EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Lance Sologub!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[A count down that says "the Game" starts 5............4........3........2.......1. The lights go out as "the REAL Slim Shady" blasts on the PA system as Lance Sologub walks to the ring.

JR-Wow, a real person ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Charlie Haas!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Charlie Haas walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Lance Sologub places Charlie Haas on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Earl Hebner checks Charlie Haas's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Lance Sologub executes a headlock takedown. Lance Sologub measures Charlie Haas up and drops a closed fist. Now Lance Sologub standing. Charlie Haas gets up. Charlie Haas holds Lance Sologub in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Lance Sologub gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Charlie Haas. Lance Sologub executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Charlie Haas. Charlie Haas moves back to his feet. Lance Sologub chops Charlie Haas. Charlie Haas gets hit with a dragon scerw from Lance Sologub. Now Lance Sologub standing. Lance Sologub grabs Charlie Haas and applies an arm wrench. Lance Sologub knees Charlie Haas and rolls back to his feet. Charlie Haas gets back to his feet. Charlie Haas executes the brain buster on Lance Sologub. Charlie Haas climbs to his feet. Charlie Haas grabs Lance Sologub's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Lance Sologub nails Charlie Haas with a belly-to-back suplex. Lance Sologub is up again. Lance Sologub applies an arm wrench to Charlie Haas. ]

JR - Charlie Haas takes a arm wrench.

[Lance Sologub measures Charlie Haas up and drops a closed fist. Lance Sologub moves back to his feet. Charlie Haas is back on his feet. Charlie Haas executes a neck scissors on Lance Sologub. Charlie Haas gets up. Lance Sologub climbs to his feet. Lance Sologub rakes the face of Charlie Haas in attempt to make a come back. Lance Sologub gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Charlie Haas. Charlie Haas holds Lance Sologub in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Charlie Haas holds Lance Sologub in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Lance Sologub gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Charlie Haas. A forearm choke by Charlie Haas nearly gets him disqualified. Lance Sologub gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Charlie Haas. Lance Sologub hits a tiger driver on Charlie Haas. Lance Sologub chants start. Lance Sologub gets up. Lance Sologub climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Charlie Haas. ]

The King - That diving headbutt was very good.

[Lance Sologub is back on his feet. Charlie Haas is locked in the elbow submission by Lance Sologub. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Charlie Haas trys to escape. Charlie Haas escapes. Lance Sologub and Charlie Haas go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Lance Sologub climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Charlie Haas. Lance Sologub is up again. Lance Sologub hits a spinning leg lariat on Charlie Haas sending him to the floor. They head back into the ring. They lockup. Charlie Haas sends Lance Sologub to the corner of the ring. Charlie Haas executes a neck scissors on Lance Sologub. Now Charlie Haas standing. Charlie Haas grabs Lance Sologub's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Charlie Haas tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Lance Sologub is fighting the hold. ... Lance Sologub trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... Lance Sologub is fighting the hold. ... Lance Sologub is fighting the hold. ... Lance Sologub taps out. ]

The King - Charlie Haas has won the match!

JR - The winner of this match, Charlie Haas!!!

The Shockwave video starts to play, once it ends we go into the darken arena and the fireworks blasts off on the stage and then once it ends the lights turn on and the camera scans the crowd who yell and wave their signs

JR-Welcome everyone to another edition of Saturday Shockwave, I’m good ol’ JR along side Jerry “the King” Lawler and Kris Gaffney

Kris Gaffney-Yeah, this show is headline by Wes…which means it can’t be any good

King-wow we agree on something

JR-You two just don’t like Wes, that’s all it is

Kris Gaffney- I think we found out different about King last show


“Prophecy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Prophecy walks to the ring

JR-Prophecy has the experience advantage in this match

Kris Gaffney-Blah, that’s just an excuse to say he has an advantage

King-Oh well, newbies…are new

“Diamond theme” blasts on the PA system as Diamond walks to the ring

JR-Diamond is inexperienced here in the EMF, a win over Prophecy would be a good start

