EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave begins as the pyro hits and the camera gets a good shot of the big crowd. Camera then goes over to JR and King as Jr sits there with his hand on his chin.]

JR: Let me guess...We are starting off the show with The...

[JR is cut off as the camera goes to the back as the oh so familiar Escalade pulls up thumping some music as Rock gets out of the driver's side door revealing a very battered and beaten Rock from the elimination chamber. Rock has a large bandage on his head, and some smaller ones on his arms from tossing Franchize through that glass during his PPV match. Rock then limps out the limo.]

The Rock: Gillberg...Crutch!

[Gillberg rolls out from the bottom of another car as he hands over a crutch to The Rock. Fans laugh as Rock gets his crutch and begins to use to balance himself. Rock then makes his way inside as goes to lay his hand on the door which leads inside the arena as so does a female's hand. Camera then pans out to see Sierra Van der Pohl.]

The Rock: Excuse The Rock baby...Bridget, right?

Sierra: Actually its...

The Rock: Yeah, yeah Rock knows who you are...Your the homeless chick, right? Yeaahh, The Rock saw you its just said you don't surround yourself with real men. Like men in the Uproar, not Gomez, Pugsley, and Uncle Fester of Dark Circle. You know The Rock even begins he smells that oh so familiar stinch of Dark Circle off you, yeah that smell most times is off the jokes and trailer trash of those jabronis. Hell look at you anyways, look like a million bucks, but only cost a damn quarter.

[Sierra begins to get a very upset face as Rock can do nothing but smile and chuckle a bit.]

The Rock: So how much for the rest of the night? [Rock reaches into his pocket] 10? 20 dollars? Ahh hell this should do for the next couple years. [Rock takes out a large sum of money and tosses it in the face of Sierra with the bills going to the ground]

Sierra: I'm sorry...I don't sleep with assholes!

The Rock: You not sleep with someone? Thats a first! And besides you sleep with The Rock? [Rock laughs] No, no..See The Rock thinks you have him mistaken, See The Rock wouldn't touch you because once you've been done by Jarred, the loser begins to sink in ya. No, you see all this money was for you to sleep with that toothless jabroni back there, Gillberg.

[Camera goes behind Rock as there stands Gillberg jumping up and down, rubbing his hands together as he thinks he is gonna get some.]

[Sierra tosses her hair back as she goes to slap Rock, but her hand is then grabbed from someone behind Rock. Camera then goes over as there stands Enforcer with a big smile on his face. Enforcer holds her arm as Sierra jerks her arm to try to free it. The Rock blows her a kiss as he pats Enforcer on the shoulder as Enforcer lets go and Rock and him go inside the arena. Sierra stands there a bit very upset as the door leading inside the arena opens again as Rock peaks his head out the door.]

The Rock: Oh Bridget, try not to sleep with anybody in the parking lot.

[Sierra goes storming off in the parking lot as Rock closes the door. Gillberg then sneaks up and snatches the money and takes off as the crowd laughs. Gillberg stands counting his money as Sierra comes back on the scene as she puts her hand on Gillberg's chest.]

Sierra: So you want me for the night?

[Gillberg shakes his head jumping up and down.]

Sierra: Well you just hand me the money, and I'll be sure to give you pleasure in which you have never felt before!

[Gillberg hands over the money quickly as he continues to jump up and down rubbing his hands together. Sierra counts the money as she kinda gives Gillberg a odd look.]

Sierra: Honey this isn't enough...Come on, I know you can do better then that.

[Gillberg quickly reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his wallet as he looks in it and counts some of his money. Sierra quickly snatches the wallet as she begins to look at the credit cards and cash inside.]

Sierra: Well I guess that only leaves me to do one thing...

[Gillberg jumps up and down screaming "YEEHAW" as Sierra grabs him by the shirt bringing him near, face to face. Sierra goes in to kiss him as she just kicks him in the mid-section doubling Gillberg over.]

Sierra: You actually think I would sleep with your toothless ass?! hahaha....

[Sierra walks away from the camera as Gillberg goes to one knee in pain.]

[Camera goes back to the ring.]

[Angelus theme hits as fans begin to boo, Angelus doesn't listen to the crowd much as he directs his focus to the ring.]

JR: Well here is one sick man, and just how sick will he get on Destroyahh?

King: Well you can tell me later, just how twisted he was JR...I am going to take a nap.

[Destroyahh comes out as fans begin to cheer, Destroyahh slowly climbs the steps as Angelus points for him to get in. Destroyahh tells the ref to back him up as the referee does just that. Destroyahh gets inside the ring as he stands in his corner ready.]

[Jack Doan signals for the bell, getting the match officially underway. The two men slowly make their way to the center of the ring and tie up. Angelus quickly takes the advantage, nailing Destroyahh with a big knee to the gut, doubling him over. Angelus pulls back and nails him with a huge double axe handle. Destroyahh collapses and falls to the mat. Angelus reaches down and pulls Destroyahh up, before whipping him across the ring. Destroyahh bounces off of the ropes and comes charging back at Angelus. Angelus quickly grabs the charging Destroyahh and brings him over with a huge powerslam. Angelus stays on Destroyahh for the cover as Jack Doan makes the count (1...2...KICKOUT)]

JR: Angelus taking the early advantage with his power, but Destroyahh managed to just kick out of a devastating maneuver!

[Angelus gets to his feet and jerks Destroyahh up. Angelus quickly whips Destroyahh into a corner. Angelus charges in and leaps into the air, smashing into Destroyahh, sandwiching him into the turnbuckle. Angelus takes a step back as Destroyahh staggers out of the corner, falling to the mat. Angelus reaches down and once again starts to pick Destroyahh up. Suddenly, Destroyahh comes to, landing a series of rights and lefts into the stomach of Angelus, staggering him back a bit. Destroyahh gets all the way to his feet before lunging forward with a brutal looking clothesline. Angelus somehow manages to duck under the clothesline and slide around behind Chase. Angelus grabs Destroyahh in a waist lock before tossing him back with an overhead release German suplex. Angelus quickly rushes over and makes a cover on Destroyahh. Jack Doan makes the count (1...2...KICKOUT)]

JR: Angelus is in total control of this match, but Destroyahh is still hanging in there!

