EMF: Unleashed

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kane!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Kane comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Gravedigger!!!

[Gravedigger walks to the ring. RoboRef is the referee for this contest. Kane executes a pumphandle suplex on Gravedigger. Gravedigger places Kane on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) Kane executes a headlock takedown. ]

King - Gravedigger takes a headlock takedown.

[Kane gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Flying sommersault drop kick by Gravedigger puts him back in the match. A flying shoulder block send Kane to the mat. Gravedigger is up again. Gravedigger puts Kane in an arm grapevine submission. Gravedigger hits Kane with an elbowdrop. Gravedigger gets back to his feet. Kane gets back to his feet. Kane hits a running forearm smash on Gravedigger's face. ]

Jim Ross - The WWF is the only place for entertainment like this!

King - How many times do I have to tell you, you MORON!

[Kane with a somersault splash on Gravedigger. Kane stands up. Kane drags Gravedigger to the floor. RoboRef starts the count (.1) Kane trys for a flying legdrop but Gravedigger avoids it. (..2) (...3) Kane fist drops Gravedigger on the floor. Kane gets back to his feet. Now Gravedigger standing. (....4) Kane grabs Gravedigger's leg and takes him down. (.....5) Gravedigger and Kane move back into the ring. Gravedigger delivers a kick to the head of Kane. Kane gets back to his feet. Kane nails Gravedigger with a belly-to-back suplex. Kane stands up. Kane executes a corkscrew legdrop on Gravedigger. Kane climbs to his feet. Gravedigger gets knocked on the ground and Kane flips onto him. Kane is up again. Gravedigger is back on his feet. Mexican hiptoss executed by Kane. ]

King - Damn!

[Gravedigger moves back to his feet. Gravedigger grabs Kane's leg and takes him down. Gravedigger executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Kane. Gravedigger stands up. Kane gets hit with the shooting star press from Gravedigger. RoboRef counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Kane kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Kane connects with a flying knee. Gravedigger goes down. Gravedigger gets up. Gravedigger hits a flying karate chop right to Kane's neck. Running neckbreaker drop executed by Kane takes Gravedigger down hard. Kane puts the chicken wing on Gravedigger. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Gravedigger is fighting the hold. ... Gravedigger escapes. Kane drags Gravedigger to the floor. ]

Jim Ross - My God! Gravedigger could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[RoboRef starts the count (.1) Kane hits Gravedigger with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Kane sucks chants start in the crowd. Gravedigger is up again. Kane brings Gravedigger down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. Gravedigger piledrives Kane. Flying Tomahawk by Gravedigger sends Kane down to the floor. Gravedigger Choke Slams Kane. Kane looks to be out cold! Kane gets hit with the shooting star press from Gravedigger. RoboRef counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Gravedigger!!!

[EMF Unleashed opens up with a promo of tonight's mainevent as it shows all of tonight's hopeful participants of the match preparing for the match as it goes to that of the music Pillar's Fireproof. The promo then ends with Wes Ikeda standing alone in the ring with the title belt over his shoulder as the camera zooms out. Pyro then hits as the cameras get a shot of the pumped Phily crowd, scene then goes to JR and King at ringside.]

JR: Thats what its all about King, that world title that is held currently by Wes Ikeda. But, that may change tonight as Wes will have to defend his title in not one but, two matches.

King: Yeah, it doesn't look good for Wes tonight and something tells me we will be crowning a new world's champion here tonight!

JR: Well it doesn't look pretty for him thats for sure, nor does it for any of the other man that has to pull double duty tonight.

King: And thats why I am gonna make the prediction that Twilight will become the new world's champion!

JR: It could happen, but now lets run down the matches taking place here tonight...First its gonna be the rookie, Sychophant going one on one with Johnny Northern-Lights.

King: Yeah, but no one cares about that snoozefest lets be honest, the match I want to see is "Husband vs Wife", Mercedes vs Eric Bischoff right here tonight!

JR: Well if you ask me, the match shouldn't be going down because if you haven't heard Eric Bischoff was involved in a very serious car accident, the man is stuck in a wheelchair but, yet the co-owner of EMF, Triple H has ordered this match to go on and if they refuse both Eric Bischoff and Mercedes will be fired!

King: Hey well people were looking forward in watching the match and Triple H just wants to please the fans, JR...He's the people's owner.

JR: People's owner my ass, Triple H only cares about one person and thats himself. You know that its true King, but fans Eric Bischoff nor Mercedes have yet to show up here in Philadelphia and we will let you know if they have shown or not. But, moving on to the next match it will be Jarred Carthallion going one on one with former friend and stablemate Messiah!

King: Yeah, and maybe will found out who this "He" was that Messiah was speaking of last week on Shockwave...

JR: Wow, you do pay attention to somethings in the EMF...Amazing! Jarred was in the back earlier, and he didn't seem to be in the greatest of moves and if you ask me this means trouble for Messiah here tonight!

King: Yeah whatever, now I am suppose to announce a match right? Ohh just my luck, I get the shitty matches like Kaedon vs. Tyrant..Whooopie!

JR: Well since King doesn't seem to have much interest in this match, guess that leaves it to me. Kaedon and Tyrant one on one for the television title, and not only that but this also gives one of these young superstars a chance for that mainevent and the chance to walk out as EMF world champion! Now, you take the next match King...

King: Uhh yeah...CM Punk, Shane, Intercontinental title...Ladder Match or something in that effect.

JR: Way to hype the match King, but again this match also gives the victor the chance at world title gold in the mainevent tonight! Theres been some history between CM Punk and Shady Shane but, that all ends tonight will tonight's ladder match. And then it'll be the match for the biggest prize of our industry, the world title on the line...Wes Ikeda vs. Angelus in a glass table match, and also Wes' brother Badd Boy as special guest referee. It doesn't look good for one Angelus Archer here tonight, but he may just find someway to beat the odds. King...King...Are you even listening?

King: I got you Anus somebody vs one of the hundred Ikeda's...

JR: Why does the EMF even continue to let you commentate is beyond me, anyways that leaves only one match left and it will be inside the huge structure known as Death Cell!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, got carried away anywho we do know 3 participants right now and they are the tag champions, Ashlee Ikeda and Badd Boy and the other being the Extreme champion, Twilight! Twilight was fired just last week but, Prez Mike has got Twilight back in the EMF now Twilight has yet to arrive here tonight as far as my knowledge. But, just like Mercedes and Bischoff we will keep you posted on their arrivals...And wait, a second I am hearing someone has just arrived, lets try to get a camera back there and see who it is.

[Camera then goes to the back as it shows Mercedes wheeling in her very badly beaten husband, Eric Bischoff. Bischoff looks to be very brusied up as the sides of his face are purple with a heavy bandage over his head. Triple H then comes on the scene with Sierra, as Triple H has a cutoff sleeves McNabb jersey on with the words "Choke Artist" on the back as Sierra has a Duece Staley jersey belly shirt with "Losers" written on the back. Fans immediately "BOOOO" as they chant "Eagles!", Triple H then gets up in Eric's face as him and Sierra look him over.]

Triple H: [With a annoying loud voice] Wow Eric, you don't look that good buddy...I mean how are you doing, you look like total hell man.

Eric Bischoff: [Eric talks with a very slow voice as he is obviously in alot of pain.] Hunter, nothing is wrong with my ears, I didn't go deaf so you mind quieting down some. So if you could just let me be on my way cause I've got some broken bones and bruises everywhere.

Triple H: Broken bones, bruises..Man that must really suck that you STILL have to wrestle here tonight.

Eric Bischoff: You kidding me? Look at me, I can't even walk dammit not even close to wrestle so you can take your match and shove it!

Triple H: Well I don't think you heard me when you was out in your little coma, you see either you compete here tonight against your wife or you both can join each other in the unemployment line! Whats it gonna be Eric? Again its either roll your ass to that ring or don't ever bother showing your face in the EMF again! Come on Sierra, we got someone else to take care of...

