EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Michael Webber!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Michael Webber comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, "Insane" Michael Wilts!!! (crowd cheers ******)

["Insane" Michael Wilts walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Michael Webber executes a pumphandle suplex on "Insane" Michael Wilts. Michael Webber gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from "Insane" Michael Wilts. (the bell rings) Michael Webber grabs "Insane" Michael Wilts's arm and strkes his chest. "Insane" Michael Wilts executes a huge gutbuster on Michael Webber. Michael Webber gets hit with the shooting star press from "Insane" Michael Wilts. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Michael Webber escapes. Michael Webber moves back to his feet. Michael Webber is hit with a backward kick. "Insane" Michael Wilts fist drops Michael Webber on the mat. ]

JR - fist drop!

[Michael Webber stands up. Michael Webber takes "Insane" Michael Wilts down with an Arabian Facebuster. Now Michael Webber standing. "Insane" Michael Wilts gets locked into the headscissors submission by Michael Webber. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... "Insane" Michael Wilts escapes. Michael Webber sends "Insane" Michael Wilts to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Michael Webber slingshot elbow drops "Insane" Michael Wilts. (..2) Michael Webber climbs to the top rope and nails "Insane" Michael Wilts with a reverse flying elbow drop. They fight into the aisle. (...3) ]

JR - This is how wrestling should be!

["Insane" Michael Wilts is back on his feet. (....4) "Insane" Michael Wilts hits him with a back fist. "Insane" Michael Wilts gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Michael Webber chants start. Michael Webber kicks "Insane" Michael Wilts in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the floor. Michael Webber and "Insane" Michael Wilts move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Michael Webber puts "Insane" Michael Wilts in an arm grapevine submission. Michael Webber chants start. Michael Webber with a somersault splash on "Insane" Michael Wilts. Michael Webber stands up. Michael Webber with the Flying Elbowdrop on "Insane" Michael Wilts! Handspring hurricanrana by Michael Webber has "Insane" Michael Wilts pinned. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Michael Webber!!!

*John Cena's theme hits as he and the Bringer of Chaos make their way down the ramp and head towards the ring*

JR: It's John Baaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gawd Cena

King: Great here we go....

* "Holla if you hear me" plays on the PA as Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett make their way down the aisle. Steiner and Jarrett stand in front of the ring and size up their opponents before they jump in. Steiner gets on one side of the ring, Jarrett on the other. They both jump in and go after Cena and The Bringer of Chaos as the bell rings and the match begins* JR: And it starts off as a BAH GAWD SLOBBERKNOCKER.

King: *in mock JR voice* The ref is going to have his hands full with this one *in his own voice* yes yes we know JR. Lets try and keep the clichés to a minimum huh?

*Jarrett and Steiner get an early advantage on the BOC and John Cena. The ref gets between Steiner and Cena and gets them to their corners as Jarrett sends the Bringer of Chaos into the turnbuckle. Jarrett tries to throw the BOC's head into the turnbuckle but it gets reversed and Jarrett's head gets slammed into the turnbuckle. The Bringer of Chaos turns him around and hits a chop to a resounding "Woooooooooooooooo" from the crowd. He goes for another but Jarrett moves out of the way and starts hitting lefts and rights on him. Jarrett sends the BOC into the ropes and hits a back body drop. Jarrett tags in Scott Steiner who comes in and poses for the crowd at first. He then measures the Bringer of Chaos and nails an elbow drop. Steiner rolls off of him and starts doing pushups. From behind Steiner comes Cena who signals to the crowd and hits a 5 knuckle shuffle on the unsuspecting Scott Steiner. The ref gets Cena out of the ring allowing Jarrett and Steiner to switch without a tag. The ref questions Steiner and Scott says he made a tag*

JR: That's just wrong....

King: It's called teamwork JR, look it up.

