EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Saturday Shockwave video starts, it ends and we go into the darken arena as fireworks goes off blasts on the stage. The lights turn on and the camera searches around the crowd as they wave their signs and yell. Some signs read

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight

King-Headlined by Chris Masters and John Cena.

Kris Gaffney-AAAAAAAAAHHHHH their facing each other again….BAAAAAAAD!

("Revolution" blasts on the PA system as Dan "X-Factor" Godwin walks to the ring not looking too happy as "CJ Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system as CJ walks to the ring.)

JR-This is a team put together due to the fact that both are in the TV division.

King-Oh…so that was the reason….

Kris Gaffney-Wonder if that knowledge will make Dan feel better?

("Stranglehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring. "Cold" blasts on the PA system Devin Malis follows behind.)

JR-This is another strange mix for a team…but both are teaming due to the fact their apart of TV division.

King-Luckily Pond doesn't mind.

Kris Gaffney-Guess not…

[Dan "X-Factor" Godwin goes to the outside and CJ Lethal and Dewey Pond start out the match. CJ Lethal and Dewey Pond lock up, and CJ Lethal pushes him back to the ropes and has him trapped in the ropes. The ref counts and then CJ Lethal backs off, and then he goes for a wild swing. But CJ Lethal ducks it, and then Dewey Pond is able to duck under the blow and CJ Lethal is on the ropes and Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face of CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal pushes Dewey Pond aside, Dewey Pond flies back, and gets back up and hits a few more fists to the face of CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal once again pushes Dewey Pond back and charges at Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond hits a low drop kick to the leg and then CJ Lethal drops to one knee and then Dewey Pond hits a running enzugri that takes CJ Lethal off his feet. Dewey Pond drops a leg drop on CJ Lethal, and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2…….CJ Lethal powers out, and Dewey Pond goes flying and lands on his feet and he stumbles into the corner. Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face and follows it up with a few knife edge chops. Dewey Pond tries to whip CJ Lethal to the corner and then it's reversed and Dewey Pond crashes into the other side of the ring. CJ Lethal charges into the corner. But Dewey Pond is able to counter the move with a drop toe hold and CJ Lethal goes crashing into the top rope head first and then stumbles back to where Dewey Pond is waiting.Dewey Pond kicks CJ Lethal in the gut and hits a standing tornado DDT (think Mickie James). CJ Lethal is down on the mat and Dewey Pond decides to go for another cover and gets a 1…………..2……..Dan Godwin breaks up the count and then Dewey Pond picks up CJ Lethal and brings him to his corner and then he tags in Devin Malis and Devin comes into the ring and picks up CJ Lethal and starts to double team him.]

JR-Oh no…CJ Lethal's being double teamed!

King-He probably got that line from the EMF video game.

Kris Gaffney-At least it's not random….like Vince McMahon's commentary…

King-Good point…

[CJ Lethal is getting hammered by fist after first by Dewey Pond and Devin Malis. They whip CJ Lethal to the ropes, CJ hits the ropes and Dan Godwin makes a blindside tag and then Devin and Dewey goes for a double clothesline that's ducked and CJ Lethal goes to the opposite side of the ring and CJ leaps in the air and hits a diving clothesline on both Dewey Pond and Devin Malis. Dewey Pond stumbles up and CJ Lethal grabs Pond by the throat and throws him over the top rope on to the floor. Devin Malis stumbles up to his feet and then gets knocked down once again by a running forearm by Dan Godwin. Devin Malis stumbles up realizing that Dan Godwin is legal and on the attack he backs up trying to cause separation, but he backs himself into the corner and he charges at Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin catches him and hits a power slam into the cover and gets a 1………….2……….kick out by Devin Malis. Dan Godwin picks up Devin Malis and tries to whip him to the ropes, but it's reversed and then by Devin Malis. Dan Godwin goes to the ropes and Devin Malis goes for a drop kick. But Dan Godwin hooks the ropes in time and Devin Malis goes crashing down to the mat. Dan Godwin quickly drops a quick big elbow drop on Devin Malis and goes for another cover. He gets a 1…………2….kick out. CJ Lethal is asking for the tag, it looks like Dan Godwin does not want to give it to him, but he does. Dan Godwin leaves Devin Malis open for CJ Lethal and he hits a punch to the ribs. Devin Malis is whipped to the ropes. Devin Malis bounces off the ropes and comes off the ropes as CJ goes for a back body drop. Devin Malis kicks him in the face that seems to have little effect on CJ. CJ Lethal charges at Devin Malis, and Devin Malis ducks as CJ Lethal is caught on the ropes in pain. Devin Malis hits a few fists to the face and then measures up and runs the ropes and comes off and leaps off the ropes for a cross body block that is caught in mid air.]

