EMF: Unleashed

(Copyright information flashes on the screen, and we go into a video highlighting how some of the matches come together. Once it ends, a introduction screen starts to play welcoming us to Unleashed 2008. We fade into the darken arena where pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. Fans wave their signs that says "Tomko = Canada bound", "Becky scares me", and "Where's Fyre!".)

JR-Welcome to Unleashed, and what a show we have for you tonight.

King-Headlined by two main events as Tyson Tomko and Angelus Archer fight for the right to face the winner of the world title match also taking place tonight.

Kris Gaffney-MxMxPunk has long wanted a rematch, and tonight he gets that chance.

JR-But first off, we'll kick it off with a return to the EMF.

("Freaky Frog noise" blasts on the PA system as Rita Van Toad walks down to the ring.)

JR-Rita is a former women's champion.


Kris Gaffney-That's about it.


Kris Gaffney-…………

King-You rip each other off!

("Bulls on Parade" blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring.)

JR-It's been a long time since we seen Mercedes.

King-Didn't seem that long.

*Kris kicks King*

[Rita Van Toad and Mercedes pace around the ring, they lock up and try to gain the advantage. Rita Van Toad gets backed in the corner, and then the ref asks for a clean break. Mercedes gets it, Rita Van Toad charges at Mercedes, but Mercedes is able to counter it with a release arm drag, and Rita Van Toad gets up and charges at Mercedes who knocks her down with a back elbow. Rita Van Toad is down on the mat, and Mercedes drops a fist drop. Mercedes pulls up Rita Van Toad up, and throws her into the corner once again. Mercedes hits a few stomps into the gut, and whips her into the opposite side of the ring. Rita Van Toad crashes, and then Mercedes comes in and hits a running shoulder block on Rita. Mercedes takes a few time to hold Rita Van Toad in place, and then hits another shoulder block into the gut. Rita Van Toad gets brought out into the ring, and then Mercedes whips Rita Van Toad to the ropes. Rita Van Toad bounces off of the roeps. Rita Van Toad leaps in the air, but Mercedes ducks it. Rita Van Toad crashes into the mat, and then stumbles up to her feet. Mercedes kicks Rita Van Toad in the gut, and then double under hooks Rita Van Toad, and hits a double under hooked suplex. Rita Van Toad goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…………kick out by Rita Van Toad. Mercedes hits a few stomps on the downed Rita Van Toad. Then Mercedes puts Rita Van Toad in a surf board stretch. The ref asks Rita if she wants to give it up. She refuses to give up, and Rita Van Toad fights up to her feet, and looks for a counter. Mercedes holds her in the hold, and Rita tries to fight over. Suddenly Mercedes grip slips, and Rita Van Toad is able to take Mercedes over with an arm drag. Rita Van Toad holds the hold.]

JR-Mercedes has been dominating this match, but don't count Rita out, she is a fighter.

King-Really…can you fight from your back?

Kris Gaffney-If there is someone who can….it's Rita.

[Rita Van Toad is able to turned into Mercedes, Rita Van Toad hits a knee into the gut, and then stuns her. Then Rita Van Toad hits a body slam, and then hits a knee drop to the face, and then Mercedes stumbles up to her. Rita Van Toad hits a few punches, and then whips her to the ropes. Rita Van Toad goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Mercedes continues to the other side of the ring, and comes off of the ropes. Then Rita Van Toad comes off, and then Rita Van Toad hits a tilterwhirl back breaker. Rita Van Toad goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………..2…………..kick out by Mercedes. Rita Van Toad looks at the ref, and questions whether or not she got a three. But Rita Van Toad doesn't waste much time, and then Rita Van Toad grabs Mercedes. Then brings her over into the corner, and then Rita Van Toad hits a falling slam. Rita Van Toad goes up to the top rope, and goes for a spit legged moonsault. But Mercedes moves out of the way, and Rita Van Toad crashes into the mat.]

JR-Rita Van Toad made a mistake there

King-Anything else new?

Kris Gaffney-Guess not.


[Rita Van Toad stumbles up to her feet, and Mercedes hits an inverted Russian leg sweep The match was going strong. Mercedes signaled for the end and as she ran to the ropes to attempt some sort of springboard move to end the match, a person wearing some sort of Ninja suit jumped the railing and as her feet hit the middle rope to spring herself in what looked to be something like a lionsault the person in black grabbed her feet making them slip on the rope and she fell backwards hitting the mat hard..She laid there dazed as Rita crawled over for the pin.. As the Ref started to count, Mercedes was trying to kick out but the Ninja was ducking down holding her feet out of the Ref's View and Rita got the 3 count. She stood up celebrating and The Ninja was walking up the aisle, their back to the ring. Mercedes grabbed the bottom rope and slid herself out of the ring quickly and went running up the aisle after the person.. She caught up and hit them from behind taking them down to the ground.. She straddled the perp and reached down and ripped the mask off.. When she seen who it was..She Jumped up Quickly off of him..

Mercedes: What the Hell? WHY?! *she yelled as she held the back of her head from her fall*

(Bischoff on the stage grinning from ear to ear, we move closer, and we hear what he is saying)

.::Eric Bischoff::.-Oh hell, your too easy...in more ways than one! It's time you learn that you don't mess with Eric Bischoff! This was only a warning Mercedes, next time you want to try to mess with me...

(Bischoff leaves with that as the camera focuses on Mercedes. She just glares in his general direction as he heads backstage As Mercedes throws the ninja mask out into the crowd pissed off from the whole ordeal and losing and headed backstage herself)

King: He said she was Easy.. I think I have a chance..

JR: Unlikely King.

Kris Gaffney: Rita Van Toad beat Mercedes. It was Short lived. She just jobbed off the second rope while celebrating..

("No More Sorrow" blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Josh Hanley last week made a successful return to the EMF, can he continue it this week?

King-We will see, hopefully Webber has thought of more wisdom to give him.

Kris Gaffney-That's not much…

("Strangehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring, and steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Dewey Pond has been looking for a way to get back TV title.

