EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Saturday Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts off on the stage and then once it’s finished the lights turn on as fans yell and wave their signs

JR-Welcome to another edition of Saturday Shockwave

King-it’s Saturday already..I wouldn’t know, after Cena and Jackie’s wedding everything is a blur

Kris Gaffney-you weren’t invited…

King-That’s what YOU think

“Charlie Haas theme” blasts on the PA system as Charlie Haas walks to the ring with the Dawn Marie

JR-This match was based off a challenged by Charlie Haas

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he’s a newbie…challenging..someone that’s pretty much a newbie as well

King-and here I was thinking that maybe you should go after someone with more experience to make an impact. But I suppose you gotta start somewhere.

“Just….Rick theme” blasts on the PA system as Just……….Rick walks to the ring

JR-Just……..Rick sure made an impact in his return

King-Yeah, he ruined Bringer of Chaos’ one last match

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, that sucked

[Haas and Rick meet in the middle of the ring and then Just….Rick decides to challenge Haas to a test of strength and then Haas and Rick fight for the advantage and Rick starts winning the challenge and now is got Haas down, but Haas comes back and then gets back to his feet and then forces the test of strength up where Haas hits a knee into the gut and then breaks Just….Rick’s grip on one arm and then Haas twists Just…Rick’s arm and then brings him back hits a knife edge chops that knocks down Rick. Haas hits a few hard fists as Dawn Marie cheers on from the outside and then Haas puts on an arm bar on Just…..Rick. Rick looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly start to get to his feet and then looks for a way out of the move from there, and then Just…….Rick backs Haas to the ropes and whips Haas off the hold and then bounces off the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then Rick is trying to shake off the pain to worry about it too much and then he gets a shoulder tackle and then he goes down to the mat and then Haas goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes Rick stays down on the mat and then Haas jumps over Rick and then goes to the other side of the ring and the bounces off and then Rick gets up and then goes for a clothesline. But it’s blocked and then Haas turns it into a swing neck breaker on Rick. Haas hits a few stomps as Just…Rick crawls into the corner and then Haas measures up and then hits a few knife edge chops on Just…..Rick and then whips Just……….Rick to the other side of the ring and then stumbles out of the corner and then Just………Rick gets knocked down to the mat with a running clothesline and then Haas then waits for Rick to get up. Rick gets up dazed and then sets up and then picks up Just…….Rick and then puts Just Rick on the top rope. Haas then hits a few hard fists on the top turnbuckle and then climbs to the top rope and then sets up and then hits a super plex on Just…….Rick. Both wrestlers are down, slowly Charlie Haas turns around and then puts his arm over Just….Rick and then gets the 1…………………….2…………..kick out by Rick. Charlie Haas says that he’s going to end the match with this next move and then Rick stumbles up to his feet. Charlie Haas kicks Just Rick in the gut and then sets up for a piledriver]

King-Well he’s ripping me off, but at least he’s going to win the match with a good move

JR-Surprise you aren’t calling your lawyers yet

Kris Gaffney-Just as long as the match gets over…

[Charlie Haas tries to get Rick up, but it’s countered by Just….Rick by hitting a back body drop on Haas. Haas crashes to the mat and then bounces up as Rick falls to his knee’s and then Charlie Haas stumbles around holding his back until he goes where Rick is kneeing and from his knee’s Just…Rick hits a few hard fists into the gut and then Rick gets up and then Haas takes a wild swing and then Just…Rick ducks under it and then goes behind Haas picks up and then hits a belly to back suplex on Charlie Haas. But both wrestlers are now down. Rick due to the fact that he’s been beat on, and Haas after taking that move by Rick. Rick and Haas stumble to their feet about the same time, both beating the standing 10 count that I won’t mention because it wasn’t even close and then Haas takes another wild fists and then ducks under and then Haas turns around and then Just….Rick takes down Charlie Haas with double leg take down and then Just…Rick sets up and then hits a catapault that sends Charlie Haas face first into the top turnbuckle and then Haas stumbles around and then Just……Rick kicks Haas in the gut and goes for the stunner. But Haas pushes Rick off, Rick stumbles forward a few steps and then Rick turns around and then Haas goes for a running clothesline and then Just……Rick ducks under and then hits an inverted atomic drop. Haas stumbles back a little bit and then Rick hits a fist to the face that knocks down Haas and then Haas stumbles up and then Just….Rick kicks Haas in the gut and then goes to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes and then hits a running knee lift on Haas. Haas pops up and then Just…….Rick in the face and then Rick kicks Haas in the gut and sets up for Haas for a piledriver. Much like Haas had tried to gone for earlier in the match, with much different results as he picks up Haas and then drives him for a piledriver and then Haas goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………….2………………kick out by Haas. Just……Rick can’t believe that didn’t work.]

