EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes across the screen as the Saturday Shockwave video goes over the screen. When it stops we go into the arena where fans stand and wave their signs.

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-well guess we won't ever waste pyro anymore...huh JR

JR-Actually we could have more....just Prez Mike decided to cut it from the show..

King-Did I ever tell you how much Prez Mike rules as a boss *jumps on the announces desk and rips off his shirt to reveal his "Prez Mike rules" shirt and on the back that says "and no it's not because I have a high gambling debt...."

:: The arena goes to a dark blue coloring as the stage gets covered in smoke and the titantron flashes the recently curious ‘M’ logo.::

:: The PA kicks in with “Down With The Sickness” by Disturbed. Through the mist walks a figure of a man. As the dark blue is the only relevant light around, it’s hard to make out the man’s face, but you can still make out that the man is walking down to the ring with a bag of sorts being carried with him. ::

Jim Ross: So this is the famed M

Jerry Lawler: Well, I don’t think it’s Rey Mysterio.

Jim Ross: Neither do I Jerry. Who is this fellow and what does he damn well want with the EMF?

Jerry Lawler: Probably that little leather belt with some gold on it that Matty D has been wearing around here lately. What is it called again?

Jim Ross: The EMF World Title Jerry.

:: The man is now in the ring as the music fades off and the lights return to normal as there standing in the middle of the ring with a smirk on his face and proudly raising a fluorescent light bulb is none other the M man himself…::

Jim Ross: HE’S BACK!

:: DEF METAL! Def has gotten a hair cut and lost some weight, surprisingly, but looks to be in phenomenal shape. The crowd is screaming like crazy as in Def’s non raised hand is a mic. Def lowers the hand gripping the fluorescent light bulb down to his side and the mic up to his mouth.::

Def Metal: Did you f[bleep]n’ fans miss me or what?

:: The fans cheer ::

Def Metal: Now let’s see, oh Matt Dragon is world champ. Woo-pee, Matt Dragon how about you drag your ass out here and get the beating you deserve? Hell, I’ll settle for the other world!

:: Def gets interrupted as the n.W.o. - Other World theme hits and Chris Jericho come out looking slighty agitated. Jericho and run down to the ring and slide in as they start to pace towards Def in the ring. Def raises the fluorescent light bulb up with a two handed grip and takes a swing at Jericho. Jericho ducks it and hits a knife edge chop that makes Def drop the bulb. Def hits a knee lift to the gut of Jericho, Jericho doesn't allow it to affect him too much. Def and Jericho trade blows all the way to the ropes, Jericho with his back to the ropes firing back as many fists as he receiving from Def. Def then is able to get Jericho stunned enough to whip him off the ropes. But Jericho comes off the ropes and nails Def with a flying forearm and then hammers Def with fists to the fore head. Jericho gets up and then waits for Def to get up. Jericho then hooks Def for the break down. But before Jericho can hit it, Def hits a low blow that makes Jericho fall to his knee's in a lot of pain. Def grabs another fluorescent light bulb from his bag as he goes towards the turnbuckles and climbs them.::

Jim Ross: Uh-oh…what’s he going to do now?

King: whoo-ah Def's learning the way to win....CHEAT!! *King throws salt in the eyes of JR*

:: Def seems to be waiting for Jericho to get up, but out of the crowd runs Angelica Boycott as nails Def with a punch, knocking him off the turnbuckles and hard outside the ring. Angelica picks Def up and tosses him into the ring as Jericho slowly get up and start to kick away at Def who’s obviously hurt.::

Jerry Lawler: JR, go help Def out.

Jim Ross: How about you go help him out.

:: “Doperide” by Saliva hit’s the PA as Raptor come rushing down to the ring Jericho and Angelica makes a quick exit laughing at what they just did (lol *watches them do the too sweet thing*. Raptor helps Def up to his feet. Def…bleeding somewhat profusely from his head from his spill raises his fist in the air as he gets helped off. The show cuts to a commercial.::

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Toby!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Toby comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jason Syrus!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Jason Syrus walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Toby drops Jason Syrus with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Jason Syrus drops Toby with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Toby pulls Jason Syrus's hair. Jason Syrus executes a headlock takedown. Toby is up again. Toby nails Jason Syrus with a belly-to-back suplex. Toby stands up. Jason Syrus leg lariats Toby, sending him to the mat. Jason Syrus executes a leg hammerlock on Toby. Earl Hebner asks Toby if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Toby trys to escape. Toby escapes. Toby throws Jason Syrus off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Jason Syrus is up again. Jason Syrus short clothslines Toby. Jason Syrus uppercuts Toby. Toby picks Jason Syrus up and executes a stomachbreaker. ]

JR - If Toby keeps using moves like that stomachbreaker he could win the match!

