EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and then we go into the Shockwave video. It finally ends and we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. It ends and the lights turn on.)

JR-Welcome to Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR and what a show we have for you tonight

King-Yeah, we got Jackie Cena defeating the belt against Tori!

JR-That and more! As well as the return of the Vice President!

King-I bet Cena’s not going to be please, she’s always causing trouble.

Kris Gaffney-For some reason, I think he’s happy that her..

“Rex’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring

JR-Rex is certainly impressing around the EMF

King-yeah….Raptor’s probably not impressed

Kris Gaffney-Raptor probably doesn’t know he’s alive anyways…

“Hassan’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Muhammad Hassan walks to the ring with a chair Daivari following. He stops before entering the ring.)

JR-This was the match that Hassan asked for

King-We’ll see if he can pull off the win

“Rex’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring

JR-I’ve been very impressed with Rex

King-Well, your easily impressed

Kris Gaffney-So is your Mom, believe me…I know

[Muhammad Hassan comes into the ring and then takes the chair he has in his hands and then goes running at Rex with it. Rex is able to counter this easily by drop toe holding Hassan. The match is under way, and then Rex hits a few stomps on the downed Muhammad Hassan. Rex pulls Muhammad Hassan up and then whips him to the ropes and then Hassan bounces off the ropes, and then Rex hits a elbow to the face. Sending Hassan down. Rex being that this is a no DQ match goes to the corner, and removes the turnbuckle padding from the turnbuckle and goes over to where Muhammad Hassan is and then tries to throw his face into the exposed turnbuckle. But it’s blocked Hassan’s foot, and then Muhammad Hassan. Muhammad Hassan tries to smash Rex’s face into it instead, and then that’s blocked too and Rex hits a elbow into the stomach which makes Hassan back off. Rex charges and then takes down Muhammad Hassan with a spear and then Rex hits a few fists to the downed Muhammad Hassan and then Hassan rolls out of the ring trying to gain separation, but then Rex goes after Hassan is still trying to get away. Suddenly Rex starts to run and then Rex grabs Muhammad Hassan by the hair and then throws him hard into the ring post face first. Hassan bounces off, his face is clearly shown….no blood. But he’s dazed on his feet so Rex picks up Muhammad Hassan and drops him on the The guard rail and then takes Hassan and then he rolls him into the ring and then Rex jump on the apron and climbs to the top rope and waits for Muhammad Hassan to get up. Once he does, Rex leaps off of the top rope and hits a missile drop kick on Muhammad Hassan. Rex rolls out of the ring and then looks under the ring for weapons, and soon pulls out a trash can out from under the ringand he rolls back into the ring after throwing the trash can into the ring. Rex takes the can, and then uses the corner and then puts it into the turnbuckle. Rex is in the corner opposite of this, and then Rex goes over to him, and then leads him over and tries to throw Muhammad Hassan into the can stuck between the third and second rope. But Hassan reverses and sends Rex face first into the trash can makes a dent.]

King-Rex looks trashed

Kris Gaffney-I bet Rex feels trash

JR-It could be over with that!

[Rex falls out of the corner, with the dented trash can…..the camera gets a clear shot of his face….no blood. Both wrestlers are down, Hassan takes this chance to rest a little bit as Rex tries to use the ropes to get up. But from the outside, Daivari starts to choke Rex by holding his throat to the ropes. The ref can’t do anything, because First Blood matches are no DQ. Daivari lets go, and then Muhammad Hassan is up and then goes over as Rex has gotten to his feet as well and then Muhammad Hassan hits a few fists to the face of Rex and then whips Rex to the ropes. Rex bounces off, and then Muhammad Hassan hits a back elbow to the face and then Rex stumbles to his feet after a few moments and then Hassan kicks him in the gut. He sets him up, and then hits a vertical suplex. Muhammad Hassan rolls out of the ring, and then goes to the outside and brings in a chair. Muhammad Hassan rolls into the ring, and then he takes the chair and unfolds it up. Muhammad Hassan picks up and slams Rex, Hassan goes to the second rope.]

JR-I’m not sure what Hassan has in mind here…

King-Whatever it is, it’s probably not good…..

