EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[The Saturday Shockwave video starts, once it has run through. Then we go into the darken arena as pyrotechics blasts off. The lights go back on as fans raise to their feet ]

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with Jerry "the King" Lawler


"It Just feels right" blasts on the PA system as Amy Dumas walks to the ring

King-I still am trying to figure out how glowing clothes makes you extreme

JR-everyone is King...

"LoveFuryPassionEnergy " blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring

*King makes a car noise*

JR-(trying to block out King) Well this should be a interesting match up

[Amy and Mercedes lock up, Amy turns it into a arm bar. But Mercedes is able to turn it around and reverse it putting a arm bar on Amy. Then putting Amy into a head lock, Amy looks for a way out of the hold and then backs up Mercedes to the ropes. Amy then whips Mercedes off the head lock, Mercedes bounces off the ropes and then Mercedes knocks down Amy with a hard shoulder block. Mercedes then takes her time and trys for a elbow drop. But taking too much time to do that and Amy is able to roll out of the way as Mercedes crashin on the mat. Amy waits for Mercedes to get back up to her feet and then nails her with a few hard fists to the face that back up Mercedes to the ropes. Then trys to whip her off the ropes, Amy bounces off the ropes and Mercedes lowers her head for a back body drop. But Amy is able to counter it with a kick to the fact. Mercedes pops up in pain and then is kicked in to the gut by Amy and Amy goes for the twist of fate, but Mercedes twists Amy's arm out of it and hits a short arm clothesline to knock Amy down. Mercedes has to take a few moments to recover, but then quickly hits a few stiff kicks to Amy while she's down. Amy slowly gets up, but Mercedes throws her on the ropes and starts to choke Amy with the ropes and the ref uses his 5 count to break it up. Amy slowly gets up as Mercedes waits for her to turn around. Then Mercedes hits a few hard knife edge chops. Mercedes backs off as Amy stumbles out of the corner and then Mercedes picks up and hits a side walk slam. Mercedes goes into the cover and gets the 1........2.....kick out. Mercedes picks up Amy and puts her in a chin lock. She looks like she is fading, but is able to get to her feet before that and then is able to turn it and hit a belly to back suplex. Both are now down as the ref uses his standing ten count 1...............2...............3................4...................5................6.... both Mercedes and Amy make it to their feet. Mercedes goes for a fist, but it's blocked and retured by Amy. Amy can't follow up, so Mercedes uses this chance to try to hit another fist. But that's blocked as well and returned. Amy is able to follow up with a few hard forearms to the face of Mercedes. Amy then trys to whip Amy off the ropes. But Mercedes reverses and Amy bounces off the ropes. But this time Amy is able to hit a leg scissors hurricanarana on Mercedes.]

JR-Amy needs to take this advantage and gain control

* the camera shows King with a remote in his hand as he moves one of those small arena blimps over the ring. The Blimp is with a camera with extreme zoom on it*

[Amy is waiting for Mercedes to get up, once she does. Mercedes stumbles right into Amy who kicks Mercedes in the gut and sets up Mercedes, then hits a snap suplex. Amy flows into the cover and gets the 1........2.....kick out. Mercedes gets up and then Amy hits a few hard forearms to the face of Mercedes. Mercedes backs to the ropes, Amy then whips Mercedes off the ropes. Amy gets ready as Mercedes bou nces off the ropes, but before Amy can do anything. Mercedes is able to leap in the air and hits a flying forearm to the face. Mercedes quickly rolls to the outside and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Amy to get up. Mercedes gets ready to go for the Mercedes go round, but before she can. Amy charges the turnbuckle and hits a few fists and makes Mercedes fall on the top rope. Amy quickly goes to the top rope while Mercedes is stunned. Then Amy hits a top rope hurricanerana. Amy has to take a few moments to get up, but it's not wasted motion. Due to the fact that Mercedes isn't even close to recover. Amy then signals for the twist of fate. Mercedes gets up and Amy kicks Mercedes in the gut and then hits the twist of fate. ]

JR-That could be the deciding point of this match....what are you doing King

King-(smiling) Extreme......zooms......rule!

