EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Jeff Hardy!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Jeff Hardy walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE walks around the ring. Earl Hebner checks Jeff Hardy's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Jeff Hardy sends him to the mat. KANE moves back to his feet. KANE clotheslines Jeff Hardy. KANE chops Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy dropkicks KANE to the knee. Jeff Hardy goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 KANE escapes. Jeff Hardy and KANE go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Jeff Hardy hits a jumping elbow hrust on KANE. Now KANE standing. (...3) Jeff Hardy hits a flying karate chop right to KANE's neck. (....4) KANE hits Jeff Hardy with a heart punch. Jeff Hardy moves back to his feet. (.....5) Jeff Hardy takes KANE into the ring. Jeff Hardy goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps KANE. ]

The King - KANE takes a flying double foot stomp.

[KANE moves back to his feet. Jeff Hardy tears KANE down with a flying clothesline from the top turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy is up again. Jeff Hardy applies an elbow submission hold onto KANE. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... KANE trys to escape. ... KANE trys to escape. KANE escapes. Jeff Hardy drags KANE to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Jeff Hardy throws a chair at KANE. (..2) Jeff Hardy elbows KANE in the stomach, trying to even the match. (...3) KANE pokes Jeff Hardy in the eye with his thumb. (....4) Jeff Hardy slaps both sides of KANE's head out of desperation. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Jeff Hardy on the turnbuckleKANE rising from the mat,Jeff Hardy leaps from the top rope with a bodypress. Jeff Hardy gets back to his feet. Jeff Hardy flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Jeff Hardy bounces KANE off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Jeff Hardy chants start. Jeff Hardy and KANE go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) KANE is up again. (..2) KANE with an illegal chokehold on Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy moves back to his feet. KANE gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Jeff Hardy pulls out a sitdown faceslam from his back pocket, taking KANE face first into the floor. Jeff Hardy gets back to his feet. They head back into the ring. Jeff Hardy jumps and elbow smashes the lying KANE. Jeff Hardy hits KANE with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy jumps from the top and nails KANE with a swanton bomb!! Jeff Hardy covers KANE. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

The King - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Jeff Hardy!!!

The EMF logo flashes over the screen, and then we go into the EMF video and then we go into the arena as fans in arena hold up their signs as there is no pyro this week.

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, where did the pyro goes

King-Oh this is the fast, fast intro!

King: Well J.R this match is basically to decide which of these to superstars is the better wrestler.

J.R: Lets not forget the way these two superstars have been feuding lately; it will also, hopefully, end this feud deciding who the better wrestler is.

Cena and Chaos lock arms in a fearsome attempt to unleash their first attacks, Chaos then launches Cena into the ropes causing Cena to fly right back at him, Chaos sets up for a close line on Cena but he thinks fast and shoulder nocks down Chaos, Cena walks over and picks Chaos up by the hair then sending him back down with a fisherman suplex, Chaos lay exactly in the middle of the ring as Cena starts feeling the vibes, he thrusts his hand back and forth across his face screaming, ‘you cant see me!’ Cena nails the five knuckle shuffle and goes for the cover, 1…2… kick out by Chaos, Cena can’t believe it, the anxiety on his face is awesome, Chaos is quick to his feet after Cenas’ plea to the referee, Chaos hits a boot to the back of Cena causing him to fall without contempt to the floor, Chaos walks to the ropes, climbs up the turnbuckle and nails the missile drop kick to the sternum, Cena looks down and out, Chaos goes for the cover on Cena using the ropes as an aid, the referee is forced to pull Chaos off of Cena, whilst Chaos is pleading to the referee Cena waists no time and hits a back body drop from out of nowhere, as both superstars lay in the centre of the ring the referee starts the count…

J.R: The first man to his feet here could gain a great advantage to become the victor of this match.

King: Yes that is certainly right J.R but at the moment it could go any way!

