EMF: Saturday Shockwave

press play for Chris Jericho's theme!!

(The EMF comes on the air with The Highlight Reel site is all set up in the ring.Suddenly the lights turn off and the EMF tron starts the Y2J count down 5.........4...........3..........2.....1......0. The EMF tron gets to a certain point and pyrotechnics blast off as "Break the walls down" blast on the PA system as the lights turn back on as Chris Jericho stands in the entrance with his arms out stretched with the RWA hardcore title. Jericho spins around a few times and stops. Jericho then puts the hardcore title over his shoulder and looks around the crowd. He gets a mixed reaction. Though more cheers then anything due to who's with him, Jericho looks to the entrance and Amy Dumas walks to the stage. The crowd cheers very loud for the hometown girl (well she orinigally comes from there at least). Jericho puts his arm around Amy's shoulder and whispers something, Amy laughs and then Jericho begins to walk down the ramp as Amy soon follows after looking around at the crowd. A chant of "Lita!! Lita!! Lita!!" is going up over the crowd. Amy slides into the ring, Jericho walks to the ring steps and slowly steps up on the steps and then walks on the apron and hook the top rope with both arms. While Amy is inside the ring doing her finger gun poses, Amy then goes to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs up to the second turnbuckle and does her finger gun pose there. Jericho steps into the ring and avoids the set going to where Amy just was and takes the RWA-WWF hardcore championship and raises it over his head. Amy steps down off the turnbuckle and then asks for a microphone and is given one. Jericho then backs away from the ropes and puts the RWA-WWF Hardcore title over his shoulder again. Amy hands Jericho the microphone as everything goes back to normal. Still a "Lita!!" chant is going, Jericho lets it go as Amy looks around at the crowd and smiles. Once it dies down Jericho begins to talk.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- You know this week I would like to keep it short and sweet. Jarrett....Jarrett....Jarrett, I should have known you would stay in your hole. I mean let's face it, you been forced to live with the truth and you don't like it at all, do you Jarrett? Jarred I came out here the past few weeks and told the world exactly what you were Jarrett, I insulted your intelligence, your career and your creativity to make a plan even a quater as good as mine and Amy's. But you staying home only says one thing Jarrett, I'm absolutely right on everything. Because you know it's all the truth and even if you tried to it would be a wasted effort. Because you have no way out of everything that Amy and I have done here in the EMF to you. So why waste the effort, I mean we have only shown you up for the fool you are Jarrett week after week. I don't think your might can truly grasp just how much power myself and Amy have over you....even with your abuse of the CEO office. So I'm going to allow Amy to try to explain in words you might be able to understand Jarrett.

(Jericho hands the microphone over to Amy. She begins to speak)

.::Amy Dumas::.- Jericho's right Jarred, I don't think you realize that your against something that you just can't win against. Jarred I want to ask you something, if a fan in the stand looks at you weird or comes over the guard rail and attacks you, what happens? It would seem in past that a wrestler might attack the fan back, while he's dragged out of the ring by security. There is no difference between Jericho and a common fan....other then one thing Jarred. You see that agreement that Jericho has with Prez Mike, it prevents him from being barred or thrown out of the arena. So every attack he does, he does at his own risk. The EMF isn't liable for him if he were to get hurt, he isn't covered under company policy. But on the other hand he can wonder around the Extreme Measures Federation and do whatever he wants. In other words if you challenge Jericho to a match, it's like you are challenging a fan. They don't work here, thus they are not contractually obligated to face you or anyone else in the EMF. Pretty smart I would say, it's air tight Jarred.....he can do whatever the hell he wants to you and you can do little to him or me for that matter. Because in other words Jarrett....you can't attack Jericho unless you are physically forced to do so.

(Amy then hands the microphone back to Jericho, there are some boo's as this happens. Jericho doesn't let it get to him and raises the microphone and says)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now honestly Jarrett I will have to admit, even I'm a little bored with you. So when you grow some balls, I just might spend some more time on you. But I right now I rather talk to a man that is something Jarrett isn't....and that's successful! Ladies and Gentlemen my guest on the Highlight Reel this week is someone who is not only a huge wrestling star, but is also a huge movie star! Hey, don't you flip me off fat ass!... Anyways This man was the winner of the oh so gruesome elimination chambaaa match, put your hands together assclowns... For THE ROCK!!!

(The sound of a organ then hits with the EMF tron displaying the helicopter flying above a city. The crowd begins to cheer loudly as Florida loves The Rock, "IS COOKIN'!!" blares on the P.A. inside the Office Depot center. Rock slowly walks down the ramp as fans loudly chant "Rocky! Rocky!".]

.::Jim Ross::.- Seems fans think that Jericho is #1...haha

.::Jerry Lawler::.- Speaking of number one...Here comes number one!! The Rock, WOOOHOOOOO!!!

