EMF: Saturday Shockwave

The Shockwave video starts to play, and once it ends we go into the arena as fireworks blasts on the regular Shockwave set lighting up the darken arena and then the lights turn on as the fans yell and wave their signs as we start the show

Kris Gaffney-What…I’m suppose to start…um ok, welcome to Saturday Shockwave. We have better shows than the Magic have games…DAMN IT, I just dissed my own team.


JR-You complain that I do the same entrance, but at least I do it right!

“Not the lady to mess with” blasts on the PA system as Victoria walks to the ring with Steven Richards trialing

JR-The womens division competition is heating up like never before

King-Maybe that’s because there is no diva’ that make me want to puke on mention of her name

Kris Gaffney-Good thing I wasn’t around that time, I probably wouldn’t have survived…

“Joy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Joy walks to the ring with the Big Show trailing

King-You know…times like this I wish the EMF was the WWE, then I would have never have to hear Chyna or Joy’s themes again

JR-yeah, but then you might not have a job

Kris Gaffney- pick your poison…

(Suddenly an unknown women walks on the stage)

Kris Gaffney-Who’s that?

King-Not sure, but it sure is random she would just appear now…oh well

[Victoria and Joy lock up, Joy puts Victoria in an arm bar and then Joy hits a firemans carry and then gets Victoria in an arm bar on the mat and Victoria hits the mat of being out wrestled so far. Victoria gets to her feet and then reverses the arm bar by twisting her arm and then putting her into an arm bar herself and then Victoria puts on a side head lock and then Joy looks for a way out of the hold and then Joy forces her way out of the hold and then puts Victoria in a top wrist lock and then Joy takes Victoria down with a back heel trip and brings Victoria back to the mat with arm bar and then Joy puts her arm on the mat and then drops a knee on Victoria and puts her in an arm bar and then Victoria gets up and then pushes Joy to the ropes and then whips her off the hold and Joy bounces off the ropes and then hits a shoulder block that knocks down Victoria. Joy runs to the ropes and then Victoria gets up and then tries to counter the charge at her as Joy bounces off the ropes with an arm drag. But then it’s blocked by Joy and then turned into an back slide and Joy is able to over power Victoria or just surprise her at least and then completes the back slide for the 1…………………….2……………kick out. Victoria and Joy get up at the same time and then Victoria is knocked down to the mat with a clothesline by Joy. Joy hits a few stomps on the downed Victoria. Victoria crawls away and then Victoria uses the ropes to get up and then Joy starts to choke Victoria with the middle rope and the ref counts to 5 and then Joy lets up Victoria gets up and then Joy hits a few hard fists and then Joy whips Victoria to the ropes and then Victoria bounces off and Joy lowers her head for a back body drop. But then Victoria kicks Joy in the face, Joy pops up in pain and then Victoria hits a clothesline, Joy gets up and Victoria picks her up and drops her for a body slam and then goes to the turnbuckle and climbs up and then goes for a moonsault. But Joy gets her knee’s up driving the air out of Victoria. Victoria is on her hands and knee’s and then Joy goes for an Oklahoma roll and then gets a 1……………..2…………….kick out. Joy shakes her head and then pulls up Victoria and pushes her into the corner and then hits a few knife edge chops to Victoria. Joy then whips Victoria to the other side of the ring. Victoria crashes back first, Joy then decides that she wants to charge in as well. But Victoria comes to life, side step Joy and then throws her into the post shoulder first.]

