EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts once we finish it up we go into the arena where fire works blasts off on the stage and then once they finish the lights turn on and then the camera scans the crowd)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King Lawler and Kris Gaffney.

Kris Gaffney-Oh yeah…um….forgot what I was going to say *Kris Gaffney jobs*

King-Hopefully these matches are good…you have no idea what I past up to commentate this show.

“Joy’s theme of DOOOOM” blasts on the PA system as Joy walks to the ring

King-NOOOOO not this again *King cries*

Kris Gaffney-Good thing I’m wearing ear plugs

King-What you are…give them to me..NOW *King tries to get the ear plugs*

“Traci theme” blasts on the PA system as Traci walks to the ring

King-You know I noticed there are a lot of females in the EMF now

Kris Gaffney-I think this is the most ever

JR-Well it’s good that the womens division is showing life

[Joy and Traci lock up and then Joy pushes Traci to the ropes and then Traci turns it around and then backs Joy into the corner and then she slowly starts to back away and then Traci lets the clean break happen and then Joy looks as Traci just stands there prepared as Joy gets pissed and then goes into the middle of the ring and then pushes Traci. Traci backs up a few steps and then answers with a big bitch slap and then Joy is turned around and then Traci comes from behind and then school girls Joy and then gets the 1…………….2………kick out by Joy and then Joy gets up fast and charges at Traci and then Traci takes down Joy with a head lock take down and then Joy looks for a way out of the hold and then decides to get up while in the side head lock once they are on their feet. Traci holds Joy into the headlock and then Traci puts more pressure on Joy after she tries to find a way out of the hold and then Joy drops to one knee and then gets back up and then grabs Traci’s hair and then backs up Traci and then Joy whips her off the move and then Traci bounces off the ropes and then Joy goes for a hip toss, but it’s blocked and then turned into a backslide attempt. Both women are fighting to get the advantage and then finally Joy lets Traci win so she can flip off Joy’s back not going into the backslide and then lands on her feet. Joy backs into the ropes and then comes off the ropes. But Joy is caught in a scoop power slam on Joy into the cover and then Traci gets the 1………………..2…………..kick out by Joy. Traci shakes her head and then gets up and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Joy. Joy gets up to her feet and then though she’s really stunned as Traci is in back of her waiting for her, it just so happens that Joy stumbles right into Traci. Traci. Traci goes for a front Russian leg sweep. But before Traci can send Joy going into the mat Joy fights out of it with a few hard elbows into the face and then Joy finally breaks up the move and then Traci stumbles back in pain and then Joy charges and then goes for a clothesline. But then its countered with a standing clothesline by Traci. Joy stumbles into the corner and then Traci tries to whip Joy into the corner and then it’s reversed by Joy and Traci goes hard into the corner and sinks to her knee’s after the impact]

Kris Gaffney-ouch!

King-ouch indeed

JR-Traci pressed the advantage too much and made a mistake

[Traci stumbles up after a few moments and then Joy picks up Traci and drops her for a back breaker and then takes a few moments to recover and then Joy hits a few hard stomps on the downed Traci. Traci stumbles up and then Joy hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and then Traci stumbles into the corner and then Joy hits a few stomps into the corner and then Joy takes Traci’s face and then drags it across the ropes and then Traci holds her face as she stumbles away from the ropes and then Joy runs to the ropes comes off the ropes and then hits a one handed face buster on Traci. Joy wanting to work on the back some more drops an elbow into the small of the back then sets up Traci and then puts her into a bow and arrow. Traci screams in pain as the ref asks her if she wants to give up, but Traci refuses and then Traci shifts her weight in the move so that it puts Joy’s shoulders down on the mat and then Joy has to let go as the 1………………..2………..kick out is counted by the ref after noticing that her shoulders where down and then Joy looks up at the ref somewhat pissed, but then decides to go on the attack as she see’s that Traci has propt herself up in the corner and then Joy goes over to Traci and then hits a few forearm shots to the back. You can see the pain on Traci’s face with every shot into the back as it’s obviously bothering her and then Joy brings Traci out of the corner and then sets her up and then drops her for a belly to back suplex that makes her crash into the mat back first once again working on the back. Joy tries to pin her and then gets the 1………………….2………….kick out]

