EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The EMF logo flashes over the screen, we go into the Shockwave intro. Once it ends, we go into the darken arena in Atlanta, Georgia. Pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage, once it ends. The lights turn on, and the camera scans the crowd)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “The King” Lawler and Kris Gaffney

King-And what a show we have for you tonight.

Kris Gaffney-Wow King, you actually played off of JR’s entrance

King-Meh, he paid me to

JR-And well might I add

(Bad, Bad Man blasts out and John Cena emerges. He walks down the ramp with the World Title over his shoulder. He rolls into the ring and takes a microphone. The crowds booing quietens down a bit and he addresses them.)

John Cena: "Well... you probably know why I am here. Last week I issued a challenge. I called out Chris Masters to take a shot at my World Heavyweight Championship. I asked Chris Masters to come out and be a man... and accept a title shot. I want to finally get my hands on Chris Masters for turning against me. I want to finally show the world that I can beat Chris Masters any time, any place. So come on Chris.... i'm calling you out! Name the place.. name the match.... name whatever you want... and i'll give you an ass-kicking so bad your EMF Career ends that very night!"

(There is silence for a bit... and then Chris Masters' theme hits the arena.The crowd roar as Chris Masters appears on the ramp. He doesn't get into the ring, just addresses Cena from there.)

Masters: "John... i'm not stupid. I know you wont allow me to pick everything... because no matter what I decide... you will twist it in some way to benefit you and make sure you keep the title."

Cena: "Chris... I don't care what kind of match this is... I just want this settled once and for all. So name your place and your match Chris... i'm so confident of beating you anyway that I don't need to pick them myself!"

MAsters: "Well in that case Cena... I want to take you on in a normal one on one match. But I want there to be no Championship advantage John.... if your disqualified... i'm the champ. If your counted out.... i'm the champ! That way.... if you try ANYTHING at all... the referee will notice and I will walk out of there as the World Heavyweight Champion!"

Cena: "You got it Chris. Just as you want it. In fact you can even have your whore draw up the contract for you to make sure I don't edit it! Me and you Chris... one on one... at Last Stand!"

Masters: "Hang on... you said I could chose the place. Now I know you'd presume i'd pick the Pay Per View event to kick your ass around the ring.... but you're wrong John. I'm not gonna wait til Last Stand. I'm not going to wait a second more than I have to. Because John.. the match takes place NEXT WEEK live on Shockwave!"

(Cena looks slightly pissed about this, but then laughs.)

Cena: "Next week huh... you really want to sped up the ass-kicking? Fine by me Chris.... next week, one on one, John Cena Vs Chris Masters... for the World Championship! Maria... I know your watching.... draw up the contract and drop it to my office. That way it's official... and you all know I didn't do anything dodgy to win. Then when I pin Chris, center of the ring, you will ALL know who the better athlete is! One wekk until your career ends Chris.... I hope your ready for it!"

(Bad, Bad Man hits again. Cena and Masters mouth some insults back and forth, but they can't be heard. Masters motions to his waist where the World Title will be and then disappears. Cena then leaves the ring and walks up the ramp to a chorus of boos.)

“CJ Lethal’s theme” blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal walks to the ring, he steps over the top rope and gets ready for his opponent

JR-CJ lethal is still very much a new comer, and he’s taking his bumps. But he’s making improvement

Kris Gaffney-Yeah

“Two Winters Only” blasts on the PA system, Anei Kyoukan walks to the ring. He has on a trench coat. He steps into the ring, and takes off his trench coat. He has on black pants and no shirt. This reveals that Anei Kyoukan has samuri and Japanese demon themed tattoo’s all over his body. From the base of his neck and the end of his wrist. and waits for the bell to ring

(OOC-special request by the RPer asked me to add in those details)

JR-This newcomer, Anei Kyoukan has looked very impressive so far.

Kris Gaffney-What? He just faced Kane?