JR-Joy took too much time deciding to do that move

King-Her WWE version’s decision was made for her

Kris Gaffney-What does that mean

King-never mind

[Joy slides out of the turnbuckle and then turns around and then Joy gets hit with an arm breaker by Victoria and then Victoria has to take sometime to recover after being beat for most of the match so far and then Joy and Victoria get up. Joy is hurting and then stumbles into Victoria who picks up Joy and then hits a shoulder breaker. Victoria hits a few stomps to the downed Joy and then Victoria yells at the crowd a few times as they boo and Joy gets up and then Victoria waits for Joy and then hits a few forearms shots to the face of Joy and whips her off the ropes, Joy bounces off the ropes and then Vicotia picks up Joy and then drops her for a side walk slam and then Victoria moves in place. Looks like she’s about to do her shaking taunt before the standing moonsault. But instead she tells the crowd to go to hell and then hits the standing moonsault on Joy and then goes into the cover and gets a 1………………….2………..kick out. Victoria hits a few stomps on the downed Joy, Joy stumbles up and then Victoria hits a snapmare on Joy and then puts on a chin lock on Joy. Joy looks for a way out of the hold, then Victoria turns the move into more of a sleeper and then Joy starts to fade away and then the ref starts to rise Joy’s arm once……twice……….thre…Joy puts her arm up and then starts to get up and then Joy slowly gets to her feet and then Joy looks for a way out of the hold and then hits a few elbows into the gut and Victoria doesn’t let out of the hold and then Joy is able to side step Victoria and then hits a belly to back suplex and both wrestlers are down.]

JR-that was a desperation move by Victoria

King-But effective

Kris Gaffney-Usually in the IBA, when people are desperate is when you can steal the best players!

[Victoria and Joy stand up and then Joy and Victoria hit fists back and forth and then Victoria ducks a wild fist by Joy. Joy turns around and gets kicked into the gut and then set up for the widows peak. Victoria lifts her up and then before she can hit it. Joy is somehow able to get free and then does a back slide for the 1……………..2……………..3]

The unknown women leaves the stage as we go into commercial. They come back from the commerical break, and layed out in the ring is palm trees, a hammack, sand, and a couple of deck chairs.

King: Whats going on here, are the Divas going to do some hullah dancing for us? I hope so...Puppies.

Jr: is that all you think about?

King: Yeah, yeah it is. PUPPIES! PUPPIES!


Jr: King can it be.

King: I think so. It Carlito Carribean Cool.

And suddenly Carlito appears at the top of the entranceway and is given a standing evation from the fans. He walks to the ring and lsitens to the fans chanting his name.

Carlito: SHUT UP! Your chanting, dats not cool. Your all not cool. Carlito will spit in all your faces it Carlito needs to, to prove that your all not cool

Fans booing.

Carlito: Carlito dont care if you all boo Carlito, Carlito knows he is cool, and Carlito has come to the EMF to add a bit of coolness, Carlito sees the likes of Chris Jericho, Dude Nick, John Cena, and even EMF champ, Angelus Archer, and none of them are cool. So Carlito is here to change that, Carlito know what all you are thinking, why have the Cabana when the EMF has the Highlight reel?

Fans cheer at cheap pop.

Carlito: well simply, Jericho, Amy Dumas, Jeritron 5000, his rock and roll Highlight Reel, dats not cool. Carlito will spit in there faces. Yes even Vice Preisdent Amy Dumas, Carlito will not hesitate to spit in her face...But not tonight. Tonight Carlito hosts Carlito's Cabana. And to kick it off, Carlito needed a big guest. So I went to the back and I got someone who hasnt been here long but Carlito likes him, his attitude is cool. so ladies and uncool gentlemen give it up for...

Suddenly the Masterpices' music blares as Chris Masters appears at the top of the ramp. following his pose and the fireworks, he heads to the ring. He goes in and shakes Carlitos hand.

Masters: "Well it's about time i got the credit I deserve from this place! First of all I get here.. and then i'm forced to back up that whore Chyna.. who, lets face it.. could not wrestle a match! The EMF was underrating the Masterpiece.. and it's about time someone put that straight! But then Carlito approached me.. and I heard what you had to say... and I gotta agree... dats cool! So here I am.. Chris Masters... The Masterpiece of the EMF.. as the first ever guest on CARLITO'S CABANA!!!"