JR-Almost three, Joy just can’t seem to put Traci away

King- Well good, the more these two stay around

Kris Gaffney-You really sold your soul to the WWE…haven’t you…

[Joy calls for the bitch slap-kick as Traci stumbles up and then Joy goes for the bitch slap, but it’s ducked by Traci and then Traci puts a sleeper on Joy. Joy tries to get to the ropes, but Traci holds on to the hold and then Joy starts to fade away, but before the ref goes over to check on Traci’s arm she starts to show life again and then Joy not being able to escape anyway else. Joy goes over into the corner and then jumps up and then falls over on Traci and is able to hold Traci for the 1………….2…………3]

(OOC-While I think Joy is the winner here, still the Traci RP was creative, thus why I let this match end on a surprise pin.…keep it up Jamie)

“Rylee’s theme” as Rylee walks to the ring

JR-Rylee has made an impact since coming to the EMF

King-Yeah, but she’s a brunette…and no brunette could be successful.

Kris Gaffney-Even if she was the wife of X-Cold!


“some generic theme” blasts on the PA system as Jackie walks to the ring with the womens title

King-This theme is boring…but at least it could be worst

Kris Gaffney-much worst

JR-She’s also a wrestler you know

King-Really…I never could have tell

[Jackie comes into the ring and then spears down Rylee and then hits a few fists and then Rylee then reverses this and then is now hammering on Jackie and then Rylee stomps and then gets up as Jackie holds her face and then stumbles into the corner and then Rylee comes over nails a few knife edge chops and then Rylee backs up and then Jackie stumbles out of the corner and then Rylee kicks Jackie into the gut and then hits a hair pull down to the mat. Rylee hits a few hard stomps on the downed Rylee and then Jackie stumbles up and Rylee hits a few hard fists and then whips Jackie off the ropes and then Jackie bounces off the ropes and then Rylee lowers her head and then his back body drop and then Jackie hits hard into the mat and then rolls out of the ring and then Rylee measures up and then runs to the ropes and then bounces off as Jackie’s near the apron and then Rylee hits a baseball slide and then Jackie stumbles a few steps and then falls down on the apron floor. Rylee rolls out in the arena floor and then Jackie is stumbling to her feet and then Rylee kicks her in the gut and then doubles her over and then backs up a few steps and then hits a running knee lift into the face and then Jackie goes down. Rylee pulls up Jackie and picks her up and then hits a body slam on Jackie and goes on to the apron and then measures up and then leaps off the apron and nails a flying leg drop across the throat and then Rylee wishes know she was in the ring with Jackie as it seems Jackie is out and then she realizes that the only thing she can do is roll her into the ring and that’s easier said than done as she is dead weight right now and then Rylee pulls up Jackie after time is able to roll in Jackie into the ring and goes into the cover on Jackie and then gets a 1……2………Jackie puts her leg on the rope and then Rylee can’t believe that she didn’t get the 3 count with that move and then Rylee rolls Jackie into the middle of the ring away from the ropes and then goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………2………..kick out. Rylee then decides to go the air as she goes to the outside on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Jackie stumbles up to her feet after a time and then Rylee leaps in the air and then goes for a cross body block. But Jackie ducks it and then Rylee goes crashing and burning and then after a few moments Rylee stumbles up. Jackie quickly kicks Rylee in the gut and then hits a quick DDT.]

