EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Saturday Shockwave starts off with getting a few shots of the crowd as the Saturday Shockwave theme plays.


King-BORING! BORING! Shut up JR!

“Johnny’s theme” blasts on the PA system

King-This are the battle of the Angelica Boycott wanna be’s!

JR-What you mean King?

King-In other words battle of the mutes…they had nothing to say all week

“Wilts theme” blasts on the PA system

King-Well I think I know why he hasn’t showed up…I wouldn’t either if I got beat by a guy named P-Nut!


[Wilts and Johnny lock up and then Wilts turn it into a hammer lock, Wilts then hits a reverse double leg take down and then Johnny falls on his face. Wilts flows over into a front face lock. While somewhere Goldberg shudders at the sight of that move...oh sorry. Anyways Wilts puts on as much pressure as he can. But Johnny spins out of the front face lock into a hammer lock on Wilts. Wilts slowly gets while in the hammer lock, Wilts grabs Johnny's head and then jumps up and then turns it into a ground side head lock. Johnny then turns it into a scissors lock Wilts nips up out of it and Johnny gets up and then they stand on opponent side of the ring as the crowd gives a cheer. Wilts and Johnny pace around the ring and then lock up, Wilts then hits a release fireman's carry and then gets up as does Johnny. Johnny gets up and charges and Wilts hits a release arm drag. Johnny gets up and then Wilts hits Johnny with a standing drop kick that stumbles Johnny back. Wilts then backs up a few steps and then charges at Johnny and then tries to clothesline him over the top rope. But Johnny counters it with a back body drop on Wilts. Wilts though is able to land on his feet on the apron, Johnny turns around and then Wilts grabs his head and then drops his neck over the ropes and then Johnny stumbles back. Wilts jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then waits and then leaps off the turnbuckle and then nails Wilts with a missile drop kick on Johnny. Wilts then goes into the cover and gets a 1............2.......kick out, Wilts then pulls up Johnny. Wilts tries to whip Johnny to the ropes and then Johnny reverses it and then hits a hard knee to the gut that doubles over Wilts and then Johnny runs to the ropes and then Wilts then gets up before Johnny can do anything and then goes for a clothesline. But Johnny ducks under it and then goes to the opposite side of the ring and then Johnny goes for a flying cross body block. But Wilts catches Johnny and then hits a fall away slam. Wilts then goes into the cover and gets a 1..............2.......kick out. Wilt pulls up Johnny and then whips him off the ropes. But Johnny hooks the ropes and then stops himself dead in his tracks. Wilts charges at Johnny and then Johnny counters with a back body drop over the top rope that sends Wilts crashing into the mat to the outside.]

JR-That mistake might have cost Wilts the match

King-Does it matter JR, no one really cares.

[Johnny then climbs to the top rope and the waits for Wilts to get up. Once Wilts stumbles up, Johnny leaps off of the turnbuckle and then leaps off the top rope and then hits a flying cross body block and then both wrestlers are down. But Johnny seems less effected by this then you would usually and then climbs to his feet and then pulls Wilts up with him and then sets Wilts up and then whips him to ths steel steps. Wilts bashes his knee's into the steps and then flies over them and goes in a heap in the arena floor. Johnny then goes to where Wilts goes over to where Wilts is in and then rolls Wilts in the ring . Wilts is holding his knees into the ring, Johnny then gets in and measues up Wilts who is stumbling up and then hits a chop block on the back of Wilts legs and then Wilts drops like a ton of bricks and then Johnny hits a few hard kicks into Wilts injuried leg and then takes Wilts leg and then drops a few knee drops into it and then puts Wilts in a single leg lock. Wilts screams in pain as the ref asks him if he wants to give it up. But doesn't, Wilts puts his shoulders down and then the ref starts to count 1...........2....Wilts raises up and then pushes Johnny’s face down on the mat and then smashes his face with his free leg.]

JR-It’s a good thing that Wilts was able to break that hold…but now what effect will that injuried leg play in on this match

King-depends on how he promoed JR….


King-Nothing JR…nothing

[Johnny then goes to the top rope, suddenly Wilts pushes the ref into the ropes. Johnny falls on the top rope and falls into the ring. Wilts then slides out of the ring and then grabs the chair and then comes into the ring as Johnny has gotten up and then nails Johnny with a steel chair shot. The ref calls for the bell, Wilts throws the chair and then throws it away and beings attacking. We get a camera shot of the entrance as Shane seems to be stumbling down the ramp and then just falls stoned off his ass.]




