EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Freddy!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Freddy comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring Freddy checks his boots. KANE walks around the ring. (ring, ring, ring) Freddy tackles KANE to the mat. KANE is back on his feet. KANE pokes Freddy in the eye with his thumb. KANE chops Freddy. ]

The King - KANE executes a chop.

[Freddy grabs KANE's head and hites him in the face. KANE hits Freddy with an atomic drop. Freddy stands up. KANE with an illegal chokehold on Freddy. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Freddy sends him to the mat. KANE stands up. They lockup. KANE sends Freddy to the corner of the ring. Freddy nails the bridging back suplex on KANE. Freddy is up again. KANE gets hit with the shooting star press from Freddy. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 KANE escapes. ]

The King - We almost had a winner.

[Now KANE standing. ]

JR - This is quality sports entertainment!

[KANE takes a slap to the face from Freddy. Freddy climbs to his feet. KANE hits Freddy with a heart punch. Freddy moves back to his feet. KANE catches Freddy leg, but Freddy reverses it with an enzuigiri to KANE's head. KANE moves back to his feet. Freddy executes the jumping sidekick on KANE. KANE stands up. KANE gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. KANE gets up. Freddy executes an airplane spin on KANE. Freddy stands up. Freddy and KANE go to the floor ]

JR - Freddy can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Freddy executes a corkscrew legdrop on KANE. Freddy climbs to his feet. (...3) Freddy puts KANE in an arm grapevine submission. KANE moves back to his feet. (....4) KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Freddy sends him to the floor. KANE is up again. (.....5) KANE takes Freddy into the ring. KANE chops Freddy. ]

JR - chop!

[Freddy takes KANE down with a full nelson faceslam. KANE is up again. KANE hits Freddy with a heart punch. KANE clotheslines Freddy. KANE gets hit with a running powerslam by Freddy KANE gets back to his feet. Freddy hits KANE with an inverted atomic drop. Freddy chants start. Freddy executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of KANE. Freddy goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on KANE. Freddy stands up. Freddy uses a legsweep faceslam to bring KANE down. The lights turn off and turn on as Freddy holds a tape that documents the Katie Vick storyline. KANE freaks out, and goes up the turnbuckle and Freddy hits the Final Nightmare Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Freddy!!!

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen and we go into the Shockwave video. It ends and we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage. They end and the camera searches around the crowd as fans wave their signs and yell. Some signs say

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "the King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney

King- It's headlined by the Extreme title match between Rad Hazard and Dan Godwin.

Kris Gaffney-I bet the Gambler is going to be here too…..*waits for the pay off*

("the Gambler's theme" blasts on the PA system as the Gambler walks to the ring and steps inside of the ring.)

Kris Gaffney-I think I could beat him in online poker.

King-Probably not a chance.

("Birdman's theme" blasts on the PA system as Birdman walks to the ring.)

JR-Birdman had a successful…but disappointing first win.

King-that's for sure!

[Gambler and Birdman lock up, the Gambler is able to push Birdman into the corner and then he hits a few knee's into the gut while in the corner and the Gambler takes down Birdman out of the corner and whips him to the ropes and he comes off the ropes and the Gambler goes for a clothesline. But Birdman ducks under and continues to the ropes and bounce soff the ropes and Gambler throws Birdman up in the air and he goes crashing down to the mat. The Gambler hits a few stomps on the downed Birdman and Birdman gets up to his feet. The Gambler hits a few fists to then backs him into the corner and hits a big hiptoss out of the corner and the Birdman crashes down to the mat and Birdman stumbles up to his feet and the Gambler hits a running clothesline on Birdman. Birdman gets up, but this time he is really stunned and Gambler kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a high caddle release fisherman's suplex and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2………kick out by Birdman and the Gambler does not seem to mind Birdman kicking out. Birdman gets pulled up by his hair and the Gambler hits a few forear shots to the face and tries to whip him off the ropes, but it's reversed and Gambler goes to the ropes and Birdman ducks his head for a back body drop as the Gambler comes off the ropes, but Gambler grabs Birdman and throws him down to the mat face first. Birdman stumbles up to his feet stunned and the Gambler picks up Birdman and puts him over his shoulder and brings him over to the corner, and hits a snake eyes and Birdman stumbles around the Gambler picks up Birdman and hits a fall away slam and goes into the cover once again and gets a 1……………….2……….kick out by Birdman. Gambler looks down at Birdman and thinking about what next to do with Birdman. He brings Birdman into the corner and whips Birdman hard into the corner. Birdman stumbles out and goes for a wild swing getting behind him to set him up for…]

JR-It looks like the Gambler is going for the four of a kind

King-A trademark move?

