EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave opens up with the regular pyro and intro as the crowd seems very hyped for tonight's event. Camera immediately goes to the back as there stands Black Widow as she is about to get a cup of coffee as she pours herself a glass and begins to turn and as she does she bumps into a men's chest sending her coffee onto the man's chest. Camera the pans up revealing the face of Enforcer as he looks down at his soaked and steaming Uproar shirt. Enforcer gives Widow a look of death as Widow doesn't back down from Enforcer as she gives him a stare right back. Enforcer begins to chuckle a bit as he continues to whip his shirt off.]

Enforcer: Don't you have something to say to me?..Slut!

Widow: Ohh yeah, how unthoughtful of me...Why don't you move your big ass out my way next time.

Enforcer: [Chuckles a bit] You got spunk...[Enforcer grabs Widow spinning her around her back] I hate spunk! You know after looking at you, in well a couple of places...[Enforcer stares at her ass] I can actually see why you are such a big deal to Wes and Jarred. Just a damn shame about your current lover Jarred though, because sooner then later I am gonna have to destroy him. Looks like you really are soon to become a widow.

Widow: Well you know what, from looking at your win/loss record...It seems you don't have a snowballs chance in hell!

[Enforcer pulls Widow closer as he jerks her forward closer to him as she is still yet to flinch.]

Enforcer: NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY LOSSES!! NO ONE!!! But, you know what baby I think I will forgive you about what you just said...Hell I will even let you make it up to me. [Enforcer smells Widow's neck as she tries to move her neck in the opposite direction.] Ohh don't even act like you don't want it!

[Wes comes running in as he tosses his bags aside, and shoves Enforcer who goes stumbling forward.]

Enforcer: What in the hell is your deal?!

Wes: I'll tell you my damn deal, you! You, are my damn deal.

Enforcer: Well maybe you should do something about your deal, say right here..RIGHT NOW!

Wes: You want it, you got it...

[Wes and Enforcer get into each other's faces as Rock comes in with Gillberg behind him holding Rock's bags and his guitar.]

The Rock: Woah! Woah! What the hell is going on?!

Gillberg: Yeah...Whats going on...

The Rock: Shut the hell up, Gill...

Gillberg: Yes sir...

The Rock: What is the problem here, Enforcer?

Enforcer: I was having a lil' fun with ol' Jarred's bitch over there and Captain America decides he has to come save the day for his old lady here.

The Rock: Wes..Wes..Wes..How many more times does The Rock have to tell you to forget about this slut [Rock points over to Widow as Widow gives a little smile and a middle finger.] See just like The Rock told you Wes, she has no class...No class at all, just like the rest of the Ikeda's and everyone else not in Uproar! You know you are beginning to become a problem Wes, and just like problems here that come our way in the EMF, we...The Uproar..Well we take care of our problems. But, seems like the only thing you are getting done anymore Wes, is all your bitching about "Oh poor and pitful me...My wife left me...Wine, wine, wine, wine, wine...Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch...

Wes: Oh I am problem now Rock, well why don't you do something about it!

[Wes walks over as his shoulder meets Rock which sends Rock's shoulder back a bit. Rock just smiles and looks over to Enforcer.]

The Rock: Well he wants us to do something about, and by God we are gonna do something about it..Right here, tonight!

[Enforcer laughs and begins to rub his hands together as him and Rock walk off as Widow just keeps drinking her coffee as she walks off the other way.]

Jerry Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Dirty D!!!

[Dirty D' music hits, and he enters the arena with Johnny Northern lights, taunting the fans. ]

Jerry Lawler - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 220 pounds,, Alex Ritter!!!

[Alex Ritter walks to the ring. ] Jerry Lawler - And third, weighing in at 215 pounds,, Kincaid!!!

[Kincaid walks to the ring. The Refree calls for the bell. Dirty D places Alex Ritter on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Ritter quickly recovers and nails Kincaid with a charging axhandle bodyblock. The en are brawling when Kincaid drops Dirty D with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Kincaid turns his attention to Ritter and pokes him in the eye with his thumb. Ritter gives Kincaid a reverse neckbreaker. Ritter gets up and hits Kincaid with an elbowdrop. ] Jerry Lawler - Follows up with a elbowdrop.


[Alex Ritter climbs to his feet. Kincaid stands up. Ritter hits Kincaid with the dragon screw. Ritter moves back to his feet and hits Kincaid with a backward kick. Kincaid slowly gets up. Ritter comes from behind and bulldogs Kincaid. He picks Alex Ritter up and side slams him to the mat. Ritter gets locked into the headscissors submission by Kincaid. The referee is checking the situation, and Kincaid breaks the hold.]

Jim Ross - The World Wrestling Federation is the best federation on Television!!!

King: Damn you and your WWE MODE!!!

[Kincaid executes a corkscrew legdrop on Alex Ritter. Ritter moves back to his feet. Kincaid gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag by Dirty D. ]

JR: Dirty D gets back in this match.

[Kincaid double underhook faceslams Ritter Dirty D hits Kincaid with the belly-to-belly suplex. Dirty D gets back to his feet. Kneelock submission applied by Dirty D. The Refree is checking for a tap out. Kincaid escapes. Dirty D drags Kincaid to the floor. The Refree starts the count (.1) (..2) Dirty D puts Kincaid in an arm grapevine submission. Kincaid climbs to his feet. (...3) Kincaid punches Dirty D in the gut. ]

JR - fist to midsection!

King: Goodnight, I'm taking a nap!

[(....4) Kincaid executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Dirty D. Dirty D gets back to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Dirty D puts Kincaid on the top rope and executes a superplex. Dirty D gets back to his feet. Kincaid climbs to his feet. Alex Ritter grabs Dirty D's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Alex Ritter is up again. Kincaid slingshot elbow drops Dirty D. Kincaid puts Dirty D in an arm grapevine submission. Dirty D does a cartwheel and kicks Kincaid in the face. Kincaid stands up. Dirty D bites Kincaid's arm out of desparation. Kincaid bounces Dirty D off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Kincaid gets up. Dirty D stands up. Alex Ritter nails Kincaid with a springboard dropkick. Alex Ritter gets back to his feet. ]

Jim Ross - Kincaid could use some help about now.

King-Hey who is that idiot (They show a camera shot in the crowd with someone dressed up as a hippie...The camera gets closer and we see that it's Shady Shane) [Alex Ritter fist drops Kincaid on the mat. Alex Ritter gets up. Kincaid moves back to his feet. Kincaid pins Alex Ritter against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Kincaid gets hit with a back heel kick. Kincaid is back on his feet. Dirty D kicks Alex Ritter in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Dirty D executes a snap mare on Alex Ritter and locks him into the sleeper. Referee The Refree is checking for a tap out. ... ... Alex Ritter escapes. Kincaid lifts Dirty D up and drops him on the mat. Kincaid chants start. Kincaid lifts Dirty D into the air and delivers a spine buster. Kincaid chants start. Kincaid with a falling splash on Dirty D. Kincaid stands up. Dirty D gets back to his feet. And hits Kincaid with the Belly to Back suplex. 1...2...3. Kincaid turns it around and then turns it into a body press and gets the 1........2....kick out. Shady Shane jumps on the apron and Kincaid yells at him. This gives Dirty D the chance to push him to the ropes knocking Kincaid off the apron and rolling up Kincaid for the 1...........2........3 ]

JR - That was a slobberknocker...