But instead of going for the pin, she takes a little too much time and then decides to go to the top rope for the Litasault and gets the 1......2......3]

(OOC-Well Christina was sick and couldn't RP, so I ask for you to not mention the fact Prez Mike didn't help. We didn't have anything planned. But I have no choice in this situation...so that's all I ask)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Punisher!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Punisher comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Wasabi!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Wasabi walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Punisher checks his boots. Wasabi checks his boots. (the bell rings) Punisher hits a flying karate chop right to Wasabi's neck. Wasabi bounces Punisher off the ropes and clotheslines him. Wasabi is hit with a backward kick. Punisher goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Wasabi. Now Punisher standing. Punisher executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Wasabi. Punisher is back on his feet. Wasabi stands up. Punisher goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Wasabi. Punisher gets back to his feet. Wasabi is up again. Punisher uses a lariat on Wasabi. Wasabi gets hit with the shooting star press from Punisher. The ref starts the count. ...1 Wasabi kicks out. ]

JR - Punisher should have known better than to try for a shooting star press at this point in the match.

[Wasabi climbs to his feet. Punisher jumps from the top and nails Wasabi with a flying axhandle smash. Wasabi stands up. Wasabi goes for a dropkick but Punisher dodges the attack. Wasabi sends Punisher to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Wasabi springboard DDT's Punisher onto the floor! Wasabi chants start. Punisher gets back to his feet. (..2) ]

JR - I wish every match could be like this!

[(...3) Wasabi rakes the face of Punisher in attempt to make a come back. (....4) Punisher with an Aztecan suplex on Wasabi sends him to the floor. (.....5) Punisher takes Wasabi into the ring. Punisher puts Wasabi in an arm grapevine submission. Wasabi unleashes the Canadian backbreaker on Punisher. Wasabi chants start. Wasabi gets up. Wasabi puts Punisher in the double reverse chinlock. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Wasabi tightens the hold. ... ... ... Wasabi tightens the hold. Wasabi breaks the hold. Punisher climbs to his feet. Punisher executes a headlock takedown. Wasabi pokes Punisher in the eye with his thumb. Wasabi chants start. Wasabi hits Punisher with the belly-to-belly suplex. Wasabi moves back to his feet. Wasabi applies an arm wrench to Punisher. Wasabi chants start. Wasabi runs in and leg drops Punisher. Wasabi Choke Slams Punisher. Punisher looks to be out cold! Punisher gets hit with the shooting star press from Wasabi. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Wasabi!!!

"Feels so numb" blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks to the ring

King- You
Finkle: The following match is an Extreme title match. Making his way to the ring at this time, the champion, Jarred Carthallion!

*Jarred walks to the ring and people wave signs for him that say stuff like “Syrus will come to a LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Fink: And his challenger, hailing from Heaven, “Your God” Jason Syrus!!!

*Heavenly God music plays as Jason Syrus floats to the ring in a god-like manner, and the camera pans to JR and King, who are both wearing gas masks and trying to still announce*

JR: Man, I’m glad we thought about these… I sure don’t want to catch that evil virus… I hear it’s really contagious…

King: Yeah, what kind of god is he if he gives the evil virus to everyone? That’s not very god-like, that’s something AN ARKIE would do. *King dodges a sniper bullet matrix style ans rips off his shirt to reveal a “I hate AN ARKIE” T-shirt*

The bell rings and Jarred immediately charges “Your God” Jason Syrus, and levels him with a stiff clothesline. Jarred takes the upper hand, suplexing “Your God” Jason Syrus several times before tossing him out of the ring and hitting a top rope crossbody onto the concrete.


King: *Gives JR a backhander* Shut up JR your turning into Homeboy.

