EMF: Unleashed

(Fireworks blasts on the stage and the Unleashed theme blasts on the PA system as fans hold up their signs )

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match for the EMF TV Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, he holds the EMF TV Championship title belt, Hardcore Timmay!!!

[Hardcore Timmay comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Wasabi!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Wasabi walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Hardcore Timmay executes a pumphandle suplex on Wasabi. Wasabi places Hardcore Timmay on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Wasabi gets hit with a back heel kick. Hardcore Timmay knees Wasabi and rolls back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay kicks Wasabi on the mat. Hardcore Timmay applies an arm wrench to Wasabi. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wasabi takes a arm wrench.

[Wasabi gets hit with the shooting star press from Hardcore Timmay. The ref starts the count. ...1 Wasabi kicks out. Now Wasabi standing. Hardcore Timmay takes Wasabi down with a knee. Wasabi gets up. Hiptoss executed by Wasabi lucha-libre style. Hardcore Timmay moves back to his feet. Wasabi and Hardcore Timmay go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Hardcore Timmay gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay gets up. (...3) Hardcore Timmay gouges Wasabi's eyes out. (....4) Wasabi double underhook faceslams Hardcore Timmay hard to the Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay gets back to his feet. (.....5) Hardcore Timmay and Wasabi move back into the ring. Hardcore Timmay slaps Wasabi. ]

Jim Ross - Wasabi takes a slap.

[Hardcore Timmay gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Wasabi executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay throws Wasabi off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Wasabi stands up. Wasabi tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Hardcore Timmay bounces Wasabi off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Hardcore Timmay puts Wasabi in an arm grapevine submission. Wasabi slaps both sides of Hardcore Timmay's head out of desperation. ]

Jim Ross - Hardcore Timmay takes a earringer.

[Hardcore Timmay jabs Wasabi. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - jab!

[Wasabi hits Hardcore Timmay with a baba chop. Wasabi gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

Jim Ross - Hardcore Timmay executes a elbowsmash.

[Hardcore Timmay gets sidewalk slammed by Wasabi. Wasabi leg drops Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi chants start. Wasabi covers Hardcore Timmay hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Hardcore Timmay escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay goes for a belly-to-back superplex but Wasabi dodges the attack. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wasabi is getting the crap kicked out of him! These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Jim Ross - Nope.

[Hardcore Timmay hits Wasabi with a headbutt to the mid-section. Hardcore Timmay uses a snap mare takeover on Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay grabs Wasabi's leg and takes him down. Wasabi is back on his feet. Wasabi hits a jumping elbow hrust on Hardcore Timmay. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - jumping elbow thrust!

[Wasabi measures Hardcore Timmay up and drops a closed fist. Wasabi stands up. Hardcore Timmay is up again. Hardcore Timmay tackles Wasabi and pummels his head. Hardcore Timmay hits Wasabi with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Hardcore Timmay rakes the face of Wasabi in attempt to make a come back. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Wasabi takes a face rake.

[Hardcore Timmay hits Wasabi with the crotch slam. Hardcore Timmay sends Wasabi to ringside. ]

Jim Ross - Wasabi is much safer at ringside. Hardcore Timmay can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Hardcore Timmay goes for a falling head butt but Wasabi dodges the attack. Wasabi is up again. (..2) Hardcore Timmay throws a chair at Wasabi. (...3) Hardcore Timmay short clothslines Wasabi. Wasabi climbs to his feet. (....4) Wasabi short clothslines Hardcore Timmay. (.....5) Wasabi and Hardcore Timmay move back into the ring. Wasabi attempts to kick Hardcore Timmay, but Hardcore Timmay catches his leg. Wasabi flips around and kicks Hardcore Timmay. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Wasabi goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Hardcore Timmay kicks out. Hardcore Timmay stands up. Hardcore Timmay knifehand chops Wasabi. ]

Jim Ross - knifehand chop!