King-damn it Just…….Rick made my finisher look bad

JR-Oh come on, everytime your WWE version does it, they pop right up

Kris Gaffney-and it doesn’t even have to be Hogan…I mean even Tazz did JUST ANOTHER NO SELL

[Just…..Rick then calls for the stunner, Just….Rick kicks Haas in the gut and then goes for the Stunner. But Haas pushes Just…..Rick into the turnbuckle and then Rick stumbles back and then goes for the belly to back suplex and then he rolls out the back and then Just…..Rick pushes Haas to the ropes and then rolls up Haas. The ref counts 1…………*Just…Rick grabs the tights when the ref can’t see* and then gets the 3!]

King-Wow, guess Just…..Rick really a heel

(OOC-Pretty close match, I figured a dusty win would be fitting as Just…….Rick’s a heel now.)

“SLOOW CHEMICAL” blasts on the PA system as fire comes the stage and KANE walks through it, he’s now on fire. But it does not register in his mind fast enough and he’s able to be put out

King-Well, I guess him being stupid does help something

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, doesn’t register pain…or anything for that matter well

JR-Guess it’s a blessing in disguse in some form

“Kincaid’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring

JR-Kincaid volunteered for this warm up match

King-Yeah that’s what it is for sure

Kris Gaffney-Well, suppose when your Wes Ikeda’s friend you need to take out some aggression.

King-I know I would….in fact by now I would have anger issues

[KANE and Kincaid stand in opposite corner, Kincaid and KANE lock up and then Kane pushes Kincaid off and then Kincaid goes flying into the corner and then Kincaid looks around not knowing what to make of this as KANE laughs much like this HAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAHHAA. Kane falls over laughing and then Kincaid shrugs his shoulders and then hits a quick elbow drop and then Kincaid is now in control of the match and then Kincaid hits a few hard stomps on the downed KANE. KANE stumbles up and then Kincaid hits a few forearm shots to the face and then KANE is in the corner and then Kincaid whips KANE off the ropes and then he bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid hits a standing drop kick that stumbles back and then falls out of the ring and then Kincaid waits for a few moments and then slowly Kincaid runs to the ropes and then charges and then hits a baseball slide to the face of KANE. KANE falls back and then hits his back to the guard rail and then Kincaid hits a few stomps on the downed KANE as he rolls out of the ring and then Kincaid takes KANE and then smashes him face first into the steel steps. KANE bounces off the steps and then Kincaid hits a few stomps before rolling KANE into the ring and then Kincaid jumps on the apron and then waits for KANE to get up. KANE gets up and then Kincaid leaps off the turnbuckle and then hits a flying diving clothesline off the top rope that sends KANE to the mat and then Kincaid goes into the cover and gets a 1………………….2………..kick out with authority.]

JR-though he doesn’t have the best win/loss record…KANE still has power

King-Power to job?

Kris Gaffney-Most likely that’s what he meant.

