EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Saturday Shockwave video starts up as it ends, the picture goes into the arena which is already lighted up. But instead of the usual beginning. We just go right into Crow's theme)

JR - This match is a Standard Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Crow!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Crow comes to the ring. ]

JR - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 212 pounds,, Jason Syrus!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Jason Syrus walks to the ring. ]

JR - And third, weighing in at 275 pounds,, Kris Starr!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Kris Starr walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Crow goes under the ring and pulls out about ten tables and sets them up accordingly. Jason Syrus places Kris Starr on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Kris Starr tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) Crow gouges Kris Starr's eyes out. Kris Starr throws the chair to Crow...Kris Starr kicks the chair into Crow's face!! Crow hits a flying karate chop right to Kris Starr's neck. Crow hits Kris Starr with the back of his elbow. Crow delivers a kick to the head of Kris Starr. Kris Starr moves back to his feet. Kris Starr lifts up Crow and drops him with a Sidewalk Slam directly into the chair!!! Kris Starr chants start. ]

JR - Good Sidewalk Slam by Kris Starr.

[Kris Starr climbs to his feet. Kris Starr puts the chair on Crow's body...Kris Starr climbs up top...Splash onto the chair!! The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Crow escapes. Crow gets up. Kris Starr drags Crow to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Kris Starr piledrives Crow into the chair!! Kris Starr gets up. They head back into the ring. ]

King - What an outstanding match!

JR-King did you see HCT before the show?

King-(I swear to you I'm not on any drugs) LIKE HELL I'M NOT ON ANY DRUGS!!! Awwwww shit, I just said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud

[Jason Syrus hits Crow with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Jason Syrus climbs to his feet. Jason Syrus with a falling splash on Crow. Now Jason Syrus standing. Crow shoves Earl Hebner. Hebner pushes Crow back right into Jason Syrus and then hits the firestarter. Jason Syrus goes for the cover 1..........2..........3

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Jason Syrus!!!

(Syrus slides out of the ring, Suddenly Road Van Toad runs down to the ring and then climbs to the top rope and then hits the 1 star toad splash on Crow. Starr comes into the ring and trys to hit RVT with a chair shot. But RVT hits a very fucked up heel kick that doesn't even come close to hitting Starr in the face for the Van-damnthismovesucks. RVT runs to the ropes and then hits rolling chunder on Starr. Suddenly X-Cold-T slides in the ring with a steel chair as both Crow and Starr get to their feet, X-Cold-T goes to his knee and does the X a roni. Both Starr and Crow fall weird and break their legs. X-Cold-T and RVT grab chairs and swing for eachother and then hit each other. Both are knocked out cold, RVT and X-Cold-T land on a cover on both Crow on Starr. Starr and Crow put their arm over RVT and X-Cold-T. The ref counts to 12 (3 for all four wrestlers) EVERYONE JOBS!!!!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 185 pounds, Natashia!!! (crowd cheers ************)

[Natashia comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Meya!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Meya walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. Natashia places Meya on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Meya places Natashia on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Natashia slaps Meya. Meya executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Natashia. Meya punches Natashia in the head. ]

King - Follows up with a punch.

[Natashia hits a spinning leg lariat on Meya sending him to the mat. Meya chops Natashia. Natashia connects with a flying knee. Meya goes down. Natashia grabs Meya and applies an arm wrench. Meya gets back to his feet. Meya hits a tiger driver on Natashia. Meya is back on his feet. ]

King - Are you enjoying this match?

JR - Yes sir!