[A side kick by Wasabi turns the match around by knocking Hardcore Timmay to the mat. Wasabi climbs to his feet. Wasabi grabs Hardcore Timmay and applies an arm wrench. Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay picks up Wasabi and drops him neck first on the ropes. Wasabi executes a headlock takedown. Wasabi tackles Hardcore Timmay to the mat. Hardcore Timmay gets up. Hardcore Timmay executes the jumping sidekick on Wasabi. Wasabi is up again. Wasabi hits a flying karate chop right to Hardcore Timmay's neck. Hardcore Timmay puts Wasabi on the top rope and executes a superplex. Hardcore Timmay gets back to his feet. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi grabs Hardcore Timmay's head and hites him in the face. Wasabi delivers a spinning backbreak to Hardcore Timmay. Hardcore Timmay is up again. Hardcore Timmay side slams Wasabi. Hardcore Timmay moves back to his feet. Wasabi gets back to his feet. Hardcore Timmay drags Wasabi to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - What an outstanding match!

[Hardcore Timmay executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Wasabi's head onto the floor. Hardcore Timmay is back on his feet. Wasabi is back on his feet. Hardcore Timmay hiptosses Wasabi. Now Wasabi standing. Hardcore Timmay executes a swinging neckbreaker on Wasabi. Wasabi is up again. Wasabi gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Hardcore Timmay executes the Supper DDT on Wasabi! Hardcore Timmay sets Wasabi up for the HARDCORE REVOLUTION!!!! Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, and still EMF TV Championship champion, Hardcore Timmay!!!

(Wasabi makes his way towards the exit, but someone jumps him and starts to kick him while he's down)

JR-That's Phantom King

King-zzzzz....what? what? no those illegal drugs are not mine....there the Rocks.... *King falls*

Howard Finkle - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Psycho!!!

[Psycho's hit's as he appears at the entranceway. He stands there and then slowly makes his way to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and his opponent, Wes!!! (

[Wes walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Psycho checks his boots. Wes checks his boots. (ding, ding, ding) Psycho connects with a flying knee. Wes goes down. Psycho applies an arm wrench to Wes. Psycho executes a corkscrew legdrop on Wes. Psycho gets up. Wes is up again. Wes executes a back breaker on Psycho. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Psycho takes a back breaker.

[Now Psycho standing. Psycho grabs Wes's leg and takes him down. ]

Jim Ross - single leg takedown!

[Psycho rolls onto Wes connecting with a knee. Wes gets hit with the shooting star press from Psycho. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Wes kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Not even close!

[Wes executes a headlock takedown. Psycho gets up. Wes chops Psycho. Psycho gets hit with a back heel kick. Psycho gets hit with the shooting star press from Wes. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Psycho kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - You just can't win this early in a match.

[Psycho climbs to his feet. Psycho does a cartwheel and kicks Wes in the face. Wes moves back to his feet. Wes picks up Psycho and drops him neck first on the ropes. Wes sucks chants start in the crowd. Psycho climbs to his feet. Wes drags Psycho to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1 ..2) Wes hits Psycho with a Baba chop. (...3) Psycho pokes Wes in the eye with his thumb. (....4) Psycho punches Wes in the head. (.....5) Wes and Psycho move back into the ring. Wes rakes his fingers across Psycho's back. Wes grabs Psycho by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Wes shoulder tackles Psycho. Wes stands up. Psycho gets knocked on the ground and Wes flips onto him. Wes gets back to his feet. Psycho climbs to his feet. Wes goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Psycho. Wes executes a corkscrew legdrop on Psycho. Psycho moves back to his feet. Wes trys for a inverted atomic drop but Psycho avoids it. Wes hooks Psycho in the abdominal stretch. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Psycho escapes. Wes and Psycho go to the floor ]

Jim Ross - Wes can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Psycho goes for a springboard DDT but Wes dodges the attack. (..2) Psycho cuts Wes with a blade. Wes is bleeding as a result. Psycho uses a swinging DDT to plant Wes's head into the floor. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - What a swinging DDT!!

[Psycho is up again. Psycho takes Wes into the ring. ]

Jim Ross - They're moving back to the ring. Psycho can get the pinfall at the ring.

[Wes gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Psycho. Psycho moves back to his feet. Psycho puts Wes in an arm grapevine submission. Wes gets up. Wes grabs Psycho's arm and strkes his chest. Psycho hits a koppo kick on Wes. Psycho stomps Wes. Wes stands up. Wes trys for a power slam but Psycho avoids it. Psycho is locked in the half Boston by Wes. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Wes tightens the hold. Wes breaks the hold. Wes drags Psycho to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Wes executes a huge gutbuster on Psycho. (...3) Psycho is up again. (....4) Wes tackles Psycho and pummels his head. Psycho stands up. Psycho goes for a split legged moonsault but Wes dodges the attack. (.....5) ]

Jim Ross - Psycho can't win the match out there.