King-Yeah you’re a far better commentator then JR

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, now making his way to the ring...Dirty D!"

*Dirty D's theme begins to play as he steps out onto the stage. The fans give a huge mixed reaction as he begins to make his way down the aisle to the ring. Dirty D slides under the bottom rope and into the ring, standing up in the center of it and backing into a corner....*

Finkel:"And now introducing his opponent....P'Nut!!!"

*P'Nut's theme begins to play,and the crowd begins to cheer a bit more loudly as he steps out onto the stage and begins to run towards the ring. He slides under the bottom rope, and before he can get to his feet, Dirty D begins to stomp on him. The music finally cuts off, and the bell rings to start the match and as it does, D pulls P'Nut to his feet, and backs him into a corner. D delivers a few hard chops to P'Nut's chest, and then a couple European Uppercuts to just below his chin, rocking him back into the corner. D then grabs P'Nut by the hand, and whips him across the ring to the opposite corner, following him in and delievering a massave clothes line that causes P'Nut to stagger out and do a Ric Flair face fall the mat.*

J.R:"King, Dirty D has certainly hasn't come to play any games tonight, and right now he is tearing into P'Nut like nobody has done before."

King:"Oh crap J.R! This is another boring jobber match, I couldn't care less if the worlds biggest jobber, Angelus came out and murdered these two."

*D laughs as P'Nut hits the mat, but he stays on top of him. D kicks P'Nut a few times, and then rolls him over, going for a quick cover. Charles Robinson gets into position...1...2...P'Nut kicks out with ease. Dirty D pulls P'Nut to his feet, and backs him into the corner again. He tries to whip him across the ring again, but P'Nut reverses it into a short arm clothes line that nearly decapitates Dirty D. D hits the mat, his head bouncing off the canvas as he does. P'Nut immediately grabs Dirty D by the head and pulls him back to his feet, kicking him in the stomach, doubling him over and then driving him head first to the mat with a beautiful dangerous ddt. P'Nut rolls D over, covering him and hooking the near leg. The Ref gets in position for the count...1...2...Dirty D manages to drape a foot over the bottom rope and break the count. P'Nut gets up a little disgusted, grabbing D by the hair and pulling him to his feet. P'Nut backs D into the ropes and whips him across the ring, catching him with a very nicely executed drop kick on the return. Once again D's head bounces off the canvas hard, and P'Nut goes right into another cover, again hooking the leg.The Ref slides into position..1...2......NO! Dirty D manages to just barely kick out before the three count. P'Nut gets up, screaming at the ref, and as he begins to back the ref against the ropes, Dirty D has the presence of mind to grab P'Nut and roll him up from behind. The Ref, a little surprised at first, shakes his head and then drops to the mat to make the count...1....2....P'Nut rolls out and reverses the pin, rolling through and forcing Dirty D into the pinning predicament, and bridging over him for added pressure. The Ref swings around to get a good look at both men's shoulders, and begins to make the count....1.....2.....NO! Both men have the presence of mind to throw a shoulder up at the sametime and break the count.*

J.R:"Well King, you can't get any closer than that was right there."

King:"God this is fucking boring!"

*Both men slowly get to their feet, and as they do they begin to trade fists back and forth. After a few punches, Dirty D manages to get the upper hand, and begins to back P'Nut up into a corner, but P'Nut manages to block a few of D's punches, and takes the upper hand, backing D up and getting himself out of the corner. P'Nut has Dirty D realing from the punches, but as he tries to go for a clothes line, D ducks it and kicks P'Nut in the stomach, grabbing him and whipping into the ropes. D then bounches off the near ropes himself, and as the two men run back towards each other, Dirty D leaps in the air. P-Nut stays on the ground as Dirty D goes for aclothesline. But he ducks it and P-nut kicks Dirty D in the gut and then sets up Dirty D and hits the “Same mistake twice” P-Nut goes into the cover the ref and then drops to mat to make the count on the pins.....1...........2..........3!!!!*

"NO! NO! NO! NO!"