King-gotta start somewhere

Kris Gaffney-that’s true…

[Prophecy and Diamond lock up and then fight for the advantage and then they switch around because neither of them really have the strength advantage and it is just so happen that Prophecy has Diamond in the corner and then hits a knife edge chop before the ref can ask for a break (neither clean or dirty) and then Diamond is reeling in the corner and then Prophecy hits another one and then Prophecy brings Diamond out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes. Diamond bounces off the ropes and then Prophecy hits a spinning back elbow on Diamond and he goes to the mat and then Diamond’s up fast and then is taken down with a running clothesline. Prophecy takes his time as Diamond stumbles up and then Prophecy runs to the ropes and then comes off and then hits a flying shoulder block on Diamond. Prophecy then looks to the turnbuckle and then climbs to the top rope and then waits for Diamond. Diamond stumbles up and then Prophecy leaps off the top rope and then nails a flying shoulder block and then Prophecy goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………………2…………kick out. Prophecy shrugs knowing that probably wasn’t going to get the job done and then Prophecy puts Diamond in a side head lock on the mat, Prophecy then puts more pressure on Diamond to make sure that he does not get out of this hold and then Diamond slowly gets to his feet and then starts to try to find out of the hold and then Diamond starts to power out into a top wrist lock, but then Prophecy puts him back into the side head lock and then Diamond had to find another counter and then Diamond goes to the side and then tries to hit a belly to back suplex. But then Prophecy spins around and then goes into the cross body block and then right into the cover 1……………………..2……………..kick out. Prophecy hits a few hard stomps on the downed Diamond and then Prophecy lets him up. Diamond goes into the corner and then Prophecy hits a few fists in the corner and then Prophecy sets up Diamond and then hits a hip toss out of the corner and then he crashes on to the mat. Prophecy goes to the top rope once again, and then waits for Diamond to get up. Prophecy leaps off, but went to the well one too many times, as Diamond is expecting him and then turns it into a powerslam. Both wrestlers are down.]

JR-Can’t say Prophecy is the type of wrestler that goes to the top rope too much

Kris Gaffney-Well, guess that’s what he gets for taking risks.

King-Yeah god forbid *kicks Prophecy while he’s down*

[The ref starts his standing 10 count 1…………………2……………….3………………….4……………..5………………6…………….7……………both wrestlers get to their feet and then Prophecy goes for a fist. But it’s blocked and then Diamond hits a few fists and then Diamond tries to whip Prophecy to the ropes. But then Prophecy reverses the whip and sends Diamond to the ropes. Diamond bounces off the ropes and then Prophecy goes for a clothesline and then Diamond ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then bounces off and then Diamond hits a flying forearm on Prophecy and then Prophecy goes down to the mat and then Prophecy stumbles up and then is stunned and then Diamond hits a few hard fists and then tries to whip him to the ropes, and does. Prophecy bounces off and then Diamond his a spinning Arn Anderson spinebuster. Diamond gets up and then runs to the ropes and then comes off then leaps in the air and then hits a big elbow drop and goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2…………kick out. Prophecy crawls out of the cover and then goes into the corner using the ropes to get up and then and then Diamond hits a few stomps in the gut in the corner and then whips Prophecy to the opposite side of the ring and then he crashes into the other side of the ring and then stumbles out of the corner and then Diamond runs to the ropes and then hits a bulldog on Prophecy driving him face first into the mat.]

JR-Diamond is going in for the kill

King-He already did…to me

Kris Gaffney-Same here

[Diamond calls for his finisher, slowly Prophecy gets to his feet and then once he does Diamond goes for his finisher and then it’s countered by Prophecy and then he’s put in a small package and gets the quick 1………….2……….3]

(The Highlight Reel set up in the ring as the Other World theme is blasting on the PA system. The camera zooms as Jericho is in the middle of the ring holding down the ropes. Amy's on the turnbuckle doing her Lita hand signs to the crowd. Amy jumps down, Jericho now has a microphone as the Other World music fades. Suddenly a "Lita! Lita! Lita!" chant goes up. Jericho gets the crowd to keep on going for Amy, Amy smiles to the crowd. Finally it fades away.)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Welcome to the HIGHLIGHT RREEEEELLLL *fireworks blasts off*. Oh yeah, this is a very special Highlight Reel indeed. Because not only due to our guest, but where coming off Survival of the Fittest where the extremely beautiful Amy Dumas beat the hell out of Jackie Gayda. Amy I know you want us to put us everything behind us, but let that a lesson to anyone else that wants to do something like that to us.

(Amy singles to Jericho for the microphone)

.::Amy Dumas::.-You’re right Jericho, we should put this all behind us. I think the point has been made, and that's all that matters. I accomplish all my goals, regardless of Jackie’s twist on the match. I don’t think either one of us are ever going to like each other. Especially after the stuff Jackie and Cena did, but I recently received an invitation to Jackie and John Cena’s wedding. So to prove that everything is behind us, I will accept the olive branch by Jackie, Jericho and myself will attend the wedding. But anyways to more important matters at hand, I wanted to know...who exactly is our guest. I wasn't told who it was.

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well let's find out shall we? Jerichohalics of all ages, please welcome our guest on the Highlight Reel.

(Jericho points to the entrance as "Lovefurypassionenergy" (Amy's theme) blasts on the PA system. The camera gets a shot of Amy's face, she has a "what's going on" and almost an amused look on her face.)

.::Amy Dumas::.-Hey guys, I'm already in the ring...this a joke?

(Jericho slowly walks up to Amy)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-No Amy, it's no joke.

.::Amy Dumas::.-I don't think I understand Jericho...

(Jericho takes both her hands in his hands)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-You know Amy, it's funny that...


