EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Petey Williams!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Petey Williams comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Petey Williams executes a pumphandle suplex on Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar places Petey Williams on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (the bell rings) Petey Williams throws Brick Lesnar off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Brick Lesnar stands up. Petey Williams with an illegal chokehold on Brick Lesnar. Petey Williams hits Brick Lesnar with an elbowdrop. Brick Lesnar climbs to his feet. Petey Williams comes from behind and bulldogs Brick Lesnar. Petey Williams grabs Brick Lesnar and applies an arm wrench. Brick Lesnar goes up to the top and comes down on Petey Williams with an asai leg lariat. Brick Lesnar chants start. Brick Lesnar stands up. Petey Williams is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Petey Williams is fighting the hold. ... Brick Lesnar breaks the hold. Brick Lesnar drags Petey Williams to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

JR - My God!! What a match!

[Brick Lesnar executes a flying headbutt on Petey Williams. Brick Lesnar stands up. Petey Williams gets back to his feet. (..2) Brick Lesnar chokes Petey Williams with a microphone cable. Petey Williams executes a spinning back suplex on Brick Lesnar. Petey Williams gets up. (...3) (....4) Petey Williams rolls onto Brick Lesnar connecting with a knee. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Petey Williams and Brick Lesnar move back to ringside. Petey Williams and Brick Lesnar move back into the ring. Petey Williams stomps Brick Lesnar. Petey Williams puts Brick Lesnar in an arm grapevine submission. Petey Williams executes a corkscrew legdrop on Brick Lesnar. Petey Williams is back on his feet. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Brick Lesnar picks up Petey Williams and front slams him on the mat. Brick Lesnar executes a snap mare on Petey Williams and locks him into the sleeper. Earl Hebner asks Petey Williams if he quits. ... ... Brick Lesnar tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Petey Williams escapes. Petey Williams hits Brick Lesnar with an earringer. Brick Lesnar takes Petey Williams down with a full nelson faceslam. Brick Lesnar gets up. Brick Lesnar hits the flying legdrop across Petey Williams's neck. Brick Lesnar chants start. Brick Lesnar moves back to his feet. Petey Williams piledrives Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Petey Williams. Petey Williams executes the DDT on Brick Lesnar! Petey Williams signals for the Canadian Destroyer. Brick Lesnar stumbles up, and right into the Canadian Destroyer!! The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Petey Williams!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, from HEEL, KANE!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[fire blasts on the stage, but KANE walks through it. KANES on fire, but he seems to not to care. Until it registers in his head and he starts jumping around in pain. The ring crew puts him out and rolls him into the ring ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Rex!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Rex walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. KANE walks around the ring. Rex drops KANE with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ring, ring, ring) KANE with an illegal chokehold on Rex. Rex gets up. KANE gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Rex. ]

The King - Rex with a fireman's carry.

[KANE chops Rex. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Rex sends him to the mat. KANE clotheslines Rex. KANE pokes Rex in the eye with his thumb. ]

The King - KANE executes a thumb to the eye.

[KANE hits Rex with a heart punch. Rex is up again. KANE chops Rex. KANE pokes Rex in the eye with his thumb. ]

JR - Rex takes a thumb to the eye.

[Rex executes a swinging neckbreaker on KANE. Rex stomps KANE. KANE is up again. KANE with an Aztecan suplex on Rex sends him to the mat. KANE is back on his feet. Rex climbs to his feet. KANE gets hit with a back heel kick. KANE gets back to his feet. KANE with an illegal chokehold on Rex. ]

The King - KANE executes a choke hold.

[KANE hits Rex with a heart punch. Rex stands up. Rex nails the bridging back suplex on KANE. Rex piledrives KANE into the mat. Rex knees KANE and rolls back to his feet. Rex runs in and leg drops KANE. Rex chants start. Rex measures KANE up and drops a closed fist. Rex chants start. Rex stands up. KANE is back on his feet. KANE get whipped into the corner and Rex follows himin with an avalanche. Rex executes the Supper DDT on KANE! Rex pins KANE with a rolling cradle. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

JR - The winner of this match, Rex!!!

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, we go into the Shockwave video. Once it ends we go into the darken arena in where pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage. The lights turn on as fans yell and wave their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight!

