EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, RVT!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[RVT comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, Lord Rikkaar!!!

[Lord Rikkaar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Earl Hebner checks RVT's boots and knee pads. RVT gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Lord Rikkaar. (the bell rings) RVT hits a spinning leg lariat on Lord Rikkaar sending him to the mat. Lord Rikkaar is up again. Lord Rikkaar executes a jawbreakeron RVT. Lord Rikkaar gets back to his feet. RVT gets hit with the shooting star press from Lord Rikkaar. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 RVT kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[RVT is up again. Lord Rikkaar grabs RVT's head and hites him in the face. Lord Rikkaar hiptosses RVT. RVT gets up. RVT superkicks Lord Rikkaar. Lord Rikkaar gets back to his feet. Lord Rikkaar hits RVT with a single arm DDT. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Nice single arm DDT by Lord Rikkaar.

[Lord Rikkaar stands up. Lord Rikkaar hooks RVT in the abdominal stretch. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... RVT trys to escape. ... RVT trys to escape. RVT escapes. RVT gets up. RVT hits Lord Rikkaar with a heart punch. RVT goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Lord Rikkaar. RVT is up again. RVT fist drops Lord Rikkaar on the mat. RVT moves back to his feet. Lord Rikkaar is up again. Lord Rikkaar is hit with a backward kick. Lord Rikkaar gets hit with a diving elbow smash from RVT. Lord Rikkaar with a huge super fisherman buster, driving RVT into the mat. Lord Rikkaar is back on his feet. RVT climbs to his feet. Indian deathlock applied by Lord Rikkaar. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... RVT is fighting the hold. ... Lord Rikkaar tightens the hold. RVT escapes. Lord Rikkaar sends RVT to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Lord Rikkaar short lariats RVT. (...3) Lord Rikkaar knees RVT and rolls back to his feet. (....4) Lord Rikkaar puts RVT in an arm grapevine submission. RVT gets back to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Lord Rikkaar hits RVT with an earringer. Lord Rikkaar hits RVT with the double arm DDT into the mat. ]

Jim Ross - Good double arm DDT by Lord Rikkaar.

[Lord Rikkaar knee drops RVT. Lord Rikkaar hits a frog splash on RVT. Lord Rikkaar stands up. Lord Rikkaar slingshot elbow drops RVT. Lord Rikkaar piledrives RVT into the mat. RVT gets up. it's the incredible 1 Star Toad Splash!!! Lord Rikkaar catches RVT in a backslide and goes for the pin. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Lord Rikkaar!!!

Jim Ross - Well that was quick...

(We go into the arena where the lights are already turned on. The crowd is screaming loud as they wave their signs. The location information comes up on the screen)

*The lights start to flicker and then go completely off as “Other World” blasts on the PA system the lights turn back on *

