EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Insanity Kidd!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Insanity Kidd comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Road Van Toad!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[RVT trips on the pilers that hold up the EMF tron and RVT goes rolling down to ring side Road Van Toad gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Insanity Kidd. Earl Hebner checks Road Van Toad's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Insanity Kidd short clothslines Road Van Toad. Now Road Van Toad standing. Road Van Toad hits him with a back fist. Road Van Toad gets hit with a back heel kick. Road Van Toad executes the airplane spin and throws Insanity Kidd onto the mat. Road Van Toad hooks Insanity Kidd in an armlock leglock submission. Earl Hebner asks Insanity Kidd if he quits. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Insanity Kidd trys to escape. Road Van Toad breaks the hold. Road Van Toad sets Insanity Kidd up DDTs him into the mat. Road Van Toad hooks Insanity Kidd in an armlock leglock submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Insanity Kidd trys to escape. Insanity Kidd escapes. Road Van Toad sends Insanity Kidd to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Road Van Toad chokes Insanity Kidd with a microphone cable. Road Van Toad sets Insanity Kidd up DDTs him into the floor. ]

The King - If Road Van Toad keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!

[(..2) Insanity Kidd stands up. (...3) Insanity Kidd jabs Road Van Toad. (....4) Insanity Kidd grabs Road Van Toad's leg and takes him down. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Insanity Kidd hits Road Van Toad with the back of his elbow. ]

JR - Road Van Toad takes a back elbow.

[Insanity Kidd get whipped into the corner and Road Van Toad follows himin with an avalanche. Road Van Toad executes the airplane spin and throws Insanity Kidd onto the mat. Road Van Toad chants start. Road Van Toad shoves Earl Hebner. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Road Van Toad was disqualified.

JR - The winner of this match, Insanity Kidd!!!

The EMF logo flashes over the scene as a modified version of the Shockwave video starts to play and then once it ends we go into the darken arena as pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage, once it ends the camera gets a shot of the whole arena as the location information goes over the screen.

[Shockwave starts off with a video package of Kaedon and Hanley, the video is basically to help hype the casket match tonight. The shot ends with a camera inside a casket as the lid of it gets slammed shut and the cameras go back inside the arena where pyro is shooting off everywhere. The camera immediately goes to the back as it shows Jay Levesque leaned up against his desk looking at his watch. Fans immediately boo as Jay is shown as the camera pans down his body and notices him stomping his foot as if he upset about something.]

Jay Levesque: Where is that idiot? We send him to get some decent clothing and he stays out all day.

[Jay looks over at Michelle who is laying on the couch watching her nails dry. Jay gets pissed as she isn’t even listening to him.]

Jay Levesque: Sorry I didn’t know watching your nails dry was more important then me.

Michelle Levesque: Come on, you know damn well I don’t care what goes on around here. All these guys are smelly and lets face it they are pathetic losers. For example: The whole Ikeda family. Rest my case, I can really careless what happens to this hell hole.

[The door then opens as a janitor walks in with his head down at the ground as Jay Levesque shakes his head in disbelief.]

Jay Levesque: Marty, are you really that retarded? I mean really?…I send you out to get decent clothing and you comeback in that janitor outfit again?

Janitor: Sorry…

Jay Levesque: Don’t you have any damn manners…Look at me when I am talking to you.

[The janitor looks up as its Josh Hanley, Josh proceeds to go and clothesline Jay over his desk as it flips with both of them. Michelle begins to scream as she runs out of Jay’s office yelling for security. Josh proceeds to pick up one of Jay’s plants in the room and throw it on him. Dirt goes flying out from the plant as Josh pushes over a file cabinet over on Jay as papers then going flying out. Security finally comes running in as they pull Josh Hanley out as Josh Hanley is just laughing and smiling. Michelle goes over helping Jay up as Jay pushes the cabinet off him. Jay gets up holding his head as he is shaking and turning red from all the anger. A voice is then heard…]

Voice: Hey, I’m back check out all the cool stuff I got!…

[Marty walks in wearing a leopard skin suit with a big fluffy white hat. Marty also has a box of stuff with him with things like a etch a sketch and big gorilla stuffed animal.]

Marty Jannetty: Damn, who made this mess?

[Jay just looks at Marty as if he wants to punch him as Jannetty plays with his etch a sketch and makes weird voices with stuffed animal gorilla.]