King-Yeah, headlined by a world title match

Kris Gaffney-Don’t remember the last time that happened on Shockwave

King-Yeah, were going INSANE, and it can all be yours for the low, low price of….

“Mr. Kennedy theme” blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring, he steps into the ring and does his usual announcing thing

King-You think he ever has trouble remembering his name?

Kris Gaffney-I doubt it…

JR-Regardless, this should be a good match

“Colder than Ice” blasts on the PA system as Frank Snow walks to the ring, Frank Snow steps over the top rope and gets ready.

JR-A few month’s ago his tag team partner Duke Snyder had quite a bit of success as a singles competitor, we will see how Frank Snow does in this match

King-That’s like if you put X-Pac in charge of a stable.

Kris Gaffney-After all, he’s GREAT tag team wrestler

[Ken Kennedy and Frank Snow pace around the ring, and then Ken Kennedy locks up, they seem to only be fighting for position. Then finally being the bigger, and the stronger of the two Frank Snow is able to nail a fist on Ken Kennedy in the corner. He couldn’t move out of the corner, Kennedy is stunned Frank Snow gets hit with a knee to the gut in the corner and then he whips Ken Kennedy to the other side of the ring and then Ken Kennedy crashes into the corner and then Frank Snow charges into the corner. Ken Kennedy gets his back elbow up and then Frank Snow crashes into it. Ken Kennedy climbs to the second rope. He measures up, and leaps off the second rope and connects with a shoulder block that sends Frank Snow down to the mat. Frank Snow stumbles up to his feet quickly, and Ken Kennedy knocks him back down with a running clothesline being that he’s already stunned. He then crashes to the mat and then stays down this time and then Ken Kennedy hits a few stomps on the downed Frank Snow. Frank Snow gets up after that, Ken Kennedy hits a few fists to the face. Ken Kennedy whips Frank Snow off the ropes. Frank Snow bounces of the ropes, and then Ken Kennedy goes for a standing clothesline. He ducks under and then continues to the other side fo the ring and then bounces off the ropes. Ken Kennedy comes off the ropes and he hits a spinning elbow to Frank Snow that stumbles him back, Ken Kennedy wonders what he needs to do to get Frank Snow off his feet. Ken Kennedy backs up and then charges at Frank Snow and goes for a clothesline over the top rope, and connects with it that sends both Ken Kennedy and Frank Snow out of the ring. Ken Kennedy crashed with Frank Snow, but it would seem that he was able to take the fall fairly easily, he gets up and then pulls up Frank Snow up to his feet. He then takes Frank Snow and whips him into the steel steps. Frank Snow crashes into the steps shoulder first, and then Ken Kennedy takes Frank Snow and rolls him into the ring. He climbs to the top rope, and then measures up on Frank Snow who is getting up, Ken Kennedy leaps off the top rope, but it is turned into seemly a power slam!]

JR-Ken Kennedy may have made a big mistake there

King-Mistakes happen…look at Gaffney over there

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom said I wasn’t a mistake

[Both wrestlers are down on the mat, and then the ref starts to use his standing 10 count. 1………..2……………………..3……………4……………5………….6…..both wrestlers are up, Ken Kennedy stumbles right into Frank Snow who is able to react quickly with a head butt that knocks Ken Kennedy down to the mat. Frank Snow quickly recovers on the ropes, and then Ken Kennedy gets up stunned, but seems to really get the advantage back. So not really thinking clearly he charges at Frank Snow and then Frank Snow is able to hit a hot shot into the top rope, Ken Kennedy’s neck snaps off the top turnbuckle and stumbles right where Frank Snow hits a diving clothesline on Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy gets up after a time since Frank Snow is unable to attack. He goes right into where Frank Snow is standing and then Frank Snow picks up Ken Kennedy, and puts him over his shoulder. He then Frank Snow takes Ken Kennedy to corner, and drops Ken Kennedy for the snake eyes. Ken Kennedy stumbles around after getting drop on the top turnbuckle face first, and then Frank Snow charges to the ropes, and then bounces off the ropes. He comes off the ropes and then comes off the ropes and nails a running big boot to the face. Ken Kennedy goes down to the mat, and then Frank Snow backs to the other side of the ring and then comes off the ropes. He leaps in the air and drops the leg drop across the throat of Ken Kennedy. Frank Snow goes into the cover, and he gets the 1……………..2…………kick out by Ken Kennedy]