JR-The womens champion pulled the move out of no where

King-Yeah, usually their both knocked out by now

*Kris tries to attack King, but they knock each other out*

[Jackie and Rylee are down and then Jackie rolls to the ropes and then gets up using the ropes and then Rylee is stumbling up after a time the standing ten count doesn’t really get that far enough to be really mentioned so Rylee charges at Jackie and then Jackie is able to counter with a drop toe hold to Rylee and then falls throat first into the ropes and then Rylee falls back and then Jackie falls down to the mat on her hands and knee’s and crawls over into the corner and then takes a few moments to recover. But that time is cut short as Rylee is charging at Jackie, but Jackie isn’t stunned enough to counter the move and then hits a back elbow into the face of Rylee. Rylee backs up and then Jackie pulls herself up on the second rope and then measures up and then Rylee goes to where Jackie wants and then Jackie leaps off and then hits a flying clothesline off the second rope. This buys some more time to recover as Jackie gets to her feet and then she’s recovering all the way from the beating she’s gotten at first and then Jackie gets up and then Rylee is up on her feet, but is very stunned and then Jackie hits a few hard fists and then Jackie hits a few forearm shots and then tries to whip Rylee to the ropes and then Rylee reverses the whip and then sends Jackie bounces off the ropes and then Jackie leaps in the air and then hits a flying shoulder block and then Jackie gets up and Rylee gets up pretty fast and then Rylee takes a wild swing and then Jackie ducks and then sets up Rylee and then hits a inside slam and then Jackie gets up and then does the “you can’t see me” taunt and then goes to the ropes bounces off and nails the leg drop of dooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmm]

King-Wonder if she’ll ever get a crap doing that


JR-Anyways it would seem Jackie is gaining in control of this match, will she be able to put

[Jackie goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………2……………kick out. Jackie then gets up and then waits for Rylee to get up, Rylee stumbles to her feet and then Jackie picks up Rylee for the F-U, Rylee is able to struggle free and falls behind Jackie. Rylee pushes Jackie and Jackie hits the turnbuckle and then Rylee goes for the High rise, but she’s pushed anyway and Jackie gets up and then Rylee charges back and then Jackie picks up Rylee fast and drives her down in the F-U and Jackie goes into the corner and then gets the 1…………….2………..3]

They come back from a commercial brake to see the cabana set all laid out in the ring.

King: oh great, it looks like we are going to be joined by Mr. Cool. Carlito. What a great night this is turning out to be.

Jr: Oh no, not more, I'm great, I'm cool, this is going to get boring quickly

‘I SPIT IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T WANT TO BE COOL!!’ Carlito music plays and he appears on the top of the ramp, the fans start booing him, but he pays no attention to them.

King: look how cool he is Jr. you going to tell him, how boring he is.

Jr: I think ill pass.

He gets into the ring and is handed a mic.

Carlito: Welcome to another week of Carlito’s Cabana!!! Another week, of big guests, on the coolest show on the EMF circuit, so without a further a dew, please bring out this weeks guest…(‘I SPIT IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T WANT TO BE COOL!!’ Carlito music plays) that’s right Carlito’s guest is Carlito, I mean who cooler than Carlito??? Noone, so Carlito looked across the roster, and Carlito was thinking, Deamon Archeos? He’s not cool, John Cena? No not cool. Angelus Archer? Nope none of them pail in coolness compared to Carlito. So Carlito decided to be Carlitos guest on Carlitos Cabana. Carlito is getting bored of everything in the EMF, Carlito looks around and you know what he sees, marriage, relationships, all dat lovey Dovey Crap! And you know what Lovey dovey….dats not cool. You see Cena and Jackie, married now, Carlito thinks they probably take long walks on the beach, holding hands, and dats not cool, People ask me why I cost Cena and Dude Nick their tag titles, because they are too lovey Dovey!! And lovey Dovey…. dats not cool. But Carlito hasn’t finished his crusade against lovey dovey…. oh no….not by a long way……..Next on Carlito’s list is Dude Nick and Torrie Wilson…Dude Nicks gone now…So Torrie you wanna get lovey dovey with Carlito? I know you do…. Carlito is cool…. BUT NO!!!! Lovey Dovey is not cool, and Torrie Wilson…. you not cool!!! Now Carlito has disturbing news to tell you….this lovey Dovey Tirade…it goes to the top….Only last week. Chris Jericho *Jericho voice* THE IATOLLLLA OF ROCK AND ROLLA!!! Whos he kidding, dats not cool. Anyway, last week Chris Jericho went down on one knee and proposed to Amy Dumas, The vice President of the EMF. Now that’s not cool. Jericho….one knee? Dats not cool….marriage proposals??? Dats not cool…..Asking Amy Dumas? Dats defiantly not cool.. I mean look at Amy Dumas, look at that greasy hair, dat stupid tattoo, look at all of it. Amy Dumas **coughs** slut **coughs** Jericho, Carlito has figured it out, Your sleeping your way to the top. And you heard that exclusive hear on Carlitos Cabana!!