*Suddenly the EMF tron goes black and "Matt Hardy's Theme blasts over the PA system. Matt looking very sour walks down mid way to the ramp with a mic in hand and begins to speak*

Matt Hardy V 1.0: What the HELL is This? Jericho, is it just me or have you run out of guests to put on your show. Come on now, who would put on their girlfriend as a guest. She's not even half the talent I am. Now, as a matter of fact, I happen to be listening since you had no obvious talent to choose from other than myself...so I'm going to see to it I'm tonight's guest. Wether Amy disagrees or not. Just ask Paul Heyman. I think he made my reason for being here pretty clear. And in case you get any ideas....

*Security comes out and stands by Matt*

Matt Hardy Version 1.0: I came prepared!

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Well I had a reason ass clown, before you INTERUPTED. What the hell you got to say that's so important Hardly? Shouldn't you be leaving your whining to an internet message board?

Matt Hardy V 1.0: At least I have fans Jericho, that's more than most wrestlers can say. It's obvious they wanted me in EMF to smash Amy...and I delivered! I'm not leaving or stepping aside until my promise is kept to each and every EMF Fan. To end the Amy Dumas Era in EMF!

(Matt paces a bit)

Matt Hardy V 1.0: Amy is more trouble to you than shes worth Jericho. She makes situations only get worse when she puts he nose in the middle of it. She ruins relationships and abuses her powers and sluts it up for her own benefit, face it Jericho, she's subdued you, shes in control of you, and if she wants, she'll damage you and your career for life. Open your damn eyes!

.::Amy Dumas::.-*Giving a what the hell look to Hardy* Hardy, do you know what the hell your talking about? You come out here talking about how I abuse my power, yet your now friends with a guy who kisses the world champions ass and helps him keep that title ALL the time. The only thing I have ever done was to off set some of the abuse of power going around here. As for what else you said, I wouldn't do that to Jericho. I invaded the EMF with him for a reason, neither of us had power then. We didn't even have a promise of success. The reason was because the RWA was my federation too and yes, maybe I did want to get closer to him. It was because I cared about him! I love him, and I know he loves me too..so why don't you go to hell!

Matt Hardy V 1.0: Only thing you are trying to get closer to is his checkbook! And if I were you I'd give a little more credit where credit is due! Paul Heyman looks out for his talent unlike some people who make this place look like a three ring circus!!!! Time to put a stop to that once in for all. Why should some piece of trash like you be in charge of so many careers? You are the abombanation of wrestling!

(Jericho is pissed)

.::"Y2J" Chris Jericho::.-Hardly.....I don't know how long it's been since I last said this....but....Will you please........SHUT THE HELL.....UP!! *crowd says it along with him* You know what I think we just had enough of you...ain't that right Amy.

(Amy nods to Jericho, who seems like she might be pissed or even a little hurt about what has been said)

Matt Hardy V 1.0: I don't care if you've had enough, I'll say as much as I wanna say. It's a free country damnit and EMF loves Matt Hardy Version One! The Slut will become a Symbol!

(Jericho can't take anymore of these comments towards Amy, Jericho starts to walk to towards the ropes. Amy follows behind him. Then Jericho jumps out of the ropes and then rushes the security guards, who in turn hold him back. Hardy does some more mocking and holds up the "V.1" sign as he leaves the stage. The security guards leave before Jericho starts kicking their asses, Amy goes over to him and calms him down as Shockwave goes to a commercial.)

“some generic theme” blasts on the PA system as Jackie walks to the ring

JR-Jackie was taught a lesson last week, that’s for sure

King-Yeah, but it’s over. Now Jackie needs to get through this match and then she has a wedding to worry about

Kris Gaffney-Could be the reason this match is this week, so she doesn’t have to worry about it

“Rylee’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring

King-Wow…the writer is really doing a bad job in remember the themes this time around

Kris Gaffney-He has his good days and his bad

JR-Well, regardless Rylee is certainly going to give Jackie a good match, that’s for sure.

