EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video plays as it ends, we go into the darken Glendale arena as fireworks blasts off on the stage. The lights turn on, as fans wave their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave…

King-The card….is kinda…blah this week

Kris Gaffney-Way to dis-hype this week

King-Oh hell…

“Rex’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring. He gets into the ring and stares down CJ Lethal

JR-I’ve been very impressed by Rex thus far

King-He’s alright..

[CJ Lethal and Rex are in the middle of the ring, and then CJ Lethal takes the first big punch at Rex. The small, quicker Rex is able to avoid easily. CJ Lethal turns around, and gets hit with a few stinging punches, CJ Lethal being 7 feet tall is able to shake off the effects of the punches easily and then pushes down Rex. Rex does a backwards summersault and then is in the corner as CJ Lethal tries to hit a body avalaunche. But Rex moves out of the way, and then CJ Lethal goes crashing into the corner and then Rex goes into the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then hits a flying shoulder block that sends CJ Lethal backwards and Lethal falls through the ropes and then to the outside. CJ Lethal falls on the arena floor, Rex steps through the ropes and goes on the apron, and then waits for CJ Lethal to get up.CJ Lethal stumbles to his feet fairly quickly, and then Rex leaps off the apron for a vertical body press . But CJ Lethal catches Rex in a bear hug, and then transfers him onto his shoulder. CJ Lethal then points him towards the ring post, and then before CJ Lethal is able to long dart him into the ring post. He then is able to struggles and is able to slide out the back and then CJ Lethal . Rex pushes Cj Lethal into the ring post. CJ Lethal stumbles around and then Rex takes CJ Lethal and rolls him into the ring and then Rex jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Rex measures up, as CJ Lethal leaps off the top rope and goes for a flying shoulder block, and hits it. But CJ Lethal does not get taken off his feet. So Rex goes to the outside, and then uses the ropes, as he waits for CJ Lethal to turn. CJ Lethal turns around, and then Rex is able to spring boards off the top rope. But before he can hit a cross body press, and then CJ Lethal hits the mat and then Rex hits right into the ref. The ref has been knocked out.]

JR-That move might cost Rex, the ref is down

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom goes down all the time!

King-You had to know that was coming…

[CJ Lethal and Rex are on their feet as Rex is not believing what he did and then he turns around into a big clothesline by CJ Lethal. Rex stumbles up, and CJ Lethal takes down Rex with a fist. Rex gets up, and stumbles back into the corner, and then CJ Lethal goes into the corner where Rex is. CJ Lethal is able to hit a few knee lifts into the gut and then being that there is no ref, just keeps doing it. Until finally decideing he wants to do another move and then CJ Lethal whips Rex to the other side of the ring and then Rex bounces off of the corner. Rex comes quickly out of the corner, and then CJ Lethal lowers his head and then hits a back body drop. Rex crashes to the mat, he gets up and then CJ Lethal picks him up, and drops him for a snake eyes. Rex stays on his feet, Rex stumbles around and then CJ Lethal charges to the ropes and comes off the ropes and then hits a flying shoulder block. CJ Lethal holds up his hand up for a choke slam. Rex stumbles up, CJ Lethal grabs him throat, but before he can slam him down to the mat. Rex hits a low blow, which no one can complain about…since the ref is down. Rex and Lethal go down to the mat, and then Rex uses the ropes. Suddenly Muhammad Hassan slides into the ring with a chair, Hassan tries to go for a chair shot. But Rex dives out of the way at the last second, and the chair hits the top rope and it bounces into Hassan’s face. Rex throws Hassan into the outside, and rolls to the outside. Rex pulls up Hassan and hits the overkill on Hassan.]

JR-Hassan tried to interfere in this match

King-But it backfired on him

Kris Gaffney-Don’t you just hate it when that happens?