King-Yeah, he usually has Hanley's number, let's see if it's changed.

[Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley, the once allies, turned enemies face off in the middle of the ring now saying anything. They lock up trying to see who has the strength advantage, but neither of the are moving back on any amount to say that either have the advantage. Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley break up the lock up. They pace around the ring, and then look like their going to plan a new game plan. Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley lock up, and then Josh Hanley is able to duck under Dewey Pond, and then puts Dewey Pond in a waist lock, and takes down Dewey Pond into a front face lock, Dewey Pond looks for a way out of the hold. Dewey Pond gets up to his feet as Josh Hanley holds the hold on Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond hits a few knee's into the face of Josh Hanley, and breaks up the hold. Dewey Pond runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes, Josh Hanley goes for a clothesline, but Dewey Pond goes for a crufix pin. But it's countered into a samoan drop, and Josh Hanley goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………..2……….KICK OUT by Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley takes a few moments, and then hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond who is getting up to his feet and then Josh Hanley hits a few fists. Dewey Pond stumbles to the ropes, and then Josh Hanley whips Dewey Pond off of the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, but Josh Hanley gets countered as he tries to go for a running knee to the gut. Dewey Pond floats over, and then goes for a catapault. Josh Hanley kicks Dewey Pond off of the catapault attempt, and Dewey Pond stumbles backwards into the corner. Josh Hanley gets up, and charges into the corner, and hits a clothesline in the corner. Josh Hanley takes a few moments, and then hits a knife edge chop to the chest. Dewey Pond is in pain, as Josh Hanley hits a kick in the gut, and puts him in a headlock, and charges out. But Josh Hanley thrown off, Josh Hanley goes flying and crashes to the mat.]

JR-Dewey Pond was able to counter the world champion. Josh Hanley better stay on guard, Dewey Pond has been a challenge for Hanley, and has a few wins over him actually.

King-That's confusing.

Kris Gaffney-There are a lot of confusing things with Dewey Pond…

[Dewey Pond takes a few moments to rest, and Josh Hanley gets up to his feet and charges at Josh Hanley. Josh Hanley gets a boot to the face, Josh Hanley stumbles back, and Dewey Pond pulls himself up to the second rope. Dewey Pond hits a second rope diving clothesline that connects on Josh Hanley. Both wreslters are down on the mat, and the ref starts his standing 10 count, but it doesn't get any where close to anywhere that is worth mentioning. As Pond and Hanley get up, Dewey Pond puts Josh Hanley into a head lock, and looks like Pond is able to put pressure on it. But Josh Hanley is able to find a counter, and backs up Dewey Pond to the ropes. Then whips him off of the headlock, and Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Josh Hanley goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and then Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes. Dewey Pond comes off of the ropes, and Josh turns around only to be hit with a flying forearm. Josh Hanley goes down to the mat, and gets up only to be knocked down with a fist to the face. Josh Hanley gets up more stunned. Dewey Pond kicks Josh Hanley in the gut, and sets him up near the corner, and hits a snap suplex. Dewey Pond goes into the corner, pulls himself up on the second rope, then leaps off of the second rope. He then gets hit with a flying diving elbow drop from the second rope. Dewey Pond goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2……………..KICK OUT by Josh Hanley. Dewey Pond looks up at the ref thinking that he should have got him with that cover.]

JR-Almost three, but Dewey Pond should know that he is not going to get Josh Hanley that easy

King-With Josh Hanley's luck against Pond, he's probably thinking the same thing.

Kris Gaffney-Probably drove Hanley insane….took years to get over it.

[Dewey Pond gets up, and then picks up Josh Hanley, and hits a few fists to the face. Dewey Pond whips Josh Hanley to the ropes, but it's reversed. Dewey Pond bounces off of the ropes, and Josh Hanley tries to pick up Dewey Pond off of the ropes, but Dewey Pond slides out the back. Josh Hanley turns around, right into an attempted Due drop, but Josh Hanley throws off. Dewey Pond crashes into the ref. The ref goes down to the mat, Josh Hanley charges at Dewey Pond. But Dewey Pond counters it into a Dew drop, but there is no ref to count. Suddenly out of no where, Dewey Pond turns around. Right into steal chair shot to the face, Dewey Pond is dazed. It's Marquise, Marquise runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes and hits a spear. Marquise rolls out of the ring. Josh Hanley didn't see it all, and is crawling into the cover, the ref is crawling as well, Hanley makes the cover and gets a 1…………………..2…………….3.]

JR-Where did Marquise come from?

King-I think under the ring.

Kris Gaffney-Why?

(OOC-Extremely close, think Hanley gets the edge in a few area's only by a little bit. However Pond, there is a reason why I had a run in, your hopes for the TV title are not dashed yet. That's what this run in was about, since it was so close. (plus, it can make perfect storyline sense as well.)

("King of Kings" blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks to the ring with Melina, Dude Nick gets in the ring, and waits for his opponent.)

JR-Over the past few weeks Dude Nick has hit a bit of a slump, but he has a chance to turn things around.

Kris Gaffney-Although, when you have Melina, I guess things aren't that bad.

King-Guess not.

("Rockstar" blasts on the PA system as John Morrison walks to the ring, doing his slow-mo entrance.)

King-One of the mysteries of life….does Morrison have a fan somewhere when he does that.