Jay Levesque: Whats all this junk huh? I give you money to go buy you a business suit and you comeback with this garbage.

Marty: Stay calm…I decided to use all that money and instead of buying some expensive suit…I went to a garage sell instead! Look at all this cool stuff I bought…Check it out!…Hungry, Hungry Hippos…Do you know how fun this game is?

[Jay looks as if he can rip Marty’s head off as Marty keeps putting the game up in his face, Jay grabs the game and slings it across the room as he walks out of his locker room. Michelle walks out looking at Marty as if he was a idiot as Marty shrugs his shoulder and picks up the game and begins playing it and laughing at the hippos.]

We then go to the King and JR

JR-Last Week a start of a new era in the EMF came, it would seem that once again the EMF is split into two

King-You always notice that Prez Mike disappears around these times?

JR-I noticed that too King

King-Maybe he’s waiting for the right time to be a “hero” and “stand” alone

JR-………..you’ll never let Jarred live that down will you

King-No…because it’s the funnest thing he’s ever done!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Eugene!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Eugene comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Spawn!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Spawn walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Spawn gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Eugene. Spawn strikes Eugene in the elbow. (the bell rings) Eugene legsweeps Spawn. Eugene hits Spawn with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Eugene is up again. Eugene fist drops Spawn on the mat. ]

The King - fist drop!

[Spawn gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Eugene. Eugene is back on his feet. Spawn moves back to his feet. Spawn reverse DDT's Eugene's head into the mat. Eugene gets hit with the shooting star press from Spawn. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Eugene kicks out. ]

The King - Spawn was so close!!

[Eugene stands up. Eugene hits a running forearm smash on Spawn's face. Eugene chants start. Spawn gets hit with the shooting star press from Eugene. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Spawn escapes. Eugene throws Spawn off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Eugene grabs Spawn and applies an arm wrench. Spawn gets back to his feet. Spawn tackles Eugene. Eugene comes from behind and bulldogs Spawn. Eugene moves back to his feet. Eugene stomps Spawn. Eugene puts Spawn in an arm grapevine submission. Eugene executes a corkscrew legdrop on Spawn. Eugene gets up. Spawn leg lariats Eugene, sending him to the mat. Spawn drags Eugene to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Spawn swings a Steel chair and hits Eugene. Eugene is bleeding as a result. (..2) Spawn executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Eugene. (...3) Spawn applies an arm wrench to Eugene. (....4) Eugene gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Spawn. Spawn is back on his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Spawn kicks Eugene in the back of the leg. Spawn hits Eugene with an elbowdrop. Spawn gets up. Eugene gets knocked on the ground and Spawn flips onto him. Eugene gets hit with the shooting star press from Spawn. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Eugene escapes. ]

The King - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Eugene stands up. Eugene trys for a front slam but Spawn avoids it. Spawn picks up Eugene and executes the cradle DDT. Spawn chants start. Spawn climbs to his feet. Eugene is back on his feet. Spawn drags Eugene to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

JR - Spawn's momma would be proud! Are you enjoying this match?

The King - Yes sir!

[Spawn takes Eugene off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Eugene is up again. Spawn hits Eugene with the northern lights suplex. Spawn moves back to his feet. Eugene takes Spawn into the ring. Eugene clotheslines Spawn. Eugene tackles Spawn. Eugene chants start. Eugene uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Spawn down. Spawn gets hit with the shooting star press from Eugene. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Eugene!!!

(Eugene after the match is slapping hands with the fans, waving suddenly the lights go off and then a few crashes are heard. Suddenly a man in black is standing over the downed Eugene, hits a stomp on the downed Eugene looks down and then goes to the back]

JR-What the hell was that about, was that the same person in black that has been bugging Rita and Chyna?

King-No clearly that was a different person.

[Kaedon is shown walking down the hallway as Vince McMahon is getting him pumped. Kaedon stops at Jay Levesque office as he stops and pushes open the door quickly. Jay is shown hopping up from his seat quickly thinking its Josh Hanley. Jay Levesque breathes a sigh of relief. Vince looks at Jay’s destroyed office shaking his head in disgust.]

Vince McMahon: What in the hell happened here?