[CJ Lethal from the outside pulls Rex up by his hair on to the apron, and tries to bring him into the ring and then before he can do that, Rex is able to counter with a hang man. Rex gets on the apron, spring boards on to CJ Lethal’s shoulders and then victory rolls him up for the 1…………..2………3]

JR-Rex won this match

King-ain’t over yet

[Suddenly Davari comes behind Rex and hits him with the chair that Hassan brought in originally. Rex turns around, only to be knocked down by Hassan and then Davari and Hassan start to attack Rex. Leading to Hassan putting Rex in the camel clutch, Davari gets on the microphone, and says.

Davari: Just because you beat him in a "Dog Collar Match" does'nt mean that we are just going to go away! Next week shockwave, Muhammad challengs you to a match. You and Muhammad Hassan FIRST BLOOD

(Davari kicks Rex while he’s being held in the camel clutch, and Hassan and him leave as we go into commercial and come back. As the EMF tron lights up.)

(The scene opens. John Cena is seen walking up the path towards the house of Chris and Amy Jericho. He carries, in one hand, a pink baloon displaying the message "It's a girl!". He walks right up to the door and knocks. He then stands and waits for an answer. Amy opens the door, her eyes grow as she see's it Cena. She starts to go into defensive mode. But she realizes he has a balloon, she decides that he might not be as threatening as the last time he was around here. She looks confused at Cena having no idea why he would be standing out there with a balloon like that.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Cena?......And....what exactly would you be here for?

Cena: "To congratulate you on your child... and to talk.... why else would I be here?"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Who knows, you seem to find a reason.

(crosses her arms, shakes her head. Not believing that even Cena would really just be here to congrat her on her child and to talk. But she decided to play along to find out what it was about)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thanks for the congrats though, it's kinda hard to believe though....

Cena: "Yea... I can imagine... it was the same when my two were born. But hey you seem to have lost the pregnancy weight rather quickly.... you look good for it!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-Um....thanks, been trying to be active again...eeerrr doubt I'll be a threat anytime soon though. Bet that makes you happy.

*Cena offers the balloon over to Amy.*

Cena: "It doesn't really make me happy Amy... but standing here looking at you sure does! Here... take this before I forget..."

(Amy gives him a weird look, but she doesn't answer. Instead see takes it and goes inside the house for one second and puts it with others. Amy goes back to the door and shuts it, and faces Cena.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thanks for the balloon, although your acting a little weird Cena. Even for you, so what exactly did you want to talk about? Because I can't see why you wouldn't be happy that I won't be a problem just yet.

Cena: "Amy... Amy.... it's not that i'm happy you are not a "threat"... but the sooner I can book you in matches the sooner we can start having fun with you! All those months you spent pregnant I almost forgot just how good you looked before it.... so it was well worth me coming here today even if seeing you is all I get out of it!"

(Amy looks at Cena weird, then says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I bet you will, but I won't be powerless anymore. But I'm sure it won't be an easy ride for sure, because I can only imagine what type of matches those matches will be.

(Amy crosses her arms)

Cena: "Anything that helps people to see just how beautiful you really are can't be a bad thing can it Amy? I mean... people could esily enjoy looking at oyur hair or your eyes.... but there are other things about you that are just as, if not more... appealing

(Amy looks less angry, but more unsure where this is going. Warning herself this might be going south soon.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh really? What things would that be

Cena: "Oh... I was just talking in general. I'm sure you have many lovely features Amy... it'd be hard to pinpoint just one."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, not only are those matches not me. Also, I never considered myself as an overly pretty face. Jericho tells me all the time about it, but it's just not how I view myself. (OOC-Looking back at this, I really didn't like this response. What I was trying to get over was that Amy doesn't think she's ugly. She just believes that she's not overly beautiful, despite what others say. She also feels she has more to offer than just that, which is why she doesn't do it. I tried to edit it as best as I could, but can't change it now.)

Cena: "You certainly are a pretty face Amy... but so much more too. You have a fantastic personality too... you are a really strong person and never back down.... even when it's i your own interest! So while you certainly are very attractive... there is more to you, that's for sure."

(Amy shakes her head, this was a bit much. She had no idea what Cena was playing at trying to sweet talking her, but she did remember the last time he was here, and what he tried to do her. The memory sends a bit of frustration into Amy's response, and she said.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Cena...excuse me if I seem rude! But, I can't believe that you would just come here to congrat me on my baby, and then start to talking to me like this. There has to be something more to this, and if what you tried last time you were here was any indication...then it just might be...