[Natashia gets back to his feet. Natashia executes a swinging bulldog on Meya driving Meya's face into the mat. Natashia stands up. Meya gets back to his feet. Natashia gets hit with a dragon scerw from Meya. Meya is back on his feet. Natashia is up again. Meya gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Natashia comes over and smashes Meya's head into it. Meya hits Natashia with an atomic drop. Natashia climbs to his feet. Meya puts a knee to Natashia's back and pulls hims arms back. Referee Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... ... Natashia trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Meya breaks the hold. Meya drags Natashia to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Meya short lariats Natashia. Natashia gets up. (...3) Meya hits Natashia with the back of his elbow. (....4) Natashia executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Meya. Meya climbs to his feet. (.....5) Meya takes Natashia into the ring. Meya rakes the face of Natashia in attempt to make a come back. Natashia executes a headlock takedown. Meya gets up. Meya executes a swinging bulldog on Natashia driving Natashia's face into the mat. Meya gets up. Meya side slams Natashia. Meya drags Natashia to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Meya knees Natashia and rolls back to his feet. Natashia climbs to his feet. (...3) Natashia gouges Meya's eyes out. (....4) Natashia rakes the face of Meya in attempt to make a come back. (.....5) Natashia takes Meya into the ring. Natashia gives Meya a reverse neckbreaker. Natashia gets back to his feet. Meya gets up. Natashia grabs Meya's head and DDT's him on the mat. Natashia gets up. Meya stands up. Indian deathlock applied by Natashia. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... ... Natashia breaks the hold. Meya dropkicks Natashia. Meya is up again. Meya hits Natashia with an elbowdrop. Meya moves back to his feet. Natashia stands up. Natashia uses a closed fist on Meya. Natashia hits Meya with the back of his elbow. Natashia executes the jumping sidekick on Meya. Now Meya standing. Meya nails the bridging back suplex on Natashia. Meya sends Natashia to ringside. ]

JR - Natashia is much safer at ringside. Meya can't get a pin there.

[Tim White starts the count (.1) Meya chokes Natashia with a microphone cable. Meya measures Natashia up and drops a closed fist. Meya applies an arm wrench to Natashia. Natashia stands up. Natashia takes Meya into the ring. Meya hits Natashia with a something. Tim White sees it.ring, ring, ring! Tim White calls for the bell.

*Jarred Carthallion is seen walking in the backstage area. Katrina Ikeda, his ex-wife is walking toward each other. They smile at one another, and she hugs him.

Katrina: How have you been?

Jarred: I've being doing okay... you?

*They are interrupted by a voice.*

Wes: She is fine...

*Jarred turns around and he and Wes are standing nose to nose. Their eyes are intense, and they look like they could brawl at any moment.

JR: Oh my God, King. They're going to go at it!

King: Someone get back there, and break this up.

*Suddenly both men crack a smile, followed by a handshake.

Wes: What was it you wanted to tlak to me about?

Jarred: Let's talk in my locker room. She needs to stay here though, I don't want her interfering in your decision.

*The two go in Jarred's locker room, and shot the door...

King: JR, I hope they're not....oh my god... if they take all that hatred they have for each other, and take it out on the EMF...

Howard Finkle: The following match is the "Howard finkle has no tesicles match" *Fink looks at King, who was the guy who arranged his cards and hangs his head in shame*

JR: King, you're such a baby. What Howard meant to say is that this our Extreme Title vs TV Title shot match.

Howard Finkle: *sigh* Making his way to the ring at this time... Punisher!

Punisher's theme plays as Punisher walks to the ring

Fink: And his opponent, Wes!

Wes' theme hits the PA system as Wes walks to the ring. *The bell rings*

Wes and Punisher circle each other and are about to lock up, when the arena lights cut, "Crawling in the Dark" by Hoobastank plays, and Wasabi walks to ringside.

JR: Now what the hell is this King? Wasabi's not in this matchup. What's he doing out here?

King: *Still laughing* I don't know JR, but he seems to be headed for our announce table...

*Wasabi sits down at the table, and puts on some headphones*

JR: Hey Wasabi, what the hell are you doing out here? I hope you're not thinking about getting involved...

Wasabi: Well JR... I'm simply out here because I wasn't signed to a match here this week and the fans will miss their dose of WASAAAAABBIIIIIIII so I came to commentate.

Wes and Punisher both look at Wasabi wondering whats going on, and Wes starts talking trash to Wasabi from the ring, but punisher sneaks up from behind and gives him a forearm to the back. Punisher is laying the boots on Wes, after a cheap start. Punisher goes over and talks some trash of his own to Wasabi while Wes gets up. Punisher whips Wes into the ropes and goes to hit a lariat but Wes ducks, rebounds again, and Punisher hits a running DDT. Punisher ties Wes up in the ropes and kicks him in the gut a couple of times. Punisher runs up for a spear on Wes, but Wes has untangled himself and moves out of the way. Punisher goes flying out of the ring and lands on the outside. The crowd laughs at him. Wes climbs to the outside as the ref begins a 20 count. (1) Wes whips Punisher into the ring guard. Wes hits a few right hands n Punisher and then sends him into the ring post but Punisher reverses it, and Wes grabs his shoulder in pain. Punisher whips Wes into the steel steps and the throws him in the ring, and goes for a pin. 1...2... kickout.