King - Shut the hell up JR! I think Shady Shane got into RVT's stash

JR-Well seems we have a guest in the arena tonight from the IBL

*We get a shot of the crowd of two people sitting at ring side. A graphic reads "Kris Gaffney owner of the IBL Orlando Magic" and "Magic Forward Zaur Pachulia". Zaur has Nickoloz Tskitishvili "V.1" Pistons jersey on. He is holding up Skita's book "why I'm in the IBL...AND YOUR NOT!" on one hand and doing the "V.1" sign on the other hand and screaming "Version 1!!". Gaffney looks annoyed at Zaur and snaps his fingers for some reason, suddenly a group of people with IBL Memphis Grizzlies hats storm around Zaur and drag him away kicking and screaming "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo!!!". Gaffney laughs evil and starts to do the Brock dance trying to get everyone in Orlando to forget how his team failed to make the IBL playoffs.*

[Camera goes to the back as Rock and Enforcer stand in the back laughing as their backs are to the camera where you can't see nothing. Rock and Enforcer walk off as it then shows Wes bleeding very badly as he lays on the cement. Enforcer comes in whipping some blood on his hand as he licks it and it smiles.]

Enforcer: Ikeda blood, nothing like it...haha

[The camera stays on the shot of Enforcer as it then pans out revealing a monitor as you can then see we are in Badd Boy's locker room. Badd Boy shakes his head a bit, as he slings his monitor to the ground and walks off.]

A camera is walking down the hall way as the camera looks at the door that reads "Uproar". It's only cracked open, so we can only assume that We go to the Vice President office where Jericho is holding Amy, who is crying. Jericho and Amy are saying stuff that can't be heard but the one thing.

Chris Jericho-Don't worry Amy I'll make that son of bitch pay. Though we have the Highlight reel to do soon, you feeling up to it or would you stay back

Amy Dumas-I....think I can still do the Highlight reel....Jericho, I loved my dog....but it's not worth doing anything stupid over.

Chris Jericho-It's not just the dog, it's what that son of bitch said....

( Amy shakes her head and follows Jericho as fade away back into the arena)

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Sierra & Angelina!!!

[Sierra & Angelina come to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and their opponents, the team of Widow & Flare.

[Widow & Flare walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. Nikki Flare gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Angelina. Nikki Flare drops Angelina with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Angelina executes the guillotine choke on Nikki Flare. Angelina climbs to his feet. Angelina hits Nikki Flare with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Angelina moves back to his feet. Nikki Flare makes the tag to Black Widow. Angelina grabs Black Widow and applies an arm wrench. Black Widow climbs to his feet. Angelina short clothslines Black Widow. Angelina covers Black Widow. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Black Widow kicks out. Nikki Flare tagged in by Black Widow. Nikki Flare hits a spinning leg lariat on Angelina sending him to the mat. Nikki Flare puts Angelina in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Angelina takes a arm grapevine.

[Angelina tags Sierra. Sierra clotheslines Nikki Flare. Nikki Flare applies an arm wrench to Sierra. Now Sierra standing. Sierra gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Nikki Flare. ]

Jim Ross - Nikki Flare takes a jumping neck snap.

[Nikki Flare makes the tag to Black Widow. Sierra executes a huge gutbuster on Black Widow. Black Widow tags Nikki Flare. Sierra gets hit with a back heel kick. Sierra is up again. Sierra uses a lariat on Nikki Flare. Nikki Flare gets back to his feet. Nikki Flare uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Sierra is down. Nikki Flare chants start. Nikki Flare covers Sierra hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Sierra escapes. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Nikki Flare almost won the match!

[Sierra moves back to her feet. Nikki Flare makes the tag to Black Widow. Black Widow piledrives Sierra. They lockup. Black Widow sends Sierra to the corner of the ring. ]

Jim Ross - Come on ref! Do something!! Sierra is being double teamed!

[Sierra stomps Black Widow's head. Now Black Widow standing. Angelina tagged in by Sierra. Black Widow hits Angelina with an elbowdrop. Angelina gets up. Black Widow hits a ropeflip moonsault on Angelina. Black Widow chants start. Black Widow gets up. Angelina stands up. Black Widow sends Angelina to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - What an outstanding match!

[(..2) Black Widow hits Angelina with a baba chop. (...3) A flying shoulder block send Angelina to the floor. Black Widow climbs to his feet. Angelina gets up. Black Widow picks Angelina up and side suplexes him to the floor. Angelina is up again. (....4) (.....5) They head back into the ring. Black Widow delivers a spinning backbreak to Angelina. Angelina stands up. Black Widow brings in Nikki Flare for Widow & Flare. Nikki Flare punches Angelina in the gut. Nikki Flare executes a neck-breaker on Angelina. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

[Angelina with an Aztecan suplex on Nikki Flare sends him to the mat. Angelina stands up. Nikki Flare gets back to her feet. Angelina tags in Sierra. Nikki Flare goes for a running forearm smash but Sierra dodges the attack. Nikki Flare and Sierra go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Nikki Flare executes a swinging bulldog on Sierra driving Sierra's face into the floor. Nikki Flare moves back to her feet. Sierra climbs to his feet. (...3) Nikki Flare gives Sierra a reverse neckbreaker. Nikki Flare gets up. (....4) Sierra gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Nikki Flare. Sierra moves back to her feet. Nikki Flare executes a swinging neckbreaker on Sierra. Sierra stands up. (.....5) Sierra lifts Nikki Flare and delivers a back breaker. (......6) Nikki Flare gets up. (.......7) They fight into the aisle. Nikki Flare and Sierra move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Nikki Flare and Sierra move back to ringside. Nikki Flare and Sierra move back into the ring. Nikki Flare hits a kneeling headbutt to Sierra's groin. Sierra gets up. Sierra kicks Nikki Flare in the stomach. Sierra tags in Angelina. Nikki Flare punches Angelina repeatedly. Nikki Flare gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Angelina. Angelina sucks chants start in the crowd. Angelina gets up. Nikki Flare brings in Black Widow for Widow & Flare. Black Widow gets hit with a back heel kick. Angelina jabs Black Widow. Black Widow tags Nikki Flare. Black Widow goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Angelina. Black Widow places Angelina on the top turnbuckle and executes the German suplex, that has to hurt! ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The double team is the key to Tag team wrestling!

[Black Widow hits her with a back fist. Nikki Flare tags in Black Widow. Black Widow kicks Angelina in the head. Angelina hits her with a back fist. Black Widow double underhook faceslams Angelina hard to the Angelina. Angelina brings in Sierra for Sierra & Angelina. Angelina with a huge fisherman buster on Black Widow. Angelina gives Black Widow a reverse neckbreaker. ]

Jim Ross - Come on ref! Do something!! Black Widow is being double teamed!

[Black Widow executes a jawbreaker on Angelina. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - JR don't repeat yourself.

[Black Widow stands up. Black Widow executes the German suplex on Angelina. Angelina is up again. Nikki Flare tagged in by Black Widow. Nikki Flare punches Sierra repeatedly. Nikki Flare sets Sierra up DDTs him into the mat. Black Widow with a huge fisherman buster on Sierra. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Sierra.

[Black Widow takes a slap to the face from Sierra. Sierra kicks Black Widow in the groin. Nikki Flare brings in Black Widow for Widow & Flare. Nikki Flare piledrives Sierra. Nikki Flare grabs Sierra's head and hits her in the face. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - face bite!

[Sierra bites Nikki Flare's arm out of desparation. Sierra punches Nikki Flare in the head. Sierra hits Nikki Flare with a heart punch. Sierra applies an arm wrench to Nikki Flare. Sierra tags in Angelina. Sierra executes a swinging neckbreaker on Black Widow. Angelina punches Black Widow in the gut. Angelina hits Black Widow with the back of his elbow. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - That's strategy right there! Double Team Black Widow.

[Angelina picks up Black Widow and delivers a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Angelina sucks chants start in the crowd. Angelina moves back to her feet. Angelina locks Black Widow in the grapevine submission. Earl Hebner asks Black Widow if she quits. ... ... ... Black Widow is fighting the hold. ... Black Widow trys to escape. Angelina breaks the hold. Angelina goes for a falling splash but Black Widow dodges the attack. Black Widow uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Angelina is down. Now Angelina standing. ]

Jim Ross - This is how wrestling should be!