Fans Boo

Carlito: Now thats not how Carlito remembers it, Carlito didnt see any forcing between you and Chyna, infact Carlito saw chemistry between you.

Masters: huh? what!! Hell No!!!

Carlito: Chemistry between you two. Not cool. but then you stuck the masterlock on, and that was ....cool.

Masters: thanks

Carlito: But Carlito must ask... why did Chris wanna attack a woman on his 2nd week in the EMF?

Masters: "That's simple Carlito.. it was.. COOL! YOu see at first maybe I was interested in furthering a friendship with her.. but Cena warned me off. He showed me what happened last christmas with Chyna coming onto him.. and I hated it. It was repulsive, and Cena told me it felt a billion times worse to be on the recieving end! The thing is, she's perhaps the ugliest diva the EMF has ever seen.. and I.. well i'm the Masterpiece! SO you ask why I attacked Chyna.. it was because John told me how much it sucked having to cary her on his shoulders when they were in Revolution.. and I don't want the same pressures.. not that I couldn't handle it.. *poses* but it just didn't appeal to me one bit."

Carlito: "You did what you had to do.. Carlito think dat cool. But coming on the Cabana.. and showing off your physique with all those poses.. Dat not cool! Carlito think Chris Masters.. is a show off!

Masters: "And damn right you are Carlito.. you see, that's what i like about you! You speak your mind.. yet you always speak sense. The thing is though.. when I got here, people were literally lining up to see me.. to touch this amazing body.. to shake my hand. People can't get enough of the Masterpiece.. simply due to his sheer good looks and amazingly muscular body! Come on Carltio.. are you saying that if you looked like THIS *poses*, you wouldn't wanna show it off?" *poses*

Carlito: Dont do dat! dats not cool! Carlito has body like yours, Carlito doesnt pose everywhere, like a lady boy.

Masters: Prove it.

Carlito: Prove Carlito aint a lady boy?

Masters: No prove you have a body like mine.

Carlito: Carlito would, but Carlito likes the way he looks in his cool shirt.

Masters: "That all well and good.. but what your saying Carlito is.. that your asahmed to show yourself off! To show the world the real Carlito Carribean Cool! What r you hiding Carlito.. a third nipple.. and second head.. or maybe your just god damn hideously FAT! Just because I got it.. and you dont.. doesn't mean I can't show it off! What are you.. feeling 2nd best to the Masterpiece.. do you feel unimprotant on your own freaking show Carlito?"

Carlito: hmmmmm Interesting, Carlito's not Fat. Carlito's not unimportant. Carlitos.....Well Carlitos, Carlito. Carlito is cool. and Chris Masters, the masterpice, Carlito would like to thank you for coming on Carlitos Cabana, but to be honest. Masters, your not cool.......

Carlito kicks Chris Masters straight in the nuts. He takes a big bite of his apple and spits it straight in the face of masters.

Carlito: Now thats cool.

Carlitos music plays as he leaves ringside, and they cut to another commercial break.

“James Hardy’s theme” blasts on the PA system as James Hardy walks to the ring

JR-Without a doubt James Hardy made an impact last week

King-But why?

Kris Gaffney-….um…he like’s to live in the past?

“St. Anger” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring

JR-As Kris said, there still seems to be a little bad blood left over from their feud. But you have got to wonder if it was really some other reason for James Hardy to attack

King-Why can’t things be simple, like…I hate you because I do, much like I hate JR just because he’s JR and he’s annoying.

