EMF: Unleashed

(The copyright information flashes up on the screen. Then when it fades away we go into the hype video for Unleashed. Once it ends we fade into the darken arena in Phoenix, Arizona as pyrotechnics blasts off on the specially made stage. The lights turn on and the camera goes through the crowd as the crowd goes crazy waving their signs, and the ones without signs go crazy because they can no longer see)

JR-Welcome to Unleashed…I’m good ol’ JR…and well, I’m just here with Kris Gaffney.

Kris Gaffney-Where’s King…he’s never late…….AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

*Suddenly King runs to the announcers desk*

King-Sorry I’m late, I forgot this isn’t America West Arena anymore…stupid merger.

JR-With that, let’s kick off action

“Keys To The City blasts out and Trish Stratus walks out. She waves to the crowd a few times before climbing into the ring and raising her arms.”

J.R- Nice to see that Trish named her baby after the late great Eddie Guererro.

King- I guess… But you know what would have been a better name… King!

Kris- So you want Trish’s baby to be a complete idiot and to get stuck in a dead-end job…

“Don’t Mess With blasts out and Victoria walks onto the stage. She taunts the crowd before running down the ramp and sliding into the ring. She pushes Trish over and raises her arms.”

Kris- Uh oh, I don’t think Trish will stand for that.

[Trish stands up and looks angrily at Victoria. Victoria turns and Trish goes for the Chick Kick but Victoria ducks and hits a Back Drop on Trish, who was dizzy from the missed Chick Kick. Victoria gets up, drags Trish to the ropes and using the ropes as leverage, starts stomping on Trish. The referee gives Victoria until the count of 5 to stop, and she does at 3. Victoria then starts complaining to the referee. Trish gets up and leaps at Victoria, throwing her to the floor with a Shoulder Tackle. Trish gets back up, uses the ropes to steady herself, then runs at the recovering Victoria and lands a Clothesline. Trish then picks Victoria up and throws her into the turnbuckle. Trish goes into the opposite turnbuckle, runs at Victoria and goes to ram Victoria into the turnbuckle but Victoria escapes. Trish runs into the turnbuckle and Victoria bounces off the ropes and Bulldogs Trish, before getting up and taunting Trish. The crowd boo Victoria as she picks Trish up and wrenches her arm, before flipping her onto her back. Victoria then lands a Leg Drop to the chest area, before getting up and taking a rest.]

J.R- Victoria taking a breather here, after that Leg Drop

King- She must be pretty out of shape if she has to rest after THAT

Kris- Good coming from you King. Last time you got in the ring, you almost had a heart attack while climbing up the steel steps!

[Trish gets up and Victoria runs at her, but Trish is two steps ahead and pulls down the top rope, throwing Victoria over the top. Trish then climbs up, waits for Victoria to get up and Trish leaps over the top rope and hits Victoria with a Flying Crossbody. Trish takes her time in getting up and calls Victoria up. Victoria gets up and Trish slaps her. Victoria clutches her face, then kicks Trish in the midsection, before picking her up for a Suplex and throwing her onto the security barrier. The referee tells Victoria to get Trish back into the ring, so she picks Trish up by her hair and throws her into the ring. Victoria then climbs in after her and puts Trish into an Armbar. Trish tries to struggle but Victoria keeps her pinned closely to the mat. Trish raises her arm as though she is about to tap, but turns her hand into a fist and rolls over on top of Victoria. The referee begins to count the pin, 1…2…, but Victoria breaks the Armbar and kicks up, throwing Trish off of her. Trish grabs the ropes to keep herself up and clutches her arm in pain. Victoria stumbles up and Trish grabs her and goes for the Stratusfaction but Victoria grabs her as she bounces off the ropes and hits a Powerbomb on Trish. Trish looks as though she is knocked out, and Victoria crawls into a cover. 1…2…Trish gets her foot on the bottom rope.]

J.R- Wow, I thought Victoria had just won this thing!

King- Oh come on J.R, I think even you could have kicked out of that…

Kris- I’d watch what you say King… Or Victoria will beat YOU again!!!

[Victoria gets up and starts complaining to the referee. The referee warns her that he will disqualify her. Victoria looks to Steven Richards who brings out a chair and it looks like he’s going to pass it to Victoria. But Victoria decides to go on the attack. Victoria turns away in disgust and begins to stalk Trish, who is climbing up in the corner. Trish stumbles out and Victoria lifts her up for the Widows Peak, but Trish shifts her weigh, Trish falls on the mat and goes over to the ropes and Victoria charges at Trish. But Trish throws her out of the ring and then she doesn’t go out as the ref tells her to back up. On the outside, Victoria says something to Richards and then she grabs the chair. Trish who doesn’t see this tries to grab Victoria’s hair. Victoria is able to just use the chair and she’s able to hit Trish with the chair the ref calls for the bell!!!]

J.R- Trish fought back from the edge of defeat and Victoria couldn’t take that she might have had the match slipping away. Trish wins by DQ

King- EDGE!!!

“Victoria comes into the ring with a look of hatred, then yells a few things and leaves the ring.”

(OOC-These segments are exclusive…thus you as RPers can see them, but your characters can NOT. There is a reason why, it’s explained in the third segment.)

(While Unleashed is going on, we go backstage for an exclusive segment, no camera's (OOC-so you can't say you saw it, yet) We go into a locker room where Amy Jericho is sitting in the womens locker room, thinking, she has worried look on her face. She then grabs something off the screen and now is looking down. We zoom out of the picture to reveal what she's looking at)

(It is indeed...a pregnancy test. She stops reading it, and looks away for a second. She had been feeling weird lately, she needed to rule this out. She thinks to herself that with everything going on in the EMF that this was the wrong time for this to happen, if it this turned out to be the reason why she had been feeling weird. Then gets up and walks to the restroom that's in the womens locker room. She looks around for a while...it's totally empty. She then takes a breath and goes into the stall..we fade back into the ring)

(Before the next match starts, the camera catches a dark figure watching on from the rafters. The camera zooms in to reveal it’s James Hardy)

JR-It’s James Hardy! King, where has he been?

King-I don’t know, I don’t care…as long as he doesn’t form the One Hardy Nation…

Kris Gaffney-I wouldn’t worry, the other Hardyz won’t bother moving to show up…unless you pay them.

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring and looks under the ring and then pulls out a Singapore Cane and rolls into the ring and puts it behind his back.

JR-It would seem that Punisher is wasting no time getting a weapon

King-Wasted no time getting caught by the cops either

Kris Gaffney-I knew I shouldn’t have tipped them off…eeeerrr…I mean Amy must have done it!

“CM Punk’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring

JR-This sure isn’t CM Punk’s first hardcore match

King-Yeah, plus he gets to try to smite someone who drinks…all the time

Kris Gaffney-Punisher’s going to kill him…isn’t he?

King-yep, he is

[CM Punk is coming into the ring and then Punisher brings the out the Singapore cane and then smashes CM Punk before he can get ready and Punk goes down as Punisher connects with his shoulder and then CM Punk goes down to the mat. Just wanting to get the first shot in as he waits to take his time with this match Punisher pulls up CM Punk and then throws him into the corner and then hits a few boots into the gut and then whips CM Punk into the corner and then Punk stumbles out of the corner and Punisher whips CM Punk into the corner where he originally was and then Punk does a flip in the corner to the apron and then on to his feet and then Punisher runs to the ropes bounces off and nails a shoulder block and then Punk goes flying off the apron and then hits his head into the barcade and falls down on the mat and then Punisher shrugs not caring what the crowd thinks about his moves so far so he drops down and then rolls out of the ring and then hits a few stomps on the downed CM Punk. Punisher picks up CM Punk and leads him around ring side and then picks him up and drops him on the Spanish announcers table face first and then bounces off and then Punisher takes the cover off of the table and then takes off one of the monitors and throws it down to the mat and then grabs the other one from the table and then measures up CM Punk and then smashes CM Punk with monitor on the side of the head and then CM Punk falls on the table and then Punisher throws it down and then he decides to now take sometime to mock the crowd as he takes his time to go on the table and then he picks up Punk by the hair and then before he can set him up for a move Punk drops down to one knee and hits a low blow and then Punisher goes down. CM Punk grins cocky once again taking too much time like Punisher was doing and then CM Punk goes for a piledriver. But Punisher is able to blocks it once…….twice, and then Punisher is able to counter the move with a back body drop and CM Punk goes through the table Punisher takes his time trying to recover from the low blow and then gets to his feet and then Punisher gets up and then Punisher hits a few fists to the face and then tries to whip CM Punk to the steel step. But CM Punk reverses the whip and sends Punisher hard into the steps.]