Kris Gaffney-Who knows…


[Dude Nick and John Morrison lock up, Dude Nick pushes John Morrison down, and John Morrison looks up. He gets up to his feet, and then John Morrison and Dude Nick pace around the ring. They lock up, and then before Dude Nick can push Morrison down like he did before. John Morrison slides behind, and John Morrison hits a few clubbing blows to the back, Dude Nick tries to hit an elbow. But John Morrison ducks it, and hits a fist that doesn't really stuns Dude Nick, he stands there wondering what John Morrison is thinking, and then Dude Nick goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under, and then John Morrison hits a standing drop kick that stuns Dude Nick back, John Morrison hits a few fists to the face and then tries to whip Dude Nick to the ropes, and it's reversed. John Morrison bounces off of the ropes, and then John Morrison jumps off of the ropes. Then goes for a cross body block, but Dude Nick catches John Morrison in mid air. Dude Nick transfers John Morrison to his shoulder, and then goes into the corner. Dude Nick runs out of the corner. But John Morrison slides out the back, and ends up sitting on the top rope. Dude Nick finally notices this, and turns around, and charges at John Morrison, and then John Morrison hits a boot to the face. Dude Nick stumbles back. John Morrison jumps off of the top rope, and hits a swinging DDT that plants Dude Nick into the mat. John Morrison goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………………2……………..KICK OUT by Dude Nick. John Morrison hits a few stomps on the downed Dude Nick, and then hits spinning leg drop across the throat of Dude Nick. He once again goes into the cover on Dude Nick, and gets a 1……………………2……………KICK OUT. John Morrison looks like he's getting frustrated. He taunts the crowd, and decides to pull himself up to the nearest turnbuckle behind Dude Nick.]

JR-John Morrison is taking another risk!

King-He's clearly trying to kill himself.

Kris Gaffney-That might be the only way that he has a chance in this match.

[John Morrison measures Nick up, as Nick is getting up to his feet. John Morrison leaps off of the turnbuckle. But it's countered by Nick who grabs John Morrison by the throat, and lifts him up in the air and drives him down to the mat in a chokeslam. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, both wrestlers are down on the mat. The ref counts to 7 as both wrestlers get up to their feet. John Morrison stumbles around, right into the hands of Dude Nick. Dude Nick grabs John Morrison by the throat, and throws him into the corner. Dude Nick hits a few fists to the face of John Morrison, and then follows it up with a few knee's into the gut. This stuns John Morrison, and Dude Nick takes John Morrison out of the ring and whips him to the ropes. John Morrison bounces off of the ropes. John Morrison comes off of the ropes. Dude Nick lowers his head, and then hits a back body drop. John Morrison crashes into the mat, and then he stumbles up to his feet. Dude Nick waits for John Morrison to get up, once again he throws John Morrison into the corner harder than he did before hand. John Morrison stumbles out of the corner. Then Dude Nick kicks John Morrison in the gut, and then sets him up, and hits a power bomb into the corner. John Morrison stumbles out of the corner, Dude Nick picks up John Morrison in a military press, and then drops behind him, and Nick kicks him on his back and comes off of the ropes. Then hits a big leg drop, and goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………………….2………………..KICK OUT by John Morrison before the three.]

JR-Almost three!

King-Wouldn't it suck if Morrison lost this match?

Kris Gaffney-Melina would never let him forget it…..or us.

[Dude Nick rolls out of the ring, and then looks under the ring, and brings out a table form under the ring and puts it in the other side of the ring. Dude Nick see's that Morrison is the corner opposite of the table. Dude Nick hits a few fists to the face of Morrison. Dude Nick tries to whiup Morrison to the opposite side of the ring, but it's reversed. Before Dude Nick goes into the table, he blocks it, and turns around as John Morrison charges at him. Dude Nick grabs him by the throat and looks like he's going to throw him into the table, but then John Morrison hits a kick low blow. Dude Nick is in pain, and then Morrison hits a drop kick that sends him through the table. Dude Nick stumbles forward, right into a kick in the gut, and the snap shot by John Morrison. John Morrison goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………………2……………………3!]

JR-Morrison steals one.

King-It was hardcore rules, you can't really steal anything in hardcore rules.

JR-Well…either way you look at it, it was still cheap.

("Generic theme" blasts on the PA system as Jackie Gayda walks to the ring, she steps inside of the ring. "Halo" blasts on the PA system as Torrie Wilson walks to the ring.)

JR-Last month at First Blood, these two battled for the women's championship at First Blood.

King-Yeah, that was until Mickie James ran in.

Kris Gaffney-I wonder if I could get Mickie and my wife to "share a pizza"….so I can tape it!

("Obsession" blasts on the PA system as Mickie James skips down to the ring.)

King-I wonder if their going to all share a pizza.

Kris Gaffney-We can only hope.

JR-Both of these women have a…strange tie to the co-owner of the Extreme Measures Federation Amy Jericho.

{"Better Than You" plays over the speakers in the sold out arena and the fans begin to boo, hurling abuse at the woman who walks onto the stage: Becky Bayless. She is half nervous, half excited and looks around as though expecting to see someone. Behind her emerges the huge figure of Triple M, he wears a suit and carries the red folder containing the result of the DNA test. They walk to the ring as Becky continues to look around. When they reach the ring they enter, MMM grabbing a microphone from a member of the ring crew, he hands it to Becky who begins to speak.}

Becky: Ladies and gentlemen last week I made a promise, a promise to open this envelope live at this event and reveal the results of the test that will prove Amy to be my sister. But, I will be going back on that promise, at the end of the day you filthy rednecks dont deserve to have your hopes shattered, just like I will shatter that bitch. So, I am afraid, no results tonight. But dont worry, instead you get to see me, Rebecca Bayless, kick some ass. Because after all my name IS Becky Bayless, and I am...

(Jackie grabs a microphone from ringside, and looks angry.)

Jackie: "Now hang on Becky... you promised the world these results... and whats more you promised AMY these results. Now shes backstage worried sick about whats in there and your backing out? I don't think so! Live up to your word Becky... and just open the god damn thing and lets get this over with!"

Becky: Promises to silly little stuck up, psuedo punk, ugly, fat, bitches are only made to be broken.

Jackie: "Well then.... if you won't do it.. i'll just have to take it into my own hands... and read them myself!"

(Jackie dives towards Triple M, which he isn't expecting, and is able to grab hold of the envelope and pull it free. She slides out of the ring as Becky and Triple M try to stop her, and she opens the envelope and pulls out the paper inside. She seems to be scanning through, looking for the relevent part. She finds it, but before she can say anything, she is jumped by Becky who has also left the ring. This leaves just Torrie and Mickie on the inside, so the bell rings to start the match.