(Rock walks to the ringsteps spotting a very attractive girl in the front row. Rock walks over and flexes for her and ask her to touch it as she reaches over the barricade grabbing his arm. You then see Rock mouth the word "Big", as he gives a nice grin and proceeds to climb the ring steps. Rock quickly walks the ring apron as he climbs the outside of the rope and raise his arm to the crowd as the fans cheer loudly. Jericho stands in the ring with the mic underneath his arm clapping. Rock climbs down the ropes as he slowly steps in the ring and shakes the hand of Chris Jericho.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Rock, Rock...Its great to have ya! I mean you are with out a shadow of a doubt the biggest thing to hit the EMF since well...Me! [Fans boo] Rock, first off let me congratulate you for your huge win at Survival of the Fittest inside that steel demonic structure, elimination chambaaaa.

.::The Rock::.- Thanks alot, The Rock has to admit it was very hard for The Rock, very hard to make 3 sum bitches like Steelheart, Punisher, and Justin Franchize actually be entertaining! [Rock Chuckles]

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Ok, ok..Thats enough about them cause hell Rock we wanna get ratings here and if we rest our precious time about those 3 jackasses then we will have more people reaching over grabbing their remotes then a Jarrett Carthallion match! Lets talk about your huge match against that loser X-Cold at the grandaddy of them all, Last Stand! Now last time Rock you had nothing more then a conspiracy happen to you as that no good, bottom feeding, trashbag, skank ass hoe, Stephanie McMahon-Walker cost you the match! And just let me tell you Rock, I was totally disguisted!

.::The Rock::.- The Rock knows this, he knows this..But, you see thats what X-Cold is...A cheat and a low life! The Rock means look at it Chris, The Rock totally re-invented his career! The fans didn't even remember this jabroni till The Rock bought his sorry ass out of retirement and beat his monkey ass all over that arena, and what happened? The Rock will tell you what happened, and that was X-Cold couldn't get the job done and he knew he couldn't go ONE ON ONE WITH THE GREAT ONE!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- I totally agree with you, Rock! And you know about a month or so back I met up with X-Cold and let me tell you Rock, what they showed on television was totally not what we said. Infact a like to show you and all of these Fort Lauderdale jackasses..So lets go to the highly expensive Jeritron 5000! Play the clip monkeys!

(Clip begins as it is a very familiar clip from X-Cold's promo on his and Rock's first match. The scene then shows Jericho walking inside the X-Cold's locker room as it shows a very weird look on his face as if to say what the hell do you want. Voice overs are then heard as the voice don't even match the lips of either Jericho or X-Cold.)

.::X-Cold::.- Jericho! King of the World!...I got to have your autograph man! Please tell me you are here to help with against The Rock, cause I mean look at me [X-Cold points to himself] There isnt anyway I could beat a legend like The Rock! Ohh no! You aren't here to humilate me like you did to Jarred are you?!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Woah! Woah! Woah!...Easy Assclown, I didn't come to kick your ass cause lets face it X come Dark Horizon you are gonna be Rock's little bitch! Because I know what you can do in that ring X-Cold, and let me tell ya there big man I ain't impressed a bit! Do you remember when I made a stop here in the Extreme Measures Federation before leaving for the RWA? Do you remember all the beatings I used to give you and how you used to beg for mercy and hide behind your skank ass wife, Steph?

.::X-Cold::.- [X-Cold's mouth moves for like one second as it looks like a bad japanese movie.] Well uhh yeah, how could I forget..I mean all those nights in the hospitals from all those beatings!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Well I just wanted to warn you X-Cold, I do know what you can do in that ring and it doesn't even come close of what Rock can do in that ring, I mean lets face it X-Cold...You have bitten off a little more then you can chew this time! I mean its the big talk around the EMF, about how bad your gonna get your ass kicked by The Rock! I mean look at you X-Joke, your a washed up has been..Hell you know what you was a never was! You aren't no big star like me and The Rock, you think you are some hardass cause you've beat some of these other jokes in the EMF? Please X-Cold, why dont you do us a favor X-Cold and not show up for your match with Rock. We don't to be reminded about your boring ass, I mean everyone was happy around here to get your sorry ass out of this company anyways. I mean all it was with you was you and your skank ass wife walking around acting as if you was bigger and badder then everyone else! Well I'll tell you X-Cold, you are about to be shown that you are a mere nothing! And speaking of nothings look who we got here...To steal a quote off The Rock, a woman who has been on more laps then a napkin..Stephanie McMahon Walker!

.::Stephanie::.- So what if I sleep with a couple hundred guys here and there!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Well I didn't come here to talk to you dumbasses! No I came here to ask you to be the first person to appear on the first ever EMF/Chris Jericho Hi Lite Reel!

.::X-Cold::.- You want me to be on your show? A show in which has a host that is a absolute legend?! I would be thrilled to!

[Jericho leaves X-Cold's locker room as X-Cold turns to Stephanie.]

.::X-Cold::.- We gotta think of some way to cheat at Dark Horizon, because if not Rock is gonna beat my ass all over the place! Please help!