[Dewey Pond and James Hardy meet in the middle of the ring and then talk trash back and froth as James Hardy then tries to cheap shot Pond. But Pond hits a few hard fists after blocking the move and then whips James Hardy off the ropes. Hardy bounces off the ropes and then Dewey Pond backs to the ropes and comes off the rope and then hits a flying clothesline on James Hardy. Hardy goes to the mat and stumbles up and then Pond hits a few jabs as James Hardy stumbles around and then Dewey Pond hits a standing drop kick that sends James Hardy stumbling back and then falls out of the ring through the ropes. Dewey Pond goes up to the top turnbuckle and waits for James Hardy to get up. Hardy stumbles up and then Dewey Pond leaps off top rope and then nails a flying axe handle on James Hardy. Hardy is back on the padding around the ring and Pond hits a few stomps on the downed James Hardy, and then pulls him up and then hits a knee into gut and then sets up James Hardy and then hits a snap suplex on the ramp James Hardy is in a lot of pain and then Dewey Pond takes James Hardy and then rolls him into the ring and climbs to the apron and waits for Hardy to get up a little bit. Hardy stumbles up and then Dewey Pond sling shots himself on to the top rope and then leaps off from there and then nails a missile drop kick on James Hardy that drops him. Hardy goes down to the mat and Pond goes for the cover, and gets a 1……………2…………..kick out. Pond waits for James Hardy to get up, Hardy stumbles up and then right into Dewey Pond and then he hits an arm breaker on James Hardy. Hardy bounces up after this and Dewey Pond takes him down with an arm drag into an arm bar on the mat and then soon after that Dewey Pond holds James Hardy’s arm down to the mat and then drives a few knee drops and then back into the arm bar and James Hardy looks for a way out of the hold and then slowly gets to his feet and then and then looks a way to reverse it and backs up Pond to the ropes and then whips Pond off the arm bar. Pond bounces off the ropes as he returns Hardy takes Pond by the hair and then tries to throw him over the top rope. But as Pond lands on the apron and then taunts Hardy. Hardy charges at Pond, Pond counters with shoulder block to the gut. Hardy stumbles back, Pond looks like he’s about to do something, but doesn’t get a chance to as Hardy counters with a super kick that sends Pond flying off the apron and down to the arena floor.]

JR-Pond just got caught with that super kick

King-Oh well, he was all hyped up and now it cost him

Kris Gaffney-sucks to be Pond

[Hardy has to recover a few moments since he’s taken such a beating so far and then Pond is able to get on the apron and then Hardy is able to hit a few fists after seeing Pond getting up and then Hardy hooks him up and then lifts him up, and nails a suplex into the ring. Hardy gets up and then drops the elbow into the chest of Pond. Hardy pulls up Pond and then whips him into the ropes, Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes and Hardy then hits a fall through hip toss. Pond hits the mat and then sits up in pain and then Hardy backs to the ropes and comes off hitting a low drop kick into the back of Dewey Pond and Pond goes down to the mat now. Hardy then goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and leaps in the air and nails a high leg drop on Pond. Hardy goes into the cover and gets a 1……………………2…………kick out. Hardy shrugs off that unsuccessful cover and presses the advantage and then goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope, Hardy gets to his feet and Hardy leaps off the ropes and nails a shoulder block on Dewey Pond. Hardy stays on the mat and then thinks of what else to do, then comes up with the next more pulling Dewey Pond up by his hair and then hooking Pond and nailing a fisherman’s suplex and then gets the 1……………….2………………kick out. Now James Hardy is fustrated that he did not get the pin on that move]

JR-James Hardy has to press the advantage here, any hole that Dewey Pond see’s could mean the match

King-You really think Dewey Pond’s smart enough to take advantage

Kris Gaffney-That’s not PERFECT

[James Hardy calls for his finisher, the cold shoulder Dewey Pond stumbles up and then Dewey Pond stumbles right into James Hardy. Hardy picks him up and then goes for the Cold Shoulder. Suddenly “Down with the Sickness” blasts on the PA system as the world champion Angelus Archer comes out on the arena stage. James Hardy turns around towards Angelus and then before he can nail the Cold Shoulder Pond struggles free of the finisher and then does a sunset flip and is able to get the quick 1………………2………..3]

King-very interesting time for Angelus to show up? I hope Hardy doesn’t have some sort of pet..

(We go to the backstage as the hometown fans cheer as the image of Chris Jericho and Amy Dumas talking to each other not about anything particular…but just enjoying each others company. We will pick it up around the most important part of the conv.)