[Rex is stumbling up as suddenly…CJ Lethal jumps on the apron and then Muhammad Hassan turns around and CJ Lethal right into a chair shot by CJ Lethal that absolutely leaves an imprint of Hassan’s head in the chair . Muhammad Hassan falls down off the turnbuckle. Since First Bloods are no DQ’s they can’t do anything about it. The camera gets a clear shot as Hassan is conscious, but he’s busted open.]

JR-What was CJ Lethal doing?

King-Making a statement?

(Rex gets his hand rised, he looks confused. He then gives an unreadable expression on his face as he see’s CJ Lethal.)

(OOC-VERY close, as my other staff member said…it was “by a hair”. Which I knew it would be, this is one of the reasons we had Lethal do this, that and we also wanted to set up a match for the loser, and who knows for the winner in the future. (maybe even continuing the Hassan/Rex feud or something)

(The EMF tron lights up with Amy Jericho working at her desk, suddenly there is a sound of a door being thrown open. Amy looks up in surprise, then annoyance at seeing who it is.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Don't you ever knock?

Cena: "Trying to screw me over again Amy.... old habbits die hard I guess."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I know why your here, so I won't beat around the bush like usual. I don't consider it trying to screw you over in anything.\ Your world champion aren't you? So you need someone to face you.

Cena: "And I don't back down from any challenge. But i've beaten Wes too many times to care for facing him again. And God only knows who else you have lined up to face them but i'm betting it's something that wont benefit me..."

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's the breaks isn't it? But so your worries are laid to rest, I haven't even decided who it is. But it could be anyone, I mean X-Cold himself could come through that door...and I would have no problem putting him in the match. Just as long as their world title credible

Cena: "And i'm sure X-Cold would be happy to job to Dragon for the 4th time. It doesn't matter who you get Amy... in fact, let me throw a name at you. Put your god damn husband in there, and let me kick his ass around for the World Title!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-You know, I do like the sound of being the wife of the world champion. Seeing how that just like Matt Dragon never beat X-Cold cleanly. You haven't gotten even close to pinning my husband...and unless the pregnancy did something to my mind. Then I do remember you about to tap at Survival of the Fittest. But the again, who knows. Maybe I want you to keep guessing. So really it could be anyone. Even someone who's a big asshole, like your friend Punisher. Hell...guess that means Matt Hardy could show up. But don't worry about that one, only Bentley could pay him enough to be interested long enough.

Cena: "Aw poor Amy... she dreams of being married to a world champion... when he husbands too over the hill to satisfy her. You know there's always another solution to that Amy.... why don't you ditch him in favour of someone whos ALREADY World champion! As for Survival of the Fittest.... don't flatter yourself. I won Amy. I out lasted your husband and the best he could bring to the ring. I outlasted Matt Dragon by like 26 hours... so if you think I fear your stupid little Money in the Bank match... your wrong. I don't care who you dig up.... I'll still be champion.... you can bet all Bentley's money on that!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Really, I don't have dreams of it. Jericho has out classed you everytime. The only way you have gotten out of it without a defeat is because you know his properities I guess. But you know Cena, I'm not doing this to be the wife of the world champion.

*Amy walks from behind her desk, and Amy goes in front of Cena facing him*

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'm doing this, because....first you need a contender. Second, you need your ass kicked for the things you did to me in the 9 months. How you turned something that should have been a good experience, and made it hell. So I don't care who it is, but if it's someone that can make you feel pain...I'll make sure he's in the match.

Cena: "I suppose your right Amy..... although... you do DESERVE a real man Amy. Sure you think Jericho's great and you think you "love" him.... but he can't give you what you need. I can. I can give you the fame you need from a real World Champion! I can outlast Jericho at anything in the world... especially wrestling as I proved... and above all Amy... I can make you see life in a totally different light... and one that is far more fun."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Will you STOP that! I don't have any interest in you, and I would never would. A man doesn't do the crap you did to me, so don't try to try to make it seem your more man than he is. The only light there will be are the lights that you are going to staring up at!