[Psycho gets back to his feet. (......6) Psycho and Wes move back into the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Psycho gets hit with a dragon scerw from Wes. Psycho gets hit with the shooting star press from Wes. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Psycho escapes. Psycho moves back to his feet. Wes with a headbutt on Psycho. Psycho gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Wes. Psycho spins aroround Wes's back and DDT's him into the mat. Psycho is back on his feet. Wes sets Psycho up DDTs him into the mat. Wes sucks chants start in the crowd. Psycho gets back to his feet. Wes hits Psycho with the spinebuster slam. Wes with the Flying Elbowdrop on Psycho! Wes grabs Pshyco and hits a powerbomb. He goes for the cover. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Wes!!!
Howard Finkle - This match is for the EMF women's title. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 120 pounds,, Lita!!!

[Lita comes to the ring. ]

Howard Finkle - and her opponent, Natashia!!!

[Natashia walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Earl Hebner checks Natashia's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Lita hits a flying karate chop right to Natashia's neck. A forearm choke by Natashia nearly gets him disqualified. Natashia is hit with a backward kick. Now Natashia standing. Flying sommersault drop kick by Lita puts her back in the match. Now Natashia standing. Natashia trys for a brain buster but Lita avoids it. Lita executes a corkscrew legdrop on Natashia. Lita stands up. Natashia moves back to her feet. Natashia covers Lita hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Lita kicks out. ]

Howard Finkle - Natashia almost won the match!

[Lita is back on her feet. Natashia executes the brain buster on Lita. Now Natashia standing. Lita is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Lita is fighting the hold. ... Lita trys to escape. Natashia breaks the hold. Natashia gets back to her feet. Lita is back on her feet. Lita picks up Natashia and executes the cradle DDT. Now Lita standing. Natashia climbs to her feet. Lita hits a tiger driver on Natashia. Lita is back on her feet. Natashia is t-bone suplexed by Lita. Natashia clotheslines Lita out of no where. Natashia executes a neck scissors on Lita. Natashia hits Lita with the spinebuster. Natashia covers Lita hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - We've got ourselves a winner!

Howard Finkle - The winner of this match, Natashia!!!

(EMF comes back with Jarred and Franchize both in the death cell, both pacing around the cage)

[Franchize charges at Jarred, but Jarred moves out of the way and throws Franchize head first into the bared wire ropes. Franchize gets out of the bared wire before it can cause too much damage. Jarred stomps on Franchize as he gets out of the bared wire.Jarred waits for Franchize to get up to attempt a flap jack. Franchize stumbles towards Jarred, but before Jarred can get Franchize up in order to drive him into the bared wire ropes. Franchize hits a few elbow shots that make Jarred stunned enough to stop the flap jack back into the bared wire. Jarred goes to one knee and Franchize hits a standing drop kick that sends Jarred down to the mat inches away from the bared wire. Franchize goes over to the cells sides and grabs a chair from the wall and waits for Jarred to get to his feet. Once he does Franchize takes a swing at Jarred, but Jarred ducks it and runs through. Franchize takes another shot back wards with the chair. But Jarred ducks it and runs through a little faster. Franchize brings the chair back right into his face trying to regain control from the two wild shots. Jarred charges in and hits a shoulder block to the chair that sends the chair back in Franchize's face, not overall powerful. But effective enough to get Franchize off his feet, Jarred gets back to his feet trying to recover. Franchize slowly gets up and throws a wild punch at Jarred, Jarred blocks it and hits a few punches of his own. Franchize stumbles back rocked from the punches, Jarred trys another one. But Franchize is able to get his arm up to block it and hit a eye rake to stun Jarred. Franchize then sets up Jarred and hits a sitdown jaw breaker on him. Both Jarred and Franchize are on the mat, but Franchize is able to get up slowly. Franchize waits for Jarred to get up and knocks him down with a hard running clothesline, Jarred gets up daze and stumbles towards Franchize. Franchize grabs the chair and smashes it over Jarred's head as Jarred goes down. Jarred goes down to the mat. Franchize waits for Jarred to get to his feet, Jarred stumbles up as Franchize waits for him to get up, Franchize then comes from behind and puts on a million dollar dream. Jarred stumbles around the ring looking for a way to get out of it, but slowly fades away. Jarred goes to one knee and then gets back up. Jarred hits a few elbows into the gut of Franchize who finally let's go of the million dollar dream, but puts on a regular sleeper. But Jarred hits a jaw breaker before he can be put down by it. Jarred goes around and puts a sleeper on Franchize. Franchize stumbles around the ring looking for a way out. But then Jarred hits a sleeper slam right into C4]