[Jackie Gayda and Becky Bayless are on the outside of the ring, but with that event start to fight anyways. Jackie stumbles forward, and then Becky Bayless hits a kick to the gut, and grabs a handful of Jackie's hair, and brings her over to the steps. But it's blocked and Jackie throws Becky into the steps. Becky Bayless stumbles around on her feet, and then Jackie rolls Becky into the ring, and the ref finally rings the bell. Jackie Gayda steps inside of the ring, and then goes up to the nearest turnbuckle. Jackie Gayda sits on the top rope, Becky Bayless gets up to her feet. Jackie Gayda leaps off where she is sitting, and hits a flying shoulder block into Becky Bayless that takes her down to the mat. Jackie Gayda goes into the cover, and gets a 1……………..2…..kick out by Becky Bayless. Jackie Gayda picks up Becky Bayless, and brings her into her corner. Then tags in TOrrie Wilson. Jackie Gayda holds Becky Bayless against the ropes, and then Jackie Gayda hits a knife edge chop, and Torrie hits one. They take turns, and then double whip Becky Bayless, and Becky Bayless comes off of the ropes. Then Jackie Gayda and Torrie Wilson hit a double hip toss, Jackie goes to the outside. Torrie Wilson measures up as Becky Bayless is getting up, and stumbles into the corner holding her back. Torrie Wilson hits a few stomps into the gut, and whips Becky into the corner. Becky Bayless stumbles out of the corner, Torrie lowers her head for a back body drop. But it's countered with a kick to the face. Becky Bayless dives and makes the tag to Mickie James, Mickie James runs into the ring at Torrie Wilson. But Torrie Wilson counters it with a front spine buster, and goes into the cover. She gets a 1……………….2……….Becky is able to dive on the cover with a double axe handle to break it up the pin.]

JR-Becky could have saved the match for her team.

King-So what did you think Jackie saw?

Kris Gaffney-I don't know, Becky kind of interrupted any type of reaction.

[Torrie Wilson gets up, and Becky throws a punch but it's blocked, and returned back. Torrie Wilson then takes Becky Bayless, and throws her out of the ring. Torrie Wilson turns around into a jack jacker. Torrie Wilson bounces up, and holds her face in pain. Mickie James hits a few forearms to the face, and whips Torrie off of the ropes, and Mickie James whips Torrie off of the ropes. Torrie Wilson bounces off of the ropes, and then Mickie James his a low spin kick into the gut that doubles over Torrie Wilson, and she laughs almost evily as she sets up Torrie Wilson and hits a Russian leg sweep into a pin (one of Amy's moves). Mickie James gets a 1…………2………..kick out by Torrie Wilson. Mickie James doesn't look happy, and starts to choke Torrie Wilson, and then Mickie James whips Torrie Wilson to the ropes. Jackie Gayda makes the blindside tag, and Mickie James not noticing it lowers her head. Torrie Wilson goes over for a sunset flip. Mickie James is falling over, suddenly Jackie Gayda comes out of no where and hits a hard clothesline, and knocks her down. Torrie Wilson rolls out of the ring, Mickie James gets up, and then gets knocked down with a drop kick by Jackie Gayda. Jackie Gayda waits for Mickie James to get up. But suddenly Becky Bayless hits Jackie Gayda from behing with a running forearm to the back of the head, Jackie goes down to the mat. Gets up only to be planted with a DDT. Becky Bayless goes into her corner, and tags in Mickie James runs into the clotheslines, Jackie goes into the corner. But it's countered by Mickie grabbing Jackie's pants . Jackie stumbles backwards, Mickie grabs the back of Jackie's shirt, and rips it clean off of her body.]

King-….I knew I liked Mickie James

Kris Gaffney-Me too.

JR-It would say this is sick…but then people would speculate that I'm actually Wes Ikeda..

[Jackie stands there not believing what happened, then turns around angry, right into a spin kick into the gut. Mickie James smile as she grabs Jackie's hair, and then tries to kiss her, but Jackie stops her with her hands. Then throws her off, and into the ref, the ref goes down. Becky Bayless tries to come into the ring, and tries to attack Jackie, but Torrie comes into the ring, and then knocks down Becky Bayless before she goes after Jackie. Becky gets up and Torrie and Jackie hits a double drop kick. This sends Becky to the outside, and then Jackie follower her into the ring. Torrie Wilson waits for Mickie James to get up, and kicks her in the gut, and runs to the ropes. But she gets smashed by a steal chair on the outside to the back by Fyre. Fyre gives an evil grin as Torrie turns around, Mickie James school girls her, as the ref came to. Doesn't know that Torrie isn't the legal person, and gets the 1………………..2…………….3.]

(OOC-There was a confusing thing with who should take the fall….both wanted to, so I figured this was the best way I could think about that.)

JR-What the hell is Fyre doing here?

King-You sure that isn't Amy turning on Jackie to have many pizza's with Mickie?

JR-No that's Fyre, they might look similar, but you know the difference. Plus Torrie wasn't the legal person.

Kris Gaffney-ref's suck…

[On the outside Jackie is down, and Becky hammering away on her. Mickie says something. Becky Bayless nods, and throws her into the ring, Triple M a chair, Mickie James grabs the chair, and holds it over her head. Suddenly the crowd cheers as "Lovepassionfuryenergy" blasts on the PA system as Amy Jericho runs (thank god) down the ring. Mickie rolls out of the ring. Amy slides into the ring, noticing that no one is in the ring. Amy goes by Jackie, before Mickie can start attacking. Mickie throws down the chair as Amy goes to Jackie.)

JR-It's a good thing that Amy got here, but I don't think it's a great idea that she's in the ring.

King-What do you know that I don't.

(Jackie looks deeply upset, but at the same time, rather thankful that Amy showed up to save her from further torture.)

Jackie: "Amy... i'm sorry.... i'm sorry that you have to put up with that FREAK *motions to Mickie* stalking you all the time... and i'm sorry you're stuck with HER for a sister!"

(Jackie realises all too late that she was the only person in the ring who knew the truth, and gasps as she realises she just revealed it to the world.