*The camera pans to the stage to see CEO Jarred Carthallion standing there, the Television Championship draped over his shoulder, making his way down to the ring, Angelus following not too far behind...Jarred runs into the ring and clocks P-Nut with the TV title and then throws him into the arena floor *

*Charles Robinson kneels down and begins to check on DIrty D and as he does Dirty D begin to stir slightly. The Ref begins to roll Dirty D out of the ring, falling to the floor as he does, unable to stand up and walk yet. Jarred walks up the ring steps, and steps throught the ropes, looking down at Dirty D and shaking his head in a disappointed fashion as Angelus rolls into the ring and stands next to him. Jarred stands there, looking around the arena, a grin on his face, as he pulls a few papers out of his back pocket.....*

Jarred:"Now, last week I had one hell of a match with a guy is definently going to have a great future here in the EMF, but Impact, it just isn't your time yet. You went into out match last week thinking it was going to be a breeze but you wound up walking out with your first loss, and without your title, just like I said you would. So maybe now, you'll listen when I tell you that I'm not a has been, but instead I'm still a Living Legend. But I didn't come out here to discuss my match from last week. No, I"m out here to address Wes Ikeda, and the fact that he is no longer under contract with the Extreme Measures Federation. Wes, I listened to everything that you were told when that dumb ass commissioner brought you the up to date roster. And I paid very close attention to the things you told Katrina later on when you went on and on and on about always being there for her and always protecting her and all that other bullshit. And I have to say, it was rather touching, and it made me sick to my fuckin' stomach. But it got me to thinking Wes. And I came the conclusion that I can't allow you to run around her and do whatever you want like that ass clown Chris Jericho. So, I went and talked with Mike, and then I went and talked with a few of the EMF's lawyers. And after some long discussions about a few of the things that I could do, I walked out with these two pieces of paper. Now Wes, what I have here in my hand is a restraining order that was issued by a federal judge in Phoenix earlier in the week. And in this restraining it states that you can't come within fifty feet of this ring, but it doesn't stop there. No, because it also states that you can't lay a hand on me either. You see Wes, I'm an executive with this company, and I can't allow a fan to run around here doing whatever he wants to the superstars. Not only that, I damn sure won't have you running around here and harassing me when I can't lay a hand on you. But, thats just the beginning Wes. Because I know how you are, and it won't take you long to break this restraining order, and when you do, I'm going sleep well knowing that your the one staing the night with Bubba, taking it up the ass, and being questioned about when The King is going to pay back that money he owes. I know that you'll do whatever you can to protect your wife, and thats why I'm going to make a very special match for next week. Thats right, next week, right here on Shockwave, we're going to have a very special Lumber Jack match. Wes, I'm going to surround the ring with officers from the local police department, and a few superstars of my choosing. And in this very ring your wife, Katrina Ikeda, will compete. But Wes, she won't be competeing against just anybody Oh no, next week its my turn to play. Next week Kat, you'll be competing against ME! And Wes, there is absolutely nothing that you can fuckin' do about it!!!"

*Jarred and Angelus look at each othere, both of them laughing almost as hard as they possibly can as "Break You" starst to play. The two of them roll out of the ring, and head back up the ramp, the fans heavily booing them as they disappearing behind the entrance curtain again.....*

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Barbedwire Chris!!! (crowd boos *********)

[Barbedwire Chris comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Twilight!!!

[Twilight walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Twilight gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Barbedwire Chris. Barbedwire Chris gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Twilight. (the bell rings) Chris takes Twilight down with a knee. He then grabs Twilight and applies an arm wrench. Chris rolls onto Twilight connecting with a knee. Twilight lifts Barbedwire Chris and delivers a back breaker. Barbedwire Chris is locked in the elbow submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Barbedwire Chris escapes. Barbedwire Chris gives Twilight a reverse neckbreaker. He gets up. Barbedwire Chris covers Twilight hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 Twilight escapes. ]

Jim Ross - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Twilight.

[Twilight climbs to his feet. Barbedwire Chris hits Twilight with a headbutt to the mid-section. He then hits Twilight with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Chris hits Twilight with an elbowdrop. then fist drops Twilight on the mat. Barbedwire Chris gets back to his feet. Chris puts Twilight in an arm grapevine submission. Barbedwire Chris kicks Twilight on the mat. ]

Jim Ross - Baw Gawd that hurts.