[Black Widow trys for a backdrop driver but Angelina avoids it. Angelina gets locked in the painful STF. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Angelina trys to escape. ... Black Widow breaks the hold. Black Widow sends Angelina to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Angelina gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Black Widow. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Black Widow kicks Angelina on the floor. Black Widow chants start. Angelina stands up. Black Widow picks up Angelina and front slams him on the floor. Black Widow and Angelina move back to ringside. Black Widow takes Angelina into the ring. Black Widow measures Angelina up and drops a closed fist. Now Black Widow standing. Black Widow knees Angelina and rolls back to her feet. Black Widow chants start. and Angelina get caught in the....WIDOWS PEAK!!! Black Widow goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winners of this match, Widow & Flare!!!

[Camera then goes to the back as it shows the still fallin' Wes, who is up on his side coughing up blood it seems. Badd Boy then comes in as he rushes over to Wes bending down to one knee to check on him.]

Badd Boy: WES! WES! Can you hear me, bro?!

[Door then slams as Badd Boy looks up to see Enforcer standing there smiling holding a steel pipe in hand.]

Enforcer: You know I ain't too sure he can hear ya...I mean I beat em' down pretty badly. hahaha!! Seems like we are just going have to join another Ikeda to the big party...Hell I may even go looking for Ashlee next!

Badd Boy: I think your forget about the last time we was in a fight, seems like it was me coming out on top. And you know I just don't see that outcome changing!

[Badd Boy begins to stand as he walks over to Enforcer's direction. What Badd Boy doesn't see is his brother, Wes is now standing behind him with a evil smile with blood covering him. Wes is shown wrapping a chain around his fist as he drills Badd Boy in the back of the head with it sending him down quickly. Enforcer then comes over quickly to get some shots in the ribs with that pipe he was carrying. Wes then stands over top of Badd Boy as he reigns down some shots to Badd Boy's head with that chain busting Badd Boy wide open. Wes and Enforcer then stand back up as they smile at one another with Wes still covered in a crimson mask.]

Enforcer: Seems like we've agreed about something here, our hatred for this piece of shit. [Enforcer points down at the fallin Badd Boy.]

[Wes laughs a bit as he reaches over grabbing a towel and just whipping the blood off and spitting out a blood capsel. Ashlee then comes busting in the door as she lays over her husband checking on him.]

Wes: One helluva actor aren't I, Ashlee?! Rock has taught me well with acting.

Ashlee: Screw you, Wes!

Wes: No, no...Its screw you Ashlee!

[Wes and Enforcer walk out with Wes still whipping off that fake blood and Enforcer just looking back with a smile on his face.]

*we go to commercial and come back*

*The camera is on The Badd Boy. The others have left as The Badd Boy comes to and slowly gets up. He is holding his stomach in pain, and checks his head for any blood. Degenerate walks up to The Badd Boy.*

Degenerate: Yo man, I saw what happened to you, and I got here as fast as I could, but I'm obviously too late. You okay?

The Badd Boy: Okay? I'll be just fine, but it hurts like hell. Don't bother me right now, because that's it. Any man who thinks I will just keep taking it is wrong. I'm out of here.

*The Badd Boy heads off down the hallway leaving his friend Degenerate confused.*

press play for Chris Jericho's theme!!

(OOC-Even though I found some parts of Angelus RP weird and it seemed facts were mixed up, I just played along with it...so hope I can get the same amount respect back)

(The Highlight reel set is set up in the ring, The lights go out and suddenly the Y2J count down starts 5............4.............3..........2........1.......0. The EMF tron runs through to a point and then pyrotechnic blasts off as "break the walls down" blasts on the PA system and the lights are turned up and Chris Jericho is standing in the isle with his back towards the crowd and RWA-WWF hardcore championship held in one hand. Jericho spins around a few times and then looks around with a more of a serious look then usual, Jericho puts the RWA-WWF hardcore championship on his shoulder. Jericho points around the crowd randomly and yells at them. Then Jericho looks at the entrance and Amy Dumas walks out, obviously not looking very happy. Jericho and Amy walk to the ring. When they get to ring side, Amy sides in the ring while Jericho walks up the steps slowly and then walks on the apron and then hooks both arms over the top rope and looks around at the crowd. While Amy is in the ring doing her finger gun pose in the ring by the ropes. Jericho walks into the ring, avoiding the set. Amy then climbs up on the turnbuckle and then does her finger gun pose there as well as Jericho walks where Amy just was and takes the RWA-WWF hardcore championship and raises it over his head with two hands. Jericho then walks over to the ropes and grabs a microphone. The crowd boo's, Jericho goes over and says something to Amy and then raises the microphone to his mouth and says.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Tonight I'm going to be very serious, oh I like to have stand out here and show up jackasses like Jarrett for what they are. But a few days ago we saw *mocking voice* "Jobber of life" *end mocking voice* Angelus and harmed the animals of someone very close to me. You know something, when I heard of what Angelus said the reasons for these ruthless murders. I kept thinking and thinking of the reason and then it hit me. Your jealous as well Angelus, but not of myself.....not of Amy. I mean it's so clear, your jealous of Road's old cell mate "Bubba" aren't you Angelus, I mean it's so clear now that was what's going on. You don't have to lie Angelus, we all seen how you and Jarrett look at each other, and that's why you killed Amy's dog. Because this whole time your bitch has been in jail,so you decided to take your sexual fustrations out on Amy's dog. It's too bad when it comes to this ring Angelus all that killing doesn't mean a damn thing, I mean sure you can kill all the homeless people and dogs you want. But when it comes to this ring Angelus, you are always left lying on the mat...I mean how else did you think you got the nickname "Jobber of life". You know Angelus for anyone else I might be even a little impressed with your come back, but killing with you is just like run in's for Jarrett. It's the only thing your little mind can handle I mean from your promo I notice you say to hell with the facts. You see it confuses me that you say that Jarrett was arrested for no reason, but you see Angelus you couldn't be more wrong. You see Angelus as much as you would like to believe that we don't, in any world...it doesn't matter where...we have little things called "laws" and when you break the laws you usually go to jail and that's exactly what happen to good ol' Jarrett. Though for an idiot like Jarrett or you Angelus, you seem to go around thinking that your somehow above the law. But let me tell you something jackass....your not. You see Angelus in your day the world has asked the question....no it's not about how long we have known about you and Jarrett. Because that was obvious, but rather it's just how can you get away with all those murders. I mean let's be honest Angelus, had it been anyone else killing those people their would be cops from around the whole United States on a major man hunt just looking for you Angelus and what confuses me even more, YOU DO THIS ALL ON TV. The Extreme Measures Federation fans have been watching you week after week, year after year killing people. Yet no one has yet said anything, what are the cops blind! It took them a month just to decide to arrest Jarrett for murder of his Amy Dumas, what the hell type of world is this anyways? Hell Angelus all the proof the cops could ever want on you Angelus is all locked up in the video library here in the EMF. In fact it's enough proof that you killed innocent people so that you will fry a thousand times over. Angelus from day one here in the Extreme Measures Federation you have killed, killed and killed. Then you walked down to his very ring and jobbed, jobbed and jobbed. But that's not going to happen anymore jackass and you want to know why?!?!...you want to know YOU STUPID SON OF BITCH!! Because the Extreme Measures Federation you knew is DEAD, deader then one of the people you have killed Angelus. It would seem just like Jarrett, you don't like to pay much attention to detail do you Angelus? It would sure seem so, because you really believe that Jarrett was arrested for no reason. You see when you attacked me, it was just like he attacked a fan as long as I didn't throw the first punch and we found out that Jarrett is no longer above the law didn't we Angelus? Just as you could get with murder every promo you did against your opponent. But now you see the EMF you knew where you could get away with any murder is now gone, you see it slowly started to die the minute the Other World entered the EMF. We made history and changed the course of the Extreme Measures Federation forever and finally a year later the EMF you knew finally die it's slow death after I revealed just who Angelica Boycott really was. Angelus your not going to get away with any murders around here anymore in fact I should turn your ass over to the cops just like your butt buddy Jarrett!! But Angelus I'm not like that, you see I'm more caculated then that. I always have a plan Angelus and when someone least expects it I strike! So Amy and I have been talking about it, we decided just what to do with you Angelus. So I will allow Amy to tell you what it is.