Kris Gaffney-Interesting…someone's been studying up..

[The Gambler starts the four of a kind. He hits one belly to back suplex………….two belly to back suplex's……….three……before he hits another one. The Gambler takes Birdman over to the corner and puts him on the corner and hits a few clubbing blows to the back of Birdman and climbs up to the top rope. He goes for his final belly to back suplex off the top, but Birdman turns into the Gambler and comes down crashing on him with a cross body block of sorts. Both wrestlers are now down on the mat. Birdman rolls away and the Gambler is able to stumble up after the ref only gets to about 6 on his standing 10 count. The Gambler see's that Birdman is getting up by the ropes and charges at him in rage. Birdman counters this with a drop toe hold that sends the Gambler throat first into the second rope and the Gambler stumbles around and Birdman waits for the right time and he runs to the ropes and spring boards off the ropes and hits a one handed face crusher on the Gambler. Birdman after this still needs more time to rest, and the Gambler is getting up to his feet so Birdman hits a low drop kick to the leg of the Gambler and the Gambler goes down to one knee. Birdman goes to the ropes and hits another low drop kick into the face and that puts down the Gambler down to the mat and Birdman grabs Gambler by the leg and drags him over to the rope and puts his leg on the bottom rope and jumps on the second rope and comes crashing down to the leg with an elbow drop to the leg. Birdman is in pain and then Birdman goes for another. But with his other leg Gambler is able to push Birdman over the top rope and crashes down to the mat below.]

JR-The power of the Gambler might have turned this match around.

King-Yeah, but he was dealt a bad hand now that Birdman flew outside.

Kris Gaffney-Did Badd Boy take over your body or something?

[Birdman stumbles up to the and the Gambler grabs him by the throat and lifts him over the top rope and drives him down for a chokeslam. Gambler waits for Birdman to get up and he hits the Royal Flush and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2……….3]

*We fade back into the arena. We see Paul Heyman standing in the center of the ring with a microphone in one hand, and some papers in the other. He looks down at the papers for a few seconds, before looking up at the crowd, a smile on his face. He raises his micophone and the crowd suddenly falls quiet.*

Heyman:"I know that this is a rather unusual sight to say the least. The fact that I'm out here interrupting Shockwave before it even has the chance to really get under way is something that has to be absolutely annoying as hell to all of you. Rest assured though, I'm going to make this well worth your time, and mine. You see, I've been doing alot of paper work over the last several months, and just this past week I came across an old contract. A contract that had expired, and there was a clause in it that was never invoked. You see, this contract had a performace clause in it that could have locked the superstar up for another four years. Well, upon a little further investigation, I realized that the superstar didn't seem to have left the EMF on the best of terms. I learned that he harbored some bad feelings. That he had alot of ill will towards the Extreme Measures Federation. Well, being the nice guy that I am, I took it upon myself to contact this former superstar to see if there was anything that could be done. I wanted to know what I could do personally to bring him back tot he Extreme Measures Federation. At first he was extremely hesitant. He wasn't too keen on the idea. He said that he was quite content to wrestle on the Indy scene where the organizations and the fans all loved and appreciated him. Well, after going to bed and sleeping on it, I decided to go pay him a visit the next day. So I flew up to Detroit where he was wrestling, and I met with him in his locker room. The meeting lasted al most four hours. In the end though, I was able to get him to sign a brand new contract to come back to the EMF. A contract that guaranteed him all the things that he felt he had been denied during his last tenure with the company. I guaranteed him a shot at John Cena and the World Heavyweight Championship. I guaranteed him time on television every week. I guaranteed him his own forum to express his thoughts and concerns by giving him a monthly column on EMF.com. I even guaranteed him that every EMF superstar who had ever wronged him would come out here tonight and publicly apologize for it. So, without any furhter ado, I give you the latest edition to the EMF roster, and your future World Heavyweight Champion. The man who's name you'll have to live with.....WES IKEDA!!!!!"