JR-Punisher was in total control there, until that mistake

King-Well you couldn’t count out CM Punk, he’s no rookie you know

[Punisher turns around and gets to his feet, CM Punk from behind with a chair and then cracks Punisher on the back that makes him fall on his knee’s with the steps being the only thing that is stopping him and then Punk sets up and goes for another one to sandwich Punisher. Punisher moves out of the way and then CM Punk cracks the steps, Punk is a bit stunned giving Punisher the time to get away and then CM Punk is able to recover and once again cracks the chair over the back of the Punisher. Punisher goes down and then CM Punk throws down the chair and hits a few stomps to the downed Punisher. CM Punk throws him into the ring and then rolls into the ring himself. Punisher gets up and CM Punk hits a few fists to the face of Punisher. Punisher takes a wild swing that CM Punk ducks under and then CM Punk takes Punisher down with a double leg take down and sets Punisher up and then hits a slingshot and Punisher goes flying to the turnbuckle and then Punisher hits it face first and then stumbles around CM Punk kicks Punisher in the gut and then sets him up and lifts him up and nails a brain buster. CM Punk goes into the cover 1………………….2…………kick out by CM Punk. Punk looks around and looks at the ref not believing that wasn’t three and then Punk just gives it up and then goes to the outside and then looks under the ring and pulls out a fire extinguisher and throws it into the ring and then pulls out a Singapore Cane and raises it up to a cheer by the crowd]

JR-It would seem that CM Punk is bringing out the weapons, because it is not feat to beat the Punisher

King-Few have even come close

Kris Gaffney-I almost beat him…in online poker…but damn it he CHEATED!

[CM Punk rolls into the ring as Punisher is getting up, Punk hits the back of the legs of Punisher with the Singapore cane and then Punisher goes down to his knee’s and Punk starts to choke Punisher with the Singapore can, CM Punk gets an idea and then puts the Cane down near and pulls up Punisher and whips him to the ropes and then Punk grabs the cane once again as Punisher goes to the ropes. Punk goes for a knock out shot to the head. But Punisher ducks and continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and Punk can’t load up for another shot and both knock each other down with a double clothesline. Both wrestlers are down for a while. But Punisher just so happen to land near the fire extinguisher. Punisher gets an idea and then pulls the extinguisher and gets it ready as he hides it with his body. Punk stumbles to his feet and grabs the Singapore cane. He measures up Punisher, rises it up and Punisher turns around and sprays the extinguisher right in the face of Punk. Punk stumbles around blinded, right into Punisher who gets up and picks up CM Punk on his shoulders and drives him down with Capital Punishment. Punisher goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………….2………………….3]

(Punisher rolls out of the ring and then before grabbing his extreme title. He looks under a ring, and he pulls out one of his many t-shirts that he's talked about in his promo's and rolls back into the ring and then puts it over the downed CM Punk and rolls out of the ring and grabs his title walking to the back.)

[After everyone leaves the ring side area, the theme of the Masterpiece blasts out as Chris Masters makes an unexpected appearance at EMF Unleashed. He comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He poses a lot on the stage and then climbs into the ring. He takes a microphone and addresses the crowd.)

"The Masterpiece" Chris Masters: "Well Ladies and Gentlemen... here I am. You are all so priveledged because right now you are standing in the presence of a true Masterpiece! Now later on tonight you will see my Stable Parter AJ Styles retain his Intercontinental Championship against MDK.. but AJ begged me not to come to ringside. But I thought, if I wasn't gonig to ringside for that, you fans would not get your moneys worth if you didn't see Chris Masters all evening. We wouldn't want last weeks Shockwave to be remembered as better than the hyped up Pay Per View, just becaue it got Masters and Unleashed didn't now would we? So here I am, and tonight I will be hosting a $1,000 Masterlock challenge. I have already found a worthy challenger backstage and he thinks he has what it takes to unlock the Masterlock! So without further delay, I will present to you my challenger. He is one of only two guys i've been in the ring against in the EMF... and need I remind you I beat him on that occasion! He is a member of Revolution's rival stable, the Four Horsemen. And tonight he will attempt to win $1,000 of the Masterpiece's own money. If someone would please pass me a chair so we can set this up..... thank you... and now I give you.... Robert Conway!"

(The theme of Robert Conway now plays as Master opens the steal chair and sets it up in the ring. Conway walks down the ramp and into the ring. He then sits on the chair and his theme stops.)

Chris Masters: "Ok before we get down to business... tell me Robert... why do YOU think you have what it takes to break the Masterlock?"

Robert Conway: "Chris.. I haven't forgot the beating you gave me in our tag match a few months back... but tonight at Unleashed i'm going to reddem myself. It's not about the money.. I just want to prove to everyone that I am bigger and I am better than the Masterpiece! Now quit stalling and lets do this shit..."

(Conway puts his arms up to allow Masters to apply the hold. Masters locks in the Masterlock and then lifts Conway off the chair. Conway is fighting the hold but not hard enough to break out. He tries to back Masters into the corner but Masters has too much strength, and Conway passes out. The referee rings the bell and signals Masters has won it. But when Masters breaks the hold and lets Conway fall to the ground, he continues to beat down on him. Masters is stomping away at Conway when Tomko appears. The crowd roar as Tomko gets in the ring behind Masters, throws his TV Title to the floor, and takes him down with a shot to the back of the head. Tomko then starts to hammer away more at Masters, but MAsters battles back. They trade shots and Conway is stirring. Tomko is beginning to get the upper hand and then takes down Masters with a suplex. He then holds Master's arms behind his back and Conway is up. Conway starts to hit away at MAster's who is defenceless. Suddernly Ken Keneddy appears on the ramp.)

J.R: "Someone needs to put a stop to this... it's about to turn into a 3 on 1 assault..."

(Keneddy runs into the ring but grabs Conway and throws him away from Masters. The crowd roar as he then begins to trade shots with Tomko who releases his hold on Chris. Keneddy is easily overpowering Tomko and then he throws Tomko over the top rope to the floor below. Conway then gets up but Keneddy clotheslines him down. Keneddy then picks up the TV Title and waits for Conway to stumble up before hitting him square in the face with it. Masters then picks him up and locks in the Masterlock again. Conway screams in pain. After a lengthly time Masters breaks the hold and throws him to Keneddy. Keneddy climbs to hte top rope and scores with the Lambeau Leap Leap. Masters and Keneddy then raise eachothers arms as REVOLUTION by Motorhead blasts out around the arena.)

J.R: "Robert Conway is left a bloody mess in the ring.... and that conversation with Masters wasn't innocent... Ken Keneddy just deflected to Revolution!"

King: "Can't really say i'm surprised... he was just desperate to team with the MASTERPIECE! Speaking of that... J.R... show some respect and shut yor mouth while he's out here....."

(OOC-These segments are exclusive…thus you as RPers can see them, but your characters can NOT. There is a reason why, it’s explained in the third segment.)

(We return to the backstage segment. John Cena's announcer Maria is seen standing in the same restroom as Amy rushes past her on the way out. She looks around carefully before moving forward.)

Maria: "I wonder what Amy's problem was... oh well... I can worry about that later... if I remember."

(Maria enters the stall that Amy vacated. She walks in and then a gasp of shock is heard. Maria is seen looking at the pregnancy test Amy had forgotten to pick up.)

Maria: "Blue lines.... they are pretty... wonder what they mean.... maybe Amy can tell me!"

(Maria leaves the room to find Amy to shed light on the test results.)

AJ Styles's theme blasts out as he makes his way out with the Intercontinental Championship around his waist. He hands it over to the referee and then turns to face the ramp.)

Finkle: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is the third and final match of the best of three series for the Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first... he is the Intercontinental Champion... AJ Styles!"