King-He means the talent that he showed

Kris Gaffney-Right…

[Anei Kyoukan and CJ Lethal get into each other’s face, the two new comers to the Extreme Measures Federation talk a bit of trash to each other. The bell rings, and then CJ Lethal goes for a punch on Anei Kyoukan. Anei Kyoukan ducks under it, and then CJ Lethal turns around. Then Anei Kyoukan hits a few fists to the face of CJ Lethal, one after another. But they only seem to have little effect on the bigger, stronger CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal pushes Anei Kyoukan down, so much that he does a back summersault. He gets up and then starts to hammer CJ Lethal with punches once again. He gets pushed down once again, Anei Kyoukan gets up, and charges at Lethal, Lethal goes for a big boot. But it’s ducked under by Anei Kyoukan, Anei Kyoukan ducks under and then he takes the support leg with a chop shoulder block. That buckles the legs of CJ Lethal, he’s now on his knee’s as Anei Kyoukan goes to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes and hits a low front drop kick into the face of Anei Kyoukan’s face. CJ Lethal is now down on the mat, knowing that CJ Lethal is obviously bigger, and stronger. Anei aims to keep him down. Anei Kyoukan puts CJ Lethal’s leg that’s been worked on in a spinning toe hold, and then hits a knee drop into the leg while in the spinning toe hold. CJ Lethal holds his leg in pain, and then Anei Kyoukan hits a few stomps to the seemly hurting leg of CJ Lethal. Anei Kyoukan then decides that it’s time to try to really hurt the leg, and then Anei Kyoukan drags CJ Lethal into the middle of the ring. He then slowly sets up, and then puts on a figure four leg lock. CJ Lethal is in a lot of pain, the ref asks CJ Lethal if he wants to give it up. CJ Lethal shakes his head “no”, and then the ref keeps asking him from time to time. CJ Lethal is in so much pain that he puts his shoulders on the mat, and the ref starts to make the count 1……………………2……….CJ Lethal gets up before he can be counted down. CJ Lethal being so big is always near the ropes, so CJ Lethal starts to inch towards it…..getting closer….getting closer….CJ Lethal grabs on to the ropes. The ref makes make’s Anei Kyoukani break the hold.]

Kris Gaffney-It pays to be that big

King-That’s for sure

JR-Your mom is big….oh…um…I said nothing

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, it’s addicting, isn’t it?

[The ref has to help Anei Kyoukan get totally un-hooked from the hold. CJ Lethal then is able to crawl over to the corner, and then Kyoukan takes his time to go over to go back on the attack. He then slowly goes over as CJ Lethal gets up in the corner. But as he’s coming into the corner. CJ Lethal grabs Anei Kyoukan by the throat with both hands, and throws him into the corner. He crashes into the corner and then CJ Lethal hits a few back elbows into the corner by CJ Lethal, he follows it up with a few knee lifts into the corner. The ref tells him to back up a little bit, which he does by taking Anei Kyoukan in a hip toss like move, and throwing him across the ring. Anei Kyoukan is in a lot of pain, CJ Lethal waits for Anei Kyoukan to get up, and then CJ Lethal limping a bit. Is able to hit a running forearm shot, Anei Kyoukan stumbles up to his feet, and CJ Lethal gets ready as he turns right into CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal tries to body press him over his head, but CJ Lethal is un-able to hold. Anei Kyoukan is able to slide out the back, as CJ Lethal limps a little bit. Then Anei Kyoukane goes to the ropes, and bounces off the ropes. Lethal turns around in time, and is able to react to the charge with a big boot that does connect this time. Anei Kyoukan goes down to the mat. CJ Lethal falls to the ropes, and uses the ropes to make sure that he can get some rest. CJ Lethal shakes the leg to try to get the blood flowing, Anei Kyoukan gets up before CJ Lethal is ready, and charges into where CJ Lethal is. CJ Lethal counters by throwing Anei Kyoukan in the air in almost a flap jack that makes Anei head snap on the top rope. Anei Kyoukan stumbles a few steps backwards. Then CJ Lethal hooks Anei in a head lock, and execute a running bulldog head lock, sending Anei Kyoukane’s face into the mat. He goes into the cover, and gets the 1……….….2………………kick out by CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal gets up, and holds up his hand signaling for a choke slam. Anei Kyoukan stumbles up and then CJ Lethal grabs Anei Kyoukan around the throat, and picks up Anei Kyoukane into a choke slam. But he slides out of the chokeslam, and turns it into a victory roll….1………..2……….kick out.Anei Kyoukan gets up, sudden Marc Mead jumps on the apron. The ref goes over to try to get Mead down. Anei Kyoukan goes over to knock Marc off the apron, CJ Lethal tries to attack Anei Kyoukan from behind. But Anei was able to side step it, and then he throws CJ Lethal into Marc Mead sending Marc off the apron. CJ Lethal stumbles back, and Anei Kyoukan school boys CJ Lethal. Then gets the 1.................2..............3.]