JR: Punisher is... well.... punishing Wes.

Wasabi: Haha. Ha. *Does the thumbs down* But we all know Wes can't cut it. Jealous brother of an underacheiving sibling, he never really had a chance. After all, Punisher is the stuff...

King: Heehee... howard finkle has no testicles... that was a good one... but Wasabi... don't you remember another guy who was "the stuff"?

Wasabi: Yeah Buff Bagwell. What's your point?

King: No testicles whatsoever.... hahaha! *King points at Fink and laughs*

Punisher sets Wes for a powerbomb but Wes reverses into a backdrop, and hits a second rope moonsault. Hooks the legs for a 1..2..kickout. Wes pick up Punisher and gives him a stiff kick to the jaw before throwing him into the ropes for a spinebuster. Wes locks in a half crab and punisher looks for the ropes. Punisher takes the pain until he finnaly drags himself to the ropes. Wes pulls him away and locks in a sharpshooter. Punisher looking for the ropes again, but he's in too much pain, so he grabs the referee with his arm and shoves him into Wes, who is forced to release the hold. Punisher gets up but is limping slightly. Punisher rallies off the right hands on Wes.

JR: The right hands out of nowhere.

Wasabi: Where is nowhere JR? And why do moves keep coming out of it? JR: ......

Punisher whips Wes into the turnbuckle and takes him up some ropes for a superplex, but Wes hits a few shots to the ribs of Punisher and shoves him back onto the canvas floor. On the way down, one of Punishers hands knocks the referee's head and he goes down like a ton of referee brand bricks. Wes hits a swanton bomb, and covers Punisher for the three but there's no referee to count it.

Wasabi: Well this is a highly usual occurance. I guess I might just have to go help out... *Wasabi jumps up and goes into the ring*

JR: That Wasabi is trouble. But who is he out here for? After all Wasabi has had his shortcoming with both these men.

King: Heehee... not even a stump... *King throws his crown at Finkle, who is now crying*

Wasabi slides into the ring and Wes stands up and gets in his face. Wes seems to be getting really angry and is spitting from his mouth. Wasabi wipes his face with his hand and steps back a bit, holding his hands up. Punisher is up by this stage and yells at Wasabi to get out of the ring. Wasabi says OK and goes back to the announce table. Punisher and Wes do a punching rountine until Punisher sets Wes for his finisher, Capital Punishment. He hits it and Wes is out cold. Punisher covers for the three but the referee is still out. He tries to revive the ref, shaking him and what not. Meanwhile Wasabi has grabbed a baseball bat from under the announce table.

JR: Why the hell are weapons always kept under our table?

King: To throw at Fink! Take that no testicles boy! *King throws a garbage can lid at Fink*

Wasabi slides in the ring but Punisher hasn't noticed, still trying to revive the ref. Suddenly, Punisher sees Wasabi in the titantron. He gets up slowly and turns around. Wasabi just smiles at him and starts laughing a bit. Punisher tries to rush Wasabi, but Wasabi steps aside and breaks the baseball bat over Punisher's head to a massive crack and a "ooh" from the crowd. He drags the fallen Wes over Punisher and leaves the ring. The referee has magically recoved the way he always does and goes to count the three. However, he sees the broken bat inside the ring, and Wasabi oustide the ring and puts two and two together. The ref calls for the bell and award Punisher the win via interference DQ. Wes gets all angry and attacks the ref, but Wasabi doesn't care, and slides back in the ring. He grabs a spray can and rips off Punishers shirt. He spraypaints "wWo" on his back and rips off Hardcore Holly, saying "How do you like me now". Wasabi walks to the back as Wes is still cut and decides to kick Punisher while he's down.

“Unreal’s theme” plays, and unreal walks out, as Billy, Chuck, and Rico cheer on from ringside.