("Away way" By Yellowcard blasts out as MDK hits the ring. the bell sounds and the two lock up in the middle of the ring. MDK over powers AJ and throws him backwards. He then hits AJ with an armbar takedown and goes into the armbar. AJ struggles and gets to the ropes. MDK then picks him up and hits a suplex on him. AJ gets to his feet but MDK takes him down with another suplex. He goes into the cover and gets the 1... kick out. He picks him up again and AJ nails a few fists. He then runs at MDK and goes for a clothesline but MDK nails him with a text book spinbuster. MDK hooks the leg and gets the 1... 2... kick out! He lifts up AJ who shows a bit of resolve by hitting MDK with some uppercuts, but then MDK just suplexes him back to hte mat. AJ is clutching at his lower back already as MDK taunts him and talks some trash to the downed AJ.)

J.R: "huge offence here by MDK.. seems to be going for the quick win..."

King: "Yea... but I still have my faith in AJ. So tell me J.R... why would MDK job to YOU???"

(MDK lifts up AJ but AJ rolls through. AJ comes back and whips MDK off the ropes and then takes him down with a neckbreaker. AJ then lifts MDK's head and applies a headlock. MDK struggles towards the rope, but AJ pulls him back toward the centre of the ring. MDK tries again to reach the rope and this time he does. The referee counts 1... 2... AJ breaks the hold nice and early. AJ then picks up MDK and suplexes him away from the rope. He hooks the leg and gets the 1... 2... kick out. He tries to lieft MDK off the mat, but MDK recovers quickly and whips AJ acorss, before hitting a Big Back Body Drop. MDK then lifts him up and hits him with a powerbomb striaght into a pin for the 1... 2... kick out by Stlyes!)

J.R: "The Champion got a little offence.... but the challenger back in control..."

King: "That'd never happen if the Masterpiece was here.... be quiet... just in case he is!"

(MDK picks up AJ again but he breaks away. AJ Styles then ducks a clothesline attempt. He runs off the ropes and hits MDK with a clothesline of his own. He stamps away at MDK, and then lifts him off the mat and hits a DDT. AJ battles away a bit more with the stomps, before MDK grabs hold of his leg/. AJ shakes him off and MDK sits up and gets hit by a drop kick to the face. AJ then goes to the top rope and scores with a Moonsault. He hooks the leg for 1... 2... MDK kicks out. AJ stay on the offence, picking him up and hitting him with another DDT. MDK's head snaps back off the floor. AJ covers him again 1... 2... kick out. MDK powers out as AJ tries to lift him and then runs and hits AJ with a big boot. He then goes down and hits a few Mounted Punches, but AJ Styles catches a fist and throws him off. He then gets up and scores with the Pele Kick!)

J.R: "AJ Styles all over MDK here...."

King: "You still didn't answer my question JR....."

(AJ looks tired from the repeated offence, and rolls out of the ring. He leans against the barricade and tries to get some composher. He sees MDK getting to his feet using the ropes, and then rolls back into the ring behind MDK. He gabs MDK and goes for a quick school boy getting the 1... 2.... kick out by MDK. AJ then runs off the ropes and goes for a dropkick but MDK catches him in mid air and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. MDK then rolls out of the ring and hammers away at AJ. He drags AJ around the ring and then Irish Whips him hard into the ring post. AJ falls down and MDK grabs the IC Title belt off of Finkle. AJ looks hurt after going head first into the steal. MDK inspects his old title for a minute. The referee comes over and tugs at the belt with MDK. MDK doesn't want to let go, and AJ stmbles up. AJ then runs at MDK and hits him with a clothesline from behind. The impact causes the Championship to snap back into the had of MDK. The referee takes the title and hands it back to the announcers.)

J.R: "AJ can't be disqualified.... he didn't know MDK washolding the belt...."

King: "Maybe he'd job to your ability to constantly ramble about things which don't interest anyone..."

(AJ realises what happened but get's on with the match. He throws MDK back into the ring and then gets up on the apron. He uses the ropes to vault over and hit a leg drop on MDK. He hooks the leg and gets the 1... 2... kick out. AJ can't beleive that MDK had enough in him to kick out. He lifts MDK up, but MDK battles back with more fists. AJ takes them for a few seconds, and then hits back with his own. He then whips MDK into the corner and runs and spears him into the turnbuckle. MDK stumbles forward and itto the Styles Clash!

(Suddenly the lights dim as we focus on the screen as a message goes on the screen “Take cover....The blizzard is here!!!”

(“Cold as Ice” blasts on the PA system as two unknown 7 feet wrestlers walk to the ring as Styles pays no attention and turns MDK over and then gets the 1………….2………3. AJ Styles gets up, but one of the debuting wrestlers hits him with a forearm shot down to the mat and then both of the 7 foot unknown wrestlers stop on the downed AJ Styles. They call for something, but then suddenly before the unknown team can hit whatever move their calling for. AJ Styles sometime tag team partner Chris Masters comes into the ring and then starts to throw punches at the team. Styles after a time try to join in, but finally it’s broken up as refs run to the ring and separate both teams.)

(OOC-I know there is suppose to be more description, but not a bad start)

“Snap your fingers, snap your neck” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy walks to the ring

King-This is Badd timing, what Badd come back for the Badd Man

JR-You missed the Badd pun’s…didn’t you

King-YES, it’s been a while….although that means Ashlee’s hanging around somewhere *vomits*

“Not listening” blasts on the PA system Wes Ikeda walks to the ring

Kris Gaffney-You know…I’ve heard this theme somewhere else

King-You know, a god talking to me says that I need to kill JR…or he’ll kill me

JR-Luckly that rarely succeeds….

[Wes and Badd Boy meet in the middle of the ring as the crowd builds up as they thought that they would never see this match ever again and then Badd Boy says something and Wes talks right back and then the ref calls for the bell and then Badd Boy and Wes pace around the ring and then they lock up and then both brothers push both not really moving and then they break it and then Wes and Badd Boy pace around the ring once again and then it would seem that Badd Boy is going for another the ring and the lock up and then Badd Boy is able to go behind Wes and then takes down Wes with a waist lock take down into a front face lock and then Wes looks for a way out of it and then Wes turns it into a hammer lock and Badd Boy looks for a way out of it as he gets to his feet and then Badd Boy runs around a bit and then ducks as that lets Wes go flying into the corner and then Wes hits into the corner and stumbles out of the corner and Badd Boy hits a diving clothesline and then takes Wes down and then Badd Boy hits a few stomps on his downed brother who gets to his feet. Badd Boy hits a few forearm shots to the face as Wes reels back and then Badd Boy whips Wes to the ropes and then Wes reverses the whip and then Badd Boy comes off the ropes and then Wes clocks Badd Boy with a fist that makes him go down and then Badd Boy stumbles up and then Wes goes over into the corner and then hammers away at Badd Boy and then Wes then finally stops after the ref yells for him to stop and then Wes lets up and then goes back on to the attack and then hits a knife edge chop and then that echo’s through out the arena and Wes whips Badd Boy into the other side of the ring and Badd Boy goes crashing into the corner and then Wes takes his time and then charges at Badd Boy and then Badd Boy hits a foot into the face Wes stumbles back and turns his back to Badd Boy. Badd Boy charges and hits a running bulldog on Wes driving his face into the mat. Badd Boy knowing that’s not going to get the job done hits a few stomps on the downed Wes and then picks him up and hits a body slam. Badd Boy does something that’s somewhat out of character for him and then goes to the ropes and then climbs to the top rope. Badd Boy stands waiting for Wes and then Wes stumbles up and Badd Boy goes for what seems to be a fying axe handle and then Wes counters with a punch to the gut and Badd Boy goes down holding his gut.]

King-Well I’ll give them something, this is certainly better than the last one

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, you haven’t even fallen asleep yet…

*Gaffney takes off King’s shades to reveal he’s asleep…just talks in his sleep*

JR-One day Kris, you won’t be surprised that he does these things.