(Suddenly the lights start to flicker, as Carlito looks around not really knowing what's going on as an eye appears on the EMF tron and it opens as "Other World" blasts on the PA system. The crowd cheers as Chris Jericho is standing in the isle with his arms out. In one of his hands holds a mic., he turns around and pumps his fist in the air. He stops and looks into the ring and looks pissed. Amy Dumas comes from the entrance and is looking equally as pissed as she stands behind Jericho really close)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Cut that music...Welcome to....SHOCKWAVE...IS....JERICHOOOO!(crowd says it with him) Well, well...if it isn't Carlito....Caribbean....FOOL! You see I was in the back with my EXTREMELY beautiful fiance Amy Dumas and we heard what you had to say about us...and I'll tell you that we both think...it's a load of crap! You see I don't think it's mystery that we have our reasons to get married. As for your theory, I think your forgetting who your talking about, I'M CHRIS JERICHO! I'm co-Wrestler of the year for 2004! I'm the face of the year *crowd cheers*! I'm a former EMF/RWA World champion! I could go on and on, but most of all I've built a reputation on being the...SLAYER OF CAREERS and with the things you said about Amy and I....well...we think it's about time that I add to that list...JUNIOR

*Jericho throws down the microphone and Jericho and Amy start walking down the isle with murder in their eyes. Carlito looks worried, but then as Jericho gets into the ring, Carlito smiles and pulls out a sheet of paper.

Carlito: Wow Jericho WOW! Carlito wants to show you this!!

Carlito hands it to Jericho

Carlito: You see Carlito had a contract that says, whoever sets foot into Carlito's ring during Carlito's Cabana automatically becomes Carlito's guests for the week, But thats not all, no there is also a clause, a non violence clause which says Carlitos cabana's guests cant touch carlito!

(Jericho reads it over, then hands it to Amy who reads it over)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Is this some kind of a joke, are you this desperate to get to get guest on this cheap ass, lame, third rate show!

(Amy then comes up to Jericho and then whispers in his ear about something, and he nods. But both of them looks pissed)

Carlito: You see Chris Jericho, Carlito has a mind like a supervillian, like Lex Luthor or something, anyway, Carlito would like to welcome you both to Carlitos Cabana!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Yeah, yeah...let's just get this over with. I don't think me and my fiance came to Shockwave to go to some garage sale of a show you got here.

.::Amy Dumas::.-Though speaking of that, I could use a new chair...*Amy goes over to the chair on Carlito's set*

Carlito: You see Chris Jericho, Carlito's Cabana is no garage sale, it is the top talk show in the EMF, even your fiance likes Carlito seats, you see having a set that looks like an episode of Star Trek, is uncomfortable, but most importantly, Star Trek.....dats not cool!

.::Amy Dumas::.-Carlito...only one question...how much will this chair cost? Jericho's right! Your whole set is a garage sale, I was insulting it! God can't believe you missed that one. Maybe that's why even the Peeps show is better than the Cabana!

