EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Shockwave video runs through what is normal and then we go into the arena where pyrotechnics blasts off and then the lights turn on and the camera turns back on.

JR-Welcome to....

King-Newbie mania...the show that has nothing but newbies

JR-Actually King this Saturday Shockwave

King-Could have fooled me
Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Crow!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Crow comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Insane Micheal Wilts!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Insane Micheal Wilts walks to the ring. That One Guy is the referee for this contest. Crow executes a pumphandle suplex on Insane Micheal Wilts. Insane Micheal Wilts executes a pumphandle suplex on Crow. (ding, ding, ding) Crow uses a lariat on Insane Micheal Wilts. Crow hits Insane Micheal Wilts with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Crow is up again. Crow elbows Insane Micheal Wilts in the stomach, trying to even the match. Insane Micheal Wilts throws Crow off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Crow stands up. Insane Micheal Wilts grabs Crow's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. The referee is checking the situation. ... Crow trys to escape. ... Crow is fighting the hold. ... Insane Micheal Wilts tightens the hold. ... Crow escapes. Insane Micheal Wilts drags Crow to the floor. That One Guy starts the count (.1) (..2) Insane Micheal Wilts with an Aztecan suplex on Crow sends him to the floor. (...3) Crow gets knocked on the ground and Insane Micheal Wilts flips onto him. (....4) Insane Micheal Wilts goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Crow. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Insane Micheal Wilts executes a corkscrew legdrop on Crow. Insane Micheal Wilts is back on his feet. Insane Micheal Wilts bounces Crow off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Insane Micheal Wilts is back on his feet. Crow moves back to his feet. Insane Micheal Wilts gives Crow the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Insane Micheal Wilts is back on his feet. Insane Micheal Wilts hits the flying legdrop across Crow's neck. Insane Micheal Wilts chants start. Insane Micheal Wilts moves back to his feet. ]

King - Insane Micheal Wilts is taking it to Crow.

[Crow legsweeps Insane Micheal Wilts. Insane Micheal Wilts moves back to his feet. Insane Micheal Wilts executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Crow's face to the mat. Insane Micheal Wilts stands up. Insane Micheal Wilts chokes Crow with his boot. Insane Micheal Wilts chants start. Insane Micheal Wilts hits Crow with a flying senton. Insane Micheal Wilts chants start. Insane Micheal Wilts stands up. Insane Micheal Wilts goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash. Insane Micheal Wilts stands up. Insane Micheal Wilts uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Crow down. Crow gets hit with the shooting star press from Insane Micheal Wilts. That One Guy counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Insane Micheal Wilts!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jake Lumas!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Jake Lumas comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Gillberg!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Gillberg walks to the ring. That One Guy is the referee for this contest. Jake Lumas drops Gillberg with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Gillberg checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Jake Lumas short clothslines Gillberg. ]

King - Follows up with a short clothesline.

[Jake Lumas jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Gillberg. Gillberg moves back to his feet. Gillberg executes the front-layout suplex on Jake Lumas. Gillberg is up again. Jake Lumas gets up. Jake Lumas gets tiger suplexed by Gillberg. Gillberg climbs to his feet. Jake Lumas is back on his feet. Jake Lumas hits a koppo kick on Gillberg. Jake Lumas executes a corkscrew legdrop on Gillberg. Now Jake Lumas standing. Jake Lumas applies an arm wrench to Gillberg. Gillberg is back on his feet. Jake Lumas reverse DDT's Gillberg's head into the mat. Jake Lumas climbs to the top rope and nails Gillberg with a reverse flying elbow drop. Gillberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Jake Lumas. Referee That One Guy makes the count. ...1 ...2 Gillberg escapes. ]

King - We almost had a winner.

[Gillberg stands up. Jake Lumas sends Gillberg to ringside. That One Guy starts the count (.1) (..2) Gillberg gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (...3) Gillberg rakes the face of Jake Lumas in attempt to make a come back. (....4) Gillberg slaps Jake Lumas. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Gillberg chops Jake Lumas. ]

King - chop!