*Jarrett gives The Bringer of Chaos a scoop slam and heads for the corner. He climbs on the second turnbuckle and goes for a leg drop, but the BOC moves out of the way. Cena's hand is extended but Steiner diverts the ref's attention as he gets the tag. Cena goes for some rights on Jarrett but the ref tried to get him back to his corner. While the ref is distracted, Steiner wraps the tag rope around the BOC's neck in the corner while Jarrett lays into him with kicks. When the ref turns, Steiner lets go and Jarrett tags him in. Steiner taunts the crowd who boo's him back. Steiner synchs up the Bringer of Chaos and hits a belly to belly suplex. Steiner then picks him up again and sets him up for a butterfly suplex. After Steiner picks him up though, the BOC nails a hurricaranna. That gets the crowd on their feet. Cena stomps on the mat to get his partner up. Steiner and the BOC are both crawling towards their corners. Scott Steiner gets the tag and so does the BOC. Cena comes in and hits rights on Jarrett and on Steiner. He sends Jarrett into the ropes and hits a back drop. Steiner goes for a clothesline but Cena ducks and kicks him in the gut. He picks Steiner up on his shoulders and hits an F-U. He goes for the cover but the ref reminds Cena that Steiner isn't the legal man. Jarrett picks up Cena and hits a reverse side Russian leg sweep, driving Cena's face into the mat. The ref counts 1..........................2....................Cena kicks out. Steiner and Jarrett pick up Cena and throw him into the ropes. They go for a double clothesline but Cena ducks and tags in his partner who is on the top rope. The Bringer of Chaos hits a double cross body block taking down Jarrett and Steiner.*

JR: Its....

King: *in mock JR voice* breaking down now King.....

[Bringer of Chaos tags in Cena, Cena does the “you can’s see me” taunt and then goes to the ropes and hits the 5 knuckle shuffle. Steiner is getting up by the ropes, Bringer of Chaos hits a clothesline that takes him and Steiner over the top rope. Jarrett stumbles up and then Cena picks up Jarrett and hits the F-U and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2……………..3]

JR-Bringer of Chaos and Cena win

King-It’s like Jarrett and Steiner didn’t care

“Tori theme” blasts on the PA system as Tori walks to the ring

King-Holy shit, we have women wrestlers now?

JR-It would see so

“Claire’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Claire walks to the ring

King-man…I thought the only chicks we had here were Mercedes, Sierra and Amy Dumas

JR-and Ashlee..

King-I don’t count her…

[Claire and Tori lock up and then Claire goes behind Tori into a hammer lock. Tori is able to reverse it into another hammer lock and then takes Claire down with a double leg trip and then Tori puts Claire in a side head lock on the mat and then Claire hits the mat in frustration and then Claire spins out of the side head lock on the mat and puts on an arm bar, Tori looks around and tries to find way out and then goes to her knee’s and then takes Claire over with a fireman’s carry and then go into an arm breaker, but then Claire holds her hands together not letting herself get into the hold. Claire then quickly grabs the ropes and the ref makes Tori break the attempted hold. Both women roll away from each other, Claire then goes at Tori and then is able to hit a kick in the gut and then a few hard fists and then whips Tori off the ropes and then Tori bounces off the ropes and then Claire lowers her head and then hits a back body drop on Tori, Claire waits for Tori to get up, once she does Tori stumbles towards Claire and then Claire hits a standing drop kick and then Tori stumbles up once again after some time and then Claire hits a back breaker and then Claire turns Tori on her stomach and then stomps on her back and then Claire backs to the ropes and then nails a knee drop across the back of Tori. Tori looks up in extreme pain and then Claire turns her around on her back and then hooks the leg and gets the 1…………………….2…………..kick out, Claire then puts Tori in a chin lock and then Tori looks for a way out of the hold, but then seemly starts to fade as Claire turns it into almost a sleeper. The ref then decides to check Tori’s arm once ……………….twice………..Tori arm shoots up and then starts shaking and then slowly Tori gets up and then Tori hits a few elbows into the gut. Claire is holding on to the hold so Tori hits a few more elbows into the gut and then she finally breaks the hold and then Tori tries to run off into the ropes, but then Claire grabs Tori by the hair and then yanks her down to the mat. Claire is a bit stunned by the elbows she has suffered, but then shakes it off and then quickly pulls up Tori and then hits a few hard knife edge chops to Tori.]