Carlito: Christians peep show? Christian? that little boy, and his joke show, better than the cabana, I dont think so, look at it, The set, just like yours Chris Jericho, is not cool, the peeps.....not cool, Christian....not cool. so really, Christians peep show, not cool . Chris Jericho, how does it feel to have a second rater show compared to the Carlito's Cabana!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Carlito, you honestly think this is better? Please, but then again...what else should I expect from a guy who goes on and on about how cool he is, yet he's the only one that believes it! That's ok Carlito; I don't care what your opinion is junior. Because all the Jericho-halics and Lita-halics know the truth...that the HIGHLIGHT REEL is the number one show in the EMF!!

Carlito: Don’t do that! Dats not cool!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know what junior, maybe I should be asking the questions, since your so bush league. What in the hell makes you think you know what cool is? I'll answer that...well Chris Jericho...King of the World...Carlito doesn't. Because he's exactly as I said before...he's not cool...he's the Caribbean....FOOL!

(Amy laughs at Carlito)

Carlito: Chris Jericho, you shut up, This is Carlitos Cabana, not Jerichos Cabana, Carlito Carribbean fool? How lame is that? Chris Jericho, I was right your not cool, Carribbean fool? you couldnt come up with anything better than that HA HA HA....seriously not cool. Carlito gets you on as guests, you see how much better the cabana is and try to take over! not cool.So....I would like you all to thank the very uncool Jericho..... and amy dumas from coming onto the Cabana, but get the hell out of my ring!!!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-I'm just warming up junior, of course I can do better. But hey I'm just calling it like I see it, because that's what you would have to be a fool to really believe that your even as HALF as cool as you believe yourself to be. Though maybe it's because your blind Carlito...blind, because how could you see with your head so far up your ass!

Carlito: Carlito knows he's cool. Carlito is the man! but Chris Jericho, you shouldnt talk about how far heads up asses, with yours being so far up Amys ass, 'I got this match, this award' Carlito can do impressions too see 'Junior' but everyone asks how you got that far, and everyone points at her.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know Carlito, for once in your pathetic life your somewhat right. I admit that Amy has helped my career. But not in the way your thinking, you see Carlito. I'm not using her for her Vice President powers, because had the RWA been around you would have seen the exact same result. Because I think my talents speak for themselves, and if you're not convinced, why don't you call a retirement home for the EMF and RWA legend himself...the Game...Triple H if you don't believe me. Because if my talent really wasn't as good as you think. Then Prez Ike wouldn't be around to bring your ass worthless ass into the EMF. Because the EMF would have been owned by Triple H around this time!

Carlito: Chris Jericho, that rant, was boring, and most importantly, not cool,. so lets move on, Marriage. Why?

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Boring? Ha! That's funny coming from you when you were out here earlier doing this *whining voice* the EMF's too Lovey Dovey *end whining voice*. But on to your question, I mean why...I mean come on look at her. But then again, that's not something I should expect someone that wears those purple pants around all the time to understand. It's much more than that, you see I that though, you see I think everyone knows our story *Amy comes over to Jericho and wraps her arms around Jericho*, so I don't think I need to get into it. You see after we became a couple about 6 months ago I realized that this is the woman I wanted to be my wife. I love her, and we have some future plans together after were married. It's as simple as that.

(Jericho and Amy start to kiss a bit)

Carlito: WOW WOW WOW !!! stop that, you see that is what Carlito means, The EMf is going soft, I mean who came here to see you two kiss.........nobody, the EMF is getting way to Lovey Dovey, to soft, and soft? lovey Dovey? Kissing? Chris Jericho? Amy slut dumas? all of those things are not cool!!!