*"Metalingus" begins to blast through the arena as the crowd erupts with a largely mixed reaction. Pyro erupts around the stage and up and down the ramp as Wes Ikeda finally walks out onto the stage. A huge smile on his face, he makes his way to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope, he stands up and shakes Paul Heyman's hand, and then turns and plays to the crowd as his music slowly comes to an end.*

Heyman:"Now Wes.....Wes there is only one thing left to do in order to make all of this official. All you have to do is take this pen, and sign the last page of this contract. It's just as we discussed the other night, and just as it was when you looked at it this morning at the hotel. So, here's the pen, and here's the contract. Let's make this official."

*Wes takes the pen and contract, and flips it back to the last page. Heyman turns around and Wes lays the contract against his back. He pulls the cap off the pen, and quickly puts his signature on the dotted line. Placing the cap back on the pen, Heyman turns around and grabs the contract.*

Heyman:"Ladies and gentlemen, the newest addition the EMF, WES IKEDA!!!!"

*Paul hands the microphone over to Wes, but before he can say anything, "Down With The Sickness" begins to play. An annoyed look on his face, Wes looks down the aisle towards the stage. After a few moments, a perplexed look comes over his face. He looks back to Heyman, and as he does Angelus slides out from under the ring on the side of the ramp. Shank in hand, he slowly creeps into the ring under the rope. As he slithers up to his feet, Heyman smiles at Wes and swiftly kicks him in the balls. Wes clutches his family jewels (Yeah he's the only one able to find them anyways) and falls to his knees. Angelus measures him, and runs up to him, punting his head into the stands Randy Orton style. Wes falls over on his side, a glassy and glazed look in his eyes as Heyman raises the mic.*

Heyman:"Hey Wes, welcome back! I wish you could stay longer, but I'm afraid that Angelus here has some unfinished business to attend to.*

*With a blood lust in his eyes, Angelus kneels down beside Wes, quickly stabs him once in the stomach. The warm blood started to flow. The pain was evident on Wes' face. Angelus quickly removed the shank, and then stabbed him again, and again, and again. Over and over again. Always making sure that no matter where he stabbed him, that the blow wasn't fatal. The blood started to flow like the great rivers of the world, and it wasn't long before the ring was a sea of crimson. EMT's and Paramedics rushed down the ramp, only to be cut off by security as they hopped out of the crowd. Angelus stood up, dragging Wes with him, and spinning him around. He shoved Wes into a corner, so that he was resting on the turnbuckle to stand. He stood behind him, and grabbed his hair to pull his head up so he was looking directly into a camera. Angelus smiled, and slowly drew the shank across Wes' throat, slicing it open like a cantaloupe. Angelus stepped back, and allowed Wes' now lifeless body to fall to the canvas. He wiped the blood off on his jeans, and then took the microphone from Heyman.*

Angelus:"I guess we don't have to live with the name after all!"

*Angelus and Heyman both climbed out of the ring, a smile on their faces as they started to leave the ring side area. Security finally moved so that the paramedics and EMT's could get to Wes and try to attend to him as Shockwave cut to a commercial break.*

(We open up at a scene at a local bar in the Orlando area. Inside is a little known Punk Rock band known as the Luchagors. This is mostly because their lead singer does not get the chance to be with her band too often. Maybe it's because the lead singer was very busy. That lead singer just so happened to be the EMF's Vice President Amy Jericho. This band was nothing serious, Amy did it on any free time she had. This week, she had a week before the after effects of Last Stand. So, she was happy to relax and do something she liked to do. Amy is currently in the progress of singing a song called "already gone" as the bar door opens. Most fans dont notice as the lone figure of Becky Bayless enters the room, they continue to jump and sing the wards back to Amy, but Amy doesn't. While the rest of her band continues to play she stops singing, staring straight at Becky. Amy shakes her head and continues singing as she is trying to not let Becky's presense bother her. She ends the song with an added lyric about "she'll go to hell, if she doesn't leave me alone".)