Jay Levesque: Two words: Josh - Hanley, You know I got only one thing to say to you Kaedon, and that is “Destroy Josh Hanley”. Don’t just beat em, humiliate him, rip him limb from limb. I want you to grab Josh Hanley and just…just…

[Jay picks up Marty’s gorilla stuffed animal as he rips its head off and slings it on the floor.]

Marty Jannetty: DAVEY!!! NO!!!! *Jannetty falls on the ground picking up the cotton which came from it, stuffing it back in.

[Vince McMahon looks at Jannetty and puts his hand over his face in shame.]

Vince McMahon: To think, I actually hired that man…Jay Levesque, don’t you worry Kaedon is ready to destroy. And he will do just that tonight, in that very ring…All I am here for is to tell you to not get in our way. We know, you want to take out Hanley…But, as much as you want Hanley’s head. Kaedon wants that world title just as much and tonight fair warning to you, don’t get in our way.

[Vince and Kaedon walk out as Jay looks at the 2 men as they walk away and just raises his eyebrows.]

“Freaky frog sounds” blasts on the PA system as Rita runs down to the ramp, she gets to the bottom of the ramp and jumps on the arena, she does the thumb point half way through the ropes, but then catches her foot on the middle making fall on her head and making her unconscious in the ring

JR-almost…almost Rita

King-It’s just like Chyna with the Low blow…she’ll learn..one day….

“Who I am” blasts on the PA system as Chyna does her usual entrance last seen in the WWF/E and walks down the isle

JR-Chyna was certainly taken off guard by Rita Van Toad

King-Well suppose it’s easy to take Rita lightly

“Time to play the game” blasts on the PA system as the mystery person in black spits water and stops in the isle way

JR-King, you don’t think…um…King?

*King is humming “I believe in Triple H”, then notices the camera is on him and then runs away *

[Rita and Chyna look at the mystery person, but then once the person isn’t coming into the ring. The two decide to forget about that person and try to lock up in the middle of the ring, but Rita trips on her feet and she falls on her face. Chyna hits a few stomps and then pulls up Rita and then Chyna whips Rita off the ropes and then Chyna hits spinning back elbow that knocks down Rita. Rita stumbles up holding her face and then Chyna kicks Rita in the gut and then hits a vertical suplex, Chyna then tries to flow over into the cover. But then Rita is able to counter it into a pin for the 1………………2………..kick out, Chyna has a surprised look on her face and then gets up and then Chyna stumbles up and then Rita gets up and then kicks Chyna in the gut and then hits a few hard forearms to Chyna and then whips Chyna off the ropes and then Chyna bounces off, Rita puts her head down and then hits a back body drop on Chyna, Chyna stumbles up and then Rita hits a short arm clothesline and then Chyna goes down. Chyna takes few moments and gets up stunned and then charges at Rita and then Rita takes Chyna down with a released arm drag, Chyna stumbles up and then Rita hits a weird looking drop kick that hits Chyna but Rita falls on her face, Chyna stumbles back and then falls through the ropes. Rita stumbles up and then points to herself and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Chyna to get up, she takes a while, but Chyna finally stumbles up and then Rita jumps off the top rope and then hits Chyna with a cross body block, both wrestlers are down Rita stumbles up and then does the thumb point, only to poke herself in the eye. Rita stumbles around blinded and then Chyna gets up and then hits a few fists and then Chyna whips Rita into the steal steps, Rita hits the steps back first and then after a few moments Rita stumbles up holding her back, then Chyna picks up Rita and then hits a side walk slam on Rita on the outside. Chyna noticing the count is getting close to 10, she rolls into the ring and then comes back and then breaks up the count and then Chyna looks at the person in the ramp way dressed in black trying to get to come over. The person in black just spits water from the hole in mask]

