EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The usual Shockwave video plays, we go into the arena that is already lighten up as “Iron Man” blasts on the PA system as Prez Mike walks to the ring with the Television championship over his shoulder. Prez Mike holds up the title and then laughs, Prez Mike walks to the ring and then steps inside the ring and then grabs a microphone as the music stops suddenly chants of “Mike’s a switch hitter” eco through the arena.

.::Prez Mike::.-Oh please, I don’t think I have to really answer that chant. Prez Mike is a lot of things, a switch hitter or gay at all is not one of them. Now to more important to things on hand, you see last Pay Per View we had our War Games match with the stipulation that the person to win would have the chance to name their title shot. The wrestler that came out of it when it was all over with Neddie; you see Neddie could have any title shot he wanted. For whatever reason, he wants a shot at this Television championship, but you know the champion Assassin hasn’t been active for a long time. You see he hasn’t shown up for work since July in the middle of Chris Benoit. Now I could just give it to Benoit, and let Neddie face him. But there is something that you do not know, you see after his last match with Assassin, Chris Benoit suffer an eye injury. He’s been blinded for a few months, thus why he has not been around. So that leaves me with one choice, and that is to STRIP Assassin of the Television championship, and announce that the new TV champion is Neddie Guerrero

“Steal, Lie, and Cheat” blasts on the PA system as Neddie comes to the ring in his low rider, Neddie slides into the ring and does his turnbuckle taunt, jumps down and then Prez Mike hands him the title.

.::Neddie Guerrero::.-First off, I would like to say it’s too bad that Assassin couldn’t be around so I could kick his ass for this title. But esse, let me promise you and all the people something. I’m going to be the best Television champion

(suddenly “last train” blasts on the PA system as Denis Kettleburg walks to the ring and then steps into the ring)

.::Denis Kettleburg::.-Now I know that later on I got a match with that sucka Booker T, but I’ll take care of that business tonight. I’m out here to talk about the future, and that Television championship. You know I was sitting back listening to what you had to say, and I thought to myself you might want a chance to prove what you been talking about out here. You see if you want to be a better champion than Assassin, then you will have to defend it against anyone that wants a shot, you need to defend it against me Denis Kettleburg.

(Prez Mike looks pissed, Neddie looks on with no emotion)

.::Denis Kettleburg::.-You know what Neddie, you don’t even have to answer me now. But if you don’t have the guts to put that title on the line against me, know that sooner or later I’m coming for that title, and I’ll work my way up so you have no choice to defend it, and when that time comes you are lookin’ at the next Television champion!

(Neddie gets handed a microphone)

.::Neddie Geurrero::.-You know what homes, you're right esse. If I am to be a better champion, I need to face against everyone, that's why I got no problem facing you esse. But let's make sure there are no excuses to the loser, we should finish what Assassin and Benoit started and decide the TV title in a best of 3 series

*The crowd cheers as “Cheat, lie and steal” blasts on the PA system as Neddie and Denis have a stare down and then Denis backs off and then leaves to the ring as we go to commercial

*We go back to the EMF *

“Can you dig it sucka” blasts on the PA system as Booker T comes to the ring doing his normal entrance

JR-Booker T is the 5 time champion of WCW, but you have got to wonder if that will translate into the EMF

King-Probably won’t

“Last Trian” blasts on the PA system as Denis walks to the ring

JR-Denis is certainly a talent that’s making his way through the ranks

King-yeah, he’ll either be the next world champion…or the next member of the jobber wars

[Booker T fires a few straight punches to Denis, Denis backs up and then Booker T whips Denis to the ropes. Denis bounces off the ropes and then Booker lowers his head and then hits a back body drop on Denis, Denis stumbles up into a pick up and a sidewalk slam and then goes into the cover and then falls right into the cover and gets the 1……………..2……….kick out, Booker gets up and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Denis and then Denis stumbles to his feet and then Booker keeps tagging him with hard upper cuts and then Denis tries to cover up on the ropes, but then Booker starts hitting a few hard knee lifts while he’s in the ropes. Before the ref can say anything, Booker backs off and then comes back and then whips Denis off the ropes and then Booker T hits a spinning heel kick, Booker then waits for Denis to get up, once he stumbles up Booker picks up Denis and hits a body slam and then looks at his hand and then slowly goes into the ropes and then comes off it and nails a delay knee drop on Denis and then looks at his hand and then Booker T goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2…………kick out. Denis gets out and stumbles to the corner, Booker hits a few fists and then whips Denis to the other side of the ring. Booker looks at his hand and then charges at Denis, Denis gets his foot up and then Booker stumbles back and then Denis pulls himself to the second rope and then leaps in the air. But then Booker T hits a jumping heel kick and then Denis goes crashing into it mat, Booker T hits a few stomps after shaking off the boot he received and then Booker T hits a few angry stomps on Denis, then Booker T pulls him up and then whips him to the ropes and then Denis reverses it and then sends Booker to the ropes. Booker bounces off the ropes, and then nails a flying elbow into the face of Denis. Booker then calls for the scissors kick. Booker measures up Denis and then kicks him in the gut and then backs to the ropes and then goes for the scissors kick. But then Denis ducks under it and then hits a pump handle t-bone suplex on Booker T]