King: [Sounds of snoring]

[Angelus gets to his feet. He reaches down and pulls Destroyahh to his feet. Angelus whips Destroyahh across the ring. Destroyahh bounces back and comes charging at Angelus, but is quickly leveled by a brutal clothesline. Angelus stands over the downed Destroyahh, Angelus reaches down and pulls Destroyahh to his feet. Angelus grabs Destroyahh as if to lift him for a suplex. Angelus lifts Destroyahh into the air and holds him vertical. Suddenly, Destroyahh begins to kick wildly. Destroyahh somehow manages to wiggle free and slide down the back of Angelus. Destroyahh lunges forward and nails Angelus in the back with a big forearm, causing him to stagger forward a bit. Destroyahh takes a few steps back and bounces off of the ropes as Angelus turns to face him. Destroyahh leaps into the air with a big cross body block, but Angelus somehow manages to catch him in mid-air. The fans boo as Angelus walks around the ring, holding Destroyahh. Angelus then suddenly falls forward, planting Destroyahh with a brutal looking fall forward slam. Angelus hooks Destroyahh's leg and makes the cover as Jack Doan makes the count (1...2...KICKOUT)]

JR: Destroyahh is showing endurance, but how long can he withstand being manhandled like this?! Dammit King, Stop drooling on me!

King: Huh? What? Ohhh Sorry..

[Angelus nails Destroyahh in the back with a big forearmbefore turning his back to Destroyahh. Angelus lifts his arms and puts Destroyahh in a crucifix. Angelus then brings the man out in a position of a crucifex bomb, Angelus then drops the men quickly reaching back for his neck and landing a neckbreaker, Fans "Ohh". Angelus quickly hooks Destroyahh's leg and makes the cover as Jack Doan gets into position for the count (1...2...3)]

King: Yes this is my favorite part of this match, the ending...

[Angelus whips the sweat off his forehead and flicks it at Destroyahh as he steps out of the ring heading for the back.]

(Raptor, Jericho, and Lita walk along the hallway, laughing and talking to each other)

...::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.. – ...it was pure genius, and now, the Rock is going to last stand. The Uproar is on the uprise…

...::Raptor::.. – Hey, I like that. It sounds like… a good T-shirt slogan.

(They reach a door in the hallway marked “Uproar”. Lita opens the door up and the 3 of them walk inside to see Rock and Primetime sitting on the couch, playing cards.)

...::Primetime::.- Hah! Go Fish!

...::Rock::.. – Goddamn it! (Noticing the Other World) Woah! Hey fellas! The Rock has gotta say, that was some great work last week.

...::Lita::. – Wasn’t it just?

...::Primetime::.- Welcome to the uproar. Jericho… Lita… and… hmm… Good ol’ Raptor.

...:Raptor::.- Wow, Primetime, I just wanted you to know- Your last promo was your best promo ever. And I love you. (Cracks up laughing)

...:Primetime::.. – Hey Hey! Don’t start that shit with me.

...::Raptor::.- Dude, just kidding, kidding. Chill out. We’ve had our problems in the past, but hey, I’m over that. Hows about we say we’re on the same page?

...::Primetime::.. – Okay, I can take that.

(The two guys shake hands)

...::Rock::. – Now that’s what the Rock likes to see. Look around this room, ladies and gentlemen. The Rock thinks we’ve got a pretty damn good stable assembled.

...::Raptor:. – Hah! You know why you say that? Because Wes isn’t in the room!

(They all crack up laughing)

...::Raptor::..- Hey, where is the Lil’ Bitch anyway? Probably off writing a love letter or something! Hah! Comeon, guys. I don’t know why you even let lil’ bitch join this stable anyway- Here we are, a group of hardcore, best of the best, elite EMFers, and then there’s Wes! Cue that song from sesame street: “Which one of these things just doesn’t belong?”. Look at him, we run our mouths, we back it up, and then there’s Wes, who writes love letters and gets his ass kicked. I’m sorry, but there’s no damn way I can ever be on the same page as that little twirp.

Heh… stupid lil’ bitch.

(Rock, Primetime, Jericho and Lita all look stupefied at Raptor)

...::Raptor:.- What? …………… what is it?

(Rock just points behind Raptor, and the sound of someone clearing their throat comes from behind Raptor. He spins around to see a very pissed of Wes Ikeda, staring at Raptor, scowling with his arms folded.)

...::Raptor::.. – Ahh, how’s it hangin lil’ bitch? Looking as grumpy as usual, I see.

...::Wes:.- Jack off.

(Wes turns around and walks off, slamming the door behind him, as Raptor shrugs)

...::Raptor::..- Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed! Was it something I said?

(The Rock follows Wes out the door (well as fast as he can with all the injuries he has) as we go to commercial) (We come back from commercial)

*The backstage area is seen on the EMFtron, as the fans come alive. A camera is in the locker room of Tony and Ashlee Ikeda. The Badd Boy is pacing the floor.*

King: Hold on JR, I'm going to be sick.

*The crowd tries to control the sudden urge to vomit, when the Badd Boy starts to speak. No longer fighting the urge to vomit, the crowd faces a bigger challenge, the urge to sleep.*

Badd Boy: I've gone two weeks without a match. Two weeks. And in that two weeks, I'vw seen nothing, but my good for nothing brother run his mouth. It's about time I get back in the action.

Ashlee: Your time will come soon Tony...

*Ashlee is interrupted when the locker room door is opened, and in walk to unwelcomed guests. Wes Ikeda and The Rock.

The Rock: See Wes, The Rock told you that we would see worse things then that dead dog in the road before the night...

Wes: Oh spare me.

Badd Boy: What is it you two want exactly?

The Rock: What does The Rock want? What does he want, what makes you think you can just talk to The Rock like that huh, ya monkey's ass? Rock will always get what he wants which means if The Rock wanted this skank over here he'd have her.

Badd Boy: Is that right?! Well I think...

The Rock: It doesn't matter what you think, Jabroni, what matters is this....