[Jake Lumas goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Gillberg. Jake Lumas moves back to his feet. Jake Lumas executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Gillberg. Gillberg gets up. Jake Lumas executes the flying head scissors on Gillberg. Now Jake Lumas standing. Jake Lumas sends Gillberg to ringside. That One Guy starts the count (.1) Gillberg gets knocked on the ground and Jake Lumas flips onto him. Jake Lumas is up again. Jake Lumas knees Gillberg and rolls back to his feet. Jake Lumas chants start. Gillberg climbs to his feet. They head back into the ring. Gillberg hits Jake Lumas with an earringer. Gillberg grabs Jake Lumas by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Gillberg chants start. Gillberg Choke Slams Jake Lumas. Jake Lumas looks to be out cold! Gillberg hits a screwdriver on Jake Lumas. Jake Lumas is pinned. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Gillberg!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, P-Nut!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[P-Nut comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Barbwire Chris!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Barbwire Chris walks to the ring. That One Guy is the referee for this contest. P-Nut drops Barbwire Chris with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. P-Nut gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Barbwire Chris. (ding, ding, ding) P-Nut rakes the face of Barbwire Chris in attempt to make a come back. Barbwire Chris gets tiger suplexed by P-Nut. P-Nut moves back to his feet. P-Nut jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Barbwire Chris. P-Nut is back on his feet. P-Nut measures Barbwire Chris up and drops a closed fist. P-Nut stands up. Barbwire Chris stands up. Barbwire Chris hits P-Nut with an atomic drop. P-Nut is back on his feet. Barbwire Chris sends P-Nut to ringside. That One Guy starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - My God!! What a match!

King-un...not really JR

[P-Nut picks up Barbwire Chris and hits him with a Back Suplex. Now P-Nut standing. They head back into the ring. Barbwire Chris gets back to his feet. Barbwire Chris short clothslines P-Nut. P-Nut moves back to his feet. Barbwire Chris gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. ]

Jim Ross - P-Nut executes a flying forearm.

[Barbwire Chris gets hit with the shooting star press from P-Nut. That One Guy counts the pin. ...1 Barbwire Chris kicks out. Barbwire Chris moves back to his feet. Barbwire Chris with an illegal chokehold on P-Nut. P-Nut gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris gets up. P-Nut is back on his feet. Mexican hiptoss executed by P-Nut. P-Nut puts the chicken wing on Barbwire Chris. That One Guy asks Barbwire Chris if he quits. ... ... P-Nut tightens the hold. ... Barbwire Chris is fighting the hold. P-Nut breaks the hold. P-Nut sends Barbwire Chris to ringside. That One Guy starts the count (.1) P-Nut swings a Steel chair and hits Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris is bleeding as a result. ]

King - Damn! *Faarooq sues*

[(..2) P-Nut applies an arm wrench to Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris stands up. (...3) Flying Tomahawk by Barbwire Chris sends P-Nut down to the floor. P-Nut gets back to his feet. (....4) P-Nut gouges Barbwire Chris's eyes out. (.....5) Barbwire Chris takes P-Nut into the ring. Barbwire Chris throws P-Nut off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. P-Nut gets up. Barbwire Chris hits the Scorpion Death Drop on P-Nut! Barbwire Chris chants start. Kneelock submission applied by Barbwire Chris. That One Guy asks P-Nut if he quits. ... ... P-Nut trys to escape. Barbwire Chris breaks the hold. P-Nut is up again. P-Nut chops Barbwire Chris. Barbwire Chris hits P-Nut with a Baba chop. Barbwire Chris neck snaps P-Nut. Barbwire Chris hits him with a back fist. Barbwire Chris powerbombs P-Nut. Barbwire Chris uses a legsweep faceslam to bring P-Nut down. P-Nut gets hit with the shooting star press from Barbwire Chris. That One Guy counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Barbwire Chris!!!

Jim Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Hitman!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Hitman comes to the ring. ]

Jim Ross - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Dirty D!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Dirty D walks to the ring. That One Guy is the referee for this contest. Hitman drops Dirty D with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Hitman gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Dirty D. (the bell rings) Hitman executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Dirty D. Dirty D gets back to his feet. Dirty D throws Hitman off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Dirty D strikes Hitman in the chest. Dirty D double underhook faceslams Hitman hard to the Hitman. Dirty D gets up off the ground and Hitman hits him with a flying dropkick. Hitman climbs to his feet. Hitman jumps off of the turnbuckle nailing Dirty D with an Asai Moonsault. Hitman is up again. Hitman drags Dirty D to the floor. That One Guy starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

King - WWF? God it's not even WWF anymore, god I hate you JR! Were in the EMF JR!