Amy raises her eye brows. She shakes her head, and says to Jackie.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jackie....what are you talking about?

Jackie: "I'm sorry but... i saw the results and.... she IS your sister..."

(Amy's mouth hangs open, absolutely speechless, she looks over to Becky who is giving a evil smug smile. We fade into an advertisement, and fade out as the ring is cleared.)

Camera angles shoot at the ring, and we see the ring crew doing the finshing touches on the Coma Pit. We see the barbwire coils and tacks on the floor. We see the ring all jacked, with the barbwire ropes, steel cage wall, and the light tubes attached to the ropes.. The camera then goes up the ramp and to the pit itself. Tables ladders and more objects down in there. And Kevin’s theme music hits and he walks down and makes his way into the ring. Morphine’s theme hits and he comes running down without Jesse and he jumps into the ring and tackles Kevin and starts punching him as the bell rings and the match is underway.

King: This Match has a lot of hate going through it.

Kris: Oh god, remember the blood spill in the last Coma Pit?

JR: who could forget?

Morphine gets up and takes his jacket off, which Kevin takes as a opening and hits a drop kick to the back of morphine who goes head first into the cage part. Kevin goes right after Morphine but Morphine turns around and hits a straight punch to the jaw that knocks Kevin down. Kevin rolls over and nips up only to be sent back down with flying big boot. Morphine goes to advance but Kevin hits a quick leg sweep to make morphine stumble into the barbwire ropes. The barbwire tears into Morphine’s body, cutting him slightly around his chest and side area. Kevin follows up with a flying body press that knocks him and Morphine out of the ring, bringing the barbwire ropes with them and getting tangled.

Kris: Flashback to Terry Funk vs. Sabu at born to be wire?

JR; these men are just out to hurt themselves for a damn title.

Morphine shoves Kevin off of him, and begins to grab the wire with his bare hands, causing his hands to bleed, and he is getting out of the barbwire as it tears through his pants and skin. He gets up wearily and loses his balance and fall down into the barbwire coils and tacks. Kevin uses the help of the ring to pull himself up and rolls back in ring. Morphine is up and following Kevin in. Kevin gets up and goes to stomp Morphine but Morphine rolls away and gets to his feet. He gets kick in the gut, and Kevin goes for his finisher but Morphine powers out and hits a super kick. Morphine rolls out and goes under the ring, he pulls out a pans of glass and pushes it in the ring, he then gets a table and slides it in the ring, going under one more time he pulls out yet another table. He gets back in the ring and sets up the tables side by side. Kevin is shaking the cobwebs and gets up. Morphine ahs his back turned as he sets the pane of glass on both tables. Kevin comes up and nails a running elbow to morphine. Morphine falls on the tables. Kevin looks and gets a grin on his face. He walks over to the turnbuckle and starts to climb. He gets to the top and looks to dive off, but Morphine springs alive and flings his body to the ropes causing Kevin to slip and fall on his balls. Morphine walks over and climbs the same turnbuckle; both men on top now, morphine slides Kevin’s head in between his thighs. And lifts him straight up.

JR: no.. not a piledriver!

King: looks like Morphine wants to get this done quick,

Kris: I can’t watch.

Morphine takes his thumb and brings it across his throat to signal the end. Kevin starts to struggle and tries to twist his body out of it, but morphine holds on, but the Kevin makes one more last stand, and it is enough to bring both men crashing through the table. The Ring crew runs in and is removing the broken wood as Morphine and Kevin both try to get up. Kevin gets up first and Morphine follows, Kevin low blows Morphine as soon as he gets up and hits finisher on the broken glass. Morphine rolls in pain as Kevin is on his knees, blood rushing out of his head. Morphine gets up and yanks the glass shards out of his head. Morphine turns around and runs to Kevin and hits a shining wizard to Kevin. Morphine then picks up and pushes him into the light tubes that are attached to the ropes. Morphine then goes out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. Getting back in the ring he runs at Kevin and swings the chair down, Kevin slips out and Morphine hits the light tubes smashing a few f them, he then swiftly turns around to go back after Kevin and slips on a pool of blood making him fall forward and slamming his head into the chair. Kevin sees this and walks over and jumps up landing a leg drop on Morphine. Kevin starts to pull morphine by his hair across the ring, getting the part of the ring that doesn’t have ropes, Morphine awakes from the daze and gets to his knees and starts punching Kevin in the gut, Kevin lets go of Morphine’s hair and then gets a punch in the balls from morphine. Kevin falls out of the ring and into the barbwire mess. Morphine gets up and jumps off the ring apron doing a front flip onto Kevin. Kevin yells in pains as he can feel the barbwire sinking into his skin. Morphine’s vision starts to go a bit blurry as he looks at his hands and realizes that he is cut everywhere to deeply. He egst up and staggers up the entrance ramp. Kevin tumbles up and runs to get to morphine and jumps on his back and get a rear naked chokehold but Morphine falls back and Kevin lets go. Morphine again crawls over to the Coma pit and tells the ring crew to light it up. Kevin gets back to morphine as the Coma pit starts to burn. Kevin picks up morphine and rams him into the scaffolding. Kevin then starts to climb up the scaffolding and Morphine slowly follows him. Both men up, Morphine punches Kevin and Kevin answers with a super kick that sends Morphine flying off the scaffolding on onto the stage. Kevin looks down and waits a moment and jumps off with a body splash on Morphine. Morphine grabs his ribs and moans in agony as Kevin lays motionless.

JR: this is getting bad.