Wes: How about the People's Champ and The People's Sleep Timer shut their pie holes for two seconds and let the future IC Champion speak. You know Tony, I've been standing back, watching you be a sitting duck for the last two weeks, and I've come to the realization that this is because you are a lazy pile of shit. You're afraid to step into the ring, because you know at any given moment you could be forced to take me on. Well, I'm your little brother Tony, and I'm sick and tired of standing in your miserable shadow. I've realized that you aren't anything special, in fact you're just a joke. So much of a joke in fact that I want to teach you a little bit of a lesson. I've been off a couple of weeks too, and that's because they want me well rested to kick your ass for the IC Title. I propose that we have our own little impromptu warm up match, here and now.

Badd Boy: Wes, no. Simply because there is a time and place for all of that, and now is not the time or the place. I am a bigger man than that, and I am a bigger man than you. Come on Ashlee, we're out of here.

*Ashlee gets up, and she and Tony exit the room, leaving Wes and The Rock standing there.

Rock: Well, he may be a bigger man then you, but he's not bigger then the Rock if you know what I'm saying...[Rock nudges Wes in the shoulder as Wes gives him a look as if your a idiot.]

Wes: Rock, how about you just shutup. [Wes just storms out of the dressing room as Rock looks shocked.]

Rock: Nobody talks to The Rock like that! He is glad The Rock is still banged up from elimination chamber. [Rock puts his hand on his bandage on his forehead.] Punk! Atleast he is actually growing a set now...

King: Are they still talking, get Wes Ikeda off of TV, and everyone just SHUT THE HELL UP AND WRESTLE!!!

press play for Chris Jericho's theme!!

(We go back to the arena. The highlight reel set is set up in the ring, suddenly the Y2J count down starts 5............4..........3..........2..........1......0. The lights go off and pyrotechnics blast off while "Break the walls down" blasts on the PA system. The lights come back on and Chris Jericho is standing with his arms extended with the RWA hardcore title in his hand and his back to the crowd. Jericho spins around a few times and then looks around at the crowd to a mix reaction. Jericho then puts the championship title on his shoulder. Jericho then looks to the entrance as Amy Dumas walks out to the stage. Jericho and Amy then walk to the ring, Amy slides in the ring under the bottom rope and then Jericho walks to the ring steps and then slowly walks up the ring apron.]

[Then Jericho walks on to the ring apron and then hooks the ropes with both arms and looks over the crowd. While he's doing this Amy is inside the ring on the opposite side of the ring by the ropes doing her finger guns pose. Amy then goes to the nearest turnbuckle and then climbs up it and does another finger gun pose there. As Jericho steps through the ropes, then avoids the set and goes by the ropes where Amy just was and then takes the RWA-WWF hardcore title and slowly raises it over his head. Amy steps off the turnbuckle and then asks for a microphone and gets handed it, the lights turn back to normal and Amy hands the microphone as fans boo. Jericho pays no attention to this and raises the microphone up)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- You know that I couldn't help but notice that there has been something different here in the Extreme Measures Federation this week. You know I couldn't place my finger on what it really was and then it hit me....Jarrett did not even bother to come out to this ring and waste all my Jerichohalics time by talking about how great you are. You see Jarrett one might think you are just staying away from the EMF because you refuse to go into a match such as the mud wrestling match that Amy and myself made for you. But I knew better, I knew that there was something more to it. Now I sat in the Vice Presidents office with Amy and I thought of some reasons why Jarrett didn't show up this week and came up with about 3 reasons why Jarrett was not here. The first one I figured that Jarrett may be afraid of all the humiliation this match would cause to himself. You see the truth is Jarrett...the truth it would destroy your precious ego to be in this match. But you know Jarrett it's not like you're a stranger to humiliation after all, I mean just think of all these times you stood in this ring and went on and on about how "great" you are and how "legendary" you are. Then you come into this ring and proceeds to lose and then you go on to start all over again. See Jarrett it's not like this is anything new Jarrett, because you do those things and in the end we find out what we already knew and that is you can't back up a damn thing you say. But like always your ego is so built up you don't even notice that you can't back up much of what you say. I'm going to tell you the truth Jarrett as much as you might not like it....this whole "legendary" thing you go on and on about just about every week, it's all in your head junior. That's right jackass, your ego is so built up that no matter how pathetic you are, you are totally blinded to your own crapness. I will tell you something Jarrett...I sure the hell don't think your a legend...none of these people thing your anything special..and I know every single person inside that locker room doesn't view you as any type of legend. So Jarrett if you can get that through your thick head, you would realize humiliation is nothing new to you. So you might as well come out here and take it like you always do each and everytime you step into this ring. But then I couldn't help to think that there might be another reason why you were not present this week. So my second reason for Jarrett not being here was his competition. I mean maybe you saw el Conquistador and thought *mocking voice* this guy is too good for me, man I have no chance *end mocking voice*! So Jarrett instead of standing here in this ring or where ever doing your little "dark" thing like you normally bore people with. You just did what you thought was the best thing in this situation. You stayed home in a dark corner of your home and was shaking fearing this day. Because he knew that not only could he lose in a match like he always does to everyone....but he could lose in a match humiliating enough just to step into it. Just think of what it would do to Jarrett's ego if he actually lost in that match too. But then I realized that couldn't be the only reason, because Jarrett's mind he's superior to anyone he steps into this ring with. So it probably just wasn't the person he was facing...and then it hit me. The real reason Jarrett isn't here is what I said last week. You see all of it really hit home, I mean someone finally had the balls to tell him just why he's nothing all that special here in the Extreme Measures Federation. But with Jarrett his ego is so big he'll try to prove me wrong. So that's why he wasn't here all week, because he was at home using what little brain cells he has to try to come up with a plan such Amy and I made and I bet at the end of the week this is the best thing he could come up with *stupid whiney voice* run...in*end stupid whiney voice*. Jarrett face it, you could never create a plan such as the one we did and work it to perfection such as we did, so quit junior and face the fact your going down in history as simply a guy that was nothing really great in the Extreme Measures Federation. Oh Jarrett, if you have thoughts of just not showing up for this match. I would like you to listen what Amy has to say.