JR: And whether you like him or not you can’t say this rookie hasn’t made an impact…

King: Yeah, well, I hate him, the EMF hates him, the other world hates him, and Jarred hates him enough to drop his anti-nWo plans for a 1 on 1 match

JR: This is a career on the line match, whoever gets pinned is gone.

“I stand alone” plays as Jarred walks out from under the Titantron. He stands there, alone (ba-dum-ching) and waves to the crowd, then walks down the ramp, into the ring, ready for the match…

JR: Aww here we go, this should be great!

[Jarred hops in the ring, hits the “ultimate end” and, 1-2-3 pins unreal]

King: Hmm, never thought that unreal guy had any talent anyway.

JR: Well, he’s fired from the EMF now…

[Unreal cries, hops out of the ring, and walks to the back as Rico holds his hand and Billy and Chuck stare at his ass]

*The camera cuts into the wWo locker room as official run in. The camera gets a good look in and sees the locker room absolutely trashed. The camera goes into it some more and sees that Wasabi is laid out in the middle of the locker room. Bleeding very badly*

King-AAAAAAAAWWWW Wasabi just became just another victim again

JR-Damn it, he's not a wrestler DAMN IT!!

King-well...actually he is JR

JR-Oh yeah, well.....then it still was a attack that he didn't deserve

[the camera zooms in and notices that on the wall three letters have been spray painted. But instead of it being what you would think in black, this time it's spray painted in red. The camera gets a better look and shows the letters are R...........W..........A]

(The refs call for help as the camera goes back to the arena)

"Smells like teen spirit" blasts on the PA system as Toby walks to the ring

King-Homeboy will....feel....the bang!!

*King hits the Diamond Cutter on JR*

"Homeboy's theme" blasts on the PA system

*King jumps over the railing and runs through the fans and then turns around and does the diamond cutter symbol....then remembers he's not DDP so he goes back to the announcers table as JR is recovering from the Diamond Cutter*

[Toby and Homeboy lock up, Homeboy goes to the back of Toby and takes him down to the mat. Homeboy lets go of the waist lock and then jogs around the ring as Toby gets to his feet in a measure that is more to fustrate Toby than anything. Toby gets up and then paces around the ring as well, Toby and Homeboy lock up and Toby hits a firemans carry on Homeboy. Toby puts Homeboy in a arm bar, Homeboy is in a little bit of pain and Homeboy is able to get to his feet with Toby holding on to the arm bar. Homeboy backs Toby up and then whips him to the ropes. Toby bounces off the ropes and Homeboy charges and hits a knee to the gut that sends Toby flying to the ropes. Toby gets up near the ropes, Homeboy hits a few knife edge chops. Homeboy trys to whip Toby off the ropes. But Toby reverses the whip and sends Homeboy to the ropes. Homeboy bounces off the ropes and Toby goes for a clotheline, but Homeboy ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Homeboy bounces off the ropes. But Toby is able to catch Homeboy as he is running towards him with a flying forearm that knocks Homeboy down to the mat. Homeboy gets up , but very dazed and then Toby hits a few fists to Homeboy that back him up to the corner. Homeboy then climbs to the top rope and starts a 10 punch combo 1.............2............3............4...........5.............6............7 Homeboy walks out of the corner and then makes Toby fall face first into the top turnbuckle. Homeboy holds on a to ring rope to keep himself up as Toby is able to use the corner to keep him up. Homeboy hits a few knife edge chops in the corner to Toby. Homeboy pulls Toby out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and then backs to the ropes as Toby bounces off the off the ropes. Homeboy then hits a clothesline that knocks down Toby. Homeboy waits for Toby to get up, Toby does and stumbles right into a front spinebuster. Homeboy goes into the cover and gets a 1.......2...kick out. Homeboy puts Toby in a arm bar and then hits a few knee drops into the arm of Toby. Homeboy then puts Toby in a chin lock. The ref sees if Toby wants to give it up. But Toby refuses to give up to this move, slowly Toby gets to his feet and then starts to elbow into the gut to make Homeboy release the hold. Toby then follows it up with a knife edge chop and then hits a few fists until Homeboy reels against the ropes. Toby trys to whip Homeboy off the ropes, but Homeboy reverses it and goes for a spinning back elbow. Toby ducks it and waits for Homeboy to turn around. Toby kicks Homeboy in the gut that doubles him over and then slowly runs to the ropes and hits a hard running knee lift.]