(Clip ends with Rock and Jericho smiling and fans booing loudly. Jericho quickly brings the mic to his face as fans chant "Asshole". Jericho begins to chuckle a bit.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Well there you have it Rock, the real meeting between me and that mega assclown, X-Cold! I mean look at it the evidence is there, X-Cold knew he couldn't beat you so he had to get his bottom feeder to help him! And let me be the first to say Rock, that come Last Stand I hope you mop the mat with X-Cold's crimson covered face! But, what we all are wondering Rock..Is are you gonna be 100 percent? I mean that elimination chambaaa was nothing more then a blood bath and will you be ready come Last Stand?

.::The Rock::.- Well let The Rock inform you about something Chris Jericho, and that is this...At Last Stand it doesn't matter what percent The Rock is at 10-20-50 percent. Because The Rock is going into Last Stand and is gonna prove without a shadow of a doubt that he is the absolute best ever! See it simply doesn't matter... Take off one of The Rock's arms, he'll fight you with the other arm. You take off one of The Rock's legs, The Rock will hobble and hobble and hobble and keep hobbling and still whoop X-Cold's candy ass with just that one foot, One foot or not The Rock will some how some way...Turn this foot sideways and stick it straight up your monkey ass! You think you are some legend X-Cold? Well The Rock whips his ass with what you think X-Cold. Because at Last Stand there will be no mistakes like last time. No, no mistakes...The only thing that will be at "Last Standing" is me! The jaborni beating, pie eating, trail blazin', eyebrow raisin', stronger then a bear, faster then the buck best thing to ever hit Florida because your sports team absolutely suck! [Crowd boos with some strong pro Rock fans chanting "Rocky, Rocky"]

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Well this interview is about over because the stinch of the fans is starting to become unbareable! But, before we go I here you had a exclusive for the oh so popular Hi-Lite Reel!

.::The Rock::.- Thats right, The Rock has some sad news and that is Rock is leaving after Last Stand...[Fans boo loudly] Now, The Rock knows what your thinking..Who here can be as entertaining as you? Well The Rock says not to fear as he will be back soon. Rock has another huge movie to work on and will try to be back to do what he does best and that is electrify like no other! So X-Cold the Rock will end on this...Get ready, because this time The Rock knows for a fact...That your candy ass is next!

(Rock's theme hits as he tosses the mic over to Chris Jericho as he catches it. Rock is on his way out the ring as he quickly turns around and grabs the mic from Jericho.)

.::The Rock::.- Wait..Woah! Woah! No we don't end like this...No, we end on this...IF YA SMELLLOLOLOLOWWWWW!!!...WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'!!

[PR Pimp comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The second in this three way match, Raging Eagle!!!

[Raging Eagle walks to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - And third, Hacksaw!!!

[Hacksaw walks to the ring. ]

[Hacksaw walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Raging Eagle gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from PR Pimp. Hacksaw gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Raging Eagle. Hacksaw drops PR Pimp with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) Hacksaw delivers a spinning backbreak to PR Pimp. PR Pimp uppercuts Hacksaw. PR Pimp gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Hacksaw. PR Pimp gives Hacksaw a reverse neckbreaker. Hacksaw gets back to his feet. Hacksaw trys for a belly-to-back superplex but PR Pimp avoids it. Hacksaw puts PR Pimp in the double armbar submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... Hacksaw tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Raging Eagle attacks Hacksaw breaking the hold. Hacksaw drags PR Pimp to the floor. ]

Jim Ross - My God! PR Pimp could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Raging Eagle nails Hacksaw with a huge slingshot sommersault splash. Raging Eagle stands up. Hacksaw is back on his feet. (..2) Raging Eagle cuts Hacksaw with a blade. Hacksaw is bleeding as a result. Hacksaw get whipped into the corner and PR Pimp follows himin with an avalanche. (...3) PR Pimp swings a Steel chair and hits Hacksaw. Hacksaw is bleeding as a result. (....4) PR Pimp executes a jawbreakeron Hacksaw. PR Pimp gets back to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. PR Pimp and Hacksaw move back to ringside. PR Pimp takes Hacksaw into the ring. PR Pimp measures Hacksaw up and drops a closed fist. Hacksaw hits PR Pimp with a headbutt to the mid-section. ]

Jim Ross - Hacksaw with a headbutt.

[PR Pimp gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Hacksaw comes over and smashes PR Pimp's head into it. Hacksaw hits a koppo kick on PR Pimp. Hacksaw executes a corkscrew legdrop on PR Pimp. Hacksaw is up again. PR Pimp is back on his feet. PR Pimp kicks Hacksaw in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. PR Pimp climbs to his feet. Hacksaw gets hit with the shooting star press from PR Pimp. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Hacksaw escapes. Hacksaw is up again. PR Pimp executes the sleeperhold on Hacksaw. The referee is checking the situation. ... Hacksaw is fighting the hold. ... Hacksaw is fighting the hold. Hacksaw escapes. PR Pimp sends Hacksaw to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - ringside is covered with blood from these fighters.