(Jericho hands the microphone to Amy, a small "Lita! Lita! Lita!" chant goes up. Amy looks around the crowd and then after that dies down she beings to talk)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Jarred we knew that you go pussy on us and then just try not to show up. I mean look at the past times the EMF has come down to two people to keep it going. Those people who have done that go down in the EMF's history books as great. Unlike you Jarred, you see when those times happen in the Extreme Measures Federation. You just "happen" to decide to leave when you could really prove yourself worthy of everything you claim yourself to be. It is just like Jericho said, when it comes down to it you could never put together something truly great. So that's why you always run from the Extreme Measures Federation, because you want to run away from the truth. Because you know that if you stayed in the EMF and try to keep the EMF running with feuds and idea's that guys like X-Cold, Triple H, Alex Salvatore, Matt Dragon, Shawn Michaels, Scott Tazte, Wasabi, Raptor and Badd Boy made you simply couldn't get close to the stuff they came up with. So that's why you always run away from the EMF in those times. Because it would expose the fact that you really aren't some sort of "legend". Jarred let's get past your ego, because you know that in your heart that your a nobody in the Extreme Measures Federation. It's just that your ego won't let you admit it to yourself until it gets so bad that you have no choice to do so. Just as Jericho said you tried all week to think of something to get back at us Jarred...didn't you?! But you came up blank and now are sitting at home thinking that would get one up on us? Jarred you make this too easy, because Jarred if you don't show up for this match...I will have you removed as CEO of this company and have your contract to wrestle here in the EMF terminated!! So Jarred, once again you have no choice...so I would just like to say have fun in the mud wrestling match.

(Amy smiles and hands the microphone to Jericho. Jericho pace up and down a bit. Then begins to speak once again)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now I would like to bring out a man that sure as hell has done more in the Extreme Measures Federation then Jarrett could ever dream about doing. I would like to bring out a friend to myself and Amy, ladies and gentlemen my guest here on the Highlight reel......Raptor!!

("Leave you far behind" blasts on the PA system as Raptor walks out on the stage to very loud boo's. Raptor stops at the top of the stage and yells at the crowd a bit and then continues to walk to the ring and then gets to ring side and then pulls himself on the apron and then steps through the the ropes. Raptor then yells at the crowd some more as his theme fades away and Raptor faces Jericho.)

...::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Raptor I know the world wants to know just how we once again fooled everyone and joined the Uproar. So since you are my guest here on the Highlight reel I let you tell them.

...::Raptor::..- Muchos Grazias Mr. Jericho… You know, the world can bite my ass with what they want to know. The world can shove it. I don’t care for the world. I care for one person only… and that’s numero uno. We look out for ourselves. And that’s why we joined the Uproar. When the rock offered me that money, I said “No… I want to show them that Raptor’s still alive and kicking.” I showed them that… I showed them, that I can get away with doing what ever the hell I want in this damn company, and not worry about it. You know what I’ve realized, Chris? I gave up wrestling, not because I can’t hack it any more. But because I don’t HAVE to hack it. I can get the same pay check for sitting around on my ass, and running my mouth when I feel like it. I can actually get paid to do what I want… when I want. And it’s brilliant. I refuse to bust my ass for a couple of thousand delusional jackasses who for some reason unknown that I owe them something. Let me get this straight: I owe nothing to anyone. I got to where I am today because of one person, and that’s ME. And I’ve proven that in the ring. Hence, I don’t need the ring any more. When rock offered me that money, it was too good to refuse. You know why? Because Money makes the world go around. Not wrestling. When I wrestle, I get bumps and bruises. When I don’t, all I get is a fat paycheck and the fame.

...::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Now we all know how much I hate Jarrett. But Amy and I are not the only ones with a storied history with Jarrett. Raptor last Highlight Reel you never really got a chance to say what you thought of that over hyped jackass Jarrett. So I'll give you the chance right now.

...::Raptor::.. ahh, Demon Clyde Frog… He’s been reduced from World Title status to mud wrestling with jobbers in less than a week. That’s probably the fastest slide down the status in the history of the EMF. Jarred, you know how I don’t buy into your hocus pocus bullshit. You know that the more times you decide to become demon clyde, the less impact it has. And you’ve decided many a time. It’s like a freakin light bulb, on, off, on, off, on, off. But that’s not really what gets me. I mean, hey, you’re your own wrestler, so do what you want with your pathetic little career. No, what really, really gets me, is how you really, really think your top shit. Look at yourself, you mud wrestling piggy. Take a long hard look. Hell, I want the guys in the production truck to give us a picture of Jarred, right now, on the Jeritron

(A picture of Jarred being pinned by MessiaH comes up)

Now look. A so called *cough* Legend *cough* jobbing to a lowly rookie. Christ Jarred, if that’s your definition of a “legend” then tell me, what would you call Angelus? Or AN ARKIE? Or Kane, or Dreg Head, or Lance Sologub? “Legends in the making”? Hah! Please. You’re not a legend. You’re a generic title grabber. That’s all you’ve done. The time you jobbed to MessiaH was probably the most memorable event in your career just because it’s the only time I’ve been happy to actually see you on TV. It’s the only time I didn’t feel like switching the set off. Now Jarred-

(Suddenly the EMF tron lights up and shows Wasabi arriving at the arena in his Wasabi-buggy, with Rachel by his side.)

...::Raptor::.. (to Jericho) What the fuck is he doing here? What fucking smart-ass in that dingy pisshole of a production truck chose to interrupt me? Huh?

...::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.- Raptor! Calm down. Now speaking of Wasabi....we all saw what happened when our plan became reality didn't we....it was brilliant. But our celebration was cut off a bit short. Because after our plan was completed we saw the return of Wasabi, to tell you the truth Raptor Amy and I are having mixed feelings on it. But I'll get that to that later, what do you think about it?

...::Raptor::.. Yes… Wasabi. Weren’t we all glad to see him back. Why don’t we all jump for joy! Yay! It’s Wasabi!