* Chris Jericho is standing in the entrance with his hands out stretched. He’s holding the RWA-WWF hardcore championship in one hand and then spins around a few times. Jericho then puts the title over his shoulder and then looks to the entrance as Amy Dumas walks out from the entrance. Jericho and Amy walk to the ring. Amy slides into the ring, Jericho then climbs up the steps and slowly walks on the apron. Jericho hooks both arms over the top rope, while inside in the ring on the opposite side of the ring Amy is doing her gun fingers pose. Jericho steps into the ring, so Amy goes to the nearest turnbuckle and does her gun fingers pose from there as Jericho goes to where he was and then slowly raises the RWA-WWF hardcore championship over his head. Jericho then goes over and grabs a microphone as Amy steps off of the turnbuckle and walks over to Jericho. There is a bit of a mixed reaction, some of the fans start a “Lita! Lita! Lita!” chant. Jericho lets it go on as Amy just smiles. Then Jericho raises the microphone up and beings to talk*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Jarrett...Jarrett...Jarrett, once again you come out here and put on the same act that everyone has been bored of for years. But that doesn't mean Amy and I haven't made any progress showing who you really are Jarrett. I mean lets look at your last promo, you said that you "aren't a has been". Well if you didn't think that I wouldn't agree with you, well wrong again Jarrett. You see Jarrett you are 100% right, you aren't a has been....you're a never was. That's right Jarrett, you could win all the titles you want. But there is only one person in the Extreme Measures Federation who thinks you are truly something great and that's yourself. You want to know the great thing about it Jarrett? When you are long gone from the EMF...you know all those people that you listed as not as legends. Well when this generation of EMF superstars change over to a new generation. Sadd Boy's name will be mentioned before yours, because you see Jarrett to be a true legend you have to be one in the minds of other people other then your own and from what I seen that's not going to happen jackass. But that's not the only thing you got right, you said that that in your first match against Jackass and Chris Jericho you lost...and you said that it wasn't me. You are correct Jarrett, it wasn't me..which means your finally accepting the Other World theory. You know why it wasn't me Jarrett? If it was me, then you wouldn't be standing here today. Because I would have ended your career before it even started here in the Extreme Measures Federation. You see I'm going to have to disagree with Wes. You see Jarrett never beat me, even in Jarrett's dreams he always jobs to me. But you see proving my superiority in the ring was never the goal of Amy and myself. I have never had to step into the ring to make Jarrett look stupid, because he does a good job of that by himself. No...you see Wes there is another thing you got wrong, you see you call "Jarrett the master of mind games". You see Wes while you believe that Jarrett's and Angelus's one track mind of attacking someone and killing random things means that your the "master of mind games". That's because previous from this summer this world did not have the honor to see me or Amy at work. You see Jarrett while you were in that gothic waste of space federation known as DCW, I was in one of the greatest federations ever to exist playing mind games with the best...don't believe me? Why don't you give the RWA's own Snott Hall a call, he will tell you just when he thought he got rid of me, I would come back with a brilliant plan. Amy and I messed with his mind Jarrett so bad; he even said that if he won the world title he would give me the first shot at the title just for the chance to get his hands on me. You see what he didn't realize Jarrett...that exactly what I wanted him to do; you see WCW held me back from title shots before and gave it to guys like Snott Hall. So what did we do Jarrett? Amy and I took out Snott Hall's best friend the Godfather. Jarrett he was too blinded with rage to notice that he was in the palm of my hand and did exactly what I wanted. You see Jarrett this summer it wasn't any different with you, you see this summer you were in the palm of Amy and my hands. I called you a "puppet" Jarrett at Last Stand; because that's exactly what you are Jarrett. Amy and I were moving the strings and anything we wanted to happen did Jarrett. We played with your mind so much you couldn't even make up a decent come back. The best thing you could come up with was to send your friend to kill Amy's dog. Is that the best you can do junior? I mean it did bug me a little bit Angelus, not all because you killed Amy's dog. But because of what you said you wanted to do to Amy. Then what happen Angelus...huh...YOU SON OF BITCH, you're ass got buried alive not once...but TWICE!! You see coming to this world I knew that there would be jealous jackasses like you Angelus, because not only did I make sure that the power here in the Extreme Measures Federation couldn't do a damn thing about the Other World doing whatever the hell we wanted. But when it came down to it, I wanted to find a way to make sure Amy was safe from ass clowns such as Angelus and Jarrett. That's not to say that Amy's helpless either, because she could kick Angelus and Jarrett's ass if needed, but you see I know their minds. I wanted to make sure that she would never even have to. Do you know why Angelus said what he would "like" to do to Amy and never could? Because he could never even got close to Amy, because he knew what was going to happen if he tried. Because when I attacked him after his match with Degenerate it was not only to lead him into a trap, but to show him that in the end even if got passed everything that I had set up...well he would have to get by me. Angelus I sent you to hell and back and to me it was just like old times in the RWA. Jarrett and Angelus I'm not going to allow either one of you to harm Amy and through our plan Jarrett and Angelus, you couldn't even do anything about everything we have done to you over the summer. Admit it, we had you so confused it was like you were in a dark room trying to think of a plan to try to get us back...but you never could. No rather you just had to stand in that dark room and just take everything we threw at you as we attacked you from all sides through the darkness. You didn’t know where or when it would happen, you just knew it would. You both were helpless to do anything about it, we made you both fall into our plan and this entire Summer we did something that everyone in the Extreme Measures Federation has dreamed about for years. We stripped you of everything Jarrett, we made your win/lose record go to hell, we took away your pride, we made whatever respect you had here in the EMF disappear, we destroyed any mere thought of any thought outside of your own that you were anything great...much less a legend. Also this summer I added one more thing to the list of things I have destroyed…the Dark Circle died because of what Amy and I did…of course with the help of the rest of the Uproar your beloved stable is now apart of the things I’ve killed…maybe not the biggest thing I have ever killed. But something none a less. Jarrett if you were the "master of the mind games" before here in this world, then there is two new "masters of mind games" Jarrett and their names are Amy Dumas and "the Highlight of the Night" Chris Jericho! *crowd gives a mixed reaction*. You know Jarrett last week was a great moment for me and Amy, we know we can't take the credit for what Wes and Widow did to you last week. But to us that was just the icing on the cake of everything we done to you Jarrett. You see Jarrett I didn't come out here to waste my breath on you once again, because honestly Jarrett your not worth my or Amy's time anymore. You see unlike what you think Jarrett; we were never here to just end your career. You see Jarrett what you need to understand Jarrett there are things better then end the joke of a career you have. We did all of this because of a few reasons. First off I did because after what you did to Amy's name she wanted to clear her name as what your version of her made the name "Amy Dumas". We were successful on that; because no one remembers what your Amy did anymore Jarrett. No they remember that Amy Dumas is the woman that along with myself took the EMF by storm. We did it because we simply wanted to expose you to the world for who you are....a NOTHING, A NOBODY, a lowly title grabber Jarrett and whatever small percentage of the world might have bought the bullshit you spew every week now sees you for being a nothing Jarrett. Our last reason is that through our efforts we wanted this world to remember the Other World...the RWA. Our world, our legacy and imprint it on the history books of the Extreme Measures Federation. That's exactly what will happen, Jarrett even if you somehow undeservedly worm your way into the Hall of Fame here in the EMF...the better jackass, because it will forever be imprinted on your career that in the Summer of 2003. Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas showed Jarrett Carthallion up for the fool he is and you know what Jarrett. It was all easy; we hardly had to lift a finger to do it all Jarrett. No we did it all by out smarting you and thanks to our efforts no matter what...the EMF history books will always reflect that the RWA did exist. Finally the Other World is successful in it's original goal to make sure while the RWA doors may be closed...it will never and I mean never EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EVER be forgotten. So that begs the question, just what's next for Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas. We might step away from the spotlight for a brief amount of time, but don't worry Jarrett we will always be around. We will always be somewhere backstage, so Jarrett I will put whatever mind you have at ease...you're career is safe for now, because were done with you Jarrett. But remember these words, one day Jarrett. You won't know when, you won't know how...but one day we will come for your career if deemed necessary. So if I were you Jarrett I would be looking over your shoulder for the day that the Other World awaits you.