(Amy gives Cena a look of anger after the memory of last time goes through her head)

Cena: "You know Amy.... you seem to look even better when you are angry. It brings out your eyes... which i've always liked. You can pretend you don't see yourself as a "pretty face".. but you surely aren't telling the truth when you say it. Either that, or you are completely blind, though that would explain why I have been unable to crack you previously."

.::Amy Jericho::.-*she shudders* That line brings back bad memories, but you haven't cracked me because really if I didn't know Jericho, I still wouldn't be interested. Seems to me, that no matter what we would still be at each other's throat. But I don't see myself that way. Such as when I was a full time wrestler...I was a wrestler, nothing more. Which is why I didn't compete in those type of matches that I'm sure you have in mind

Cena: "But the matches would benefit everyone.... it's a win/win situation. If you win the match... it improves your record and your credability, and if you lose.... well the world gets to see even more of you.... either way someone wins!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-And totally embarrass myself...

Cena: "It's not embaressing if people like me get to enjoy your very best qualities Amy...."

(Amy starts to look annoyed, starting to assume what he means. But she wasn’t going to go off until she knew for sure.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-What? These...

(Amy looks down to her chest)

(Cena looks at where Amy is looknig and smiles)

Cena: "Oh Amy.... nice as they are... I wouldn't call them your BEST quality! No... your best quality is something we very much enjoyed during your earlier career.... shame you don't dress the same when you wrestle now."

.::Amy Jericho::.-*Gives Cena a weird look* and that would be...

Cena: "I'm referring Amy... to what we got a good look at thanks to your clothing when you were with Team Extreme... surely even you know what i'm talking about!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-What, my thong? I'm afraid to ask...but why do you wished I still dressed like that?

Cena: "Oh come on Amy... there isn't a guy alive who can resist a girl with an ass like yours! It's obvious why I, and everyone else alive, would want you to dress like that.. so we could see your REAL best quality!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-You..son of a...

(Amy's eyes get that familar fire when she's pissed off as she takes her hand and slaps Cena across the face. Then she marches right into her home, and closes the door before Cena can respond. Leaving Cena standing on the outside. Cena just laughs and turns away and walks back towards his car. As he's alking he's heard muttering to himself.)

Cena: "Was it something I said?"

The Shockwave Logo changes into a camera view from the back and the Crowd erupts as Eric Young comes into view and starts talking but first grabs at something off camera......Its Coach)

Eric: Coach your going to inteview me right now on behalf of the Greatness Petey Williams.

Coach: um ok if you say so.

Eric: Yeah I do say so (He says getting into coach's face)

Coach: OK! Lets get on with this

Eric: (Flinches at the sound of his voice) OK Geez....(Clears throat takes out a crumpled piece of paper he then clears his throat again then he throws the paper out) Petey would like me to only say that if any non-Champion wants to get into the ring with him then you name whatever match you want and he will accept thank you for your time (Walks off leaving coach alone)

Coach: Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen an open challenge has been issued for any non title holder in any match they want thanks again everyone this is coach signing off.

(“Anei’s theme” blasts on the PA system, as Anei Kyoukan walks to the ring and steps into the ring. Removing his trench coat.)

JR-Anei Kyoukan has had quite a bit of success since making his EMF debut


(“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walks to the ring, he slides into the ring)

King-You ever noticed…that Marc Mead is trying to prove dead people wrong?

Kris Gaffney-Maybe…he see’s dead people?