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Amy, I’m going to get something to drink, you want anything?

.::Amy Dumas::.-Sure Jericho, I could use a bottle of water

.::”Y2J” Chris Jericho::.-Alright

.::Amy Dumas::.-*giving him a smile* hurry back!

(Jericho nods, the two quickly kiss before Jericho leaves. Amy keeps standing watching as he goes. She looks very happy on how her life has been in the past few months since her and Jericho finally became a couple, so much she forgets where she is and she hits the bench that her and Jericho were sitting on in their locker room. Suddenly she hears something dropped. The only thing on the bench was Jericho’s bag, it has not fallen on the ground, but looks like it’s going to as apart of it hangs over the edge of the bench. Amy grabs the bag before it falls and spills everything inside. But as Amy does this, Amy looks down to see what managed to fall out of bag before Amy got there. Amy looks down on the floor, and see’s a small black box. Amy smiles, thinking this might be some random gift that Jericho’s going to give her. She picks it up and faces towards the camera looking at it, unable to control her curiosity she opens it up, her eyes grow really big with surprise as this is no ordinary gift…this is…

An engagement ring…

We fade back to ring side

[Just... Rick's theme blasts out, as Just Rick enters the ring. He taunts a bit.. and then stands in the centre, expecting Nick or Torrie. Number 1 by Nelly then hits the arena. The fans roar, but after a few minutes.. Nick still hasn't appeared. Torrie Wilson then appears on the ramp, dressed in full ring attire.]

J.R: "Well it looks as though Torrie Wilson is in for an interesting debut..."

King: "Just doesn't have the appeal of a normal women's math.. only one set of PUPPIES!!"

[Torrie climbs into the ring, and Just... Rick is standing laughing at her. Suddernly, the lights flicker, before turning out completely. The fans roar, and are left in darkness for a while. When the lights suddernly come on.. Dude Nick is shown in the ring, and the fans boo his return. He is standing there, and Torrie is on the outside. Just….Rick looks confused and then Dude Nick comes in hammering away at Just……Rick. Just……Rick stumbles into the corner and then Rick is now in the corner and Dude Nick hits a few hard fists and then Dude Nick whips Rick into the corner and then Rick comes out of the corner fast and Dude Nick hits a back body drop on Rick. Rick goes crashing on the mat and then Rick stumbles up in pain and then Dude Nick waits for Rick to get up. Rick stumbles up and then Dude Nick hits a running clothesline that knocks down him with a clothesline and then Rick stumbles up with help of the ropes and then Dude Nick hits a few hard forearms and then Dude Nick whips Rick off the ropes and then Rick bounces off the ropes and Dude Nick lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But Rick kicks Dude Nick in the face and Dude Nick stumbles up and then stumbles around the ring. Rick kicks Dude Nick in the gut and then plants him for a DDT. Both Rick and Dude Nick are down, but since it’s early in the match they are able to get up around the 3 of the standing 10 count and then Dude Nick goes for a fist, but it’s blocked and then Rick hits a few fists back to Dude Nick and then whips Dude Nick off the ropes and then Rick catches Dude Nick and hits a set up belly to belly over head throw. Dude Nick goes crashing into the mat and then Rick knowing that he has to destroy the base of Dude Nick takes this chance since he has the advantage and isn’t of need of stopping he then takes his leg and then puts it on the bottom rope and then spring boards off the second rope and then lands on it and then Rick puts it on the bottom rope again and then sets up and then spring boards off the second rope and lands with an elbow drop this time into the leg. Dude Nick is able to roll around this time and then Rick waits for Dude Nick to get up who is limping a bit and then measures up and then Rick nails a chop block to the leg of Dude Nick. Dude Nick goes down to the mat holding his leg and then Rick takes Dude Nicks leg and then drops a few elbows into the leg of Dude Nick and then puts Dude Nick’s leg in a single leg lock. Dude Nick tries to rake the eyes to get the move off. But Rick just lets go and then holds Dude Nick’s leg and drops a knee drop into the leg and then puts him back into the leg lock]

JR-Dude Nick started out strong, but Just……..Rick has been able to control the vertical base of Dude Nick after that mistake on the back body drop

King-Bigger they are…the more readily they will disappear

Kris Gaffney-Yeah that’s probably one of the weirdest things…*thinks back*…I take that back, weird things happen all the time around here don’t they?