[PR Pimp hits a running forearm smash on Hacksaw's face. PR Pimp applies an arm wrench to Hacksaw. (..2) PR Pimp bounces Raging Eagle off the ropes and hits him with a backdrop. PR Pimp head butts Raging Eagle. (...3) PR Pimp with a falling splash on Raging Eagle. PR Pimp is back on his feet. PR Pimp executes a corkscrew legdrop on Raging Eagle. PR Pimp gets up. (....4) PR Pimp stomps Raging Eagle's head. PR Pimp climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Raging Eagle. (.....5) PR Pimp puts Raging Eagle in an arm grapevine submission. Raging Eagle climbs to his feet. PR Pimp spinebuster bombs Raging Eagle onto the floor. (......6) PR Pimp hits a frog splash on Raging Eagle. PR Pimp hits a dragon suplex on Raging Eagle. PR Pimp moves back to his feet. (.......7) PR Pimp leg drops Raging Eagle. PR Pimp knee drops Raging Eagle. PR Pimp gets back to his feet. (........8) PR Pimp hits Raging Eagle with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. PR Pimp gets back to his feet. Raging Eagle gets hit with a diving elbow smash from PR Pimp. PR Pimp climbs to his feet. PR Pimp goes to the ring. (.........9)Raging Eagle moves toward (...........10).

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, PR Pimp!!!

Finkel: This match is a standard women's match.

Nikki's Theme hits as she makes her way to the ring.....

Finkel: And her Opponent..From SunnyVille.....SUNNY!

I know you want me hits and Sunny makes her way to the ring..

Both women stand in opposite corners as The Ref calls for the bell...

*Ring Ring* THe bell sounds Nikki and Sunny lock up. Sunny puts Nikki a hammer lock and then goes into a back double leg take down to the mat on Nikki. Sunny then puts Nikki in side head lock. Nikki then slowly makes it to her feet and then looks for a way out. Nikki then backs Sunny to the ropes and then whips her off the ropes off the head lock. Sunny bounces off the ropes and then knocks Nikki down with a shoulder block. Nikki falls backwards with the shoulder block and gets up and charge at Sunny. Sunny hits a arm drag release, Nikki gets up and charges again. But once again gets take down with an arm drag take down. Nikki then gets up stunned. Sunny then pushes her from her back and goes for a roll up. But Nikki holds on the ropes and Sunny does a summer sault into the middle of the ring Nikki charges at Sunny. Taking her down with a spear...She stays on her landing punches left and right....Finally the Ref pulls her off of Sunny as Nikki yells at the Ref Sunny gets up and rolls Nikki up....

King- I love Roll ups....

JR- I've heard...

1.....2.....Kickout...Sunny gets to her feet hitting a dropkick on Nikki. Sunny walks over and pulls Nikki up and hits a scoop slam on Nikki...Sunny goes to the ropes and hops up on the second rope dropping an elbow but Nikki rolls out of the way. Nikki taking the opportunity to capitalize waits for Sunny to get up and Charges hitting a massive clothesline.... she scrambles back and pins Sunny...1.......2....kick out. Sunny stumbles up and then Nikki hits a few hard forearm shots and then whips Sunny off the ropes, but Sunny reverses the whip and sends Nikki off the ropes. Sunny then then lowers her head and goes for a back body drop. But Nikki is able to counter it with a kick to the face, Sunny stumbles up and then Sunny stands up holding her face from the pain of the kick of DOOOOOMM...un anyways. Nikki then sets up Sunny and then goes for a suplex and then hits it. Nikki then gets up and then backs to the ropes and hits a quick leg drop. Knowing that won't finish Sunny. Nikki pulls up Sunny and then pushes Sunny in the corner and then hits a few knife edge chops to Sunny. Nikki then tries to whip her to the other side of the ring and then Sunny reverses and sends Nikki hard into the turnbuckle. Sunny charges in the corner and then Nikki counters with a boot to the face. Nikki pushes herself up on the second ropes and waits for Sunny to stumbles towards her and then hooks her for a tornado DDT. Nikki goes for it, but then Sunny pushes her off in mind air and Nikki lands on her feet. Sunny charges Nikki and then knocks her down with a clothesline. Nikki stumbles up and then Sunny hits a few forearm shots to the ropes and then Sunny whips Nikki off the ropes and then Nikki bounces off the ropes and then nails a power slam and goes into the cover and gets the 1.............2........kick out. Nikki stumbles up and then Sunny whips her off the ropes once again and then Sunny comes off the ropes and Nikki bounces off the ropes and then puts Nikki in a sleeper. Nikki struggles to find someway out of it and then Nikki slowly starts to fade away and then Nikki goes to one knee and is seemly out. The ref checks Nikki's arm once......twice. But before her arm can go down the third time, she raises her arm and then slowly gets back up to her feet and then looks for a way out the hold. First she tries to hit a few back elbows into Sunny, but that doesn't get the sleeper off. Nikki tries to get on the side of Sunny...but can't. So Nikki then counters with a jaw breaker. The hold is finally broke and then Sunny stumbles back and then Nikki gets up. Sunny stumbles up into her. Nikki then hooks her and hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge!]

JR- These two are giving it their all..