“Other World” blasts on the PA system as the crowd gives them actually gives them a face pop. Jericho and Amy slides out of the ring, Jericho and Amy spin around then they raise each others hands as they back peddle up the ramp and disappear through the entrance.*

(OOC-Stepping away from the spotlight does NOT mean their leaving, they just aren’t going to be doing an interview every week. I have school, so it’s kind of hard to write interviews every week. In fact this interview was written very fast if you can’t tell, but I figured I would write one more to have Jericho and Amy step away from the spotlight on their own terms. I would have liked to have Amy say something, but I couldn’t think of anything. I’m probably going to have them used in small backstage roles. It’s more to make sure everyone doesn’t expect me to write interviews every week. After how long I waited for Amy’s rights, I am not letting go of character rights of either character. OK well just so you know the purpose of this interview is.)

Finkel:"Ladies and gentelmen the following contest is a special grudge match and will be contested as a Sleeping Pills On A Pole Match. Introducing first, Alex "IcE" Ritter!"

*IcE's music begins to play as he steps out onto the stage. He stands there a moment, looking around the audiance, and taking note of their reaction as they boo and cheer for him as he makes his way to the ring.....*

Finkel:"And introducing his opponent, he hails from the bowls of Hell and weighs in at an undisclosed amount, "The Dream Master" Freddy Krueger!"

"1..2 Freddy's coming for you....3...4 Lock your door.....5...6 Get your crucifix...7...8 Stay Up late....9...10 Never sleep again....." *That plays through the arena, and leads into the Nightmare On Elm Street theme music as the crowd begins to cheer and boo for their favorite horror villain. IcE stands in the ring, awaiting Freddy's arrival, but as he stands there, Freddy materializes behind him, as if he were coming fresh out of somebodies dream. Freddy pulls his hat off, tossing it to the crowd, and revealing his horribly burned head.He reaches out and taps IcE on the shoulder, and as he turns around, Freddy lashes out with his gloved right hand, and catches IcE on the shoulder, leaving deep gashes, and spiling his blood all over the ring. IcE cries out in pain, falling to the mat and clutching his shoulder as Freddy laughs at him and stands there. Then, as if this were a Nightmare On Elm Street movie, Freddy reaches his gloved hand out towards the pole that the sleeping pills are on, and his arm begins to extend towards it. Just as his hand gets to the pole, and grabs the bottle of sleeping pills, IcE manages to kick Freddy in the back of the knee, causing him to lose his balance momentarily. But Freddy quickly regains his balance, and pulls his arm back from the pole, grabbing IcE by the throat, picking him up and tossing him across the ring with on hand. IcE lands hard in the corner opposite the one where the pole is, and Freddy looks at him, and gives him that patented Freddy Krueger grin.*

J.R:"King, watching this I could swear that Wes Craven wrote a horror movie staring EMF superstars who all get slaughtered by Freddy."


J.R:"King, wake up....Freddy's gonna get you if you don't wake up!!"

*IcE slumps into the corner and Freddy turns his attention back to the sleeping pills. This time, he merely jumps from where he was standing, and lands on the top turnbuckle, grabbing the bottle of sleeping pils and dropping back down into the ring. Freddy walks across the ring, and grabs IcE by the throat again, picking him up and lashing at him with his gloved hand again, this time catching him across the chest, and opening up four deep gashes. IcE screams out in pain once more, and Freddy laughs at him, as his blood trickles to the ground. Freddy backs IcE up into the corner, popping the lid off the bottle of pills, and grabbing IcE by the chin, forcing his mouth open. Freddy yells something at him and then begins to laught hysterically as he shoves the bottle into IcE's mouth, and dumps the pills down his throat. Freddy pulls the bottle out of his mouth, and then closes IcE's mouth, and stands there waiting. He grabs IcE with his gloved hand around the throat, pulling the sleeve up on his other arm, and looking at what seems to be a watch with an actual person encased inside of it, (like one of those Mickey Mouse watches). After a few seconds, the watch's alarm goes off and the person inside explodes. Freddy laughs at the bloody event, and then turns back to IcE just in time to see him close his eyes, and fall limp as he falls to sleep. The referee calls for the bell, but before he can raise Freddy's hand, Freddy disappears, seemingly going into IcE's dream....*

Finkel:"The winner of this match, Freddy Krueger!"