JR-good move by Denis, if Booker T would have hit that move, it would have been over for sure

King-if only I could get someone else to announce with me…un…someone that isn’t a JR clone.

[Booker is reeling after that move and stumbles up and then Denis hits a few hard fists as he gets to his feet and then tries to whip Booker off the ropes, but then Booker reverses it and twists Denis arm and tries to pull him back for a knee lift, but then Denis ducks it and then gets to the back of Booker and pushes him to the ropes and then tries to roll him up, but then Booker grabs the ropes and then Denis rolls into the middle of the ring. Booker jumps up and then goes for a harlem side kick, but then Denis ducks it and then waits for Booker to turn around and then Denis hits a super kick to Booker T and then Booker goes down and maybe out, Denis falls into the cover and gets a 1…………2……..kick out. Denis shakes his head, he thought that Booker might be down for the count on that one. Denis then hits a few stomps on the downed Booker and then whips him off the ropes, Denis then hits a one man flap jack on Booker, who is in a lot of pain when he gets up and Denis stands ready and then Denis kicks Booker in the gut and then gets up Booker for a delayed suplex and then turns it into a front slam. Denis then backs to the ropes and then hits a high leg drop on Booker T and then look around for what else to do. Then decides to go through the ropes to the apron and up to the top rope, once he gets up to the top rope, he measures and leaps off and nails a big splash on Booker T and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2……..kick out. Booker then stumbles up and then hits a poke to the eye, and then stumbles back and then looks to get some separation from him and Denis to recover. But then Denis starts to follow him outside the ring and then Denis takes Bookers head and rams it into the steal steps]

JR-I am amazed…the writer wrote that in 5 minutes

King-fastest. Paragraph. EVER! Guess that’s what you get when someone else jumps on his computer…

[Booker T bounces away from Denis, Denis then takes Booker T and then tries to ram him into the steel steps and then Booker T reverses and then sends Denis to the steal steps and then throws Denis into the ring, Booker T then waits for Denis to get up, Booker T then hooks Denis when gets up and then tries to drive him down with a Book end and does, Booker T takes sometime getting into the cover and gets the 1……………….2…………kick out. Booker T can’t believe it, Booker hits a few angry stomps and then goes to the top rope and goes for a harlem hangover, but Denis moves out of the way. Booker stumbles up right into the arms of Denis who picks up Booker T and then drives him down for tombstone piledriver, then goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………..3]

(We go backstage as some sort of army music is playing in the background, suddenly Randy Orton with an army helmet on turns and looks at the camera)

.::Randy Orton::.-You know what Eric, the world has found out what a force you truly are, and all that doubted you quickly fell. But now the true enemy has shown his face, and he is near..he is

*Orton pulls down a over head screen that has a picture of Vince McMahon with some drawning on him, such as devil horns and things of that nature. *

.::Randy Orton::.-Vince McMahon!!

.::Eric Bischoff::.- (off screen) um…Randy, why you need to tell me this. I know Vince McMahon is evil already, he’s the bastard that bought WCW, and basically gave it to his punk kid.

.::Randy Orton::.-But what is different now is with the confidence I instilled within you, you are now ready to take down the true enemy…

(Suddenly Marty Jannetty comes into the screen, Orton looks at him weird)

.::Randy Orton::.-You know you got a lot of nerve coming into here. The fact of the matter is that Eric here could hit you in 5 different places at the same time without giving you to response.

.::Marty Jannetty::.-Alright!! Alright!! I’m sorry, just don’t unleash him on me

(Jannetty starts to shake like hell)

.::Randy Orton::.-You’re lucky, I’m in good mood. Now what the hell is so important you have to barge in our planning session?