Chaos is first to his feet, he then gets Cena in a front side headlock, he has a firm grip but Cena is quick to counter by launching Chaos into the ropes, Chaos makes his way back by going for a close line, Cena does a handy baseball slide underneath Chaos, Cena pushes himself up and nails a spine buster on Chaos and goes for the pin, 1…2… Chaos kicks out on two and a half, Cena then is sent into the ropes by a quick standing Chaos, Cena makes his way back as Chaos goes for the other ropes, they both cross paths as Chaos nails a flop chop dead in the centre of the ring, Chaos look up at the crowd and throws his arms up in joy, he throws himself into the ropes but Cena slides under the running Chaos once again and goes for a sunset flip, Chaos is standing trying anxiously not to fall into a pin, he counters by pulling himself free by the top rope and kicks Cena furiously a few times square in the head, Cena then gets to his knees still with Chaos furiously kicking away at his abdominal area, Cena then grabs Chaos by the legs and drops him to the floor going head first into the canvass, Cena climbs to the top rope and nails a perfect springboard cross body, Cena crawls over for the pin, 1…2… Chaos desperately elevates the shoulder enough so the two superstars lay side by side unable to get to their feet…

King: Now Cena has been using his smarts to overwhelm the dexterity of Chaos and has so far been the victor in my eyes.

J.R: Now King this is still undecided but there is no doubt about it that Cena has the upper hand.

Cena is first to his feet as he drops the elbow into the ribs of Chaos, Chaos is unable to move as Cena goes for the five knuckle shuffle once more and this time nails it much better than before, Chaos looks out cold, Cena the bends down and pumps his shoes up to there fullest, Chaos makes it to his knees as Cena lofts Chaos high onto his shoulders and hits a perfect FU goes in for the cover as the referee counts, 1…2…3 Cena wins in a hard fought battle against chaos!

J.R: In the end it was Cena who is the victor and showing no mercy to his opponent to hopefully end this feud of hatred.

King: I agree J.R, this was an absolute joy to watch these two fight it out, and with Cena being victorious it could boost his career by a mile.

“Tori’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tori walks to the ring

JR-Tori is looking at a tall task if she wants to get a win here

King-your telling me, she’s still just beaten “you”


“Helga’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Helga walks to the ring

King-Please don’t crush Tori, Helga

JR-I don’t think she’ll listen King…

[Tori is on the top rope waiting as Helga comes into the ring and then Tori leaps off of the top and then goes for a double axe handle on Helga, but then Helga catches Tori and then starts to do a bear hug. Tori screams in pain and then Helga takes Tori and then smashes Tori in the corner hard and then Helga back off and then Helga hits a few hard knee lifts into the corner and then whips Tori out of the corner and then Tori goes crashing into the ring post and then Tori falls on her knee’s in pain and then Helga takes Tori and then hits a few hard forearms and then whips her off the ropes. Tori bounces off the ropes and then Helga tries a hip toss, but then Tori blocks it and counters it into a back slide. But being the big and stronger of the two Helga starts to win the back slide and then Tori allows her to win and then Tori rolls off the back of Helga and then is able to put Helga in a small package and gets the 1…………….2……..kick out. Tori gets up and then hits a few kicks to the downed Helga and then Helga gets up and then hits a front spinebuster on Tori. Helga has to shake off the moves that Tori just did and then picks up Tori and then kicks her in the gut and then picks her up for an old school back breaker submission, the ref asks if Tori wants to give it up, Tori screams no. Tori then grabs Helga’s hands and breaks the grip and then Tori slide out the back of Helga. Tori then hits a few hard forearms to the back of Helga to weaken her and then sets her up and then drops her for a reverse DDT and then goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2…….kick out. Tori gets up as does Helga, and then Tori gets knocked down by Helga with a diving clothesline knocking Tori on the mat and then Helga hits a few hard kicks to the face of Tori and then grabs Tori and then whips her to the ropes, Tori bounces off the ropes and then Helga lowers her head and then Helga hits a back body drop, Tori stumbles up and then stumbles into Helga holding her back and then Helga picks up Tori and then drops her in a side walk slam and then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….kick out.]