[Wes has to take his time to recover and then Wes rolls out on the apron and then Wes takes his time to get up with help of the ropes and then waits for Badd Boy to get up and then Badd Boy stumbles up to his feet and then Wes spring boards off the top rope and leaps as Badd Boy stumbles where he wants him to and nails him with a spring board shoulder block from the top rope and then both wrestlers are down and then obviously Wes who is recovering quickly is the first to get to his feet as Badd Boy is also getting to his feet and then Wes hits a few fists to the face of Badd Boy who stumbles to the ropes and then Wes whips Badd Boy off the ropes and Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then Wes lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Badd Boy. Badd Boy stands up, obviously in pain as he holds his back. Wes waits for him to turn and Wes kicks Badd Boy in the gut and then sets him up for what seems to be a vertical suplex and then Wes gets him up. But Badd Boy is able to shift his weight on Wes, Badd Boy lands behind Wes. Badd Boy pushes Wes to the ropes and then tries to roll him up. But Wes is able to hook the ropes and Badd Boy does reverse summer sault into the middle of the ring and then Badd Boy gets to his feet and charges at Wes. Wes is able to counter with another back body drop on the top rope. But it would seem that Badd Boy was waiting for this one as he is able to land on his feet as Wes turns around Badd Boy goes for a fist. But it’s blocked by Wes and Wes is able to hit a few fists to the face of Badd Boy, before Badd Boy is able to fall off the apron. Wes grabs Badd Boy by the hair and then takes Badd Boy and smashes his head against the metal part of the corner and then Badd Boy goes down to the mat. Knowing what he’s going to do and seeing how Badd Boy fell away from the ring post, he takes this time to rest and measure up. Badd Boy stumbles up to his feet, and Wes uses the ropes to spring boards himself over the top rope into a flying cross body block on to Badd Boy! Both wrestlers are down as the ref starts his 10 count, Wes is able to recover some and gets to his feet as he gets a good response from the crowd for the last few moves.]

JR-Good move by Wes

King-Not surprising

Kris Gaffney-Why’s that?

King-Oh, someone in a weird hair cut told me that when that if Badd Boy fails...I must continue the resistance. I don’t know what he was talking about and then the next thing I knew I was waking up


[Wes is getting to his feet and then Wes hits a few stomps on the downed Badd Boy. Badd Boy is on one knee as he is able to pushes Wes. Wes stumbles into the steel steps and Wes falls down as Badd Boy gets to his feet and Wes stumbles up seemly stunned. So Badd Boy charges at Wes and Wes counters with a drop toe hold and then Badd Boy falls face first into the steel steps and bounces off the steps. Luckly Badd Boy is able to block it a bit with his hands and then pops up and stumbles towards Wes and Wes tries to whip him into the steps once again and then Badd Boy reverses it and Wes goes into the steps. Badd Boy takes a few moments and recovers and then rolls Wes into the ring and then Badd Boy jumps on the apron and then waits for Wes to get up as he is on the top rope. Wes stumbles up and then Badd Boy jumps off going for a front missile drop kick. But then Wes stumbles back and blocks it into a sling shot, Wes gets Badd Boy set and then hits the sling shot that makes Badd Boy stay in the corner. Wes quickly goes into the opposite side corner and charges in and hits a big splash in the corner and then Badd Boy slumps in the corner as Wes turns Badd Boy around and then Wes climbs to the other side of the ring and leaps off nailing the coast to coast on Badd Boy. Wes pulls Badd Boy out and then makes a not so good cover and gets the 1………………….2……………….kickout by Badd Boy. Wes can’t believe it, he then sits on the mat and then gets up and then starts to argue with the ref. Badd Boy is getting up, Wes charges at Badd Boy and Badd Boy counters it with the full nelson slam and falls aways. Badd Boy goes into the cover after a time and then gets the 1…………………2………….kick out by Wes.]

Kris Gaffney-This is personal, neither Badd Boy or Wes want to lose

King-Yeah, well someone does

[Badd Boy gets as does Wes. Badd Boy takes a wild swing and then Wes ducks it, and then Wes throws Badd Boy into the corner with an atomic drop and Badd Boy is in the corner with his back to the ring. Seeing this as this his chance. Wes climbs to the opposite side of the ring. But then Badd Boy stumbles out of the corner, Wes tries to adjust with a double axe handle. But seems Badd Boy wasn’t really effected as all, as Badd Boy side steps right into a quick full nelson slam. Although seems Wes isn’t out just yet, as Wes stumbles up, but he’s clearly really dazed. Maybe even almost out on his feet as Badd Boy hooks Wes and then hits a big full nelson slam on Wes. Badd Boy goes into the cover and gets the 1……………………….2……………………..3]

(OOC-I’m putting this match up quickly, so I won’t explain this in too much detail. I had myself, and my major staff members that always help me with decisions decided that Tony just had the better RP. I wrote this match to make it seem like either brother had to do a bit more to win it. That’s all the ending had to do with, nothing more, so don’t get the wrong idea about the ending. Hopefully you liked this match, I put a bit more into it, because both wrote good RP’s.)

[A promo then runs of Edge vs Flair with Sevendust "Face to Face" over the video, as it shows the negative words Edge has said about Flair along with showing some pictures of Flair's out of the ring issues such as his road rage case and public divorce as they show some divorce papers and Flair's mug shot in some of the scenes. It then shows how Edge cost Flair's fellow horseman the match in his extreme title tournament bout. The cameras then go to JR, King, and Gaffney ringside as the match is about to take place.]

JR: This will definately not be your traditional wrestling match folks, this will be a fight and both of these men despise each other. I dont think the question is who will be the last man standing but, yet who will be the last one alive.

Gaffney: This has definately gotten personal with these two men and it all comes down to this moment, who wants it more? The legend Ric Flair or the legend in the making, Edge?

King: My money is on Edge, I dont care how good Flair comes out here and wrestles, Flair is ancient and against a much younger Edge, I think he signed up for his own death wish tonight, JR!

JR: We will see about that, but we aren't talking about your normal wrestler, we are talking about 16 time world champion - Ric Flair, the dirtiest player in the game today and forever. I dont think Flair has let out all of his tricks out of his book quite yet, King and you can beat your ass we are gonna see some of those tricks come out of that book here tonight.

Gaffney: Well that is if Flair is even here tonight, remember we have tried to get word with Ric Flair all day today and he has been a man of silence, I hear not even the horsemen have been able to get in his dressing room.

JR: Don't you worry about that Kris, he'll be ready...

[Seconds after JR makes his last statement a loud "WOOOOOO!" echoes throughout the arena as the crowd begins to stand and go crazy for the 16 time world champion, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair comes out in one of his flashy robes he is known for as he walks out struting as the fans begin to get even louder, Flair lets out a big "Wooo!" at the top of the ramp getting a couple back in return from the crowd as he strolls down the ramp as fans in the front row bow before him as this brings a smile to Ric's face. Ric then walks up the steps and stands on the apron as he looks over to the referee and points to the ropes, demanding him to hold them open. The referee does so as he enters the ring and lets out another big "Wooo" as he unties his robe and hands it over the ropes to a ringside EMF employee as he works out his arms a bit and leans back on the ropes.]

JR: See I told you Ric would be ready and by gawd, he is ready for a all out fight.

[The lights then go out as some of the fans begin to boo as some select few cheer, red lights from above the ring then shine over towards the EMF tron as static fills it finally a picture comes up as a voice comes over the P.A. "The following superstar has been rated R, for offensive language, extreme violence and gore, and graphic sexual content...viewer discretion advised" The screen then goes to static again as "You think you know me!" blares throughout the arena as the crowd begins to boo. The entranceway then fills with smoke as Edge then comes strolling out as the lyrics kick in. Edge comes out with a smile on his face as he jumps up and down and begins to run side to side on the entrance ramp feeding from the crowds boo's. Edge then begins his walk down to the ring never taking his eyes off Ric Flair, Edge tosses his glasses to a ringside employee and begins to take off his jacket as he still stands infront of the ring looking right into Ric's eyes. Ric gives him the motion with his hands as to get in this ring as Edge's smile just brightens even more. Edge slides in the ring in his fashion as lays on his stomach looking at Ric shaking his head as if to say you dont stand a chance. Edge then stands up as Ric immediately gets in his face as the referee has to seperate them...]

King: What a entrance, did you hear all those people cheering for Edge?!

JR: I didn't hear any cheers over all the boos he was getting...

Gaffney: Looks like they aren't gonna wait for the bell.