(Jericho hands Amy the microphone, Amy looks around. She actually gets a decent reception due to the fact were in Florida again. She looks around trying to compose her thoughts and beings to talk.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-....Angelus you really think your a tough guy huh? I can't believe you would harm a harmless animal, just because you and Jarred have been shown up for the losers you are...*sniff*. Angelus you want to play mind games....with me, I don't play games Angelus. Jericho and I get results...I'm going to make you pay for killing my animal and an officer that was just doing his job. Oh yes....the price will be high Angelus, you see regardless of whether you win here tonight it doesn't matter. Because I want you to feel what each and everyone of your victims have to feel.....*sniff*..Angelus you like to make people take a dirt nap? Well I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine and you will face someone in a....BURIED ALIVE MATCH...I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD!!..

(Amy starts to lose control of her emotions and Jericho goes over and says a few things. Amy hands him the microphone, Jericho puts his arm around Amy trying to calm her down. Jericho stays with Amy when she is and begins to talk again.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Honestly Angelus there were no call for what you did, you say I'm trying to end your ruin your career you and Jarrett's career? Ha! I laugh at that, because if you ask anyone in the back Angelus you and Jarrett have always been jokes of the EMF. Hell Angelus I haven't ruined your career, Jarrett and your lack of brains do it for me junior. I mean if I really wanted to ruin your careers.....I wouldn't, I would have just ended your career and got it over with and you, Jarrett, the Godfather and Raisen would be in the hospital NEVER EEEEEEEEEEE EVER to wrestle again. All the while Snott Hall tells you horror stories about just why he ran from the RWA-WCW, it was because of me Angelus. You also made some threaten remarks to Amy, but I'm going to tell you right now Angelus....I'M SURE THE HELL NOT GOING TO LET YOU EVEN GET CLOSE TO HER!! I know your mind better then you would ever imagine Angelus and with the thoughts of what someone like you or Jarrett would do. I placed Amy in an important position and in a stable with the elite wrestlers around so that she was safe. But Angelus, all that doesn't matter. Because all that isn't what you truly have to worry about, what you need to worry about is me. Angelus as of the present day the RWA video library lays in shambles, but I do want one video clip to be imprinted in whatever little brain you do have. So lets take a look a on the insanely expensive Jer-tron...

***Beginning of clip****

(clip from RWA-WCW Spring Breakout 2001)

Smooth and Y2J run out with bats wrapped with chains. They slide in and Smooth clotheslines Scott across the neck with the bat and then kicks him out of the rign as they start to focus on the Godfather. They repeatdley hit him in the stomach and back with the bats furiosly, not evening adhereing to the referee's orders. Smooth then goes outisde and pulls a table from under the ring and sets it up as Y2J contniues hsi onslaught on The Godfather. Mr.Rigth finally has the strength to get up and Y2J holds Godfather so he can superkick him square in the jaw, so e falls atop the table. Y2J climbs the top rope, but to his suprise, Angel climbs the other and they both look at each otehr to make sure they are in sync. Smooth unfolds a chair and stands it up under the table and steps back to see what Y2J and Angel try to do. Angel leaps off with her ANGEL-A-TASTIC MOONSAULT and Y2J leaps off with a legdrop and they both hit the Godfather at the SAME TIME, adding on to the pain with his back furiosuly hitting the steel chair upon impact through the table! Godfather is laid out, barely even breathing as Y2J, Angel, Mr.Right, and Smooth tag hands with each other and take turns talkign trash over the Godfather's unconscious body. the EMT's come out as the show starst to come to and end, but before so, Mr.Right says.*

Mr.Right:"WHEN I MAKE A PROMISE...you friggin listen. Godfather, consider your career...ENDED."

*As the EMT's come in to aid the Godfather, Smooth, Y2J, Mr.Right, and Angel stop them from doign so by hitting them and throwing them back out of the ring, so he can suffer longer. Godfather can not seem to egt up no matter how hard he tries as they take turns stomping him out*

***end video clip***

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Angelus I want you to play that over in your head over and over again, that wasn't just any man who we destroyed that night. The Godfather was a legend, someone many people in the RWA looked up to and someone that actually trained Amy. So what makes you think that won't be you sometime soon jackass, huh? You know Angelus you like to be known as "the slayer of life"....you see Angelus I'm sure you know I'm a man of many nicknames...."the KING OF THE WORLD", "The Highlight of the Night", "Y2J", just to name a few. Maybe I should add a few more nicknames since you call yourself the "Slayer of life". How about Chris Jericho "the Slayer of careers" or how about Chris Jericho "the destroyer of federations". Angelus you said you were "the extremist son of bitch this federation has ever seen". Well that doesn't include other federations jerky, I want you to think back about to a week ago. I stood with Kelly Kevin and told him about the story about Triple H, Vince McMahon and the man called Raisen. You see Raisen dared me to stepped into his relm and take his RWA-WWF hardcore championship, even with the odds stacked against me do you remember how the story ended. I walked into his relm and took his hardcore championship and proved that I was not only a great wrestler in the ring. But I could step out of the ring and step into a hardcore war, I would bleed and take more pain then any of these jackasses in Orlando could imagine and you know what Angelus...when it all was over I would be the last man standing. But of course you don't have to take my word for it, because this speaks for itself.

*Jericho holds up the RWA-WWF Hardcore championship*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know what this is, this is the hardcore championship in one of the elite federations EVER TO EXSIST. I was the last man to hold the hardcore championship that some of the RWA's best once held. Angelus I proclaimed myself "the Last Corporate Hitman" because as I've said many times, I was the last member that got through the brutal stable wars of RWA-WCW. Out of all my nickname I want you to worry about that one the most, because I'm coming after you Angelus. Oh yeah it's not like any of you ass clowns would want, you see regardless of how inraged of what you have said Angelus and the things you have taken away from Amy. It won't drag me off our plan, I won't just put myself in a open field and sign a contract to rid the EMF of you and Jarrett. Because it's much easier just to sit back and just watch it happen. But you know Angelus tonight we have a grave sight for Amy's dog and the officers you killed.

*The camera goes over to the grave site*

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-At Last Stand Angelus you will buried, but I don't care about then. All I care about is tonight!!! *crowd cheers* It won't be on your terms Angelus, it will be on mine. It will be when you least expect it, so Angelus you won't have to worry about my agreement with Prez Mike making me a fan tonight. Because I will be the one to attack you, so Angelus prepare......because the Other World awaits you!

(Jericho paces up and down the ring)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now I didn't just come here to talk about Angelus, I would like to introduce someone that will have the chance to destroy Jarrett once and for all, please welcome Enfocer!!

("Enforcers theme" blasts on the PA system, Enforcer walks to the ring yelling at each and every fan he can while slowly walking down the isle. Enforcer comes to ring side and then jumps on the apron and then climbs through the ropes and then goes up to the nearest turnbuckle. Enforcer then jumps down and then goes over to where Jericho and Amy are standing.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Tonight you have a warm up match for Last Stand against CM Punk, over the past week you and him have traded words. But tonight here on the Highlight reel you will get the last word in, so I want to know your last thoughts going into this match

Enforcer: My last thoughts eh? Well, my last thoughts are that CM Punk has much chance as a crippled kid in a track race. Tonight I am going to redesign the limits of hardcore. I am going to make a mere bloodstain of that self-proclaimed asshole CM Punk. Tonight, CM Punk better make good use of his limbs now because after our match he is going to be is so much pain he will be begging me to finish him off. However, being the vindictive asshole I am, I will not let him be released from his pain. No, I will merely add onto it and multiply it's effects by a million. There is no escape for him now. It's only a matter of time before we square off and I square his ass.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Last week we saw the Rock seemly have some words for you didn't seem to like. But to me it would seem that the Rock sparked a fire in you Enforcer is that correct?