JR-The rookie Claire has been able to stay in control of Tori

King-Now’s not the time for your lame comments JR…can’t you see I’m recording this match with many different camera angles? You know how long I couldn’t say that with Ashlee around here…

[Claire tries to whip Tori off the ropes, but then Tori DOESN’T reverse it (haha! Faked you out, didn’t I?) Tori bounces off the ropes, Claire goes for a back body drop, but then Tori hits a kick to the face, Claire pops up in pain and then Tori nails a diving clothesline and takes down Claire. Both wrestlers are down, slowly they make it to their feet. Claire tries to regain the advantage with a few fists and then Claire blocks it and then returns it with a forearm and then backs up Claire to the ropes, Claire bounces off the ropes and then Tori hits a spinning elbow that sends Claire down. Claire stumbles up and then charges at Tori, Tori hits a hip toss. Claire goes down and then Claire gets up and then charges at Tori who counters with an arm drag Claire stumbles up and then Tori kicks her in the gut and then goes for a DDT, Claire counters twisting out of it and then pulls Tori over to her and tries to hit a clothesline, but then she ducks it and then goes behind her and then pushes Claire to the ropes, and then she rolls up Claire and then gets a 1………………….2……….kick out.Tori falls forward and then grabs on the ropes to stop from falling out or bouncing back. Claire stumbles up and then charges at Tori. Tori counters with a back body drop, but then Tori grabs on to the top rope and then holds on Tori turns around and Claire goes for a fist and then hits a few on Tori, Claire then hooks Tori and tries to suplex her to the outside, but then Tori blocks it and then suplex’s her back into the ring]

JR-Good move by Tori

King-……….*not listening to JR *

[Tori gets up and then calls for the Tori plex, Claire stumbles up and then Tori kicks Claire in the gut and then tries for the Tori plex. But then Claire rolls up Tori in a small package and is able to get the 1…………..2…………3]

OOC-Pretty close match, I just thought Claire was a bit better than Tori

“De Kreek’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Michael De Kreek walks to the ring

King-um….who’s this guy

JR-He’s Michael De Kreek…was in that match with Neddie



“Break you” blasts on the PA system as Jarred walks to the ring

King-Wait a second, Jarred has a belt…why was I not informed

JR-You were, you just don’t pay attention..

[Jarred and De Kreek lock up, Jarred puts De Kreek in a head lock and then puts as much pressure as he can with it and then De Kreek looks for a way out of it and then chooses to back to the ropes and then whips him off the ropes. Jarred bounces off the ropes, then comes off the ropes and then hits a shoulder block that knocks down De Kreek, De Kreek gets up…not as hurt as usual person that would get hit charges at Jarred and then Jarred counters with an arm drag take down De Kreek takes this chance to just slide out of the ring. Jarred being the veteran he is doesn’t go after him, De Kreek comes into the ring and then locks up and then De Kreek is able to get Jarred into a side head lock and then De Kreek tries to hold it, but then Jarred slowly powers out into a top wrist lock and then into a back heel trip and then holds an arm bar and then puts it on the mat and then drives his knee’s into the arm a few times and then holds it back in place as De Kreek looks for a way out, De Kreek then reverses it and then turns it into a side head lock that Jarred quickly turns into a belly to back suplex. Jarred then quick on his feet drops an elbow to De Kreek and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………..2…………….kick out, Jarred not thinking that would really put away De Kreek gets up and then hits a few stomps on him De Kreek gets up and stumbles into the corner and then Jarred hits a few hard fists into the corner and then Jarred whips De Kreek to the other side of the ring, De Kreek crashes into the side of the ring and then Jarred charges at De Kreek, but then De Kreet counters with a boot to the face of Jarred. Jarred stumbles back. But then charges at him again after a few moments and then Jarred tries again, then De Kreek counters with a back elbow to the head of Jarred. Jarred stumbles back and then De Kreek pulls himself on the second rope, as Jarred stumbles back and then De Kreek hooks him for a tornado DDT, and then Jarred pushes De Kreek off before he can hit the move, then De Kreek lands on his feet in the middle of the ring and then Jarred angry runs at De Kreek and then goes for a clothesline, but De Kreek ducks it and then hits a hanging reverse neck breaker on Jarred]

JR-Don’t even say it King

King-What are you talking about, I wasn’t even going to say anything *throws a dart on the Jarred dart board *