Jericho gets up in Carlito face, he smiles and holds up the contract. He then bites into his apple and spits it in Jericho's face

*Jericho stands there, as a grin comes over his face as his head turns to Amy who says*

.::Amy Dumas::.-You know...with some fine print in that contract. As I would say that's grounds enough to wave that no-violence clause...right about....NOW

*Jerihco punches Carlito down and then Jericho sets up Carlito, then waves Amy in. She and Jericho set up Carlito and then hits a double release suplex. They nip up together and then Jericho starts doing his pattern shuffle as Carlito stumbles to his feet. Once he does get to his feet. Amy points and Jericho blasts Carlito with a super kick that sends him out of the ring and then now sitting on the arena floor not believing what happened. Jericho and Amy start to throw his set around as "Other World" blasts on the PA system as we go into the commercial and comes back to Shockwave*

(AJ's theme blasts out as AJ Styles makes his way out to the ring for his tag team match.)

(AJ's theme blasts out as AJ Styles makes his way out to the ring for his tag team match.)

Finkle: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring, The Phenominal AJ Styles!"

(Rock's theme blasts out, as The Rock comes out to partner AJ.)

King-The Rock at least has a partner that he doesn't want to kill

JR-That's for sure, unlike this team

(Then "Saint Anger" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond and Just... Rick hit the ring one after the other.)

JR-Unlike this team

King-Yeah...Just..Rick doesn't seem to give people much slack. He hated him after he asked what he should be called.

AJ Styles and Just... RIck step into the ring to kick things off. AJ goes straight at Rick with some right hands, and backs him against the ropes. He continues to hammer away at him, before whipping hi across the ring, but Rick instinctively spears AJ as he bounces back. Rick then stomps away at Styles, but Styles begins to make his way back to his feet. Styles over powers Rick, and goes for a suplex, but Rick rolls out and nails a boot to the head of Styles as he turns round. Rick then stomps away at the downed Styles, before whipping him into the corner where Pond is. Rick then goes to the corner and continus to punch away at Styles, but Styles catches one of the fists and begins to mount an offence of his own on Rick. However as he picks up some momentum with his shots, Dewey Pond hits a shot to the back of Styles, causing him to stumble, and then Rick nails a DDT. He goes into the cover and gets the 1... Styles rolls out. Rick then picks up Styles and makes the tag to Dewey. Dewey comes in and the two set him up for a double suplex as the Rock looks on.However Styles is able to land on his feet, and then take both men down at the same time with a DDT like move. All three men are now down with the Rock looking on, as the referee begins his 10 count.)

J.R: "Could spell trouble for AJ.. being isloated in this corner of the ring..."

King: "He needs to get to the Rock..."

(AJ gets to his feet first, but instead of going for the Rock, he decides to fight on. Rick is hobbling up, and AJ kicks him in the stomach before whipiing him out of the ring. He then goes back to Dewey, but Dewey has recovered and hits Styles first. Styles however nails a clothesline, before picking him up and hitting a suplex. Styles notices he's in the opposition corner, and picks up Dewey, whipping him across to a vacant corner. Dewey hits the turnbuckle hard and falls, leaving Styles an opening. Styles climbs to the top rope, but Dewey begins to get up. Styles jumps and hits a plain double-axe handle, sending Dewey back to the mat. He then picks him up, but as he does Dewey kicks him in the gut, and then lands an arm-bar takedown, into (surprisingly..) an armbar. AJ rolls in pain, but after a while, grabs the bottom rope. the referee begins counting 1, 2, 3, 4 but then Rick comes on the outside and pulls the rope away from AJ, who lets go.)

J.R: "AJ's in serious trouble here.. the rock still not got in the match..."

King: "He might not at this rate... Styles is on the verge of tapping out..."

(Suddernly the crowd roar as the rock gets in the ring and stomps on Dewey, causing him to break the hold. The referee tries to get him to leave the ring, but the Rock knocks him back. He then throws Dewey Pond off the ropes and nails a spinebuster with impact. Rick comes in, but Rock nails a few right hands, before spitting behind him onto his hand and hitting the rock slap. The referee tells the Rock if he doesn't leave the ring now he will disqualify him.. but before he does The Rock drags Styles towards their corner. Styles is still not near enough to tag Rock, and is clutching his arm. He extends one arm, but before he can get there Dewey Pond pulls him back a bit, and hits a knee to the injured arm. Styles falls down in pain and Dewey goes over and tags in Rick. Rick continues to work down the one arm of AJ, before whipping him back inot his own corner. Rick sets him up on the top rope and nails a HUGE superplex. AJ is down in the middle of the ring as Rick covers him and gets the 1... 2... kick out by Styles. Rick looks frustrated and goes back and tags in Dewey Pond. Dewey hits the ring, but AJ is crawling towards the Rock..)