JR-I don’t think Tori is gonna give up that easy

King-That’s good…the longer she stays here, the better

[Helga picks up Tori and then puts her over her shoulder and then goes into the corner and then tries to a running powerslam. But then Tori hooks her legs to the top rope and then Helga runs out and Tori slides out the back and then falls on the top rope, she’s sitting there. Helga turns around and quickly goes towards Helga and then Helga goes for a fist. But Tori blocks it and then Helga stumbles back but not really stunned enough so Tori keeps nailing her with fists and then Tori hooks Helga up and then drives her into the mat with a tornado DDT. Tori is a bit slow to get into the cover, due to the fact she’s been beaten on pretty much the whole match and then Tori is able to go into the cover and then gets the 1……….2………..kick out. Tori rolls off and then uses the corner to get up, Helga stumbles up and then sees Tori in the corner trying to recover and then Helga throws a fist and then Tori moves out of the way. Helga in now in the corner and then Tori hits a few kicks into the mid section of Helga and then tries to whip Helga into the opposite side of the ring, but the Helga pulls Tori back and then into the corner again. Helga stumbles a few steps and then charges at Tori who then gets a foot up and then and then Helga stumbles back. Tori pulls herself to the second turnbuckle and then jumps over the stunned Helga into a sunset flip and then Helga is stumbling back and then Helga gets her balance and tries to hit a fist on Tori’s face on the mat. But Tori moves out of the way and then Helga fist is in pain, Tori gets up and then drop kicks Helga into the back and then Helga stumbles forward into the second turnbuckle face first and then Tori goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2………..Helga puts her foot on the rope]

JR-We might have seen an upset

King-Why? This is Helga first and last match

JR-Well because…she’s a hoss

King-Aw you just turned the Internet fans against her with that one remark

[Tori waits for Helga to get up, once she does Helga gets up Tori hits a few fists and then whips Helga to the ropes and then Helga reverses the whip and sends Tori to the ropes, Tori bounces off the ropes and then Helga hits a big clothesline. Tori stumbles out almost out on her feet, she then gets body slammed and then Helga backs to the ropes and then goes for a big splash, but then Tori moves out of the way and Helga crashes into the mat. Helga stumbles up and then Tori puts her in a small package and gets the 1………….2…………….3]

JR-Tori has won this match

King-Now she’s beaten more than just “you” JR…that means she’s coming for me next. I would run away afraid if it wasn’t Tori that wanted to kick my ass.

The Coach-I’m standing here with…well, I’m not sure. But I do know he’s a new superstar in the EMF, just who in the hell are you

????-Well as you know, I am new here to the Extreme Measures Federation, as far as my name goes I will get to that in a little bit. You see I have come to the EMF for one reason, and that’s to make an impact. Now if I were to quote the great Alex Salvatore “the real glory isn’t in the world title, it’s in the extreme title” and now a days that would seem to be true. Because for one year, you had a main event level guy named TwilighT hold that title for a year, and now you have a HOFer in Punisher holding that title. Well know that the "The Quintessential Hardcore Ikon" James Hardy is coming for that title, Punisher it is just a matter of time..

(James Hardy walks off camera as the camera then focus on coach)

The Coach-Well it would seem that Punisher now has a new problem in James Hardy.

(We go the ring side)

“Pond theme” blasts on the PA system as Pond walks to the ring

King-Wow how many newbies we got anyways

JR-Well..times are changing here in the Extreme Measures Federation

“Sabu’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Sabu walks to the ring