King-Looks like Jarred got his revenge for the last time JR

JR-seems so King

[Franchize is now laying the corner of the ring as blood slowly starts to drip from his face. Jarred looks for something else to do to Franchize and picks a 2 x 4 from the sides of the death cell and starts to hit Franchize in the small of the back with it. Franchize crawls around in pain as Jarred goes to over to the inferno part of the death cell and lights the 2 x 4 on fire. Franchize sees this and starts to beg off as Jarred gets closer and closer with the 2 x 4. Jarred raises it up and is about to hit Franchize with it, but Franchize hits a low blow that makes Jarred drop the 2 x 4. Franchize picks it up (luckly the ring didn't catch on fire) and nails Jarred in the ribs with it. Suddenly a fire starts on Jarred. Jarred goes down in a panic and rolls around and puts it out. Franchize then throws the 2 x 4 to the inferno part of the death cell to burn out under control. Franchize pulls Jarred up and hits a gut breaker. Franchize hits a few stomps and takes the steal chair that he had earlier and stands over Jarred. Franchize then starts to jab it into the gut of Jarred over and over again. Franchize then drops the chair again and goes for the ankle lock but Jarred is able to block it before Franchize can get it on. Franchize fustrated that Jarred didn't go down starts stomp on Jarred. Franchize then grabs the chair and slams it on the ground waiting for Jarred to get to his feet. Once he does Franchize goes for a chair shot, but Jarred ducks it and grabs Franchize by the hair and throws him into the death cell side. Somehow Franchize doesn't land back into the bared wire ropes. Franchize stumbles to the middle of the ring, Jarred waits by the chair that Franchize brought into the ring. Then once Franchize is there, kicks him into the gut doubling Franchize over. Jarred then sets Franchize up quickly and nails a piledriver on the chair. Jarred goes for the cover and then remembers that you have to win it by submission. Jarred then calls for his submission finisher. Jarred pulls up Franchize and gets him up on his shoulders for a Death Valley Driver. But before he can hit the move, Franchize slides off the shoulders of Jarred. Jarred turns around and gets a boot to the gut, Franchize then scoops up Jarred and trys for one of his finishers the tombstone piledriver. But Jarred uses his weight to reverse the hold, now Franchize is set up for the tombstone, but Franchize then reverse it back so Jarred is set up for the tombstone piledriver. Franchize now not wasting any time then drives Jarred down with the tombstone piledriver. Franchize goes down as well not able to capitalize on the move.]

JR-You got to admit that both wrestlers are giving their all

King-Yeah well Jarred sucks without Widow, so I don't care

[Both wrestlers are now down, seemly not able to get up to do anything. But Franchize slowly makes it to his feet as Jarred just makes it to his knee's. Franchize stumble towards Jarred and pulls up Franchize. But Jarred hits a low blow to Franchize that makes him double over in pain, Jarred gets under neath him and lifts him up over his shoulders and drives him down to the mat in the DVD. Jarred quickly puts the on the Crippler Crossface. Franchize doesn't want to tap.....Franchize doesn't tap. Franchize taps.]

JR-It might have been a smart move by Franchize, he does have arm problems after all

King-how can a idiot like Franchize be that smart JR!!

(Primetime's already in the ring as his theme is turned off)

"My Sacrafic" blasts on the PA system as Road walks to the ring

King-aaawww JR the tumbleweeds are coming

JR-what are you takling about King?

"Head" blasts on the PA system as Matt Dragon walks to the ring

JR-Matt Dragon believes that his will be a walk in a park, but I don't believe that

King-Matty D rules!