For god’s sake, the guy is a washed up piece of trash. And while I said I’m staying out of the ring, he’s the only man I’ll make an exception for without the aid of a hefty wad of cash. Hell, I’d do it for free, just to get my hands on him. Goddamn it! I’m sick of it! FUCKING SICK OF IT. They all say “He’s the Wasabi sidekick, the robin to Wasabi’s batman”. You know what I have to say to them? Fuck off. I was the brains of that stable. Who thought up the wWo lockdown idea? It was me. The only reason Wasabi won that world title was because I helped him out. If it was a singles match, like I had when I won my 1st championship, he wouldn’t of stood a chance. He’s only where he is because of me. People say I’m Wasabi’s sidekick? Hell no! He didn’t help me along the way. Wasabi would be NOTHING without me. Wasabi would still be jobbing to people like Jake Jeckyl and Phantom. He’d still be stuck in matches with AN ARKIE if I wasn’t there to help him out. And what did I ever get for it? A thank you? No. All I got was a fucking plea. He didn’t want me to leave. You know why? You know WHY? Because his stable went down the drain when I left. Without me, the wWo died- Because I WAS the wWo. It may have been named after him and his fucking stadium sized ego, but without me, it died faster than a fish out of water. But did anyone reckognize that? NO! They were all to busy saying “If you don’t do something special now that you’ve left, you’ll only be remembered for your wWo days. FUCKING HELL! Fuck Wasabi. Fuck. Wasabi! FUCK IT!

{Raptor runs and takes out his rage by kicking the turnbuckle)

GODDAMN IT. Wasabi, get down here. I want a match! Here, Now! Get your funnyman ass out here NOW!

...::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Whoa! Calm down junior, look Raptor. Amy and I went with you for a reason and it was because over the past year we have become friends. The return of Wasabi won't effect that, because with the Uproar we can finally get rid of that jackass Jarrett. But I want to bring you back a few months ago when you did break away from the wWo Raptor. I will admit maybe it was the right choice for you to leave. Maybe it was the best thing to finally get out of Wasabi's shadow and put him out of the Extreme Measures Federation for a while. But the question is just where this left Amy and I. You know Raptor I really don't know what the hell happened when the lights turned out and I sure the hell don't know why Wasabi attacked me. But Raptor understand something, both you and Wasabi are our friends. When you had your feud, we were ones that got caught in the middle and we decided it was best for you to resolve it by yourselves. With Wasabi gone we decided to help you out Raptor with this plan with the Uproar. We decided to help you because Wasabi wasn't around anymore and we wouldn't be put in a position where we would have to go up against another friend. Like you we had no clue that Wasabi was going to return. Raptor I know with Wasabi here you have to take care of some business with Wasabi. But this puts Amy and myself in a tough spot, but I will tell you this because since we have already have chosen your side. We have your back Raptor, but I want you to know that at this point in time we have nothing against Wasabi. Do whatever you need to do, but just keep that in mind.

(Though at this point Raptor is too angry to pay attention to what Jericho has to say and then steps through the ropes. Then starts to walk up the ramp with a pissed off look on his face as the EMF goes to commercials)

*EMF comes back from commercials

"Raging Eagle's theme" blasts on the PA system as Raging Eagle walks down very pissed for some reason.

JR-This guy has had a problem with Prez Mike ever since he stepped into the EMF....for some reason

King- Maybe he wasn't suppose to be a wrestler....wouldn't surprise me!

"Impact theme" blasts on the PA system as Impact walks to the ring


King-Don't even say it JR it's lame and gay

JR-Thank you Duane Gates....

[Raging Eagle trying to gain the advantage off the bat charges in and then hits a few fists to Impact, Impact stumbles back and then Raging Eagle tries to whip Impact to the ropes. But Impact reverses the whip and sends Raging Eagle into the ropes instead. Raging Eagle bounces off the ropes and then leaps in the air and then catches Impact with a flying forearm. Impact stumbles up and then gets a Standing drop kick by Raging Eagle that stumbles back Impact. Impact holds on to the ropes and then pulls himself up on the ropes and then Raging Eagle measures up Impact and then Raging Eagle charges at Impact and knocks him over the top rope. Impact goes crashing hard into the arena floor. Raging Eagle then plays to the crowd allowing Impact sometime to recover, once Raging Eagle sees him getting back to his feet. Raging Eagle then runs to the ropes and then leaps over the top rope for a summer sault dive over the top rope that nails Impact and sends him down. Raging Eagle seemed to hurt himself with that offensive move as well and then Raging Eagle pulls himself up to his feet and then pulls up Impact and then rolls him into the ring. Raging Eagle jumps on the apron and then plays to the crowd a little more and then sling board off the top rope and goes for a leg drop. But then Impact moves out of the way and then Raging Eagle goes crashing into the mat. Raging Eagle sits there in pain, Impact gets up a bit stunned. But this doesn't prevent him from running to the ropes and then hitting a seated drop kick. This to buy some time for Impact who has taken some pretty big moves and he needs to recover. Impact takes time to get to his feet, Raging Eagle recover around this time too and then charges at Impact thinking he hasn't recovered yet, but Impact is able to take him over in a release arm drag. Impact and Raging Eagle get to their feet at the same time and then Raging Eagle goes for a fist that's ducked and then Impact then hooks Raging Eagle in a waist lock and clubs him on the back to weaken him a little bit and then takes him over with a germen suplex into a bridge and gets a 1................2...........kick out. Impact then pulls up Raging Eagle and then puts on a chin lock, Raging Eagle starts to fade away and then the ref checks his arm. But before he can, Raging Eagle stands up on his own and then hits a elbows into the gut of Impact and then goes to the side of Impact and then nails a belly to back suplex. Both wrestlers are down and then slowly makes it to their feet and then Impact goes for a punch, but it's blocked and returned by Raging Eagle. Raging Eagle can't follow up, so Impact is able to recover and then goes for another fist. But it's once again blocked by Raging Eagle and returned with a fist/knife edge chop combo to Impact that stumbles back to the feet. Raging Eagle then tries to whip Impact off the ropes, but Impact reverses the whip and sends Raging Eagle to the ropes and then Raging Eagle goes for a cross body block. But Impact is able to catch Raging Eagle and then send forward a few steps and hits a fall away slam]

JR-Rookie mistake from Raging Eagle.