Enforcer: I believe you are correct Jericho. You see, when the Rock was puttin us down, he wasn't doing it because he didn't like us. He was doing it because he merely wanted to start a fire in us. He wanted to get us going and psyched to begin destroying all opponents and bringing Uproar a deadly reputation. The Rock knew what he was doing and it wasn't until right before I knocked Jarred lights out that I realized what it was. He saw we were in a slump and wanted Uproar to begin to dominate and I sure as hell don't want to let him down.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Now we know that Wes and Sadd Boy have a match at Last Stand. Now we can't ignore the possibility that you most likely will be facing Wes in that match...of course unless Sadd Boy brings his hideously ugly wife Ass Flea and makes Wes lose from puking so much. But other then that to me there isn't question that finally Wes will step out of brutally boring brother shadow at Last Stand, but regardless of the out come what do you think about your shot at the IC title after Last Stand?

Enforcer: Well if Wes was to win, which I don't doubt given his competition. You know that embarassment to the Ikeda Family, Badd Boy. I would take our match seriously and do my best to beat him for the Intercontinental title. I mean I have been in this federation for some time now and I still haven't had the taste of gold around my waist. While jobber asses like Twilight and Impact are getting to wear a title around their waste. So you see my thirst for that title will be a lot greater. However, I don't doubt that me and Wes would put on a tremendous match and do it to the best of our abilities. Now if Badd Boy manages to pull the upset and win than it's a whole different story because you see I have been screwed in my matches against Badd Boy way too many times and this time it will be his ass being introduced to the FINAL ENFORCEMENT.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now we all know how bad Amy and myself have been making Jarrett look for well over months now. But Enforcer at Last Stand you get to finish that son of bitch off, so what are your thoughts about your match with Jarrett at Last Stand?

Enforcer: Jarred? Jarred that name sounds all too familiar. Oh yea, he was the guy who got destroyed by The Messiah. Oh yea, now I remember. He was the HAS BEEN world champion. You know, before my fellow Uproar member whooped his ass for that world title. As for facing him as Last Stand, I can't wait. This Genocidal, Homicidal, and Suicidal Maniac is pumped for his match with Jarred. I am in joy because I know I get to be the next to whoop his ass. Then after I kick his has been ass I am going to introduce him to a friend of mine. I'm talking about the career killing manuever...The Silencer. When Jarred is met by the Silencer he will regret ever facing me and will regret ever thinking he had the skill to match the ever so great, EN...FOR...CER

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-But you see Jarrett it doesn't end there, we figure that a match this huge it should have a special guest ref and that will...well me! You see as a guest in the Extreme Measures Federation our Vice President has decided to appoint me

"Enforcer's theme" blasts on the PA system as EMF fades to commercial

*EMF comes back*

*A young blonde woman with a fairly large chest and a low cut top and miniskirt on walks up to the Uproar's locker room and knocks. Wes Ikeda answers the door.*

Wes: Yeah what the ... whoa there. What can I do for you?

Bambi: Hi, I'm Bambi, and I was told this is where I could find Wes Ikeda.

Wes: You bet you can, that's me.

*She places her finger on his chest and moves it down his body.*

Bambi: Well then Wes, I understand that you are quite the man in certain areas of expertise. I've had my eye on you, and I would like to give you a special tune up knowing that you have such a tough match next week.

Wes: That doesn't sound half bad.

Bambi: Follow me out to my car, I don't like public places.

*Wes leaves following Bambi into the parking lot.*

[Angelus is backstage somewhere holding a 2 x 4 in his hand waiting for the time for him to go the entrance. Suddenly Degenerate jumps from behind and then nails Angelus in the back with a singapore cane. Angelus spins around in pain and then Degenerate hits a DDT and then Angelus bounces off the hard floor as the ref runs into the picture and Degenerate goes into the cover and gets a 1...........2........kick out. Degenerate hits a few fists on the downed Angelus and then pulls him up and then throws him against the wall. Angelus bounces off the wall in pain and then stumbles towards Degenerate who hits a release northern lights suplex that sends Angelus flying down the hall where Degenerate jumped Angelus from behind from. Degenerate follows as Angelus stumbles up and then Degenerate grabs a trash can and then charges and then nails Angelus over the head with the trash can. Angelus goes down and then Degenerate puts the can down really fast and then goes off screen and then returns a few moments with the singapore cane again and then puts it a side. Angelus is on his knee's still reeling from the trash can shot and then Degenerate and takes the trash can and puts it over Angelus. Degenerate then grabs the singapore can and then raises it in the air to good response to the crowd watching on the EMF tron. Degenerate then hits a few hard cane shots to the trash can denting it while Angelus is inside of it. Angelus falls over, Degenerate then goes into position and then nails a few more cane shots to the trash can and then Degenerate pulls out Angelus and then goes into the cover on Angelus and gets the 1...................2...........Angelus rolls off his shoulders. Degenerate then puts Angelus in a side head lock and then sees double doors in the hall way and then charges with Angelus and then tries to use his head as a battering ram, but Angelus pushes Degenerate off and then Degenerate goes flying into the doors. The doors don't open making it worse for Degenerate. Degenerate stumbles back and then Angelus hits a high kick into the lower back. Degenerate stumbles back and then stops himself on the door, Degenerate holds himself up with help of the door. Angelus then takes his head and then bashes it a few times on the doors. Angelus then grabs Degenerate by the hair and then throws him against the doors and then they finally open to another hall that's better lit then the one we were just in. Angelus slowly follow behind as Degenerate starts to crawl away from Angelus and then stumbles to his feet. Angelus then hits a knee lift into the gut. Degenerate stumbles a bit and then Angelus takes Degenerate and then throws him into a soda machine, the machine light goes off and then for some reason on impact Degenerate hits it, it shakes a pepsi from the machine and it drops down where you would normally get the soda after you pay for it, Angelus shrugs as Degenerate is laid out on the ground trying to make it to his feet and then Angelus grabs the soda and then takes a few drinks waiting for Degenerate to get back to his feet. Degenerate has stumbled to his feet and then Angelus then takes another big drink of the soda and then spites it into Degenerates face. Degenerate stumbles around and then Angelus then smashes Degenerate with the soda can, Degenerate goes down to the floor and then Angelus goes into the cover and gets the 1...............2..........kick out.]

JR-Almost three!

King-Get him soda....BITCH!

(IBL Charlotte Bobcat forward Mamadou N'Diaye comes out of no where)

Mamadou N'Diaye-Hey! That's Mamadou's line!

King-aaaaahhhhh were having a IBL invasion show it would seem...what's next Duane Gates.

*N'Diaye fades away into thin air*

[Angelus looks up in fustration thinking that would have finished off Degenerate. Angelus pulls up Degenerate and then leads him down the hall and then Angelus sets up Degenerate and then goes for a vertical suplex on the hard floor. But Degenerate is able to shift his weight over and then falls behind Angelus and then sets up and then nails a reverse DDT on Angelus both wrestlers are down and are not moving that much. Though Degenerate starts to crawl away and then starts to make his way up to his feet. Angelus then stumbles up right into Degenerate who catches Angelus in a sleeper and turns it into a sleeper slam. Degenerate stays on his knee's, but is smiling a bit knowing that he finally got the match under control after taking a beating. Degenerate gets back up and then sees a table and then goes over to where that is and then brings back the table and then Degenerate throws Angelus on the table and then climbs up with Angelus. But before Degenerate can do anything, Angelus is able to hit a few fists from his knees that have a little effect on him. But Angelus is able to fight up to his feet and then kicks Degenerate in the gut and then sets him up for a brain buster through the table. But Degenerate goes off the ground just a few inches and then back on the table before Angelus can nail the brain buster through the table which would probably end the match. Degenerate then hits a few fists into the ribs to weaken Angelus with his one free hand and then he super plexs Angelus off of the table. Both wrestlers lay on the hard floor down and hurt from the move. Degenerate is the first to shake it off after a time and then slowly crawls towards the downed Angelus and then goes into the cover with one arm and gets a 1......................2..............Angelus rolls out of the cover. Degenerate pulls himself up and then sees that Angelus has stumbled up. Degenerate kicks Angelus in the gut, Angelus doubles over and then Degenerate backs off and then nails a swing neck breaker on Angelus. Degenerate gets up and then stomps on the downed Angelus. Degenerate then pulls Angelus up and then grabs him by the hair and charges with him and throws him hard into a door that busts open on impact of Angelus.]