King-Oh yeah, you don’t know what’s going to happen next. I mean the first sign that the Other World was going to invade was the lights were flickering…we just thought we didn’t pay our electric bill or something…

[Dude Nick is in pain and then forgets where his shoulders are and then goes down to the mat and the ref counts 1………………….2………..Dude Nick gets up and is very angry now and then sits up and then pushes Rick’s face on the mat and then puts his smashes Just…….Rick’s face with Just…….his other leg (lol, sorry…had to) Rick lets go and then stumbles up and then Dude Nick gets up as well Rick charges at Dude Nick who takes Rick down with a big boot and Dude Nick falls down on the mat as well. Dude Nick takes his time and then gets up as Rick stumbles into the corner and then Dude Nick goes into the corner and then hits a few knee’s into the gut in the corner on Rick. Rick just stays there in pain and then doubles over a little bit and then Dude Nick limps back waiting for Rick to stumble to him and then Rick does and then Dude Nick picks up Rick in a body press. But his leg gives out on him and Rick crashes to the ground. He’s a little effected by this so he can’t take advantage right away, but then Rick gets up and then charges as Dude Nick is getting to his feet and then Dude Nick is able to come to and nail a spinning sidewalk slam.Nick now has the momentum gained.. and makes his way to his feet using the ropes. He runs at Just... Rick and seems to be going for a leg drop, but Rick rolls. Luckily Nick spots this on time.. and pulls out of the leg drop. Just... Rick staggers up, and Dude Nick uses precision timing to nail a perfect Dudemeister. He then goes into the cover to get the 1... 2... 3!"

J.R: "Dude Nick doesn't seem to have missed a beat since he's been away..."

King: "What... did you expect him rusty.. coz if you did.. i'm sure he has no objections to making you FAMOUS!"

(OOC-Just so everyone knows, Rick’s 3 RP’s = Nick’s 1 RP from a k stand point. Rick point up a good fight. Liked his first and third RP..but we weren’t too high on the second one, which is why we decided Nick should win.)

“Getting away with murder” blasts on the PA system as Rhyno walks to the ring and then does his turnbuckle taunt

JR-Rhyno wants to step it up into the IC division, this is a great way to do it here against the IC champion

King-Even if it is just Wes….*King presses a button and a dart board with Wes’ picture rises up from the stage, King hits one between his eyes*

Kris Gaffney-Yes…it’s safe to say, King’s anti-Wes

King-I’m not, you are

“Metalingus” blasts on the PA system as Wes walks to the ring with the IC title

JR-Though this is not for the IC championship, this is without a doubt going to be a fight for the IC champion

Kris Gaffney-He’s trying to break my record of matches I see…but you’ll never get to it Ikeda, NEVER…I’ll hold you down *spits water*…oh I said that out loud *puts his eyes on the ground*

(OOC-Yes I went crazy on those comments, sue me lol)