.::Marty Jannetty::.-Well…Jay wants to see Eric.

(Eric Bischoff steps in front of the camera and says)

.::Eric Bischoff::.-I’ll take care of this Randy.

(Bischoff leaves, a few second later Merecedes looking even more hot than usual comes behind Randy. Orton turns around, and is like “whoa” when he see’s Merecdes

.::Randy Orton::.-why hello, and you would be?

.::Merecedes::.-un…Randy, why you acting so weird? I’m just looking for Eric.

.::Randy Orton::.-You don’t need to worry about the “lethal weapon” Eric Bischoff, he’s taking care of some business. But while he’s gone, why we go out and do something..

Merecedes-un Randy, do you have short term memory or something…you know who I am…

.::Randy Orton::.-shhhh you don’t know have to answer, I know the answer…

.::Merecedes::.-RANDY! It’s Merecedes! Eric’s wife

(Merecedes storms off camera, Randy checks her out as she goes. Obviously not really paying attention to what Merecedes have to say as we fades away into the ring

“Claire theme” blasts on the PA system as Claire walks to the ring

JR-Claire was left out of the womens championship match at Last Stand for various reasons, but is getting the chance to become champion tonight

King-Well…it’s even more of a chance now with Rita as champion

JR-Don’t tell Coach that..

“Freaky frog sounds” blasts on the PA system as Rita walks to the ring with the womens championship

King-Well at least the title is doing something…much better from the time we had puklee as champion

JR-…well I think it’s good it’s active at least.

[Rita and Claire start taking trash, Claire tries to slap Rita. Rita tries to block it, but misses and gets slapped. Claire laughs and Rita runs and takes Claire down with a double leg take down and then hits a few hard fists and then Rita picks up Claire and then Claire gets nailed with a few hard forearms and Claire backs to the ropes and then Rita tries to whip Claire to the ropes, Claire reverses and then Rita bounces off the ropes and then Claire hits a stiff clothesline that knocks down Rita. Claire then shakes off the punches that Rita gave her earlier and then this a few stomps on the downed Rita, Rita uses the ropes to get up. But then Claire uses the ropes and then starts choking Rita with the ropes. The ref makes her stop after the 5 count and then Claire waits for Rita to get up and then hits a few forearms and then Claire whips Rita off the ropes and then Rita bounces off the ropes and then Claire lowers her head and hits a back body drop, Rita then crashes to the mat and gets up holding her back and then stumbles into Claire and then Claire hits a spinebuster and then Claire goes into the cover and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………kick out, Claire gets up hitting a few hard stomps to the downed Rita and then Rita stumbles up in the corner and then Claire hits a few hard kicks to the gut and then whips Rita to the opposite side of the ring. Claire then take some time and then charges at Rita, Rita counters with a back elbow and then Claire stumbles back and then Rita takes a few moments to recover, Claire not wanting to lose the advantage charges at Rita. But Rita counters with another back elbow, Rita then goes for a clothesline out of the corner. But Claire then counters Rita with a drop toe hold and then Claire climbs the second rope as Rita stumbles around and then Claire hooks Rita and then hits a tornado DDT on Claire. Claire then drives Rita into the mat, Claire can’t get into the cover right away. Rita on impact bounced towards the ropes. Claire then crawls into the cover and gets the 1………………2…………Rita puts her foot on the ropes, Claire looks fustrated at that]

JR-it’s good thing that Rita was by the rope, or we might have had a new champion

*King hits the Kanyon cutter on JR *

[Claire pulls up Rita, and Claire hits a few more forearms and then whips her off the ropes and then Rita bounces off the ropes. Rita then counters up with her really fucked up leg scissors that sends Rita on her head as well as Claire. Claire stumbles up after Rita gets up holding her head, Rita kicks Claire in the gut and then sets up and then hits a snap suplex. Rita tries to nip up, but falls falt on her back, she then starts to act like an upside down turtle. Then she turns on her stomach and then gets to her feet and then Claire stumbles up and then Rita hits a few fists and then whips Claire off the ropes and then Claire bounces off the ropes and then Rita hits a back elbow on Claire. Claire goes down, and gets up holding her face and then Rita kicks her in the gut and then hits a whiplash DDT. Claire goes into the cover and gets a 1…………2……………..kick out, Rita shrugs it off as she pulls up Claire and then whips her to the ropes and then Rita hits a drop kick that knocks Claire back to the ropes and then bounces back to Rita who then hits a reverse of fates on Claire.]