King-I wonder if he'll ever claim to be a sniper one day

[Raging Eagle stumbles up seemly out of it and then Impact waits for him to stumbles towards him. Impact then kicks Raging Eagle and then sets up Raging Eagle and then puts Raging Eagle up into a stalling vertical suplex..........and hits it. Impact then pulls Raging Eagle in place and then goes outside the ropes to the apron and climbs up the turnbuckle. Impact steadys himself on the turnbuckle and then leaps off the top rope for a big splash off the top rope. But Raging Eagle moves out of the way and Impact goes crashing into the mat. Raging Eagle seeing this tries to get the quick win as Impact stumbles up and then goes for a small package and gets a 1..................2........kick out, Raging Eagle hits the mat in fustration and then hits a few stomps on the downed Impact. Impact stumbles up near the turnbuckle. Eagle pushes him into the turnbuckle and then hits a few hard body shots to Impact. The ref then makes Raging Eagle to back up on Impact and then Raging Eagle comes back and then tries to whip Impact to the ropes. But Impact reverses the whip and sends Raging Eagle to the turnbuckle and then Impact goes for a running shoulder block into the gut of Raging Eagle. But Raging Eagle moves out of the way and then Impact then goes into the ring post shoulder first. Impact stays their for a few seconds and then slowly pulls himself and then stumbles back into a school boy from Raging Eagle and then gets the 1...................2..........kick out. Raging Eagle smiles smelling blood now and then waits for Impact to get up and then hits an arm breaker on Impact. Raging Eagle then pulls Impact up and then tries to throw him into the ring post, but Impact turns the tables and then throws Raging Eagle into the ring post. Raging Eagle pulls himself off the ring post, then Impact waits for Raging Eagle and then kicks him into the gut and then sets him up for the Impact Icer. Impact lefts Raging Eagle up, but Eagle when he's up there hits a few fists trying to get out of the finisher of Impact and does for landing on his feet in front of Impact. Impact stumbles foward after getting the fists by Eagle and then Raging Eagle puts him down into an arm bar take down into an arm bar cross face.]

King-Man one day Chris Benoit is going to sue!

JR-"whatever" King

King-What you say JR

*King hits an germen suplex and hits a swan dive head butt on JR*

[The ref asks Impact if he wants to give it up. Eagle refuses to release the hold or anything to try to get the tap. Impact looks around for a way out of the hold and then starts to move towards the nearest ropes....gets closer...gets closer...grabs on it and Raging Eagle is told to break the hold. Raging Eagle then pulls up Impact and then whips him to the ropes. Impact then bounces off the ropes and then nails Raging Eagle with a diving flying elbow. Raging Eagle falls to the mat and then Raging Eagle stumbles up and then Impact hits a whiplash spinebuster and then stumbles to the ropes and then holds on to the top rope to keep himself up. Raging Eagle stumbles up to his feet, Impact kicks Raging Eagle in the gut and then sets Raging Eagle up. Impact gets Raging Eagle up into power bomb position and then nails the Impact Icer. Impact goes into the cover and gets the 1..................2................3!]

(Raptor storms up to a stage hand, and grabs him by the shirt, lifting him off the ground)

Raptor: Where is Wasabi’s locker room?!

(The stage hand quivers and can’t squeeze out the words, so he just points in the direction. Raptor drops him and storms off in that direction)

*The Badd Boy and Ashlee are standing, talking in the corridor backstage, when the camera finds them.

Badd Boy: You just can't let the things Wes does bother you. He's been doing that kind of crap all of his life. He just has to realize...

*The Badd Boy sees Wes approaching. Wes is on his way to his locker room, The Badd Boy rolls his eyes. Wes looks to his right, seeing a few shovels, as well as bags of dirt.

JR: It seems Wes has his eye on that equipment needed for tonight's Mud Wrestling Match...

*Wes begins to walk away.

Badd Boy: Yeah, you're proving exactly how big of a man you are.

*Furious Wes picks up a shovel, and hits the unexpecting Badd Boy in the head, causing him to hit the floor instantly, blood trickling from his head. Wes laughs, throwing the shovel down on top of his brother. Ashlee walks up to him.

Ashlee: WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?! You have got to get a hold of yourself, you are losing your mind.

*Ashlee points a finger in Wes' face, and he grabs her by the wrist, twisting her arm, and throwing her hard, unto the concrete floor.

JR: Come on now he can't do that. She pregnant for God's sake.

[Rock comes walking in from the opposite direction Wes took off at as he begins to look around for him. Rock then notices Ashlee laying in the floor as she is beginning to come to.] Here? Now? Damn you just can't resist The Rock can ya? [Rock begins to take off his belt as Ashlee gives him a look of disguist and crawls over to check on Tony.]

King: Way to go Wes, maybe if you assault her enough she'll go away!! Wait look, is this a match...you mean someone remembered that we're supposed to wrestle around here... wait good it's music...bring on the 'rasslin! (We go to commmercial)

[The EMF comes back from commercials and Twilight goes out of his locker room, but is suddenly jumped from behind by Franchize with a singpore cane. Franchize hits a can shot in the back that makes Twilight go to all fours and then Franchize nails another cane shot to put down Twilight completely on the ground. Franchize then turns Twilight on to his back and then goes into the cover and gets a 1................2.........kick out. Franchize then hits a few hard fists on the downed Twilight and then throws Twilight back into his locker room. Franchize then whips Twilight into a locker. Franchize waits for Twilight to get back up, Twilight stumbles up a bit and then Franchize charges at Twilight, Twilight counters with a drop toe hold and that sends Franchize face first into the bottom of the locker that Twilight was just in. Twilight then falls to all fours trying to recover from the beating he's been getting thus far, then he recovers and slowly gets to his feet. Then Twilight takes a folding chair that was set up in the room. Then Twilight folds it up and then yells at Franchize to get up. Franchize soon after Twilight yells that. Franchize stumbles up and then Twilight hits a chair shot into the gut that doubles over Franchize and makes him drop down to one knee. Then he puts the chair down to the ground a bit away from where Franchize is and then Twilight pulls up Franchize and then sets him up for a suplex on the chair. But Franchize battles back hitting a few punches into the ribs of Twilight weaking him up and then Franchize changes the direction of the suplex and the Franchize takes Twilight over into a little bit and hits a suplex on Twilight that sends him into a coffee table breaking the legs of the table and then Twilight slides out off the table. Franchize then pulls up Twilight and then leads him out of the locker room and then throws him hard into the hall wall. Twilight bounces off and then stumbles down the hall a bit. Franchize let's him stumble a little bit. Before he can turn around Franchize picks up Twilight over his shoulder and then points him to a window and then tries to use him as a human spear and then charges at the window. But Twilight slides out of the back and then pushes Franchize hard into the Window. It cracks a bit, but doesn't break. Twilight hits a few fists and then weakens Franchize and then Twilight then whips Franchize off the opposite side wall. Franchize goes shoulder first and then bounces off into Twilight who catches Franchize and then nails a belly to belly suplex right through the window! (as Shane McMahon and Triple Angle shudder somewhere). Twilight can't really get up to try to get the cover due to the beating he's been getting from Franchize up until now and then stays on the ground trying to recover from that. Twilight stumbles up and then is able to get to where Franchize is with time and then goes for a cover on Franchize and gets the 1..........................2...............kick out. Twilight gets up and kicks the downed Franchize who is now bleeding in some places. Twilight pulls Franchize up and then throws him back through the now broken window. Twilight goes the same way he came to get there.]