Sierra: Coming Hunter...Good luck tonight guys. [Laughs]

“Sychophant theme” blasts on the PA system as Sychophant walks to the ring

JR-Sychophant seems to be more focused than ever before

King-Which isn’t saying much

“Johnny’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Johnny walks to the ring

King-Well can’t say the same thing for him

JR-Well…ok, that’s true

[Sychophant slides into the ring and then Johnny slides out of the ring and then Sychophant gives chase to him and then runs around a little bit. Johnny sides into the ring and then Sychophant soon follows, Sychophat charges at Johnny, Johnny hits a drop toe hold and then sends Sychophant flying throat first into the ropes and then hangs up Sychophant in the ropes. Sychophant stays on the ropes as Johnny pushes down on the back of Sychophant to choke him in the ropes, the ref counts to 5 and makes Johnny break up the hold and then Sychophant stumbles up and then Johnny hits a few stinging fists that stumble back Sychophant, Johnny then tries to whip Sychophant to the ropes. But he reverses it and sends Johnny to the ropes, Johnny bounces off the ropes and then Johnny hits a shoulder block that knocks down Sychophant. Sychophant gets back to his feet and stumbles around and then Johnny scoops up Sychophant and then nails a body slam. Johnny quickly then hits a knee drop across the face and then hits a few stomps on Sychophant and then waits for Sychophant to get to his feet, Sychophant stumbles to his feet and then Johnny kicks him in the gut and then lifts him up and then tries for piledriver, but then Johnny is able to get him up and then nails a piledriver Johnny goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………kick out. Johnny looks like he’s somewhat surprised that the rookie is able to get up, Johnny hits a few stomps on the downed Sychophant. Johnny then whips Sychophant to the ropes, Sychophant bounces off the ropes and then Johnny lows his head and then hits back body drop. Sychophant stumbles up and then holds his back and then Johnny hits a standing drop kick that sends Sychophant to the outside. Johnny then waits for Sychophant to get up, once he does Johnny sling shots himself over the top rope and then nails a cross body block to Sychophant. Both wrestlers are down and then Sychophant gets back to his feet and then pulls Johnny up with him and then whips him to the stairs. But Sychophant reverses the whip and then whips him so hard that he falls to the mat to put a little more into the whip. Johnny then hits the steps hard and then Johnny stumbles up and then stumbles towards Sychophant who then quickly hits a diving clothesline. Sychophant can’t follow it up, because he’s been beaten down that much and then Johnny is able to stumble up and then Sychophant hits a quick inverted atomic drop. Sychophant then grabs Johnny by the hair and then throws him into the steps and then goes down once again. Johnny then pulls up Sychophant and then puts his on the top rope, Johnny climbs to the top rope and then tries to hook him for a super belly to back suplex, but then Sychophant twists around and hits a cross body block and then falls to the mat]

JR-Both wrestlers are down

King-Wow, you figure that out by yourself?

[The ref starts to use his standing 10 count 1…………………2……………….3………………..4….5…….6…..both wrestlers start to get to their feet and then Johnny throws a fist, but it’s blocked and then returned by Scyhophant who can’t follow up. So Johnny tries again and then it’s once again blocked and then returned by Sychophant and then he’s able to follow it up and then Sychophant whips Johnny to the ropes, Johnny bounces off the ropes and then Sychophant hits a spinning back elbow and then Johnny goes down to the mat and then gets up fast, then once he does an inverted atomic drop, Johnny stumbles back and then Sychophant waits as Johnny hits the ropes in pain and bounces towards Sychophant and then Sychophant hits a super kick to Johnny. Johnny is down on the mat, then Johnny gets up holding his face and then Sychophant kicks him in the gut and then sets him up for a power bomb, then Sychophant lifts him up and then Sychophant hits a sit down power bomb on Johnny into the pin and then he gets the 1……………..2………..kick out. Sychophant looks up like he can’t believe that didn’t he Johnny. Johnny stumbles into the corner and then hits a few fists and then whips Johnny to the opposite side of the ring, Johnny comes out of the ring fast and then Sychophant nails across hits a quick roll up on Johnny and gets the 1………….2……….kick out]

JR-Almost three

King-Man I wish that was three, this match is so BORING

[Johnny gets up and then gets ready for Sychophant, Sychophant is up and then Johnny hits a few hard punches to the face of Sychophant. Johnny whips Sychophant to the ropes, Sychophant bounces off the ropes and then Johnny lowers his head and then kicks Johnny in face and then makes him stand up and then Sychophant kicks him in the gut and hits the judgment day slam, Sychophant goes into the cover and gets the 1…………2……………3]

["I'm Back!" hits as Eric Bischoff makes his way down to the ring while getting helped down by a EMF crew member. Bischoff looks to be very mad as the EMF crew member helps Eric Bischoff slowly in the ring as Bischoff holds his neck trying to protect it. The crew member then folds up Eric's wheelchair and slides it in as the crew member then helps Bischoff up in his chair as he rolls to the corner and awaits Mercedes.]

JR: I can't believe the nerve of Triple H, actually making a man in the health of Eric Bischoff wrestle. Its just totally sickens me, I just can't even hardly stand to watch this match.

[Mercedes' theme then hits as the scene goes to what seems to be a computer program, Mercedes walks to the ring as she has a very sad face. Mercedes walks her way down the ramp as her "Mer Facts" are displayed.]

~MeR FacT~ : Mercedes sleeps in the nude...


~MeR FacT~ : Mercedes thinks Triple H is a totally asshole!!

JR: Now, that I agree with...

[Mercedes gets in the ring as she looks over and notices Eric in the corner sitting in his wheelchair, Mercedes just shakes her head as she paces wondering what to do. The bell then sounds as neither Mercedes or Bischoff even budge. Bischoff then request a mic as Bischoff tries to talk but, is a little choked up.]

Eric Bischoff: I..I just wanted to say something before anything goes down, I want to apologize to you, the fans...[Fans cheer as Eric brushes back his hair.] I also have another apology and that is to my wonderful wife, Mercedes. Mercedes these last couple weeks me and you haven't seen eye to eye but, it took a car wreck to see the error of my ways and I want to say..I'm so...[Bischoff then puts his head in his hand and begins to rub his face, obviously choked up.] I want to say I am so sorry Mercedes, words cannot even express on how bad I feel right now...And through all I put you through, you was right there beside that hospital bed when I needed you the most, I love you honey.

[Mercedes then walks over and hugs Mercedes as the fans cheer, Mercedes then kisses Bischoff as she tries to be gentle with Bischoff as his face is very badly bruised up. Mercedes and Bischoff continue to have their moment as they are then cut off with "It's all about the Game!", Triple H and Sierra come out as they stand on the top of the ramp and clap as Triple H acts as if to whip away a tear.]

Triple H: Touching...Seriously, I mean I've seen some emotional things inside a ring before but, this takes the cake. I mean if this isn't a kodak moment I don't know what is. And Sierra, I mean she was just balling in the back there, I didn't think we had enough tissue inside this arena for as much she was crying in the back. But, lets get down to it, no one came to see a happy moment...Now Mercedes if you want to liplock and play happy couple thats just fine, but get a room and do so after you two fight inside that ring right now!

[Mercedes goes over and gets the mic Eric had as she walks over and begins to talk to Triple H.]

Mercedes: Well Triple H, you can take your match and your little rules and shove them straight up your ass! [Fans cheer]

Triple H: Don't you ever talk to me in that manner, you got me bitch! If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have a fucking ring to stand in or be watched by any of these idiots! You want to know why Mercedes? I'll tell you why because I am the Game and I am the guy who made this damn industry! The EMF wouldn't ever be what it is without me! So I tell you what, you think your a hot shot, you think you can just stand there and talk to me like that well I tell you what this match went from a one on one match to a handicap match. So now its Eric Bischoff and his wife Mercedes versus the greatest wrestler of all time, the man in which created the EMF, THE GAME, TRIPLE H!

[Triple H then takes off his "Choke Artist" football jersey as he slings it down on the ramp, Triple H then makes his way down as Mercedes stands infront of Bischoff as Bischoff tries to get her out of the ring. Triple H then climbs the ring apron as Mercedes tells him to get in the ring as Bischoff then springs from his wheelchair rolling up Mercedes in a school boy. referee Charles Robinson then slides down to make the count {1...2...3!!!} Bischoff then jumps up and rips off his neck collar and begins to roll off the bandage on his head. Mercedes looks up at Bischoff with a very sad look as Bischoff laughs in the face of Mercedes. Fans begin to boo loudly as Bischoff licks his hand rubbing off some of his fake bruises. Mercedes continues to sit there on her knees looking up at Bischoff shocked, Bischoff then grabs the mic as he looks at the fans with a very pissed off face.]

Bischoff: Thats right it was all a damn lie Mercedes, I never was in a car wreck and your dumbass fell right into my trap and what a trap it was...Dontcha think? Hell I thought it was a good plan, how about you Dr. Jones? [Triple H begins to shake his head and smile as Mercedes is still shocked, she now has a tear running down her cheek.] Thats right, cry...I mean you should because once you was my wife but, as of January 25th, 2004 YOU ARE NOW MY BITCH! Put this on, I said put it on! [Bischoff then puts out a dog collar connected with a chain. Mercedes then puts it on still crying, Bischoff then grabs the chain and begins to walk out of the ring as he tugs against Mercedes chain. Bischoff then walks up the ramp with Mercedes taggin' along.]

JR: This is so sad, I am just totally lost for words...For a man to do that to a woman, hell even worse to his wife, well I am just sick to my stomach. Screw you Eric Bischoff, screw you straight to hell I say!

[A promo then hits as a voice is then heard as dark clouds are shown on the EMF tron as the voice is recognized and is that of Messiah's.]