King-Oh she did it now, Chyna will NEVER get over now

JR-that’s one way of looking at it King

[Chyna grabs Rita by the hair and then lifts her up and drops her face first on the Spanish announcers table and then Chyna throws Rita in the ring and then Chyna goes into the ring and then Chyna hits a few stomps on the downed Rita and then picks her up, then Chyna whips Rita off the ropes. Rita then hits a fucked up leg scissors hurricanarana that some how sends Rita on her head, but works a little bit on Chyna. Rita stumbles up dazed as does Chyna. Chyna charges at Rita, Rita then counters with a drop toe hold and then Chyna goes flat on her face and then Chyna stumbles up and then Rita kicks Chyna in the gut and then hits a whiplash DDT. Rita goes into the cover and gets a 1………………2…….kick out, Rita waits for Chyna to get up. Rita kicks Chyna in the gut and then looks like she’s going for the Rita Bomb, but then Chyna counters with a back body drop. Rita stumbles up and then Chyna sets up for a suplex and then Rita hits a few hard knee’s into the gut and then Rita twists Chyna’s arm and then hits a short arm clothesline. Rita then calls for the Rita Saul and then climbs to the top rope, but before Rita can leap off the top rope, Chyna is stumbling up. So Rita decides to let her get up for a few seconds once she is up, Rita leaps off backwards for the Rita sault. But then Chyna moves out of the way, Rita is in a lot of pain. Rita stumbles up, Chyna kicks Rita in the gut and then goes for her finishing move, the Chyna bomb. Chyna lifts her up and……………Rita counters into a hurrricanarana pin and gets the 1…………..2…………….kick out, Chyna pops out of that looking semi happy that she didn’t get beat the say way two weeks in a row. Rita stumbles up, Chyna kicks her in the gut and then hits a double under hook suplex]

JR-Chyna almost got beat twice with the same move

King-Well…at least she didn’t go for the low blow…YET!

[Chyna then hits a few stomps and then Chyna gets ready for the low blow! Rita stumbles up, and then Chyna goes for the low blow. But then stops and then pokes Rita in the eyes, Chyna then taps her head and then kicks Rita in the gut then sets up Rita for the Chyna bomb and nails it, suddenly the masked person is on the apron, Chyna then pulls the masked person in the ring and then goes for the mask, but before she can the mystery person punches Chyna, the ref see’s that the masked person has bass knuckles and calls for the bell]

JR-Guess who ever this is really doesn’t want to reveal who it is

King-Well it’s clear now…it’s William Regal, they tried to use the power of the punch!

(The Masked person stumbles out of the ring and then does a thumb point, poking themselve in the eye)

King-Oh wait, it must be her brother Road Van Toad


King-shut up JR!

[Punisher is shown knocking at a door as Jannetty answers it, Punisher looks him up and down wondering to himself what the hell this is before him.]

Jannetty: Sup dude, what can I do for ya?

[Punisher just grabs Marty by the face and pie faces him back as he goes flying back against the couch.]

Punisher: You can’t help me out…[Punisher extends his finger and goes around the room as he finds Jay Levesque and points at em’] But, you…You can do something for me. See I just ain’t understanding something here. Me and Barbwire Chris are undoubtedly the best tag team here but, yet instead of handing us the titles like you should’ve you make some four corners match and the winners go on to face us at the PPV? What kinda bullshit is this? You know damn well we deserved those titles, no one in that damn match can come close to me and Barbwire Chris.

Jay Levesque: Let me tell you something, you may’ve called the shots back in your first run here but, I call the shots now and tonight the four corners match is STILL on. And not only that but, your tag title match against the winner of the four corners match won’t just be a normal match but, a ladder match. Now, if you would excuse us…We got business to take care.

[Punisher looks over at Marty Jannetty who cracked his etch a sketch and is now eating the sand type substance which was in it.]

Punisher: Yea, sure does look like some important business is going on around here…But, you remember Jay I ain’t that damn easy to get rid of. I ain’t Josh Hanley you won’t make me look like a little bitch so easy…

[Punisher walks out as Jay rubs his face trying to recover from this bad day, Jay looks over to see Marty letting the sand run out from the etch a sketch and letting it run down his face. Marty begins laughing as Jay Levesque goes and grabs his coat and walks out of the office as Michelle follows.]

“You thing you know me” blasts on the PA system as E and C walk to the ring

JR-Edge and Christian certainly have the championship experience

King-Just hopefully they don’t get turned into ducks


King-I mean, not ducks..

“One of a kind” blasts on the PA system as RVD and Mike Awesome walk to the ring

JR-This two are ECW veterans

King-Which means they ran in a BINGO HALL AT ONE TIME!!