1....2....Sunny gets her foot on the rope....Nikki gets frustrated and gets back on Sunny punching her again.....She rolls Sunny over and locks in the STF.....Sunny screams in pain as The Ref Checks to see if Sunny taps....Sunny reaches the bottom rope and the hold is broke....

Nikki once again gets frustrated as she turns around she is met by a super kick from Sunny....Sunny then walks up to Nikki who was playing possum and does a small package on Sunny....1.....2....Kickout...Nikki gets up and Drops Sunny with a clothesline then makes her way to the top rope signaling for the Flare Factor.....Sunny gets up and runs over knocking her down to a sitting position..Sunny climbs up hitting a frankensteiner and turns it into a pin...The Ref goes down....1......2.....3.....*ding ding*

Howard Finkel- The winner of this Match...SUNNY!!!

"Twilight theme" blasts on the PA system as Twilight and Impact walk into the ring

King-this just in.....the camera men that film Twilight and Impact's promo's demand MAJOR overtime pay....aw well guess it will come out of JR's pay check

JR-aw shit...

"shitlist" blasts on the PA system as Franchize and CM Punk stand on the top of the stage yelling stuff at Twilight and Impact

King-Hey someone's been studying theme songs

JR-that's a first...

[Twilight and Impact charge up on the stage as Franchize and Punk continue to taunt them and then Impact hits a few fists to Franchize. Impact hits a few to Punk, but Punk gets the upper hand on Impact with a rake of the eyes Impact stumbles back and stumbles forward again blinded. Punk then picks up Impact and slams him hard on the steel stage, Punk then hits a quick standing leg drop on Impact. On the other side of the stage, Franchize is getting stomped on from Twilight, Punk comes running over there and hits a clothesline that knocks Twilight down. Punk yells something to Franchize, Franchize stumbles up and then pulls up Twilight with Punk and then hook him for a double suplex. But then suddenly Impact comes from behind and then club them in the back knocking Franchize to one knee. Punk turns around to get a few punches by Impact, Impact then hooks Punk up. Franchize tries to do something about it. But Twilight catches him off guard with an inverted atomic drop. Franchize stumbles back in a lot of pain, Twilight then takes Franchize and then throws him off the side of the ramp way!! Franchize goes a flip in mid air and then crashes into a bunch of tables that are below. While this is happening Impact has tried to snap suplex Punk on the stage. But punk blocks it a few times and then hits a few shot to the ribs and then reverses the suplex attempt and hits a vertical suplex into a front slam on the stage. Punk gets up as he sees Twilight standing by watching Franchize go off the ramp way. Punk then comes from behind Twilight and then throws him off the stage as well. Twilight flyes over where Franchize is and then goes shoulder first into the hard floor and goes rolling to a stop far off from where Franchize is laying of what is left of the table he crashed into. Punk then goes over to the ramp way, where Impact has made it to his feet and then Punk hits fists that stumble Impact to ring side. Punk then takes Impact and then whips Impact to the steps. But Impact reverses the whip and sends Punk flying shoulder first into the ring steps, Impact then looks under the ring and then pulls out a table. Impact sents up the table ring side and then takes a ladder. Setting by the table and then Punk stumbles up, Impact picks up Punk and then drops his neck on the guard rail. Punk bounces off the guard rail stumbling. Impact now has a chair and then nails a shot in the ribs that sends Punk on the table. Impact then starts to climb up the ladder and then gets to the top and steps on top trying to keep his balance and then leaps off nailing a big splash on Punk through the table! The crowd chants holy shit, but Impact seemed to hurt himself just as much from that move as Punk. Impact has rolled away from where Punk lays in whatever is left of the table. We go to the bottom of the stage where Twilight and Franchize have been for a while. Both are starting to get to their feet, though Twilight makes the mistake of stumbling forward and then Franchize takes Twilight down with a double leg take down and then sets up into a sling shot, Franchize positions Twilight by the stage and then does the sling shot and sends Twilight flying into the side of the stage. Twilight smacks against the side of the stage and then stumbles back and then Franchize comes from behind Twilight and hits a reverse neck breaker.]

JR-I don't think any of the wrestlers will ever be the same after this match

King-Not sure if that's a bad thing or not....because I won't have to sit through any of their matches!

[Both Franchize and Twilight are both down. Franchize stumbles to his feet and then stumbles forward on to the stage and then sees that Impact is laying by where Punk is in what use to be a table. Franchize then stumbles down the ramp and then Franchize goes into the cover on Impact and gets a 1...................2.................kick out. Franchize hits a few fists to the downed Impact and then rolls him into the ring. Franchize then climbs on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. Impact stumbles to his feet, Franchize leaps in the air for a double axe handle smash, but Twilight then jumps up and nails a quick side kick on the flying Franchize that takes him down. Franchize is on the mat. Twilight still is affected from the splash from the ladder to the floor on Punk pulls himself up. Impact then waits for Franchize to get up and then nails him with a few quick hard forearms. Then Impact whips Franchize off the ropes and then Franchize bounces off the ropes and then Impact lowers his head and then nails a back body drop. Franchize goes hard on the mat and gets up. Impact then calls for the Impact Icer, Impact kicks Franchize in the gut and then sets him up for a power bomb and then gets him up. Impact tries to give himself space, but before Impact can flip Franchize into a DDT from the power bomb. Franchize hooks him instead and then hits a DDT of his own. Franchize falls away from Impact and then slowly crawls into the cover. Though this takes a long time to do so, finally Franchize is able to pull a hand over Impact. The ref slides into the ring and then counts the 1....................2.................kick out the split second before the ref's hand goes down.]