JR-Almost three there

King-Now it’s time for Frank Snow to do something…un..Frank Snow like

Kris Gaffney-I once tried to chokeslam someone……true story

[Frank Snow steps over the top rope, and goes up to turnbuckle. But before he can do anything, Frank Snow dives on the top rope, Frank Snow falls on the top rope. Ken Kennedy goes over to the ropes, and sets up. He decides to bypass the yell, and jumps and hits the Lambeau Leap. Ken Kennedy goes over for the cover, he gets the 1………………..2………….3]

(Kennedy is having his hand rised, but suddenly Angelus Archer slides into the ring with a chair. Angelus hits him from behind! Kennedy goes down, Angelus sets the chair up in the middle of the ring. Angelus pulls up Kennedy, and hits the slain through the chair that makes the seat bent with the impact. Angelus looks down, angry. He then leaves maybe knowing that he has back up, so he leaves before they have a chance to help out.)

“Jade Ellis’ theme” blasts on the PA system as Jade Ellis walks to the ring

JR-Jade Ellis doesn’t seem to be quite a fan of our country…

King-I’m waiting for some all American come at him?

Kris Gaffney-Yeah…doubt Hogan would though, I’m sure there is someone…

“CJ Lethal’s theme” blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal comes to the ring

JR-CJ Lethal does have talent, he just needs to learn how to close the deal

King-Yeah, he gets close…but the win is always taken away at the last second it would seem.

[CJ Lethal, and Jade Ellis lock up. CJ Lethal is able to just throw Jade Ellis to the side, and then CJ Lethal is able to hit a few stomps as Jade Ellis gets up to his feet. CJ Lethal hits a few for the face and then CJ Lethal tries to whip Jade Ellis to the ropes, and does. Jade Ellis bounces off the ropes, and then CJ Lethal goes for a clothesline. It’s ducked under by Jade Ellis, Jade Ellis goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes CJ Lethal turns around as Jade Ellis goes to the air and hits a flying shoulder block. CJ Lethal gets s stunned, and he stumbles back to the ropes, and then he gets caught in the ropes. Jade Ellis looks around and then hits a few fists to the face of CJ Lethal, and then Jade Ellis backs to the ropes and then hits a front drop kick to CJ Lethal despite the ref telling him not to. CJ Lethal is finally let out of the ropes, as Jade Ellis finally agree’s to listen to the ref. CJ Lethal is abel to get up, and then Jade Ellis backs up and then goes for a clothesline over the top rope. But it’s countered by CJ Lethal who hits a back body drop over the top rope, but Jade Ellis able to hang on to the top rope and waits for CJ Lethal to turn around. Lethal turns around, and Jade Ellis hit a shoulder block into the gut. CJ Lethal is stunned, so Jade Ellis slides under CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal Jade Ellis is able to take down CJ Lethal with a double leg take down. This sends CJ Lethal into the second rope throat first, and then CJ Lethal gets choked at Jade Ellis. CJ Lethal starts to choke CJ Lethal with the ropes as the ref counts 1………….2………..3……….4..Jade Ellis breaks up the choke before he get DQed. Jade Ellis runs to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes and then leaps in the air and tries to come across Jade Ellis back sending CJ Letha’s throat into the rope. But CJ Lethal moves out of the way at the last second.]

JR-CJ Lethal was able to use his experience advantage there

King-I’d watch out…once Jade Ellis is president, he’ll deport JR

Kris Gaffney-Which means…..you want him to keep insulting Jade Ellis?


[Jade Ellis is on the mat, as CJ Lethal is pulling himself up to his feet. Jade Ellis is on his feet, and then gets knocked down with a running forearm shot to the face. Jade Ellis goes down, and gets up and stumbles right into CJ Lethal who hits a head butt. Jade Ellis falls back, and then gets hooked in the ropes as he was. CJ Lethal smiles as he is ready to get some revenge here. He then hits a few fists to the helpless Jade Ellis who is in the ropes. He then hits a few fists to the face, and then backs off as the ref finally tries to get control. The ref helps Jade Ellis get out of the ropes, and then CJ Lethal grabs Jade Ellis and whips him off the ropes. Jade Ellis comes off the ropes, and then CJ Lethal goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under, then Jade Ellis goes to the opposite side of the ring. He bounces off the ropes and then CJ Lethal picks up Jade Ellis and drives him down with a side walk slam.]