[KANE gets up after Kincaid stumbles up after being fling across the ring and then Kincaid gets up and charges at KANE and then KANE counters with a big boot. Kincaid goes down and then KANE hits a few stomps on the downed Kincaid as he goes into the corner and then KANE hits a few hard upper cuts into the face of Kincaid. KANE brings Kincaid out of the corner and then whips Kincaid to the ropes, Kincaid bounces off the ropes and then KANE goes for a clothesline Kincaid ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and then KANE catches Kincaid, picks him up and then drops him down for a side walk slam. KANE goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2……….kick out. KANE goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope waiting for Kincaid to get to his feet. Kincaid stumbles to his feet and then KANE goes for a flying clothesline and hits it. KANE then calls for the chokeslam as he raises his arm in the air and then Kincaid stumbles up and stumbles right into KANE. KANE grabs Kinciad by the throat and goes for the chokeslam to HEEL. But Kinciad is able to get out of the move and land on his feet]

JR-Kincaid dodged a bullet there

King-Did you really think KANE would hit that move?

Kris Gaffney-I’ve never seen him hit it…ONCE

[KANE turns around and then Kincaid takes down KANE with a double leg take down and then sets up KANE and then puts on the Kincaid cover leaf. KANE fights the hold, and tries to get to the ropes. But after a time decides to tap giving Kincaid the win]

”Pirates life for me” blasts on the PA system as Dante De Luca walks to the ring

JR-This is a very promising young talent that with an assist by Angelus was actually able to beat Punisher

King-Yeah, very few can claim that

Kris Gaffney-That’s for sure

“Prophecy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Prophecy walks to the ring

JR-Prophecy started out with a good win over Diamond

King-Yeah, but this is going to be a tougher test for sure

Kris Gaffney-agreed

“James Hardy theme” blasts on the pa system as James Hardy walks to the ring

King-How xtreme

Kris Gaffney-The Hardyz jokes never get old…


[Prophecy and Hardy trade fists and then neither of them are getting a upper hand until Hardy hits a knee lift into the gut and then Hardy backs up and then hits a running forearm to Prophecy. Prophecy stumbles back and then bounces off the ropes and then Hardy hits a standing drop kick that knocks down Prophecy. But Prophecy is quick to get up and then Hardy hits a few fists and then backs up into the corner and then Hardy measures up and then hits a hard knife edge chop that echo’s through the arena and then Hardy decides to bring out of the corner and then whips Prophecy off the ropes and then Prophecy bounces off the ropes and then Hardy goes for a clothesline. Then Prophecy ducks and then continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off the ropes and then Hardy goes for a back elbow and then Prophecy ducks it and then goes back to the other side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and then Hardy turns around and then Hardy uses Prophecy’s own momentum to throw Prophecy in the air and then Prophecy falls on the mat and then Prophecy goes crashing into the mat and then stumbles up dazed and then Hardy kicks Prophecy in the gut and then sets up Prophecy and then hits the fishermans suplex. Dante who is looking on from now comes over as the ref counts 1……………2……..Dante kicks Hardy’s base from under him and then breaks up the count and then Hardy gets up wondering what was that all of a sudden, and then Hardy gets in Dante’s face. Dante shrugs it off and then hits a few fists and then Hardy stumbles back. Dante takes Hardy by the hair and then charges with him and throws him over the top rope. Hardy crashes to the mta and then Dante says a few things Prophecy is getting up behind Dante, Dante seemly doesn’t know and then Dante turns around and then see’s Prophecy charges at him and then Dante counters this move by hitting a hot shot to Prophecy. Prophecy’s head snapped back as he stumbles around and then Dante goes for a small package and then gets a 1…………………2…………kick out. Dante hits a few hard stomps on the downed Prophecy. Prophecy stumbles up and then Dante sets up Prophecy and then hits a snap suplex and calls for the anchor lock. Prophecy stumbles up and then Dante puts Prophecy in the anchor lock.]