It has begun, a new era...A new change in motion...
A new power has emerged and is soon to uprise, and we shall not be stopped...
A new set of rules are soon to come, for he is here and he takes much pleasure of the pain of others...
Mocking the misery and feeding off the failures, we have spoken, the war is coming and it begins now!!...

JR: I have the slightest clue what Messiah is speaking about, whats the deal with this "he" and this "war" talk?

King: Who cares...Can I go home yet?

[Cameras then go to the back as Triple H and Sierra are walking in the back, Triple H then walks by Messiah as he stopsinfront of him. Triple H and Messiah come face to face as Triple H begins to laugh, Messiah shows no emotion as he just sstares in the eyes of Triple H.

Triple H: Messiah, just the man I was looking for...You see, you EMF stars anymore have a problem of not doing what your told,I mean first Badd Boy lays down for his brother Wes, I fired Twilight for not listening to me...And yet you go and mess up my money and no show for your tag match last week. Well you see, I dont know if you heard or not but, I am the man around here now...You can either listen to me or you can pack your shit and hit the door. And just to prove to you not to mess with me again Messiah,I have switched your match cause now its Messiah vs. Jarred, no DQ and weapons will be supplied..

.Messiah: Your days are beginning to countdown and just like the rest of the EMF, you'll go down right with em after its all said anddone.

Triple H: Wow, I mean seriously that scared the shit out of me..Sierra, how about you?

Sierra: Terrified...

Messiah: It's coming, believe me its coming...

Triple H: Well just try me bitch, go ahead...Try me!

[Messiah just begins to smile and laugh as he walks away, Triple H begins to watch Messiah walk away as he seems to be pissed.

][The lights dim and purple lights shine the arena, and Messiah's theme slowly builds. Messiah slips out from the back, and slowly makes his way to the rampway edge and then walks down to the ring. As he climbs into the ring, he looks at the large tray of tiny golden thumbtacks in the middle of the ring. He smiles and nods before going to his corner and awaiting his opponent]

JR: Messiah seems very comfortable in this type of enviroment. But, will that confidence help here tonight with Jarred? Will soon find out!...

King: My prediction says “yes”!

[The lights dim as Jarred's theme then hits. After a moment Jarred steps out onto the ramp with a smile on his face, pyro then hits. Once the smoke clears Jarred makes his way to the ring as the fans sit in silence. Jarred slides into the ring and also looks at the tray of tacks before looking up at Messiah with a focused look on his face.]

][Charles Robinson climbs into the ring and signals for the bell, getting the match officially underway. Messiah quickly rushes across the ring towards Jarred. Messiah catches Jarred unaware and nails him with a stiff forearm. Jarred staggers back, falling against the ropes. Messiah quickly pulls back and nails Jarred with a brutal clothesline, sending him flipping over the ropes and falling to the outside. Messiah lands hard on the lightly padded floor. Messiah quickly climbs through the ropes and onto the ring apron. Messiah takes a few steps back and seems to wait for Jarred to get to his feet. Jarred slowly climbs to his feet before Messiah rushes across the apron and leaps off with a flying clothesline. Messiah levels Jarred with the brutal move, sending him back down to the floor.

]JR: Messiah is really taking it to Jarred here at the beginning of this match!

King: Guess its that new attitude of his, I dont know this "he" is but he has got Messiah to turn into a beast!

![Messiah gets to his feet and heads back towards the ring, lifting the ring apron, apparently searching for some weapons. Messiah begins to fling out a couple of chairs, a crowbar, and a bat, before slowly pulling out a table. Messiah leaves the table lying on the floor before grabbing the crowbar. Jarred starts to slowly get to his feet. Suddenly, Messiah charges at Jarred. Messiah swings a brutal looking crowbar shot, but Jarred manages to duck under and bring Messiah down with a drop toe hold. Messiah lies, still clutching the crowbar. Jarred quickly gets to his feet and rushes over to the scattered weapons. Jarred quickly grabs a chair and motions for Messiah to "bring it on". The fans cheer loudly]

Ross: These two came to fight tonight!

King: We are in this match in the earlier going, and its already turned into a bar room brawl!

[Messiah slowly gets to his feet and turns towards Jarred. Messiah pulls back the crowbar and goes charging at Jarred. Messiah swings the crowbar, but once again, Jarred manages to dodge. Messiah quickly spins around, swinging the crowbar back at Jarred, but this time, Jarred manages to raise his chair, using it like a shield to block the crowbar. The fans cheer from the excitement of the battle. Messiah starts to push the crowbar forward, forcing the chair back towards Jarred. Suddenly, Messiah pulls his crowbar away and thrusts it into Jarred's stomach. Jarred drops his chair and falls to his knees. Messiah quickly pulls back and nails Jarred with a brutal shot across the back with his crowbar. Jarred collapses, falling to the floor and clutching his back. Messiah quickly grabs the table he had pulled out earlier and slides it into the ring. Messiah rolls into the ring and begins to pull the table over towards the tray of thumbtacks. Messiah begins to set the table up over the tray. The fans all begin to cheer, obviously anticipating something brutal

JR: What could Messiah be thinking? That could hurt someone really badly!

King: Yes! This is going to be great!

[Messiah turns around and sees Jarred slowly starting to get to his feet on the outside. Messiah yells at him and motions for him to get into the ring. Jarred reaches down and grabs the baseball bat before sliding into the ring. Messiah quickly rushes towards Jarred, but Jarred swings forward, nailing Messiah in the midsection with a brutal bat shot. Messiah doubles over, holding his stomach. Jarred quickly drops his bat and starts to lead Messiah over towards the table and tacks. Jarred turns his back to where it faces the table. He quickly hooks Messiah for a suplex. The fans cheer loudly, knowing what's coming. Jarred lifts Messiah for a suplex, but as he gets him about halfway up, Messiah begins to kick his feet, forcing Jarred to lower him back down. As Messiah's feet hit the mat, Messiah uses the momentum to pull Jarred up for a suplex. Messiah gets Jarred vertical, but then instead of falling back, Messiah falls forward with a reverse suplex, sending Jarred onto the table. The table breaks into and Jarred goes flying through it, falling chest and face first onto the tacks below. The fans go crazy. Jarred slowly rolls out of the tray and we can see hundreds of tiny golden tacks all over his chest. Messiah quickly rushes over and covers Jarred for the pin. Charles Robinson rushes over and makes the count (1...2....SHOULDER UP). The fans cheer wildly]JR: How did he find the strength to kick out of that?! That was amazing! He's got to be in unbelievable pain!King: Yes! That was great! Put him in the tacks again! [Messiah gets up onto his feet with an obviously frustrated look on his face. He stomps on the downed Jarred a few times before jerking him up. Messiah signals that it's over. He turns Jarred back towards the tacks and the shattered remnants of the table. Messiah quickly hooks Jarred up for a STO. Suddenly, Jarred seems to come to and nail Messiah with a stiff elbow to the side of the head. Messiah releases Jarred. Jarred quickly grabs Messiah and in an unexpected showing of strength, brings Messiah back with a Northern lights suplex. Messiah lands hard in the tacks and shattered pieces of table. The fans "oooh" and cheer at the same time. Jarred bridges for a pin as Charles Robinson drops and makes a count (1...2...KICKOUT). The fans all gasp in disbelief and some cheer at the resiliency of Messiah. Messiah slowly rolls out of the tacks. As he does, we can see hundreds of them up and down his back]

JR: Messiah got put into the tacks with an amazing move, but somehow managed to kick out! These two are showing amazing resiliency and extremely high tolerances for pain

King: Man, I could watch this match all day! These two guys want to kill each other!...

[Both men lie on the mat, obviously exhausted from the very grueling match. After a few moments, both men start to slowly climb up to their feet. The fan cheer loudly, seeming to cheer on both men. Jarred leans on his knees as Messiah steps over the tray of tacks. As he does, he lunges at Jarred with a very sloppy clothesline. Jarred somehow manages to duck under the clothesline and slide behind Messiah, actually stepping into the tray of tacks as he does. Jarred quickly hooks his arm around Messiah's head from behind and pulls him into a reverse front face lock. Jarred pulls Messiah up for an inverted suplex, but as he drops Messiah from a vertical position, he brings him down with a front face DDT. Jarred plants Messiah right in the tray with the move. The fans cheer wildly. Messiah bounces out of the tray and rolls a couple of feet away, totally covered in tacks. Jarred slowly staggers over and falls on Messiah with a loose cover. Charles Robinson drops down and makes the count (1...2...Kick out!)] JR: No way!...How did Messiah manage to kick out? How?[Jarred picks Messiah up as he motions that its over, Jarred picks up Messiah as Messiah gives him a low blow, Messiah then hoist Jarred on his shoulder as he hits a tombstone piledriver on Jarred as he lands him straight into the tray of thumbtacks. (1…2…KICKOUT!!)]