“Basic thugnanomics” blasts on the PA system as John Cena and Bringer of Chaos walks to the ring

JR-Both are very young superstars, would be a great way to boost their careers if they could win here

King-yeah, but their NEW

“steal, cheat, and steal” blasts on the PA system as Neddie rides to the ring with De Kreek in a low rider

JR-I’m kind of wondering if he’s really Eddie

King-Of course he’s not, he’s an original character like Ricky Rouse, X-Cold-T, or RVT


[Awesome and Cena start out, they locks up and then Awesome backs up to the ropes and then the ref asks for clean break and then Awesome slowly does and then moves in and then nails a fist before the clean break and then Awesome hits a fist and then whips Cena off the ropes and then Cena bounces off the ropes and then Awesome lowers his head and then Awesome hits the back body drop. Cena falls on the mat and then stumbles up and then Awesome backs to the ropes and then bounces off and nails a flying clothesline on Cena. Cena goes down and then continues running to the ropes and then leaps up and then hits a big splash on Cena and gets a 1………….2……….Christian comes in and then breaks up the pin. Awesome then just looks up a bit fustrated, then gets up and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Cena and then with his back turned to Christian, Christian hooks Awesome and then drives him down for a reverse diving DDT and then Christian hits a few hard stomps and helps him up and then Christian goes for the unpettier . But Awesome pushes Christian off, Christian bounces off the ropes and then Awesome goes for a big boot and then Christian ducks it and then quickly Christian takes out Awesome’s leg. Awesome goes down to the mat and then Christian hits a few stomps on the downed Awesome and then takes his leg and then puts it on the ropes and lands on it with all his weight. Awesome now is in extreme pain and then Christian does his taunt and then grabs Awesome leg and then drops a few elbows into the leg and then Christian then grabs Awesome’s leg and then turns him over for a single legged boston crab. Awesome then screams in a lot of pain and then looks around for someone to help him. But no one really wants to help him at the time, Awesome the goes to the ropes slowly makes it to the ropes and….Christian pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Suddenly RVD decides to come and help his tag partner and then hits Christian with a kick to the face to break up the single leg boston crab. RVD goes to the corner and then waits for a tag and then Christian and Awesome are both able to tag in their partners in, Edge runs in as RVD is on the top rope and then RVD leaps off and then hits the flying back kick that takes down Edge, Edge stumbles up and then RVD picks up Edge and then hits a body slam and then hits a spinning leg drop and goes into the cover.]

King-OK where’s the count

JR-Next paragraph King…


[1……………..2…….kick out, Edge stumbles up and then RVD hits a few kicks into the back of Edge and then RVD pulls up Edge and then hits a few forearms to the face of Edge and then whips him to the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes. RVD goes to the mat and lets Edge continues to the outside side, Edge bounces off and then RVD turns it into a monkey flip that makes Edge fall on his back, Edge stumbles up into the corner and then RVD hits a few shoulders into the gut and then does a back flip. Edge stumbles out and then RVD hooks RVD and then hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge for a 1………….2……….kick out. Then RVD comes back and then hits a few kicks to the downed Edge and then RVD lets Edge up and then hits a few forearms and then whips Edge off the ropes and then Edge reverses it and sends Edge to the ropes, RVD bounces off the ropes and then RVD hits a spinning wheel kick to send Edge down. Edge stumbles into the corner and then RVD starts to choke Edge with his boots and then chokes Edge the ref starts to use his count and then RVD lets up and then raises his arms to the crowd as he backs up and then he charges at the corner that Edge is sitting in and then hits a drop kick into the face of Edge. Edge looks to be out of it, then RVD pulls Edge out of the corner a little bit and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………….2……..Edge is too close to the ropes, Christian goes back to his corner wiping off sweat after seeing his tag team partner almost pinned. RVD pulls up Edge and then whips him to the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes and then RVD and Edge hit each other with a double clothesline.]

King-What their going for the tag in the second paragraph…unheard of

JR-Actually I think it’s a good idea

(Camera shows King in the other chair with white make up or something on his face for some reason)


[Slowly both RVD and Edge get close to their corners, suddenly Edge tries to get up and then stumbles back and then Neddie tags himself in as RVD tags in Awesome, Awesome runs in. Awesome runs into the ring and then goes for a clothesline. Neddie ducks it and then hits 1………….2………..3 vertical suplex, Awesome stumbles off and then goes to Edge and Christians corner to tag in, Edge seems ready to receive the tag. But before Awesome can tag him in, Edge and Christian drop off the apron. Awesome looks confused as E and C walk to the back and disappear to the back. Suddenly come back with tuxedo’s and a sombrero on. E and C laugh at JR, suddenly Brock Lesnar walks behind E and C and does his Brock sombrero dance, both E and C look at him strange, Brock shrugs and leaps off the stage head first.]