King-Man is the writer lazy, or he just not remembering the theme songs

JR-I think choice 2


[Pond and Sabu lock up, Pond then takes over Sabu with a release firemans carry and then Sabu gets up and then Pond takes Sabu down with a arm drag take down and then Sabu gets up and then runs at Pond and then Pond is able to counter with a drop toe hold and then Sabu goes crashing on his face and then Pond then drops a elbow drop on the back of the head of Sabu and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Sabu and then picks him up and then hits a few hard forearm shots to the face of Sabu and then Pond lets Sabu stumble out of the ropes and then Pond runs towards the back of Sabu and bounces off the ropes and then Pond leaps in the air and then hits a bulldog head lock and then Sabu then bounces off the mat and twists around and then goes into his back and then Pond looks up to the crowd and then runs to the ropes, bounces off the ropes and then goes for a big splash, but then Sabu is able to get his knee’s up and then Pond crashes into them gut first and then Sabu rolls away and then uses the ropes to get to his feet and then Pond charges at Sabu and then Sabu counters with a foot in the face and then Pond stumbles back and then Sabu goes into the top rope, but before he can get to jump off. Pond runs up in the turnbuckle and then takes down Pond with a quick super belly to belly suplex. Sabu is down, Pond crawls into the cover and then gets a 1……………..2……..kick out, Pond looks at Sabu wondering what else he can do. Pond hits a few hard kicks to Sabu and then Sabu goes to the ropes trying to get to his feet and then Pond allows him to get up to the ropes and then once Sabu gets to his feet. Pond then runs at Sabu and then charges at Sabu and then Sabu counters it and then hits a back body drop over the top rope, but then Pond lands on his feet and then Sabu turns around and then Pond hits a hang man on the top rope. Sabu bounces off and falls on the mat. Pond then jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Sabu to get back up. Once he does, Pond leaps off and then hits a flying back elbow on Sabu and then goes into the cover and gets a 1……………..2………kick out]

JR-Sabu isn’t going down without a fight

King-Yeah working in a BINGO HALL all those years, he found out how to survive…even though no one saw it because it was in a BINGO HALL!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

[Sabu once again stumbles to the corner and then Pond goes to the opposite side of the ring, then raises his hand and then charges at Sabu and then goes for a big splash in the corner. But Sabu moves out of the way and Pond goes crashing into the top rope. Pond stumbles around and then Sabu hits a drop kick that sends him in the corner, Sabu then charges and runs at him and hits his side kick in the corner and then Pond stumbles out of the corner and then Sabu hits a fall through hip toss slam and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………………2……….kick out. Sabu hits a few kicks into Pond and then takes Pond and then throws him to the outside and then Pond goes crashing as Sabu takes this chance to recover a little bit and then waits as Pond stumbles up and then Sabu charges at the ropes and then does a summersault sucuide dive over the top rope and crashes into Pond. Both wrestlers are down and are extremely hurt and then Sabu is able to make it to his feet and then Sabu throws Pond into the ring and then Sabu jumps into the ring and then goes to the outside and Pond is just stumbling up to his feet and then Sabu leaps off the top rope and nails a missile drop kick and then Sabu goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2…………kick out.]

JR-almost three

King-Yeah, but almost doesn’t count

[Sabu waits for Pond to get up, once he does Sabu hits a few fists and Pond is in the ropes and then Sabu whips Pond from the ropes and then Pond bounces off the ropes and then Sabu goes for a flying back reverse elbow, but then Pond ducks it and Sabu goes crashing to the mat and then Sabu stumbles up and then Pond kicks Sabu in the gut and nails his trademark the Rock N’ Roller, Pond then stumbles up and then calls for the end of the match and then Pond goes to the top rope and nails the Pondwater splash into the cover and gets the 1…………………..2……………….3]

JR-Impressive debut by Dewey Pond

[Suddenly Prophecy comes from out of no where and blindsides Pond and then starts to beat down Pond, once he’s done he yells a few things at the downed Pond]

JR-We haven’t seen Prophecy in a while, wonder what his problem with Pond is

King-Well maybe it’s because the writer is an idiot and messed up names

(In the back we see Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas, Amy’s finally out of her wheel chair and is now just on crutches)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Are you sure you want to do this Amy, I mean you know what that bastard did the last time.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Jericho, you know I’m not gonna just run and hide from everything. Besides we both know that if Orton and Triple H didn’t blindside us, we both wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Besides I know if he tries anything, I know that I got you……....to kick his ass

(Amy smiles a little bit, then Amy and Jericho look at each other not saying anything for a while. Amy turns and goes off screen as we zoom Jericho as he smiles a little bit to himself

King-Those two need to get a room..