Becky: Amy? Noticed me?

(Amy tries singing louder but Becky begins to make her way through the crowd, not taking her eyes off amy, the crowd parts suprisingly well, most knowing who Becky is. Amy looks kind of embarrassed that Becky...who claims to be her sister is making such a scene. But she wasn't going to give her the satistifaction to mess her up. She walks over to the speakers and turns them up a little bit trying to drown out anything Becky would say.)

Becky: Ignoring me?

(Amy continues singing, like she didn't hear anything. She looks like she doesn't want to do this anymore, and just wants to get this over with. Becky continues to walk and by now most of the fans are staring at her and standing still.)

Becky: Amy? I know you seee me.

(Amy ends the song, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Everyone, sorry for my lack of focus. I'm clearly being disrupted by some other jobs business. Eeeeeeerr...wished this place had some security to get rid of a CERTAIN disruption. But regardless, you were a great crowd. I hope to have a chance to do better another time, later guys.

Becky: Amy, dont run away, again

(Amy tries to walk off the stage and get away from Becky. However, something unexpected happens before she gets off that makes her turn back.

Becky: You know Amy, your daughter is lovely

(Amy heard this, and this is what made her turn around. Unable to just ignore Becky anymore....she says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Don't ever touch my daughter again....

Becky: Why? I love being an aunty

.::Amy Jericho::.-You are NOT her aunt...

Becky: You got any proof? Because I have plenty to the contrary

.::Amy Jericho::.-Because...I don't have a sister, plain as day. Get it, got it, GOOD!

(Kid Kash walks away disgusted in the crowd)

Becky: She really has my eyes, wouldn't you say?

.::Amy Jericho::.-No...I've heard something different....

Becky: Really? Oh well, listen Amy, you gonna keep avoiding me? You gonna keep acting like I dont exist because you cant come to terms with the fact that your dad lied to you?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Sorry if I don't believe everything I hear, maybe I'm not foolish. It comes with my other job after all. Such as the sob story of whatever wrestler is jobbing, therefore they must be related to me...so I can make their train wreck of a career and life get better...sound familiar?

Becky: Can't say it does

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, it should, because it discribes you. You have no business near my daughter, because I said it once...and I'll say it again...I don't have any sister.

Becky: Really? Everyone else seems to believe diferentely, have you even spoken to daddy about this? Has he told you the truth yet?

.::Amy Jericho::.-MY FATHER and I don't really talk, and haven't for years. But by your age, I know you can't be my sister and nothing will prove to me otherwise, and let's just say you were my sister. Why do I need a sister from hell, trying to gain revenge for how she's been treated all her life in my life?

Becky: Because Amy, its your fault, I cant help it if you are too much of a stuck up, self righteous bitch to admit it

.::Amy Jericho::.-That's your parents issue, not mine. Ever think it was your parents fault? But really I'm not entertaining that idea anymore, I'm out of here.

(Amy starts walking away.)

Becky: Fine, walk away, I will just come and see you again! Why are you so scared Amy? If you have nothing to be scared of then just face me head on! Look me in the eye!

Amy turns around angry, and walks up to Becky)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Because, I'm sick of hearing this non-sense. I'm not afraid of you.

Becky: Really? Then why not disprove it? Because you have that voice in the back of your mind: "maybe she is right?". You are afraid Amy, because you are and have always been a hypocritical, life ruining scumbag.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Funny how you are just assuming that, only really talking to me a few times. Because I am not sure how you would just get that just watching me on TV. But dellusions are bitches, something you would know a lot about. I don't have to prove anything wrong, because I have nothing to prove.

Becky: You have all or nothing to prove Amy.

.::Amy Jericho::.-LOOK, maybe your life wasn't the easiest...but clearly at this moment, neither is mine. I know what you are getting at and no, I have nothing to prove, nor do I care to take the time to disprove you wrong. Now if that's all you need to say, I got to go home now.