JR-It looks like CJ Lethal’s about to finish off Jade Ellis

King-If he does, he’s probably going to make a height limit for America…

[CJ Lethal picks up Jade Ellis, and puts him on the top rope. He climbs to the top rope, and then goes for his finisher. But before he can. Jade Ellis hits a back body drop and falls with Lethal, Jade Ellis falls on CJ Lethal as he crashes to the mat, and is able to hook the leg somehow, and is able to get the 1….2……..3]

(OOC-made this match quick..)

“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system as Marc Mead walk to the ring along with Jocey Camp. Marc slides into the ring.

JR-Marc Mead surely welcomed Anei Kyoukan to the EMF last week

King-That’s for sure

Kris Gaffney-I’m going to guess that Anei Kyoukan is going to get really sick of the Satanic Union…their like everywhere…and stuff…

“” blasts on the PA system as Anei Kyoukan walks out in his trench coat. He slides into the ring, and takes the coat off. He steps back and waits for the bell.

JR-Anei Kyoukan was very impressive against CJ Lethal

King-Yeah, but now he’s facing the leader of the Satanic Union

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, this is true.

[Marc Mead and Anei Kyoukan face off, Marc Mead and Anei Kyoukan talk trash. Obviously they both are pissed off, which makes them double more pissed as Devin Malis (lol, god…sorry for picking on you Devin!). Marc Mead pushes back Anei Kyoukan back, and then Anei Kyoukan comes back and then hits a big slap across the face.This stuns Marc Mead enough to Anei Kyoukan hit a knee into the gut, and then Marc Mead is stunned. Anei Kyoukan takes a few steps back, and then hits aq running knee lift to the face that stumbles Marc Mead to the ropes. Anei Kyoukan tries to whip Marc Mead off the ropes, but it’s reversed by Marc Mead who sends Anei Kyoukan to the ropes. Anei Kyoukan comes off the ropes, and then Anei Kyoukan comes off the ropes. Then he hits a running forearm that sends Marc Mead down to the mat. Marc Mead gets up, and then Anei Kyoukan hits a few forearm shots to the face of Marc Mead, he then whips Marc Mead to the ropes. Marc Mead goes to the ropes. Then he comes off the ropes, and then Anei Kyoukan tries to lower his head for a back body drop. But it’s countered by Marc Mead who hits a kick to the face. Anei Kyoukan pops up like he wasn’t effected, and Marc Mead charges at Anei Kyoukan who side steps Marc Mead and then grabs him by the hair and throws him by the hair and throws him out of the ring. Marc Mead is able to grab the ropes, and is able to pull himself on the apron. But it would seem that it was not as of a clever move as he thought. As Anei Kyoukan turns around, and quickly uses the ropes to sling shots Marc Mead back into the ring. Anei Kyoukan hits a few stomps on the downed Marc Mead who slowly gets to his feet. Marc Mead backs up, as the new comer Anei Kyoukan is giving him quite a fight. But he runs out of room in the corner. Anei Kyoukan hits a few fists in the corner. Anei Kyoukan takes Marc Mead and then throws him hard into the opposite corner head first. Anei Kyoukan hits a few knife edge chops into the corner, he climbs up to the top rope where Anei Kyoukan is and then hits a few fists 1………………2………….3…………4…………5………..6……..7……Marc Mead walks out of the corner as Anei Kyoukan is saying something to the crowd, and then Marc Mead is able to drive Anei Kyoukan down with a power bomb.]