Morphine gets to his feet as does Kevin, Kevin turns around and Morphine hits the Overdose out of nowhere. He falls over and is breathing hard, as more blood flows out of his body. "Rockstar" blasts on the PA system as John Morrison runs to the stage and starts stomping Morphine down. He picks Morphine up and whips him into the scaffolding; Morphine bounces off and goes right into a Snap Shot by John Morrison. Jesse comes running from the back with a baseball bat and goes to swing at John but she misses and John hits a Snap Shot on her as well. Kevin is up and he is dragging Morphine up the scaffolding as John taunts the crowd. Kevin has Morphine near the edge and is about to throw him off but Morphine hits a low blow and lands The Injection. John looks up and grabs Jesse and throws her up on the scaffolding and then jumps up himself. Morphine sees John and runs to him but John rolls out of the way and hits a big uppercut while getting to his feet. Jesse is out of the daze and gets up, but Kevin is also back up and he drop kicks her into the Coma Pit. Morphine lands a superkick on John and watches Jesse fall and runs after her but Kevin jumps in front and lands the checkmate. Morphine is out cold as John and Kevin look over him, EMTS are loading Jesse up and are taking her out of the arena, Kevin tells ring crew to light the pit back up, and they have no choice but to do it, the fire is again lit, and both John and Kevin stand Morphine up by the hair and push him into the pit.

JR: what the hell! These two horrible Men just screwed Morphine and Jesse

King: oh my god look the fire is still burning

Kris: John is keeping the ring crew from putting it out.

Kevin holds up his new Extreme title as John finally lets the ring crew put the fire out. John then turns around and sneaks up on Kevin and taps his shoulder, Kevin turns around and John kicks him in the gut and hits the snap shot. John picks the extreme title up and looks at it then lays it across Kevin’s chest. "Rockstar" blasts on the PA system as John Morrison walks back into the back.

("The Gambler" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring. He steps inside of the ring.)

JR-Although he hasn't won a title, he does have a lot of great wins. This is not going to be east at all.

King-Yeah, one day he'll get the title though

Kris Gaffney-Hopefully.

("Enemy" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring followed by his wife Candice.)

JR-Last month Troy survived, will he be able to do the same?

King-Hopefully not, don't want to make him too happy.

Kris Gaffney-That's true.

[The Gambler and Troy Gafgen face off in the middle of the ring, and get last minute instructions as they stared down each other. The ref makes the signal for the match to begin. The Gambler and Troy Gafgen start to talk some trash, the Gambler is pointing. Troy Gafgen throws it off, and Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to the face of the Gambler. Troy Gafgen runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Then Troy Gafgen hits a running shoulder block that stumbles the Gambler to the ropes, and Troy Gafgen measures up and goes for a running boot. But the Gambler ducks out of the way, and Troy Gafgen is left stuck strattling the ropes.. The Gambler takes a few moments, and then hits a fist that knocks Troy Gafgen off of the ropes, and on to the arena floor. The Gambler taunts the crowd a moment, and steps over the top rope and measures as Troy Gafgen is already trying to get to his feet. From the apron the Gambler leaps off, and drops a double axe handle that brings down Troy Gafgen down to his knee's once again. The Gambler picks up Troy Gafgen, and smashes his head on the announcers desk. Then he tries to whip Troy Gafgen into the barricade, but the whip is reversed the Gambler crashes into the barricade. Troy Gafgen shakes off of the move. But the Gambler is able to counter the whip. The Gambler crashes into the barricade, Troy Gafgen charges at the Gambler. But Gambler is able to counter it with a back body drop, but Troy Gafgen lands on his feet. The Gambler turns around, and gets hit with a punch to the face. Troy Gafgen goes for a vertical suplex, but the Gambler slides out the back. The Gambler hits a release germen suplex that sends Troy Gafgen flips inside out. Troy Gafgen. The Gambler takes a few moments to rest, he picks up Troy Gafgen who is really stunned. Just to try to gain some time to rest, Troy Gafgen pokes the Gambler in the eyes.]

JR-That's not a tactic you would usually see Troy Gafgen use, but it's legal.

King-So it's all good.

Kris Gaffney-Pretty much….other than showing pictures of Ashlee. *vomits*

King-Yeah…even Mark Henry would think that's too far.

Kris Gaffney-I'm confused….

[The Gambler stumbles around, and uses the barricade to keep himself up. Then Troy Gafgen is able to rest up enough to get up, and charges at the Gambler. The Gambler is able to regain his sight enough to see Troy coming, so he hits a hip toss over the top rope. Troy Gafgen hits on the mat around the ring hard. He near the apron, he reaches under, the Gambler is getting up and measures up as he see's Troy Gafgen getting up with his back turned to him. Troy Gafgen is turning towards him, the Gambler leaps off for a diving shoulder block. But Troy turns around, and smashes the Gambler in mid air with a chair shot. The Gambler is down on the mat, and then Troy Gafgen goes down to one knee, trying to recover. The Gambler is getting near the ring post, and Troy Gafgen see's this and charges and smashes The Gambler with a running splash on the Gambler that smashes him into the ring post. The Gambler is stunned on his feet, and then Troy Gafgen rolls the Gambler into the ring, and pulls him out on the apron, backs up and hits a running elbow to his face. The Gambler rolls away into the ring, Troy Gafgen goes over and grabs the chair he used on the Gambler earlier, and throws it into the ring. The Gambler crawls into the ring and Troy Gafgen steps inside of the ring. The Gambler gets up with help of the ropes, and then Troy Gafgen hits a few fists to the face, and Troy Gafgen backs up. Grabs the chair he brought into the ring, and sets it up. Troy Gafgen and hits a running clothesline into the corner. The Gambler stumbles out of the corner, Troy Gafgen lifts up the Gambler and drives him through the chair with a side walk slam the ref starts to count 1………………….2………………3……………..4…………..5…….6…]

JR-What power by the Troy Gafgen.

King-I want to ask you, what if these guy's draw…like happens in most Last Man Standing matches…except ones with heavy interference?

Kris Gaffney-Well…can't say he's lost every title match then, can he?

King-Eeeerr…he'll try…because he'll say he doesn't have…shiney belt.