[Barbedwire Chris grabs Twilight and applies an arm wrench. Chris then kicks Twilight on the mat. Spinning neck-breaker from Twilight takes Barbedwire Chris down. Twilight locks Chris in the kneebar. Earl Hebner asks Barbedwire Chris if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Barbedwire Chris escapes. ]

Jim Ross - Twilight is doing quite well at this point in the match. You'd think this was a submission match.

[Barbedwire Chris trys for a dropkick but Twilight avoids it. Chris applies a nerve hold on Twilight. Earl Hebner asks Twilight if he quits. ... Barbedwire Chris tightens the hold. ... ... Twilight trys to escape. ... Twilight escapes. Chris trys for a body splash but Twilight avoids it. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Barbedwire Chris is was taking it to Twilight.

[Twilight goes for a springboard dropkick but Barbedwire Chris dodges the attack. Flying somersault drop kick by Twilight puts him back in the match. He climbs to his feet. Barbedwire Chris climbs to his feet also. Chris with an Aztecan suplex on Twilight sends him to the mat. He then fist drops Twilight on the mat. Barbedwire Chris is back on his feet. Barbedwire Chris puts Twilight in an arm grapevine submission, but Twilight escapes quickly.]

Jim Ross - Barbedwire Chris executes a arm grapevine. That's the second time we've seen that, doesn't he know any other moves?

[Twilight executes a standing split legged moonsault on to Barbedwire Chris. Twilight gets right back to his feet. Twilight goes off the turnbuckle with a flying somersault splash. Twilight covers Barbedwire Chris. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Barbedwire Chris escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That was almost the end of the match right there! If only it were!

[Now Barbedwire Chris standing. Twilight gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Barbedwire Chris. He then executes a swinging bulldog on Barbedwire Chris driving Barbedwire Chris's face into the mat. Twilight stands back up. Twilight hits a huge flying legdrop onto the lying Barbedwire Chris. He follows that up by hitting the handspring moonsault on Barbedwire Chris. Twilight with the advantage finally gets out of the ring and grabs a hold of a chair. He slides it into the ring then grabs Chris. Twilight throws Chris out of the ring. Twilight rolls out and then rolls Chris up onto the Spanish Announcers Table. Twilight rolls back into the ring and grabs the chair. He jumps up onto the turnbuckle holding the chair close to his body then leaps off with a 450 splash causing his body to fall on the chair that smashes into Barbedwire Chris forcing the table to break. Twilight covers and the referee counts ...1...2...3!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Twilight!!!

*Suddenly Angelus music stops as he paces around the ring. Angelus looks around wondering what’s going on. Suddenly the EMF tron lights up with Amy Dumas hard at work at a desk, suddenly Chris Jericho steps in front of the camera to a loud cheer from the crowd. A “RWA! RWA! RWA!” chant goes up, Jericho lets it go and speaks.*