JR-un…King what are you talking about?

King-………*looks at JR weird *

“Last Train Home” blasts on the PA system as Denis walks to the ring

King-This is Danial isn’t it?

JR-No Denis


“Steal, cheat, and Lie” blasts on the PA system as Neddie rides to the ring in his low rider and then after bouncing in it for a while, he gets out of it and goes to the ring with the TV champion

JR-Neddie after winning war games chose to be TV champion, but how long will he hold that title

King-Well…for at least the next two matches.

[Neddie and Denis stare at each other from their collective sides of the ring and then Denis charges at Neddie and then Neddie counters with a quick arm drag release and then Denis stumbles up and into a arm breaker by Neddie, Neddie hits a few hard forearms as Denis gets up, and then Neddie tries to whip Denis to the ropes and then Denis reverses the whip and then Neddie goes to the ropes and then Denis lowers his head and then Neddie kicks him in the face and then Denis pops up in pain, Neddie laughs. Pissed Denis charges at Neddie and then Neddie backs up to the ropes and then ducks and then low bridges the ropes and then Denis goes flying over the top rope and then Neddie stands and waits for Denis to stumble up, once he does Neddie then sling shots himself over the top rope and then takes down Denis with a cross body block and then Neddie is down on the ring side as well after doing that move. Slowly Neddie gets to his feet and then grabs Denis and then hits a few hard European upper cuts and then tries to whip Denis to the steel steps, but then Denis reverses it and Neddie goes crashing into the steel steps, but Denis can’t follow it up as he falls to the ground and then Denis gets up and then rolls into the ring and then the ref keeps counting as he’s up to 6…….7………….8………..9…….Neddie rolls into the ring and then Denis is recovered a little bit as he is able to hit a few hard fists and then whips Neddie to the ropes. Neddie bounces off the ropes, Denis then tries to throw him up to the sky using his own momentum against him and then Neddie is able to land on Denis shoulders and hit a hurricanarana and then Denis is down on the mat. Neddie smiles on the mat and gets to his feet yelling for Denis to get up, once he does Neddie fires away at Denis and then back off as Denis stumbles around and then Neddie picks up Denis and nails a body slam on Denis and then Neddie looks out the crowd and then steps through the ropes and measures Neddie and then nails a helo over the top rope rope and then goes into the cover and then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2………..kick out]

JR-Almost three, Neddie could taste going up 1 – 0 in this series

King-Yeah, but he’s going to have to steal, cheat and lie more than that though.

[Neddie then decides to go up to the top rope, Neddie before jumping off looks to the crowd and then goes for a frog splash, but Denis moves out of the way and then Neddie crashes into the mat and then Denis slowly gets to his feet as Neddie stumbles up and then Neddie tries to get back the advantage by hitting a fist, but then Denis blocks it and then Denis fires back with another fist and then backs up Neddie and then Denis tries to whip Neddie off the ropes and then Neddie reverses the whip and then sends him to the ropes, Denis bounces off the ropes and then Denis leaps in the air and then nails a flying forearm and then Neddie stumbles up and then Denis kicks him in the gut and then hits a snap suplex and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………..2……..kick out. Denis hits a few kicks into the face of Neddie and then picks up and then drops him into a back breaker and then Neddie then goes to the second rope and then drops a flying second rope leg drop. Denis gets up and then waits for Neddie to stumble up and then goes for a super kick, but then Neddie grabs Denis foot and then spins him around and then tries to counter it, but then gets a diving clothesline for his troubles.]

JR-Denis might be looking to end this match here

King-Man, this isn’t going to set well with Neddie if he loses here

[Denis waits for Neddie to get up, Neddie stumbles up and then Denis gets up Neddie up for the Denis Slam (if that’s what it’s called, and no Wasabi…it’s the Denis Slam and no the Denis driver!). But then Neddie is able to slip out the back and then into a sun set flip. Once he gets Denis over he stacks Denis on his shoulders and then grabs the ropes when the ref can’t see him and is able to get the 1…………2…….3]

JR-WHOOOO stealing, cheating, lying!!