[(..2) Hitman does a cartwheel and kicks Dirty D in the face. (...3) Dirty D gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Hitman. Hitman stands up. (....4) Hitman gets hit with a dragon scerw from Dirty D. Now Dirty D standing. Hitman moves back to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Dirty D and Hitman move back to ringside. Dirty D and Hitman move back into the ring. Dirty D executes a huge gutbuster on Hitman. Dirty D applies an arm wrench to Hitman. Hitman gets up. Hitman hits a running sommersault legdrop on Dirty D. Hitman chants start. Hitman and Dirty D go to the floor That One Guy starts the count (.1) (..2) Dirty D tackles Hitman. ]

Jim Ross - Dirty D with a football tackle.

[Hitman is up again. Hitman with a huge fisherman buster on Dirty D. Hitman puts Dirty D in an arm grapevine submission. Dirty D gets up. Dirty D and Hitman move back into the ring. Dirty D hits Hitman with a double underhook piledrive right into the mat. Dirty D puts Hitman in an arm grapevine submission. Hitman is back on his feet. Dirty D uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Hitman down. Dirty D catches Hitman in the crucifx and goes for the pin. That One Guy counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Jim Ross - The winner of this match, Dirty D!!!

"Ritter theme" blasts on the PA system as Ritter walks to the ring

JR-Ritter has shown a lot of improvement since he was last here.

King-Which isn't saying much

"Freddy's theme" blasts on the PA system as Freddy

King-Welcome to my nightmare JR...ANNOUNCING WITH YOU!


[Freddy slowly takes off his hat and then stares over to the side of the ring where Ritter is looking over. Freddy smiles a sick smiles as Ritter showing no fear charges in to Freddy who tries to go for a fist. But Ritter ducks it and then runs to the ropes and then hits the ropes and bounces off as Freddy turns around and then gets hit with a flying clothesline. Both Ritter and Freddy are quick to their feet and Freddy stumbles into Ritter who picks up Freddy and slams him on to the mat. Ritter hits a few stomps on Freddy and then Freddy crawls into the ropes and then Ritter chokes Freddy with the ropes and the ref then tells Ritter to break up the hold after 5 seconds and Ritter does. Ritter wasting no time runs to the ropes and bounces off and then hits a knee into the back of Freddy driving his throat into the ropes. Freddy is on his knee's in pain, but slowly raises to his feet near the corner. Ritter hits a few hard fists and then Ritter takes out Freddy out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes. Ritter goes for a standing drop kick as Freddy bounces off the ropes, but Freddy grabs on to the ropes and Ritter goes crashing to the mat. Freddy goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and then waits until Ritter gets up, once he does Freddy leaps off the top rope and then Ritter is able to counter Freddy's attempt at a double axe handle and turn it into a belly to belly suplex. Ritter then goes into the cover and then gets the 1...............2.......kick out. Ritter looks at the ref and thought he had the match, but Ritter hits a few stomps and then pulls up Freddy and then puts his arms over the top rope and then hits a few hard knife edge chops to Freddy. Ritter then whips Freddy off the rope and then Freddy bounces off the ropes and then Ritter hits a spinning heel kick and then waits for Freddy to get up. Freddy stumbles up and then Ritter puts on a side head lock. But then Freddy tries to counter it with a belly to back suplex, but Ritter flips on to the back of Freddy and lands on his feet. Ritter then pushes Freddy to the ropes and then tries to go for a roll up. But Freddy holds on to the top rope and Ritter summer saults into the middle of the ring and then charges at Freddy who gets up with help of the ropes, Ritter leaps in the air and then tries to knock Freddy over the top rope. But Freddy ducks the move and Ritter goes flying into the arena floor. Ritter is down, Freddy rolls to the floor and then pulls Ritter up and then picks Freddy pulls up Ritter and then drops him on the guard rail. Ritter stumbles back in pain and then Freddy takes Ritter and then drives him into the apron, which drives his back into the apron. Which of course hurts...anyways Ritter falls to his knee's and then Freddy backs off and then nails a few running kick to the face that takes Ritter down. Freddy then climbs up to the apron and then measures up Ritter and then leaps from the apron to the arena floor and nails a leg drop! This takes a lot of effect on Ritter, but of course you can't pin outside in this type of match. So Freddy hits a few stomps and then takes Ritter and then puts him in a bear hug and then points him towards the nearest turnbuckle and then drives his back into the ring post. Ritter then is let go and falls down in pain. Freddy then takes Ritter and then rolls him into the ring, apron then mocks the crowd for a few seconds and then climbs to the apron and then Ritter stumbles up and then Freddy hits a shoulder block into the gut. Freddy then sets up Ritter for a suplex, but Ritter counters with a suplex into the ring]