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.- Well, well, well…I bet you all didn’t think you would be hearing from me for a so soon, yes Amy and I do plan to stay out of the spotlight like we said. But I realized this week that I seem to have one loose end to tie up. Angelus…Angelus! It would seem that you just don’t get it jerky. Did you not watch our promo last week? Were you dropped too many times as a baby Angelus? Are you deaf? It sure seems so because not only can’t you kill right, you can’t listen either. You see Amy and I have stepped away from the spotlight, so Angelus for now you have nothing to worry about jerky. But that doesn’t mean were going to be gone for good from the EMF. Angelus I saw your promo and it interest me, no not because of the fact you had yet another pointless murder. Rather because you said that *mocking voice* “Jericho knows what its like to step up against me, and he knows that if he ever grew a set big enough to do it again, that I’d rip him a new one. *end mocking voice*. Well you know something junior I did tell you one time that if you wanted a fight, I’m not a hard man to find. I mean like I said, I may not be under EMF contract…that still doesn’t mean I wouldn’t fight you Angelus in the backstage area. Oh and I would be sure to throw the first punch, because honestly Angelus Amy and I are tired of you, the whole EMF is tired of you. Angelus as I said there were many reasons for why I attacked you, other then what you did to Amy’s dog. We just wanted you to feel what it felt like to take a dirt nap. So after I beat the hell out of you and lead you into one of my ingenious plans that ended with me burying your ass alive, to prove to you that you don’t mess with Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas. I kept waiting Angelus…and waiting…and waiting…and waiting. You know what Angelus, I’m not paid to wait, hell I’m not even paid by the EMF! Angelus now that Amy and I promised to stay away from the spotlight…your time is up; you lost your chance at revenge against me Angelus. But I will say something it did bug me that someone that would be brave enough to kill anyone or anything wouldn’t even have the balls to take off my offer while it was still good. So I thought about it and then it came to me, maybe it’s you’re the one that’s afraid. Because Angelus you realized how powerless you truly were in that attack, sure you were getting a few shots in…but in the back of your head you knew that I was letting you have every one of them..and your right jackass. I could have destroyed you right then and there, but what would be the fun in that? It was all just because I wanted to show you that like your good buddy Jarrett…you two are just a puppet Angelus. You tried to test me and like Jarrett did time and time again…you fell right into my trap Angelus. Then thanks to Amy’s idea at Last Stand, you once again found yourself buried alive. Now one has to wonder after that why didn’t we see Angelus try to get revenge on myself and Amy? Well the answer is quite simple, it’s fear. Angelus if you really wanted to be destroyed by me, why didn’t you take me up on my offer for backstage fight right away?…Not a wrestling match, unsanctioned fight Angelus. I know the reason why Angelus, you see the reason you keep repeating what you supposively did to me is because you know that you would have no chance. Angelus I’m not going to take up any of the EMF’s fans time. Angelus I want you to understand something, as it stands….we have no time for you Angelus. We already won, we did what we came to the EMF to do…the names of “the Queen of Extreme” Amy Dumas and “the King of the WORLD” Chris Jericho are forever in the EMF’s history books. Thus showing the RWA did exist, that was the only thing we came to do. To make sure that these people never forget the RWA. So again Angelus, it’s over…move on with your life, hell you should have never been apart of this anyways. You just decided to inject yourself after we once again showed Jarrett up for the fool he really is. Angelus when I attacked you from behind we showed you that you were no better then Jarrett, because we played you for the puppet you really are. Angelus now I’m here for one last message to you, Angelus do the one thing your good at and just don’t show up, because Angelus as it stands Amy and I don’t plan to end your career like Jarrett. But if you do decide to keep bothering us, we will come back sometime Angelus and when we do. You may not like the results in fact you might be wishing you died in the church years ago. “Not anything for me to worry about” huh Angelus? Well you better worry, you want to know why…well allow Amy to tell you.

*Amy Dumas steps in front of the camera closely beside Jericho and says*

.::Amy Dumas::.-Because Angelus if you don’t stop running your mouth…when we do decide to come back…you might find the Other World awaits YOU!

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Bye, bye ass clown!

*Amy and Jericho laugh as “Other World” blasts on the PA system. The EMF tron goes blank and Angelus gets on the ropes and shouts things at it.*

(OOC-I wrote this because for one I didn’t want Angelus to think I was a coward and I’m hoping that Angelus will read this interview. Because it seemed that he didn’t see last weeks (being that he thinks I’m still going to attack him), again I don’t have much time to be doing this, I just saw what Angelus said in his promo and wrote this up to be put before the match. It’s kind of a “you had your chance Angelus…now times up to get revenge” type of promo. So that Jarred/Angelus knows that I really don’t have much time anymore to do anything major here in the EMF. But I’ll be sure to try to make some minor things for Jericho and Amy to do until I get time. Aw well hopefully that’s the last small interview I will write for a while.)

“Oh hell yeah” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

JR-Like them or not, their correct. Thanks to the efforts of Jericho and Amy they have changed the rules of this game and Wes is now following their lead as a free agent.

King-Now I wish he would follow my advice to change his crap name!