JR-Seems they like doors this match King

King-*singing* please use the door....that's what it's for!.

[Angelus is now at the loading dock, with EMF trucks in the background. Degenerate slowly follows Angelus and then pulls Angelus up and then nails a side walk slam on the floor. Degenerate then looks at one trucks and then decides to go for it all. Degenerate climbs up on the ladder of the truck and then gets on the top of the truck and then looks down where Angelus is lying and Degenerate leaps off the truck for a splash. But Angelus moves out of the way, Angelus crawls into the cover and gets the 1.............2............3]

JR-Degenerate went for all or nothing...looks like he got nothing

King-God I hate high risk moves

[Angelus looks down on the downed Degenerate, suddenly a loud yell of can be heard, all a sudden Chris Jericho comes charging out of no where and spears Angelus down and then starts to hammer him with a few hard fists. Angelus tries to put his hands up to block the punches. Jericho then gets up and hits a few fists and then takes Angelus and then grabs him by the hair and then throws him against the EMF truck. Angelus bounces off and then Jericho takes Angelus and picks him up and slams him on the hard floor. Jericho then hits a few hard fists and yells stuff at Angelus. Jericho then picks up Angelus and then charges with him and throws him against a wall. Angelus bounces off that and then Jericho then sees the door. Jericho then picks up Angelus and then puts him over his shoulder and then points him towards the doors he came from with his match with Degenerate and charges and uses him as a human battering ram. Angelus then crawls away, the camera gets a close up look who has a crazed look on his face.]

Chris Jericho- You want to be Hardcore!! I'll show you hardcore, you son of bitch!!

[Jericho walks somewhere and then takes a bag of something and raises it up. Jericho then opens it up and then dumps the contents of the bag, it's hundred, apon hundred thumb tacks. Jericho then pulls Angelus near the spot where the tacks are and pulls him up. But Angelus counters with a low blow. Jericho is in pain, Angelus then puts Jericho in a set up for a suplex. and then turns the tables and then suplexs Jericho into the tacks. Jericho screams in pain and then tries to get out of their as soon as he can. Seeing this Angelus goes off and grabs a chair, and waits for Jericho to get up. Angelus measures up and then clocks Jericho with a seemly knock out blow that sends Jericho back into the tacks. Angelus goes to one knee after suffering the effects of the attack out of no where by Jericho]

Angelus-Come on Jericho...even the dog put up more of a fight..

[but to his amazement, Jericho turns over and starts to crawl out of the tacks. Jericho is bleeding in some spots where the tacks are sticking in his body and Angelus gets a pissed off look and takes the chair and charges at Jericho and looks like he's about to jab the chair into Jericho's mid section. But Jericho counters with a drop toe hold that sends Angelus into the tacks and sending him face first into tacks and Angelus head bounces off the chair as he lands in the tacks. Angelus screams in pain, Jericho looks around and finds another chair and then waits for Angelus to get up. Angelus doesn't see the set up chair behind him and inraged charges at Jericho, Jericho then catches him in one man flap jack that sends Angelus into the set up chair and bents the chair seat on impact. The arena chants "holy shit! holy shit!", Jericho gets up to one knee and sees Angelus in the wreckage of the chair and then pulls up Angelus who is limp from this move. Jericho stumbles up, he's bleeding pretty bad. But that doesn't stop him, Jericho pulls up Angelus and sees a window. Jericho yells at Angelus and points to the window and then charges at the window with Angelus and then throws him through the window. Angelus goes flying through the window and the window explodes on impact. Jericho checks his fore head as he sees blood and mumbles "it's not over Angelus".]

King-god remind me never to kill Jericho's dog.

JR-I don't think it's about the dog. I think it was that comment that Angelus said "how he would like to cut Amy up like a deer he just shot on a hunting trip". Had this been anyone else we would have known it as just words...but Angelus really would probably do that if he had the chance.

King-Yeah...you got a point there...wait what the hell am I'm saying, I hate you JR!

[Jericho slowly goes to where Angelus is, Angelus barely able to move crawls towards a small stair set somewhere backstage (maybe 5,6 or 7 steps at the most).Angelus uses the railing, Jericho measures up Angelus and then charges at Angelus and tries to clothesline him over the railing on to the hard floor below. But Angelus counters with a back body drop on Jericho. Jericho goes flying over the railing on to the floor. Jericho doesn't seem to be moving after that, Angelus slumps down with railing and then sees Jericho on the floor not moving. Angelus slowly pulls himself up on the railing and then Angelus steps over the railing and then measures up and goes for a big elbow on the downed Jericho. But Jericho moves out of the way and Angelus goes crashing into the floor. Jericho gets up and then goes off camera, while this is happening Angelus starts to crawl away from Jericho. Jericho all of a sudden comes behind him with a 2 x 4 wrapped in barbedwire, Jericho raises at as Angelus sees this and tries to get away. Jericho measures up Angelus as he climbs the ladder on the side of the EMF stage. But then hits Angelus with a 2 x 4 shot, Angelus screams in pain as Jericho rubs the barbedwire on Angelus as it rips away flesh. Jericho then lets Angelus crawl on the stage, Angelus somehow gets up and then Jericho crawls up the stage. Very weak after everything, but measures up and then nails a shot to Angelus to Angelus head and then looks to ring side Jericho stumbles down to ring side and looks under the ring and then grabs a table and then Jericho starts to drag the table up the ramp. Angelus has pulled himself up on the side of the ramp bleeding everywhere as is Jericho at this time, Angelus climbs up the EMF tron and then just lies down on the bottom part of the EMF tron due to this attack and his match with Degenerate has taken his toll on him. Jericho sets the table up.]

JR-The amount of punishment both Jericho and Angelus have taken is inhuman

King-yeah well Jericho's have had control for most of it.

JR-You got to remember Angelus just went with a hardcore match with Degenerate. Though you have been right, Jericho has been in control up to this point, it would seem much of Angelus offense is coming from mistake by Jericho. He must not be really in his right mind right now.

King-So in short....their both idiots. Where are those EMF officials anyways?

JR-Amy is more then likely holding them back...

[Jericho looks where Angelus is and then goes to the side of the tron and climbs up to the bottom part of the EMF tron and Angelus sees Jericho and stumbles to his feet. Jericho hits a kick the gut and then puts him in power bomb position.Jericho puts Angelus up in power bomb position. Jericho looks like he's going to swing Angelus around and powerbomb Angelus off the stage, but Angelus nails a few fists and makes Jericho drop Angelus. Angelus puts Jericho in a side head lock and leaps off the tron and nails a flying bulldog head lock off the stage. Angelus actually loses his grip on Jericho's head as he's flying so both Jericho and Angelus go crash into the table smashing it to places!!! The crowd chants "Holy shit!! holy shit!!" and then changes into a chant of "ECW! ECW!"]

JR-Oh my god!! Jericho and Angelus are broken in half with that move that had shades of the Ultimate End from the great Alex Salvatore!!

King-Oh yeah him...he liked to stab people to. You remember that time he stabbed Stephanie..

JR-eeerrrr I don't want to remember that King..