[The referee finally get the guys to seperate a little bit as he tells them to ring the bell, the bell then sounds as Ric and Edge begin to give each other a few choice words, Ric says something to Edge which angers him as he lowers his head and begins to shaking it laughing, Edge then looks up and smacks Ric right across the face as the sound of the smack echoes throughout the arena with the crowding going "ohhhh". Ric rubs his check laughing as he then quickly chops Edge to the chest as Edge hits the mat, Edge quickly stands and gets a chop again as Edge hits the mat again. Edge backs up in the corner as Ric immediately comes over and gives him left and right punches repeatedly as Edge bounces around, Ric then puts his right arm over the top rope as he reaches back and gives him another chop as Edge bends over grabbing his chest, Ric pushes him back up doing it again as Edge again grabs his chest in pain. Ric then backs up and gets a head of steam as he runs at Edge, Edge lowers the shoulder and back drops Ric out onto the apron where Ric lands on his feet. Edge thinks he is outside on the mat as he walks forward getting his breath as he turns around into a eye poke by Ric as the crowd cheers. Ric then immediately climbs the top rope looking for that single hand sledge as Edge runs in instinctively and dropkicks Ric off the top rope as he goes stumbling to the outside. Edge rubs his chest a bit more as he climbs out on the far side of the ring apron where Flair lays. Edge gets low on the apron as he makes a "bring it on" jesture with his fingers as he awaits Flair to get to his feet, Flair then stands and turns around looking for Edge as Edge runs off the apron hitting a diving spear on Flair as they both going crashing on the mat outside. Edge after a few seconds gets to his feet as he instructs the referee to count.]

King: [Laughs] This one is gonna end early!...

[The referee begins his count as he gets to a count of 5 as Flair begins to climb to his feet, Edge shakes his head and runs at Flair delivering a stiff kick to his head as Flair drops. Edge then begins to go nuts giving him right stomps repeatedly. Edge then jerks Flair to his feet and sends him into the ringsteps as the top portion of the steps is dislodged and goes tumbling. Edge then goes infront of the announce table and reaches under the ring as the crowd begins to cheer. Edge then pulls out a ladder as fans get even louder, Edge positions the ladder on the announce table and on the ring apron making a bride between the two as he goes to grab Ric, Edge pulls Ric to his knees as Ric reaches back and nails in Edge in the head on the top of the head as he is bending over to pick him up with a trashcan lid. Edge stumbles about as Ric stands to his feet and nails him with another shot as Edge just stumbles and falls against the ring apron as Ric sends him in. Edge crawls in the ring as Flair stalks him and grabs him in a headlock while unleashing right hands down on his head. Flair stops and lets out a "WOOO!" as fans respond and Flair gives him a couple more as he lets him go and Edge crumbles on the mat. Ric turns Edge around from on his stomach to on his back as Ric places the trashcan top on Edge's head and bounces back off the ropes and jumps up and delivers a knee right to the trashcan lid which Edge's head lays under. Flair rolls out and grabs his knee as Edge rolls to his stomach grabbing his face as he kicks his feet in pain. Ric then points to the ladder outside as the crowd begins to go nuts, Flair then goes over and picks up Edge and brings him close to the ropes where the ladder lays on the apron and announce table as he goes for a reverse suplex. Ric gets Edge halfway up as Edge blocks, Ric tries again as Edge again blocks. Edge then quickly musters up all his strength as he lifts Ric in a suplex and drops him over the top rope and onto the ladder positioned outside as Flair's back meets the ladder. The crowd "Ahhhs" as Flair lays on the ladder as he yells "Ohhh...Ohhhh my God!".]

JR: Flair has had a history of having a bad back after that plane crash and it seems that crash several several years ago is still haunting him here.

Gaffney: Back condition or not, your back hitting steel is gonna hurt...

[Edge who rest on his knees holding the second rope inside the ring takes a breather as he rolls out ring and walks to the suspended ladder still laying on the apron/announcer table as he walks over to Flair who lays on it as he reigns down right hands to him as he then pulls him off the ladder as he sends him face first to the announce booth as he head bounces off. Edge then grabs the ladder, slowly circling around to where Flair is. Edge then gets turned to where Flair is as Flair delivers a chair shot to the ladder against Edge's chest as Edge falls to the ground with the ladder falling ontop of him as well. Ric goes over and tosses one of the Spainish commentators from his seat as he takes his chair. Flair folds it up as Edge is now up and resting against JR and King's table. Flair goes to turn Edge around as Edge quickly jerks up Gaffney's monitor as he slams it into the skull of Flair, who stumbles onto the spainish commentators as he lays there trying to catch his breath. Edge then jerks up the chair that Flair was carrying as he walks over to Flair laying on the spainish announce table and puts it underneath his head. Edge then jerks up one of the Spainish commentators and tosses him over the barrier into the fans as his headset comes off. Edge puts on the headset as he stands on the table with a chair in head ready to deliver the conchairto.]

Gaffney: No...No..Not this!

JR: Someone switch it over the the Spainish announce table and lets listen to what this son of a bitch is saying.

Edge: [Breathing heavy] Get up Ric, come on Natch! Stand up! [People in the crowd begin to yell at Edge] SHUT UP! Ric, I told you your career would change after tonight...Because this is where it ends! [Edge raises the chair over his head.] HERE LIES THE CAREER AND LEGACY OF RIC FLAIR.

[About that time Ric reaches up and grabs Edge by his balls as Edge begins to yell over the headset. Edge releases the chair as Flair slides off the table with his right hand still grasping Edge's "boys", Flair then grabs Edge by his shoulder with is left hand as he throws Edge off the announce table with a slam onto the mat as cringes in pain from his back hitting the mat. Flair stumbles back onto the table as he rest his arms against the table, Flair takes a short breather as he grabs the chair and turns around. Edge is slowly getting to as Flair delivers a devastating chair shot so hard it sends Edge flying as he goes over the guardrail and into the crowd. Flair then goes over the guardrail with the chair as Edge crawls to get away, Flair then rains down a chair shot to Edge's back as it makes a loud "smack" sound off his back as the crowd cheers. Edge cringes making fist as he grabs the railing to the steps as he pulls himself up and tries to get away from Ric, Flair runs his hand through his hair as Flair has a small amount of blood running down his forehead. Flair follows Edge up the steps as he gets closer and closer to catching up to him, Edge then falls to his knees infront of the concession table as he turns around and begs Flair to stop. Flair lifts the chair over his head as Edge lifts up his leg and delivers a low blow to Ric as he falls over and drops the chair. Edge crawls to get the chair as he does and he stumbles while getting up. Flair then begins to come to as he turns around and gets blasted by the chair on top of his head as Flair goes stumbling off. Flair leads Edge to the top of the stairs as Flair then turns around as Edge comes running in, Flair then drops to his side and delivers a drop toe hold as Edge then begins to go rolling down the steps. Edge drops the chair while rolling down the steps as Flair slowly goes down the steps and grabs the chair which Edge dropped. Edge gets to the bottom of the stairs close to the guardrail as Flair gets down the steps as he awaits Edge to get up as Flair's face is now covered in blood. Edge gets up as Flair delivers a chair shot to Edge which sends him back over the guardrail. Edge crawls around as he is now bleeding as he reaches under the ring. Flair gets his breath as fans come over and pat him on the back. Edge then stumbles around the outside as Flair grabs his hair and hooks him up for a suplex over the guardrail as he stands on one side and Edge stands on another. Edge feels it about to come on as he quickly throws up his right hand in nails Flair in the head with something as Flair crumples on top of the black guardrail as he lays there with his stomach across the guardrail and his feet not even touching on the otherside. Edge then drops his weapon as the camera gets a shot of it as it was a hammer.]

JR: Dear Lord, Edge just hit Flair in the top of the head with that hammer.

Gaffney: Flair is out of it, but the ref can't count because Flair is laying across that guardrail.

[Edge looks over at Flair who lays across the guardrail as he gets a idea, Edge grabs the bottom of the ring steps and sets it on one of its sides infront of Flair as Flair's head is pinned between the ringsteps and the guardrail. Edge walks away whipping some of the blood off his face as he turns around and goes running in and delivers a kick to the steps as it sandwiches the head of Ric Flair.]

JR: Dear God someone has to stop this!