[Road charges at Matt Dragon and spears him down to the mat, Road hits a few fists. Road then tells Dragon to get up, which he does and Road hits a clothesline. Matt Dragon gets up fast, Road hits a few fists to face of Dragon, Dragon backs to the ropes and trys to whip him to the ropes. But Dragon hangs on Road's hand and twists Road's arm and hits a knee to the gut of Road that doubles him over. Dragon then runs to the ropes and hits a one handed face crusher on Dragon. Road stumbles towards the corner, corner where Dragon hits a few stomps in the corner, and then chokes Road with his boot in the corner. Primetime counts to 5 and Dragon lets go. Dragon pulls Road up into the corner and hits a few knife edge chops. Then hits a few fists and then follows it up with a bite by Dragon. Dragon then slowly whips Road to the oppsite side turnbuckle as hard as he can. Road stumbles out of the corner. Dragon then picks up Road and hits a side walk slam. Dragon goes into the cover 1......2....kick out, Dragon gets up and hits a quick elbow drop on the back of neck of Road. Dragon pulls up Road up and yells at the crowd and trys to hit Road with a short arm clothesline, but Road ducks it and waits for for Dragon to spin around. Road hits a few fists to the face of Dragon that back him to the ropes, Road then trys to whip Dragon off the ropes, but Dragon reverses the whipe and Road goes bouncing off the ropes. But Road hits a hard shoulder block that sends Dragon down, Dragon gets up fast, Road then trys for a super kick. But Dragon catches Road's foot in mid air, Dragon spins Road around. But as he goes full circle, Road hits a clothesline on Dragon. Dragon gets up dazed, Road kicks Dragon in the gut and runs to the ropes and hits a swing neck breaker on Matt Dragon. Road stomps on the fallen Matt Dragon, Road drags Matt Dragon over to the ropes and puts his neck over the bottom rope. Road puts his knee on the back of Matt Dragon's neck, Primetime counts the 1.....2.....3....4...5 then makes Road break the hold. Matt Dragon grabs the second rope trying to get up. Road picks up Dragon's legs while on the second rope and then hits a kick to the mid section. Matt Dragon falls off in pain, Road pulls Dragon up and whips him off the ropes. Road goes for a clothesline, Matt Dragon ducks it and stands there still dazed. Road kicks up his foot for Dragon to catch, but before Road can hit a move. Dragon gets out of the dazed state and hits a Dragon screw. Dragon quickly capitalizes on the downed Road and the turns the Dragon screw into a sharpshooter.]

JR-A mistake by Road might have cost him this match

King-Out smarting Road....that's not hard to do JR

[Dragon holds the sharpshooter on Road, Road screams as he looks for a way out of the sharpshooter. But can't Road slowly bridges up and starts to move towards the ropes. Then Road grabs on to the ropes as Primetime counts for the break of the sharpshooter and Dragon breaks it. Dragon hits a few stomps to the back of Road, Road gets up using the ropes. Road is dazed as Dragon hits a hard fist into the face of Road who is dazed on the ropes. Dragon whips Road to the ropes, Road comes off the ropes and Matt Dragon trys a knee to the gut. But Road floats over and into a school boy thus turning Matt Dragon's leg in a weird direction in the process of doing this move for a 1.....2...kick out. Matt Dragon gets up, but starts to limp on his right leg, Road sees this and hits a shoulder block to the back of the right leg. Dragon goes down in pain as Road takes Dragon's right leg and hits a few elbow drops into it and puts a leg lock on Dragon. Dragon screams in pain, Primetime looks for the tap out. But he refuses to tap, Road lets go of the leg lock and hits a knee drop into the leg. Road then puts the leg lock on Matt Dragon once again, Matt Dragon looks for a way out of the leg lock. Dragon slowly forces Road's face back to the mat, once he is able to get Road's face on the mat. Matt Dragon then smashes his other leg across Road's face to break the hold, Dragon gets up still limping and hits a few stomps to the face to Road. Road stumbles around the ring as he holds his face, Dragon kicks Road in the gut and trys for the breath of fire. But Dragon takes too much time and Road hits a few fists to the gut and Dragon backs off stunned. Dragon stumbles back to where Road is waiting. Road then sets up, lifts Dragon in the air and hits a shin buster. Road stumbles against the ropes as he still feeling the affects of some of Dragon's holds.]