Becky: What? And run away again?

.::Amy Jericho::.-No, it's called going home, because clearly I have nothing more to talk about here.

Becky: Fine. But remember amy, I know much more than you realise. Say hello to Ashley for me, she is so cute.

(Amy gives her a glare. But she decides to just ignore this, and continues to walk off the stage, and leave)

Becky: By the way Amy, just wondering, what was it like throwing that plate at your dad? Did it work? Or was it just another stupid act from a stupid girl?

(Amy Jericho stops, she looks like she's getting mad now. Her fists are balling up.)

Becky: Daddy told me about that one, but you dont believe me so I guess it must be hearsay. Of course if you want to prove your thoughts then maybe a blood test?

(Amy doesn't even turn around, she just shakes her head "no")

Becky: Of course if you refuse I might have to try and get it myself. After all, you cant beat blood out of a stone but I am sure that I could get some out of you, despite you being as dense as one.

(Amy took that as a threat, she was not going to take it anymore, and the other band members couldn't get to her quickly enough as she turns around lightening quick. She takes Becky down with a double leg take down, and starts to hit mounted fists on her. She's finally pulled off by the other band members trying to calm her down. They literally have to carry her off the stage. Becky lies there, staring at the ceiling of the room, as the camera moves closer she stands up, she dusts herself off as the fans just stare in silence. Slowly a smile sweeps over her face, a grin of sorts. She gets up and walks to the door, the fans moving out of ther path as she walks.) ("Young and the hopeless" blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring and slides into the ring. "X-Treme" blasts on the PA system as Jeff Hardy does his usual entrance and taunts as he gets into the ring.)

JR-Marc Mead has been on and off lately with the EMF.

King-Seemly he didn't like being Canadian.

Kris Gaffney-Canada, eh?

("More Human, than Human" blasts on the PA system as Troy Gafgen walks to the ring with Dewey Pond.)

JR-These is really an odd team, will they be able to co-exist?

MVP-If it were me, it would't matter!


[Marc Mead and Troy Gafgen start out in the match and then they lock up. Instead of doing the usual over powering thing with Mead, Troy decides to take Mead seriously and hits a knee into the gut doubling him over and then hits a clubbing blow to the back of Marc Mead taking down to the mat. Troy Gafgen pulls Marc Mead up and decides to display his power by military pressing him over his head, but before he can drop him being the heel. Marc Mead reaches down and rakes the eyes. Marc Mead drops behind Troy Gafgen and he runs to the ropes and then comes off the ropes. But Troy Gafgen hits a standing shoulder block that puts Marc Mead down to the mat. Marc Mead gets up stunned and Troy Gaften hits a running clothesline. Marc Mead gets up to his feet and Troy Gafgen backs him into the corner and whips him to the opposite side turnbuckle and he flips over the turnbuckles on to the apron (believe it or not…that's the first time I've done that…I believe.) Troy Gafgen goes over to Marc Mead and tries to hit him with a punch, but it's blocked and Marc Mead hits a hang man on the top rope. Marc Mead measures up and spring boards to the top rope and goes for some sort of move that is caught in mid air and Marc Mead is hit with a rib breaker and Troy Gafgen goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2……….Jeff Hardy breaks up the cover and Troy Gafgen does not seem like he is going to let that bother him. He brings Marc Mead over into the corner and tags in Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond comes into the ring and Troy Gafgen holds open Marc Mead's rib area and Dewey hits a punch. Marc Mead is in pain and Dewey Pond hits a few fists to back Marc Mead into the corner and hits a few knee lifts into the gut. He then whips Marc Mead into the corner. Dewey Pond charges into the corner. But Marc Mead gets his foot up and Dewey Pond crashes into it. Marc Mead dives across the ring and is able to take in Jeff Hardy.]

JR-Marc Mead made the tag.

King-I think they know.

Kris Gaffney-If we wanted play-by-play, wouldn't we actually have it more?