King-Sucks to be Franchize....well suck to be me, look who I have to announce with!


[Twilight then yells at Franchize to get back and then hits a fist that makes Franchize stumble forward. Franchize turns around, but only gets another fist and then Franchize stumbles into the ring entrance. We go into the arena, Twiligiht comes out of no where and then hits a clothesline on the back of Franchize's neck that put Franchize down. TwilighT then goes for another clothesline as Franchize stumbles up. But he ducks and then nails the ref instead with a thunderous clothesline that sends the ref hard on the back of his head on the steel ramp. Franchize stumbles, Twilight counters the miss with an inverted atomic drop. Franchize stumbles forward and then Twilight hits a suplex on the steel. Franchize is looking like he's not getting up anytime soon. So Twilight makes his way to the ring side and looks under the ring and then pulls out a chair, Twilight then come back on the steel ramp and then waits for Franchize to get up. Franchize stumbles up, Twilight tries to hit him with the chair. But Franchize is able to hit a super kick right into the chair that smacks into Twilight. Franchize goes to his knee's as Twilight is down. But luckly still concsious somehow, Franchize seeing this decides he wants to get away from Twilight and starts to crawl to one of the sides of the stage after grabbing the chair and bringing it along with him. Franchize starts to climb up to the EMF tron! Around this time Twilight has gotten back to his feet and then sees Franchize up on the EMF tron and then goes to the side and then climbs up the EMF tron like Franchize just did. Twilight charges at Franchize around the middle of the bottom of the EMF tron. Franchize is seemly out of it. But he surprises Twilight with a jab to the gut, Twilight sinks to his knee's Franchize then holds the chair up and then goes for a chair shot and then bashes Twilight with the chair shot. Franchize then goes for a side of the head chair shot to knock Twilight off the tron. But then Twilight counters with a low blow, Twilight gets up to his feet and then pushes Franchize off the tron. Franchize goes flying off tron. Franchize lands with a crash and then goes rolling down the ramp way to the bottom of the ramp way. Twilight stands on the tron stumbling....and then falls off the tron also!]

JR-What carnage King

King-AAAWWWW not crae!!!!!!

[Both wrestlers are down on the ramp and don't move for the longest time. Then Franchize stumbles up and then stumbles up to Twilight who is up on his knee's Twilight hits a low blow. Franchize stumbles back and then Twilight kicks Franchize in the gut and then hits darkness falls (forgot what move it is...)! Franchize seems out, Twilight slowly crawls into the cover. But there is still no ref to count the cover, suddenly Angelus walks out and goes over to the ref and throws water on the ref to bring him around. The ref wakes up and sees Twilight in the cover and then goes slowly into position for the count for the 1..........................2........................3. Angelus after this throws TwilighT off the cover and then hits the Slain on Franchize! Angelus then goes to the backstage area once again.]

King-Aw great, everytime Franchize appears in the EMF either Jarred or Angelus has to attack him...DAMN IT, THINK OF SOMETHING ORINIGAL!

JR-Man I'm surprised you have any friends here in the EMF

(Suddenly after a few moments of nothing the lights go off and then "the masked man" appears on the EMF tron in somewhere very dark)

Masked man: you call this shit a match, i could piss a match more entertaining than this!

(Suddenly the lights turn back and the masked man walks on the ramp way and goes over TwilighT and stumbling up. Both Franchize are to their knee's. The masked man pulls up TwilighT and flips him off, then hits a DDT on the ramp way once again to TwilighT. The masked man then looks at Twilight and then pulls off his mask..)

unknown man: All you people thought I was Barbedwire Chris like a bunch of dumb ass' but it aint chris, the name's CM Punk the rogue outsider.

(CM Punk stomps on the downed TwilighT and laughs and goes to the back after he's done.)

(Raptor stands in the hallway down from Wasabi’s locker room, holding a lead pipe, with an enraged scowl on his face. He starts storming towards the locker room, grunting. He slams open the door, and there stands Wasabi and Rachel, staring blankly at him, and just as he goes to hit Wasabi, Jericho grabs Raptor’s hand and pulls him back, as Angel and Rocky jump in front of Raptor, stopping him, and pulling him out of the room… Raptor starts yelling at Wasabi, swinging around wildly, as they drag him out of the locker room. He gets dragged out the door, and Wasabi walks up and shuts it, waving goodbye to Raptor as he is dragged off.)

[el Conquistador's theme: "I'm too sexy" hits as el Conquistador comes out with his nice gold wrestling gear on waving to the friends Edge and Christian as he steps off the side of the stage and stands beside the mud pit.]

King: I heard this guy is a huge star over in Mexico...

JR: Give me a break this is a joke from newly EMF Vice President, Amy Dumas. This is just ridiculous!

[Jarred's theme then hits as Jarred comes out with his regular wrestling gear on, Jarred stops at the top of the stage and glares down at the pit and then at el Conquistador. Jarred just shakes his head and walks down the ramp a bit and jumps down the side where the pit is. Jarred walks to the direction of el Conquistador as el Conquistador just runs off and Jarred tries to get at em. Referee Charles Robinson steps in between Jarred and el Conquistador and points to the mud wrestling pit. el Conquistador gets in and sinks down in the mud a bit instructing Jarred to do the same. Charles Robinson points for Jarred to get in as he just shakes his head and you can see him mouth the words "Hell No". el Conquistador takes a little bit of mud and puts it under his armpits as if he was showering. The crowd laughs as Jarred just stands back shaking his head and running his hands through his hair.]