King-um…JR, aren’t you usually saying what a bastard cheaters are

JR-Well…it’s a family tradition…oh man, I’m just a sell out


(OOC-Hard call, I just think Neddie had the edge...also the cheating part was more linked to the Eddie character. Wasn't sure if that was ok or not, but I would guess it is, since Neddie is clearly based on Eddie.)

(We go into commercial and then come back into the highlight reel set as Jericho and Amy look out towards their fans and then Jericho holds the microphone up as "break the walls" down stops.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know, I would sit out here and run my mouth for a while before I get to the chase, but things just haven't worked out for me tonight. So I rather just get this over with, because there is a jackass that request that he and his friend talk on the Highlight Reel. So I would welcome to the Highlight Reel Randy Orton and Eric Bischoff.

"I'm back" blasts on the PA system as Randy Orton and Eric Bischoff walk to the ring. Orton jumps on the turnbuckle and then does his pose and then the music stops.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now why in the hell you want to be Or..TON

.::Randy Orton::.-Man Jericho, why so angry.you and your "girlfriend" should be happy I'm here. Because finally there is a guest worth hearing from, and his name is Eric Bischoff!!

(Orton hands the microphone to Bischoff)

..::Eric Bischoff::.-You know I was thinking about the things that Randy told me last week and I got to admit that they made sense. The fact of the matter is that there is one man that I hate the most, it's Vince McMahon. You see Vinny Mac, we were involved in a war years back weren't we? We were in a war with our two respective wrestling companies, and we pulled out every dirt trick we could. The fact of the matter is that Vince, I brought out the best in you and helped you become more wealthy than you can imagine. I did, but that wasn't good enough for you was it Vince. You really had to do to me what you done to everyone else and get rid of your competition. Well that came to bite you in the ass.didn't it Vinny, well you see Vince.I don't forgive or forget easy, and that's why I'm challenging your ass to a match at Legacy of Blood. Vince last time I challenged you, you didn't have the guts to show up. But this time Vince, be a man..for once in your life, be a man and show up. I promise you, I'll knock you out!

(Bischoff smiles his trade mark smile)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Hold up bitch-off, the fact of the matter is junior you have no clue who the real enemy really is. You see this jackass(referring to Orton) has been playing you all along. You want proof, let me show you something on the insanely expensive Jeri-tron 5000..

(Orton looks like he's going to go crazy as we go into the clip Jericho is talking about. We fade into the clip of what happen last week after Bischoff left, expect Orton now has a cut out of Vince McMahon's head on Randy Orton's body, it's been edited heavily as you can guess.

.:: Randy Orton::.- (in his best Vince McMahon) Hey how is going?

.::Merecedes::.- (Randy Orton in his best female) um.I shouldn't be talking to you..Vince McMahon.who is not Randy Orton at all

.::Randy Orton::.-Oh come on, you know you want to know why they call me genetic jackhammer

.::Merecedes::.-but I'm married to Eric Bischoff..

.::Randy Orton::-Oh.crap, please don't tell him that I did this

(suddenly a clip plays that was obviously played at another time and then as Orton who is obviously in a Vince McMahon like suit and has a Vince McMahon rubber mask, much like Vince McMahon)

(The clip ends as we go back to Jericho and Amy who are looking pissed.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Or Ton.you obviously doctored that clip

.::"Bischoff"::.-*turning to look at Randy* That wasn't even close to my wife's voice, nice try though. But I do know it was done strictly to hype me up and to make me hurt Vince McMahon that much more... Tell him how it is Randy.

.::Randy Orton::.-Oh come on Jericho, stop trying to blame everything on me. I know your angry how me and Hunter broke your girlfriends leg. But that got no reason to try to do whatever you were trying to do, you know what. You got a lot of nerve, since you want to play clips so much.I got a picture of my own.