JR-Almost three

King-.......god I hate you JR *does the angry Brock dance of heelish heel*

[On the outside of the ring, Twilight has gotten up and then tries to set up CM Punk for a suplex. But before he can hit the suplex, CM Punk slides out the back. Twilight turns around and gets a kick into the gut and CM Punk hits his finishing DDT on the steel ramp way! Twilight is busted open and seemly out, CM Punk goes into the cover and gets the 1.................2..............someone from the crowd pulls Punk off the cover and then throws him up the ramp. It's Dirty D! Dirty hits a few fists the back Punk up to the ramp way. While this is happening, Franchize has set a table in the ring and has Impact on the table. Franchize has to take some time to recover and then starts to climb the nearest turnbuckle for what seems to be a moonsault. But Impact has gotten up off the table and then shakes the rope. Franchize falls on the top of the turnbuckle and falls off. Impact then picks up Franchize and then throws him on the table. Impact gets on the table and then pulls up Franchize up and then kicks him in the gut and sets him up in power bomb position. Then lifts him up in power bomb, but then changes it into a power bomb and then drives Franchize through the table with the Impact Icer! Franchize is out....While this is happening, Punk and Dirty D battle with fists. Punk can't get to his partner at this point. Impact is barely still concious and weakly crawls over to Franchize and pushes him on to his back and goes into the cover and gets the 1..................2....................3!]

King-I hate Dirty D, he's going to pay for that

"Uproar's theme" blasts on the PA system as Wes and Enforcer walk to the ring

JR-From what I hear the Uproar got this title shot due to Vice President Amy Dumas...this two shouldn't be here!

King-Aw so shouldn't you....but you still are!

"Fight you" blasts on the PA system as Badd Boy and Degenerate walk to the ring

King-Oh good! The nap time song


[Badd Boy and Enforcer lock up, Enforcer uses this to hit a few knee's into the gut and then measures up Badd Boy and then nails a few fists and then whips Badd Boy to the rope. Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then nails a standing clothesline that floors Badd Boy. Badd Boy stumbles up and then Enforcer sets Badd Boy up for a suplex. But then turns it into a spinning neck breaker, Badd Boy is down and now isn't moving any. Enforcer gets up and yells at the crowd and then slowly backs to the ropes and then goes for a big leg drop. Enforcer leaps in the air, but at the last second Badd Boy moves out of the way and then goes crashing into the mat. Enforcer sits on the mat in a lot of pain and then Badd Boy quickly shakes off what damage that has been done so far and then runs to the ropes and then bounces off and then nails a seated drop kick. Badd Boy stays on his knee's once again trying to shake off the damage and then gets to this feet and then nails a few hard stomps to Enforcer. Enforcer stumbles up and then gets a few hard fists by Badd Boy that backs him the ropes and then Badd Boy hits a few knife edge chops to Enforcer and then whips him to the ropes, Enforcer bounces off the ropes and then Badd Boy nails a spinning sping buster and then flows into the cover and gets the 1.............2..........Wes comes into the ring and then nails a stomp on Badd Boy to break up the cover. Badd Boy looks up pissed and then the ref makes Wes go out of the ring, Wes laughs and goes back to his corner. Badd Boy then whips Enforcer off the ropes, but Enforcer reverses the whip and then sends Badd Boy off the ropes. Badd Boy bounces off the ropes and then Wes hits a knee into the back of Badd Boy as he bounces off the ropes. Badd Boy stumbles forward into a side walk slam from Enforcer. Enforcer goes into the cover and gets the 1..............2.........kick out, Enforcer then gets up and then pulls Badd Boy and then pulls up the dazed Badd Boy up with him and then tags in Wes. Enforcer then puts him in a russian leg sweep and then Wes climbs to the top rope and then leaps off the top rope with a front missile drop kick on Badd Boy that sends him into a russian leg sweep from Enforcer. Wes cocky get up and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Badd Boy. Badd Boy crawls into the corner and then Wes starts to stomp him repeatively. Then starts to choke Badd Boy with his boot, the ref counts and when he gets to 4 he lets go and pissed Wes yells at the ref. The ref yells back, then Wes turns his attention back to Badd Boy and then pulls him up and then hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. Wes then whips Badd Boy as hard as he can to the other side of the ring. Badd Boy goes crashing into the opposite side turnbuckle, Wes then yells at the crowd who boo's then charges at Badd Boy. Badd Boy leaves his boot up and Wes crashes into it, Wes stumbles back a few moments. Too beaten Badd Boy can't follow it up, so he stays in the corner. Wes then tries to go for the clothesline in the corner again, but Badd Boy then nails a back elbow into the face. Badd Boy holds the top rope to keep himself up and then nails a few hard fists to Wes that has him reeling back, but as Badd Boy is starting to get the match in his control. Wes stops the momentum by hitting a eye rake on rake blinding Badd Boy.]