J.R: "I can't remember the last time I saw Dewey Pond wrestle for so long..."

King: "Yea.. can’t believe he’s still here, can’t he just leave…I think Donkey Kong should get a match!”

(Dewey grabs AJ by the legs, but AJ kicks him off, sending him backwards. AJ then makes one huge dive and FINALLY gets to the Rock. The referee signals the tag, and the Rock climbs into the ring, and straight away fires shots at Dewey Pond. He then throws him hard into the corner, so he knows Rick off the apron! Rock senses an opening, and as Dewey stumbles back, and hits a huge Rock Bottom! The Rock then calls for the most electrifying move in sports entertainment.. and the fans go nuts. He takes off his sweat band and hurls it into a group of screaming fans, before running towards the ropes. AJ gets up, and tries to get into the ring but the ref stops him. As the ref is distracted, RIck gets in, and nails a huge low blow on The Rock as he gets ready to hit the elbow! As he falls, Dewey, who has just hobbled up, nails a very tame version of the pond water splash! Dewey crawls into the cover as the referee turns round...)

J.R: "This could be the opening Dewey needs...."

King: "But we don't get to see THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW!!!"

(The referee counts 1... 2... but the Rock kicks out! The fans roar as the Rock gets to his feet and so does Dewey! The Rock is quicker, and begins to hit shots on Dewey Pond. Dewey blocks one and clotheslines the Rock down. He then goes over to Rick, desperate for a tag. However Rick jumps down off the apron as he approaches and begins to laugh. Dewey can't beleive it as h turns round and gets hit by a samoan drop form the Rock! The crowd go mental even more as he stands over Dewey and removes his second sweat band.Just... Rick laughs and walks up the ramp, as the Rock nails the People's Elbow to perfection. The Rock taunts a little bit.. and tells Rick to "Just Bring It!", but Rick disappears behind the curtain. Rock gives up, and just lays over an unconscious Dewey Pond to score the 1... 2... 3! The Rock's music blasts out and he and Styles are announced as the winners. Styles however doesn't get into the ring, and the Rock is left celebrating the victory by himself!)

J.R: "If he pins Dewey in the forthcoming TV Title Match... he's the new champ..."

“Chaos theme” blasts on the PA system as Chaos walks to the ring

JR-Chaos is certain…an interesting superstar

King-Yeah he’s someone else every second

Kris Gaffney-Must make decision making a bitch…

“Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Scott Kincaid makes his way to the ring

JR-Scott Kincaid is one half of the tag team champions

King-the only half…

Kris Gaffney-your forgetting Wes

King-Oh yeah…I try to forget him

Kris Gaffney-But your wearing a Wes t-shirt right now!