JR-Anei Kyoukan walked into that one for sure

King-I don’t think I could see Marc Mead doing that move….other than like that

[Marc Mead takes a few moments to recover, and pull himself up in the corner. Marc Mead pulls himself up in the corner. Anei Kyoukan gets up at this point, and then charges at Marc Mead in the corner. Marc Mead is able to get a boot to the face, and then Anei Kyoukan stumbles back, Marc Mead quickly goes to the apron and then climbs to the top rope, he measures up as Kyoukan gets to where he was and then Marc Mead leaps off the top rope, and then catches Anei Kyoukan with a flying back elbow from the top rope. Anei Kyoukan goes down to the mat. Marc Mead crawls into the cover, and then gets the 1…………2………………..kick out by Anei Kyoukan. Marc Mead looks up to the ref, and then quickly drops the elbow to Anei Kyoukan. Anei Kyoukan crawls over in the corner, and sits there. Marc Mead hits a few stomps on the downed Kyoukan. Then follows it up with a boot to the throat, and then the ref starts to count. He gets to 4, and Marc Mead breaks it up not wanting to get DQed. Marc Mead pulls Anei Kyoukan in the corner, and then hits a few knife edge chops to the chest of Anei Kyoukan. Marc Mead brings Anei Kyoukan out of the corner, and then whips him to the ropes. Anei Kyoukan bounces off the ropes, Marc Mead goes for a standing clothesline. It’s ducked under by Anei Kyoukan, and he continues to the opposite side of the ring he just bounced off. He bounces off those ropes, Marc Mead turns around and then is able to Arn Anderson spinebuster him, right into the cover.]

JR-What a move there!

[Anei Kyoukan gets up, and then Marc Mead gets up. Marc Mead charges and then Anei Kyoukan hits a back body drop on Marc Mead. Anei Kyoukan turns around, and Anei Kyoukan gets hit with a punch to the face. He stumbles Anei Kyoukan hooks Marc Mead for a suplex back into the ring, and gets him up. Suddenly Jocey while Anei body is restricting the ref’s views trips up Anei Kyoukan, right into the cover. The ref goes down, while he isn’t looking Jocey grabs the foot and Marc is able to get the 1………….2…………3] King-HA! Guess the numbers game catches up with you….aw…..the number game sucks…let’s play hungry, hungry hippos! (Suddenly as Marc is getting his hand raised, Anei comes from behind Mar cand starts to choke Marc from behind. Jocey gets on the apron, ANei Kyoukan charges at Jocey, Jocey jumps off the apron safetly and pulls Marc out of the ring, Anei Kyoukan stands in the ring.)

JR-Well, the numbers game may have caught up with Marc Mead…but Anei Kyoukan is standing tall.

(OOC-Not completely sure that I want to use Jocey in this case to be the interference. Although I’m pretty sure valets have done this ending effectively, so I think Anei doesn’t look that bad. This was one out of two close matches. We went with the one we thought, this is what we thought. Although, we had some sort of issue with the RP itself. We still thought that it was slightly the better RP. I left it open in the end for whatever in the future, although I know Marc has his plate full coming up. But to say the least, the ending is subject to change…because I’m not sure about the ending or if there is a better way for Anei’s requested use of the chain can be done.) “I am” blasts on the PA system, as AJ Styles walks out of the back on to the stage. He does his usual entrance that I’m sure all the readers know from TNA. He gets in the ring, and waits for his opponent

JR-This is going to be a battle of two wrestlers trying to get back in the flow. I can tell you that both of them are looking focused right now

Kris Gaffney-No one told me that AJ Styles hung out in chat rooms…I could have done an interview.

“Razorblade” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring, Hanley steps into the ring and waits for the bell to ring

JR-Josh Hanley is back to form, but his attitude sure has gone down the drain.

Kris Gaffney-Your Mom is down the drain


[The two members of the two groups come into the center of the ring, and then both talk trash a little bit. Then AJ Styles hits a fist to the face, and then Josh Hanley stumbles back, and answers with one of his own. AJ Styles goes for another fist, but it’s ducked under by AJ Styles pegs Josh Hanley with forearm shots to the face and then Josh Hanley stumbles back to the ropes, and then Josh Hanley gets whipped to the ropes. Josh Hanley bounces off the ropes, and then AJ Styles goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked under by Josh Hanley, Josh Hanley goes to the other side of the ring and then bounces off of the ropes and then. AJ Styles leaps in the air and hits a spinning wheel kick that does land on AJ Styles, Josh Hanley goes down. He stumbles up, AJ Styles hits a jumping hurricarana into a few mounted press on Josh Hanley. The ref makes AJ Styles stop, and AJ Styles gets up and hits a few stomps on the downed Josh Hanley and then Josh Hanley crawls way. He uses the ropes, AJ Styles backs off as Josh Hanley gets to his feet. Then AJ Styles hits a few stinging punches that are just used in the hope that it’ll stun Josh Hanley enough. AJ Styles tries to whip Josh Hanley off the ropes, but it’s reversed. As Josh Hanley hits the ropes. Josh Hanley hooks the ropes. As AJ Styles notices and Josh Hanley charges at Josh Hanley, and then goes for a clothesline over the top rope. But it’s countered by Josh Hanley with a back body drop over the top rope, but AJ Styles is able to grab the ropes before falling to the floor. Josh Hanley turns around, and AJ Styles is able to grab his head and then hits a hang man on the top rope. Josh Hanley’s throat is driven into the top rope. Josh Hanley falls down to the mat and then AJ Styles takes the ropes and then spring boards off the top rope, and jumps to the other side during a split legged moonsault off it landing on Josh Hanley right into the pin. The ref starts to count 1…………………2…………..kick out by Josh Hanley. AJ Styles looks up at the ref questioning whether or not that was a three or not, while this is happening Josh Hanley is able to crawl away into the corner. AJ Styles for whatever reason doesn’t hit any punches, he just whips Josh Hanley to the other side of the ring. Josh Hanley crashes into the corner. AJ Styles goes charging into the corner, but the charge is countered by Josh Hanley who takes a few steps out of the corner, and nails a drop toe hold that sends Josh AJ Styles face first into the second turnbuckle.]