JR-Good counter by Ritter, but will he be able to capitalize?

King-Man, I think I could make a computer program that has random saying and that would do a better job at announcing then you JR...man do I ever HATE you!

[Both wrestlers are down, but Ritter is able to turn on his stomach and then slowly climbs to his feet with help of the ropes. Freddy stumbles up and then sees Ritter on the ropes. Freddy charges at Ritter who counters with a back body drop over the top rope. But Freddy is some how able to land on his feet. Ritter turns around and Freddy tries to hit a fist from the apron. But it's blocked and Ritter hits a few hard fists that has Freddy reeling on the apron. Ritter then takes Freddy's head and then sends Freddy's head into the unprotected part of the turnbuckle Freddy slumps down and then pulls himself up with the top rope. Ritter then baseball slides under the bottom rope and under Freddy into a set up for a power bomb. Ritter then hits a sitdown powerbomb on the floor. Ritter can't follow it up with the beating that Freddy has given him. Ritter is able to sit up and pulls up Freddy and then rolls him into the ring and then climbs to the top rope. Ritter measures up Freddy and leaps off and nails a big elbow drop into Freddy. Ritter then goes into the cover and gets a 1...............2........kick out. Ritter looks up fustrated thinking that was going to beat Freddy. But the ref keeps telling it was a 2. Ritter pulls up Freddy and then hits a few forearm shots and then Ritter tries to whip Freddy to the ropes. But Freddy reverses the whip and sends Ritter to the ropes. Freddy then catches Ritter into a sleeper and does his trademark laugh as the life drains away from Ritter. But Ritter quickly runs with Freddy who won't let go of the move and then charges out of the ropes and sends Freddy and him flying outside of the ring.]

King-aw it's a good thing that Ritter didn't fall asleep...you know what happens when you fall asleep don't you?

JR-Freddy attacks?

King-That would be it...

[Freddy and Ritter both looking pissed start to brawl out of control exchanging punches up the ramp while this is going on the ref is counting them both out and then gets to 10 and then calls for the bell. Freddy finally gets an advantage by throwing some sort of dust in the eyes of Ritter and then kicks Ritter in the gut and hits a DDT. Ritter is down, Freddy starts to laugh as refs pour out the back and try to hold back Freddy. Freddy makes a moment in their direction and they all jump back a mile as EMF goes to commerial]

[A promo video with the song "Eat you alive" by Limp Bizkit plays as it shows the last couple of months of Jarred fueding with Uproar and past history of himself, Wes, and Widow. The promo video then ends with a split screen of Wes/Jarred/Widow.]

[A heart beat sound is then played on the PA as the cage slowly begins to lower, fans begin to cheer very loudly as they know its time for the main event.]

JR: I can't wait for this match King,

[Wes' theme then hits as Wes comes out to several boos of the crowd, Wes walks down and stops infront of the cage as he walks up and shakes it to see if its secure. Wes then walks over to the door as one fan slaps him in the back, Wes leans up and looks at the fan like dont touch me. Wes then enters the cage as he goes to his corner awaiting Jarred.]

JR: Wes looks very intense and ready for his match with Jarred, I know he has been waiting on his chance to get a hold of Jarred ever since his problems with former wife Katrina.