[Toby executes the front facelock on Jason Syrus. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Jason Syrus trys to escape. Jason Syrus escapes. Toby drags Jason Syrus to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Jason Syrus gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Toby. (...3) Toby fist drops Jason Syrus on the floor. Now Toby standing. Jason Syrus gets back to his feet. Toby hits Jason Syrus with the crotch slam. (....4) ]

King - Toby is doing quite well at this point in the match. Is this a great match or not?

JR - Yes sir!

[Jason Syrus climbs to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Toby gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Jason Syrus. Jason Syrus measures Toby up and drops a closed fist. Jason Syrus is up again. Toby climbs to his feet. Toby picks up Jason Syrus and drops him neck first on the ropes. Jason Syrus gets up. Jason Syrus gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Toby. Jason Syrus grabs a chair and hits Toby in the head. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Jason Syrus was disqualified. ]

King - Toby has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Toby!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Punisher!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Punisher comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mystikal!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Mystikal walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Punisher executes a pumphandle suplex on Mystikal. Mystikal drops Punisher with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Mystikal gets elbowed to his midsection by Mystikal. Mystikal is hooked in a full nelson. Punisher tackles Mystikal. Mystikal grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. Punisher gets up. Mystikal applies a nerve hold on Punisher. Earl Hebner asks Punisher if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) Punisher escapes. Mystikal and Punisher go to the floor ]

JR - Punisher is much safer at ringside. Mystikal can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Mystikal chokes Punisher with a microphone cable. (..2) Mystikal tackles Punisher. Mystikal is up again. (...3) Mystikal rolls onto Punisher connecting with a knee. Punisher stands up. Punisher pump handle slams Mystikal to the floor. ]

King - That pumphandle slam was very good.

[(....4) (.....5) Punisher and Mystikal move back into the ring. Punisher fist drops Mystikal on the mat. ]

JR - fist drop!

[Punisher gets up. Mystikal rakes his fingers across Punisher's back. Punisher punches Mystikal in the gut. Mystikal with an Aztecan suplex on Punisher sends him to the mat. Mystikal climbs to his feet. Punisher gets hit with the shooting star press from Mystikal. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Punisher escapes. ]

King - Mystikal should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Punisher gets up. Mystikal neck snaps Punisher. Mystikal hits a kneeling headbutt to Punisher's groin. Mystikal executes a corkscrew legdrop on Punisher. Mystikal stomps Punisher's head. ]

JR - Mystikal executes a stomp.

[Mystikal executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Punisher. Mystikal is up again. Mystikal measures Punisher up and drops a closed fist. ]

King - Mystikal with a fist drop.

[Mystikal gets up. Mystikal hits Punisher with the spinebuster slam. Mystikal chants start. Punisher is up again. Mystikal drags Punisher to the floor. ]

JR - Mystikal can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Mystikal throws a chair at Punisher. (..2) Mystikal slaps Punisher. (...3) Punisher executes a huge gutbuster on Mystikal. (....4) Mystikal gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Punisher. (.....5) Punisher and Mystikal move back into the ring. Punisher goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Mystikal. Punisher gets up. Mystikal hits Punisher with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Mystikal drags Punisher to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Punisher strikes Mystikal in the chest. (...3) Punisher executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Mystikal. (....4) Punisher hits Mystikal with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Mystikal stands up. (.....5) Punisher and Mystikal move back into the ring. Punisher knifehand chops Mystikal. Mystikal puts Punisher on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Mystikal stands up. Punisher gets knocked on the ground and Mystikal flips onto him. Mystikal chants start. Mystikal gets back to his feet. Punisher stands up. Mystikal piledrives Punisher head first into the mat. Now Punisher standing. Mystikal throws Punisher off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. Mystikal Choke Slams Punisher. Punisher looks to be out cold! Punisher gets up as Mystikal gets up to the top rope. Mystikal leaps off, but Pun catches Mystikal in mid air and puts him on his shoulders to hit his finisher the capital punishment. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Punisher!!!