Ross: Oh my God! What a match! How do these men find the strength to kick out? Where do they find it at?!

King: Come on guys, get up! I want more violence! Ross: Neither man has anything to be ashamed of in that match, but they're going to be hurting for awhile after it! King: Man, they're both like human pin cushons!

[Messiah stands up and looks to be very frustrated, Messiah thinks a bit to what to do next as he goes over and grabs the tray of thumbtacks. Messiah awaits for Jarred to get up, Jarred slowly gets up using the ropes for support, the back of Jarred's is now a crimson red from the thumbtacks. Messiah then rushes in and drills Jarred straight in the face with the tray of thumbtacks, Jarred goes flipping over the ropes to the mat as Messiah slides out on the opposite side and picks up a chair, Messiah begins to walk over to Jarred, Messiah reaches Jarred as Jarred is on his knees obviously in alot of pain. Messiah talks trash as he reaches back with the chair, Messiah is about to throw the chair forward as Jarred then pulls out a kendo stick from under the ring and nails Messiah in the leg with the stick. Messiah reaches over grabbing his legs, as Jarred then releases a very stiff head shot with the kendo stick to Messiah. Messiah goes stumbling back as then a man with a black hoodie comes over the railing as he begins to choke the life out of Jarred with a chain. Messiah then comes back as the man wearing the black hoodie pulls Jarred up to his feet with the chain, Messiah picks up his chair as he drives it into the ribs of Jarred repeatedly. The man with the black hoodie then leads the man against JR and King's commentating table. Messiah gives Jarred a devastating shot to the head with the chair as Jarred falls over on JR and King's table. Messiah holds Jarred as he instructs orders to the man in the hoodie. The man rolls inside the ring as he then throws back his hood revealing Shane McMahon!]

JR: What in the hell?! Shane McMahon?! This is a man who has alot of history with the EMF, a man who has been totally banned from the EMF because of his relationship with Prez Mike!

King: Wait, where is he going?

[Shane begins to climb the top rope as fans know what is about to come, fans cheer as JR and King toss down their headsets and begin to run off. Shane then leaps off the top rope as he goes flying to the outside driving his elbow through the chest of Jarred. The table collapses as Messiah picks up Jarred and slides him inside the ring, Messiah calls for it as he hits Jarred with the 4th coming right onto the thumbtacks. Charles Robinson then slides in and makes the count {1...2...3!!!}]

JR: A good match had to be turned to this...

King: I loved it...More! More!

[Messiah stands over the fallen body of Jarred's as he looks up begin to laugh, the lights then go to black as a spotlight shines over Messiah who is still laughing over the body of Jarred's. The lights then flicker as they finally then go to black after a couple minutes the lights comeback on as Jarred's arms are tied up in the ropes with his face a totally crimson red. You can hardly see the face of Jarred as the amount of blood loss, Messiah and Shane are no where to be seen as EMF medics are quick to run down and check on the injured Jarred. The medics then check on Jarred as another crew comes out to clean up the ring.]

JR: Fans we will try to get a condition of Jarred, and let you know...My God his face looks like something off of a horror film. Look at the blood loss King...

King: I see it, I think its great!...MORE!! MORE!!

“Kaedon’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring

JR-Kaedon is looking for his first championship

King-Oh well..newbie vs. newbie, sounds like an opportunity for me to get some sleep!

“Tyrants theme” blasts on the PA system as Tyrant walks to the ring with the TV title

JR-you’re somewhat right King, both of these superstars don’t have much experience



[Kaedon lock up with Tyrant, Tyrant then twits Kaedon arm into an arm bar. Tyrant goes to his knee's and then Tyrant looks around for a way out of the move. Tyrant then hits a fireman's carry and then puts Kaedon in a leg scissors. Kaedon then nips up out of it, Tyrant get to his feet as Kaedon goes for a running clothesline. Tyrant ducks it and hits a drop toe hold. Kaedon goes down and then gets up and then Tryant goes for a super kick, but Kaedon ducks it and then Tyrant turns around right into Kaedon and then he hot shots him on the top rope. Tyrant bounces off the top rope throat first and then stumbles backward and then right into Kaedon who hits a belly to back suplex and then goes into the cover and gets the 1.............2.....kick out, Kaedon gets up and then hits a few kicks into the downed Tyrant and then Tyrant gets back to his feet and then Kaedon hits a few fists that back up Tyrant and then Kaedon whips Tyrant off the ropes. Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Kaedon lowers his head and then hits a back body drop, Kaedon waits for Tyrant who stumbles up holding his back. Kaedon hits a running forearm that knocks him down and then Tyrant gets up and then Kaedon hits a standing drop kick that sends Tyrant backwards and bounces back and then Kaedon catches Tyrant and then nails a spinning spine buster! Kaedon then gets up and then runs to the ropes, Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then nails a big leg drop and then Kaedon goes into the cover and then gets a 1……………..2……….kick out. Tyrant then puts on a chin lock, the ref checks to see if it was a choke and then he starts to ask Tyrant if he wants to give it up, Tyrant refuses, but slowly starts to fade away. So the ref starts to check his arm once, twice, but Tyrant raises his arm on the third time and then gets up and then gets to his feet once he does Tyrant hits a few elbows into the gut of Kaedon, Kaedon is a little stun. But won't let go of what is now seems to be a sleeper, so Tyrant goes to the side of Kaedon and then hits a belly to back suplex both wrestlers are down. Though are moving so the ref doesn't decide to use standing ten count as their already making their way to their feet. Kaedon goes for a fist, but then Tyrant blocks it and then hits a few hard punches that stumbles him to the ropes then Tyrant whips Kaedon to the ropes, Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then Tyrant puts his head down. But once Kaedon bounces off the ropes, then Kaedon kicks Tyrant in the face to bring him up, Kaedon then charges at Tyrant for some sort of move. But Tyrant is able to counter with a front spine buster into the pin and gets a 1..............2........kick out]

JR-Kaedon almost made a critical mistake there

King-Well he should stop being a newbie...then maybe he wouldn't have made it!

[Tyrant gets up and then as does Kaedon a few moments later while Tyrant is recovering from the beating he’s gotten so far and then Tyrant hits a few fists to Kaedon and then Kaedon stumbles towards the ropes and then Tyrant tries to whip Kaedon to the ropes, but Kaedon reverses it and then sends Tyrant to the ropes. Tyrant bounces off the ropes and then Kaedon goes for a clothesline, but he ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Tyrant bounces off that side and then leaps in the air and then nails a body press on Kaedon and then gets a 1.........2.....kick out, Kaedon and then Tyrant get up fast and then Kaedon charges at Tyrant and then Tyrant counters with a arm drag Kaedon gets up fast though he's a bit dazed as he walks into Tyrant and then Tyrant hits an arm breaker on Kaedon. Tryant then knowing that's not going to do the job he goes to the top rope and then waits for Kaedon to get up, once he does Tyrant leaps off the top rope and then nails a missile drop kick on Kaedon. Then he goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2………kick out, Tyrant thought he had the three. But then decides not to say much about it, so he goes back on the attack as Kaedon gets to his feet and then Tyrant kicks Kaedon in the gut and hooks him and then nails a double arm DDT]

JR-Tyrant may have the win here, he knows what in stake here…this night could be career altering

King- I don’t think he cares

[Tyrant then stands up and recovers a little bit and lets Kaedon to get his feet, once he does he kicks Kaedon in the gut and then sets him up for a vertical suplex. Tyrant gets him up, but then Kaedon is able to fall behind Tyrant, Tyrant turns around and then Kaedon hits a the Kaedon crush! Kaedon goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2………………3!]

JR-We have a new TV champion, Kaedon goes on to the main event!

[CM Punk's theme hits, and he comes out to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans.]

King: Damn, I wish the writer of this match knew CM Punk's theme music.

JR: You won't like what's next.

[Shane's music hits, and he comes to the ring.] King: If you don't know the theme music, you can't write the match!!!! *King's head explodes*

CM Punk and Shady Shane locked up. Punk started with a knee to the stomach then hit a swinging neckbreaker on Shady Shane. CM Punk got up and immediately started stomping on Shane. Punk went to work as hard as he could with some ferocious kicks as he then picked Shane up and whipped him into the ropes. Punk hit a shoulder tackle taking Shane down then bounced off of the ropes and hit a knee drop. Punk Stood up and dropped an elbow, then got on his hands and knees. Punk placed his hands on Shane then kicked his legs up into the air then driving his knees into Shady Shane. Punk Picks up Shane and whips him hard into the turnbuckle. CM Punk charges into the turnbuckle and gives Shady Shane a back elbow

JR: Nice move there by CM Punk.

King: You know the winner of this match has to team up with the winner of the world title match. That means your partner is either the Jobber of Life or a guy named Wes! God help us all!