[Rhyno slides into the ring and then Wes and Rhyno trade fists and then Rhyno is actually getting the upper hand on Wes and then Wes backs to the ropes. Rhyno whips Wes off the ropes, Wes bounces off the ropes and then Rhyno hits a clothesline that knocks down Wes. Wes stumbles up and then Rhyno kicks Wes in the gut and then sets him up for a vertical suplex. But it’s blocked by Wes, and reversed Wes gets Rhyno up in a vertical suplex and then drops him gut first into the top rope Wes then hits a few hard jabs to the face and then Wes backs up and then hits a running knee lift to the face of Rhyno and Rhyno falls to the apron and then Wes backs up taking a moment to recover on any effect that the moves before that Rhyno hit on him, while this is happening Rhyno gets up using the ropes and then Wes see’s this and charges at Rhyno and then hits a running shoulder block on Rhyno and Rhyno flies from the apron and then falls all the way to the guard rail and his head bounces off the guard rail. Wes rolls to the outside, and waits for Rhyno to get up and then Rhyno stumbles up and then gets knocked back with a few fists and then Wes tries to whip Rhyno to the other side of the ring side into the other guard rail back first. But it’s reversed and Wes goes to the guard rail and then crashes back first into the guard rail. Wes is stunned, but Rhyno is too shaken up to really capitalize it right away as he holds his face from the impact of the fall from the apron and then recovers enough to run to where Wes is who is slowly getting up himself holding his back after crashing into the barcade and before Rhyno can do anything. Wes is able to counter with a one man flap jack that sends Rhyno face first into the barcade (ouch…again). Wes shakes off the crash he suffered and then hits a few stomps on the downed Rhyno and pulls him up and rolls him in the ring and then Wes climbs to the top rope. Rhyno stumbles up and then Wes leaps off the turnbuckle and then Wes hits a double axe handle on Rhyno. Rhyno goes down and then Wes goes into the cover and gets a 1………………..2………….kick out, Wes hits a few stomps on the downed Rhyno, Wes then holds Rhyno’s arm against the mat and then drives a knee drop into it and then Rhyno crawls away holding his arm and then goes into the cover and Wes follows him and then hits a few hard fists to Rhyno. Wes tries to whip Rhyno into the opposite corner, but it’s reversed by Rhyno and Rhyno with all his strength follows him into the corner and then Wes hits the corner back first and is meet with a gore in the corner and both Rhyno and Wes fall to the mat.]

JR-Rhyno made a nice counter there into the gore in the corner. But he must capitalize now

King-Too bad this isn’t a hardcore match….then Rhyno could use the flower pot from hell to Wes, that would end his career for good. God knows it did another Rhyno’s career in the WWE.

Kris Gaffney-yes it did.

[Wes is in a lot of pain and then rolls out of the ring, Rhyno gets up and then charges at Wes and then hits a baseball slide on Wes. Wes falls away from the ring and goes rolling around the ramp. Rhyno rolls out of the ring and then Wes meets him with a few hard fists and then Rhyno stumbles back and Wes takes him by the hair and then tries to throw him hard into the steps. But then it’s reversed and then Rhyno throws Wes by the hair into the steel steps. Rhyno hits a few hard stomps on the downed Wes and then Rhyno waits for Wes to get up. Wes stumbles up and then Rhyno kicks Wes in the gut and then hits a piledriver into the arena floor. It looks Wes might be out on the floor, but obviously you can’t make a pin out there so he has to figure out of the way to pull the seemly dead weight Wes Ikeda into the ring and then he just decides to try to pick him up and just roll him like that after all other easy ways don’t come to mind and then Rhyno rolls into the ring and then Rhyno goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2………Wes puts his foot on the rope. Rhyno puts his hands on his head wishing he didn’t forget that. Wes is now seemly not as hurt as it once seemed as he’s getting up. But still very much stunned from the piledriver. Rhyno pulls Wes the rest of the way up and then nails a few hard forearms shots to the face of Wes. Rhyno tries to whip Wes to the ropes, but Wes reverses and then sends Rhyno to the ropes. Rhyno bounces off the ropes, and leaps in the air and nails a flying shoulder tackle that takes him down Wes. Wes stumbles up, very stunned and Rhyno finally whips Wes off the ropes successfully and then Wes bounces off the ropes and gets caught by Rhyno in an An Anderson spinning spinebuster. He then goes into the cover once again and then gets the 1…………………..2………..kick out. Wes pushes Rhyno away as he gets up, Wes stumbles up only to get body slammed down to the mat and then Rhyno goes to the corner and then hits a jumping knee drop on the face of Rhyno. Not deciding to go for the cover he then hits a few stomps on the downed Wes, Wes stumbles into corner, Rhyno then hits a few hard shoulder blocks into the corner and then backs up as Wes stumbles up and Rhyno picks up Wes and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Rhyno climbs to the top rope and then hits a top rop super plex on Wes. Rhyno then after sometime goes into the corner recovering after the impact and sets up for the gore]