JR: You got a point there, I never RP either! SHIT!!!!!!!!! I took precautions to avoid the evil virus but I got the Homeboy!!!!!!!!!!!! Virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jarred has a look under the ring and pulls out a 2 by 4 wrapped in barbed wire. He swings and clocks “Your God” Jason Syrus right in the head. “Your God” Jason Syrus is busted open and the crowd chants “Holy shit”. Jarred busts “Your God” Jason Syrus’ ribs onto the guard rail. Jarred gives “Your God Jason Cyrus a powerbomb, and Jason almost bounces straight back up and stands up. “Your God” Jason Syrus is clearly no-selling. “Your God” Jason Syrus smashes Jarred with a trash can, and rolls him into the ring for a two count. Jarred gives “Your God” Jason Syrus a low blow, smashes him once again with the 2 by 4 with barbed wire, then sets him for the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And hits it. Jarred pins “Your God” Jason Syrus for the 1.2.3…

Fink: Here is your winner…. Jarred!

*Jarred raises his title, but a mysterious figure runs down the ramp. He is wearing an anti-contamination suit and a gas mask. He picks up the carcass of “Your God” Jason Syrus and puts him in a “Hazardous material bag” and rolls him under the ring. He climbs back into the ring and stands toe to toe with Jarred. Jarred looks just about ready to fight whoever this guy is. He takes off his gas mask and it’s Wasabi! Jarred smiles, and goes back to posing for the fans. But what Jarred doesn’t see is Wasabi pulling a baseball bat out of his suit. Wasabi waits until Jarred gets off the turnbuckle, Jarred turns around, and Wasabi breaks the bat over Jarred’s head!


King: Looks like the Sabi Man caught the evil virus…

*Wasabi grabs a mic*

Wasabi: JC, you’re either entirely unconscious right now, or your wondering exactly why I did this. Oh don’t worry I’m not turning heel, or trying to feud with you for that matter. I’m simply out here to state that as of now, the wWo has no allies. No weaknesses. No one is our friend just because we hate the same people. JC, you come here saying how you’re the EMF’s “hero” and make us sit through a boring ego fuck for you and what exactly have you done? Your going after Hobo next week! HOBO! If the EMF needs to be saved from Hobo, then I’m quitting. I’m openly stating that I will back up Hobo in his match. If you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us JC. I haven’t forgotten you laying me out before our match. I’m just returning the favour. Maybe I’ll see you Sunday JC. Good luck.

*Wasabi does a weird sneer and backflips all the way backstage as his crappy theme plays*

know JR I just thought of something

JR-what's that King

King-Anyone who thinks Timmay was Hiroko is a idiot!

"end with you" blasts on the PA system as Def Metal walks to the ring

King-Well nobodys making his way to the ring


King-What?! He always said he doesn't claim to be anyone, wouldn't that make him no one?