[CM Punk whips Shane into the ropes as Shane comes back hits a clothesline. Punk grabbed Shane around the throat and throws him into the corner. Shane comes running back from the turnbuckle and forearms Punk. Punk flips up to his feet taking Shane and giving him a head butt.. Punk then hits a dropkick. Punk starts stomping on Shane. Shane is whipped into the ropes, but he jumps up on them then springboards backwards with a plancha moonassault onto Punk.Tommy . He grabs a hold of Punk and plants him with a DDT. Shane starts stomping on Punk. Punk stumbles up but Shane hits him with a swinging neck breaker. Both men fall to the ground, their chests heaving for air.]

JR: This has been an electrifying matchup.

King: I still can't get over the fact that they're fighting for a chance to team with Angelus... or Wes! Oh, god, wake me up when it's over!

[Punk is the first to his feet, and he climbs the turnbuckle. He waits patiently for Shane to rise to his feet, and when he does he hits a Tornado DDT. Shane falls, and Punk rolls over to his side, rolling out of the ring. He grabs a ladder, pushing it inside, and climbing in after it, he sets it up. Looking down at Shane he decides he is not satisfied, and climbs out of the ring once more. He gets a table, and pushes it in the ring. He sets it up next to the later, and picks Dhane up, lying him on the table. He climbs the ladder, and appears as if he's going to jump]

King: No Punk! Don't do it. Take that damn IC Title so you'll stop bitching about how it really belongs to you!

[Punk changes his mind and climbs the ladder. Shane moves to his feet climbing the ladder also. Both men are moving slowly. Shane is almost to Punk, when CM reaches up, and grabs the IC Title.]

JR: CM Punk has won the match!

[Shane starts punching Punk who ges the upper hand. He sets Shane up for a Pepsi Plunge. The crowd goes insane, as Punk leaps from the ladder, sending himself and Shane through the table.]

King: Wow, I'm...impressed!

JR: Really?

King: Of Course not.

JR: CM Punk just gave Shady Shane a Pepsi Plunge off of that ladder and through a table!

King: Considering that Shane quit earlier this week we'll call that a career ending neck injury folks!

“just 2 badd” as Badd Boy as the crowd boo’s

JR-Well this should be interesting to see what role that Badd Boy plays in the match

King-Well this is a no rule match, maybe Badd Boy will just have a badd ring side seat?

“Angelus theme” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

JR-This may be Angelus only chance to be world champion, he needs to take it seriously

King-I promise you that the dog’s of the world just ran away in fear…

“almost over” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring with the World title…

JR-hhhhmmm interesting way to start the match

King-Oh well, just another Ikeda boring stor…zzzzzzzzzz

[Angelus slides into the ring, but Wes hits a few hard kicks to Angelus before he can really get into the ring, Angelus fights to get to get to a vertical base and then slowly gets up to it in the corner. But Wes is there to pumble him with a few hard fists, Wes seems to be slightly insane due to the whole stabbing things a few months ago. Anyways, Wes once he has Angelus stun enough whips Angelus to the other side of the ring,and then he tries to go for a clothesline in the corner. But then Angelus gets his foot up and then Wes goes right into the boot and then Wes goes right into it. Wes stumbles back and then comes back to Angelus. Angelus grabs Wes and then puts him on his shoulder for a fireman's carry and then hits a Death Valley Driver. Angelus gets up and then stumbles back and then catches himself in the corner and then takes a few moments to regan his compossure and then looks out of the ring and then goes to get the glass table, but then Wes springs up and then spears him down and then starts to pumble Angelus with fists once again. Wes then gets up and then let's Angelus get back to his feet, once he does Wes kicks him in the gut and then sets him up for what seems to be a vertical suplex and then Wes gets Angelus up and stalls the suplex and then turns it into a stalling brianbuster. Wes then sits on the mat for a second, almost posing after that power move or thinking what to do next. Wes then goes to the outside and then grabs a chair. But suddenly Angelus comes leaping over the top rope and then nails a cross body over the top rope once Wes wasn't really paying attention. Angelus then gets up and then grabs Wes and then brings him to the guard rail and then lifts him up and then drops him on to the guard rail and then Wes bounces off it and then Angelus takes Wes and then throws him hard into the ring steps. Angelus then looks down at the chair and then grabs the chair and then takes his time to mock the crowd and then readys the chair as Wes is getting up. But before Wes gets to his feet, Wes hits a atomic drop and Angelus drops the chair and then Angelus goes down to the mat and then Wes takes a few moments to recover and then Angelus stumbles up still in pain and then Wes takes down Angelus with a double leg take down and then sets up Angelus and then hits a sling shot and then Angelus goes flying into the ring post and then cracks his head on the ring post. Angelus stumbles back and then Wes grabs the chair and then cracks Angelus square on the top of his head Angelus goes down. The camera gets an angle after a few moments that show that Angelus is busted open and is bleeding. Wes then pulls up Angelus and then rolls him into the ring. Wes then takes the chair and slides into the ring and then Angelus crawls into the opposite side of the ring and then starts to beg off as Wes holds on to the chair and inch closer to corner and then Wes then takes a big swing at Angelus. Angelus ducks and the moves, Primetime turns around and then Angelus hits a quick DDT on Wes. Angelus then looks around and then sets the chair up and then pulls up Wes and then sets him up and then nails a DDT right on the chair. Wes is down limp on the mat after that move.]

JR-That could be enough to possibility get the table and win this match

King-Man I don’t know worse…a world champion named Wes or “the jobber of life” Jobeous Jobrcher

[Though Angelus can’t really do anything to capitalize on the DDT into the chair, being he has taken a beating thus far. Angelus gets up and then hits a few hard kicks to the downed Wes, Wes stumbles up and then Angelus hits a few hard punches and then Angelus hits an eye rake and then follows it up with more punches and then whips him to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes, Angelus then leaps in the air and then nails a spinning heel kick. Wes goes down and then pops up fast and then Angelus waits for him and then, Angelus takes Wes and then scoops him up on his shoulder and then points him to the chair that is on mat and then Angelus hits a running power slam that is in on the chair. Angelus looks at the table, but decides he wants to make Wes suffer more, Wes stumbles up holding his back. Angelus then picks him up and then nails a back breaker. Wes screms in pain and then Angelus kicks him so that Wes is now on his belly. Angelus then takes the chair and then measures up Wes and then nails a chair shot to the back of Wes. Angelus then stands over Wes and then starts to jab the chair into the back of Wes over and over again and then Angelus puts the chair on his back and then Angelus goes into the second rope (well the nearest one) and then leaps off and then hits a double stomp from the second rope on the chair crushing Wes’ back, Wes is in a lot of pain now. Angelus then slides out of the ring and then looks under the ring and then brings out a 2 x 4 wrapped in barbwire wire. Angelus then slides into the ring with the 2 x 4 and then waits as Wes starts to pull his way to his way to his feet as Angelus then makes sure he is behind Wes. Wes gets up not really seeing Angelus, Angelus takes the 2 x 4 and then hits it into the back of Wes. Wes goes down and then Angelus starts to rake his back with the barbwire wrapped to the 2 x 4. Wes screams in pain as the barbwire rips at his flesh making him bleed from his back. Angelus then throws down the 2 x 4 and then Angelus thinks that he has Wes, so he slides out of the ring and then brings in the glass table into the ring and then pulls gets ready and then as Wes slowly gets back to his feet and then Wes stumbles into the ring and then Wes stumbles into Angelus who puts him in a full nelson. Then, Wes is able to hit a few back elbows into Angelus and then break up the full nelson slam attempt through the glass table

JR-That wouldn’t make Wes happy

King-Aw who care’s what makes him happy…his name is WES

[Angelus gets up and taunts Badd Boy the ref….Badd Boy looks on like he doesn’t care and then Angelus hits a punch to Badd Boy that knocks him down. Angelus hits a few stomps on the downed Badd Boy and then laughs a little bit and then grabs the glass table and then sets it up in the ring as Wes stumbles to his feet as Angelus see’s victory at hand. Suddenly when Wes is on his feet, Angelus taunts Badd Boy. Wes all of a sudden raises up and then hits a full nelson slam, Angelus stumbles itno the corner and Wes taking advantage if it places the table in the corner in front of Angelus and then climbs to the other side of the ring and then gets ready and then leaps from that corner and then nails a coast to coast on the glass table that sends it into Angelus that sends the table into Angelus and scatters it. Wes has won this match..Angelus is busted open like hell and then Badd Boy jumps out of the ring and walks up the apron as Wes is looking up the ramp as Badd Boy walks up the ramp and taunts the fans]

JR-Guess Angelus broke the “rules” more than Wes…

JR: Well folks its time for the mainevent, 6 people inside death cell...And death cell has changed a bit to Triple H's liking. First two sides of this hell in a cell have weapons, one side is a electric fencing while the other is covered in barbwire. The match will only be stopped when someone gets a pinfall or submission...

[Kaedon's theme hits as he begins to walk down the rampway, Kaedon then walks inside the cage door as he makes his way to the corner of the ring.]