JR-Devin Malis was catch in mid air.

King-Guess he shouldn't have flied.

Kris Gaffney-Can he say fly?

[CJ Lethal tries to transfers him to his shoulder and Devin Malis slides out the back and then lands on the apron. CJ Lethal turns around and then Devin Malis hits a hang man on CJ Lethal and CJ Lethal stumbles back. Devin Malis hits a missile drop kick, CJ Lethal stumbles back into his corner and Dan Godwin makes a tag and then he charges at Devin Malis. Devin Malis is able to counter with a back body drop over the top rope Devin Malis. Devin Malis goes to the outside and smashes X-Factor's head into the ring post and then. Dan Godwin stumbles around and then Devin Malis tries to whip Dan Godwin to the steps, but it's reversed by Dan Godwin and Malis goes to the steps should first moving the base, Devin Malis charges at Dan Godwin. But Dan Godwin hits a drop toe hold and Dan Godwin goes face first. Devin Malis stumbles around and then falls near the time keepers table, and Dan Godwin goes over to him. But Devin Malis turns around and hits him with the bell The ref signals for the DQ. Malis gives the ref an angry look, he's taunting the crowd for a good while. But suddenly he's turns around by Dan Godwin, and they begin to brawl. Refs come down and separate the two, as we go into commercial.]

JR-This is chaos! What a heated rivalry we have between Malis and Dan Godwin.

King-I guess, Malis didn't even care that he got DQed.

(OOC-DQ ending, because I had seemly deleted my announcement about the card by accident, and seemly that effected Devin (I can't believe someone didn't mention it to me, but it's cool). Regardless I apologize, my mistake, sorry to all effected. We had a few ways to go, but determined they were all the same out come. We figured with this out come, the right team still was made to win, as well as this way it hopefully also helps the feud in the end too.)

("Light a Fyre" blasts on the PA system as Fyre walks to the ring, and steps inside the ring.)

JR-You have got to wonder what her mindset is…

King-Ever noticed that Fyre's a bit more top heavy?

Kris Gaffney-You say it like it's a bad thing.

King-No I'm not…

("Better than you" blasts on the PA system as Becky Bayless walks to the ring with Triple M)

King-Well…one could hope that Becky has a better come back than some.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

JR-I don't know if she's totally balanced herself, much like her opponent.

[Fyre and Becky Bayless come into the ring, and talk trash. Becky Bayless pushes Fyre, Fyre answers back with a few forearms. Becky throws a few of her own after ducking one of the forearm shots to the face and then Becky Bayless tries to whip Fyre off the ropes and does. Fyre comes off the ropes and she hits a running forearm shot to the face of Becky Bayless, Becky Bayless goes down to the mat and then she gets up and Fyre hits a running clothesline. Becky Bayless goes down, and then rolls to the outside to the outside to collect herself. She looks at Fyre with a look of dislike, she looks down to think. Fyre tries to hit a baseball slide, but Becky Bayless moves out of the way and hits a stiff running clothesline. Becky hits a few stomps on the downed Fyre, and picks her up after sometime and then Becky Bayless tries to whip Fyre into the ring steps, but it's reversed and Becky Bayless goes into the steps shoulder first . Fyre hits a few stomps on Becky. Fyre throws in Becky Bayless into the ring and jumps on the apron and climbs to the top rope and waits for Becky Bayless to get up. Becky stumbles up and Fyre leaps off of the top rope and hits a cross body block and goes into the cover and gets the 1………..2…………….kick out by Becky Bayless. Fyre hits a few stomps on the downed Becky Bayless. Becky gets up to her feet, Fyre hits a few stomps on the downed Becky Bayless. Fyre pulls up Becky, and whips her to the other side of the ring. Fyre runs in and Becky Bayless crashes into the corner, and bounces out of the corner and hits a hard stiff clothesline that flattens Fyre.]