J.R:"King wait the hell up, Freddy just went into IcE's dream, and you'll be next if you don't...."

King:"PUPPIES!!!!! I missed the PUPPIES!!!!"

J.R:"At least Freddy won't kill you now King."

King:"Shut up J.R!" The sign on the locker room door says "Wes and Katrina Ikeda"...the camera begins to zoom back from the sign, and as it does, Jarred throws the door open, and barges in........

Kat:"What the hell are you doing in here? Get the hell out of my locker room you sorry bastard!"

Jarred:"Oh, you'd love it if I just left you alone and let you get away with you did to me wouldn't you? But unfortunately for you and your boy toy, I don't forgive and forget."

Kat:"I don't care what you do Jarred, but you better get out of here before Wes gets back. You wouldn't want him to kick your ass again like he did last week now would you?"

Jarred:"You know as well as I do Kat, that the only reason Wes won last week, was because your a back stabbing, two faced, lying whore!"

Kat raises her arm and swings it around to slap Jarred, but he blocks it and locks her arm under his, grabbing her by the chin and pinning her against the wall.....

Jarred:"Squirm all you want Katrina, but your not going to squirm your way out of this one. One way or another, your going to pay for what you did. And you never when or where its going to hit you, but when it does, you'll know that your about to be played with!"

Jarred begins to laugh as he lets Kat go. She grabs her face, especially around her ching, and begins to rub it as he turns and walks out of the locker room....

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, Michael Wilts!!!

[Michael Wilts comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and his opponent, P-Nut!!!

[P-Nut walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Michael Wilts drops P-Nut with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. P-Nut executes a pumphandle suplex on Michael Wilts. (the bell rings) Michael Wilts tackles P-Nut. Michael Wilts knees P-Nut and rolls back to his feet. P-Nut moves back to his feet. P-Nut kicks Michael Wilts in the head. Michael Wilts gets back to his feet. P-Nut slaps Michael Wilts. ]

Jim Ross - Michael Wilts takes a slap.

[P-Nut gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Michael Wilts comes over and smashes P-Nut's head into it. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - P-Nut takes a headsmash into turnbuckle.

[Michael Wilts kicks P-Nut in the groin. Michael Wilts uses a lariat on P-Nut. P-Nut gets back to his feet. Michael Wilts pins P-Nut against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Michael Wilts punches P-Nut in the gut. Michael Wilts jabs P-Nut. Michael Wilts gets sidewalk slammed by P-Nut. P-Nut rolls onto Michael Wilts connecting with a knee. Michael Wilts is back on his feet. Michael Wilts superkicks P-Nut. P-Nut moves back to his feet. P-Nut executes a headlock takedown. P-Nut puts Michael Wilts in an arm grapevine submission. Michael Wilts moves back to his feet. P-Nut kicks Michael Wilts in the groin. Michael Wilts executes the brain buster on P-Nut. Michael Wilts stands up. Michael Wilts applies a nerve hold on P-Nut. Earl Hebner asks P-Nut if he quits. ... ... ... P-Nut trys to escape. ... P-Nut is fighting the hold. Michael Wilts breaks the hold. Michael Wilts drags P-Nut to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Damn!

[Now P-Nut standing. (..2) P-Nut shoulder tackles Michael Wilts. Michael Wilts is up again. (...3) Michael Wilts executes a headlock takedown. ]

Jim Ross - P-Nut takes a headlock takedown.

[(....4) P-Nut gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Michael Wilts. (.....5) Michael Wilts takes P-Nut into the ring. Michael Wilts applies an arm wrench to P-Nut. P-Nut gets hit with the shooting star press from Michael Wilts. The ref starts the count. ...1 P-Nut kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like P-Nut.

[Michael Wilts slaps the face of P-Nut. Michael Wilts moves back to his feet. P-Nut picks up Michael Wilts and executes the cradle DDT. Now P-Nut standing. P-Nut grabs Michael Wilts and applies an arm wrench. P-Nut measures Michael Wilts up and drops a closed fist. P-Nut climbs to his feet. Michael Wilts moves back to his feet. P-Nut hits Michael Wilts with the back of his elbow. Michael Wilts bounces P-Nut off the ropes and clotheslines him. Michael Wilts hits P-Nut with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Michael Wilts moves back to his feet. Michael Wilts measures P-Nut up and drops a closed fist. Michael Wilts puts P-Nut in an arm grapevine submission. Michael Wilts measures P-Nut up and drops a closed fist. Michael Wilts stands up. P-Nut gets up. Michael Wilts get whipped into the corner and P-Nut follows himin with an avalanche. ]

Jim Ross - This is quality sports entertainment!