[Rylee and Jackie come into the middle of the ring and then start talking trash and then Rylee bitch slaps Jackie and then holds her face for a second and then shrugs it off and then Jackie and then Rylee lock up and then Jackie goes behind Rylee and then hits a few clubbing blows to the back of the neck and then puts her into a waist lock and then takes Rylee down and then into a front face lock and then Rylee spins out of it into a hammer lock, Rylee drops a few knee drops into the arm of Jackie. Jackie’s in a lot of pain, but Jackie decides to find a way out of the move and then Jackie gets up and then tries to run with Rylee holding on to the hammer lock and ducks and then Rylee goes flying and then hits the post shoulder first. Rylee pulls herself out of the corner and then she falls in the corner and then turns around she is now sitting in the corner and then Jackie hits a few stomps on the sitting Rylee in the corner and then uses her boot to start to choke Rylee and the ref counts to 5 and Jackie breaks it up so she won’t be DQed Jackie then pulls up Rylee and then sets up and then hits a knife edge chop to Rylee. Then sets her up and then hip tosses her out of the corner. Rylee falls on the mat and then bounces up in the sitting position and then Jackie kicks Rylee in the back and then Rylee goes down to the mat Jackie then pulls up Rylee by her hair and then picks her up and then drops her for a body slam and then Jackie goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and hits the leg drop of doooooooooom. Jackie goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………..kick out, Jackie then decides to put on a chin lock, Rylee is looking for a way out of the move, but she seems to be too beaten down to do anything about it now and she is seemly fading and then before she can. Rylee starts to get to her feet and then she starts to elbow out of the hold and she starts to break the hold and does and then Rylee runs to the ropes. But Jackie grabs Rylee’s hair and she goes down to the mat before she can hit the ropes. Jackie laughs at the downed Rylee and then hits a few stomps on the downed Rylee and then Rylee crawls into the corner and then Jackie hits a few fists and then tries to whip Rylee to the other side of the ring and then Rylee reverses and tries to run in. As Jackie hits the corner, Jackie gets her boot up and Rylee crashes into the boot.]

JR-nice counter by Jackie

Kris Gaffney-Well, you got to think that she wants to get back to her winning ways. Much like the IBA Magic did after beating the Heat

King-gotta plug your team somewhere, don’t you Gaffney…

[Rylee stumbles around and then Jackie pulls herself on the second rope and then hooks Rylee and goes for a tornado DDT. But before Jackie can hit the move, Rylee pushes her off and then Jackie goes flying on the mat and then lands on her feet. Rylee taunts her and then Jackie runs at Rylee and then Rylee takes Jackie down with a double leg take down and then sets up Jackie and then hits a caultpault. Jackie hits her face on the top turnbuckle and then Jackie stumbles backwards and then Rylee hits a flowing reverse neck breaker Jackie. Both Jackie and Rylee are down, the ref starts his standing 10 count 1…………………..2………………..3……………….4……………5……………..6……………7….both Jackie and Rylee get to their feet and then Jackie is the first to get to her feet and goes for a fist, but then Rylee blocks it and then hits a jaw jacker on Jackie. Jackie stumbles back and then Rylee backs to the ropes and then bounces off and then hits a diving clothesline on Jackie that sends her to the mat and then Jackie stumbles up a little dazed. Rylee kicks Jackie in the gut and then hits a DDT on Jackie. Rylee goes into the cover and then gets the 1……………………..2……………..kick out. Rylee pulls up Jackie and then tries to whip her to the ropes, but it’s reversed by Jackie. Rylee goes to the ropes and then bounces off. Jackie lowers her head for a back body drop. But Rylee counters the move by grabbing Jackie by the hair and then drives her face first into the mat and then Jackie stumbles up and then Rylee puts Jackie into a small package and then gets the 1……………………..2…………….kick out at the last possible second by Jackie.]

King-Jackie can’t lose, that might ruin her big day

Kris Gaffney-I would say if Survival of the Fittest didn’t, but then again…she did at least walk out with the womens title

[Jackie gets up, and then gets DDTed by Rylee. Rylee calls for the High Rise. Jackie stumbles up, Rylee goes for the high rise, but it’s countered and then Jackie picks up Rylee and drives her down for the F-U. Jackie goes into the cover and then gets the 1…………………2……………3]

The ECW theme music begins to play through the arena sending the crowd into a near violent uproar. Paul Heyman walks out onto the stage wearing one of his usual pin striped suits a black New York Yankees ball cap. He swaggers his way down to the ring and heads up the ring steps. Heyman climbs into the ring, stepping in through the top and middle ropes. He makes his way across the ring and takes a microphone from the ring announcer, and then motions for the music to stop as he steps into the center of the ring and looks out at the audiance.]