JR-Reverse of fates

King-Which is just a worst looking twist of fate

[Rita then stacks Claire on her shoulders, then she gets a 1……………2………kick out, Rita falls backswards and falls on the ref. The ref is stunned, Rita then picks up Claire and slams her, she calls for the Rita Sault, and then climbs to the top rope. Suddenly before she can hit it, the mystery person jumps on the apron and then pushes Rita off the top rope, Rita crashes on the mat and then stumbles up as Claire gets up and then Rita stumbles up and then Claire kicks Rita in the gut and then nails a fishermens suplex and gets a 1……………2………………3]

JR-Rita was screwed out of the title!

King-Well..she is a jobber,that’s what she does

[The mask person is in the isle, suddenly another mask person with a “Revolution is your Solution” T-Shirt appears on the top of the stage, suddenly the one with the t-shirt starts chasing the mask person that just helped out Claire. The one that helped out Claire jumps into the crowd and gets out, the one with the “Revolution is your Solution” t-shirt goes back, and helps Rita Van Toad up as Rita looks confused]

King-I would like to know…why in the hell anyone is asking a Van Toad to be a stable member, it blows the mind
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Scott Steiner!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Scott Steiner comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kaedon!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Kaedon walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Scott Steiner drops Kaedon with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Kaedon drops Scott Steiner with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) Kaedon get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Scott Steiner. Kaedon hits a spinning leg lariat on Scott Steiner sending him to the mat. Scott Steiner gets hit with the shooting star press from Kaedon. The ref starts the count. ...1 Scott Steiner kicks out. Scott Steiner gets elbowed to his midsection by Scott Steiner. Kaedon tackles Scott Steiner. ]

The King - Scott Steiner takes a football tackle.

[Scott Steiner moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Kaedon. Scott Steiner chants start. Kaedon gets locked in the double chicken wing. Earl Hebner asks Kaedon if he quits. ... Kaedon is fighting the hold. ... Kaedon trys to escape. ... Kaedon trys to escape. Scott Steiner breaks the hold. ]

The King - WES...honestly, why doesn't he just have his name change. He hates it, I hate it, get rid of it!!!

[Scott Steiner get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Kaedon. Scott Steiner gets back to his feet. Kaedon gets hit with a dragon scerw from Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner is up again. Scott Steiner hits Kaedon with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Scott Steiner rolls onto Kaedon connecting with a knee. Scott Steiner stomps Kaedon's head. Kaedon gets up. Kaedon bounces Scott Steiner off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Kaedon rolls onto Scott Steiner connecting with a knee. Scott Steiner moves back to his feet. Scott Steiner gouges Kaedon's eyes out. ]

JR - Scott Steiner with a eye gouge.

[Kaedon delivers a kick to the head of Scott Steiner. Kaedon puts Scott Steiner in an arm grapevine submission. Scott Steiner gets up. Kaedon executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Scott Steiner's head onto the mat. Kaedon chants start. Kaedon gets up. Kneelock submission applied by Kaedon. Earl Hebner asks Scott Steiner if he quits. ... ... Scott Steiner is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Kaedon breaks the hold. Scott Steiner stands up. Scott Steiner pulls Kaedon's hair. Scott Steiner executes a huge gutbuster on Kaedon. Scott Steiner puts Kaedon in an arm grapevine submission. ]

The King - Scott Steiner with a arm grapevine.

[Kaedon gets back to his feet. Scott Steiner hits a kneeling headbutt to Kaedon's groin. Kaedon gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner is up again. Kaedon stands up. Kaedon with a powerful choke lift on Scott Steiner. Kaedon chants start. ]

The King - Nice chokelift by Kaedon.

[Kaedon and Scott Steiner go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

The King - Does this match suck?

JR - Oh yeah!

[Kaedon runs in and leg drops Scott Steiner. Kaedon stomps Scott Steiner's head. Scott Steiner gets up. Kaedon takes Scott Steiner into the ring. Kaedon hits Scott Steiner with the back of his elbow. Kaedon with an illegal chokehold on Scott Steiner. Now Scott Steiner standing. Kaedon thrust kicks Scott Steiner in the head. Kaedon pins him with a backward bridge. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Kaedon!!!