JR: Kaedon has already wrestled once here tonight, but this is a huge opporunity for this kid...He could very well walk out as world champion!

King: Ahh please, its not gonna happen...

[Twilight's theme then hits as the camera goes to the rampway, no one comes out however as after several minutes Twilight is nowhere to be seen.]

JR: Well folks like we announced at the first of the show here tonight, Twilight has yet to show up and hopefully he will get his issues to Triple H settled and we can see him in the EMF soon.

King: And I tell you, this sucks for Kaedon cause now he doesn't have a partner!! haha....I told you JR, he has no chance to win here tonight!

[Badd Boy's theme hits as he and Ashlee come out with the tag belts around their waist, Badd Boy makes his way down the ramp as Ashlee follows, Badd Boy stops and looks over the cage as he slides in and paces in his corner. Ashlee stands in the corner as Badd Boy just continues to stare down Kaedon in the corner, Kaedon just smiles as he motions for Badd Boy to bring it on.]

JR: I am really concerned over Ashlee, but she survived hell in a cell last week and maybe she can walk out on her own power this time again.

King: I doubt it...

[CM Punk music hits as he makes his way down the ramp, CM Punk just walks in the ring in a quick fashion as he walks over and flips off Kaedon, CM Punk then flips off Badd Boy, and points down to his crotch at Ashlee, Ashlee flips off CM Punk as Punk just laughs as he mouths off over in the corner of Badd Boy and Ashlee.]

JR: Well doesn't look like CM Punk cares for Ashlee or Badd Boy, and he is gonna have his chance to do something about it here soon.

[Wes' theme hits as fans come out of their seats, Wes walks down with the world title over his shoulder, Wes stops infront of the cage as he hands his belt over to a EMF crew member. Wes eyes everyone inside the ring as he stands outside the cage out of nowhere though, Twilight runs up on the guardrail as he leaps off and nails Wes with a clothesline. Twilight then picks up Wes and launches him up against the cage. Badd Boy then hops out of the ring as he kicks Twilight and slings him inside the ring. Wes slowly gets up and walks inside the cage as they then lock up the cage.]

JR: Well it looks like Twilight has shown up!

[In the center of the ring stands Charles Robinson, he then signals for the bell, getting the match officially underway. On one side of the ring, Twilight and Badd Boy lock up. As these two lock up, both Ashlee and Wes come charging at CM Punk. As they approach him, CM Punk quickly reaches out with both hands and grabs both Wes and Ashlee around the neck. CM Punk tosses Wes back into a corner. CM Punk then puts both hands around the neck of Ashlee before lifting her and tossing her into the corner as well, sandwiching Wes between Ashlee in the corner. As CM Punk does this, Kaedon stands a few feet away, just watching, seeming to wait for his opportunity]

JR: It looks like Kaedon is just content with watching this match.

King: You know, that's got to be kind of uncomfortable there for Wes, I mean against Ashlee like that...BLAHHHHH!

[On one side of the ring, Twilight has managed to gain the advantage over Badd Boy. Twilight drop kicks Badd Boy as he falls to the mat. Badd Boy quickly gets back to his feet and unleashes with a series of kicks. He staggers Twilight a bit and goes to finish the combo with a huge superkick. He lifts his foot up as he Twilight ducks under Badd Boy's leg going over the top rope as he straddles the top, Twilight then clotheslines him off as Badd Boy falls to the floor. Badd Boy falls hard to the floor and lays on the outside. Seeing this, Kaedon rushes across the ring and lands a big forearm to the back of his partners Twilight's head. Twilight tumbles over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Twilight lands hard on the floor a few feet away from Badd Boy. Kaedon steps through the ropes and climbs to the outside. Back in the ring, CM Punk has pulled Ashlee out of the corner. CM lifts Ashlee and slams her to the mat with a high hip toss. CM Punk turns back towards the corner and is met with a big kick to the gut by Wes. Wes quickly grabs CM Punk's head and brings him down with a swinging neck breaker]

JR: Half the participants in this match are on the outside!

King: That's very observant! You should be proud of yourself.

[On the outside, Kaedon is stomping away on the downed Twilight. Badd Boy has rolled away from Twilight and Kaedon and is catching a breather by the corner. Back on the inside of the ring, Wes has helped Ashlee to her feet and seems to be mapping out a move to do on CM Punk. Ashlee signals for him to go ahead with the move as Wes tosses CM Punk into the ropes. Wes takes up his position a few feet away as CM Punk rushes back towards Ashlee. Wes runs in anticipation of Ashlee lifting CM Punk, but as CM Punk rushes in towards Ashlee, CM Punk levels her with a brutal clothesline. CM Punk then grabs the rushing Wes and delievers the a kick to the gut and a quick DDT. CM Punk turns around and grabs Ashlee, flipping her over onto her stomach. CM Punk grabs Ashlee's legs and pulls her off of the mat, lifting her high into the air for a reverse powerbomb! CM Punk then turns and slams Ashlee right onto Wes with the reverse powerbomb. CM Punk then flips Ashlee over and covers both of them. Charles Robinson drops down and makes the count (1...2....Kickout!!)]

JR: Oh my God!! CM Punk came this close of covering both Wes and Ashlee at once!

King: Wonder what would of happen then...

JR: I don't know maybe he would've won the world title and the tag titles...

[CM Punk gets to his feet and slowly rolls both Ashlee and Wes to the outside of the ring. After a few moments, Cobra stays in the ring, possibly catching his breath. On the outside of the ring, Twilight has managed to get to his feet and he and Kaedon are exchanging series of rights and lefts. Twilight begins to get the upperhand on Kaedon, quickly nailing him with a big stunning blow. Twilight grabs the stunned Kaedon and quickly whips him towards the ringsteps. Kaedon crashes into them hard, dislodging the top set of steps. As Twilight executes this, we see that Badd Boy has climbed onto the ring apron. Twilight slowly turns away from Kaedon and as he does, Badd Boy runs along the ring apron. Badd Boy leaps off of the ring apron and clotheslines Twilight hard to the mat. Twilight falls hard onto the floor, landing right beside of the cage with all of the weapons. Badd Boy also seem to have taken some impact from the move as he lies a few feet away from Kaedon and Twilight]

JR: What a quick thinking move from Badd Boy! I don't think Twilight ever saw that one coming!

King: Wow...A clothesline...

JR: Would you shut up?!

[CM Punk stares down at the three men on the outside and seems surprised when Badd Boy is the first to get up. Badd Boy slowly makes his way around the ring, eyeing CM Punk as he does. Badd Boy makes his way around the ring and slides in on the opposite side from CM Punk. As he does this, we see that Kaedon has made it to his feet on the outside. Badd Boy immediately rushes across the ring towards CM Punk. CM Punk swings a huge standing punch at the oncoming Badd Boy, but somehow Badd Boy ducks under and keeps running. Badd Boy immediately runs up to the top turnbuckle with quite a shot of agility. Badd Boy leaps off of the top turnbuckle, turns in mid-air, and before CM Punk can even turn around, Badd Boy brings him down with a big, diving clothesline. Badd Boy immediately jumps to his feet, and climbs the top rope as he then drops a elbow drop across the neck of CM Punk. Badd Boy uses all of the strength it seems he has to roll CM Punk over before going for a cover. Charles drops down and makes the count (1....KICKOUT). CM Punk kicks out]

JR: CM Punk still has something left...

King: He is a bad ass....

[CM Punk slowly gets to his feet as Kaedon climbs into the ring. Badd Boy springs to his feet and charges towards the recovered CM Punk. Badd Boy unloads with a quick series of punches to CM Punk's chest and midsection. Badd Boy finishes off the punch combination with a superkick. CM Punk somehow manages to catch the kick under his arm. He then pushes Badd Boy back, releasing his leg in the process. Badd Boy almost falls, but instead he stumbles back, landing hard in a corner. Unbeknownst to CM Punk, Kaedon is almost right behind him, having made his way across the ring during Badd Boy's combo. CM Punk takes a step towards Badd Boy, but Kaedon quickly reaches out, grabbing CM Punk by the arm, and turning him around. In one swift motion, and in quite a showing of strength, Kaedon lifts CM Punk and manages to plant him with a modified brainbuster. Kaedon quickly covers Punk. Charles Robinson drops down to make the count (1...2...). Suddenly, Badd Boy comes bolting over and breaks up the pin]

JR: You have to think that Kaedon had CM Punk put away there, but Badd Boy comes over and makes the save...

King: Ahhh he would've kicked out...