[P-Nut throws Michael Wilts off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. P-Nut is back on his feet. P-Nut sends Michael Wilts to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Michael Wilts legsweeps P-Nut. P-Nut short lariats Michael Wilts. P-Nut climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Michael Wilts. P-Nut climbs to his feet. Michael Wilts stands up. They head back into the ring. Running neckbreaker drop executed by P-Nut takes Michael Wilts down hard. P-Nut knee drops Michael Wilts. P-Nut is up again. and they get lifted up and slammed down it's the ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP!! P-Nut then hits THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE and covers Michael Wilts. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - P-Nut has won the match!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That is right J-uh. The winner of this match, P-Nut!!!

“Head strong” blasts on the PA system as Barbwire Chris walks to the ring

King-Hey isn’t this an old theme

JR-yeah but the writer couldn’t remember the new one

King-Aw well at least he has a song with a name…

“Dirty D’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Dirty D walks to the ring

King-See it could be worse


[Chris waits for Dirty D who charges in and then Chris kicks Dirty D in the gut and then nails a body slam on Dirty D. Dirty D then gets up and charges at Chris and then Chris hits a hard fists that floors Dirty D and then Dirty D gets up and then charges again at Chris and then Chris knocks him down into the mat and then Dirty D stumbles up and then Chris hits a few hard punches and then gets Dirty D and then looks like he's going to give his a short arm clothesline. But Chris gets him up on his shoulders like he's going to go for a death valley driver (much like Cena's version). Chris gets near the barbwire ropes and then Chris goes to hit it, but it's countered and Chris goes flying into the barbwire back first and then Chris comes out of the barbwire with his back bleeding in places. Dirty D backs off and then nails a spinning heel kick and then goes into the cover and gets the 1...........2..kick out. Dirty D hits a few hard forearms into the face and then Barbwire backs to the turnbuckle and then Dirty D goes to the top rope and then nails him with a the 10 punch combo 1..........2........3........4.....5...Chris comes to and then hits a power bomb on Dirty D and Chris stacks him on his shoulders and then puts his feet on the turnbuckles and gets the 1..........2...........kick out. Chris doesn't seem to mind that he didn't get the 3 there and wants to give Dirty D some more pain. Chris then pulls up Dirty D and then sets him up and then nails a pull up piledriver. Chris then pulls up Dirty D by the hair and then throws Dirty D into the barbwire ropes. Dirty D hits it back first and then screams as pain as the barbwire rips at flesh and then Dirty D slowly pulls himself away from the barbwire and then gets up and then stumbles into Chris who picks up Dirty D and then nails a back breaker on Dirty D's bleeding back. Chris then hits a few hard fists into the back into the wounds that are already open holding that he could either open some new ones or open the already made onces (yes I said once Jarred). Chris then gets back on his feet and then hits a few hard kicks into the back and then waits for Dirty to stumble up, Chris then charges at Dirty D and then knocks him down with a hard clothesline. Chris then looks to the nearest turnbuckle and then takes the cover off and then goes over to Dirty D. Dirty D is still down and then Chris grabs his legs and then goes for a sling shot and then Dirty D goes flying into the turnbuckle. But is some how able to land on his feet on the top rope and then turns around and the nails a missile drop kick to Chris while he’s too stunned that Dirty D didn’t go into the turnbuckle to react]

JR-Dirty D caught Chris off guard with that move

King-Maybe if Dirty D gets his ass kicked and can’t wrestle anymore Shady Shane might not appear anymore

[Dirty D stumbles up to his feet as does Chris after a while, which Dirty D isn’t able to really capitalize on because he’s been beat up so bad. Chris and Dirty D stumble up and then Chris goes for a fist. But it’s returned by Dirty D. Dirty D stumbles back, because he’s still not really sure where he is. Chris is able to recover from his fist and then goes for another fist. But it’s blocked and returned, Dirty D kicks Chris in the gut and then hits a flowing DDT. Dirty D goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2……..kick out. Dirty D goes to the turnbuckle and pulls himself up on the top rope (which is hard, because no real ropes after all). But while he’s doing that Chris is able to get back up and then run and try to run up the turnbuckle and suplex Dirty D off. But Dirty D hits a few hard fists and then pushes Chris and he goes flying off the turnbuckle Dirty D then gets himself set and then leaps off the top rope as Chris gets back to his feet and then nails a hurricanarana into a pin and gets a 1…………………2…………kick out!! Dirty D sensing blood then hits a few kicks into the leg of Chris. Then Dirty D sets him up and locks on a figure four leg lock. Chris screams in pain for a little while and then at one point forgets where his shoulders are on the mat and then gets the 1…………2……..Chris gets back up]

JR-Chris might give it up here!

King-Oh right JR…like that would ever happen.

[Chris then slowly starts to turn the figure four and then turns the pressure of the figure four over and now the pressures if on Dirty D. Dirty D stumbles up holding his legs as does Chris. Dirty D charges at Chris and then Chris counters with a back body drop into the barbwire, Dirty D comes out of the barbwire in a lot of pain and then hooks Chris and then nails the brainbuster. Chris goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2…………………3]

Kat is seen sitting tied to a straight back chair, a ball gag in her mouth so she can't scream or talk. She sits there, struggling to break her bonds, but to no avail. And as she sits there struggling to get free, two figures emerge from the shadows, Angelus Archer, a wavy bladed dagger in his right hand, and psychotic look in his eyes, the other is Sierra Van Der Pohl, her hair now mostly black, and wearing all black leather....