"Nastashia theme" blasts on the PA system as Natashia walks to the ring

JR-Well this is Natashia chance to get revenge

King-Well I guess she's still around after all

"Rachel's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rachel walks to the ring

JR-Rachel hasn't wrestled in a good amount of time

King-well that never stopped HBK did it (EMF HBK)

[Nastashia starts out with a kick to the gut when Rachel isn't expecting it. Then Natashia puts Rachel in a side head lock. Natashia holds the hold as tight as she can, then twists around and then takes the feet from under Rachel Rachel is on the mat and Natashia puts the side head lock on Rachel. Rachel gets back to her feet and then looks for a way out of the hold. Rachel backs up Natashia to the ropes and then whips her off the ropes out of the head lock. Natashia bounces off the ropes and trys for a shoulder block. But Rachel is able to counter with a arm drag release. Natashia gets up stunned and charges at Rachel who once again counters with an arm drag take down. Natashia gets up by the ropes and Rachel then throws her out to the outside of the ring. Rachel awaits Natashia to get up, once she does Rachel charges to the ropes and then knocks Natashia down with a baseball slide. Rachel rolls to the outside and then pulls Natashia up and then trys to whip her to the steel steps, but it's counter by Natashia and then Rachel goes shoulder first into the steps. Natashia then pulls up Rachel and then rolls her back into the ring. Rachel gets up as Natashia takes a bit too much time. But it seems to work in her favor this time as she gets back on the apron and hits a shoulder block to the gut of Rachel that makes her stumbles away as Natashia gets back into the ring and then waits for Rachel to stumble towards Natashia who kicks her into the gut and then sets her up and then hits a snap suplex. Natashia quickly flows over and then starts to bash Rachel's head against the mat, the ref makes Natashia break it up. Natashia pulls up Rachel and then hits a few knife edge chops that send Natashia to the ropes. Natashia then trys to whip Rachel off the ropes, but Rachel reverses it and then hits a knee to the gut as Natashia is passing Rachel that doubles her over. Rachel takes her time and runs to the ropes and hits a swinging neck breaker on Natashia. Rachel goes for the cover and gets a 1........2....kick out, Natashia gets pulled up by Rachel and then thrown into the corner. Rachel hits a few kicks to the gut of Natashia. Rachel then trys to whip Natashia to the corner, but Natashia reverses the whip and Rachel goes hard into the corner. Natashia charges in and goes for a clothesline in the corner, but Rachel is able to counter with a boot to the face. Rachel pulls herself up to the second rope and waits for Natashia to stumble towards her. Then Rachel hooks her and trys for the tornado DDT. But Natashia is able to push Rachel off and Rachel goes flying and crashing to the mat]

JR-That might be the turning point

King-unless Rachel hulks up and hits the leg drop of DOOOOOOM!!

[Natashia holds on to the ropes as Rachel gets up very dazed. She then turns around and then Natashia charges at her and then knocks her down with a clothesline. Natashia waits for Rachel to get up, once she does she is stumbling around very dazed and then walks right into Natashia would hits a body slam on Rachel and then Natashia runs to the ropes and then hits a fist drop on Rachel, Natashia goes into the cover and gets the 1..........2...........kick out! Natashia gets up as does Rachel does ( a little more slowly) Natashia hits a few forearm shots to the face of Rachel that backs her up to the ropes. Natashia then whips Rachel off the ropes. Rachel bounces off and Natashia goes for a clothesline, but Rachel ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Rachel bounces off and Natashia is able to turn just in time to hit a power slam on Rachel for the 1........2....kick out. Rachel gets up very stunned and goes to the corner, Natashia follows it up and then goes for a 10 punch combo and gets the 1..............2...........3..........4.........5........6.....7.....Rachel walks out of it and then drops Natashia on the top rope. Natashia is stunned, Rachel has to catch her breath as Natashia starts to stumble into the middle of the ring. Then Rachel is able to go to the ropes, Rachel bounces off the rope behind Natashia and is able to hit a running bulldog head lock.]

JR-Rachel might want to finish this match here

King-yeah before I go to sleep...

[Rachel steps on the nearest turnbuckle and waits for Natashia, Natashia gets up and stumbles around. Rachel then hooks Natashia and hits the tornado DDT and goes for the cover and gets the 1.......2......3]

"I stand alone" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the DEATH CELL!!!!!!!!