JR-Both of these wrestlers have great championship experience

King-But Josh Hanley is the only one here that can say he won the big one

Kris Gaffney-One time…

[Josh Hanley sits down, and then takes a few moments to recover. AJ Styles is slowly pulling himself from the corner. But Josh Hanley gets up in time before AJ Styles can shake off the effect of going into the turnbuckle, and then he takes AJ Styles and throws him into the ring post through the ropes shoulder first. The camera’s get a shot of AJ Styles while he’s on the ring post, he is there for enough time for Josh Hanley to recover from the beating that he’s taken so far in this match (and in his life…lol, sorry Malis). AJ Styles pulls himself from the ring post. He falls back into the ring, he goes right into Josh Hanley who picks up AJ Styles and goes for the widow maker. But AJ Styles is able to struggle free, and then slide out the back. Josh Hanley turns around, then AJ Styles goes for a spinning heel kick. Josh Hanley ducks it, and then AJ Styles turns around into a kick into the gut by Josh Hanley. Josh Hanley pulls up AJ Styles, sets him up and then hooks him and picks him up. Then drives him down for the fishermans buster! AJ Styles goes into the cover. He gets the 1…………….2……………….kick out by AJ Styles Josh Hanley looks pissed off that he didn’t get the three there] JR_AJ Styles will not die

King-Matt Hardy is going to be pissed

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, he’ll expect a lot of royalities

[Josh Hanley gets up, and then mocks the crowd a little bit. Then AJ Styles nips up and then hits a few fists to the face. Josh Hanley stumbles back, and then AJ Styles tries to whip Josh Hanley to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Hanley. AJ Styles goes to the ropes, and the comes out of the corner, and then Josh Hanley goes for a clothesline. It’s ducked under by Josh Hanley, and then AJ Styles goes for a hurricanarana. But then blocked into a stacked power bomb. The ref goes down, AJ Styles is trying to kick out, But Hanley hooks the ropes as the ref counts 1…………….2…………..3]

JR-Damn it! Hanley used the ropes

King-Don’t question a real legend!

(OOC-Another close one, we decided Hanley by the slightest margin. Which is why I made this a dusty ending. Good RPing by both, maybe you’ll have a rematch at some point. Although I couldn’t think of anything better that’s easier to write, there was an idea that I got to run by Sam. So the way this ending goes down could be edited.)

(Bad, Bad Man blasts out and John Cena makes his way to the ring accompanied by Natasha Jones. He has the World Heavyweight Title draped over his shoulder and he hands it over to the referee as he gets in the ring.)

Finkle: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the EMF World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first... accompanied by Natasha Jones... the EMF World Heavyweight Champion... John Cena!"

(Chris Masters's theme hits and he makes his own way out. He gets in the ring and the referee checks both men. He rings the bell. Cena begins trash talking Chris but Chris runs straight at him and clotheslines him down. Masters stomps on a downed Cena. He lifts him up and hits a German Suplex. He covers quickly and gets the 1... kick out. He picks up Cena and hits shots to the back. Natasha is trying to cheer Cena on but to no effect as Masters continues his assault. He whips Cena into a corner and then runs and clotheslines him into the turnbuckle. He puts Cena on the top rope and goes for a Super-Plex. Cena pushes him off and jumps off for a cross body but Masters ducks it and then turns and hits Cena with a suplex for the 1... 2.... kick out.)