JR-It would seem that the problems with Wes over recent events have been effecting the tag team champions.

King-zzzzzzzzzzzzz....nnnnooooo not another.....Badd Boy promo....zzzzzzzzzz

[Wes then hits a few hard fists to Badd Boy and then stuns Badd Boy some more with that and then Wes takes the limp Badd Boy and then brings him into the Uproar corner and then tags in Enforcer. Wes lifts Badd Boy's arm and then Enforcer takes a punch into Badd Boy's ribs. Badd Boy stumbles against the ropes as Enforcer measures up and then hits a fist and then whips Badd Boy off the ropes. Badd Boy bounces off the ropes, Degenerate makes a blindside tag and then Enforcer goes for a standing clothesline that Badd Boy ducks and continues to the other side of the ring. Badd Boy bounces off the other side of the ring, while this is happening. Degenerates stays waiting on the top rope behind Enforcer and then Enforcer lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But Badd Boy flips over into a sun set flip. Degenerate leaps off the top rope and then nails a missile drop kick! Enforcer goes down, Wes runs in with a clothesline. But Degenerate ducks it and then Wes turns around try to recover from the move and then gets a few fist from Degenerate and then backs him to the the ropes. Degenerate tries to whip Wes to the ropes, but Wes reverses sending Degenerate to the ropes. Degenerate bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and hits a flying forearm. Wes goes flying back to the ropes and then bounces off ropes limp and seemly out on his feet. Degenerate nips up and then measures Wes up and then nails a super kick that sends Wes flying over the top rope into the arena floor.]

JR-It would seem that Degenerate getting into this match has breathed new life into the tag champions

*King still sleeping*

[Wes pissed off at this grabs a chair from under the ring and slides into the ring. Degenerate just hits a DDT on Enforcer and then turns around and gets nailed with the chair!! The ref calls for the bell, Wes yells stuff at the downed Degenerate and then throws down the chair. Suddenly Wes gets clobbered with a hard clothesline by Badd Boy that sends Wes and Badd Boy to the floor. Badd Boy gets up and then pulls up Wes and then tries to whip him to the steel steps and then Wes reverses and Badd Boy goes crashing knee first and Badd Boy gets up in pain and stumbles up the barcard. Wes charges at Badd Boy and goes for a clothesline over the barcade, but it's countered with a back body drop by Badd Boy. Badd Boy has to recover for a few seconds, Wes stumbles up. Badd Boy goes for a few fists, but it's blocked by Wes and Wes hits a few fists to Badd Boy. Then sets him up for a suplex over the barcade. But when Wes is able to get Badd Boy up, Badd Boy slides out the back of Wes and then tries to go for a germen suplex and then Wes hits a few back elbows that break up that attempt and then Badd Boy stumbles back. Badd Boy and Wes battle in the crowd as EMF goes to commercial]

OOC-HARD match to call either way. I had two people try to help me and they were both split, so DQ ending was best for all so doesn't hurt anyone.

"Break you" blasts on the PA system as Jarred walk to the ring

King-I bet he's been fearing this night....

JR-Why's that?

King-He doesn't want to get beat by a rookie again!

"Messiah theme" blasts on the PA system as Messiah walks to the ring

JR-This is a great chance for this young competitor

King-yeah...but he'll be held down soon *spits water

[Jarred and Messiah hammer away with fists back and font, Jarred pokes Messiah in the eye to blind him and then hits a knee into the gut. Messiah stumbles back in pain and then Jarred measures up Messiah and then hits a hard straight punch that stumbles Messiah back some more and then Jarred whips Messiah off the ropes, Messiah bounces off the ropes. Jarred goes for a standing clothesline, but Messiah ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Messiah bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air as Jarred turns around and then gets nailed with a clothesline that takes Jarred down. Jarred stumbles up as Messiah stands ready, Jarred stumbles into Messiah and then hits a body slam. Messiah then hits a body slam and then backs to the ropes and then nails a big leg drop on Jarred as he comes off the ropes. Messiah gets up and then waits for Jarred, because he knows he doesn't have much of a chance to go for the pipe right now, so he waits for Jarred to get up. Jarred stumbles up to his feet and then Messiah kicks Jarred in the gut and then sets him up for a piledriver. Messiah tries to get him up for the piledriver, but can't quite get Jarred up and tries again. But still can't get him up, then Jarred counters with a back body drop on Messiah. Jarred then goes to one knee and then stands back up and then measures up Messiah and then nails a running knee lift that sends him down to the mat. Messiah crawls to the ropes and then Jarred then pushes Messiah's neck down on the ropes. The ref uses tells Jarred to break the hold and Jarred does so, Jarred then runs to the ropes and bounces off the ropes and leaps to drive Messiah's neck into the ropes again. But Messiah moves at the last second and then Jarred flyes on the ropes and is now strattling the middle rope in pain and then falls on to the apron. Messiah has to take some time. To recover, while this is happening Jarred stumbles up. Messiah seeing this charges at the nearest turnbuckle and then spring boards over the top rope and then catches Jarred with a spring board clothesline on Jarred. Jarred and Messiah are now on the mat around ring side. Messiah and Jarred are down, Messiah stumbles to his feet as Jarred is up to his knee's. Messiah then hits a upper cut to Jarred to stun him. Messiah then picks Jarred up and then drops his neck on the guard railing. Jarred stumbles a bit, Messiah then whips Jarred to the stairs and he goes crashing into the steel steps shoulder first]

JR-Jarred is down....