Angelus:"My dear, dear Kat. It looks like your in a familiar position again aren't you. But you always did like to be tied up didn't you? Oh, go ahead, scream and struggle all you want, it won't get you anwhere. Nobody knows your down here, and nobody can hear you scream in pain when I begin to play with you."

Sierra:"Oh, you look so helpless Kat. Just the way you used to look when I beat your ass in high school and made fun of you. But this is something far different. Kat, now I"m going to play with you in a whole new way,"

Kat looks up at Sierra, a look of disguts in her eyes as he mumbles something through the gag. Sierra slaps her, and as Kat's head snaps to the side, Angelus grabs it and puts his dagger to her neck, the tip of it drawing a bit of blood as the scene fades out again.....

Angelus is sitting in a chair, Sierra in his lap as they sit there and watch the expressions of pain on Kat's face. Kat is still tied to the chair, and the gag is still in her mouth, but now her head is titled back, and she is positioned under a leaky set of pipes, drops of extremely hot water falling down on her face ever few seconds. Angelus moves Sierra off his lap and stands up, and as he does a noise is heard from behind him. Wes comes barreling around the corner from the stairs, and spears Angelus. As they hit the ground, the two begin to trade punches back and forth. After a few moments, Wes manages to finally get the upper hand, and pulls Angelus up to his feet, throwing him into the cement wall...

Wes:"I'm gonna kill your fuckin' freak ass Angelus."

Wes walks over, grabbing Angelus by the hair and pulling him back to his feet as Angelus laughs at him a little, a trickle of blood running down Angelus' face. Wes slaps him, and then knees him in the gut. Wes grabs him and tosses him into the wall again. Wes turns around, and as he does he is caught right in the chin by a super kick that damn near decapitates him....

Jarred:"Now its pay back time mother fucker!"

Jarred kneels down to pull Wes up, but Wes brings his leg up right between Jarred's legs, low blowing him and bringing him to his knees. Wes slowly gets up and grabs Jarred by the hair, pulling him to his feet. He spits in Jarred's face and then kicks him in the gut, doubling him over and then sending him into the wall as well. Wes heads over to Katrina, pulling her out from under the leaking hot water pipes, and pulling the gag out of her mouth.....

Wes:"Are you alright?"

Kat:"I've been worse, but I've been a shit load better as well. Just get me out of here so we can go home."

Wes kneels down in front of her and begins to untie the rope that is around her feet, but as he sits there, Jarred comes up behind him, and nails him in the back with a pipe. Jarred tosses the pipe away, and then grins at Katrina as she looks on. He grabs Wes by the hair, and drags him to his feet, picking him up over his shoulder and then ramming him head first ito the wall, not once, not twice....but three times. The blood begins to flow freely from Wes' forehead, and Jarred drops him back to the floor. Angelus stands up, and Jarred looks at him, and points up to a spot at the top of the stairs tha over looks the rest of the boiler room. Angelus grins at Jarred and the two of them drag Wes up the stairs to the spot Jarred was pointing at. Jarred punches Wes a few more times, and then picks him up, dropping him throat first across the railing that lines the small walk and stairs. Wes falls to the floor, clutching his throat and gasping for air. Angelus spits on him and picks him up by his hair, turning him around and setting hin a revers DDT position. But Angelus picks him up over his shoulder and then into a reverse Razor's Edge position. Angelus holds Wes there, and then steps up to the railing, As hes doing this, Jarred is making his way back down the stairs to Kat. As he reaches her, he grabs her by the hair and jerks her head back, forcing her to watch what is being done....

Jarred:"Oh, your gonna like what happens next bitch. And I hope you have fun scraping him off the floor later!"

Angelus casts a grin at Jarred and Sierra as he tosses Wes down, watching him fall and land on the concrete floor, falling victim to the biggest "Slain" Angelus has ever done. Jarred lets go of Kat's hair and walks away from her, spitting on Wes as he and Sierra head up the stairs, and the three of them walk out of the boiler room.......

“Jarred theme” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-Jarred has a chance to be a Grand Slam champion here

King-You make it sound like it means anything, there are a hundred people who have done it. It’s all Road’s fault, everyone thought that since Road did it, anyone could.

“Impact theme” blasts on the PA system as Impact walks to the ring

JR-Impact along with a whole new breed of wrestlers here in the EMF have been impressive

King-their not bad.