JR-Toby is trying to make his TV title reign gain respectability against Homeboy

King-Yeah, but how is he going to do that...I mean Homeboy always...

never claimed to be anyone......

[Homeboy gets up near the ropes and Toby puts it on the back of Homeboy neck for a choke on the ropes. Toby holds that on Homeboy for the count of 5 by the ref and then releases the hold. Toby backs up and then runs to the ropes. Toby bounces off and then leaps in the air and crashes down on Homeboy while still in the ropes. Homeboy gets up stunned and then gets body slamed by Toby. Toby hits a not moving big leg drop and goes for the cover and gets the 1...........2......kick out. Toby gets up and then hits a few stomps on Homeboy as he uses the ropes to get back to his feet. Toby hits a fist as Homeboy gets up, Toby whips Homeboy to the ropes as he bounces off the ropes he hits a knee to the gut. But Homeboy floats over the knee in the gut and turns it into a school boy for the 1....2...Toby kicks out. Toby and Homeboy get up at the same time. Toby charges at Homeboy and Homeboy counters the charge with a inverted atomic drop on Toby. Toby stumbles around as Homeboy kicks Toby in the gut and then hooks Toby and then lifts up Toby and then hits the pump handle slam. Homeboy then gets up and goes to the top rope, Homeboy waits for Toby to get to his feet. Toby slowly gets to his feet. Homeboy leaps off the top rope for a front drop kick. But Toby steps back and blocks the move into a set up for a caultpault. Toby directs Homeboy to the nearest turnbuckle and hits the caultpault. Homeboy goes flying into the top rope. Toby runs to the direct opposite turnbuckle as Homeboy is now on the corner trying to recover. Toby charges at Homeboy and leaps in the air and hits a big splash in the corner. Homeboy slowly stumbles out of the corner after this move out of his feet. Toby climbs to the second rope. Toby then leaps off and hits a bulldog off the second rope and then goes for the cover and gets the 1.......2.....Homeboy gets his foot on the rope before the ref can count the 3. Toby gets up thinking he won, but the ref has to tell him that it wasn't a three. All of a sudden Homeboy comes from behind Toby and goes for a school boy and gets a 1......2.....kick out. Toby and Homeboy get up, Toby throws a fist. But Homeboy blocks it and then returns it and follows it up with a few more to make Toby reel on the ropes. Homeboy whips Toby to the ropes and waits for him to return, Toby bounces off the ropes and Homeboy trys for a clothesline. But Toby ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Toby bounces off and Homeboy leaps in the air and hits a flying back elbow.]

King-If Toby gets beat by Homeboy that's going to make his reign look worse than Wasabi when he got CHOKED OUT by Tazz

JR-I don't think Wasabi wants to be reminded of that..

King-What wrong with talking about the time Wasabi became JUST ANOTHER VICTIM!!!

[Toby waits for Homeboy to get up, Homeboy is getting up more slowly than Toby expected. So Toby decides to finish this match. Homeboy gets up and stumbles around, then Toby hooks and hits the teen spirit]

JR-looks like Toby's going to win

King-Wait before you win Toby.....cheat to win!! Like this

*King pokes JR in the eyes, King hits a low blow to JR, JR regains his eye sight only to be blinded by salt in his eyes, King puts on brass knuckles and knocks JR out cold with the brass knuckles*

King-and that's how you cheat to win....you ok JR


[Toby goes for the cover and gets the 1..............2............3!]

JR-Toby has won this match

(Toby celebrates, suddenly a song named "the right way" blasts on the PA system. Toby's head snap towards the entrance as La Parka climbs over the barcade on the ramp with a chair. But instead of going to the ring, La Parka mockly holds up the chair that is clearly stained with blood. La Parka starts to play the chair like a guitar)

King-Skull Captain is here!!!

JR-King.....this might mean that the Other World was just the first step in this RWA invasion...

(A "R.......W.....A" chant can be heard from some of the fans, while others boo as they get a final shot of La Parka still mockly playing the chair with blood on it like a guitar. With that Shockwave goes off the air)