Heyman:"I have to be honest with you, I really do appreciate the warm and loving reception that you just gave me. After all, everytime I hear one of you dumbasses boo me, it makes me realise just how well I'm doing my job. A job, by the way, that pays more in a day that any of you jerk offs make in a year! Thats not what brought me out here though. No, believe it or not, I didn't come out here to remind you all of how much your dead end, worthless, mundane lives suck. I came out here tonight to make a couple of announcements. Thats right, I came out here to shakes things up a little bit in the EMF. Two weeks ago we crowned new EMF World Tag Team Champions when John Cena and Dude Nick managed to somehow win the Elimination Chamber. Now, in doing so they have accepted the role of the hunted. And when they became the hunted, I became the game warden. And as the game warden, it is my job to regulate who is hunting my champions. Now, with that being the case I'm forced with making the decision as to who gets the first shot at the newly crowned World Tag Team Champions. On one hand we have Wes Ikeda and Scotty Kincaid. As you all know, they were the next to last team to be eliminated in the match at Survival Of The Fittest. So I'm sure that I could stand here and make a case on their behalf. On the other hand though, there is the team of Angelus Archer and his mystery partner. As you all remember, it was the mystery man, who turned out to be Scott Hall, who was pinned at the end of the match. That of course was the pin fall that won the tag titles for Cena and Nick. So, I could without a doubt make a case for them as well. Though, as much as I'm sure you would all love to sit here and discuss the matter with me, I've already make a couple of decisions regarding the World Tag Team Champions and who their first opponents will be. Now, as you all know, next week John Cena and Jackie Gayda will be getting married. And with that being the case, I've done the right thing and decided not to book Cena in a match next week. Instead deciding to let him enjoy his wedding night. So, instead of putting Cena in a match, I've decided that next week, right here on Shockwave, it will be Dude Nick and Scotty Kincaid going one on one in a ladder match! Oh, but it only gets better from here. At Last Stand in two weeks time, John Cena and Dude Nick will be defending those titles against Scotty Kincaid and Wes Ikeda. Though, there seems to be something that I'm forgetting to tell you. Oh, yes! The ladder match between Kincaid and Nick next week. Hanging above the ring will be a small brief case. In that brief case will be the contract for their match. Who ever climbs the ladder and grabs the brief case first will win the right for his team to decide the stipulations for the tag title match. Thats merely the beginning though. Because whoever walks out of ring as the EMF World Tag Team Champions will have to then defend those titles against the team of Angelus Archer and......"

[Down With The Sickness begins to play and Angelus makes his way out onto the stage, the World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder, and a microphone in his hand. He stands in the center of the stage, and looks around the arena once before staring down to the ring at Heyman.]

Angelus:"Against Angelus Archer and who Paul? Who have you gone out and gotten as my tag team partner this time? Doink The Clown? The Barbarian? What washed up has been have you found this time? Oh, don't even bother to answer the fucking question Paul. Because I've taken it upon myself to go out and find a tag team partner. Thats right Paul, I've found my next tag team partner. And this time I've found somebody that I know I can count on. I've found somebody who is really going to watch my back. Somebody who can take one of those Coast To Cloverleaf moves and laugh at it as he shakes it off. Paul, I've gone out and gotten a real man to be my tag team partner. Somebody who doesn't spend the day of the match boozing it up in the hotel lounge. And while I'm sure you and everybody else here would love to know who that man is, I'm not going to tell you. Your all going to have wait and see who comes to the ring with me. So Wes, Scotty, Cena, Nick you guys can go ahead and start tossing out your paranoid theories about who my partner is, but I guarantee you this, there is no fucking way in hell that you'll ever figure it out, at least not before its far too god damn late! And that.....that is a FUCKING GOSPEL!!"

[Angelus turns and heads back through the entrance/exit, leaving Heyman standing in the ring with a smirk on his face as Shockwave cuts to a commercial break.]

Finkel:"The following contest is a special Evening Gown match. Introducing first, about to make her way to the ring.....Chyna!"

["Chyna's Theme" begins to play and she walks out onto the stage wearing a very elegant, and very form fitting black evening gown. A few oohs, and ahhs come out of the crowd as she makes her way down the aisle towards the ring. Chyna makes her way up the ring steps, and then steps into the ring under the second rope. She stands up and walks around the ring once, showing off her dress. Once finished with her trip around the ring, she makes her way to the center of the ring and eagerly awaits the arrival of her opponent.]

Finkel:"And introducing her opponent. About to make her entrance into the arena....JOY!"

["Joy's Theme" begins to play, and all the men in the audiance let out a collective cheer as they let their approval be heard before she even shows up on the stage. Joy walks out onto the stage wearing a very revealing, yet classy, dark red evening gown. Joy stops on the stage and spins around for everybody to see. Joy makes her way down the aisle, and once ring side, makes her way around the ring to the far side steps. She heads up the steps, and then enters the ring the sameway that Chyna did. Joy stops just inside the ropes and poses again, though as she turns her back on Chyna she finds herself blindsided by a clubbing forearm shot that catches her just between the shoulder blades. The bell sounds and Chyna grabs Joy by the hair and drags her to the center of the ring. Chyna jerks Joy's head back and says something to her, ending it by calling her a bitch and then scooping her up, and driving her down to the canvas with a very text book, yet powerful, body slam. Joy quickly clutches her back in pain, and Chyna stays on the attack. Chyna kicks Joy in the small of the back a few times, and then drags her back to her feet by her hair. Chyna quickly whips Joy across the ring into the far ropes, and nails her with a stiff clothes line that would have knocked any man off his feet....(Or flattened one of Chyna's implants if this were a real life match against Bob Holly).......Joy goes down hard again, her head bouncing off the canvas as she makes impact. Chyna doesn't let up though, immediately grabbing Joy by the hair and dragging her back to her feet again, this time backing her into a corner and delivering a couple of stiff chops that echo through the arena.]

J.R:"Joy very well may have bitten off more than she can chew tonight, because Chyna has definently come prepared for a fight."