[Def Metal and Raptor lock up, Def Metal takes down Raptor with a head lock take down into a side head lock on the mat. Raptor looks for a way out and then slowly gets off the mat and Def Metal holds on the side head lock. Raptor then backs to the ropes and then whips him off of the head lock, Def Metal goes to the ropes and bounces off catching Raptor with a hard shoulder block. Raptor stays down as Def Metal runs to the ropes. Raptor gets up and then leap frogs over Def Metal. Def Metal bounces off the ropes and then goes for another shoulder block. But Raptor is able to counter it into a arm drag take down. Def Metal gets up stunned. Raptor then knocks Def Metal out of the ring with a drop kick. Def Metal gets up slowly as Raptor then runs to the ropes and goes for a baseball slide that misses. Raptor slides out of the ring, Def Metal greets him with a few fists to the face that stun him. Def Metal leads Raptor to the steel steps and Def Metal trys to smash his face into the steel steps. But Raptor blocks it and then hits a back elbow into the gut of Def Metal and then smashes Def Metal's face into the steel steps, Def stumbles around to the announcers table and then Raptor smashes his face against that too. Def Metal goes to one knee, but Raptor pulls him up. Raptor then whips Def Metal to the barcade and Def Metal goes crashing back first into it. Raptor charges at Def Metal to knock him over the top of the barcade. But Def Metal is able to counter with a back body drop over the top of the barcade. Def Metal stumbles to the ring and rolls in and out of the ring to break the count. Def Metal then follows Raptor into the crowd, Raptor trys to hit a few fists. But they are blocked by Def Metal and returned. Raptor Def Metal blocks the attempt at a fist and then is able to pick up Raptor and then slam him on the arena floor. Raptor is in a lot of pain now and slowly gets picked up by Def Metal and then thrown right over the barcade once again. Raptor then crawls away from Def Metal and then rolls into the ring. Raptor uses the ropes, Def Metal follows him as he does this and then hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Raptor to stun him. Def Metal sets up Raptor for a suplex outside of the ring. But it's blocked and Raptor gets Def Metal up for a vertical suplex back into the ring. But Def Metal is able to get out of it and fall on his feet. Def Metal trys to roll up Raptor, but Raptor grabs on to the ropes and Raptor does a summer sault to the middle of the ring due to the failed roll up attempt. Def Metal waits for Raptor to get up, once he does Def Metal charges in for a clothesline. But Raptor ducks it and hits a super kick to the back of the head of Def Metal that sends Def flying into the corner and holding on to the top rope just to keep up. Raptor then hits a few forearms into the back of Def Metal and then puts him on the top rope. Raptor then climbs to the top rope and hits a few more fists to stun Def Metal even more. Raptor then sets him up and then drives Def Metal down to the mat with a belly to back super plex. ]

King- I don't think Def Metal claiming he is no one will save him

JR-Who knows King

*King back hands JR*

[Both wrestlers are down as Raptor slowly crawls over to Def Metal and puts his arm over Def Metal for the cover and gets a 1..........2....kick out. Both wrestlers get to their feet, Def Metal uses the ropes. But this allows an openning for Raptor to choke Def Metal on the ropes. The ref makes Raptor break the hold, Raptor then runs to the ropes, bounces off and trys to hit a flying knee into the back of Def Metal to drive the rope into the throat of Def Metal. But Def moves out of the way just in time and Raptor is in a lot of pain on the ropes. Slowly Raptor gets off the ropes and stumbles to where Def Metal is slowly getting to his feet. Def Metal fires off a few fists to the mid section of Raptor that stun him. But not nothing that will do too much damage. Def Metal gets up and then follows up the weak punches into the mid section with a few hard knife edge chops that stumble Raptor back to the ropes. Def Metal trys to whip Raptor off the ropes. But Raptor reverses it and then whips Def Metal off the ropes. Def Metal bounces off the ropes, then is able to come off the ropes leaping in the air and catching Raptor with a flying clothesline. Raptor gets up stunned and then stumbles to Def Metal who picks up Raptor and hits a back breaker. Then Def Metal then turns Raptor to his stomach and then climbs to the nearest turnbuckle. Then measures up Raptor maybe a little too long. But Def Metal is still able to drive the fist drop into the back of Raptor, Def Metal has to turn over Raptor and goes into the cover 1......2......kick out]

JR-so close

King-Well Raptor doesn't want to go on a Gillberg like streak when facing Def..

[Def Metal is able to get up and waits for Raptor to go for the deep rift.Before Def can hit it, Raptor is able to get free and go to back of Raptor. Raptor pushes Def Metal to the ropes and then sets up and hits a germen suplex with a bridge and the ref counts 1.......2.....3]

JR- Raptor has won this match

[Raptor waits for the ref to raise his arm, but instead of Raptor's arm.....the ref raises Def's!]

King-What the...you raised the wrong arm

[Another ref runs and starts to say something to the ref, they go back and forth as both raises Def and Raptors arm. Finally one of them say something to Howard Finkel.]

Finkel-The ref has informed me, due to the fact that both wrestlers shoulders were down and there fore this contest is a draw. Due to this draw, both wrestlers will go on to Legacy of Blood to face Matt Dragon for the Extreme Measures Federation world championship!

King-awwww a triple threat *gets a dark look in his eye and bends a steel rod*

[Saturday Shockwave goes off the air with that]