King-Aw what's else is new....

[Messiah then throws in Jarred into the ring and then slides into the ring. Jarred tries to pull himself up in the corner. But Messiah comes over there and hits a few hard straight shots into the face and then Messiah backs up and lets Jarred get up. Jarred stumbles into Messiah. Messiah picks Jarred up and puts him upside down into the tree of woe. Messiah hits a few stomps into the gut and then turns around and sees the pipe on the pole. Messiah then takes his time getting across the ring. Jarred is some how able to un hook himself from the tree of woe. Messiah starts to climb as Jarred stumbles to his feet. Jarred sees this and even though he's pretty beaten down charges at corner where Messiah is and dives on the ropes shaking the ropes before Messiah can get the pipe. Messiah then falls on top of the turnbuckle, Jarred goes to one knee and grabs on to the top rope and then recover for a few seconds and then pulls himself up with the top rope and then climbs to the turnbuckle where Messiah is sitting in pain and then hooks Messiah and then nails a super belly to back suplex off the top rope. Both wrestlers are down and then both wrestlers start to move and then go to their feet. Both stumble around and then Messiah goes for a fist on Jarred trying to regain control of the match. But it's blocked and returned by Jarred. Messiah stumbles back and then goes for another fist after Jarred isn't able to answer back with a fist. Jarred blocks it and returns Messiah's fist with another fist, then hits a few more fists and then whips Messiah to the ropes, Messiah bounces off the ropes and then Jarred lowers his head and then nails a back body drop. Messiah gets up in a lot of pain and holds his back and then stumbles right into Jarred. Jarred then hits the soul reaver, but is now down as well and can't go for the pipe just yet.]

King-Have you noticed that they only went for the pipe once..

JR-I'm assuming at least for Jarred that he's taking all the fustration caused by Jericho and Dumas over the past few weeks

King-Guess he doesn't want to win this match then...

[Jarred stumbles up and then sees Messiah is still down. Jarred then calls for the Legendary End and then climbs to the top rope and then goes for the Legendary End. But Messiah moves out of the way, he was faking being more hurt then he really was. Messiah then hits the Holy Revelation on Jarred and then, Messiah crawls into the corner where the pipe is and then pulls himself up in the corner and then slowly starts to climb to the top turnbuckle and then grabs the pipe. Messiah then readys the pipe and screams for Jarred to get up, Jarred stumbles up and Messiah clocks Jarred over the head with a pipe shot! The ref rings the bell]

King-hahahahahha...Jarred got beat by a rookie...AGAIN!

JR-Well rookie or not, he's on his way to Last Stand against Primetime

[Messiah stands over the bleeding Jarred from the pipe shot and raises the pipe. Suddenly a count down starts on the EMF tron 5........4...........3..........2.......1. The lights go off and pyrotechnics blasts off as "Break the Walls down" blast on the PA system. The light turn back on so you can see, Chris Jericho has his back to the crowd with his arms out stretched. Jericho spins around a few times and then stops and looks at the ring for a few moments with a serious look on his face. Jericho is pointing at the ring yelling something to Messiah, Messiah just slides out of the ring. Messiah then rolls out of the ring, Jericho slides into the ring and sees the bleeding downed Jarred. Jericho gets a cocky grin on his face and then paces around the ring, yelling some stuff at the crowd while he walks. Jarred is starting to come around, Jericho starts to yell random insults. Though Jericho doesn't realize Jarred is more aware then it seems and the rage that fills over the past few weeks Jarred explodes up and then takes down Jericho with a double leg take down out of no where and starts to hammer him with hard fists. Suddenly the Rock and Primetime slide in the ring and then start attacking Jarred to get him off of Jericho, because Jarred is just pretty much crazy at this point. Jarred stumbles up and then stumbles up right into the Rock. The Rock then sets up Jarred and then nails a Rock bottom, Primetime then drags Jarred over to the corner and then climbs up to the top rope, then leaps off and nails a moonsault on Jarred. The Rock and Primetime stomp on the downed bleeding body of Jarred. While Jericho is in the corner trying to shake the effects of Jarred's fists. Primetime and Rock raise their arms in the air over Jarred as the crowd cheers's. Suddenly Angelus slides into the ring with a chair and the Uproar slide out of the ring. The Uproar all turn back and are yelling stuff at Angelus from the ramp and Shockwave goes off the air.]