[Kaedon slowly gets to his feet with an angry look on his face, staring down Badd Boy. Badd Boy quickly lands a straight kick to Kaedon's chest, knocking Kaedon back a step. Badd Boy leaps into the air and lands a boot, staggering Kaedon back another step. Badd Boy then rushes forward and kicks Kaedon in the gut as he lifts him for a powerbomb. As he does, Twilight nails Badd as he stumbles forward with Kaedon on his shoulder, Kaedon then hooks his legs around Badd Boy's head as he bring him down in a huricanrana [1...2...Kickout!!] Twilight breaks up the count as he kicks Kaedon in the head. Twilight then stumbles around as he then turns right into Wes who delivers a low blow to Twilight, Wes goes behind Twilight as he pulls his head back dropping him with a reverse DDT. Ashlee then slides in the ring as she looks at Twilight then Wes, Ashlee then falls on Twilight as she goes for the cover {1...2..Wes grabs the leg of Ashlee and pulls her off.} Wes then shakes his head as Ashlee shrugs and begins to give boots to the chest of Twilight, Wes joins in as then Badd Boy gets to his feet as all 3 begin to stomp Twilight, the crowd erupts in cheers.]

King: What's up with this?!

JR: Well, it looks like the family is ganging up here and delivering a gang bang...

King: Gang Bang?!?! WHERE?!!!!

JR: Not that gang bang, you idiot...

[Wes reaches down and pulls Twilight to his feet. Wes then grabs Twilight by the back of the neck and tosses him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. Wes turns back towards CM Punk, only to see that CM Punk has now made it to his feet. Wes rushes towards CM Punk. As Wes rushes towards CM Punk, CM Punk simply holds one hand high in the air, apparently signaling for a test of strength. Wes stops a couple of inches short of CM Punk and the two men stare eye to eye. Wes slowly extends his hand up and locks it with CM Punk's. CM Punk then extends his other hand and Wes quickly lifts his other, locking it with CM Punk's. The two men immediately begin to struggle back and forth in an epic test of strength. CM Punk seems to be getting an advantage. CM Punk manages to force Wes to one knee. Wes slowly begins to make a comeback, but as soon as he does, CM Punk breaks his grip on Wes' hands and grabs Wes around the neck with both hands. Wes pokes CM Punk in the eye. CM Punk stumbles back holding his eye. Wes falls to the mat in a seated position. Badd Boy is now on the outside as he stands laughing at the fallen Twilight on the floor, Badd Boy then looks at the cage with the weapons all over it as he begins to rub his chin in wondering what to get. Badd Boy then chooses a chain as he wraps it around his hand. Badd Boy begins to stalk the crawling Twilight who is now on the far side of where Badd Boy is, Badd Boy closes in as Twilight uses the ringpost to support him. Twilight slowly turns around as Badd Boy goes for a punch, Twilight ducks as Badd Boy's hand with the chain around it meets the ringpost. Twilight then grabs Badd Boy and slings him against the cage as he goes crashing up against the weapons with a chair falling down from the cage. Twilight then proceeds to pick up the chair as he reaches back to hit Badd Boy. Ashlee then grabs the arm of Twilight trying to stop him, Twilight unaware who it is shrugs them back as he turns around and absolutely blast Ashlee with a chairshot to the head. The crowd "Ohhhs" as Twilight just looks at the fallen Ashlee. Twilight then turns his attention to Badd Boy as he slams the top of the chair into the chest of Badd Boy.]

JR: I knew it was bound to happen, and it looks like it may've just happen...Ashlee was just absolutely creamed with that chairshot...She doesn't need to be in there King, its just not safe...

King: She knew what she was getting into, she shouldn't have showed up if she didn't want to get hurt!

[Inside the ring Wes and CM Punk exchange right hands as each men will deliver a punch and the other one will go against the ropes and shoot back, Wes and CM Punk then deliver a punch to one another that sends both of them down. Both then begin to roll on the outside on a seperate side, both men reach for a weapon as they then slide in the ring slowly, Wes holds a chair as CM Punk chooses a kendo stick, both men then charge and hit each other at the same time once again knocking both of them down. Twilight then senses his chance as he notices both CM Punk and Wes laying side by side. Twilight then climbs the ropes going for a swanton bomb as out of nowhere Kaedon comes dashing onto the apron as he shoves Twilight off right onto the barbwire cage. piece of barbwire actually stick to Twilight's shirt as he falls to the mat on the outside, the crowd cheers loudly as Kaedon lays on the turnbuckle catching his breath obviously still tired from his match before. Kaedon then slides in the ring and collapses as he puts his right arm on Wes. {1...2..Kickout!!} Kaedon then rolls over and puts the same arm on CM Punk {1...2..Kickout!!}]

JR: Kaedon had a chance to win 2 belts there, and came just a second short

King: Ahh he is a jobber, but nice job on tossing Twilight off into that barbwire...That was cool...

[Kaedon slowly gets out of the ring as he grabs Ashlee and slings her inside the ring, Kaedon then goes for the cover on Ashlee {1...2..Kickout} Fans begin to go crazy, as Kaedon goes rolling back to the outside as he seems very pissed now. Kaedon goes over and grabs a shovel from the weapons part of the cage as he blast Badd Boy in the back of the head with it. Badd Boy collapses on the floor once again close to Twilight and the ringsteps. Kaedon then picks up the top part of the ringsteps as he lays Badd Boy's leg on the bottom, Kaedon then puts the top back on enclosing Badd Boy's foot, Kaedon climbs on the apron as he then jumps off with a double stomp ontop of the ringsteps. Badd Boy screams in pain as Kaedon then leaps off the steps, Kaedon then picks up on Twilight and tries to throw Twilight back into the cage with the barbwire but, Twilight puts his leg against the cage refusing to go. Twilight then gives Kaedon some elbows as Kaedon then goes for a kick, Twilight catches the kick and then grabs his other leg. Twilight then leans back shooting Kaedon into the barbwire with a slingshot. Fans begin to cheer loudly!]

JR: What a move from Twilight!

King: I was fixing to say Kaedon is really kicking ass, up till he went face plating into that barbwire!

[Twilight slowly tries to get in the ring as Wes then comes sliding in with a baseball slide knocking Twilight against the weapons cage, as Wes is down from the baseball slide he just pulled off, CM Punk is over top of him with a singapore cane. CM Punk then delivers shot after shot on Wes as Wes tries to block some of the shots with his arms. CM Punk then slowly turns around as he is met by Ashlee who delivers a very stiff shot with a steel chair, Ashlee falls to the mat holding onto the bottom rope for support. Ashlee then notices Badd Boy in pain as he is trying to move the ringsteps, Ashlee looks down at the fallen CM Punk as she just then walks away from him to go help her husband. Camera then goes to Kaedon who stumbles around with streaks of crimson on his face from where the barbwire struck. Twilight then slides in the ring and stumbles around a bit as he notices Kaedon stumbling, Twilight then rushes and dives between the ropes as he drives the back of Kaedon back into that barbwire.]

JR: My God...Kaedon goes right back into the barbwire...

King: Yea, sucks to be Kaedon right now!

[Twilight begins to stand, Twilight reaches under the ring as he pulls out a table, Twilight begins to walk over to Wes who lies inside the ring breathing heavily, Twilight grabs the foot of Wes and drags him to the outside, Twilight releases some stomps as Twilight positions a table laying it against the fence like a angle. Twilight picks up Wes and sets his back to the table as he reaches up and grabs a weapon from the cage the table is leaning on, Twilight grabs a stop sign as he nails Wes in the hand with it and drops it to the ground, Wes lies motionless on the table as Twilight rolls in the ring and looks at Wes as he goes and springs off the far side ropes, Twilight comes back and flips over the top rope with a front flip, Wes dives out of the way at the last second as Twilight goes smashing into the table as it goes straight into pieces. Fans begin to chant "Holy Shit!"]

JR: Twilight took a chance and he is surely paying for it King! Good God!

King: Like there isnt enough weapons on the cage, but yet he still has to go and get more...