JR-What a hard clothesline, I don't think that was entirely necessary

King-Eeeerrrr, maybe she's jealous due to her "upgrade".

Kris Gaffney-Oh well…she's rich, she can get her own!

[Becky takes a few moments and then she hits a few aggressive stomps on the hurting Fyre on the mat. Becky pulls up Fyre by her hair and backs her into the corner and hits a few forearm shots to the face and she keeps going the ref gets between the two women (wouldn't you?) and pushes Becky back warning her not to be so aggressive. Becky Bayless throws her hands up and then tries to rip at her face with her hands and the ref counts to 4 and finally she breaks it up it up and then does it again. To a warning by the ref and then Becky Bayless hits a slap to the face and she whips Fyre to the opposite side of the ring and follows in as Fyre crashes into the corner. Becky Bayless hits a hard clothesline into the corner and Fyre stumbles out of the corner and Becky Bayless pushes her back into the corner and Becky Bayless grabs Fyre by the hair and throws her out of the corner. She goes crashing, Fyre is in the sitting position and then Becky Bayless hits a kick into the back of Fyre. Fyre goes down to the mat and Becky Bayless goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………..kick out by Fyre. Becky Bayless gets over Fyre and starts to punch Fyre in the face, Fyre is able to get her hands up to try to avoid much damage. She finally pushes Becky off of the attack on her face, Fyre stumbles into the corner and then Becky Bayless goes to the corner that Fyre is in and starts a ten punch combo directly to the face 1…………….2………………3………..4………5……….6……….7……..8….Fyre gets under Becky and drives Becky down with a power bomb as Fyre looks in pain.]

JR-That does the momentum.

King-Becky is out of control.

Kris Gaffney-Well, Fyre did talk about her about her sister…maybe that's why?

[Fyre takes a few moments holding her face, there is a small cut on her forehead, she doesn't look happy. As the just as unbalanced Diva goes over and goes for the Fyre starter. But it's countered and Becky puts on a judo choke hold (think Tazzmission) and brings Fyre down with a leg scissors grapevine. The ref see's that the arm is on the throat the ref tries to get Becky off of Fyre, but she is going insane. The ref counts 4…..5 and calls for the bell]

(Officials come down into the ring, and they do what they can to pull Becky off as we go into commercials.

JR-Were back, and here is what happened just moments ago.

(The clip shows the end of the Fyre/Becky match as Becky refused to let go of the choke hold she had on, which made the ref DQ her.)

King-I'm not exactly sure what sent her over the edge.

JR-Well were told that the Coach has caught up with Becky and we'll see if we can't find out that answer.

(The picture changes to the Coach, who gives a cocky grin, Becky Bayless is standing next to him.)

The Coach-Hello, I am the Coach, and I am here with Becky Bayless. Now Becky we all just witness you snap on Fyre, the question people want to know...is why?

Becky: You wanna know why? Because that stupid bitch thought that she could talk about my situation as though she was me, when lets be honest she is not even close to me. I proved tonight that I hold the power.

The Coach-Yes, as for your situation, you have touched on that...seemly all stems from your Mother and Sister. But you are never too specific about that, throwing around smaller pieces of the puzzle here and there. So could you tell us more?

Becky: Pardon? Could I telly uo more? No! It is none of your business, I dont ask you about your home life do I? No. Know why? Wrestling is my release, my way of proving that I am better than all others, and I want it to stay that way. If mummy wants to pay more attention to that bitch then it is ehr decision.

The Coach-Well, The Coach isn't one to give out advice, but I will say this Becky. Regardless of what is making your sister get more attention, you are going to have to get control of your life. You do realize that? My own friendly advice is that maybe you should deal with this issue you have with your sister, before it starts to cost you more matches. What do you think?