King:"Nobody cares about a fight! I just wanna see those PUPPIES!!! Oh, I'm just filled with the anticipation."

Gaffney:"First off, I don't think thats "anticpation" that your filled with King. And Secondly J.R, I believe King was referring to the fact that nobody came to see a fight because this is an evening gown match, and you can only win by stripping your opponent down to her bra and panties."

[Chyna grabs Joy by the arm and whips her across the ring into the opposite corner. Joy lands in the corner with a thud, and Chyna quickly takes off across the ring, doing her usual gymnastics routine across the ring, and ending it with a back elbow in the corner. Only when she reaches the corner, there is nobody there. Just as Chyna is coming out her final back flip, Joy moves out of the corner, causing Chyno to land hard against the turnbuckle. Chyna stumbles out of the corner, momentarily disoriented, but dazed enough to allow Joy to deliver a stiff kick to her midsection. Chyna doubles over, and Joy grabs a couple hands full of her hair and quickly drives her face first to the canvas with a X-Factor. Joy stands up and immediately begins to kick and stomp the downed Chyna, not giving her time to catch her breath or stand up. After a few moments of this, Joy finally pulls Chyna back to her feet and delivers a couple chops of her own to Chyna before backing her into the corner. Joy punches Chyna a couple of times before grabbing Chyna by the head, and using to brace herself as she planted her feet into her sternum in preperataion for a Monkey Flip. Though Chyna was just a step ahead of her, and when Joy attempted the move, Chyna wrapped her arms around Joy and lifted her up and walked out of the corner, delivering a massive power bomb that knocked the breath right out of Joy. A smile on her face, and sensing that the end is near, Chyna pulls Joy back to her feet one last time, and prepares to deliver her patented DDT. Chyna tucks Joy's head under her arm, though as she does Jackie slides in the ring behind her, quickly gets to her feet and nails her with a diving clothes line from behind. Chyna goes down to the canvas face first, and Joy falls to the mat, rolling out of the way.]

J.R:"What the hell? Thats Jackie Gayda!! What business is this of hers?"

King:"Who cares! She just brought two more beautiful puppies to the ring."

Gaffney:"King, have you ever thought about seeking out some professinal help?"

[Jackie grabs Chyna by the head and drags her to her feet. Once she has her on her feet, Jackie mimics John Cena, waving her hand in front of her face and saying "You Can't See Me". Jackie proceeds to pick Chyna up and deliver the F-U! Jackie looks down at Chyna for a split second, and then heads over and helps Joy to her feet. Jackie points to Chyna and then says something to Joy. Joy smiles and then walks over to where she is laying on the mat. Joy stands over Chyna, stradling her with one foot on either side. She turns her back towards Chyna's head, and then bends over, pulling up her dress and doing her Booty Shake!!! Joy then proceeds to turn around and grab the front of Chyna's dress, and quickly pull, and tear it off her. The bell sounds, and Joy stands in the ring twirling Chyna's dress over her head as Chyna rolls out of the ring and tries to cover herself up with her arms.]

“Bringer of Chaos theme” blasts on the PA system as Bringer of Chaos walks to the ring

JR-this is the match…no one wanted to see

King-Oh come on JR, it’s time for one more match

Kris Gaffney-Hogan might not be happy, I’m expecting Shawn Michaels to make his 325 return soon


“Daemon Archaos theme” blasts on the PA system as Daemon Archaos walks to the ring

JR-Archoas is looking to get back in the championship hunt

King-Would be a good start here, this is Bringer’s one more match.

Kris Gaffney-Until the next “one last matches”

[Bringer runs into the ring, Archaos hits a fist that knocks down Bringer of Chaos. Bringer of Chaos stumbles up and then Archaos hits a kick to the gut and then whips Bring of Chaos to the ropes and then Bringer of Chaos bounces off and then Archaos hits a fist to the face that sends Bringer of Chaos down and then stumbles up and then Archaos kicks Bringer of Chaos in the gut and then sets up hits a spinning fisherman’s suplex and then gets the 1……………..2……….kick out. Archaos hits a few stomps on the downed Bringer of Chaos and then pulls him up and then puts his arms over the top rope and then measures up hitting knife edge chops as the crowd reactions to them each with a whooooooooo. Archaos then takes Bringer of Chaos off the top rope and then whips him to the ropes and then Archaos bounces off the ropes and then Archaos hits a hip toss into a reverse neck breaker on Bringer of Chaos and then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Bringer of Chaos and then picks up Bringer of Chaos and then hits a few hard forearms to the face and then whips him to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Archaos kicks Bringer of Chaos and then Bringer doubles over and then Archaos backs up and then hits a running knee lift on goes down to the mat Archaos puts Bringer of Chaos’ arm on the mat and then sets up and then drives the knee into the arm and then puts an arm bar on Bringer of Chaos and then Bringer of Chaos is in pain, the ref knowing him asks him if he wants to job…I mean give it up and then Bringer of Chaos refuses and then gets up to his feet with Archaos holding on to the move and then Bringer of Chaos looks for a way out of the hold from there and then is able to back Archaos to the ropes and then whips him out of the move and Archaos bounces off the ropes and Bringer of Chaos hits a Japanese arm drag and then Archaos bounces up and then Bringer of Chaos kicks him in the gut and then tries to hit a vertical suplex. But then Archaos shifts his weight and falls on his feet and then goes down and then falls behind Bringer of Chaos and then Archaos pushes Bringer of Chaos to the ropes to try to roll up. But Bringer of Chaos hooks the ropes and then Archaos does a back summer sault and then Bringer of Chaos charges and then Archaos hits a super kick that sends Bringer of Chaos back and then he falls out of the ring and to the outside of the ring on the arena floor. Archaos gets to top rope and waits for Bringer to get up and then once he does. Archaos leaps off the top rope for what seems to be a double axe handle. But Bringer dives out of the way and then Archaos goes face first into barcade.]