[Marc Mead and Anei Kyoukan are in the middle of the ring and then Anei Kyoukan talks a little trash. Marc Mead throws a fist, and then Anei Kyoukan ducks it and then Anei Kyoukan ducks under it and waits for Marc Mead to turn around. Because once he does, Anei Kyoukan goes for a fist, but it’s ducked under and then Marc Mead hits a quick standing drop kick that sends Anei Kyoukan falling outside. Marc Mead taunts to the crowd, and then Marc Mead let’s Anei Kyoukan back into the ring and then Marc Mead as he’s rolling into the ring starts to stomp Anei Kyoukan is stunned. Marc Mead whips Anei Kyoukan gets whipped to the ropes by Marc Mead. Anei Kyoukan tries to hit a running clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Marc Mead, Anei Kyoukan turns around right into a set up and Marc Mead hits a sit out jaw breaker. Anei Kyoukan stumbles back and then Marc Mead gets up and measures up and then Marc Mead hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Anei Kyoukan. Marc Mead has Anei stunned enough, so he tries to kick Anei Kyoukan in the gut and goes for a DDT. But Anei Kyoukan is able to hold on to the ropes and Marc Mead falls on the mat. From there Anei Kyoukan does a jack knife pin. He gets the 1…………2……..kick out by Marc Mead, Marc Mead stumbles into the corner and then Anei Kyoukan thinking he has the momentum going his way goes into the corner. But Marc Mead snuckered him in as he uses the corner to hits a few boots into the face and then Marc Mead turns the tables on Anei Kyoukan and hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. Marc Mead takes Anei Kyoukan out of the corner and then whips him out of the corner to the opposite side of the ring. Anei Kyoukan crashes into the corner and then Marc Mead measures up and charges at Anei Kyoukan in the corner and then goes for a monkey flip, but it’s blocked. But it’s blocked by Anei Kyoukan into almost a power bomb. He stacks Marc Mead on his shoulders and gets the pin 1……..….2…………kick out.]

JR-Marc Mead got caught there.

Kris Gaffney-Well….Marc Mead wouldn’t mind getting caught with his cousin either…so it’s natural for him

King-I wouldn’t either..

JR and Kris Gaffney-……

[Anei Kyoukan falls back into the corner, and then he takes his time to rest. Anei Kyoukan takes a few moments to rest. Anei Kyoukan see’s as Marc Mead is stumbling up to his feet, and then Marc Mead charges into the corner blindly as Anei Kyoukan is acting more hurt than he really is and Anei Kyoukan dives out of the way. Marc Mead goes crashing into the corner, and then he stumbles around out of the corner and then Anei Kyoukan hits a diving clothesline on Marc Mead. Both wrestlers are down, and then the ref starts his standing 10 count. But it’s of no importances, since the ref doesn’t get close to 10. Anei Kyoukan is the first to get up and then Marc Mead is quickly behind him. Anei Kyoukan charges at Marc Mead who is on his knee. Marc Mead see’s him coming at him, and hits a inverted atomic drop on Anei. Anei is in pain, Marc Mead backs up to the ropes and comes off the ropes. Anei Kyoukan is able to counter with a super kick to the face. Marc Mead goes down to the mat, and then he stumbles up to his feet and then Anei Kyoukan kicks Marc Mead in the gut and then sets up Marc Mead. Lifts him up, and drops him for a brain buster. Anei Kyoukan goes into the cover, and gets the 1………………2………….kick out. Anei Kyoukan looks up at the ref, not believing that he didn’t get the three there.]

King-I hope he doesn’t start a gimmick where he believes that the American ref’s are against him

JR-This is professional wrestling

Kris Gaffney-Which means…it’s bound to happen sometime, with someone

[Anei Kyoukan gets up, discussed and then goes to the outside and climbs up to the top rope. Marc Mead is stunned, and as Anei Kyoukan is standing up, Marc Mead just so happens to back into the ropes. Sending Anei Kyoukan falling on the top rope. He’s in pain (as he should) Out of instincted, Marc Mead runs, and spring boards off the second rope towards Anei Kyoukan and hits the Mead Kick!! Anei falls into the ring, Marc Mead pulls him away and goes into the cover 1…………2………3]

JR-Marc Mead has won this match

(The EMF tron lights up, the picture shows in the home office of Vice President Amy Jericho. She's sitting at her desk, looking straight into the camera as she begins to talk)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Good evening, now as many of you know that a few weeks ago, I was rushed into the hospital to give birth to my baby, Ashley Christina Irvine. Were doing just fine, and I'd like to thank everyone that showed concern. Anyways, now that I have completed my pregnancy...I am ready to once again ready to resume as your Vice President. I'll be easing back into it, but I plan on starting right here, right now.