King-Well Anei Kyoukan won, but this isn't over...

[Marc Mead slides into the ring, before Anei Kyoukan can really get to his feet. Marc Mead comes into the ring with a chair. He nails Anei Kyoukan with the chair, Marc instructs something to CJ Lethal. Lethal nods, and then puts the chair in front of the face of Anei Kyoukan. Marc Mead backs up, and Meads kicks it. The Satanic Union's theme blasts on the PA system as they walk out.]

JR-Well Anei Kyoukan might have gotten the win, but the Satanic Union sure make their presents felt tonight.

(OOC-I thought this would be a better match up than it was, but I felt CJ Lethal just might have put up his best RP yet. So that’s the positive to take from this CJ. I also know you wrote the RP with very little time/notice...so regardless...good job.)

OOC-ending was changed to make sense for next week's match. CJ, if you write anything about the match this week. If you refer to the original ending, I won't count it against you. I think this ending makes you look a little better, and gives us a reason for the Marc/Anei match.)

The EMF tron lights up, and we go into the backstage area. Chris and Amy Jericho are walking down the hall way to a very loud cheer from the crowd.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Jericho, I know you are going to see Maria, and make sure that Cena doesn't get away with what happened at Survival of the Fittest. But you know, I think I might want to go see Jackie before she needs to get ready for her match.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Are you sure you'll be alright?

(Amy smiles, and then says)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, I'm just going to go to Jackie's locker room. It isn't too far.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Alright, I'll meet up with you there.

(the two kiss, and go in their separate ways. The camera stays with Amy as she's walking down the hall way, you can see her pregnancy is effecting her. But she stops dead in her tracks and it's not due to her pregnancy. She looks very annoyed...such as someone's in her way.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You mind moving? I'm just trying to get by.

(The camera moves over to where she's looking, Christian and Josh Hanley have smug looks on their face.)

.::Christian::.-I'd love to, but being that your so huge...I doubt me and Josh would be able to get around you.

Hanley: You seem to double in size everytime I see you Amy, are you sure you are pregnent... or are you just putting on a couple of hundred pounds for fun...

(Amy shakes her head.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yes, I'm completely sure that I'm pregnant. Believe me, I have the pictures and all the side effects to prove it.

.::Christian::.-Josh, Josh...we can't doubt that Amy here is pregnant. I mean look at her, she's bigger than even she could manage normally.

.::Amy Jericho::.-(Amy shakes her head and puts her hands over her baby bump) Look you two, I don't know what your getting out of this. But you can save it, I'm not here to cause any trouble. This might be the last time I get a chance to see everyone in the EMF before I give birth, so I'm just here to watch my friends match.

Hanley: What can you do now Amy? You have no power over me... and physically you cant defend yourself.

(Hanely steps forward and touchs Amy's baby bump, and laughs. Amy throws Hanleys hands off)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Don't you ever touch me again! Your right, maybe I can't do anything. But I would think you both would know your not suppose to just touch a woman. Especially one that's your boss, I may not have my power. But I won't be pregnant forever you know, so you both should show me more respect.

Hanley: You may be correct Mrs Dumas, but a bitch like you is powerless right now...

.::Amy Jericho::.-The last name is Jericho, and you always think short term don't you Josh? You think I won't remember this? But you may be right, but I'm not going to cause you problems. So can you just please leave me alone...

Josh Hanley-You know Amy, speaking about your baby. I don't know what you plan on naming it, but if you want it to get a head start in life. You should name it after a legend like me.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well considering it's a girl, I think I'll pass. Although, if I did that. I might just be able to get away with it. Because once they knew who it was named after. I'm sure they could understand why I thought it was a girl's name.

Josh Hanley - Shut up Amy, you have never humored me! if you and that deadbeat husband, boyfriend, brother, cousin or whatever you are decide to have another kid, preferably a boy, name is properly, like the legend himself... yours truly!