King-I’m not…you are

“pirates life for me” blasts on the PA system as Dante De Luca walks to the ring

[Kincaid, Chaos and Dante stand in their corner as the bell rings and then they all start pacing the ring and then Chaos charges at Dante and then Dante knocks down Chaos and then Dante hits a few stomps and then Chaos rolls out of the ring and catches a breath and then while his back is turned Kincaid comes from behind and then hits a few clubbing blows that take down Dante and then Dante goes into the corner and then goes into the corner and then Kincaid hits a few stomps in the corner and then Dante goes down to his knee's and then Kincaid pulls him up and then hits a few hard forearm shots to the face and then pulls him out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then Dante bounces off and then Kincaid hits a spinning back elbow on Dante. Dante bounces up after a few moments and then Kincaid comes charging as Dante ducks the clothesline and then Dante goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid hits a flipping drop kick on Dante and then Kincaid goes to the ropes and then hits a well placed knee drop into the face and then Dante sits up in pain and then Kincaid reaches back and then pulls Dante on the mat and then goes for the pin and then gets a 1……………..2……….Chaos comes into the ring and then breaks up the pin and though it would seemed Dante would have gotten out anyways. But that’s not important, anyways Kincaid gets up and then gets hit with a few fists by Chaos and then Chaos hits a knee lift for good measure and then Chaos tries to whip Kincaid off the ropes and then Kincaid reverses the whip and then Chaos bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid gets run down by the bigger Chaos (or so I believe he is at the time I’m writing this). Chaos laughs and then hits a few hard stomps to the downed Kincaid and then Kincaid stumbles into the corner and then Chaos sets up Kincaid and then hits a hip toss out of the corner and then he lands hard into the mat. Kincaid stumbles up and then Chaos charges at Kincaid and then knocks him down with a clothesline and then Kincaid stumbles up and then Chaos knocks him down once again with a clothesline and then Kincaid takes his time getting up and then Chaos kicks Kincaid in the gut and then sets him up and then picks him up and then hits a power bomb and stacks Kincaid on his shoulders and gets a 1…………………….2……………..kick out]

JR-Almost three

King-Chaos couldn’t really stay in one place at one time.

Kris Gaffney-Not surprising, not in a week anyways?

[Suddenly Kincaid climbs up to his feet and then Chaos waits for him, and then he’s going too slow and then Chaos pulls up Kincaid up by the hair and then Dante comes from behind and then hits a chop block to Chaos and then Dante goes down to the mat and then Dante hits a few stomps on the downed Chaos and then Kincaid gets up and then Dante and Kincaid look at each other and then Chaos is getting up and then Dante and Kincaid starts hammering away at Chaos. Chaos stumbles back after every hard fist and then Chaos is on the ropes and tries to cover up and then Kincaid and Dante finally let up and then double whips Chaos to the ropes. Chaos bounces off the ropes and then Dante and Kincaid hit a double kick into the gut and then Chaos is doubled over and then Dante and Kincaid run to the ropes behind Chaos and then comes off the ropes and then hits a double one handed bulldog that drives Chaos face into the mat and then Kincaid and Dante seemly don’t want to stop there as Chaos stumbles up and then Dante and Kincaid sets up Chaos and then hits a double suplex and then Chaos then rolls out of the ring and then falls out of the ring after Dante Kincaid hits a few hard stomps out of ring. Dante and Kincaid then go to the different sides of the ring and then pace around the ring and then Dante and Kincaid lock up and then looking like their trying to just trying to fight in the for the advantage and then they break even and then it looks like their going to try again and then Kincaid backs up and then decides to take a few moments to think of a new strategy other than the current one. Dante gets frustrated and then he charges at Kincaid and then Kincaid counters the charge with a side step and then Kincaid measures up Dante and then Kincaid hits a few knife edge chops]

JR-Kincaid is using his new found aggression to his advantage

King-Well if I was teaming with someone named Wes…I would be angry too

Kris Gaffney- Can’t agree anymore…

[Dante stumbles out of the corner and then Kincaid kicks Dante in the gut and then hits a snap suplex Kincaid then sets up Dante and then puts on the Kincaid coverleaf. Before Dante can tap or even consider tapping Chaos comes out of no where and about takes Kincaid’s head off with a clothesline and then Chaos hits a few stomps out of the ring and then Chaos seems Dante getting up in the corner and he charges at him. Then Dante throws him hard into the corner. Chaos stumbles out of the corner and then Dante pulls himself on the second rope leaps off and nails the shipwreck and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………Kincaid tries to get there, but can’t get there in time……….3]

(Dante rolls out and then celebrates on the ramp as Saturday Shockwave goes off the air)