(Crowd gives Amy a good response, as she smiles as she can hear it over the feed.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thank you.....anyways, earlier today I got a phone call from Matt Dragon giving me a suggestion for a match. Now up until only a little while ago, I was taking the match into consideration. But recent events have made me think that it might not be that bad of an idea. So at Legacy of Blood, Matt Dragon in an effort to prove he's Mr. Money in the Bank, he decided to put it up against two EMF superstars. The first one was a suggestion, one that I happen to agree with. The first person will be the former world heavyweight champion...Wes Ikeda *crowd gives a mixed response*. Now as for the third....that's really up to me. Really, since I had just decided this match should take place. I'm not exactly sure who the third person is. But I'll leave it open to any world title credible contender. At this point, it does not matter who it is. As long as it's a worthy contender. My office is open to make a suggestion to me, and if in my eyes your worthy enough to beat Cen...excuse me....be in the match. Then I'll certain take it under consideration, thank you.

(The screen fades away)

(OOC-Don't take that offer as a open shot, the third person is already decided...it's just storyline.)

“Mr. Kennedy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring, and does his usual nouncers thing.

JR-Ken Kennedy and Tomko may have been able to put the past behind them

King-That doesn’t mean their going to get old man Flair, and reform the horseman, are they?

Kris Gaffney-No….they tried, but Flair was too fried.

“Problem Solver” blasts on the PA system as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring, as Tyson Tomko walks to the ring with the IC title

JR-Keep in mind this isn’t for the IC title

King-Guess it’s like a friendly rivaliy…like that one tag team had….

Kris Gaffney-Road Dogg and X-Pac?

King-Yeah! Them! What a great team!

[Tomko and Kennedy face off in the ring, and then they back off they pace around the ring. No hand shake or any sign of disrespect. Kennedy and Tomko come back into the middle of the ring and then lock up. They looks for an advantage, but neither is really getting any apperent one. Until Tyson Tomko starts to use his strength advantage, and pushes Ken Kennedy into the corner and then the ref counts to 4, and slowly Tomko breaks clean. Ken Kennedy comes out of the corner and then thinks of another plan. Tyson Tomko uses this chance to go for a clothesline, but it’s ducked under by Ken Kennedy who then goes for a school boy and is able to get the 1………….2……..kick out by Tyson Tomko. Tyson Tomko and Kennedy gets up, both charge at each other and Tyson Tomko knocks down Ken Kennedy down with a running shoulder block on Ken Kennedy that knocks him down to the mat. Kennedy gets up, and then charges at Tyson Tomko. Tomko is able to counter this with a spinning back elbow to the face that takes down Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy stumbles up, and now is dazed as Tyson Tomko hits a few fists to the face as Ken Kennedy is reeling on the ropes, Tyson Tomko whips Kennedy off the ropes. Ken Kennedy bounces off the ropes and then Tyson Tomko lowers his head and then connects with a back body drop that sends Ken Kennedy flying through the air, and crashing down on his back. Ken Kennedy stumbles up to his feet, Tyson Tomko measures up. Ken Kennedy stumbles right into where Tyson Tomko is waiting as Tomko is able to pick up Ken Kennedy and brings him over to the corner. And Tyson Tomko goes for a running power slam. But Ken Kennedy hooks his legs on the turnbuckle and is able to fall behind Tomko and then Tyson Tomko goes running. But realizes that Kennedy is now on the second rope. Tyson Tomko charges at Ken Kennedy on the turnbuckle. But Ken Kennedy is able to get his foot up, stunned Tyson Tomko. Ken Kennedy leaps off the second turnbuckle, and nails a jumping DDT that plants Tomko into the mat]

King-Kennedy saw that coming, didn’t he?

Kris Gaffney-I wonder if he’s like Marc Mead, and has the ghost of Flair talking to him?