JR: This is patheic, nothing more then a joke to Jarred from Amy Dumas and Chris Jericho!

[Jarred refuses to get in as he all of a sudden shoves the referee and grabs el Conquistador around the head and drags him out the mud pit and lays some hard rights. Jarred delivers a hard right hand which sends el Conquistador on his back on the cement on top of some electrical wires. Jarred walks over grabbing the camera bringing it to his face.]

Jarred: You want to make a fucking joke out of me?!

[Jarred picks up el Conquistador as he whips him hard to the bottom of the right hand of the stage as el Conquistador goes shooting up against the steel siding as it gives way with the right side of the stage collapsing. Fans chant "Holy Shit!" as Jarred just stands there shaking from the anger as he looks at the damage he has done.]

JR: My God! Jarred just sent el Conquistador through that steel siding and the right portion of our stage has collapsed on top of el Conquistador!

King: ...I think he killed him!

[Jarred moves some of the steel as you can see el Conquistador laying there with his hands up for Jarred not to hurt him. Jarred lays some kick to the face of el Conquistador which has his feet pinned another several pieces of the stage. Jarred the moves the pieces of the staging as he throws them aside and looks back to see el Conquistador beggin' for Jarred's mercy.]

JR: Alright, thats enough...Lets just go ahead and end this match..This joke from Dumas and Jericho has turned violent!

[Jarred picks el Conquistador up as he sets him in a powerslam postion. Jarred then takes off with el Conquistador up on his shoulder charging at the ramp as he drops him face first on the lower portion of the ramp. Jarred picks him back up as he rolls him on the stage with the referee wanting Jarred to take it to the mud pit. Jarred turns around picking up Charles Robinson in a press slam and launching him into the crowd as fans actually catch him and he goes crowd surfing across the crowd. Jarred climbs up the ramp as he kicks el Conquistador who rolls down the ramp with each kick from Jarred. Jarred then picks him up and rolls him inside the ring and goes climbing inside with him. Jarred then takes el Conquistador and hits a DVD which sends el Conquistador onto his neck. Jarred then climbs the ropes with some fans cheering from the carnage, as Jarred postions himself and hits "The Legendary End".]

King: Get up el Conquistador!!

[Jarred looks at the fallen body of el Conquistador as he just smiles and rolls to the outside launching Howard Finkle out his seat and taking it. Jarred rolls back in with the chair as el Conquistador tries to crawl away leaving mud stains from his feet in the ring. Jarred stalks his prey as he closes in and drills el Conquistador in the back with the chair. el Conquistador then slides out the ring, falling to his side on the outside of the ring, Jarred follows as he quickly picks him up and launches him at the ring steps as the top of the steps go shooting off. Jarred then grabs the top of the steps and moves them infront of the announce table as King and JR are quick to get the hell out the way. Jarred drags el Conquistador on his knees as he walks him up the steps and puts him in the powerbomb position. Jarred the pulls him back as he drops him through the table with a powerbomb with el Conquistador's body bouncing off the table. Referees then swarm Jarred, Jarred begins to give rights and lefts to the referees who try to stop him. Jarred finally clears the referees out the way as he picks up the limp body of el Conquistador and draps him over his shoulder as he begins to walk with him.]

JR: Jarred has lost it, but who can blame him?! Jericho and Dumas have pushed his buttons with this match!

King: But, not this far...I mean when you break our table and leave me no place to rest my head for my sleep, well thats taking it over the line!

[Jarred drops the man at the top of the ramp as he is inches away from falling back into the wreckage of where the stage broke. Jarred points to the mud as the fans cheer. Jarred picks el Conquistador up in a press slam as he launches him off the stage into the mud pit. el Conquistador smacks the mud very loud as Jarred goes back down the ramp and jumps off to get him again. Security comes out from the top of the ramp with Amy Dumas as she insist them to arrest Jarred.]

JR: And here comes Amy Dumas with a bunch of officers! Come on Amy, you wanted the match and now you don't?

[Jarred turns around to look at Dumas and the security guards as he yells at Amy. In the background you can see another Conquistador run in and Raptor draggin' off the beat down Conquistador. The ne Conquistador lays in the mud in the exact same position of the other Conquistador. Security begins to come down the ramp as Amy pulls them back and she tells them to go to the back and forget the arrest.]

JR: What the hell, another Conquistador just ran in and took the other one's spot! Who is that other Conquistador?!

[Jarred watches Dumas and the officers go to the back as he turns back around to the down Conquistador. Jarred steps inside the mud pit picking up the other Conquistador who acts as if he has been beaten down. Jarred gets him totally to his feet as the Conquistador whips out some mace from his hand and sprays it all in the eyes of Jarred which sends him grabbing his eyes.]

JR: My God he just sprayed mace in Jarred's eyes!

King: Mr. Obvious strikes again!

[The Conquistador then gives a kick to the mid-section to Jarred as he goes falling with a smack in the mud pit. The Conquistador hooks Jarred's leg as he turns him and applys the "Walls of Jericho". Jericho holds on the move a second as Jarred throws his legs with as much muscle as possible. Conquistador goes flying out the pit as Jarred pushes himself up revealing him covered in mud with the only thing not brown on him is his eyes and back area. Jarred slowly gets up as Conquistador then reaches over grabbing a pipe from the stage walking back over to Jarred who is slowly getting up. Conquistador nails him in the back of the head with the pipe as Jarred goes back down. Conquistador nails a couple more shots with the long steel pole in the back as he finally tosses it down. The Conquistador then puts his foot in the back of Jarred's head and rubs it in the mud and finally stops the rubbing and just rest his foot.]

JR: This is sick...

King: Who is under that mask?!

JR: I think it was obvious, Mr. Obvious when he put him in the Walls of Jericho.

[The Conquistador whose foot still is on the head of Jarred's head then reaches up and rips his mask off revealing Jericho. Jericho taunts the crowd a bit to boos. as he walks out of the pit and spits on Jarred.]

[Shockwave comes to a End.]