[The crowd is on it's feet as both Angelus and Jericho are now laying in whatever was left of the table. Suddenly EMF officials run out as both Jericho and Angelus aren't moving at all, Amy Dumas runs out as well goes over to Jericho and goes over to Jericho with a very worried look on her face. Suddenly Angelus starts roll away as the EMT's come, Jericho is coming around. Amy pleads for Jericho to give this up, Jericho shakes his head and says he needs to end it. Angelus is getting up on the edge of the of the stage, but falls down a few times attempting to get fully to his feet, best he can do is get to one knee at this time. Jericho tries to stand up, but falls down on his knee's again. But then tries to get up, but then goes down again. Then on his third effort he is able to get his body to charge at Angelus and nail his pattern one hand running bulldog that sends both Angelus and Jericho flying off the stage and to the dirt of the grave site that was made for Amy's dog/police officer. The crowd is on their feet still of every moment of this. Both Jericho and Angelus still don't move for the longest time, Jericho is still concious it would seem and is able to roll to his stomach and stand up somehow and tries to pull up Angelus. In his one last effort, Angelus takes some powder that he had saved from his match with Degenerate and then throws it in Jericho's eyes. Angelus wore down and not being able to take anymore looks at the grave site drags the blinded Jericho from the dirt and up near the grave site. Suddenly before Angelus can throw Jericho into the grave, someone grabs Angelus by the throat. Enforcer raises up from the grave and then takes Angelus and starts to choke Angelus. Suddenly Raptor runs on the stage. Jericho holds Angelus arms and Enforcer holds his legs as Raptor leaps off the stage and nails a flying elbow from the stage!! Jericho has to shake off the powder in his eyes and then stumbles up to his feet, Raptor, Jericho and Enforcer stomped on the downed Angelus and then Jericho yells something at Enforcer. Enforcer grabs the limp Angelus and then puts him up in powerbomb position and then nails the silencer into the grave!! The fans once again chant "Holy shit!! Holy shit!!" Jericho shouts instructions to Raptor and Enforcer. They start to bury Angelus in the grave site. They start to shovel dirt on Angelus until the grave is filled. Jericho stumbles to his feet and slowly raises his arms in the air. Amy runs down there, as Jericho goes to one knee. Jericho smiles as blood comes out from a cut on his forehead and gets back on his feet and spits on the dirt of the grave site. Amy meets up with Jericho and is saying something to him and looks very worried.

JR-It was all a set up!

King-Ha! ha! I knew Jericho wasn't an idiot, he was baiting Angelus in the whole time!

We go to commercial

(OOC-I want everyone to understand what this is, while this is a response to Angelus promo, I think as long as he plays along with it. Angelus looks somewhat extreme going into his match with Franchize and TwilighT. He got his shots in even though he was just in a hardcore match and was totally blindsided by Jericho. So while he may have not come out on top, I think he looks awesome going into that match...so consider it build up Rob.)

*Bambi walks past a few cars and Wes follows. Out from behind a van strolls The Badd Boy. Wes is surprised as Badd Boy steps directly in front of him. Without so much as a word or a second to react, The Badd Boy lays a right hand in Wes' face, then grabs his head and rams it into the back of the van and knocks him to the ground.. The Badd Boy puts in quite a few kicks on Wes. After a second the groggy Wes leans his body up, but The Badd Boy places his foot on Wes' chest.*

The Badd Boy: You thought I would just wait for the match didn't you? Don't try to predict me Wes. I've had enough, you pushed me too far. I'm not going to be your little bitch. I will see you at the pay-per-view. You better come ready, because the days of lying back and waiting for things to come to me are over. Now if you want to play the game with me, we're going to play. See you in a week.

*The Badd Boy pushes back onto the ground with his foot as he walks over to Bambi and gives her a few dollars for her work. She leaves, as The Badd Boy heads back inside to his locker room.*

"Shitlist" blasts on the PA system as Punk walks to the ring

JR-It would seem that this match was changed to a regular match at the last second

King-Man Punk is going to steal your parking spot next

"Uproar's theme" blasts on the PA system as Enforcer walks to the ring

King- The Uproar are cool because they got rid of that one guy....un...what's his name


King-yeah....that jobber guy

[Enforcer and Punk lock up and then Enforcer pushes Punk to the ropes and then the ref makes Enforcer back up and then Enforcer hits a clubbing blow to the chest of Punk. Punk reels in pain on the ropes and then Enforcer tries to whip Punk to the ropes, but Punk reverses the whip and sends Enforecer off the ropes. Enforcer bounces off the ropes and then Punk lowers his head for a back body drop. But it's countered with a kick to the face of Punk pops up in pain and then Enforcer goes for a clothesline that ducks and then Enforecer runs through the missed clothesline and then runs to the ropes. Enforcer bounces off that side and then Punk leap frogs over Enforecer. Enforcer continues to the other side of the ring and then Punk goes down and then hits a monkey flip on Enforcer. Enforcer goes flying over by the ropes and then Punk nips up and then charges at Enforcer, Enforcer then counters with a back body drop over the top rope. But somehow Punk is able to grab on to the top rope while he's flying over the top and then pulls himself back up and then Enforcer turns around and gets a shoulder into the gut between the ropes. Punk then sling shots himself under the bottom rope and then puts Enforcer in a waist lock and hits a germen suplex with a bridge for the 1..............2..............kick out. Punk gets up and then hits a few hard stomps on Enforcer who stumbles up and then gets to the corner. Punk then climbs the turnbuckle where he starts the 10 punch combo 1...............2...........3.........4.......5....6....Enforcer moves out of the corner and then drops Punk into a reverse snake eyes, Enforcer stumble out of the corner as Punk is stunned from the move and then Enforcer hits a few back elbows into the corner to Punk. Enforcer then hits a few thunderous forearm shots to Punk. Enforcer then whips Punk to the other side of the ring and then charges in with him and then nails him with a clothesline in the corner. Enforcer backs off and then waits for Punk to stumble out. Punk stumbles out just like Enforcer thought he would and then Enforcer takes Punk and then nails a side walk slam and then goes into the cover and gets a 1...........2.......kick out. Enforcer then puts Punk into an arm bar and then lets Punk get up. Enforcer hits a elbow into the arm and then twists Punks arm once again and Punk does flip back down to the mat and then Enforcer puts an arm extention Punk. Punk locks his arms and then tries to fight this move off. But Enforcer is able to finally put Punk in the arm extention. The ref asks Punk if he wants to give it up, but Punk refuses this and then tries to roll up Enforcer while in this move and then stacks up Enforcer and then gets the 1..............2...Enforcer pushes out of this and back into the arm extention. Punk sees that Enforcer isn't going to give up on this move until he taps out and then sees he's close to the ropes and then tries to get to the ropes. Punk inches towards the ropes, Enforcer seeing that Punk is going to get to the ropes and then ends the hold and then pulls Punk to the middle of the ring and then nails a leg drop to the arm he was just working on]