[While this is going on. Troy Gafgen rolls out of the ring, and goes under the ring. Grabs a table, then sets it up at ring side. He grabs another one seeing that The Gambler gets to his feet, but holding himself up with the ropes to try not to fall down. He knows he has the time, he puts the other table in the corner. The Gambler falls down to the mat, Troy Gafgen turns around and gets speared through the table by Marquise. Marquise rolls out of the ring. Troy Gafgen keeps from falling with the ropes, and then falls out of the ropes and on to the apron. The Gambler see's Troy on the apron, Gambler having no idea that Marquise set up goes over to Troy on the apron, and hits a royal flush off of the apron through the table. Both wrestlers are down, and Gambler doesn't start to make it to his feet until the count of 5……..Gambler looks for something to pull himself up……….6……..7….Gambler grabs hold of the steps……….8………Gambler is struggling to get up………9…….STRUGGLING……Gambler pushes himself up..10! The ref calls for the bell.]

JR-Damn it! Marquise had no business in this match!

King-Why didn't Dewey stop him.

Kris Gaffney-Probably holding his kid under water by his hair


Kris Gaffney-Wasn't he attacked with a chair?

King-Oh yeah…

(Marquise comes over to Gambler like he just came, and he raises his arm. Helping him out of ring side.) (OOC-Another one of those decisions I and a few others could see either way. The RP's were very similar. Expect a rematch at next PPV, because it literally could have went either way.)

("Problem Solver" blasts on the PA as Tyson Tomko to a lot of boo's. He walks down to the ring ignoring it. He steps inside of the ring.)

King-Tomko doesn't like many people here.

Kris Gaffney-Na…he just blames everything on Amy.

JR-His anger is mis-placed, Amy didn't even have the final say, I think it's only due to Amy's gender that she's getting the blame.

("Down with the Sickness" blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring along with James Mitchell. He slides into the ring, and then waits for the bell.)

JR-About a half a year ago, Tyson Tomko took the world championship from Angelus Archer. This match is about more than what Tomko has said, these two do not like each other.

King-Does either of them like anyone?

Kris Gaffney-Probably not.

[Angelus Archer and Tyson Tomko face off of in the middle of the ring, they both are exchanging words. Then it breaks out with fists to the face, Tomko throws one fist to the face, and then Angelus Archer is able to duck it. Tyson Tomko turns around, and gets hit with a kick to the face. Then Angelus Archer measures up, and hits a punch to the face, and knocks down Tyson Tomko. Angelus Archer runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes. Tyson Tomko goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under, and Angelus Archer goes to the opposite side of the ring. Tyson Tomko turns around just as Angelus Archer bounces off, and hits a flying shoulder block. This knocks Tyson Tomko back, and makes him fall out of the ring. Angelus Archer waits for his next move, and Tyson Tomko gets up and then Angelus Archer runs as Tyson TOmko has gotten up by the apron, and Angelus Archer hits a baseball slide into the face of Tyson Tomko. Tomko goes down to the mat, and then Angelus Archer rolls out of the ring. Tyson Tomko is able to hit a knee into the gut. Tyson Tomko picks up Angelus Archer over his shoulder, and brings him over to the ring steps. But Angelus Archer is able to slides out of the back, and Angelus Archer pushes forward Tomko. Tyson Tomko crashes into the steps knee's first. Tyson Tomko stumbles back, and Angelus Archer is able to hit a belly to back suplex on the floor. Tyson Tomko is on the floor, and Angelus Archer rolls into the ring. Angelus Archer waits to see if he can get a count out victory, the ref counts to 9. But Tomko rolls in just before the ref counts ten, Angelus Archer shrugs it off though, seems he didn't want ot win that way way anyways. Angelus Archer hits a few stomps on the downed Tyson Tomko who is using the ropes to get up.]

JR-Don't get Angelus wrong, all he cares about is the world title, and he'll get it anyway he can.

King-He'll even kill Amy's dog if it helped.

Kris Gaffney- Things aren't…..that simple anymore….*sigh*

[Angelus Archer hits a few fists to the face, and he whips Tyson Tomko to the ropes. Angelus Archer lowers his head, but Tyson Tomko counters by kicking him in the face. Angelus Archer pops up in pain, stumbles around, and almost gets his head taken off with a clothesline. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and Tyson Tomko rolls into the corner, and pulls himself up with the help of the corner. Angelus Archer being the least beaten up of the two stumbles up, and see's Tyson Tomko in the corner. Angelus Archer charges into the corner, but it's countered with a elbow. Angelus Archer stumbles back, Angelus Archer shakes off the effect of the last move. Then charges at Tyson Tomko once again, just as he's getting close Tyson Tomko steps out of the corner, and hits a one man flap jack that sends Angelus Archer flying into the corner. Angelus Archer's head snaps off of the top turnbuckle. Tyson Tomko takes a few moments to rest, and then charges into the corner, and hits a running body slash in the corner. Tyson Tomko takes a few moments, and then hits a few fists to the face. Tyson Tomko whips Angelus Archer off of the opposite side of the ring. Tyson Tomko crashes into the corner, and stumbles out of the corner, and lowers his head and hits a back body drop. Angelus Archer crashes into the mat, and stumbles up. Tyson Tomko picks up Angelus Archer, and puts him on his shoulder, and goes into the corner and charges out of the corner. Tyson Tomko hits a running powerslam. Tyson Tomko goes into the cover, and gets a 1………………….2…………kick out by Angelus Archer. Tyson Tomko gives the ref a questioning glance, and doesn't pay much attention. Tyson Tomko whips Angelus Archer to the ropes. Angelus Archer bounces off of the ropes, and leaps in the air, but is caught in mid air. Tyson Tomko hits his fallaway slam combo, and goes into the cover. He gets a 1………………..2………….KICK OUT!]

JR-Almost three by Tyson Tomko, regardless of his views, no one is taking away from Tyson Tomko's talent.

King-Hey maybe Tomko is sexually frustrated, which is why he keeps blaming Amy due to her gender.