[Flair still lays on the guardrail with his stomach just acrossed it as Edge runs back again and this time delivers a dropkick to the steps again pinning Flair's head as Flair goes falling back into the crowd as he lays there with the fans pleading with him to get up. Edge walks over and looks at Flair who is motionless as he smiles and tells the referee to count him out. 1..[Edge walks over and puts his arms on the apron getting a break]..2..3..4..5[Edge then takes a seat on the apron as he whips away some of the blood.]..6..7..8..[Edge raises his arms in victory as he sits on the apron] 9..Flair then stands and does his Flair flop over the guardrail as that will stop the count. Edge runs his hands through his hair in disbelief as he face gets more red then the blood that runs down his face. Edge then stands up as he gets off the apron.]

Gaffney: Flair stood up, he beat the count even though he is down again meaning the count will have to restart.

JR: You know I would like nothing more then to see Flair win this match against this arogant jerk but, maybe he should've stayed down this is getting out of hand...

King: Don't worry JR, I think Edge is about to deliver the final blow.

[Edge picks up Flair and runs with him as he throws him face first off the ringpost as Flair quickly hits the ground. The referee begins the count as he is interrupted as Edge pulls Flair back up to his feet shaking his head and telling the crowd he isn't done. Flair begins to crawl up the entrance ramp as Edge gets low and waits for Flair to turn around. Flair gets to his feet as he stumbles around a bit as he slowly begins to turn around Edge runs in for a spear as Flair lowers his shoulder and backdrops Edge onto the ramp. Edge yells in pain as he stands up and Flair quickly chops him to the top of the ramp. Edge falls to his knees as blood flows from his forehead as Ric bends down and begins biting his forehead as the crowd cheers and Edge swings his arms around in pain. Flair then spits as he spits out some of Edge's blood as Edge goes rolling off the side of the ramp between the stage and the crowd. Ric and the referee then drop down off the stage and onto the ground below as Flair turns Edge around and kicks him in the gut as he goes for a piledriver on that cement floor. Flair gets Edge close to delivering the backdrop but, Edge leans back as hard as he can as he backdrops Flair on the cement floor. Edge stumbles around as out of nowhere Dewey Pond comes running in and delivers a chairshot to the head of Edge who goes stumbling on top of the table which is beside the stage. Edge lays on top of cable cords and other equipment as the referee tries to get Dewey to the back, Dewey grabs the referee and tosses him into the side of the stage as he goes limp. Dewey quickly jumps on the side of the ramp and up to the top of the staging as he stands above Edge who lays on the table. Dewey looks around as the crowd is going crazy, security then runs out from the entrance way as the run towards Dewey, Dewey knowing this was his last opportunity to jump, leaps off and goes crashin into the table on top of Edge as both men lay there. Security runs down the ramp and jump off the side pulling up Dewey as they carry him out as he looks back at Edge while holding his ribs from delivering that Dew Drop from the top of the entrance way through the table below on the floor. Flair begins to stumble about as he notices Edge laying motionless through a table. Flair has a clueless look on his face as he pulls Edge from the wreckage and delivers the figure four as the crowd begins to go crazy. Edge lays on his back yelling as Flair looks up with blood just absolutely flowing from everywhere on Flair's face.]

JR: Figure Four! Figure Four!

Gaffney: My goodness, Flair looks like someone off a horror film!

[Flair finally lets go as Edge stumbles to his feet just to quickly fall back down from pain of the figure four. Flair picks up Edge and rolls him onto the ramp, Edge crawls up the ramp as soon as he gets on it to the top of the stage, Flair turns Edge around as Edge delivers a eye rake as he again tries to get away. Edge delivers a punch to Flair as he goes stumbling, Edge then throws another punch as again Flair goes stumbling...Flair begins shaking his head as if he doesn't feel it as he begins punching himself as the crowd cheers as his fist get covered with his own blood. Edge runs at Flair as Flair side steps and sends him into the side of the tron as Edge goes bouncing off. Flair then goes behind the curtain in the entranceway as he goes to the back for awhile. Edge begins to breath heavily as he crawls around, Flair then comes back with a baseball bat as Edge turns around and notices this as he tries to get away again. Edge begins to climb up the side of the tron as he keeps scaling it. Flair drops the bat and goes up after Edge as both men are about 12 feet up in the air. Flair then catches the absolute wore out Edge as he grabs his leg, Edge shakes his leg trying to get Flair off his leg as the crowd begins to chant "Please.. dont.. die!" Edge then shakes his leg again as this releases one of Flair's hands. Flair then reaches up with the free hand as he is about to fall as he delivers a low blow to Edge that sends him slowly releasing his gripe off the side of the tron as he goes falling off as Edge slams off the stage, it gives way as Edge dissapears in the hole in the entrance way. The crowd begins to chant "HOLY SHIT!" as Flair holds on with one hand as he slowly climbs down the side of the EMF tron. Flair gets to the bottom as he collapses beside the hole of the stage.]

JR: My God, Edge went right through the stage!

King: Someone come out here and check to see if he is alright...

JR: See if he is alright...The jerk deserves everything he gets!

[The referee is then shown slowly getting up as he has been busted open, the referee then spots Flair laid out on the stage as he slowly walks over and climbs up the ramp, The ref then looks around for Edge as he notices the hole in the staging and notices Edge laying motionless in the debri. The referee notices both men laid out as he begins his 10 count. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..[Flair begins to get to his feet]8..[Flair gets to his feet and stumbles around]9..Edge's arm then comes out from the hole of the stage as he pulls himself up and lays against the side. Flair notices the ref stop count as he looks over and notices Edge resting his head against the ramp as he stands inside the hole as the sides hold him up. Flair just smiles as he knows this war isn't over yet...Flair then lets out a big "WOOOOO!!!" as the crowd joins him and repeat "WOOOOO!"]

JR: How can either one of these guys stand?!

King: Glad to see you finally give Edge credit, JR!

[Edge pulls himself out of the hole as he lays on the stage, Flair comes over and stomps on Edge a couple times as he pulls him to his feet. Edge on spaghetti legs stumbles around as Flair reaches back chopping him as he gets close to falling off the side.]

Gaffney: No...Oh no!..Dont get em close to that sound equipment now...

King: He is gonna try to fry Edge, JR!!

[Flair delivers another chop as Edge swings his arms trying to gain his balance from falling off the stage, Flair then walks back and grabs the baseball he once had as he then looks at it and throws it over his head and charges at Edge as Edge drops his shoulder and sends Flair off the stage and onto the sound equipment as sparks and smoke begin to fly.]


King: Well thats what Flair said Edge was gonna havta do to beat em, JR! Looks like he just done it...

[Edge falls inches away from going off the ramp as sparks fly and Edge covers himself up from the sparks shooting off that sound equipment. The referee stands shocked as rubs his hands across his face as he realizes he is bleeding, the ref snaps out of it as he begins his 10 count. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9.[Edge stands up and stumbles against the side of the entrance way as he grabs a pole ontop on the entranceway and he holds it to support himself to his feet.]..10!! The bell then rings as Edge's music begins to hit and the crowd begins to boo. Edge lets go as he collapses on the ground as Monty Brown and Christian come out of the entrance way and check on Edge as EMTs and the other horsemen come running out checking on Ric.]

King: COME ON! Can't we get any EMTs to check on Edge?

JR: Shut up King, Flair may have just been eletrocuted for God sakes..

[Monty helps Edge to his feet as Edge spits some blood out as Monty tries to get him to the back, Edge pushes Monty Brown off as he goes to the side of the stage to see Ric. Edge looks over the side as he notice Ric laying motionless as EMTs stand over top of him as they are checking on him. Edge looks shocked as he rubs his hands through his bloody hair, Edge takes a big gulp and can't believe what he saw as Monty Brown and Christian finally convience him to go to the back.]

Gaffney: I think even Edge is remorseful that it came to this...

JR: Fans we will try to get some kind of report on Flair's condition either by sometime tonight or next week on Shockwave...I can't believe what we just saw...

[EMTs are then shown loading Flair onto a stretcher as Tomko are helping him getting loaded onto that stretcher. They then move him to the back as they quickly rush him to the ambulance truck.]

King: You know atleast one good came out of this...Edge won!

JR: Your a real dumbass you know that...Lets just go to our next match!