JR-What……..in the hell

King-whooo sombrero > all

[Everyone stops and look weird at E and C, Amy style (Amy’s trademark weird look…she’ll be sueing now..lol better watch out) But suddenly everyone starts to brawl as Neddie and Awesome are thrown out. A huge brawl happens and then the ref jumps outside to control it]

JR-It’s broken out

King-Just don’t come over here, I catch stuff easy…aw too late *King hits JR with a chair *

[Awesome is hit with a chair while the ref is too busy on the other side to notice and Awesome is thrown into the ring, suddenly Neddie who was laying in wait climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and nails the 5 star frog splash the ref slides into the ring and counts 1………………2 ……..3]

[Josh Hanley’s theme hits as the crowd stands to its feet, Josh walks down to the ring as suddenly from behind Vince McMahon clubs him with a double axe handle sending him to his knees. Vince McMahon talks trash while strutting around as he then kicks Hanley while on the ground. Hanley then pops up quickly as Vince’s eyes light up and Vince runs to the ring. Vince slides in the ring and Hanley slides in as well, the casket lid then opens as Kaedon pops out. Hanley grabs Vince by his suit as Vince begs, Kaedon the comes from behind as Hanley quickly turns around and catches Kaedon as they come face to face. McMahon then shoves Hanley forward though as Kaedon levels Hanley with a devasting clothesline.]

JR: What a cheap way to start off this match!…

King: What a smart way, Kaedon just took off Hanley’s head. *Laughs*

[Kaedon stands over top of Hanley demanding him stand as Josh crawls his way up using Kaedon. Hanley is out of it after that hard clothesline as Vince makes his way out the ring. Hanley is then yanked up to his feet as Kaedon picks up Hanley and presses him over his head. Kaedon walks over to the open casket as the crowd cheers for Hanley to get out. Hanley slips out the back as he pushes Kaedon forward and out on the apron in front of the casket. Kaedon quickly stands as Hanley punches Kaedon leaning him back with to the casket, fans cheer as Hanley nails him again as one arm loosens on the rope and Kaedon goes flying back again. Hanley then does it again, getting same result. Hanley then takes off running across the ring as he charges back and goes for a clothesline, Kaedon however drops his shoulder in between the top rope and middle rope. Hanley runs in as Kaedon pulls back, back body dropping him over the rope and past the casket as he goes crashing on the floor. Kaedon hops down looking under the apron as he pulls out a table as the crowd cheers.]

JR: This looks to get ugly quick…

King: Hopefully it just gets over quick…I got shit to do, Ross!

[Kaedon sets up the table as he walks over picking up Hanley in the entrance way. Kaedon sets Josh up as he hit’s a belly to belly to Hanley against the guardrail crowd members back up quickly as the railing comes inward to them. Kaedon picks up Hanley and walks him over to the other guardrail as he does another belly to belly slinging him up against the guardrail again as the crowd cheers. Kaedon laughs at his work as he walks Josh over to the table and nails his head against it. Kaedon pushes Josh up on the table as Kaedon climbs the apron. Kaedon picks Josh up bringing him over to the apron and beside the table and casket. Kaedon sets up Josh for a piledriver as he goes to drive him through the table, Josh however counters back dropping Kaedon into the casket. Josh falls to his knees breathing as the crowd cheers for him to close the casket. Josh reaches over and grabs the lid but, Kaedon quickly grabs his arm and drags him in the casket. As Josh is being pulled in he quickly reacts and keeps swinging lefts and rights at the head of Kaedon. Josh stands as he has Kaedon on his knees as both are still inside the casket. Josh Hanley nails him with two very stiff right hands. Kaedon is about to fall back as he reacts hitting him with a low blow as the crowd boos. Kaedon stands beside the leaned over Josh Hanley. Kaedon sets Josh up for a power bomb as he power bombs him from the inside of the casket outside of it and through the table he set up. The crowd chants “Holy Shit!” as Kaedon falls to his ass inside the casket as he checks his face for blood after those hard rights from Josh. Kaedon slowly gets out of the casket and slowly pulls Josh out of the wooden mess. After several seconds Josh is finally brought to his feet as Kaedon grabs him and throws him inside the casket. Kaedon reaches over and slams the lid down as he raises his hand and McMahon beings to clap. Kaedon proceeds inside the ring as he holds his hands high.]