JR-Rhyno’s setting up for the gore

King-I wasn’t aware Wes’ brother Badd Boy made a return

JR-Your thinking of Al Gore

King-Oh…not much of a difference

Kris Gaffney-At least Badd Boy’s retired, no one cares if your boring or not when your retire.

[Rhyno waits for Wes to get up, and then charges in for the gore for the gore. Wes side steps him and goes for a the full nelson slam and hits it. Wes goes into the cover and gets the 1………………….2………Rhyno gets his foot on the rope. Rhyno gets into the corner and then Wes hits a few fist and then whips Rhyno to the ropes and then Wes runs in. Pissed off Rhyno answers with a low blow, Wes is in pain and the ref calls for the bell. Rhyno hits the gore and leaves]

JR-Wes wins this match by DQ, guess Rhyno couldn’t keep control of his temper.

King-Well suppose if you get thrown in jail for beating up Coach, you would be pissed too…everyone does it and no one else gets caught. I mean everyone beats up Coach and no one says anything.

“Archaos theme” blasts on the PA system as Archaos walks to the ring

King-You ever noticed that Archaos looks…

JR-um…King, just drop it…it’s not worth going any further

Kris Gaffney-oooooooooooooooo-kay *shakes his shoulders and brushes them off*

(OOC-Don’t have a heart attack, just a joke)

Archaos gets ready to fight, as Kincaids theme blasts on the PA system. But after a while no one comes out, suddenly Kincaid is shown on the EMF tron

kincaid appears on the screen wearing a suit and tie at his home.

Kincaid "Archaos, I see you. As you can tell I'm obviously not even at the arena. You fought very hard last month. You didnt beat me, nor will you ever. But thats not what this is about. Archaos, that title doesnt mean a darn thing to me. So why dont you climb up that ladder and just take it. I've got bigger things to shoot for here in the EMF. Go...go ahead, dont be scared, I'm not going to come out of nowhere and attack you. *Scotty's 3 year old little girl is shown walking across the screen* Go ahead Archaos, I'm giving you a gift. *Scene fades*

King-What is Kincaid thinking, is he a moron

JR-Obviously he has other plans

Kris Gaffney-I wish I could just give the IBA championship away in fact I should do that *calls up the Suns GM*

(Archaos takes the extreme title down and is about to leave as “Bad, Bad man” blasts on the PA system and John Cena walks on the stage)

Cena: "Well Archaos.. looks like you got lucky again. You were lucky t0 even be a co-champion.. but now look. Kincaid doesn't show.. and you think you can claim to be the UNDISPUTED EXTREME champion... dream on kid! Your about as undisputed as views on war.. and beleive me that's bloody disputed! Hell, there is one person that disputes your right to be champion standing on this ramp right now.. me! I've been biding my time for nearly 3 months.. but now i'm ready to take it to the next level.. to become Extreme, and to destroy anyone that gets in my way! You will see what it truely takes to be Extreme Archaos.. because i'm challenging you.. one on one, THe Franchise Vs the wannabie.. The former Intercontinental Champion Vs The Joke current champion!.. JOHN CENA!!!! Vs Deamon Archaos... it's happening Deamon.. and your title will be snapped away just as quickly as you won this ladder match. So savour this moment Archaos.. because your title reign will be VERY short lived.. and then the CHAMP will BE HERE!!!! Word Life!"

(Bad, Bad man blasts on the PA system as Shockwave goes off the air with that_