.::Amy Jericho::.-He's my husband by the way, and I wouldn't do that Josh. I wouldn't name anyone who is much like everyone in the Cena group...horrible excuses for men. Speaking of my husband, I would leave me alone. After all, you both got a taste of what's in store for your group. Remember who it was who allowed Dewey Pond to pin you, and who made Christian tap out. So if you two are done wasting my time, then I'll be leaving...

Josh Hanley- hmph...

(With that seemly over, Amy tries to walk by Christian and Josh Hanley. Hanley suddenly grabs Amy's arm, then touches Amy's baby bump again. Hanley smirks, as Amy pulls away. Amy gives Josh another bad look, then storms off with her head held high.)

“Cold” blasts on the PA system, as Devin Malis walks to the ring. He slides into the ring.

Kris Gaffney-I bet Devin Malis is looking for blood rightnow

JR-He’s not the #1 contender, but no one still can still say that they have pinned him

King-That’s true

[“Lil’ Exploders theme” blasts on the PA system. Devin Malis jumps out of the ring, and then charges up the ramp, meeting Lil’ Exploder in the isle before he even gets near the ring. Then Lil’ Exploder goes for a fist, but it’s ducked under by Devin Malis, and then Devin Malis takes Lil’ Exploder by the hair and throws him into the steel entrance, Lil’ Exploder bounces off of the entrance, and then Devin Malis kicks Lil’ Exploder hits a kick into the gut and then sets up Lil’ Exploder up, and then hits a snap suplex on the steel stage. Lil’ Exploder is in pain as he tries to get away from Devin Malis. Devin Malis is able to run, and kicks Exploder down to the ramp a little bit, Devin Malis follows everytime Exploder comes close, he kicks him down the ramp a little bit more. Lil’ Exploder is able to get to his feet, but before he can do anything he gets hit with a fist by Devin Malis. Devin Malis takes Lil Exploder and throws him into the ring. Devin Malis jumps on the apron, and climbs to the top rope. Lil’ Exploder gets up, he then gets up to his feet. Devin Malis jumps off the top rope, and hits a missile drop kick on Lil’ Exploder. Devin Malis goes into the cover, but it wasn’t really a cover. Devin Malis hits a mounted punches on the downed Lil’ Exploder, instead of going for the pin as it seemed before. The ref tells Malis to stop it, and then Devin Malis gets off, and pulls up Lil’ Exploder hits a short arm clothesline on Lil’ Exploder, and then Lil’ Exploder goes down to the mat, and then stumbles up to his feet. Then Devin Malis hits a few stomps on the downed Lil’ Exploder stumbles up to his feet and gets knocked back by a fist to the face. He then gets knocked back, and then is in the corner and then Devin Malis hits a few fists to the face. He contineues hammering on Lil’ Exploder as the ref has to stop Devin Malis from pounding on Lil’Exploder this much. He breaks them apart, Devin Malis looks at the ref pissed with him getting in the way. But he doesn’t care about that, so he goes back on the attack. As he’s coming into the corner, Lil’ Exploder turns the tables on Devin Malis and puts him in the corner. Lil’ Exploder throws him into the corner, Lil’ Exploder goes for a fist, but it’s ducked under by Devin Malis. Lil’ Exploder is in the corner, and then hits a knife edge chop. Devin Malis whips Lil’ Exploder to the other side of the ring, he crashes on the other side of the ring. Lil’ Expolder charges into the corner, and goes for a running shoulder block. But Lil’ Exploder move out of the way, and Malis shoulder smacks into the ring post.]

JR-Malis need for revenge in this match may not be a good thing

King-It may be a bad thing *DDP smile*

Kris Gaffney-You had to see that coming….