J.R: "A focused start here from the challenger.... catching the champion of guard."

King: "But John Cena isn't champion for nothing.... he created Chris Masters' career... and tonight he ends it!"

Kris: "Not at this rate... he's off to a worse start than J.R's Mom...."

(Masters picks up Cena and again throws him to the ropes. This time Cena ducks and rolls out of the ring. He gets his breath back and then rolls into the ring again. Masters charges at him but Cena ducks a clothesline. Masters turns and Cena hits him with a kick to the gut and then a DDT. Cena hits a few stomps on Masters and then lifts him up. He now throws Masters into the ropes and then hits a flying-shoulder tackle. Cena goes over and then lifts Masters and hits a suplex. He covers him for the 1... 2... kick out.)

J.R: "The World Champion fighting back...."

King: "You say it like your surprised.... I been cashing in BIG on Cena bets!"

(Cena lifts Masters and fires heavy fists at him. He then hits another suplex. MAsters lands face up and Cena sees an opening. He taunts and then comes off the ropes and nails the 5-Knuckle Shuffle! Cena hooks the leg and gets the 1... 2.... kick out by Masters.)

J.R: "5 Knuckle Shuffle.... but MAsters survives!"

King: "You'd have to be an idiot to job to that move...."

Kris: "Isn't that kinda like your move King?"

King: ........

(Cena picks up Masters again but Masters kicks him in the gut. Masters drills Cena down with a DDT. Masters climbs to the top rope while Cena is down. Cena stumbles up and Masters hits a Polish Hammer from there. Cena goes down and Masters covers for the 1.... 2..... kick out! Masters goes over and locks in a single legged Boston Crab on Cena. Cena tries to crawl towards the ropes.)

J.R: "The challenger back on top after that devestating move!"

King: "Somewhere Steven Richards is cowering in a corner...."

Kris: "Your Mom likes cowering in corners!"

King: "She does? Thats news to me....."

(Cena can't quite reach the ropes but jus as before, Natasha sorts it out by moving them towards him. Masters looks pissed but he's forced to break the hold. Cena stumbles up clutching his hurt leg. Masters runs at him and clotheslines him down. He waits for Cena to stumble up again, putting more pressure on the hurting leg, and then runs at him and looks for another clothesline. Cen ducks it and hits a drop-toe hold followed by an STFU! Masters tries to crawl towards the ropes but can't quite make it. It looks like he's about to tap when he makes one final lunge and grabs the bottom rope. Natasha tries to pull it out of his hand but the referee begins his count 1... 2... 3... 4... Cena breaks the hold. Masters limps to his feet and Cena hoists him up for the FU! However Masters rolls out the back of the move and locks in the Masterlock!)

J.R: "The end could be near here King... the Masterlock!"

King: "But we saw Cena break it at Survival of the Fittest.... he can do it again!"

(Masters has the hold locked in properly and Cena seems to be fading. The referee goes to check but says that Cena is still in the match. Masters ups the pressure but Cena refuses to go down to it. Then Masters hits a German Suplex from the position into a bridge and the referee counts 1... 2.... 3! Masters pulls away and falls to his knees.)


King: "I can't believe it... Cena's title reign ended so quickly...."

(The referee takes the belt from Finkle and Masters goes to collect it. Natasha is sitting on the floor with her head down refusing to watch. Masters takes the title but the referee doesn't let go. Masters tugs at the belt but the ref holds firm. Masters gives him a questioned look and then Cena makes it to his feet. The referee hands the belt to Cena and the crowd boo. No one can understand but the referee motions to Finkle who gets on the microphone.)

Finkle: "Ladies and Gentlemen... the referee has announced that during the pin fall... all FOUR shoulders were down. Therefore this contest is a draw... and as a result.. your World Heavyweight Champion is STILL John Cena!"

J.R: "NO WAY! Chris Masters thought he'd done it..."

King: "Fair is fair JR... if Masters's shoulders were down... he doesn't deserve to walk out champion."

(Masters looks pissed and storms off up the ramp. Cena raises the title belt high and Natasha is beaming as she rolls into the ring and jumps into his arms. The show goes off air with Cena celebrating, with one arm around her and the other holding his title belt high.)