King-after this match, Jarred is going to wish he really stood alone

JR-maybe your right

*King jumps up and hits the HaRdWaY on JR (Hardcore Barczykowski's finisher)

King-of course I am right....did I mention I HATE YOU!

"Wasabi's theme" blasts on the PA system as Wasabi walks to the DEATH CELL!!!!!!!

*King kicks JR while he's down*

[Jarred and Wasabi lock up, Jarred goes behind and hits a few clubbing shots to the back of Wasabi. Wasabi goes down to his knee's and then Jarred hits a few kicks to the back of the head that sends Wasabi all the way down to the mat. Jarred waits for Wasabi to get up and then hits a few hard fists to the face of Wasabi backing him up. Jarred throws a few more fists that have Wasabi backing up near the barded wire. But then while stunned Wasabi is able to get a block in and hits a few fists to the face of Jarred. But Wasabi stunned has to back due to the pounding that Jarred gave him. Jarred shakes the affect of the fists of Wasabi, Jarred charges at Wasabi. But Wasabi counters with a drop toe hold into the barbed wire. Wasaib waits as Jarred gets up in a lot of pain and then sets up and then drops Jarred into a hammer lock body slam. Wasabi then takes Jarred's arm and then holds it against the mat and drops his knee's into the arm of Jarred. Jarred gets up and Wasabi puts Jarred in arm bar. Wasabi hammers Jarred's arm in the arm bar and then hits a few chops to the arm. Jarred gets back to his feet and then backs up Wasabi. But then remembers there is no ropes. So Jarred then is able to turn the arm bar into a hammer lock on Wasabi. Wasabi reverses into a hammer lock of his own and then turns it into a side head lock which Jarred is able to counter with a belly to back slam. Jarred looks around and then grabs a chair that is placed on the side of the death cell. Jarred then slams the chair on the mat as Wasabi slowly gets back to his feet and turns around as Jarred is set to hit him with the chair shot. But as Jarred swings, Wasabi ducks it and then waits for Jarred to spin around. Once he does, Wasabi kicks Jarred in the gut and then then backs off for a swinging neck breaker. But Jarred still has the chair in his arm and then as Wasabi charges at Jarred who is still doubled over. Then hits a chair shot to the face of Wasabi that floors him. Knowing that he can't make a pin in this match steps over the doubled Wasabi and aims the chair for his shoulder and then Jarred slowly pulls Wasabi up and then brings him over to the inferno part of the death cell. Jarred trys to put Wasabi in the fire, but Wasabi is able to block it and then hits a elbow into the gut of Jarred. Jarred backs away. Wasabi then throws him against the cage side Jarred bounces off that and then stumbles around and walks right into a jaw jacker by Wasabi. Jarred stays up and stumbles around. Wasabi then waits for Jarred as he stumbles right into him, Wasabi then sets up Jarred and then hits a belly to belly suplex that sends him right into the barbed wire. Jarred skin gets toren in the barbed wire and he has a few cuts on his arms as he trys to get back up]

King-maybe he's not king of the DEATH CELL!!!!!!!!!!!! after all..

JR-Well don't count out Jarred yet

King-well if he doesn't win this match, he'll be doing subway commerials soon!

[Wasabi grabs the chair and then throws it down to the mat, Wasabi then waits for Jarred to get back to his feet. Once he does, Jarred stumbles towards Wasabi. Wasabi kicks Jarred in the gut and then sets him up for a powerbomb on the chair. Wasabi is able to get Jarred up, but when he's up there. Jarred is able to counter with a sit down face buster that sends Wasabi's face right into the chair. Wasabi is down, but not out as you would expect. But very close to it, Wasabi raises up and shows that he is now busted open in the fore head. Jarred who is very stunned from everything, but slowly starts to crawl towards Wasabi and trys to put him into a crippler crossface. But before he can, Wasabi is able to hit a few back elbows to stun Jarred enough to turn the tables and then put him into the crippler crossface the ref asks if Jarred wants to give it up. Jarred refuses, with the rest of his stength Jarred pulls Wasabi's arms apart and breaks the hold. Wasabi stops trying to put Jarred in the crippler crossface and then drags the limp Jarred to the center of the ring and then drops a few elbows into the inner leg of Jarred. Wasabi then puts Jarred into a single leg lock. Jarred screams in pain and knows that he can't with stand this for much longer. So Jarred slowly pushes Wasabi's head on the mat and then uses his other leg to smash Wasabi's face until he breaks the hold. Wasabi and Jarred are both down trying to recover. Slowly Jarred pulls himself to his feet obviously hurting quite a bit. Jarred trys to recover some more as Wasabi gets back to his feet still stinging from the leg smash the face. But Wasabi blindly trys to take a swing at Jarred, Jarred is recovered enough to block it. But not enough to follow it up, Wasabi is able to throw another fist that Jarred blocks again and then is able to fire back. Wasabi reels back, but is able to hit a eye rake and Wasabi goes for a fist on Jarred. Jarred ducks it and Wasabi does a circle to where Jarred is able to put Wasabi in a sleeper. Jarred then moves back a little bit over the C4 keeping up Wasabi and then drops him right into the C4 with a sleeper slam. The C4 goes off and the crowd chants "holy shit". Both wrestlers are down and pretty much out as the ref looks on knowing that he can't stop this.]