Cena: "Oh i'm sure Amy. Don't worry though... because I can do anything I want... or did you forget? I own this company Amy. I could null and void that pathetic little contract. Sure Matt Dragon could sue EMF but that wouldn't be my problem would it... I don't handle the finances. So if I was really threatened by you... I would. But i'm not... because you and the little match your planning are completely pathetic, and hardly even worth the time of a great man and champion like myself."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Did you forget as REAL VP of this company, that I can make a decision without you. You can't do a damn thing about it. Don't like it....well I got a suggestion....

(Amy gets up in Cena's face)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Since you like it so much, you can kiss my ass!!

(Cena grabs Amy and pulls her towards him and kisses her. Amy is trying to pull away but Cena holds her for a few moments before letting her pull back. Cena smirks and then says....)

Cena: "Unfortunately... you'd probably sue me for sexual harrassment or something... but if you want to offer again i'd gladly take you up on it. If not... i'm sure that was the next best thing!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Let....Me...GO YOU CREEP!

(Cena instead pulls Amy closer and kisses her again, giving his usual smirk the whole time. Amy is trying to get away, trying to push away. But Cena obviously is the stronger of the two, so she can't move. So she does her last resort as her legs are free. She takes her knee and knee's Cena right in the balls as hard as she can. Finally that allows her to get free, Cena's face is twisted in pain. Feeling disgusted, but knowing that it might not be a good idea to let Cena respond. Amy is able to push Cena out of the office while he's in too much pain to do anything about it. She looks out, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-...AND if you EVER do that again!! I'll rip them off next time

(Amy slams the door, and locks it)

(“Becky Bayless theme” blasts on the PA system, as Becky walks to the ring. She slides into the ring.)

JR-Becky Bayless is a new talent to the womens division

King-How did she gets in?

Kris Gaffney-Someone named “Mom” got her in…that is just begging for a Mom joke….

King-She sounds rich, I wonder if she knows who I am….it’s a perfect match…she has money…and I spend money!

“Holla” blasts on the PA system as Candice Michelle walks to the ring and does her entrance stuff

JR-Candice has been gone for a while

King-It’s been too long

“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system as Serena Hughes walks to the ring with Marc Mead

JR-This is also Serena Hughes debut

King-Until Mead finds another under aged girl….keep them coming..

Kris Gaffney-……….

[Becky Bayless, Candice Michelle, and Serena Hughes all are looking at each other wondering who will make the first move. Being too jumpy in trying to get the match started, Serena Huges charges at Candice Michelle. Then Candice Michelle is able to counter this charge by taking by side stepping the inexperienced Serena, and throwing her to the outside. Candice Michelle goes for a forearm shot to the face, but it’s ducked under and then Becky Bayless hits a few forearm shots to the face, and then Becky Bayless whips Candice Michelle off the ropes, and then Candice bounces off the ropes and then Becky Bayless is able to hit a hip toss. Candice goes down to the mat, and then Becky goes over to where Candice Michelle is, and then Candice Michelle is able to get Becky Bayless to back off with a double kick from the mat. This sends Becky stumbling backwards and then she hits right into where Serena Hughes is getting on the apron. Serena Hughes goes flying off the apron and then she hits her face on the Spanish announcing table. Candice charges into where Becky Bayless is at, and then Becky Bayless is able to counter the charge with a drop toe hold to Candice. Candice Michelle falls into the ropes throat first, and then Candice Michelle bounces off of the ropes after getting the ropes. Then Candice Michelle stumbles around, Becky Bayless kicks her in the gut and then sets up Candice, and then she hits a quick fisherman’s buster on Candice Michelle. Becky Bayless, would go into the cover. But she see’s that Serena Hughes getting on the apron. So she baseballs Serena’s legs from out from under her. Then Serena falls from the apron, and back on to the arena floor. Becky Bayless goes into the cover after that move and then gets the 1.2..kick out by Candice Michelle. Becky Balyess hits a few stomps on the downed Candice Michelle. Candice Michelle gets up to her feet and then Becky Bayless hits a few forearm shots to the face. Becky Bayless whips Becky Candice Michelle to the ropes. Candice Michelle bounces off the ropes and then Becky lowers her head for a back body drop. But Candice kicks her in the face sending Becky Bayless to pop her head up in pain.]

JR-The new comer set a little too early

King-I’m sure that’s not what her Mom told her to do…..but then again, I wonder what else her Mom told her to do….I wonder if it has to do with me?

*Kris is about to open his mouth, and then he says.