JR-What a hell of a match, wouldn't you say King

King- zzzzzzz....yes I am the best damn HoRdE fan there ever was........zzzzzzzzzz

[Road then goes over to the down Dragon, sets up and puts on the figure four. Dragon screams in pain as Road holds the figure four on Dragon. The ref asks Dragon if he wants to give it up, but Dragon refuses to quit. Dragon slowly turns the figure four over and puts the pressure on Road. Road releases the hold and stumbles to the ropes, Road recovers as Dragon makes his way to his feet. Road stumbles towards Dragon and trys for a clothesline, but Dragon ducks it and hits the Dragon kick. Dragon notices that Road is slowly getting up. Dragon climbs to the top rope, Dragon waits for Road to get to his feet. Dragon comes off the ropes for a flying ax handle, but at the last second Road hits a drop kick into the gut of Dragon that makes Dragon fall on that same leg very very weird, Dragon rolls around in pain. Road goes over to Dragon and trys to pull him up. Dragon falls to the ground once, Road pulls up Dragon once again. Dragon counters with a small package for the 1......2....3]

JR-Dragon has won

King-Well if Dragon's the winner, I much rather be the loser

(Dragon need's a lot of help just to get up the ramp)

*The fans settle in to see something the wrestling world has seen several times before, but what is about to take place is no gimmick, no story line, just two people, despite all odds, preparing to spend the rest of their lives together. The arena is a far cry from what the bride had imagined in her childhood, but all of that just seems to fade away, because she knows that the one man that will be there for her forever, is standing in the ring. The Badd Boy is a personification that doesn’t even seem to fit Tony Ikeda as he, and long time pastor and friend Russell Drof come to the ring. A small section of seats filled with family and friends all get excited. Tony’s Mom, his sister Nicole, Ashlee’s Mom, Jennifer Drof, even Tony’s, just to name a few were in attendance.
The technicians remove the ropes from the ringside facing the ramp, and cover the steps and ramp with a white carpet. A light music starts a Tony and Russell talk; the fans also talk amongst themselves. The lights dim to signal that the wedding party is ready. The music grows a little louder as Caitlin and Wes come down the makeshift aisle. Wes wearing a casual suit and Caitlin wearing a light purple bridesmaids dress. Following behind them is Ashlee’s best friend Tasha with Mike. Finally Katrina and CaRnAgE come to the ring.
They take their proper places as the wedding march begins. The crowd rises to its feet, and then from behind the curtain Ashlee emerges. The fans seem to be unable to hold back their delight as they cheer triumphantly. Their applause makes Ashlee smile. She walks toward the ring, and Tony looks as if he can barely breathe. She meets them in the ring, and Tony takes her hand.

Russell: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Tony, do you take Ashlee to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward?

Tony: I do.

Russell: Ashlee, do you take Tony to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward?

Ashlee: I do.

Russell: Now for the vows. Tony please repeat after me. I Tony take you Ashlee.

Tony: I Tony take you Ashlee.

Russell: To be my lawfully wedded wife.

Tony: To be MY lawfully wedded wife.

Russell: In sickness and health.

Tony: In sickness and health.

Russell: For richer or poorer,

Tony: For richer or poorer.

Russell: Forsaking all others.

Tony: Forsaking all others.

Russell: For as long as we both shall live.

Tony: For as long as we both shall live.

Russell: Ashlee please repeat after me. I Ashlee take you Tony.

Ashlee: I Ashlee take you Tony.

Russell: To be my lawfully wedded husband.

Ashlee: To be my lawfully wedded husband.

Russell: In sickness and health.

Ashlee: In sickness and health.

Russell: For richer or poorer,

Ashlee: For richer or poorer.

Russell: Forsaking all others.

Ashlee: Forsaking all others.

Russell: For as long as we both shall live.

Ashlee: For as long as we both shall live.

Russell: The rings please?

*Carnage hands the rings to Reverend Drof.

Russell: Tony and Ashlee, by accepting these rings, you promise to wear them as a token of your love for God, and for each other. They represent the never-ending circle of your undying love. Ashlee please place the ring on the third finger of his left hand, and repeat with this ring, I thee wed.

Ashlee: With this ring I thee wed.

Russell: Please place the ring on the third finger of her left hand, and repeat with this ring, I thee wed.

Tony: With this ring I thee wed.

Russell: If anyone has just cause why these two should not be pronounced husband and wife, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace.

*Ashlee and Tony look around. Nothing but silence. After a few seconds Russell speaks.

Russell: Okay, then.

*The fans no longer able to hold back their excitement scream and applaud as Russell speaks

Russell: By the power invested in me, by the grace of God. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

*Ashlee slips her arms around Tony’s neck, as he wraps his around her waist. They share a long kiss, and camera flashes go off all over the arena.

Russell: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ikeda.

*The cheers continue as the wedding party file back up the ramp and Unleashed goes off the air.