JR-Archaos has been in control, but he made a mistake there

King-Come on, you can’t lose to Bringer of Chaos

[Archaos and Bringer of Chaos shake off the damage and then Archaos is the first to hit a few hard fists and then tries to whip him to the steel steps, but it’s reversed by Bringer of Chaos and then Archaos hits into the steel steps and then the ref is counting them out is up to 5….Bringer rolls into the ring and then the ref continues his count 6……………………….7…………………….8………………9..Archaos just rolls into the ring before he is counted out and then Bringer hits a few hard stomps as he was able to rest while Archaos has not been able to attack and then Archaos goes into the cover and then Bringer of Chaos pounds Archoas with a few hard fists and then tries to whip him to the other side of the ring. But it’s reversed and then Bringer of Chaos crashes into the corner, and then Archaos is stunned and can’t charge in as quickly as he wants to, but finally does and then Bringer of Chaos gets his foot up and then he goes into the foot and then stumbles back and then steps on to the second rope and then waits for Archaos and then hooks Archaos and then drives him down for a tornado DDT and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1………………………2…………kick out. Bringer hits a few hard stomps on the downed Archaos and then Archaos stumbles up and then Bringer kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a vertical suplex and gets him up for a stalling vertical suplex, and then drops him for a front slam. Archaos bounces off the mat holding his gut and then Bringer of Chaos goes to the ropes, bounces off and then hits a low front drop kick into the face of Archaos that sends him all the way down to the mat]

Kris Gaffney-You don’t think it’s possible

King-No way…he’s a hobo now, since when did Hobo’s became good wrestlers

*JR hits the “take this hippy” on King*

Kris Gaffney-Guess you shouldn’t have said anything

[Bringer of Chaos then calls for his finisher….whatever that is, and then Archaos is getting to his feet. But suddenly someone slides into the ring and then Bringer of Chaos turns around and see’s Just…..Rick. Just……Rick hits a quick punch at Bringer of Chaos and throws him out of the ring and then hits a clothesline the ref calls for the bell signaling the match to end. Just…….Rick kicks Archaos in the gut and then hits a sit down piledriver, Just…..Rick goes to the outside and looks under the ring and then pulls out a steel pipe. Rick rolls into the ring and then waits for Archaos to get up, and then Archaos stumbles up and then Rick hits him with the pipe. Looks down at Archaos and then says.]

Just…Rick: The word is, that you are after the IC title. Well “Mr. Chaos” that road goes through me. I challenge you at Last Stand to face me in my return match, we will see who continues to walk that road.

(Prez Mike note-I wrote that for Just….Rick, hopefully it’s ok.)

*Just…..Rick throws down the microphone and his theme song blasts on the PA system as he walks out)

(OOC-Extremely close, so much in fact since Just…Rick had asked for a run in. We figured to use it for a no contest is our official ruling.(though we did determine one person had a very small edge on the other, but we figured this would be better so Archaos can continue to a bigger match)

“Pushing me away” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring

King-Why is Hanley in this match

Kris Gaffney-I haven’t figured that out

JR-regardless Hanley if focused can beat Wes, we know that for a fact

“number one” blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick with Torrie Wilson trailing him walk to the ring.

JR-Dude Nick must be on top of the world now a days

King-suppose it’s an improvement on his early days

Kris Gaffney-That’s for sure..

“Metalingus” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring

JR-Wes has been a fighting champion thus far

King-But sure doesn’t sound like he wants to be at times..

Kris Gaffney-Shut up King, I think you’re going to miss your Wes fan club meeting.