[ Angelus and Wes hammer back and front. Wes gets the upper hand and then hits a few more fists on Angelus that stumble him to the ropes and then Wes whips Angelus off the ropes, Angelus bounces off the ropes and then Wes hits a spinning back elbow that floors. Wes waits for to get up. Angelus stumbles up and then gets floored with a fist, gets up and then gets floored with another fist. Then Angleus stumbles up and then Wes goes for another fists. Angelus ducks and Wes runs to the ropes and bounces off as Angelus turns around he gets a running clothesline that knocks him down. Angelus stumbles up and then Wes waits for him and then kicks him in the gut and then sets Angelus up and then lifts him and then nails a power bomb. Wes goes into the cover and goes into the cover and gets a 1..........2........kick out. Wes gets up and then questions the ref for a second, seemly he wants to get this match done quickly so he can live out his remaining contract. Wes gets up and then waits for Angelus to get up and then waits for Angelus to get up, once he does Wes hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Angelus off the ropes. But Angelus tries to reverse it, but Wes holds his ground and then tries to pull Angelus back and does and Wes goes for a short arm clothesline. But Angelus ducks it and is able to set up Wes for a germen suplex. But then can't quite attempt the germen suplex because Wes blocks it with his leg. Wes hits a few back elbows and then takes Angelus down with a single leg take down and then holds on to Angelus legs and then turns him around and then puts Angelus into an ankle lock. But Angelus gets up and then grabs one of Wes's legs on the roll through and now Wes is in the ankle lock thanks to Angelus. Wes screams in pain, but gets to his one free leg and then does a roll throw that sends Angelus flying into the middle rope throat first. Angelus bounces off the ropes and then goes into the corner looking very beat up. Wes then stumbles up limping a little bit, but is able to make it to where Angelus is in the corner in a decent amount of time. Wes hits a few hard stomps on the sitting Angelus in the corner and then pulls up Angelus and then whips Angleus into the corner and then Angelus goes crashing. Wes takes too much time to charge in at Angelus and then goes for a running shoulder block into the corner. But Angelus dives out of the way and Wes goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle]

King-Well Wes sure seems to want end this early. His crap name must effect his work ethetic

JR-Wes does seem to go on a vacation soon as possible here.

King-Well he should just lay down for Angelus…if not he might find that Angelus will kill his dog.

[Angelus has to use the ropes to get up by this time Wes has already pulled himself out of the turnbuckle. Angelus then puts himself on the turnbuckle and then waits for Wes who stumbles up. Angelus leaps off and then nails a second rope bull dog. Then Angelus goes down not being able to capitalized just yet due to the beating he's gotten so far, slowly both wrestlers to their feet. Wes trying to get the advantage back goes for a wild punch that's blocked by Angelus and returned with a fist and then Angelus hits a chop and follows it up with a fist. Angelus tries to whip Wes off the ropes, but Wes reverses the whip and Angelus bounces off the ropes. But Angelus leaps in the air and catches Wes with a spinning wheel kick. Angelus and Wes get up fast, Angelus is the quicker up of the two and then Angelus knocks Wes down with a quick running clothesline. Wes stumbles up and then Angelus hits a few quick hard fists and then back up Wes to the ropes. Angelus then whips Wes to the ropes, Wes bounces off the ropes and then Angelus does a hip toss and turns it into a neck breaker. Angelus the goes into the cover and gets a 1..............2.....kick out, Angelus gets up and then looks at the ref from his knee's and then Angelus starts to choke Angelus to his 5 count. Then he's told to break the hold and then he does. Angelus then does this not wanting to be DQed. Then Angelus pulls up Wes and then sets Wes up and hits a quick snap suplex. Angelus goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs up to the second rope and jumps off and goes for the second rope leg drop and nails it and then gets up and then pulls up Wes and then kicks him into the gut and then hooks Wes once again in suplex position and then grabs one of his legs and then hits a spinning fishermans suplex with a bridge and gets the 1...............2.......kick out.]

King-Wait a minute….that wasn’t perfect


[Wes then calls for the full nelson slam. Wes then waits for Angelus to get up. Once he does Wes hits a few hard punches to Angelus and then whips Angelus off the ropes. Angelus bounces off and then Wes catches Angelus in a full nelson and then tries to put it into a slam. But then Angelus turns it into a victory roll. But Wes is able to counter it into a victory roll of his own and gets the quick 1………..2………..3]

King-Quick count! Aw well it’s the jobber of life

Prez Mike note-Rob you were right…that was a close one, not easy at all to pick. I was hoping I would have gotten lucky and found someone to help me with the winner. But honestly I had to go with my first thought with all the homework I have…the quality of my matches aren’t as good as I would like them as well…god I’m so bogged down, lol. So that's kind of why I made it just a quick countered roll up...it's in doubt that if it was a very clean win or not.

(Wes slides out of the ring and then walks away from the ring as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air.)