(OOC- First off, I had this match looked at by all of my major staff members. 2 thought it was fine, one had concerns. I looked over it, and broke it down and convinced him it was ok. But if Flair’s RPer think it was one sided…I would be willing to throw in a few moves if it’s a problem. Now as for the winner, once again I had my major staff members look over the match, so there is no question about the result. The result was 3-0 in favor of Edge. This match was well RPed for, the major staff members thought Edge RP's were entertaining, quality stuff, that while may had a hole in the middle of the RP. It wasn't enough for Flair to win, and the unfocused part served a purpose. Although I fear that some issues with Flair's RPer are going to come up, something I probably can't explain effectively. So if Flair has any issues talk to Rob at hmnrpingmchn before you decide to fly off the handle. I'm pretty sure he never really talked to the RPer of Edge before, or you. He was the last person to pitch in his opinion on this match. So I think he would be the most effective explaining our decision if you can't believe me or Michael. Your last few results have been because you ran into great RPers. Nothing more, your a good RPer and if we are allowed to have you step back..then maybe we can build you up better so that your ready for RPers like this. I think it's a matter of experience, and nothing more. So hopefully you know that you are a good RPer, and it's not a big problem, your RP's as they are are good. But they know what we like better.)

(We go back into the backstage area for another exclusive segment, once again with no camera's. We go into some sort of locker room once again, Amy Jericho is sitting on the bench. She looks really troubled...her pregnancy test had come back positive. This was suppose to be a happy day for her, and Jericho when she told him the good news. But once agan, she knew this was going to be used against her. *she buries her face in her hands, running her hand through her hair continuing her thought* She thought that maybe she could hide it for a while, but sooner or later people will know...and then there will be no one to oppose the out of control Co-Owner. She needed to think of something....but before she could think anymore her thoughts are interupted by the door opening. Amy stands up a bit startled. She see's standing in the door is Maria, Maria walks over..Amy composes her self and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Hey Maria, um...I don't want to be rude or anything. But if your here to talk to me, could this wait another time...I kinda got a lot on my mind.

Maria: "Hey, don't worry I wont bother you long... i'm looking for Am.... oh wait! Amy! Yea I am here to talk to you... but really I don't think it should wait...."

(Amy chuckles to herself about Maria's mess up, but then puts on her serious face thinking that this is business.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Really? Is it that important, alright I guess we can talk a bit...so what is it?

Maria: "Well Amy... I saw you running out of the restroom... and then I.. well, I found your test in there!"

(Amy's mouth hangs open, she had thought she grabbed her pregnancy test. But in her haste, she must have forgotten to grab it. Maria was linked to John Cena...this couldn't get any worst. She tried to see if she could get out of this, as nice as she was...she was still Maria)

.::Amy Jericho::.-oh.....haha....um, yeah...I forgot about it. You didn't happen to look at it, did you Maria?

Maria: "Well... what person wouldn't have? But I was hoping you could shed some light on it for me... because i'm not really sure what the blue lines mean.... I got a little confused when I saw them..."

(Amy knew then she was totally screwed, she could lie through her teeth and tell her that the results came out negative. But she would have probably mention it to someone, and then they would tell her what they really meant. Amy gets a defeated look and sits down on the bench. She had to tell her, or it would probaby get out...maybe she could stop it right here.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Maria, can you keep a secret? I mean a big secret Maria, something that I don't want anyone to know yet.

Maria: "Err.... I guess so, if it's really important nobody finds out."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes Maria, it's extremely important nobody finds out. So do you swear you won't go out and tell anyone this?

Maria: "Ok Amy... I swear... I wont say nothing."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thank you, anyways..since you seen it. I guess I should tell you, blue lines....means...pending certain confirmation..I'm pregnant.

Maria: "Oh wow congratulations! That's great news Amy.... you should be out there broadcasting it to the world!"

(Amy sits down with a almost sad look on her face)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, I should...this is what Jericho and I wanted. A family (Amy still can't help to crack a smile at the mention of that, but the realization of what this really means comes across her face) If this was any other time I would be, but these are no regular times.

Maria: "Oh..... I see. But still i don't get why we gotta keep it all secretive... I mean, it's a good thing... right?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-For Jericho and I, yes...it's a great thing. But for EMF and another certain issue I'm stuck in the middle of it's not. Maria I'm not sure if you realized this or not, but we have a power abusing asshole known as Edge as our co-owner. He just may be just as bad as Triple H was in his Evolution days. He's already got a target on us Maria, he already gave Jericho another concussion. You have no idea how much I want him to pay for that, but there is another issue as well. Something I need to deal with on my own, and being pregnant...well let's just say if Edge is looking for any excuse to get rid of me and as soon as he finds out. That's exactly what he'll do, and I believe this doesn't mean good things for the EMF. I'm not sure if you know, he even has your employer on his side. Cena's gunning for me too, I can't tell you the reason he's targetted me...but there is a reason. So anytime I would probably be excited, but the EMF and myself are in a lot of trouble now and I don't know what to do. Because someone has to oppose him, and without me I don't think anyone else will step up. So...in short, were screwed.

Maria: "Hm I see.... your worried because Edge is gaining so much power and your the only one with the guts to step up and challenge him... and now even you can't do it... but I don't think it'll ruin the EMF... I mean, Edge would not have taken over the company just to watch it suffer..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Maria, have you been watching what he's been doing lately. He's someone that only gives a damn about himself, he's a self centered bastard. He does all these things just because he enjoys it, and you saw what he did to the last pregnant woman he targetted...

Maria: "I don't remember.... but I presume from your tone it wasn't nice. I never liked Edge anyway... even though Mr Cena alwyas told me how great he was... I never believed him... and I guess maybe I was right. God I liked things better before he came... Oh Amy before I forget... when I was looknig for you I stopped by your office, your charts seemed a little messed up to me though... this month, despite the suddern drop in T-Shirt Sales... you ordered almost double what we normally do... I called them up and told them to send fewer because I didn't feel the demand for them would cover the supply.... and then we'd have left over stock and it'd just be a complete waste of money... I hope I didn't mess anything up...."

(Amy looks up shocked at the last thing said, she had remembered the original call. She had been worrying about how she was feeling, that she almost made a very bad mistake agreeing with that shipment Maria had just mentioned. Amy looks at Maria, she sure didn't act that smart, although a nice person. But it took more brains than anyone in the EMF thought Maria had to do that. Amy starts giving Maria a look compariable to when former EMF superstar TwilighT would give a random EMF superstar wondering if they were a rip off of him or not. Then it came to mind that maybe most of the way she acts is in fact an act...for whatever reason. But then something comes to mind, something that may just help her out of the position that she is in right now.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-No...no, you didn't mess it up. In fact I can't believe I did that, I must have been so nervous about what was going on with me...that I slipped. But regardless Maria thank you for doing that, that just gave me an idea...first off beside the problems I told you...well when I'm pregnant I'm not suppose to work as hard as I do....so I got an offer for you, it's something big...so don't feel that you have to accept this.

Maria: "Err... ok, i'm listening..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-This is something that I would have to train you, and make sure your fit for the job. But I was wondering if you would have any interest at all becoming my assistant.

Maria: "Assistant... sounds like a step up from what i'm doing at the moment... so maybe i'm interested..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes, it is...something I'm sure you would be paid for...a lot more than what you get for being Cena's announcer, so it would be worth showing up ( to someone). It's an important job Maria, something that would help me a lot. Like I said Maria, not only due to me being limited in my work. But if Edge uses my pregnancy against me, then with you as my assistant *gets a grin* In that case, as my husband would say, I think we could throw Edge a curveball that he would never.eeeeeeeeeeever forget...again. But if your willing to give a shot and if it works out, then we can make sure Edge always has an opposing power. Although know right now, your going to have to cut ties with Cena....in fact with the power you have. You can't misuse it, god knows our "great" CEO has done enough of that to last a life time. I say this because if Edge does use this against me, then you may be in the position where you have to step into my position for everything I do physically backstage during a show. But don't worry, if it comes to that...then I got a plan. Just want to know, can I trust you?

*Maria thinks for a second... and then replies*

Maria: "Yea... of course you can. If you want me to cut my ties with Mr Cena I will do that... about time I was taken seriously around here anyway! You can trust me Amy... I wont let you down."

(Amy smiles, then says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thanks Maria, this is not an easy job..but guess that's why you get paid so much for it. Anyways we have a lot to go through to make sure this is going to work out, if you don't mind...maybe I can go over a few things right now.

