rolls Jericho into the ring and then slowly rolls into the ring and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………………..2……….Jericho puts his foot on the rope. Triple H shakes his head and then slowly pulls up Jericho and then Triple H whips Jericho off the ropes. Jericho bounces off the ropes, and then goes for a flying forearm, Triple H dives out of the way and then Jericho goes into the ref and then knocks him down. Triple H then hits a few knife edge chops and then whips Jericho off the ropes again and then, Jericho bounces off the ropes and then Triple H goes for a knee lift….that’s countered into a double leg take down and then Jericho is able to put on the Walls of Jericho!! Triple H screams in pain as Jericho is putting as much pressure as possible and then Triple H slowly gets to ropes and he hangs on to the ropes as Jericho keeps on the Walls as there is no ref. Triple H crawls under the ropes hoping to get Jericho off on the floor. But pit bull like, Jericho holds and quickly turns Triple H for the Walls of Jericho again.]

JR-Jericho has the Walls of Jericho, but there is no ref to ask if Triple H wants to give it up

Coach-We all know he wouldn’t anyways

JR-This maybe Jericho’s last chance, he’s losing too much blood here

King- WWE stole this you know…

Coach-Not sure if that was on purpose or a very bad blade job

[Jericho bleeding all over the place is screaming “tap!! Tap!!” Triple H shaking his head. Suddenly the crowd starts to stand up and look as the camera catches Randy Orton running down to ring side. He goes around where Jericho can’t see him to the ring. Suddenly a cell phone goes off, Orton looks at it like what the hell. Howard Finkel answers it, suddenly Jericho and Amy’s body guard Spree jumps out of it Matrix style and then punches down Orton and puts the Spree-mission on Orton!!]

JR-This is certainly…weird

King-Wait a minute…I thought he was suppose to be just protecting Amy

(After Spree CHOKES OUT Orton, he stomps up the announcers booth)

Spree-Got sumthing to say bitch?

King-No…nothing at all

Spree-That’s what I thought…now where is that Knicks owner at, I’ll KILL HIM!! No one trades Spree!!

[Anyways with that out of the way Jericho lets go of the Walls of Jericho and rolls in Triple H and then Jericho barely able to stand climbs up to the top rope holding as much as he can keep steady and then Triple H stumbles up and then Jericho leaps off for a double axe handle and then Triple H is able counter with a kick to the gut and another pedigree. Triple H falls into the cover, but still the ref is very much knocked out. Triple H then decides to finish Jericho once and for all with this chance, Triple H then grabs a chair from ring side and then Triple H grabs a bottle of water and then throws it on Jericho, hopefully reviving him. Though he was moving a bit around, suddenly on the top of the stage Triple H notices Amy Dumas wheeling out with a sheer look of terror yelling “stop! He had enough!” (without a microphone) With this little distraction, Jericho hits a low blow and then crumbles to the ground as does Triple H. Suddenly for some odd reason X-Cold runs in the ring and then hits a few fists to Triple H, then tries to whip him to the ropes. Triple H bounces off the ropes, X-Cold lowers his head and then gets a face buster and then quickly Triple H tries to get rid of X-Cold with the pedigree, but X-Cold hits a back body drop. Triple H stumbles up, X-Cold kicks him in the gut and then nails the Chiller. Triple H bounces up from the Chiller, suddenly the Rock (Uproar Rock, not current Rock…see OOC note) slides into the ring and then nails the Rock bottom on Triple H. X-Cold and the Rock seeing that ref is getting up slides out of the ring]

OOC-This is J’s Rock, what I just realized when I wrote it..I shouldn’t have given the Rock away. But current Rock, you can continue as the Rock. Because J’s leaving, I just needed to borrow him for a show. This isn’t your storyline, so it didn’t happen for you so don’t mention it, deal? Were talking about the Rock that formed the Uproar…and so on, not you. Keep that in mind everyone else too.

Coach-What the hell is he doing here, he’s banned god damn it!!

JR-Well Triple H did say he was “dead to the EMF” he never said anything about the RWA…

King-Gonna love those loop holes…

[Amy who’s wheeled her way down to ring side starts to hit the apron trying to get Jericho up, who’s in a pool of his own blood. Suddenly Jericho nips up with the last bit of strength he has and charges to the ropes and then spring boards off them into the Lionsault.........and hits Triple H with it!! Jericho hooks the leg and gets the 1………….2……..3!!]

JR-Jericho’s has done it!!! He’s beaten the Game!! He’s gone!!

*the camera gets a shot at the Coach who has a look of disbelief on his face

[Excitement for Jericho over comes blood loss and pain, Jericho slowly gets to his feet and is handed the now RWA/EMF championship (for the time being remember). Jericho then goes into the corner looking at the title, thinking after everything he’s finally achieved what he wanted. Amy extremely happy, Amy says something to the Rock and X-Cold, they help Amy into the ring. Jericho is in the corner in the corner, using the ropes. She hops over and Jericho and they hug (lol even though she’s getting blood all over her, she’s just over come with happiness). In fact for a moment they seem like their frozen in their eyes, almost like they might kiss. But then they both shake their heads snap out of it, and then give each other dirty looks. Jericho and Amy continue celebrating, suddenly Triple H gets to his feet as the crowd shuts up. The Rock and X-Cold slide into the ring, Triple H then walks over to X-Cold and puts out his hand. X-Cold looks around not really sure. Then X-Cold shakes his hand]

King-Who would have ever though we see that?

JR-Well this is Triple H’s last call so to speak, like him or not…you have to respect Triple H

[Triple H shakes the Rocks hand, suddenly Alex Salvatore slides into the ring, just gives a nod of respect to Triple H, shakes Triple H’s hand like everyone else. Jeff Jarrett, the APA…all apart of Triple H’s old “n W o” stable slide into the ring and celebrate. Suddenly the whole crowd starts to give Triple H a standing ovation for all the years, “a Triple H chant” ,echo’s through the garden ]

JR-Seems this is a bit of a send off party…hell I don’t like the bastard, but still I gotta show my respect

*JR and King clap as well, as Coach is still sitting there not moving *

[Suddenly Triple H claims down to the small send away aparty and then Triple H walks over to Jericho, who has the world title over on shoulder and has Amy in the other arm. Says a few things, and offers to Shake Jericho’s hand, Jericho after a little bit shakes his hand. Triple H holds up Jericho’s arm]

JR-It seems that Triple H now respects Jericho, he did what he said he would…he never quit. Though the Triple H era might be over, this maybe a new beginning for the EMF..good night everyone!

[Whiplash goes off the air with the image of Triple H holding Jericho’s arm up, Jericho has the other around Amy]

OOC-Like the Rock, I’m just borrowing Salvatore and the APA…under J’s request. From what J told me, this is his last run. He was suppose to write the ending to this, but since he’s been too busy I had to do it for now. If he wants to re-write the ending when he has time, I’ll note it to everyone. But for now at least hopefully I did his last match as much justice as I could, because if this really is the end. He has done a lot for the EMF over the years, has always been helpful to me and great to work with. So hopefully this reflects that.