Kris Gaffney-I think Tomko will kill you…

[Tyson Tomko is getting angry, and then whips Angelus Archer to the ropes. Angelus Archer bounces off of the ropes, Tyson Tomko lowers his head. But it's countered with a swinging neck breaker. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, Tyson TOmko crawls into the corner, and then gets up with his back turned to the ring. Tyson Tomko is able to start to take off the cover of the ring. Angelus Archer turns around Tyson Tomko, and hammers away at him. The ref gets between Angelus, and drives him away. Tyson Tomko pulls the cover off completely, he turns around as Angelus Archer is flying in for a big splash. But he crashes into the top turnbuckle face first, Angelus Archer stumbles around really out of it, and then almost gets his head kicked off by Tomko's big boot. Tomko goes into the cover, and gets a 1…………………….2………………….3.]

JR-That didn't look good for Angelus.

("Grindtime" blasts on the PA system as MxMxPunk walks down to the ring along with Dustin Miller.)

JR-It's been a long time since we seen MxMxPunk.

King-So why are we having this match?

JR-Because Punk never got his rematch.

King-Oh right…

Kris Gaffney-Plus he couldn't compete in the world title tourney…

King-Ok, Ok,…I get it..

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as the world champion Dan Godwin walks to the ring.)

JR-Dan Godwin has come a long way since debuting in 2007.

King-If newbies become the world champions, their always going to come from a long ways.

Kris Gaffney-That's just JR stating the obvious…like always.

[Dan Godwin and MxMxPunk pace around the ring, and then lock up, Dan Godwin goes behind and then hits a slap to the back of the head. MxMxPunk turns around and looks angry, and then charges at Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin is able to side step MxMxPunk, and throws him into the corner. Dan Godwin hits a few stomps into the gut, then quickly brings out MxMxPunk out of the corner, and Dan Godwin hits a few European upper cuts, and then whips MxMxPunk to the ropes. MxMxPunk reels back on the ropes, and Dan Godwin measures up and hits a knife edge chop. MxMxPunk is reeling on the ropes, MxMxPunk tries to throw a punch, but it's blocked and followed up with another knife edge chop. MxMxPunk is in pain, and then Dan Godwin whips MxMxPunk to the ropes, and MxMxPunk comes off of the ropes. Dan Godwin lowers his head, MxMxPunk kicks him in the face. Dan Godwin pops up in pain, and MxMxPunk runs to the ropes. MxMxPunk comes off of the ropes, Dan Godwin goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under, and then MxMxPunk jumps off of the opposite side of the ring ropes into a spring board. Dan Godwin without turns around without even seeing it coming, he reacts and is able to get an partical eXecution. MxMxPunk stumbles back a few steps, and then falls down to the mat, Dan Godwin goes into cover, hooking the inner leg and gets a 1…………….2……….Dustin Miller puts Punk's foot on the rope, and alerts the ref after it's clear that he didn't get caught (thought Punk was a heel, thought it would be a surprise spot there. My mistake if I'm wrong). Dan Godwin doesn't look too happy, and then tells the ref about it. But the ref says he didn't see, MxMxPunk is collecting himself. While their not looking, Dan Godwin is able to go over to the ropes, and sling shots himself over the top rope and hits a cross body block on Punk and Dustin Miller.]

JR-Dan Godwin takes down both Punk and Dustin Miller.

Kris Gaffney-Bet Dustin didn't see that coming on Wiki-pedia

King-Meh, wiki-pedia is overrated….only one who can't live without it is Dustin Miller and Rex…wait a minute…..maybe Dustin Miller IS Rex!

Kris Gaffney-*Gasp*! A Rex return.

[Dan Godwin and MxMxPunk are down on the mat, and then Dan Godwin rolls Dan Godwin into the ring. Dan Godwin takes a few moments to play to the crowd, and then gets up to apron. Then climbs up to the top rope, and then measures up as MxMxPunk gets up to his feet. MxMxPunk turns towards Dan Godwin, Dan Godwin leaps off of the top rope. But it's countered by MxMxPunk hitting a drop kick out of the no where while Dan Godwin is coming at him in mid-air. Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and MxMxPunk is able to roll into the corner, and then gets up into the Dan Godwin is able to hit a few fists to the face of MxMxPunk, and whips him to the opposite side of the ring. MxMxPunk crashes into the corner, and then Dan Godwin charges into the corner. But MxMxPunk moves out of the way, and he crashes into the ring post. Dan Godwin stumbles backwards, and then MxMxPunk comes from behind and hits a flowing reverse neck breaker. MxMxPunk tries to go into the cover, and gets a 1……………….2………kick out by Dan Godwin. MxMxPunk goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope. He measures up Dan Godwin, who turns around, and MxMxPunk leaps in the air for a cross body block. But it's caught in the air. But it's caught, and then Dan Godwin puts MxMxPunk on his shoulders, but MxMxPunk slides out the back. MxMxPunk hits a kick into the back of the leg that buckles it, and then MxMxPunk runs to the ropes, and comes off of the ropes and hits a two handed face crusher. Dan Godwin gets up stunned, and then MxMxPunk runs to the ropes and hits a front drop kick to the face, and then goes into the cover. MxMxPunk gets a 1……………………2……………….KICK OUT by Dan Godwin.]

JR-Punk has roared back, and is taking it to the champion?

King-Think we could see another Punk reign?

Kris Gaffney-Not if he's counting on the usual "their under estimating me, because I'm young. Because X-Factor thinks it's an advantage for him"

[MxMxPunk looks angry, and looks like he is going to the outside. He climbs up to the top rope, and measures up on Dan Godwin, he leaps off of the top rope. But Dan Godwin takes down MxMxPUnk, and puts him in the X-Face. The ref asks MxMxPunk if he wants to give it up. MxMxPunk refuses……after a while the hand is up…..and MxMxPunk…..is able to get his foot on the bottom rope. MxMxPunk gets up, Dan Godwin goes over to where Punk is. Punk rakes the eyes to cause separation. Then Punk goes to attack Dan Godwin, but it's ducked under. Punk turns right into the eXecution, Punk goes down to the mat and Dan Godwin goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…………………3.]

JR-MxMxPunk made a few mistakes at the end, and it costs him the match.

King- Isn't that how it always is with matches?

Kris Gaffney-I guess so…

(Unleashed goes off the air with Dan Godwin holding up the world championship in the air as we fade away.)