Maria: "Sure why not.... not like I got anything better to do around here.... not even sure why I came to a Pay Per View in the first place..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-OK, well in any case, let's go to my office and we can get started.

(Maria nods and then Amy walks out of the room with Maria trailing behind her as we fade back into the ring.)

“Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as Angelus Archer walks to the ring followed along with Paul Heyman who is wheeling Jarred Carthallion in his wheel chair

King-hahahhaha, you know I was poking Jarred with a stick and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it

Kris Gaffney-Really?

King-Yeah..it was great, because I can act like I’m big man and Jarred can’t stop me

“Bad, Bad Man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena comes out on the stage. He looks like he doesn’t care about the fact he’s getting booed out of the building (but since when does he ever) Cena slides into the ring and hands the title to the ref

King-What a difference a year makes

JR-Yeah, he was cheered about this time this year

Kris Gaffney-Who cares when you can have the…um…shiney belt!

[Angelus comes into the ring and then questions Cena about his actions last week, Cena is seemly answering it as the ref comes betweens them and says a few final instructions and then the ref calls for the bell and then Cena and Angelus pace around the ring and then lock up and then fight for position and then they switch who has the advantage and it just so happens Angelus to end up pushing Cena into the corner and then Angelus hits a knife edge chop and then Cena stumbles out of the corner and then Angelus whips Cena off the ropes and then and then Angelus backs to the ropes as Cena bounces off the ropes and then hits a flying clothesline to Cena. Cena stumbles up and then former world champion Angelus hits a fists as Cena charges at Angelus and then Cena goes down and then Angelus gets up and then goes for a big elbow drop and then Cena moves out of the way and then Angelus pops up and then shakes off the move and charges at Cena who Cena counters with a arm drag release and then Cena goes back on the attack. But then Angelus is able to kick out his legs and then Cena goes flying and then Angelus and Cena stare off as the crowd gives the two a good amount of cheers for that exchance. Especially since both wrestlers are not fan favorites and then Angelus comes into middle of the ring and then Cena says something and then Angelus hits a back hand so hard that it turns around Cena and then Angelus goes behind Cena and then school boys him for the 1……………….2………….kick out by Cena and then Cena gets up and then Angelus takes down Cena with a head lock take take down and then Angelus holds him in the move and then Cena gets up to his feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then Cena slowly starts to force Angelus out of the move into a top wrist lock and then Cena is forcing it up and then Angelus is able to stop the move by hitting a back heel trip and then Angelus holds on an arm bar and then Cena decides to get up and then Cena hits a few back elbows into the gut and then Angelus finally lets go of the hold and then Cena runs to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and then Angelus hits a spinning heel kick on Cena. Cena stumbles up to his feet, Angelus kicks Cena in the gut lifts him up and nails a jumping piledriver and then goes into the cover 1…………………..2……………..kick out by Cena!]

JR-Angelus thought he had it, but Cena was able to kick out to save his championship

King-You didn’t think that Cena would drop his championship that easy, did you JR?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he’s been fighting ever since I’ve been here to get where he’s at

[Angelus looks at the ref and then argues with the ref who backs off and then says that he only got a 2 by the time he is done with yelling at the ref he turns around and see’s Cena’s getting up with help of the ropes and then Angelus charges at Cena and then Cena is able to counters the charge with a back body drop over the top rope and then Angelus goes crashing down on the arena floor as Cena falls to his hands and knee’s trying to recover after the beating that he got so far and then Cena gets to his feet as he see’s that Angelus is trying to get up with the help of the apron and then Cena backs up and then hits a baseball slide that connects with Angelus and then Angelus stumbles back and then he hits his back into the guard rail. Cena rolls out of the ring and then waits until Angelus gets up to his feet. Angelus is still stunned so Cena takes Angelus and then drives him into the ring post back first and then Angelus falls on his knee’s as Cena kicks Angelus in the gut and then Angelus is down on the mat all the way. Cena rolls Angelus into the ring and then Cena climbs on to the apron and then goes to where he normally does not go and then goes to the top rope. Cena waits for Angelus to get up and then Angelus stumbles up to his feet and then Cena leaps off the top rope and hits a flying shoulder block on Angelus and then Cena quickly goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2……….kick out by Angelus. Cena looks up, but then knowing that he was not going to get a person that held the title so long like that Cena pulls up Angelus and then Cena tags Angelus with a few fists as Angelus backs up with every hit and then Angelus is into corner and then ref makes him back off and then Cena pushes away the ref. Cena brings Angelus out of the corner and then whips Angelus off the ropes and then Angelus bounces off the ropes and Cena goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Angelus, Angelus continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off and Cena hits a scoop power slam on Angelus right into the cover and gets the 1……………………2……………kick out]

JR-The champion was a half second away from retaining his belt

King-yeah, then he won’t fall victim to the one month curse

Kris Gaffney-I’M NOT A TRANSITIONAL ANNOUNCER…oh…nevermind

[Cena looks up almost laughing that it wasn’t a three he got and then Cena takes this time to wait for Angelus to get up to his feet and then Cena hits a few fists to the face and then Cena whips Angelus to the ropes and then Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Cena catches him with a big right that floors Angelus as he comes back and then Angelus stumbles up and Cena tries to whip Angelus to the ropes, but it’s reversed and then Cena goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes and then Cena leaps in the air and nails a flying shoulder block. Angelus goes down and then Cena picks up Angelus as he gets to his feet and nail body slam and then not paying any attention to the crowd he does the “you can’t see me” taunt and then goes to the ropes and drops the 5 knuckle shuffle and then not even bothering to use the time to waste on trying to cover him Cena then pumps up his shoes as he waits for Angelus to get up as he stumbles to his feet and then Cena picks up Angelus for the F-U. But Angelus struggles free and then Angelus pushes Cena and Cena goes smashing into the ref and then Cena stumbles around after hitting into the ref and then Angelus kicks Cena in the gut and nails a brain buster. Angelus goes into the cover, but there is no ref and then Angelus goes over to the ref and then tries to wake him up. But it’s not really possible right not, Angelus turns around to go back on the attack on Cena. Cena lifts up and peels off a quick F-U both wrestlers are down, Cena goes into the cover. But there is no ref to count the three for Cena, suddenly the crowd stands up as Wes Ikeda walks down to ring side]

JR-I would ask, but I’d probably get a smart ass comment

King-The guy with a weird hair cut said that Wes would try to take the spotlight, but I didn’t have to worry about stopping, just sit back and relax and enjoy…oh yeah, and say “VIVA LA RESISTANCE” once.

Kris Gaffney-……….

[Wes goes to get the world title, and then Paul Heyman goes over to Wes and they start to argue. Wes pushes Heyman down and Heyman stumbles back and falls knocking over the wheel chair with Jarred in the process. Wes gets the title, and looks like he’s about do something with it. But then Wes gets clocked from behind by….JARRED]


King-Oh it’s no big deal, Wes said it would happen..

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, we should really stop letting him see the script..he lets the air out of everything.

[Jarred drops Wes on the barcade and Wes bounces off and backtracks out of ring side. Jarred comes back to the ring side and then grabs the world championship and slides into the ring. Cena’s up, Jarred nails Cena with the belt! Cena goes down, Jarred slides out of the ring as Angelus who just so happens to be next to where Cena fell is able to throw an arm over Cena and the ref counts 1……………..2…………..3]

JR-It would seem Angelus is once again world champion

King-Yeah, but I don’t think without Jarred’s help he would done this…whether it was unintentional or not

[Unleashed goes off the air with the belt being put over Angelus]

(OOC-god…a hard call only gets made harder by not only are these two very good RPers. But they are both my main staff members. Although I was able to get two of my former staff members to help me with this, and we all agreed that Angelus should win this, not by much…but by a small bit. Hopefully I got the storyline at the end right, I was told many versions of it and I only did the one that I got last from the RPer of Angelus. So that’s the one that I did, and hopefully I did it right (although I think I got the basic instructions that I was told down, if I didn't I apologize ahead of time and say I didn't do it intentionally). Because as I write this, I’m half asleep. Also there was concern about another factor by someone involved in this match, hopefully that factor wasn’t that big of a deal as I said it was not going to be. If it was, or if I messed it up…the ending of this might change…that was the deal set by the RPers. OK, I’m done, I need sleep…hopefully you like this.)