(Randy points to the EMF tron, and it lights up with an image of Jericho and Amy on the EMF tron, it's from earlier in the show with Jericho looking in Amy's eyes)

.::Randy Orton::.-Their they are, the happy couple.sure they are like this one minute, but then the next they are like this the next

(The EMF tron turns to another picture that is doctored as Jericho and Amy's face are smashed together. We fade back into the ring as Orton smiles his cocky grin.)

.::Randy Orton::.-Well I suppose you couldn’t hold it in forever, besides we all know the real story with you two! Here..*Orton holds up a key * take this, and Amy and make that ugly kid I talked about a while back

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-*fake laughing* hahahaha...well Or Ton, since you were so kind to give me the keys. Why don't I give you something too, and that's this..

(Suddenly Jericho explodes and then punches Orton. Orton goes down and then Orton and Bischoff get out of the ring. We fade away into commercial)

“Hanley’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley’s walks to the ring

JR-This isn’t exactly Josh Hanley’s theme

King-Well I think we couldn’t find the real one

“Angelus theme” blasts on the PA system as Angelus walks to the ring

King-Wait Angelus is world champion?

JR-He’s been world champion since last PPV

[Hanley comes at Angelus and then hammers Angelus with a few hard punches. Angelus tries to cover up, and then Hanley gets Angelus stunned enough and then whips him off the ropes and then Angelus bounces off the ropes. Hanley puts his head down and then hits a back body drop Hanley then goes behind Angelus as he stumbles up and then school boys him and gets the 1…………….2………kick out, Angelus stumbles up and then Angelus tries to hit Hanley with a fist, but Hanley blocks it and then Hanley hits a fist that knocks down Angelus and then Angelus climbs by the ropes, Hanley then presses down on Angelus’ neck on the top rope, and then the ref starts to count and then makes Angelus back off and then Hanley stumbles up and then Hanley gets hit with a few hard fists and then Angelus backs off and Hanley stumbles out of the ropes and then Angelus kicks him in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a northern lights suplex with a bridge and then gets a 1…………..2…….Hanley is able to get his shoulder off the mat and then Hanley is able turn the northern lights into a front face lock, but before he can really get it in Angelus turns it in hammer lock and then Hanley looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly gets to his feet and then while Hanley is still in the hammer lock. Hanley jumps up and then takes down Angelus with a snapmare almost into a side head lock, Hanley gets up and then forces out of the side head lock after he gets to a vertical base and then puts on a top wrist lock into back heel trip and into an arm bar on the mat and then Angelus gets to his feet and then takes down with a firemans carry and then Hanley nips up after that move and then un effective it seems and pissed charges at Angelus and goes for a move. But then Angelus hits a leg take down and then Hanley goes crashes into the mat and then Angelus waits for Hanley, Hanley still pissed charges at Angelus and then Angelus counters with an arm drag take down and then waits for Hanley to get up and then Hanley stumbles up and then Hanley charges at Angelus and then Angelus hooks Hanley up and then goes for a belly to belly suplex, but then Hanley elbows out of it and then Hanley stuns Angelus with a inverted atomic drop and then Hanley kicks Hanley in the gut and then goes for a brain buster and nails it. Hanley goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2……..kick out. Hanley then calls for the Widowmaker

King-What, he’s going for a finisher now….never knew the writer was this original

JR-Yeah he can surprise you sometimes


[Angelus stumbles up right into Josh, who lifts up Angelus on his shoulders and then drops him for the Widow maker! Hanley goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………….2……………..kick out, Josh can’t believe it Angelus is stumbling to his feet very dazed Hanley hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Angelus to the ropes. But Angelus reverses the whip and sends Hanley to the ropes, Hanley bounces off the ropes and then suddenly from the outside a chair smashes Hanley in the back. Hanley goes down as the ref calls for the bell, the camera goes over to the isle as it shows Marty Jannetty?]

King-Wow…he’s still alive, who knew?

JR-What is going on here

(Hanley looks pissed and then chases after Jannetty as he runs as fast as he can to the back as Angelus is looking confused at what just happen as Shockwave goes off the air)