“break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

JR-Jarred is looking to gain the IC championship back after he lost it thanks to who turned out to be Angelus

King-I still can’t believe that the “Jobber at life” Angelus is world champion, that’s weirder than Rita winning the womens championship

JR-I will admit it is odd…

“De Kreek’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Michael De Kreek walks to the ring with the IC title.

JR-De Kreek has certainly made an impact

King-Too many regular names, whatever happen to the days of X-Cold, Sandman, Road, Matt Dragon…Mick Foley…oh, bad example…

[Jarred comes into the ring and then De Kreek hits a few hard fists and then back up and De Kreek starts to hammer him with a few hard clubbing blows in the back that takes down Jarred and then De Kreek pulls Jarred up and then hits a few hard European upper cuts and then whips Jarred to the ropes, Jarred bounces off the ropes and then Jarred bounces off the ropes and then De Kreek lowers his head and then hits a back body drop. Jarred flew high through the air and then crashes into the mat, Jarred bounces up and then De Kreek hits a standing drop kick that stumbles back Jarred, Jarred then falls through the ropes and then on to the arena floor, Jarred is able to get up and then walk around the ring side. De Kreek then goes to the ring ropes when Jarred is paying attention and then is able to hurl himself over the top rope, and then goes for a cross body block and then connects to Jarred. De Kreek is not really effected by the move and then gets back to his feet and then decides to keep the pressure on the former champion Jarred. De Kreek pulls up Jarred and then whips him to the ring steps and then Jarred goes crashing into the ring steps hard and then De Kreek not wanting this match to end on count out pulls up Jarred who is hurting on the ring steps and throws him into the ring and then jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Then De Kreek waits for Jarred to get up, Jarred stumbles up and then once he gets up and then De Kreek leaps off from a double axe handle, but then Jarred counters with a big drop kick. Both wrestlers are down, the ref look down for a few moments deciding whether or not use the standing 10 count, and then he starts to use it 1……………2………………3…………….4……………5…….both wrestlers get to their feet and then De Kreek trying to keep the advantage goes for a wild punch, but then Jarred blocks it and then hits him with a fist and then Jarred can’t follow it up, De Kreek goes for another fist and then Jarred blocks it too and then Jarred is able to follow it up and then he is able to whip De Kreek off the ropes and then De Kreek bounces off the ropes and then Jarred throws De Kreek in the air with his momentum and then De Kreek tries to counter it with a hurricanarana, but then Jarred hangs on and turns it into a sit down power bomb.]

JR-What a counter by Jarred

King-No JR…it wasn’t a counter by Jarred, anything good by Jarred must be in your imagination



[Jarred slowly gets up not able to really make a pin or anything and then once Jarred gets up and then Jarred hits a few hard fists on De Kreek and then Jarred tries to whip De Kreek to the ropes, but then De Kreek reverses it and then sends Jarred to the ropes. De Kreek still reeling from the sit down powerbomb by Jarred is stumbling around as Jarred comes off the ropes and then nails him with a hard shoulder tackle to De Kreek and then De Kreek stumbles up and then Jarred picks up De Kreek up and then backs off and then nails a running knee drop on De Kreek and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………..kick out. Jarred then pulls up De Kreek and then tries to whip De Kreek to the ropes, but De Kreek reverses it and then Jarred bounces off the ropes and then De Kreek trying to get the advantage tries to go for a clothesline. But Jarred ducks under and then continues to the other side and then waits for De Kreek to turn around and then Jarred goes for a super kick, but De Kreek grabs Jarred’s foot and then spins him around. But as Jarred comes full circle, he hits De Kreek with a diving clothesline and knocks down De Kreek. Jarred then goes to the top rope and then leaps off and nails a big flying elbow drop on De Kreek goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………..kick out]

JR-Shades of Jarred’s one time trainer, EMF legend Shawn Michaels


[Jarred gets up and then De Kreek stumbles up and then Jarred hits a few hard fists and then De Kreek reverses Jarred’s whip and sends Jarred off the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes, De Kreek ducks under the clothesline and then De Kreek turns around into a soul reaver. Jarred then stumbles up and then De Kreek calls for the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jarred goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and leaps off the top for the Legendary End, but De Kreek moves out of the way and then Jarred goes crashing. Jarred then is on his hands and knee’s and trying to recover and then De Kreek then does a Oklahoma roll and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2………….3]

(We fade away from Shockwave as Michael De Kreek holding up the IC title in the isle way)