JR-Anchor lock

King-Wow, that’s something you don’t see every day

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, they usually never do the finisher this early

[It looks like Prophecy might give up, but suddenly Hardy comes behind Dante and nails a chair shot to the back of Dante. Dante goes down to the mat and then on his hands and knee’s and then Hardy hits another chair shot to Dante that brings him all the way down to the mat and then Hardy see’s Prophecy about to get up and then Hardy gets the chair ready as Prophecy gets to his feet and then Hardy goes for a big knock out chair shot to Prophecy. But Prophecy ducks under and then Hardy turns around trying to reload the chair to hit Prophecy with it, but it’s kicked back in Hardy’s face with a super kick and then Hardy stumbles back and then falls out of the ring and then Prophecy decides to continue the attack on Hardy and then Prophecy goes on the top rope as Hardy stumbles to his feet and then hits a vertical flying body press and nails Hardy as he’s getting up to his feet. Both wrestlers are down and then Prophecy slowly gets to his feet and then Prophecy is on his way up and then Prophecy grabs Hardy by the hair and then throws him hard into the steel steps. Hardy is sitting and then Prophecy backs up and then goes for a running knee into the face. But then Prophecy moves out of the way and then Hardy moves out of the way and then he goes crashing into the steps and then Prophecy stumbles back in pain and then Hardy goes up the sets and then tries to leap at Prophecy by jumping off the steps, but he’s caught in a bear hug almost and then takes Prophecy and then drives him into the ring post back first and then slides down in pain and then hits a few stomps on the downed Hardy. Prophecy rolls Hardy into the ring, but Dante takes this chance and quickly tries to pick up the scraps and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2…………Prophecy rolls into the ring and then hits a double axe handle to break up the cover and then Dante gets to his feet and then tries to go for a fist on Dante. But it’s blocked by Dante and then Dante returns the fists and nails a few fists into the face and tries to whip Prophecy to the ropes. But it’s reversed and then Dante goes to the ropes, bounces off the ropes and then Prophecy catches Dante in a front spinebuster!]

JR-Prophecy can pull off the upset here

King-Knowing him, he will mess it up

Kris Gaffney-So negative…

[Prophecy knowing that probably won’t get the job done he then rolls to the outside and then goes to the outside and then brings out a trash can. Prophecy climbs to the top rope, on the other side Hardy slides in a chair Prophecy leaps off the top and then gets smashed by the chair into the trash as Prophecy fly’s through the air by Dante. Prophecy goes down and then James Hardy charges at Dante, but the charge is countered with a back body drop over the top rope and then Dante goes into the cover and gets the 1……………….2……………3]

“Metalingus” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

JR-Guess now we gotta live with the name King

King and Kris-WE KNOW!

“Shrina company theme” blasts on the PA system as Cloud walks to the ring with Aeris Ghost

JR-Did I just see a dead flower girl?

Kris Gaffney-yes, you did

(OOC-I decided what I had King say was a bit too extreme, even though it was a parody off of Matt Hardy speech and nothing more. I don't want it to be taken wrong)

[Wes comes into the ring firing as Cloud is not expecting Wes to come at him like this and then Cloud tries to cover up with the punches and then backs into the corner and then Wes keeps on pounding and then the ref makes him back off and then Wes does and then goes back in on the attack and then Wes takes Cloud out of the corner and then hits a hard forearm to the face and then whips him to the ropes. Cloud bounces off the ropes and then Wes goes for a clothesline. But Cloud ducks under it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Wes turns around and then ducks his head and then nails a back body drop and then Cloud goes crashing on the mat and then Wes meets Cloud with a few hard fists to the face and then Cloud backs to the ropes and then Wes backs up a few steps and then charges in and then hits a clothesline over the top rope and then Cloud goes crashing on the mat. Wes shrugs and then lets the ref count for a little bit, but knows that he’s not really going to get the count out and then Cloud gets up and regroups trying to think of better strategy for this match and then Wes grows impatient with his opponent and goes to the ropes to try to go out and bring him back into the ring before he can recover too much and thing of some way to beat him. Then seeing this opening Cloud trips Wes by grabbing his leg and then brings him out of the ring and then Cloud goes for a fist. But it’s blocked by Wes and then Wes tries to whip Cloud off the steel steps. But it’s reversed and then Cloud goes crashing into the steel steps Cloud goes down to one knee. But seeing that he has a good opening here, he presses on and then rolls Wes back into the ring and then Cloud jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Wes. Wes stumbles to his feet and then Cloud leaps off the top rope for what seems to be a flying axe handle. But then it’s countered by Wes with a punch to the gut and then Cloud goes down to the mat and then Wes goes down to the mat and has to recover. Then gets back up to his feet as Cloud does and then, Wes then drives Cloud into the corner and then hits a few hard shoulder blocks into the corner and then whips him hard into the other side of the ring, Wes hesitates and then charges into the corner and then Cloud gets his boot up and then Wes turns around and stumbles around. Cloud then charges and then hits a running bulldog head lock that drives Wes into the mat]