[Devin Malis is obviously in a lot of pain, as he slowly pulls himself out of the corner and then Lil’ Exploder pushes Devin Malis to the corner, and then Lil’ Exploder hist a few forearms to the back. Devin Malis is in a lot pain. Lil’ Exploder turns Devin Malis around and then whips him to the ropes, and then Devin Malis bounces off of the ropes. Lil’ Exploder lowers his head, and hits a back body drop on Devin Malis. Devin Malis stumbles up . Devin Malis gets hit with a running clothesline, he stumbles up. Devin Malis stumbles right into Lil’ Exploder who gets kicked into the gut, and then Devin Malis gets hooked, and then lil’ Exploder hits a fishermans suplex on Devin Malix with a bridge. The ref counts 1………2……kick out by Devin Malis. Lil’ Exploder hits a few stomps on the downed Devin Malis. Devin Malis goes over to the ropes and then Lil’ Exploder takes the ropes and starts to choke Devin Malis with the ropes and then the ref makes the 5 count. Lil’ Exploder breaks on the choke on the count of 4. Then he gets a warning from the ref. Lil’ Exploder shrugs it off. He then takes Devin Malis by the hair and then whips him to the ropes, he bounces off the ropes. Lil’ Exploder goes for a standing clothesline. But Lil’ Exploder ducks under the clothesline. He goes to the ropes, and then bounces off the ropes. Lil’ Exploder goes for a hiptoss. But then Malis flows over, and goes for one of his own, which is blocked also. Exploder hits a knee to the gut doubling over Malis, and then Lil’ Exploder picks up Malis and drives down Malis with a gut wrench power bomb.]

JR-Lil’ Exploder is showing that he has all the skills to make it big here in the EMF

King-Malis would be very pissed if he lost two weeks in a row

Kris Gaffney-He shouldn’t be….at least he’s not….um….me?

[In the ring, both Lil’ Exploder and Malis knock each other down with a double clothesline. Suddenly the crowd starts to react as Dertah comes down to the ring with a steel chair. He slides into the ring, and gets the chair ready he looks like he’s going to hit Malis, Dertah rises the chair back behind his head. But before he can smash Malis. Lil’ Exploder takes the chair and jerks it away from Dertah. Dertah and Lil’Exploder has a face off. Malis stumbles up, suddenly Lil’Exploder smashes Devin Malis with the chair. The ref calls for the DQ. Lil’ Exploder throws down the chair, Dertah and Lil’ Exploder are now looking like their going to fight. Dertah looks like he’s pulling back for a fist, but then hugs Lil’Exploder.]

JR-What? What’s this about

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is what it’s about


(Dertah gets a microphone)

(dertaH calls for the mic as Exploder picks up the chair. As he speaks, he walks from side to side in the ring.)

dertaH: Know this, ladies and gentlemen...Last week at Survival of the Fittest, I said the ESI will never die, and that's the truth. While I may have beaten Komatoze out of ESI, the EMF, and possibly their careers, it's not over yet. In case you have yet to figure it out, I would like you to welcome the newest member of Evil Shit Inc....I like to think of him as my number two, my protege, my team mate, and most importantly, my friend...I give you one the EMF's next great's...LIL' EXPLODER!

(Exploder swings the chair towards the side of the ring, looking at the crowd with rage in his face.)

dertaH: While I do want to talk a little more with all of you on this, I have to steer in a different direction for a moment...First off, I have something to say to you, Marc Mead. Look, throw around all the insults you want...Boy. Say you haven't gotten your fair due, believe you deserve more, think you're the best, I don't care! The fact is, you have had many chances and you've failed EACH AND EVERY TIME! Yes, for a short time, you and I were co-champions, but what does that really say? I came into the match with the Television Title...I walked out with half ownership...I came back a couple weeks later in a winner take all, and what happened, Marc? Who got the one, two, three in that one? WHO walked out CHAMPION? And who hold's on to the memory of what once could have been? You can't even win a match to get a shot, and you come out with threats and challenges...I'll tell you what. Despite the fact you have been defeated time and time again, I will give you a chance. I will give you a shot at me...But NOT the belt. If you can defeat me in a non-title contest, then I will give you the shot you so desperatly want...Again...