[The camera then goes to Ashlee who is helping Badd Boy to his feet, Badd Boy begins to limp heavily as his face chringes in pain, CM Punk then comes from behind Badd Boy and Ashlee as CM Punk delivers a kendo shot right to the bad leg of Badd Boy, Badd Boy drops to the floor in pain as CM Punk who is now bleeding from the chairshot from Ashlee, begins to stare her down. Ashlee rolls in the ring as CM Punk follows, Ashlee then charges at CM Punk but, CM Punk is quick to react hitting a big sidewalk slam. Wes then begins to slowly slide in the ring as CM Punk is saying its over as he stands infront of Ashlee, CM Punk lifts him arms as Wes comes springing up and delivers a very quick full nelson slam! Fans begin to cheer as Wes just falls back in alot of pain, Wes then slowly begins to make his way over to CM Punk as the crowd begins to get on the edge of their seat and cheer loudly, Wes then covers CM Punk as Charles Robinson slides in position {1...2...Kaedon then comes running into the ring dropping a elbow drop on Wes.} Wes begins to stand as Kaedon comes rushing over clotheslining Wes over the top rope as they fall inches from the electrified cage. Ashlee then begins to make to as she slowly begins to climb the turnbuckle with the crowd begin to cheer loudly with each rope she climbs, Ashlee then leaps off the top as she nails a moonsault right on top of CM Punk. Charles Robinson again slides in position {1...2...Kickout!} Fans "Ahh" as CM Punk throws his arm up at the absolute last second. Twilight is then shown moving slowly in the remains of the table as Badd Boy is now trying to pull himself up on the apron. Badd Boy then gets in the ring as Wes is shown on the bottom half of the screen rolling Kaedon into the ring, Kaedon then stands back as he then charges in for a clothesline, Wes ducks under and hooks Kaedon up for a Full Nelson Slam, Kaedon delivers some elbows to Wes as Wes releases the hold as Kaedon throws him over the top rope. Kaedon begins to talk some trash as he shakes his head, saying you won't hit that on me, as Badd Boy comes from behind nailing a Full Nelson Slam of his own! Badd Boy falls to the ground holding his leg as he slowly makes his way to pin Kaedon. {1...2..Twilight reaches up and grabs the leg of Badd Boy as he pulls him out of the ring} This pisses off Badd Boy as they exchange slow rights, Charles Robinson then checks on Kaedon as Kaedon walks around stunned not knowing where he is at, Kaedon backs into Charles Robinson as Kaedon just throws a elbow knocking down Robinson. CM Punk then comes sliding into the ring as he hits a kick to the stomach to Kaedon as he delivers a devastating DDT. CM Punk goes for the cover but, the referee is out, CM Punk begins to get pissed at the ref as he just delivers a kick to the back of Charles Robinson. CM Punk begins to curse at Charles Robinson as Wes slides in the ring and gets set as fans errupt into a huge cheer, CM Punk walks back right into a Full Nelson Slam as Wes falls exhausted on CM Punk as fans begin to do chant "1...2...3!" Fans begin to errupt into "Boo's" as Triple H comes running down with a sledgehammer, Triple H begins to beat the lock off the cage as finally the lock breaks the lock as he slides in the cage and goes to nail Wes in the back with the sledgehammer, but Wes moves as Triple H drops the sledge right into the chest of CM Punk. Wes the delivers rights to Triple H as Triple H stumbles, Triple H ducks underneath a clothesline attempt as he comes back and nails Wes in the face with the sledge, fans "Boo" like crazy as Triple H slings the sledge down as Wes lies bleeding on the mat. Twilight and Badd Boy continue to brawl outside as Badd Boy tosses Twilight against the steel steps, Badd Boy limps his way over as he grabs the top part of the steps and slings them off. Badd Boy then picks Twilight up as he delivers a piledriver on the bottom half of the steps as both men lie out of it.]

JR: Everyone in this match is out of it, the only person hardly moving is Ashlee...

[CM Punk and Wes slowly get to their feet as Wes slowly turns around and CM Punk nails a DDT on Wes as Punk then begins to slowly crawl for Wes, Punk then covers Wes as Charles Robinson slowly begins to count as he is still hurt. {1......2....Badd Boy grabs the foot of CM Punk as he slides him out of the ring} Punk lays on the floor as Badd Boy just collapses still bothered by that foot. Kaedon begins to stand as he picks up Wes and delivers a Kaedon crush, Kaedon begins to slowly make his way to cover Wes as Charles Robinson again slowly counts {1.....2...Twilight then grabs the foot of Kaedon as he drags him to the outside where they exchange sloppy rights and lefts} Ashlee begins to slowly roll in the ring as she notices Wes laying in the middle of the ring, Ashlee looks around as she lays on the mat as fans begin to go nuts, Ashlee begins to crawl over to Wes as fans begin to go nuts.]

JR: Do it! Go for it Ashlee!...You can do it!..

King: No! No, I thought Wes would be the worse possible champion!!...NOOOO!!!

[Ashlee then dives as she covers Wes, Charles Robinson begins to slowly count again as the fans begin to count with him {1!!!....2!!!!...Kickout!!} Wes kicks out at the last possible second as fans "Ahhh" loudly. Ashlee begins to stand as she begins to climb the turnbuckle as the crowd cheers, Twilight then hops up as he grabs the leg of Ashlee leaving her straddling the top rope. Twilight begins to climb the other turnbuckle as he goes to hit Wes with a swanton, Wes moves out of the way as Twilight goes crashing on the mat. Badd Boy then slides in the ring as he looks at the fallen Twilight and Wes, Badd Boy begins to think as he then covers Twilight. {1...2..Kickout!!} Badd Boy helps up Wes as he tries to tell him some instructions as Wes goes to pick up Twilight, Badd Boy grabs Wes and throws him down with a Full Nelson Slam! Badd Boy then goes for the cover on the tricked Wes {1...2..Broken up by Twilight or reaches up and crawls the eyes of Badd Boy.} Badd Boy falls off the cover holding his eyes as Twilight covers Wes {1...2...Badd Boy delivers a double axe handle to the back of Twilight breaking up the count.} Twilight and Badd Boy then stand as they exchange fist, Badd Boy then reaches back as he drops Twilight with a nasty right, Wes then stumbles to his feet nailing Badd Boy with a Full Nelson Slam. All 3 men lie in the ring hardly moving as Ashlee is still laying on the top rope, now moving slowly. Wes begins to slowly move as he and Twilight are now about to their feet as Badd Boy is on one knee, Twilight reaches over and grabs the sledge in which Triple H had, Ashlee slowly begins to move down from the rope onto the apron as she leans against the ropes, Twilight then charges at Wes as Wes ducks, Twilight then nails the newly standing Badd Boy as he goes stumbling back knocking Ashlee off of the apron and against the electric fence as a loud sound is made and a small smoke cloud comes off of the cage, Badd Boy falls to the mat as he looks over and notices Ashlee as his eyes become big, Badd Boy rolls to the outside to check on Ashlee as inside Wes nails Twilight with a knee to the gut, Wes then backs Twilight into a corner as he sets him up on the top rope. Wes goes up for a superplex as he gives Twilight a couple shots to the head, Kaedon then comes in and ducks underneath Wes' legs and goes for a powerbomb, Kaedon brings him out as Wes delivers rights as he sits on his shoulders, Wes and Kaedon get close to the ropes as Wes reaches back and both going flying out of the ring with the huricanrana! CM Punk is then shown walking around on the outside as blood covers the man's face as he drips down to his chest. CM Punk walks over and notices Badd Boy holding Ashlee in his arms. CM Punk begins to laugh as he picks a chair off the cage and walks over, CM Punk then nails Badd Boy right in the back with the chair as Badd Boy goes falling to his side. Fans begin to "Boo" as CM Punk raises the chair in the air, CM Punk grabs the hair of Ashlee as he pulls her lifeless body up. CM Punk slings her into the ring recieving more "Boos"]

JR: Come on dammit, the lady just got fried for God's sake! LEAVE HER ALONE! And you know what if Triple H is watching, I want him to know he is a no good son of a bitch for doing this, is this what you wanted, you wanted to see her get hurt this bad...Your a miserable son of a bitch, HELMSLEY! YOU GOT ME?!

King: Are you asking to be fired JR?!

JR: I can really give a damn King, this is just totally wrong! And CM Punk is even a louser son of a bitch for doing this to her after what just happened!

[CM Punk then picks up on Ashlee who can't even stand as he drops her with a DDT, CM Punk rolls her over as he covers her, but before Charles Robinson can count Twilight leaps off landing on the back of CM Punk with a Swanton Bomb. Twilight and CM Punk lay breathing heavy beside Ashlee as after several minutes Twilight and CM Punk both reach over and put a arm on Ashlee, Charles Robinson begins to count {1...2...3!!}, Badd Boy tries to run in at the last second but, its too late. Everyone in the match lays knocked out as even Charles Robinson takes a seat in the ring.]

King: Aren't you going to say anything?

JR: You know what, I don't even give a damn...Helmsley, you got what you wanted you sick son of a bitch, I am out of here... [JR then tosses down his headset as it makes a noise.]

King: JR?...JR?...Where the hell you going? What does this mean? CM Punk and Twilight are tag champs now or what?

[Lights then go off as a spotlight surrounds the ring with a heart beat sound being heard, The lights flick on and off as they then go off and flicker on real quick getting a glimpse of Messiah in the ring with his arm stretched. The lights then quickly go off again as the after several moments they come back on revealing Wes tied up on one side of the ring's ropes, Badd Boy on the other, and Kaedon on the opposite side as all are bleeding VERY badly, Ashlee lays in the middle of the ring as Shane McMahon stands infront of Messiah, Twilight, and CM Punk with Ashlee at Shane's feet...]

Shane McMahon: Tell them Ashlee, tell them it has begun!!

[Shane McMahon then takes a note and drops it on the chest of Ashlee as the note reads "Triple H/Prez Mike" on the front of the envelope.]

[Unleashed fades to black]