King-I don’t think he died?

Kris Gaffney-You sure?


[Both wrestlers are down, and then Kennedy who hit the move turns right into the cover and then gets the 1……………….2……….kick out by Tyson Tomko. Ken Kennedy looks up at the ref, wishing that he got the three there. But Ken Kennedy doesn’t complain about it, he gets up and pulls up Tyson Tomko to his feet. Ken Kennedy hits a few forearm shots to the face. Ken Kennedy tries to whip Tomko to the ropes. But Tyson Tomko reverses the whip. Ken Kennedy goes to the ropes, Ken Kennedy bounces off of the ropes and comes back. Tyson TOmko goes for a clothesline on Ken Kennedy, but Tyson Tomko ducks under and then Ken Kennedy goes to the opposite side of the ring and then comes off of the ropes. Ken Kennedy leaps in the air, and hits a flying shoulder block on Tyson Tomko that takes him down to the mat and then Ken Kennedy waits for Tyson Tomko to get up, Tyson TOmko stumbles up and then Ken Kennedy hits a few fists and whips Ken Kennedy to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then Kennedy hits a fall through spinebuster. He goes into the cover, and then gets the 1…………..2……..kick out by Tyson Tomko. Ken Kennedy gets up, and then goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope. As Tyson Tomko gets up, Ken Kennedy goes for a double axe handle, but it’s countered with a fist into the gut.]

JR-Kennedy took a chance there, that didn’t pay off

King-Stupid Kennedy…you should have known that Tomko is a master gambler….

[Tomko goes into the corner, and then waits suddenly Dude Nick slides into the ring. Tomko goes for the big boot, but it’s ducked under by Dude Nick. Tomko turns around and then Dude Nick hits a big head butt. This sends Tyson Tomko stumbling back, and Dude Nick is able to hit a big boot to his face that takes down. Dude Nick holds up his hand up for a choke slam. But suddenly from behind Nick get’s blasted by a chair as he has Tomko in his grasp. Ken Kennedy smashed Nick from behind, Nick being so big doesn’t go down. So Ken Kennedy hits Nick over the head a few times with the chair, and then Nick still doesn’t go down. But he’s obviously very dazed on his feet, and then Tyson TOmko hits his running boot, and Nick stumbles backwards and falls out of the ring]

JR-Seems that they bailed each other out there

King-Probably nothing more to it than that….

(Kennedy holds the chair, as he takes a microphone)

kennedy: This steelchair represents my next conquest, the EMF Extreme title, if the title even still exists. Hell, I haven't seen Matt Dragon around the EMF in what seems like a lifetime. I even took the time recently to issue a challenge respectfully, but that pussy ass motherfucker hasn't had the balls to respond. Well, any respect that was there, well, that shit's gone, and now, Matt Dragon's going to have to learn the hard way why I am the future of the EMF. Presently, though, I am the future of the EMF Extreme title. How in the hell can someone still be the champion when he never defends the title. Isn't there some kind of rule against that shit? Dragon's been living off his name and past exploits for a long time around here. Sure, he may be a hall of famer and veteran, but I just see those terms as a fancy way to say he's old. Is that the case, Matt? Are you getting a bit old? ARe you a little bit past your prime? Hell, the reason your skills are deteriorating most likely is a result from a lack of use. If you thought you could beat me then I think you would've responded to my first challenge, but all I heard from you was silence. So, tonight, I'm here to stake my claim for the EMF Extreme title, and if you've got a problem with that, Dragon, I'll wrap this steel chair around your head. That goes for anyone else as well who thinks they're going to be the next Extreme champion. I've staked my claim, if anyone has anything to say about it, then they're going to have to deal with the consequences. Regardless of who the champion is when I receive my shot, the result will be the same as any match in which I'm a part. The winner will be M-I-S-T-E-R ........... K-E-N-N-E-D-Y- ........... (pause for dramatic effect) .......... K-E-N-N-E-D-Y.

He exits the ring and joins Tomko on the outside. They both head towards the back as Shockwave credits begin and the show goes off the air.