(Exploder walks to dertaH and says something out of mic-range. dertaH nods and lifts the microphone.)

dertaH: But their is a catch. See, Mead, while you have faced off with me in many styles of matches, their has always been some kind of outside influence...Whether it be a backstage attack or interference by our respective team mates, or whatever, something always seems to get in the way. To be honest, I'm sick of hearing you complain about it. So, seeing as their is only one way we can think of to show you I am the better man, I have this challenge for you. 20 feet high, fully enclosed...Steel webbed with steel, pain interlaced with dignity. You, me...HELL IN THE CELL! Now, onto you, Just...Rick. You have actually EARNED a shot at me. I heard crying from you not too long ago, as well. So you didn't get pinned in the triple threat...So what? You lost, plain and simple. Let's see how well you fare against me one on one...I don't have much to say to you Rick, so I'll just keep it simple. If you can beat me and win this belt, so be it, but don't think you're just gonna take ANYTHING! I will see you soon, Rick...And finally I come to Devin Malis. You decided that since you wanted a title so badly, you would double cross me. I'll tell you something, punk...This isn't over by a long shot. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, double crosses me. You are about to find out that I'm a very vindictive man!

(Someone outside the ring motions to dertaH, pointing at his wristwatch.)

dertaH: Look, I don't care about your commercial breaks or other matches or whatever you're rushing me for, I will speak for as long as I want. But, I only want to speak on one more thing...Some of you may wonder what brought Lil' Ex and I to this point. You see, we have a lot of similar views and ideas, as well as many common enemies...Plain and simple, it just made sense. Some people may be wondering how I can Satanic X for their ages, then join forces with a pre-teen wonder. When I look at people, I don't see their age, their size, their outfit...I see only ability, talent, and dedication. Lil' Ex is wise beyond his years and can back up his words...But, I believe he can tell you more about his role here than I...Ex?

(dertaH hands off the mic.)

“I am” blasts on the PA system as AJ Styles steps out on the stage, doing his usual entrance

JR-AJ Styles has fallen on some tough times, but for sure that he can not denied as an athlete

King-Yeah, it won’t be long until he’s back in the title hunt

Kris Gaffney-That was…almost too normal to be a comment from the King…

“The Royal theme” blasts on the PA system as Jimmy Vance walks down to the ring, along with his Royal Guard.

JR-Jimmy Vance also had some bad luck at Survival of the Fittest

Kris Gaffney-Must been too busying singing

King-That’s right.

[AJ Styles and Jimmy Vance pace around the ring, AJ Styles to go for a single leg take down. But Jimmy Vance is able to move out of the way, so AJ Styles backs up and thinks of another point of attack. AJ Styles paces around the ring, and then AJ Styles and Jimmy Vance lock up. Jimmy Vance and AJ Styles push back and forth trying to gain the advantage. AJ Styles is able to get behind Jimmy Vance into a waist lock, into a double leg reverse take down sending Jimmy Vance on his face, and Jimmy Vance is on his hands and knee’s. AJ Styles puts Jimmy Vance into a side headlock, Jimmy Vance is able to spin out of the side head lock, and then Jimmy Vance has AJ Styles in a hammer lock . AJ Styles gets up to his feet, and then looks for a way out of the hammer lock, and then he jumps up and uses his momentum to do a snapmare into a side head lock on the mat. Jimmy Vance hits the mat frustrated that he’s once again on the defensive, he gets up to his feet and then whips AJ Styles off of the side head lock. AJ Styles bounces off of the ropes, and then he comes off the ropes. Then AJ Styles comes off of the ropes, and then Jimmy Vance goes for a clothesline on AJ Styles. But AJ Styles ducks under, Jimmy Vance goes for a jumping hurricanarana that connects. Jimmy Vance goes flying cross the ring, and the momentum sends him rolling out of the ring. Jimmy Vance gets up near the apron, AJ Styles measures up, and then charges, he nails a sliding baseball slide on Jimmy Vance. Jimmy Vance is now down at ring side, both of his royal guard to try to help him up. AJ Styles gets the crowd pumped as the whole Royal guard is holding up Jimmy Vance. While their not paying attention, AJ Styles runs to the ropes. He bounces off of the ropes, and leaps over the top rope into a summer sault suicide dive over the top rope that takes out Jimmy Vance, and both of his Royal Guard. The crowd cheers for this spot. AJ Styles is quickly able to get up to his feet, and then he pulls up Jimmy Vance, and takes AJ Styles and throws him into the ring steps. Jimmy Vance goes crashing into the ring steps. AJ Styles picks up Jimmy Vance, and rolls him into the ring. AJ Styles once again pumps up the crowd. Then jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. ]

JR-AJ Styles is going to take a chance

King-That’s a surprise, look at more than half of offense

Kris Gaffney-(who seemly been possessed by Larry Zybesko) SURPRISE!