[Jarred and Impact trade fists, Jarred then hits a thumb to the eyes and then Jarred hits a knee to the gut and then doubles over Impact and then hits a elbow to the back of the neck that sends Impact down. Jarred hits a few stomps and Impact gets to his feet and then Jarred hits a few hard fists and then whips Impact to the ropes. Impact bounces off the ropes and then Impact leaps in the air and then goes for a flying cross body block. But Jarred catches Impact by the ropes and then hits a fall away slam that sends Impact flying into the floor. Jarred then goes yells at the crowd who yells stuff at him about the Uproar. Jarred looks like he's losing his mind, Jarred climbs out on the apron and then measures up Impact who has stumbled to his feet and then nails a double axe handle on Impact, Impact goes down and then Jarred hits a few hard stomps on then Jarred slowly pulls up Impact and then puts him in a bear hug and then slams him back first into the ring post. Impact goes down on the arena floor padding and then Jarred takes Impact and then rolls him into the ring. Jarred then yells at a few fans at ring side that have signs related to the Uproar and then jumps on the apron and then Impact stumbles towards him and then Jarred hits a shoulder into the gut and then hooks Impact for a suplex to the outside. But Impact hits a few hard fists and then stuns Jarred so he’s only staying on the apron by holding on the top rope and then kicks Jarred’s hand and then Jarred falls to the mat. Impact seeing Jarred down quickly runs and leaps and then hits a apron to floor splash on Jarred. Both wrestlers are down and can’t get back up Impact after a little while sits up and then pulls himself up with help of the apron and then pulls up Jarred and then rolls Jarred into the ring. Impact then jumps up on the apron and climbs up to the top rope as Jarred stumbles up and then Impact leaps off and then nails Jarred with a missile drop kick on Jarred and knocks him down. Impact then goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2……….kick out. Impact slowly gets up and hits a few hard stomps and then Jarred gets to his feet as Impact measures him up and then nails a few fists on Jarred and then whips Jarred to the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Impact hits a quick back elbow that takes Jarred down. Jarred stumbles up and gets kicked in the gut and Impact hits a DDT.]

JR-Impact could get a win here


[Impact stumbles up trying to shake off the beating that Jarred gave him early in the match and then Jarred crawls into the corner and then Impact goes over to there while Jarred is sitting in the corner and hits a few hard stomps into the gut of Jarred and then Impact pulls up Jarred and then hits a few hard knife edge chops to Jarred and then Impact pulls out Jarred and whips him to the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Impact goes for a back body drop, but Jarred hits a kick to the face that pops up. Jarred goes for a running clothesline. But Impact ducks and then Jarred goes into the ropes and then bounces off and then hits a flying knee lift. Jarred goes down and then Impact waits for Jarred to get up. Jarred stumbles up and then Impact kicks Jarred in the gut and lifts him up for the Impact Icer. But Jarred slides out of the back of Impact while he is up in power bomb position and then lands on his feet. Jarred waits for Impact to turn around and then hits a super kick on Impact. Both wrestlers are down as the ref uses his standing 10 count 1…………..2………3………….4……….5..both wrestlers get to their feet. Impact is able to swing wildly and nail a few fists to get the match back in his favor. Impact tries to whip Jarred to the ropes, but Jarred reverses. But Impact holds his ground and then tries to pull Jarred back and does, Impact goes for a short arm clothesline. But Jarred ducks it and then hooks Impact and hits a release germen suplex. Both wrestlers are down Jarred is able to get back up as Impact stumbles to his feet and Impact stumbles Jarred and then kicks Impact in the gut and then hits a vertical suplex into a front slam. Impact is on his knee’s holding his gut and then Jarred comes off the ropes and hits a seated drop kick. Jarred then pulls up Impact and then puts him in power bomb position and then nails a powerbomb. Jarred goes into the cover and gets a 1……….2…………kick out. Jarred holds up and hold’s his head can’t believing he didn’t get the 3, Jarred hits a few hard fists on the mat to Impact. Jarred then starts to choke Impact until the ref steps in and has him to break the hold]

JR-It seems that Jarred is losing control, it might cost him this match…

King-awww well it’s not like he’s not use to losing.

[Jarred pulls Impact up and then throws him into the corner and then hits a few fists and then Impact turns it around and then hits a few hard punches to Jarred who’s in the corner. Impact then whips Jarred hard into the corner. Jarred goes crashing into the corner, Impact goes charging into the corner and then Impact charges at Jarred and goes down with a boot to the face. Jarred then stacks him on his shoulders for the 1……….2…Jarred puts his foot on the ropes. But the ref sees it and stops counting and kicks Jarred’s feet off. Jarred gets up to yell at the ref, not seeing that the ref is there, Impact pushes Jarred into the ref crushing him in the corner the ref goes down as does Jarred. Impact looks shocked at what he did. Jarred uses this distraction to hit a low blow on Impact. Impact is in pain so Jarred hits a soul reaver. Jarred then rolls outside to the ropes and climbs to the top rope and then nails the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jarred goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2……………..3]

King-zzzzzzzzzz….what….aw…what Jarred TV champion. Wow how the crappy have fallen…

JR-man I hate you King

King-shut up JR, quit stealing away things like the WWE

“Enforcer theme” blasts on the PA system as Enforcer walks to the ring

JR-The last time Enforcer was in a match with Badd Boy he took him to the limit, will it be the same thing