JR: We got a new champion…

[The referee tosses down Kaedon’s hand as he points over to the casket and Josh Hanley’s foot is up on the side of the casket and the lid isn’t fully closed. Kaedon walks over opening the lid as Josh is ready as he gives a eye rake to Kaedon. Kaedon backs up holding his eye as Josh springs off the ropes hitting a springboard dropkick. Kaedon is layed out as Vince hops on the apron. Hanley grabs Vince slinging him in the ring, Hanley grabs Vince and hit’s the vortex on him as the crowd cheers. Kaedon hops up and notices this as it sends him in a rage. Kaedon runs full force for a clothesline as Hanley drops his head, Hanley spins Kaedon around dropping him with a DDT. Hanley then grabs Kaedon’s arm and slowly drags him to the casket. Its taking Josh a while as Kaedon isn’t the easiest to drag. Kaedon begins to move as Josh falls to his knees and hits several left and rights into his back. Kaedon falls to his stomach as Josh awaits for him to get up. Josh charges in but, Kaedon is ready as he quickly hit’s the Kaedon Crush.]

JR: That’s it! If Kaedon can just get Hanley in the casket we will have a new champion.

[Kaedon drags Josh Hanley to the casket as then the EMF tron lights up. And a voice is heard which distracts Kaedon.]

Randy Orton: Woah, Woah, Woah…Now, I know your busy with your little match Kaedon, but I got something I need to get off my chest here. See seems your boy, Vince McMahon has a very big mouth…Lets just see one of his quotes from a recent promo of yours.

Vince McMahon: Randy Orton was never really that good to begin with. The only reason I pushed him so hard in the WWE was because I owed his dad and his granddad for all the money they made me. I know the fans really didn't want to see him win his first title from a well respected champion like Chris Benoit. A man who did more for more wrestlers in one year that Randy Orton could ever do in a lifetime. No, I say this right now, Randy Orton, you'd BETTER stay out of this match, because if you cheat my monster, my Kaedon out of winning the EMF World Heavyweight Title outright, there WILL BE HELL TO PAY!

Randy Orton: Is that a threat a hear Kaedon? You guys are gonna threaten me? Randy Orton : “Legend Killer”? You want me to stay out of your business and “not dare cost you the match”…Well looks like I just did neither, hell Kaedon look behind you…

[Kaedon turns around as Josh Hanley is up and he quickly hit’s the Vortex on him. Both men are laid out as Josh is slowly moving but, quickly falls back down. Jay Levesque is then shown running down the aisle as he runs over tossing Finkle out of his time keeper’s chair. Jay Levesque grabs his chair and slides in the ring as he awaits Josh Hanley to get up. Josh slowly gets up as he slowly turns around, Jay Levesque goes charging with the chair as Josh quickly dives out the way and Jay Levesque drills Kaedon in the head with the chair. Kaedon goes falling in between the top and 2nd rope and into the casket. Jay looks at Kaedon covering his mouth as if saying “What have I done?”. Jay Levesque turns around as Josh Hanley clotheslines him over the rope and over the top rope into the casket with Kaedon. Josh reaches over and grabs the lid and slams it shut as the bell then sounds.]


[Josh quickly grabs his belt and quickly gets the hell outta dodge as the casket then opens and Jay Levesque comes shooting out, Jay Levesque back tracks from the casket as he takes a deep swallow looking back. Kaedon then raises up bleeding badly from the chair shot as he looks at Jay steaming. Kaedon yells as Jay quickly runs off, Jay looks up the stage as Josh Hanley is standing there holding his title and laughing as Jay Levesque looks up at Hanley pissed as he rubs his hands through his hair messing it up. Shockwave ends with Jay Levesque looking as if he is going to pull out his hair.]

(OOC-coin flip, I’m personally still undecided…I talked about it with another staff member, we came out of it with this. wanted to check out the RP’s some more, but didn’t have time. Just want to say that the ending is more because I could have went either way on this one, hopefully no hurt feelings either way)