[Jeff Hardy springs over the top rope as Dewey Pond gets hit with a clothesline and he gets up to his feet and Jeff Hardy hits another clothesline on Dewey Pond and Dewey Pond stumbles up to his feet and Dewey Pond gets scooped up and slammed. Jeff Hardy hits a fist drop and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………..kick out by Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond gets up to his feet and Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to the face of Dewey Pond and Jeff Hardy tries to whip Dewey Pond to the ropes. But it's reversed and Jeff Hardy comes off the ropes and Dewey Pond goes for a clothesline, but it's ducked under by Jeff Hardy and Jeff Hardy hits a sit down jaw breaker on Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond stumbles around and Jeff Hardy kicks him in the gut and lifts him up and hits a sit down face buster from a vertical suplex and pushes him over on to his back and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2…………Troy breaks up the count and goes back to his corner. Dewey Pond crawls into the corner and Jeff Hardy hits a few fists to the face of Dewey Pond and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and tags in Marc Mead. Jeff goes down on his hands and knees and Marc Mead jumps off his back to hit a running clothesline and goes down to his knee's as Jeff Hardy comes off his back with the poetry in motion. Jeff Hardy goes to his corner as Dewey Pond stumbles out of the corner and Marc Mead hits a DDT on Dewey Pond. Marc Mead goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and measures up Pond. He then leaps off and nails a frog splash on Pond and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………..kick out. Suddenly Troy comes into the ring and it all breaks down.]

JR-This match is breaking down.

King-I always hate when this happens, it's too hard to focus on more than one person

[Hardy meets Troy and hits a few fists to the face. Troy grabs Hardy and throws him to the ropes. Hardy hooks the ropes and then Troy goes for a big boot, Hardy ducks it and Troy is on the ropes and Hardy hits a drop kick over the top rope. Hardy tries to spring boards over the top rope, but it's caught. Troy puts Hardy on his shoulder and tries to long dart him into the corner, but Hardy slides down and pushes Troy into the ring post. In the ring Mead is getting up as Mead hits a falling slam on Pond. Hardy gets in his corner and Troy is getting up on the apron before Mead can pin Pond. They trade shots back and forth. The ref tries to get in between them, Pond tries to come from behind. But Mead is able to low blow him without the ref seeing as he's trying to separate Mead and Troy. Mead then rakes the eyes of Troy and backs up and hits a flying cross body block that sends him and Troy falling to the outside. Jeff tags Mead as he goes out, Jeff goes over to the corner and climbs to the top rope and leaps off and hits a Swanton Bomb! He gets the 1………….2………….3!]

JR-I'm not sure if Jeff even saw the low blow on Pond, but regardless, that's what spelled the downfall of Pond and Troy.)

(OOC-Troy and Pond, let me say this was a very close match. Neither of you did a bad job at all, I just want you to know that my decision is based on the fact that I thought Hardy and Pond were very equal. (if it was a one on one match, I would have a hard time picking). When it came down to Troy and Mead, both had similar RP's (other than Troy's last part with Candice). I just liked the text of Mead's just a hair better. So that's why I made this ending dusty. However, both Pond and Troy wrote very good RP's and Troy you're on the right track, keep it up.)

("Dirty Window" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring and waits for his opponent.)

JR-Dan Godwin has made quite an impact, but last week Rad hazard was able to defeat him.

King-Well, you know what they say about lighting striking twice?

Kris Gaffney-It only happens to annoy you?


("Walk" blasts on the PA system as Rad Hazard walks to the ring and steps inside of the ring and waits for the bell.)

JR-Rad had a big win, but can he do it for the second time?

King-My sources say…no…

Kris Gaffney-Didn't your sources say I was in a shoe in for the second pick in the draft?

King-Yeah…I guess they don't like you.

Kris Gaffney-….