[Wes slides into the ring and then and Dude Nick takes a big swing at Wes. But Wes ducks and then Wes hits a few hard fists and then Dude Nick stumbles back into the corner and then Dude Nick is able to push Wes back and then Wes goes flying back and then Dude Nick comes out of the corner and goes for a running forearm and then Wes ducks under and then Wes hits another flury of fists and then tries to whip Dude Nick to the ropes. Dude Nick reverses and sends Wes to the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Dude Nick catches him with a big boot. Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed Wes and then starts to choke as “pushing me away” blasts on the PA system as the crowd cheers as Josh Hanley runs out of the back slides into the ring. Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed Hanley and Hanley gets up and Dude Nick hits a few forearms and then whips Hanley to the ropes. Hanley bounces off the ropes and then Hanley leaps in the air and then hits a flying forearm and then Dude Nick stumbles back. Hanley waits and then hits a standing drop kick. Dude Nick stumbles back and then Dude Nick falls out of the ring. The crowd cheers, Hanley see’s that Wes is still down so he decides to go on the attack on Dude Nick on the outside and then Hanley climbs to the top rope and waits for Dude Nick to get up. He does and Hanley leaps off and then nails a flying cross body block on Dude Nick and both wrestlers are down on the mat around ring side. But Hanley gets up after a while and then Dude Nick surprisingly gets up too and then Dude Nick is pissed charges at Hanley and then Hanley hits a drop toe hold sending Dude Nick flying face first into the steps. Dude Nick looks like he might be out, Hanley shrugs his shoulders and then Wes is up in the corner looking back at Hanley who is in the ring. Wes and Hanley nod at each other and then pace around the ring and then quickly do a hand slap or shake just to show respect and then they lock up and then Wes takes Hanley over with a side head lock take down and then Hanley looks out of the hold. But Wes puts more pressure and makes sure that Hanley can’t counter so Hanley fights up to his feet and then tries to find a way out of the hold their Wes turns the side head lock into a hammer lock and then Hanley looks for another way out and then Hanley take out one of the legs of Wes. Wes falls to the mat and then pushes Hanley off with a push off with the free leg ]

JR-Wes countered that counter by Hanley

King-too many counters

Kris Gaffney-I blame it on Wes

[Hanley bounces off the ropes, Wes goes down and Hanley leaps over and then goes to the other side of the ring and then Wes gets up and then Hanley bounces off and Wes hits a hip toss and then Hanley gets up and then charges at Wes and then Wes counters the move with an arm drag release. Hanley stumbles up unable to charge Wes picks up Hanley and then hits a body slam and then Wes drops a leg drop and then goes for the cover and gets the 1……………………2…………….kick out. Wes hits a few stomps on the downed Hanley who gets up and then Wes hits a few fists and then whips Hanley to the ropes and then Hanley bounces off the ropes and then Wes goes for a standing clothesline. Hanley ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and then Hanley bounces off and then Wes catches Hanley and then drops him and then hits a back breaker on Hanley. Hanley goes down and then Wes pulls Hanley up by the hair and then pushes him into the corner and then Wes hits a few hard kicks into the gut and then Wes whips Hanley off the other side of the ring and then Hanley does a flip into the corner and then on to the apron and then Wes goes over to Hanley and then take him by the back of the head and then smashes him into the ring post and then Hanley goes down. Wes turns around and then Dude Nick is waiting for him to turn around and then goes for a running big boot, but Wes ducks it and then Dude Nick goes on the top rope and then Dude Nick is in a lot of pain and then Wes hits a few fists as Dude Nick is in the ropes and then Dude Nick gets off the ropes and then Wes hits a few hard fists and whips Dude Nick off the ropes and then Dude Nick bounces off the ropes and then Dude Nick backs to the ropes comes off them and leaps in the air and then hits a flying shoulder tackle on Dude Nick that sends him to the mat and then Wes goes to the outside and then Wes climbs up to the top rope and then waits for Dude Nick to get up. Dude Nick gets up and Wes leaps off and then hits a flying cross body block and then into the cover 1……………….2…………..kick out]

JR-Wes is building momentum here


Kris Gaffney-blah indeed

[Dude Nick stumbles to the ropes and then Wes charges at Dude Nick and then Dude Nick counters with a back body drop and then Wes fly’s over the top rope and then crashes on the mat and then Hanley comes into the ring and then goes for a running clothesline and then Dude Nick ducks under it and then kicks Hanley in the gut and then hits a quick Dudemeister and then falls away from the cover. Dude Nick after a time stumbles up and then looks like he’s about to go into the cover. But suddenly Wes comes flying off the top rope with a varation of the Coast to Coast nailing Dude Nick in the back. Dude Nick stumbles forward and then falls out of the ring and then Wes goes into the cover on Hanley and then gets a 1…………………..2…………3]

(Wes gets his hand rised, but suddenly Wes gets blindsided by Dude Nick and then Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed Wes as the bell goes off. He gets turned around by Hanley and then hits a few hard fists to Dude Nick backs up and then clotheslines him out of the ring, Hanley looks across the ring at Wes who is getting up as Shockwave goes off the air)