JR-It would seem that Enforcer is working on that right arm


[Enforcer then hits a few hard stomps into the arm/shoulder that he was working on and then lets whip Punk off the ropes. Punk bounces off the ropes and then pushes Enforcer to the ropes and then tries to roll up Enforcer. But Enforcer holds on to the ropes and Punk rolls through, Enforcer measures up Punk and goes for a running clothesline. But Punk ducks under it and then waits for Enforcer to turn around, once he does Punk nails him with a hard super kick and then Punk goes down to the mat after hitting this move after being hurt so much due the beating that Enforcer has given him up until this point, Enforcer and Punk stumble up to their feet and then Punk is able to hit a few fists to Enforcer. Enforcer dazed stumbles back, but gets the advantage just like that with a knee lift into the gut and then nails a few fists to CM Punk. Punk reels against the ropes and then Enforcer whips Punk to the ropes, Punk bounces off the ropes and then knocks Enforcer down with a flying forearm. Punk quickly gets up, as Enforcer stumbles up and charges and then Punk counters with a hip toss. Enforcer gets up and charges again and then gets hit with a hip toss slam. Enforcer stumbles up in pain and holding his back, Punk then hits a standing drop kick that sends Enforcer down. Enforcer is up in the seated position and then Punk runs to the ropes and bounces off and hits a neck snap. Punk then goes into the cover and gets a 1..............2........kick out. Punk stays on him hitting a few hard fists to the downed Enforcer, Punk then pulls up Enforcer and then tries to whip him off the ropes. But Enforcer holds on and tries pull Punk back and go for a short arm clothesline. But Punk ducks it and tries to hit another germen suplex. But Enforcer hits a few back elbows into Punk trying a switch into a germen suplex of his own. But Punk holds on and then tries to go for a nothern lights suplex. Enforcer hits a few punches to the ribs of Punk to get him to break the hold and then grabs on the top rope to keep himself up. Enforcer stumbles back after feeling the effect of the quick moves that Punk did and then Enforcer sees Punk in the ropes, so he charges to go for a clothesline over the top rope. But Punk low bridges the ropes and Enforcer goes flying over the ropes and on to the arena floor. Punk then goes to one knee trying to recover and then stumbles up and waits for a few seconds to let Enforcer get up, once he starts to stumble to his feet. Punk runs to the ropes, bounces off and goes for a suicide dive on Enfocer and....connects on Enforcer!! Both wrestlers are down!]

JR-No one have a clear advantage.

King-Well hopefully we won't have anymore blood baths like Jericho and Angelus had...

[Enforcer gets up and Enforcer then pulls up CM Punk and then whips him to the ropes. Punk bounces off the ropes and then Enforcer ggoes for a standing clothesline. But Punk ducks it and then Enforcer turns around and Punk tries to finish the match with a DDT. But Enforcer counters with a release northern light suplex. Punk stumbles up right into Enforcer who sets up Punk and then nails the final Enforcement!! Enforcer goes into the cover and gets the 1..........................2......................3]

JR-Enforcer has won this match

"Impact's theme" blasts on the PA system as Impact walks to the ring

JR-It would seem that Impact is going to make an "alliance"

King-Damn it JR, why you using qoute's...god I "hate" you JR

"Oh hell yeah" blasts on the PA system as Wes walks out to the ring


*King gets off the phone*

King-Someone just called me to tell you that your last qoute was lame and gay


[Impact and Wes lock up and then they fight for control of the lock up which includes a few switches until Wes finds himself backed up to the corner. Impact backs up as the ref asks him to and then goes for a wild punch in the corner. Wes rolls out of the way and Impact is now in the corner instead of Wes. Wes then hits a few hard punches. Impact reels in the corner and Wes the follows up with a few back elbows and then Wes whips Impact to the opposite side turnbuckle and charges in with him. Impact then tries to go behind Wes in the air with the help of the turnbuckle. But Wes stops and catches Impact over his shoulder, Wes then quickly hits a running powerslam into a pin 1................2......kick out. Wes picks up Impact and then hits a few fists while he's still on the mat. Wes then picks up Impact, Impact is seemly out of it and then pushes Impact forward and tries to go for a roll up for the quick win. But Impact holds on to the ropes and then Wes rolls through and to the middle of the ring. Impact then goes for a running clothesline. But Wes ducks and then goes running to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and then Impact goes for a flying high knee. But Wes refuses to be held down....oh anyways, Wes ducks the under the flying knee lift and then continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the side of the ring and then leaps in the air and goes for a lou thez press. But it's blocked and Impact turns it into a standing spine buster. Impact stumbles back and then holds on the top rope to keep himself up and then recovers a bit and lets Wes get back to his feet. Wes gets nailed with around two hard fists by Impact and then kicked in the gut and then hooks Wes in a vertical suplex and then gets him up in a hanging vertical suplex. But then turns it into a front slam, Wes stumbles on his knee's holding his gut. Impact then runs to the ropes and then nails a seated drop kick and sends Wes to the mat. Impact then goes into the cover and gets the 1............2.....kick out, Impact then puts Wes in a chin lock and then Wes starts to fade away. But before the ref even considers to check Wes's arm. Wes slowly gets to his feet and then looks for a way out of this hold and then hits a few elbows into the gut of Impact. But he can't break the hold with this so he is able to go on to the side of Impact and then hits a belly to back suplex and both wrestlers are down.The ref starts to use his standing 10 count 1................2.................3..............4...............5...........6......both wrestlers are making it to their feet and then Impact stumbles towards Wes and then tries to hit a fist on Wes and then Wes blocks it and then hits a fist. But can't follow up on it, so Impact goes for another fist that's blocked and then returned by Wes that gets Impact reeling and then Wes then tries to whip Impact off the ropes, but Impact reverses it and sends Wes to the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and then Wes leaps in the air and then Wes goes for a flying cross body block, but it's caught by Impact and Impact hits a rib breaker and then gets up and then calls for the Impact Icer. Impact gets ready as Wes stumbles to his feet, Impact then kicks Wes in the gut and then puts Wes in power bomb position and then gets him up. But luckly at this point at the match Wes isn't that beaten down not to try to fight it and while Wes is Impacts shoulders. From there Wes hits a hurricanarana on Impact!]

JR-Very uncharacteristic move, but probably the only choice if Wes wanted to stay in this match.

King-Aw why didn't he just take the finisher, that would mean I wouldn't have to sit through this match anymore.

[Wes goes to one knee as he's trying to recover. Impact stumbles up holding the ropes to keep himself up. Wes goes over to him and then hits a few fists and then hits a few knee's to Impact while he's still in the ropes. The ref asks him to back off, Wes does that and then goes back in and then whips him to the ropes and charges with him. Impact bounces off the ropes and then gets a knee and then Impact falls through the move and is on the mat in pain. Wes hits a few stomps and then pulls up Impact and then body slams him on the mat and then runs to the ropes and then bounces off to nail a fist drop and Wes goes into the cover and gets the 1...............2.......kick out. Wes then gets up and then takes one leg and then hits a few elbow drops into the inner leg of Impact, Wes then puts on a single leg lock. Impact screams in pain and the ref asks Impact if he wants to give it up, but he refuses. Impact then gets up and then hits a few fists to the back of the head to stun Wes and make him break the hold. Both wrestlers have to take a few seconds to recover, both wrestlers get up Wes is still acting as if he was very stunned. Impact charges at Wes and tries to go for a move. But Wes is able to counter with a drop toe hold and into an ankle lock for a few second. But Impact is able to turn around after those few seconds and then push Wes off the ropes. Wes bounces back as Impact nips up and then kicks Wes in the gut and then goes for the Impact Icer again which is countered again with a back body drop. Impact gets up and stumbles into the corner and then Wes charges and then nails a clothesline in the corner, Wes then takes Impact and then nails a hip toss from the corner. Impact then stumbles up as Wes calls for the full nelson slam, Wes goes for it and then sets up and gets Impact up. But Impact can somehow counter by landing on Wes's shoulders and putting Wes in a victory roll for the 1...............2.............kick out at the very last split second.]

JR-Almost three

King-Wow did you figure that one out by yourself, I wonder if Kris Gaffney would take your place if we paid him enough...

[Impact and Wes stumble up, Impact charges at Wes and then Wes counters into the full nelson slam. Wes stumbles back and then grabs on to the ropes and then suddenly Messiah jumps on apron and distract. Suddenly from the crowd CM Punk nails a steal chair shot on Wes, Wes stumbles forward and then Impact kicks Wes in the gut and then nails the Impact icer on Wes! Messiah jumps down as Impact goes into the cover and gets the 1...................2............3]

JR-aw so this must be the "alliance"

King- "shut up" JR

[Punk, Messiah, Impact and TwlighT stomp on the downed Wes. Suddenly they scramble as the Uproar charge the ring. They run through the crowd as EMF goes off the air]