King-I think Enforcer will win *flashes a cocky grin*

“just 2 Badd” blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy walks to the ring

King-Somewhere HBK just threw out his hip and lost his smile


[Enforcer and Badd Boy lock up and then Enforcer pushes Badd Boy out of the lock up and then Badd Boy goes flying to the other side of the ring and then Badd Boy gets up and looks on in amazement of Enforcers power. But Enforcer doesn't seem like in a all show move as he comes a knee into the face and then Enforcer pulls up Badd Boy and hits a few hard fists into the corner and then Enforcer takes Badd Boy out of the corner and then tries to whip Badd Boy to the ropes and then Enforcer bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy lowers his head and then nails a back body drop. Enforcer goes crashing on the mat and then gets up holding his back and then stumbles into Badd Boy who picks him up and nails a back breaker. Badd Boy goes into the pin and gets the 1...............2.......kick out. Badd Boy puts on a chin lock. Enforcer looks for a way out of this hold, but has to stay on the mat for a few times and then Enforcer slowly makes it to his feet. Once he does he looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly backs Badd Boy to the ropes and then whips him to the ropes. Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then Enforcer goes for a leap frog. But Badd Boy is some how able to stop on a dime as Enforcer lands and then hits a hard punch that floors Enforcer. Badd Boy runs to the ropes and then goes for a big leg drop. But Enforcer moves out of the way and Badd Boy goes down into mat and then Enforcer stumbles up to his feet. Badd Boy is on all fours and then Enforcer hits a hard kick into the gut and then Badd Boy goes flying across the ring and hold's his mid section and actually falls outside of the ring. Enforcer goes to the outside of the ring and then rolls Badd Boy back in. Enforcer yells at the crowd and then jumps on the apron. But at this point Badd Boy has gotten up and then hits a few fists on Enforcer who is holding on to the ropes, but it looks like he's about to fall on the apron. But Badd Boy gets a thumb to the eye that stumbles him back and then blinded Badd Boy stumbles forward and then Enforcer hits a hang man on the top rope and then Badd Boy bounces off the top rope and then stumbles back stunned. Enforcer slides into the ring and then charges hard at Badd Boy and then hits a hard clothesline that turns Badd Boy inside out, Enforcer gets up and then gets ready as he waits for Badd Boy to stumble up. Badd Boy slowly makes it to his feet, Enforcer kicks Badd Boy and then sets him up and then nails a brainbuster. Enforcer goes into the pin and gets the 1……………2……….kick out.]

JR-Almost three! Enforcer is a hoss

King-Oh great JR, you just killed any smark falling Enforcer has with that word

JR-….King is a hoss

King-Not like I care about “those fans”…but it doesn’t make me hate you any less JR!

[Enforcer pulls up Badd Boy and then kicks him in the gut and then runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and nails a swing neck breaker. Badd Boy goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………kick out. Enforcer looks up at the ref pissed that he didn’t get the 3 with that move. Enforcer then gets up and then pulls up Badd Boy and then whips him off the ropes. Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then Enforcer hits a spinning spine buster on Badd Boy. Enforcer then signals for a move and then slowly pulls Badd Boy up. Enforcer puts Badd Boy in position and then gets up Badd Boy up in a crufix powerbomb. Enforcer runs with Badd Boy and then tries to throw him over the top rope, but Badd Boy slides out of the back of Enforcer and then pushes Enforcer to the ropes and goes for a roll up and gets it and gets a quick 1..........2.......kick out. Enforcer gets up pissed and charges at Badd Boy who counters the charge with an arm drag release. Enforcer goes flying and gets up and charges at Badd Boy again and then hits another arm drag take down. Enforcer gets up hurt and then Badd Boy hits an inverted atomic drop. Enforcer stumbles back and then Badd Boy hits a jumping arm bar on Enforcer Enforcer goes to his knee's after the impact and then Badd Boy yells for Enforcer to get up. Badd Boy then waits for Enforcer to get up. Enforcer stumbles up and then Badd Boy hooks Enforcer for a full nelson slam. But Enforcer elbows out of it and then Enforcer follows it up with a few punches and then backs up Badd Boy to the ropes and then tries to whip him to the ropes. But Badd Boy reverses him and then sends him to the ropes. Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy and Enforcer hits a double clothesline both wrestlers are down]


King-Wow I think I should get started on the JR3000 soon, I’m not sure how long I can take the real thing anymore.

[Badd Boy and Enforcer get to their feet and the Enforcer hits a few hard fists and then Enforcer tries to whip Badd Boy to the ropes. Then Badd Boy reverses the whip and then sends Enforcer to the ropes. Badd Boy then gets Enforcer up and goes for a full nelson slam. But Enforcer twists in mid air and then lands on his feet. Enforcer then kicks Badd Boy in the gut and then sets him up and then hits the Final Enforcement. Enforcer goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2……………..3!]

JR-Enforcer has done it! Enforcer has finally ended Badd Boy’s reign as IC champion

King-No shit JR

(Enforcer grabs the IC title and rolls out of the ring…)