JR-Wes has been in control of this match thus far, but it would seem that he might have made a mistake there.

King-Of course it was a mistake, he just got driven face first into the mat

Kris Gaffney-Always stating the obvious JR…always!

[Both wrestlers are down, but Cloud is in a sitting position and then uses the ropes to get up and then shakes off the beating he’s gotten so far and then hits a few stomps on the downed Wes. Wes stumbles to his feet and then Cloud hits a few hard fists and Wes is now reeling on the ropes and then Cloud whips Wes off the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes, Cloud goes for a clothesline and then Wes ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then Wes bounces off and then Cloud turns around and then Cloud catches Wes into a scoop power slam and then Cloud doesn’t go into the cover and then goes to the outside and then climbs to the top rope. Wes slowly gets up and then Cloud leaps off and then nails a missile drop kick and catches Wes, Cloud goes into the cover and gets the 1………………………2………….kick out! Cloud gets up and then hits a few stomps on Wes. Wes gets up and then hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Wes backs into the corner and then Cloud tries to whip Wes to the ropes, but then it’s reversed and Cloud goes into the corner and then Wes charges in with him. To try to off set this, Cloud as soon as he gets to the corner uses his own momentum in his favor to go over Wes with help of the corner and then Cloud is behind Wes turns around and charges at Cloud and then Cloud kicks Wes in the gut and then nails a DDT on Wes. Cloud goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2………..kick out. Cloud then decides to put Wes in a neck vise, the ref asks Wes if he wants to give up and he refuses. Cloud keeps the pressure on him and then Wes slowly decides to get to his feet and then looks for a way out of the hold and then Wes hits a few elbows into the gut of Cloud and then Cloud is now out of the hold and then Wes runs to the ropes and then bounces off and then Cloud is seemly stunned. But then he surprises Wes by now locking into a sleeper hold, Wes struggles around the ring but Cloud is able to hold on the hold and then slowly Wes starts to stop fighting so hard, and then is now fading away as he goes to his knee’s.]

JR-Cloud has sleeper on Wes

King-This would only work if it was Triple H and he was Jeff Hardy

Kris Gaffney-So only if he glowed and had a less hated name?

[The ref decides to check Wes’ arm once………….twice……….thre..Wes’ arm shoot up at the last moment and then slowly Cloud gets to his feet and then Wes hits a few hard elbows into the gut and then breaks the grip of Cloud. Wes then whips Cloud off the ropes, but it’s reversed and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Cloud goes for a clothesline and then Wes ducks and then waits for Cloud and then Wes sets up and then nails a full nelson slam. Cloud bounces off the mat on impact…just so happens to land in the corner and then Wes climbs to the corner and then leaps off and then nails the Coast to coast on Cloud. Wes pulls him into the middle of the ring goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2……..3]

“Cool” blasts on the PA system as Carlito walks to the ring

King-I thought he was just a talk show person

JR-Carlito is an actually good wrestler

Kris Gaffney-He’s just too cool to bother with wrestling

“Bad, Bad man” blasts on the PA as John Cena walks to the ring with Miss Jackie Cena

JR-This match was not scheduled, it just happened

King-Yeah, bet he would like to go back to his honeymoon right now

Kris Gaffney-Do we really gotta refer to Jackie as Jackie Cena?