Kris Gaffney-King…I’m not touching that with a 10 foot pole.

[Becky Bayless stumbles backward. Then Candice Michelle charges at Serena with a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Becky Bayless, Candice goes to the ropes, but as she hits the ropes. Serena Hughes pulls down the second rope, and Candice falls out of the ring and to the floor. Serena Hughes pulls herself on the apron and waits for Becky Bayless to get up. Serena whips Becky to the ropes, but instead of doing anything to set up for a move. She starts talking to the ref, as Becky bounces off Marc Mead reaches in and then trips up Becky. But the ref turns around just as this happens, then goes over and then goes over to Marc Mead, and ejects him out of the match.]

JR-Marc Mead is gone!

King-Well, I’d say that’s good…but I say CHEAT TO WIN!

[ Becky Bayless stumbles up to her feet, and then Serena Hughes spring boards on to the top rope, and leaps off the top rope. Serena catches Becky with a flying clothesline. Both wrestlers are down, but being that she’s only take a few falls to the ground. Serena Huges hits a few stomps on the downed Becky Bayless. Becky crawls away and then goes into the corner. Serena backs off a little bit as Becky is getting up in the corner and then Serena Hughes pushes Becky into the corner, and then hits a few knife edge chops to Becky. Serena Hughes backs off, and then Serena whips Becky Bayless to the corner. Serena charges into the corner with her, as Becky Bayless crashes into the corner. Serena Hughes hits a big clothesline into the corner. Serena puts Becky into a head lock, and hits the running bulldog head lock. Serena turns her around and goes into the cover and gets the 1….2………………Candice comes into the picture and breaks up the pin. Serena gets up somewhat stunned, and then Candice hits a few fists to the face of Serena and then Candice whips Serena off of the ropes, and then she comes off of the ropes. Candice lowers her head, and hits a back body drop that sends Serena crashing down to the mat. Serena stumbles up. Candice hits a running clothesline that knocks her down. Serena stumbles up, and Candice Michelle comes off of the ropes and his a running shoulder block. Serena is dazed on her feet once she gets up, and then Candice kicks Serena in the gut and hits a DDT. Candice Michelle goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2………kick out by Serena Hughes.]

JR-Almost three!

King-You know…I wonder if this could be considered child abuse

Kris Gaffney-I don’t see nothing….

[Serena stumbles into the corner Candice takes Serena and then Candice gets up to the second rope and then locks in her leg scissors choke. While this is happening the ref’s back is turned, Marc Mead rolls back into the ring and hits a quick Mead kick to Becky Bayless. Becky goes down, as Mead rolls out of the ring. Serena, quickly goes into the cover, and goes into the cover 1…..2…….Candice comes into the ring and tries break up the three. But it’s a bit too late, 3]

JR-Damn it, Marc Mead resorted to hit his finisher on a woman!

King-I told you that you haven’t been watching enough Marc’s matches.

(OOC-Personally, I thought this was a close match.All three wrote good RP's, I just think it came down to Candice and Serena. After some consideration, and since I need to get this, and the other match up. So I’m pretty sure that Serena did have this match by a hair, although there was one concern about it. But Serena had enough to convince me, so it wasn’t that much of a problem.)

“Tori’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Tori walks to the ring, she steps into the ring and then waits for the champion

JR-This match should have taken place last week, but they had other matters to deal with

King-Yeah, both of them are friends of the Vice President, and went to the hospital when she went into labor.

Kris Gaffney-Supposively they worked out their differences

“the generic theme “blasts on the PA system as Jackie Cena walks to the ring with the womens championship