[Both wrestlers are down and then slowly Jarred stumbles up and then Jarred tries to get the advantage again with a few fists, but then De Kreek blocks one of them and then follows it up with a few fists and then whips Jarred to the ropes and then Jarred bounces off and then De Kreek kicks Jarred in the gut and then Jarred doubles over and then De Kreek backs to the ropes and then hits a swing neck breaker. De Kreek then backs and then drops a knee drop across the face of Jarred and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………………….2……………..kick out. De Kreek wanting to keep the advantage hits a few hard stomps on the downed Jarred and then Jarred stomps up and then De Kreek waits for Jarred, Jarred gets up and then charges at De Kreek. De Kreek is able to use this to turn into a hot shot that makes Jarred go into the top rope throat first, De Kreek waits as Jarred bounces off and then De Kreek kicks Jarred in the gut and then picks Jarred up and then drops him down for a front slam. Jarred gets on his knee’s and then De Kreek backs up and then hits a low drop kick into the face that sends Jarred down on the mat . De Kreek picks up Jarred and then hits a few forearms to Jarred and then whips Jarred off the ropes and then hits a spinning heel kick. Jarred goes down and then De Kreek goes into the cover and then gets a 1…………….2………………..kick out before the ref counts three, De Kreek thought he had him there and then takes a few moments to get over the shock and then pulls up Jarred and then hits a back breaker. De Kreek then calls for the end and then goes to the outside and goes to the top rope, De Kreek waits on the top rope as Jarred stumbles up and then De Kreek leaps off the top rope and then tries to nails Jarred with a missile drop kick, but Jarred ducks and then hits the ref.]

JR-Missile drop kick

King-No not really…

[De Kreek goes to check on the ref, but then decides to try to finish off Jarred while the ref recovers. But not a good idea as De Kreek turns around Jarred gets up and hits the soul reaver. Jarred goes into the cover, but noticing that the ref is down. Jarred figures he should just go for the kill. Jarred climbs to the top rope, suddenly the masked man in black that got involved in Eugene’s match last week comes running down, and then tries to stop Jarred. Jarred nails a fist and knocks the person off the apron and then Jarred climbs up to the top rope and leaps off and hits the LEGENDARY END!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On De Kreek, suddenly the person in black comes in with a chair and then nails Jarred in the back while he’s in the cover on De Kreek. Jarred stumbles up and then gets hit with another shot, the person in black then hits him over and over again with the chair. Jarred is busted open and seemly out. The person in black gets out of the ring and then goes up the ramp as De Kreek not knowing what happened, slowly see’s Jarred down and goes for the cover, the ref comes around and gets a 1……………………..2……………………3]

OOC-I actually didn't get this ending clear, so Rob..if you have a problem with it. E-mail me and we will change it, everyone reading...this ending could change, I will note on the main board if it does.

“Capital Punisment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring with the extreme title.

JR-Punisher has a big task ahead of him, without a doubt the Rock took him to the limit last time

King-Yeah, but who came out of that match the winner…Punisher.

“If you smell…what the Rock…is cooking” blasts on the PA system as the Rock does his entrance.

King-You know this is where I’m suppose to mark out for the Rock, even though I hate all faces

JR-Yes I know King

[Punisher wait for Rock, Rock slides into the ring and then charges at Punisher. Punisher charges at the Rock and then Rock counters Punisher and then sends him flying over the top rope and then Rock drops down and then rolls under the bottom rope, Rock then hits a few hard fists and then takes Punisher and then smashes his face against the Spanish announcing table. Punisher goes to the mat around the ring and then Rock then clears off the table and then grabs a monitor and then clocks Punisher with it and then Punisher stumbles back and then Rock throws Punisher on the table and then goes to the table and then sets up Punisher and then drives him through the table with the Rock bottom. Rock rolls away from Punisher in pain, but trying to get there as fast as he can Rock rolls on Punisher and then gets a 1…………..2…….kick out. Rock has to take a few moments to recover, and then pulls Punisher out of the wreck and then leads Punisher to the ring and then throws him in. Punisher looks like he had enough, the Rock comes into the ring with a chair and does care. Then Punisher then counters it with a low blow, though after that Rock goes down and Punisher can’t counter it with anything due to the fact the rock bottom through the table took a lot out of him. Rock slowly gets up as does Punisher. Punisher throws a fist to try to gain the advantage and then Rock blocks it and then hits a few fists of his own and backs up Punisher to the ropes and then Rock tries to whip Punisher to the ropes and does and then Punisher bounces off the ropes and then the Rock hits a back body drop. Punisher goes crashing into the mat, Punisher stumbles up and then Rock picks up Punisher and then hits a body slam. Punisher soon recovers and then Rock charges at Punisher and then nails him with a running forearm to the face of Punisher. Punisher goes down to the mat and then Rock gets ready for what seems to be the Rock bottom, Punisher stumbles into Rock and then Rock sets up for the Rock bottom and then Rock tries to hit it, but then Punisher elbows out of the move and then Rock stumbles back to the ropes, Punisher then charges at Rock desperate to get the match in control, but then Rock side steps him and then throws him to the outside and then Punisher crashes into the outside]