Kris Gaffney-This might take some getting use to…

[Cena who looks pissed comes out firing with a few fists and then Carlito backs up to the corner and then the ref warns Cena and then Cena doesn’t care and then Carlito rakes the eyes of Cena and then comes out of the corner and then Carlito puts Cena in the corner and then hits a few hard fists in the corner and then whips Cena out of the corner and then Cena hits into the corner hard and then Carlito kicks Cena in the gut and then goes for a vertical suplex after he sets up. But as Carlito gets Cena up, he then slips out the back and then and then Cena pushes Carlito and he crashes into the corner shoulder first and then Cena hits a clubbing blow to the back of the head that sends Carlito to the mat and then Cena hits a few stomps to the downed Carlito and then Carlito makes it to his feet and then Cena hits a few forearm shots and then tries to whip him to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Cena and then Cena bounces off the ropes and then hits a shoulder tackle that takes down Carlito Carlito stumbles around and then gets hit with a running clothesline Cena runs to the ropes and then Carlito gets up and then Cena is coming off the ropes and nails a shoulder block to Carlito. Carlito stumbles up and then Cena hits a few fists and then Carlito backs to the corner and then tries to cover up and then finally Carlito’s arms go down as he can no longer try to stop the beating and then Carlito gets hit with a bunch of fists and then Cena whips Carlito to the other side of the ring and then Carlito crashes into the other side and then quickly stumbles forward and then Cena hits a back body drop and then Carlito stumbles up and then Cena runs to the ropes and then goes for his flying shoulder block and then Carlito side steps it and then grabs Cena’s hair and throws him over the top rope to the arena floor.]

JR-Carlito had to do that there, or he might not be in this match up anymore

King-Dat would not be cool

*Kris Gaffney spits an apple in JR’s face*

[Carlito falls to the mat as he’s really beat up and then takes his time and then after he’s gotten sometime to rest Carlito rolls out of the ring and then hits a few stomps on the downed Cena and then takes and throws him hard into the steps and then Cena is in pain and then Carlito once again is slow to attack but he weaken Cena enough so he wouldn’t take advantage and then Carlito hits a few stomps on the downed Cena and then starts to choke Carlito and then Cena tries to stumble up and then and then Carlito picks up Cena and drops him face first into the guard rail and then Carlito rolls Cena into the ring and then Carlito jumps on the apron and then climbs up to the top rope and then leaps off and then hits a flying shoulder block and knocks down Cena and then Carlito calls for the finish of the match. Cena stumbles up and then Cena gets kicked in the gut and then Carlito hits a DDT Carlito goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2………..kick out]

JR- Almost three


[Carlito looks around fustrated and then Cena says something in the corner and then Carlito gets pissed and then charges at Cena and then Cena counters with a hot shot and then Carlito goes crashing and then Cena goes behind Carlito and then rolls up Carlito and gets the 1………..2………3]

Jr: Carlito must have said something Cena didn't like

King: You think??

Joy tries to get involved but is met by Jackie who roll out of the ring, and fight on the outside.

King: Ill go ref that match if you want

Jr: sit down!!!

Then from behind the curtains comes Chris Masters’ he starts walking to the ring.

King: Here comes Carlitos’ team mate Masters

Jr: But he is also Cena’s life long friend, who is he coming to help?

King: Ill guess we will never find out! Look here comes Dude Nick.

Dude Nick then runs from the back and attacks Chris Masters from behind, They start fighting on the ramp, as Cena continues to beat Carlito into a bloody mess. Then all of a sudden, Just…Ricks music blasts.

Jr: That’s Just….Rick. Whats this got to do with him.

King: I dunno but we are about to find out.

Cena stops beating Carlito and turns to look at the ramp. Awaiting Just…Rick. But he doesn’t notice him come through the crowd.He goes into the ring, and pulls a bloody Carlito out. As Cena notices, they get out of the ring, and head up the ramp. Dude Nick then gets into the ring as does Jackie. Rick takes his top off to reveal a ‘Revolution is your solution’ t-shirt. Revolution by motorhead then blasts as they walk up the ramp.

Jr: Oh my god, Just…Rick has joined Revolution

King: They keep going from strength to strength.

(Shockwave goes off the air)