King-um…JR….I think that was your over hype Trish line

JR-Oh…um…look behind you..BUY!*runs away*

[Tori and Jackie Cena pace around the ring, they lock up and then Jackie goes behind Tori into a hammer lock. Jackie Cena puts on the pressure of the hammer lock, and then Tori looks for a way out of the hold. Then Jackie Cena gets a elbow to the face making Jackie release the hold, Tori now goes on the offensive. Jackie turns around after getting hit with the move, Jackie stumbles back in pain and then Tori hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Jackie Cena reels back towards the ropes and then Tori closes in and hten Tori hits a few fists to the face of Jackie Cena. Tori tries to whip Jackie Cena to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Jackie Cena sending Tori off the ropes. Tori bounces off of the ropes and then Jackie Cena goes for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Tori continues to the other side fo the ring. She comes off of the ropes, Jackie turns around to get a flying forearm to the face. Tori stays on her feet, as Jackie goes down and gets up fairly quickly and then TOri hits a fist that knocks down Jackie. Jackie Cena gets up and she’s somewhat dazed. Tori picks up Jackie Cena, and hits a body slam and then Tori drops the knee drop across the face of Jackie Cena. Tori goes into the cover, and then gets the 1……………2………..kick out by Jackie Cena. Tori knowing that she wasn’t going to get the three that easily puts Jackie in a sitting position, and then puts her in a chin lock. The ref checks on Jackie to make sure she is not fading, and she’s not as she slowly gets to her feet and then Tori holds on to the hold. Jackie Cena looks for a way out of the hold and then Jackie Cena backs Tori to the ropes, and then whips her off of the hold. Tori bounce soff the ropes and then comes off of the ropes and catches Jackie off guard with a running shoulder block. Jackie Cena stumbles up and then Tori hits a running clothesline to knock her down. Jackie Cena stumbles to her feet once again, Tori kicks her in the gut and then hits a fisherman’s suplex with a bridge for the 1……….2………kick out by Jackie.]

JR-Jackie Cena will not release the women’s title that easily

King-Unless it’s to Christian

Kris Gaffney-Christian for Womens champion!!

[Tori looks up at the ref, really expecting that she would get the three that time. Tori then goes back on task as Jackie has crawled away and goes into the corner. Tori goes into the corner and then tries to whip Jackie Cena to the opposite side of the ring and then she does. Jackie crashes into the corner and then Tori takes her time and charges into the corner. But it’s countered by Jackie Cena who hits a back elbow to the face. Tori stumbles back and then Jackie takes down Tori with a double leg take down and then points Tori towards the corner, and then Jackie hits a sling shot to the corner and then Tori goes into the corner and then hits her face into the top turnbuckle and then Tori stumbles backwards right into the waiting arms of Jackie Cena. Jackie then sets up Tori and nails a Russian leg sweep on Tori. Jackie is a bit hurt from the moves she’s take, but she is able to go into the cover after a time and then gets a 1…………….2………….kick out by Tori. Jackie Cena shrugs it off, and then picks up Tori and leads her into the corner and then throws her head into the corner and then hits a few stomps into the gut into the corner. Jackie Cena brings out Tori and then whips her to the ropes, Tori bounces off the ropes and then Jackie goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under and then Tori goes to the other side of the ring and then bounces off of the other side of the ring. Jackie plants Tori right into a front spinebuster, right into a cover once again 1…………..2………..kick out by Tori!]

JR-Almost three

King-Seems that Tori really wants to win the title

Kris Gaffney-Seems so

[Jackie gets up looking frustrated, she pulls Tori up by the hair and then picks her up and then hits a slam on Tori. Jackie goes to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes and goes for a leg drop of DOOOOOOOMMMM and….misses! Tori gets up , and then calls for the Tori plex. Jackie Cena stumbles up, right into Tori and Tori goes for the move. But before she hits it, Jackie is able to hit a few knee lifts to break it up. Jackie picks up Tori for the F-Off from there. But Tori is able to struggle free, and then Jackie turns around and then Tori goes for a clothesline. Jackie ducks it, and hten hits a few forearm shots to the face as Tori stumbles back to the ropes. Jackie whips Tori off the ropes, and then Jackie lowers her head going for the back body drop. But Jackie gets kicked in the face, and the Tori falls back to the ropes to rest for a second. Tori measures up, and charges at Jackie. But Jackie wasn’t stunned as she thought, as she runs into a pick up and Jackie is able to peel off a quick F-OFF! Jackie goes into the cover 1……………..2………..3]

JR-What a competitive match up, Jackie was just able to pull that one off!

Kris Gaffney-You shouldn’t say that too loud JR…

(As Shockwave goes off the air, Tori recovers. Jackie is standing there with the womens championship as she offers her hand. Tori takes a few moments, then she finally accepts the hand shake as Shockwave goes off the air with that.)