[AJ Styles measures up, as Jimmy Vance gets up. AJ Styles steady himself on the top rope and then before he can do anything as Jimmy Vance gets up. Jimmy Vance dives on the top rope and AJ Styles falls on the top rope and is obviously in a lot of pain. Jimmy Vance goes over to the turnbuckle that AJ Styles is on, and then hits a few fists, and climbs up to the top rope. Jimmy Vance climbs up to the top rope, and then Jimmy Vance hooks Jimmy Vance hooks up AJ Styles. Jimmy Vance hooks up, and then hits a super plex from the top rope. Both wrestlers are down, the ref uses his standing ten count 1………….2…………3…………4…………5………….6………..7…..Jimmy Vance and gets up and then hits a few fist of AJ Styles, AJ Styles goes for a wild fist. Jimmy Vance ducks it, and goes behind AJ Styles and drops him for a belly to back suplex. AJ Styles and Jimmy Vance are down, but it seems that Jimmy Vance gets up somewhat quickly, he then gets up as AJ Styles stumbles to his feet as well. AJ Styles stumbles right into Jimmy Vance, who hits an inverted atomic drop. AJ Styles stumbles Jimmy Vance backs up a few steps and charges at AJ Styles. AJ Styles gets clotheslined down to the mat, and then Jimmy Vance waits for a few moments. AJ Styles is quick to get up, only to get hit with a fist to the face. He then hits a few fists to the face, and then Jimmy Vance whips AJ Styles whips AJ Styles to the ropes. He then bounces off the ropes, and then Jimmy Vance lowers his head, and then Jimmy Vance hits a back body drop on AJ Styles. AJ Styles bounces off, but it’s clear he’s really dazed as he stumbles right into Jimmy Vance. Jimmy Vance picks up AJ Styles and nails a whiplash spinebuster. He goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2…………….kick out by AJ Styles as Jimmy Vance looks up at the ref.]

King- The King is probably asking himself why he’s such a rip off

Kris Gaffney-All we need is a TwilighT return so that he can tell him why

JR-Almost three there

[Jimmy Vance gets up, and then waits for AJ Stlyes to get back up and then he goes for the royal flush. But AJ Styles is able to elbow out of it. Jimmy Vance stumbles towards AJ Styles, and then AJ Styles ducks under a wild clothesline and hits the Pelay! Jimmy Vance flies to the ropes, bounces off stumbling around. AJ Styles kicks in the gut, and then sets him up, and drives him down with the Styles Clash. He goes into the cover 1……………….2………….3]

“Bad, bad man” blasts out on the PA system as the team of Josh Hanley and Christy Hemme walk to the ring, and step into the ring

JR-I’m really disgusted by the actions of Christy Hemme, using a defenseless pregnant woman to cost Team Jericho the match.

King-Oh well, that’s life

“Stranglehold” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks out, he waits on the ramp as a “Generic theme” blasts on the PA system as Jackie Cena walks out on the ramp.

JR-Here comes Team Jericho, both had a very good showing at Survival of the Fittest.

Kris Gaffney-But Jackie was pinned

King-But she wasn’t legal.