JR-Punisher have been dominated so far


[Punisher stumbles up and the Rock goes to the outside and then goes to Punisher to keep the attack on going, but then Punisher turns around with a fire exstinisher and then strays it in the face of the Rock. Rock stumbles around and then Punisher picks up Rock and then drops him on the guard rail and then Rock bounces off and then Punisher throws him into the ring post and then Rock goes down to the mat holding his shoulder and then Punisher hits a few hard stomps on the downed Rock and then Rock stumbles up and then Punisher takes Rock and then throws him as hard as he can into the steps. Rock hits the steps around the mid/upper back Rock is in a lot of pain because he already has a hurt shoulder and then Punisher waits as Rock stumbles towards Punisher, Punisher gets him up on his shoulders and then goes for Capital Punishment on the floor, but then Rock is able to get free and slide out the back and then Rock turns around Punisher and then kicks him in the gut and then Rock tries to go for a vertical suplex. But then Punisher slides out the back and then pushes Rock forward and then Rock goes crashes shoulder first into the steal ring post. Rock bounces off and then goes on the floor. Punisher hits a few hard stomps on the shoulder of the Rock and then Punisher leads Rock up the ramp a little bit and then picks him up and then hits a body slam. Punisher then calls for the end, as the Rock stumbles up after a little while Punisher stands ready as Rock stumbles up and then Rock stumbles right into Punisher who kicks Rock in the gut and looks like he’s ready to drill the Rock with a DDT into the steal, but then Rock twists out of it and then tries to counter it with a short arm clothesline, but then Punisher ducks it and is able to get behind Rock with a waist lock and then takes him down with a germen suplex]

JR-That’s not going to be good for Rock’s injured shoulder

King-Wow JR, it’s like you really believe that the people are that stupid not to see that

JR-Well aren’t they…*JR looks around in a panic * I mean…that’s not true…yeah not true…

[Rock stumbles away as Punisher follows him up the came. Rock then backs up on one of the sides of the ramp and then Rock comes alive with a knee to the gut and then Rock hits a few fists desperate to try to get Punisher near the edge, slowly Punisher backs to the edge with every punch. The last punch, Rock takes a steps back and spits on his hand and then goes for it. But then Punisher ducks and then puts Rock on his shoulders and then hits the capital punishment on the stage into a table, Rock looks folded up. Punisher stumbles around for a while and then steps off the stage and stacks the Rock on his shoulders and gets the 1………………….2………………..3]

JR-successful defense for Punisher, but I think the Rock is hurt

King-Sucks to be the Rock.

(EMF goes to commercial as EMF officials and EMT’s run to help the Rock)

“Click, Click, Boom” blasts on the PA system as Wasabi and Hall walks to the ring

King-Oh it’s Wasabi and Chico, guess they found enough tooth picks to be in the EMF after all


“running with the devil” blasts on the PA system as Hawkeye walks to the ring with Victor

King-This is team green!