[Dan Godwin steps into the ring and down not look happy at what happened last week and he charges and at Rad Hazard who is able to side step it and throw Dan Godwin into the corner and Rad Hazard goes for a fist, but it's ducked under and now Rad is in the corner and Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face and he tries to whip Rad Hazard into the corner. But it's reversed, Rad Hazard charges in and goes for a big splash. But Dan Godwin moves out of the way and Rad Hazard crashes into the corner. Dan Godwin slides out of the corner and pulls Rad Hazard into the post and smashes his leg a few times on the post. Dan Godwin decides to do something else and slides into the ring as Rad Hazard is limping a bit Dan Godwin takes down Rad Hazard with a double leg take down and places Rad Hazard's leg on the mat and hits a few knee drops into the leg and then pulls up Rad Hazard and hits a few fists to the face and tries to whip Rad Hazard to the ropes. But it's reversed and Dan Godwin comes off of the ropes and Rad Hazard ducks his head and goes for a back body drop. But Dan Godwin turns it into a set up for and hits a fisherman suplex with a bridge and he gets a 1………………2………..kick out by Rad Hazard. Dan Godwin rolls out of the ring and goes under the ring and pulls out a trash can lid and slides into the ring Rad Hazard is on his hands and knee and Dan Godwin smashes him over the back and Rad Hazard goes down to the mat and Dan Godwin throws the lid down to the mat and he measures up Rad Hazard up and runs to the ropes and comes off of the ropes and hits a one handed face crusher on Rad Hazard into the trash can lid and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2…………kick out by Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard. Rad Hazard stumbles up to his feet and Dan Godwin kicks him in the gut doubling him and Dan Godwin runs to the ropes. But Rad Hazard hits a jumping leg lariat to put down Dan Godwin.]

JR-That move was probably out of desperation

King-But regardless, it keeps his title hopes alive

Kris Gaffney-His Mom wishes he wasn't alive!

[Dan Godwin is down on the mat and Rad Hazard is trying to get to his feet and Dan Godwin stumbles up right into an inverted atomic drop and Dan Godwin is in pain and Rad Hazard grabs the trash can lid and Rad Hazard takes the lid and smashes him with the trash can lid and he goes down to the mat. Rad Hazard takes a few moments to rest and then he gets up to his feet and then he hits a running clothesline on Dan Godwin and Dan Godwin goes down to the mat and he gets up to his feet and then Rad Hazard hits a kick into the gut and lifts up Dan Godwin on his shoulders and hits a Ύ neckbreaker from a fireman's carry from that position and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2………….kick out by Dan Godwin. Rad Hazard looks at the downed Dan Godwin, not believing that he could kick out of that and Rad Hazard rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and rolls back into the ring. But before he can hit a chair shot, Dan Godwin hits a t-bone suplex and Dan Godwin grabs the chair from off the mat and puts it into the corner and puts it in the corner between the second and third rope and Dan Godwin tries to whip Rad Hazard into the corner, but it's reversed by Rad Hazard and he goes into the corner face first into the chair and stumbles back stunned and Rad Hazard hits a release german suplex that turns Dan Godwin inside out. Rad Hazard takes the chair and measures up as Dan Godwin gets up on his knee's Rad Hazard charges at Dan Godwin and surf boards the chair right into the Dan Godwin's face and goes into the ocver and gets a 1……………2……….KICK OUT!]

JR-Rad Hazard is giving the Extreme champion a hell of a fight.

King-I wouldn't count out X-Factor yet.

Kris Gaffney-Chris Masters probably told him he hasn't achieved EVERYTHING with the extreme title…so he can't lose it yet.

[Dan Godwin crawls into the corner and before he can get up Rad Hazard hits a few stomps into the corner. Dan Godwin is very dazed and it looks like Rad Hazard might be closing in on victory. Rad Hazard whips Dan Godwin into the corner and runs in with him Dan Godwin uses the ropes and his momentum to go over Rad Hazard. Rad turns around into a glancing eXecution. Rad Hazard stumbles back and hits the corner stumbles forward and Dan Godwin is able to small package him and gets the 1………….2…………3!]

JR-Rad Hazard had the match in hand, but Dan Godwin was able to get enough of that eXecution to stun Rad enough to get the win.

(Dan Godwin rolls out of the ring as we fade away.)

(OOC-Nice RP Rad, just Dan was a bit much for you. He just had a lot of very good text, and wrote a good RP to over come Rad's. He did talk about other issues, but it wasn't enough to say he wasn't fully focused on Rad as Rad was to Dan.)