[Dewey Pond and Josh Hanley who have a deep hatred for each other charge at each other and then seeing that Hanley and Dewey Pond charged first. Jackie and Christy Hemme go into their corners as Hanley and Pond hammer away at each other. Dewey Pond being the face wins the fist fight, and Hanley stumbles to the ropes. Before Hanley can start to reel on the ropes. Pond gets his eyes raked by the heelish Josh Hanley, and then Dewey Pond is blinded as Josh Hanley starts to take a few free shots with Dewey Pond stumbling back and then Dewey Pond stumbles back. Josh Hanley tries to whip Dewey Pond to the ropes, and then he bounces off the ropes. Seemly Dewey Pond’s eye is still bugging him, and then Dewey Pond goes for a clothesline. Josh Hanley ducks under it. Josh Hanley stops dead in his tracks, Dewey Pond turns around. He gets hit with a arm breaker. Dewey Pond holds his arm in pain, and then Josh Hanley hits a few stomps on the shoulder area of the arm that he hit the move on Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley drags Dewey Pond to the ropes and then takes his arm. Josh Hanley stretches his arms on the ropes. The ref goes over there, and since the move is in the ropes. The ref uses his count and gets up to 4, before Josh Hanley breaks it up. The ref warns the ref, Hanley looks like he might hit the ref. But holds back, after the ref jumps and then laughs. Dewey Pond is getting up at this point, Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face. Josh Hanley is stumbling back, but being more fresh than Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley is able to stop this offense with a knee lift into the that doubles over Dewey Pond. Josh Hanley does a back heel trip to knock Dewey Pond to his knee’s. Then Josh Hanley puts on a arm bar on the arm/shoulder area that Josh Hanley has been working on this whole match. Then Dewy Pond does what what most would do, and slowly gets to his feet. Dewey Pond, once he’s on his feet, looks for a way out of the hold. Then Josh Hanley backs Josh Hanley to the ropes, who won’t let go of the hold. Then Josh Hanley gets whipped to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then Dewey Pond is holding his shoulder. So he can’t stop the fact that Josh Hanley comes off the ropes, and nails a hard shoulder tackle to Pond. Pond gets up quickly after that, and Josh Hanley whips Pond off of the ropes. Pond bounces off the ropes, and then Josh Hanley uses Dewey Pond’s momentum to throw him up in the air. But Dewey Pond is able to counter this with a drop kick in mid air. Both wrestlers are down, and now are looking for a tag.]

JR-It looks like Dewey Pond is going to try to make a tag to Jackie

King-I bet he does…

JR-What does that mean?

Kris Gaffney-Anyways, I’m sure that Jackie is going to unleash hell, after what Hemme did to both of her friends

[Josh Hanley is the first to make the tag to Christy Hemme, although he doesn’t need to. Dewey Pond makes the tag to Jackie Cena. Jackie Cena comes into the ring as Christy is already charging at her. She is able to counter the charge with a lou thez press. Jackie Cena hits a few mounted punches on Christy Hemme, Hemme tries to use her arms to try to cover up the best possible she can. Finally the ref makes Jackie Cena break, she gets up and then waits for Christy Hemme get up, Hemme stumbles up, obviously really stunned and then gets knocked down with a running clothesline by Jackie Cena. Christy Hemme goes down to the mat, and gets to her feet. Jackie Cena hits a knee lift into the gut. Jackie Cena takes Christy Hemme by the hair and then takes her over to the turnbuckle and then smashes her head into the turnbuckle 1….2……..3……..4………..5……….6………7………8………9……..10. Finally stopping as that’s the amount allowed, and then Jackie turns Christy Hemme around in the corner and then hits a few stomps into the gut of Christy Hemme. Hemme is obviously as stunned as much as she thinks she it, and then Jackie Cena tries to whip Christy Hemme into the corner. But Christy Hemme reverses the whip, and sends Jackie Cena into the corner. Then Christy Hemme charges into the corner going for a clothesline in the corner, but it’s countered by Jackie Cena who gets her boot up. Then Jackie Cena pulls herself on the second rope, Christy Hemme stumbles around. Jackie Cena jumps off the second rope, and catches Christy Hemme with a jumping swinging DDT that drives Christy Hemme into the mat. Jackie Cena goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………2……….Josh Hanley pulls Jackie Cena off the cover, but suddenly Dewey Pond comes into the ring and spears him down to the mat, he hits into the ref on the way it was. Knocking the ref down]

King-Who does Hanley think he is…Goldberg?

Kris Gaffney-Who?

King-Alright…um…EDGE *there is a loud school girl scream*

[Pond is checking the ref, as Christy hands Hanley some sort of powder. Hanley holds it, almost getting ready to throw it in the eyes of Pond. But Pond must have seen it, because he is able to kick Hanley’s hand and sends the powder right into the face of Hanley. Hanley is blinded. Pond see’s the ref is getting up, Pond does a clap to make it sound like there was a tag. Pond sneaks behind Hanley, and school boy’s him up and gets the 1………….2………Hemme tries to stop the pin. But Jackie takes down Hemme with a clothesline 3!]

OOC-More storyline to come