[Jarred's theme hits as he comes out to a loud mixed reaction, Jarred stays on top of the ramp looking down at the ring and looking at Wes through the cage. Jarred then begins his walk down the ramp as he tries to go through the door but, Wes charges at Jarred and Jarred back steps off the cage and instructs the ref to get Wes back. Wes just pushes the ref aside as he tells Jarred to step on in the ring, Jarred talks some smack as he climbs up the steps and Wes closes in closer to Jarred. Jarred waits for his moment as he awaits at the door. Jarred turns to tell some fans who are telling him to get in the ring to shut up as he does this though Wes charges in hitting him with a forearm which sends him sailing off the steps and up against the guardrail. Wes steps outside to get Jarred as referee Charles Robinson continues to try to get Wes to stay in. Wes is already out the cage as he stomps on Jarred some and pulls him up, Wes goes to slam his head off the outside of the cage but, is stopped as Jarred puts his foot up against the cage. Jarred then slams Wes' head off the cage as Wes goes stumbling back. Jarred then drills Wes with a clothesline sending him over the guardrail into the laps of the first row fans. Jarred walks over to the right of the fans a bit as he climbs up on the guardrail and perches there a bit. Jarred waits for Wes to stand and as he does he begins to look around for Jarred. Wes then looks behind him as Jarred leaps off hitting him with a jumping clothesline as Wes goes back down and Jarred now ends up in the laps of the fans.]

King: Last time I checked, cage matches happen inside the ring...

JR: Yeah, my thoughts exactly...But, not even this cage can hold the hatred these two men have for one another.

[Jarred begins to stand as he tells some of the fans to back off, Wes then stands as Jarred goes for a superkick, Wes grabs the kick as he turns the move into a dragon screw and sending Jarred's back off the guardrail as the fans loudly cheer. Wes catches his breath as he walks over and hits some very hard stomps on Jarred while yelling at Jarred. Wes then picks up on Jarred and tosses him back over the guardrail and climbs over himself, Wes then turns his attention to the ring announcer's table as he grabs the ringbell from the table. Wes then walks on over to Jarred who is on one knee, Wes hovers over Jarred as he goes to wind back with the bell and hit Jarred, Jarred quickly reacts as he does a quick leg sweep which sends Wes' legs flying out from under him. Wes drops the bell as he is falling and it winds up falling on the chest of Wes as he clutches his chest.]

JR: That one sure back fired on Wes...

[Jarred grabs the bell and picks up on Wes as he walks him over to the ringsteps. Wes then pushes off Jarred as Jarred's shoulder is driven into the ring steps dislodging the top portion of the steps. Wes then gets a thought as he grabs the bottom portion of the steps and drags it infront of the announce table of JR's and King's. Wes then puts the top portion of the steps on top of the bottom portion. Wes then walks over and picks up Jarred and drags him over to the steps, Wes leads Jarred up the stairs as he hooks him up for a full nelson slam and the crowd begins to go crazy. Jarred fights out though giving back elbows to Wes' head as he finally lets go of the move. Jarred jumps down from the steps as Wes walks off the elbows of Jarred, Wes then shakes it off as he walks back over to where Jarred is laying. Wes walks over to Jarred who is laying with his back turned to Wes, the camera then shows that Jarred has the ringbell in his right hand underneath his stomach. Wes then pulls Jarred up as Jarred quickly spins and nails Wes in the head with the ringbell. A large ding is hard as Wes is shot back onto King and Jr's commentating table. Jarred then begins to take a breather leaning against the cage.]

King: Shew..That was a close one I thought Wes was gonna drive Jarred through our table. And worst of all spill my coffee...

JR: Yea we wouldn't want to spill your coffee, your such a idiot!

[Jarred then notice Wes still down as Jarred begins to climb the outside of the cage and the crowd begins to roar. Jarred climbs more then halfway up as he looks down at Wes, Jarred then leaps off with a elbow as flashblubs go crazy in the crowd. Jarred the crashes down on Wes with a elbow as the table collapses and King/Jr take off.]

JR: [Sounds of adjusting his headset] My God, how these 2 guys even going to wrestle after this brawl they are having.