JR-Damn it, the ref can't do a damn thing about this

King-I bet the nWo are loving this!!

[Jarred and Wasabi gets up, Jarred waits for Wasabi to stumble towards him. Jarred then hits a low blow and then allows him to stumble around and then Jarred lifts Wasabi on his shoulders. Wasabi slips out the back and then waits for Jarred to turn around. Wasabi goes for the Wasabimission, but Jarred is able to punch Wasabi. Wasabi is stunned, Jarred then hooks Wasabi and then hits a northern lights suplex. But it goes right into a bunch of c4 that explods, both wrestlers are hurt.Wasabi quickly puts on a crippler crossface. The ref looks in and sees that Jarred is pretty much out due the fact that he has lost a lot of blood. The ref calls for the bell and Wasabi lets go of the hold.

JR-Wasabi has won this match

King-yeah but he PAID THE PRICE

*King hits a few knife edge chops to JR and then puts him in the figure four

(Raptor runs down to the ring to check on both wrestlers as "Iron Man" blasts on the PA system as Prez Mike walks out on the stage)

.::Prez Mike::.-You know Jarred you proved to the world that you are just second best to myself and you proved that today by losing to a piece of trash like Wasabi that you always will be second best when it comes to any type of death match. You don't like it?! What are you going to do......bring me to a Ultimate end! *Prez Mike bursts out in laughter* God Jarred thank you for ripping off the best heel in EMF history. I mean Jarred you never have been exactly orinigal have you, but the fact you now go around saying and using the phrase Ultimate end for your finishers name is a joke. Believe me the mere fact that you use it makes Alex Salvatore roll around in his grave (if he was dead). Hell Jarred you might as well yell "LEGENDARY RIPOFF!!!!"(Prez Mike laughs to himself as the fans boo). Because that's what you are. But we all know that's not the only thing you have ripped off Jarred, but I'll leave it at that for now. Now Jarred on to Amy Dumas, now you really disappointed Jarred. I said that Amy must show up in a promo, but I also said she must do what she is paid to do and that's entertain. Not sit on a couch and say one line, but hell I'm nicer than you think. That's why I'm not going to fire her on the spot.....no I'm just going to suspense her contract without pay, pending her full release and since she's not going to be around the EMF for a while. I figured why not give her a good bye present. (Rob man, I really was looking for something more for you to keep the character...if it's that important than you can still use Amy. But really if your not going to use her. Then you should just let her go, but I left it open for her to return too).

(Prez Mike looks up to the EMF tron as it shows Amy Dumas on the ground beaten up, the camera goes up and shows that her attacker is Mercedes!! We go back to the arena where Prez Mike paces around on the stage and then begins talking again.)

Now on to the match, now I did say that the winner of the match would become #1 contender and that's true. But really are these two pieces of shit worthy enough to face Matt Dragon at the PPV? Hell no, because you didn't impress me enough to do so. So instead of just allowing Wasabi to go on to the PPV after a half ass death cell match. I'm going to make him defend that shot, but this time against a man that he has held down since the day he walked into the Extreme Measures Federation. A man that has secretly always hated to be left in your worthless shadow Wasabi and next week he will have a chance to step out of that shadow. Because Wasabi next week you will be facing..................RAPTOR!! (I'm just making something, so we have a few matches to get the shot. So you will have to work for it. So it should be all good.)

(Prez Mike turns back and goes to the backstage as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air)