[Wasabi and Victor go in the ring, Wasabi and Victor pace around the ring and then lock up and then Wasabi puts Victor in a head lock and then Victor looks for a way out of the move so he backs up Wasabi and then whips him out of the move, Wasabi bounces off the ropes and then Victor goes for a clothesline. But Wasabi ducks under it, Victor turns around and then gets hit with a drop kick that stumbles back and then comes back to Wasabi and then Wasabi hits an inverted atomic drop. Victor stumbles back in pain and then Wasabi runs to the ropes and then spring boards off them and then hits a spring board clothesline and then Wasabi hits a few hard stomps on the downed Victor and then picks him up and then hits a few hard knife edge chops and then whips Victor off the ropes and then lowers his head and then hits a back body drop as Victor bounces off the ropes. Victor stumbles up and then Wasabi hits a back breaker, Wasabi goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………….kick out, Wasabi then waits for Victor to get up, Wasabi then runs to the ropes and spring boards into almost a double ax handle into Victor, but then Victor catches Wasabi in mid air and then hits a fall through spinebuster, both wrestlers are now down. But Victor is able to get up a little faster than Wasabi, Wasabi stumbles up and then Victor hits a few hard fists and then backs up Victor and then whips Wasabi off the ropes and then Victor hits a big standing shoulder block on Wasabi, Wasabi goes down like a ton of bricks and then Victor backs off into the ropes and then goes for a splash, but Wasabi moves out of the way. Both wrestlers then roll to their corners and then makes tags to their respective partner and then goes into the ring and then Hawkeye charges at Hall and then takes him down with a double leg take down and then hammer him fists. Hawkeye picks up Hall and throws him into the corner and then hits a few hard stomps to Hall, Hall slides down and then Hawkeye starts to choke Hall]

JR-Seems Hawkeye’s out for revenge

King-Well wouldn’t you? Well then again, this is Taz were talking about, a short midget with orange sunglasses that once hated everyone or was that a different Taz, not sure. But doesn’t change the fact he worked IN A BINGO HALL AT ONE TIME..and he was champion of THE BINGO HALL at one time..and he’s short, though but don’t get me wrong….I hate midgets.

JR-man your going to get a lot of hate mail from our under sized fans

King-HA…I like to see them try!

[The ref starts to count Hawkeye, Hawkeye stops the choke just before the ref reaches 5 so he can’t be Dqed and then pulls up Hall and then whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then charges in and then hits a big clothesline. Hall stumbles around in place in the corner for a second and then Hawkeye puts him in a bulldog head lock and then drills him with a running bulldog and then Hawkeye goes into the cover and then pulls him up wanting to put more damage into it and then Hall gets up and then begs off in the corner, Hawkeye presses the advantage. But then the ref gets in the middle of Hawkeye and then breaks it up warning Hawkeye to lay off a little bit, Hawkeye just shakes his head and then goes again to Hall. Hall using this delay to poke Hawkeye in the eye and then uses this chance to take a breath and then nails Hawkeye with a few hard fists. One that knocks down Hawkeye, Hall waits for Hawkeye to get up and then Hall hits a few hard fists, though not as hard as before as he only wants to stun Hawkeye and then whips Hawkeye off the ropes, Hawkeye bounces off the ropes. Wanting to get the advantage again, Hawkeye leaps up in the air and then goes for a flying cross body block, but Hall seeing this too much catches Hawkeye in mid air and then takes a few steps and then hits a fall away slam. Hall taking no time to recover, he goes for the cover and gets a 1…………………2……..kick out, Hall hits a few stomps on the downed Hawkeye. Hawkeye stumbles up, once again Hall hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip Hawkeye off the ropes. But Hawkeye reverses the whip, Hall goes to the ropes and then Hall bounces off the ropes and then Hawkeye goes for a clothesline. Hall ducks it and then waits for Hawkeye to turn around, once he does Hall grabs Hawkeye by the throat and then drives him down with a choke slam.]

JR-Hall’s is taking advantage of Hawkeye’s anger

King-Well he was trained by Taz, you expect to be angry…

[Hall pulls up Hawkeye looking cocky , but then Hawkeye throws his grip and then throws a few fists and then Hawkeye kicks Hall and then hits a DDT. Hall bounces off the mat. Suddenly from the entrance Taz comes rolling down the ramp in a wheel chair]

King-*King laughs * keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin *Hobo appears in back of King and hits “Take this hippy on him” *

JR-…he probably deservered that

[Hawkeye looks at Taz and says something, they both seem to be talking about something, but suddenly Hall comes to life and then rolls him up and gets the 1…………2……….3 holding the tights where the ref can’t see]

JR-Hall steals this match

[Shockwave goes off the air with Hawkeye looking at Hall pissed off and we fade out]