King: Ohh no...They done did it, they spilt my coffee....

JR: Fans we are gonna take a break and when we comeback we are going to actually try to get these two guys inside that cage.


[As we comeback from break Wes is getting helped into the ring by a bunch of EMF officials as Jarred is already in the ring in the corner about out of it, leaning up against the ropes to keep him up. Wes is then helped inside the ring as Charles Robinson closes the door behind Wes and quickly locks it before letting either men can get back out. Jarred then walks over with a very pissed off face to the middle of the ring as Wes does the same as the begin exchanging right hands. Jarred then throws a hard right knocking Wes back a bit as Jarred touches his chin saying give me your best shot. Wes then winds back hitting Jarred as he goes stumbling back. Jarred then comes back from his stumble hitting Wes with a punch of his own knocking him back. Wes then comes back from his stumble as he walks over to Jarred as both men toss a hard right hitting each other almost at the same time. Both men fall from each other's punches as they both hit the mat hard.]

JR: Both of these men just want to kill each other, and if this match don't end soon they just might!

[Jarred then begins to slowly stands as does Wes, Wes charges in as he goes for clothesline. Jarred lowers his shoulder as he backbody tosses Wes up against the cage as Wes gets caught up in the ropes a bit before landing on his head in a very hard fashion, fans "Ahh" and chant "Holy Shit" as Jarred stays focus on his opponent. Jarred stomps on the downed Wes a few times before lift him up off the mat. Jarred whips Wes into a corner, Jarred walks over and grabs Wes' head. He then rubs Wes' face along the ropes. When Jarred lets go of him, Wes falls back to the mat, clutching his face. Jarred then quickly rushes over and starts to climb the turnbuckle, Jarred then goes for another elbow, Wes somehow manages to roll out of the way and Jarred drives his elbow hard into the mat.]

JR: Jarred went for the high risk moves one too many times.

[As Jarred lies on the mat holding his elbow, Wes gets to his feet. Wes goes over and picks Jarred up. Wes then body slams Jarred, Wes then runs forward and leaps onto the middle rope, He springboards off and lands onto Jarred with a very nice looking moonsault ala Chris Jericho. Wes quickly gets to his feet and starts to talk to the crowd and tell them off. Wes then rushes over to the cage and begins to climb. As he gets near the top of the cage, Jarred gets to his feet. Jarred rushes over and begins to climb the cage as well on the same side. As Wes crosses over to the outside of the cage, Jarred, who had just made it to the top of the cage reaches down, grabbing Wes' hair and neck to prevent him from dropping down to the floor. Jarred delivers some right hands and pulls Wes over the cage top as he almost falls back down to the mat but, holds onto the top bar of the cage. Wes then exchanges rights as both men nearly fall. Jarred then delivers a big right hand as it sends Wes almost crashing. Jarred then hooks his right hand on the back of the neck and hooks his right leg on the inside of Wes' left. Jarred then falls back as both men are sent sailing off the cage with a russian leg sweep. Both men crash to the mat as fans stand to their feet and begin to clap and begin another "Holy shit" chant.]

JR: Know what I said about them killing each other, well I think they just did.

[Jarred and Wes lay motionless on the mat as Jarred begins to move a bit. Jarred and Wes begin to climb to their feet slowly as the crowd begins to cheer for them, Wes falls back down as Jarred begins to keep trying to reach his feet. Jarred then reaches his feet and falls back on his ass still in pain, Jarred holds his back as he keeps trying to get up.]

King: I was fixing to say the first person to their feet would win this match giving it to Jarred, but as soon as he got up he shot right back down.

[Jarred and Wes then begin to get to their feet as they finally do, Jarred then ducks under a couple punches of Wes and hits some rights of his own backing Wes in corner. Jarred then backs out not before hitting a couple more hits to the head of Wes, Jarred then backs out of the corner and then comes running back in for a splash, Wes however falls down out of the way and Jarred goes flying up hitting his head against the ring post. Jarred immediately falls to his back as Wes begins to get to, Wes then gets to his feet by using the support of the top rope. Wes then picks up Jarred as he throws his face of the cage repeatedly, Wes then grabs the face of Jarred and begins to rub it against the cage as Jarred lets out a scream. Wes finally lets go as Jarred falls to his knees, Wes talks some trash and hits some kicks into the side of Jarred before he pulls him to his feet. Wes then picks up Jarred in a suplex before putting him on top of the turnbuckle the camera then gets a shot of Jarred's now bloody crimson face. Wes then climbs up and hits some rights and lefts on Jarred, Wes the pulls back for a superplex. Jarred however blocks as he sends him out in a inverted suplex sending Wes off stomach first on the mat. Jarred stays a top of the top rope as he notice Wes has now rolled onto his back. Jarred leaps off with a swanton bomb as he goes crashing onto Wes' chest.]


King: And its over for JR, as he is soon to have a heart attack.

[Jarred begins to slowly move as both men lay on the canvas for a long while. Jarred then pulls himself up by the top rope, Jarred then puts his bottom foot on the bottom rope and climb up the ropes as he tries to get to the top. Jarred gets up to the top rope as he is about to put his foot up on the cage, Wes gives Jarred a couple blows to the back as Jarred is left standing in the middle of that top rope in the dead middle of the cage, Wes climbs up with Jarred trying his best to keep his balance, Wes gives a couple more blows to Jarred's back and his neck. Wes then slowly moves behind Jarred as Jarred's hands are still locked tightly onto that cage, Wes then hooks Jarred's arms up for a full nelson, Wes pulls back as Jarred finally releases his grip and Wes sends him off the middle of that rope with a full nelson slam which sends Jarred folded up on his neck. Wes and Jarred move for quite some time as finally Wes begins to slowly crawl to the door, Wes is about to reach the door as Widow comes running down, Widow then closes the door as Wes begins to yell at Widow.]

JR: Ohh what the hell, what is this?!

King: I tell you what it is, Widow has made up her mind...She is with Jarred.

[Wes begins to stand fussing at Widow as Widow is picked up heard saying "She is sorry". Wes continues to yell at Widow as Jarred sneaks up behind Wes and hooks his arms up and hits a Full Nelson Slam of his own as fans begin to go crazy as both men are layed out, Jarred then begins to come to as Widow pats the mat telling Jarred to come on as she holds the door open for Jarred. Jarred begins to slowly crawl over as the crowd begins to cheer loudly, Wes begins to move as Jarred is getting very near the door. Jarred then reaches the door as Jarred begins to crawl out but, as he does Widow does the unthinkable and slams the door on Jarred's head as fans begin to boo loudly.]

JR: WHAT THE HELL!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! Widow just slammed the door closed right on Jarred's head!

King: Did you hear the sound of the door crushing on Jarred's skull?! I believe she cracked Jarred's skull.

[Wes slowly gets to his feet as Jarred slowly gets to his. Jarred holds his head looking at Widow strangely, Wes then hooks up Jarred's arm spiking him down for another Full Nelson Slam. Wes and Jarred lay motionless on the ground not moving, Widow then runs up the steps and through the doorway of the cage as she grabs the hand of Wes and tries to pull him through the door, Wes begins to crawl as Widow pulls him to the door. Wes the nears the door as he begins to stand on the step looking back at Jarred laughing. Wes picks up Widow as he carries her down the steps as his feet reaches the ground sounding the bell. Wes then lets Widow down to her feet as he lays a big kiss on Widow.]

JR: This..This..There just ain't nothing to discribe it. I am sickened by this...

[Wes and Widow then walk back inside the ring as Wes is now holding a chair, Wes waits for Jarred to stand as he has to use Widow to support him up. Jarred then begins to stand as blood is now absolutely flowing from his head in great amounts from the cage door shot from Widow. Jarred then slowly turns as he is very wobbly, Wes then nails Jarred in the head with the chair as Jarred immediately falls to his back. Widow and Wes then put one feet each on Jarred's body as Wes raises the hand of Widow.]

JR: This is sick, this whole thing was a plan of Widow's and Wes' to get Jarred...

King: And what a plan it was...A masterpiece, if I do say so myself!

[Widow and Wes begin to kiss with their feet still rested on Jarred's chest.]

JR: My God, the Uproar has fooled us again!...

[Shockwave fades to black]