Becky: My friendly advice is that you shut up and mid your own business. Just remember, I am Becky Bayless and I am better than you!

(Coach smirks and puts up his hands innocently as we fade back into the ring)

("For Whom the Bell Tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring. He steps inside the ring and waits for TTT.)

JR-Rex last week didn't have the return to action that he was expecting.

King-That's for sure…although some blame TTT for that.

Kris Gaffney-Although, others say that he had a bad angle, even an experienced ref might not have seen that..

JR-Regardless, there are rumors dealing with TTT.

("TTT's theme" blasts on the PA system as TTT walks to the ring along with Candice Michelle.)

JR-He deny's that he has anything to do with Cena.

King-You know…if you want to do conspiracy theories, I think this was all a plot to get a title shot by Rex.

Kris Gaffney-*Gasp!* (ooc-lol, not serious..Rex is doing it the right way.)

[Rex and TTT come in the middle of the ring, both wrestlers are neither straight up heels. So the crowd is split for this one, and then finally Rex and TTT start to throw fists to the face and then it looks like the bigger TTT is finally gaining the upper hand. But it would seem that Rex was baiting him in. He ducks and throws a few fists to the face. TTT tries to whip TTT to the ropes, but TTT puts the breaks on and then he turns the tables and puts Rex on the ropes and hits a few chops to the chest of Rex. Rex is in pain, and then TTT takes Rex out from the ropes and then he head butts Rex. Rex goes down to the mat and Rex crawls into the corner and TTT follows into the corner and then he hits a back elbow into the corner, TTT follows it up with a few hard fists to the face and then he whips Rex to the opposite side of the ring and he crashes into the corner and TTT comes crashing in with him. TTT backs up as Rex uses the ropes as he gets out of the corner and TTT measures and charges and hits a clothesline over the top rope rope. TTT plays to the crowd and then he goes back on the attack. He steps over the top rope and waits for Rex to get up, Rex does and TTT leaps off and comes crashing down on the back of Rex's back with a double axe handle bringing him down. TTT see's a cable, he takes it and wraps it around and starts to choke Rex. The ref brings the microphone and asks ref if he wants to give it up, Rex refuses. Finally TTT let's go and then he goes to the time keeper desk and then grabs a chair. Rex is stumbling to his feet and then TTT smashes him with the chair and Rex stumbles a few steps and then he goes over to the ring post and TTT tries to smash Rex in between the ring post. But Rex ducks out of the way and then rolls into the ring. Throws the chair into the ring, and comes into the ring, Rex charges at him, but TTT side steps him and pushes him to the ropes. Rex comes off and Rex hits a spinning spinebuster on the chair. TTT wants to infect more pain, and he puts the chair on Rex's ankle.]

JR-Looks like TTT is trying to make a big impact here.

King-If he wants to make Rex quit…I think smashing his ankle is the way to do it.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

[TTT pulls himself to the second rope, and then quickly Rex is able to kick the chair off his ankle and grab the chair and then he smashes the chair into TTT's head and then TTT starts to slump on the turnbuckle and then Rex puts the chair down on the mat and then catches TTT before he falls off the turnbuckle and hands TTT off the second turnbuckle and hits a hanging DDT off the chair! The ref looks down as TTT looks out of it, the ref makes Rex backs off and then he asks TTT if he wants to quit. But TTT doesn't say anything, it looks like he might be out. After a few failed times, the ref considers throwing the match out as a technical submission, but TTT comes to and tells him "NO!". Rex moves back in and hits a few stomps on the downed TTT who makes his way to the corner and Rex hits a few stomps on TTT who is in the sitting position in the corner and then starts to choke TTT with his boot. The ref asks TTT if he wants to give it up, TTT refuses and then Rex pulls up TTT to his feet and sends him hard into the corner. TTT stumbles back and then Rex kicks him in the gut and goes for a double under hook power bomb. But due to TTT's size, he can't get him up, TTT throws Rex back and Rex falls on the floor. But unaffected, he goes under the ring and pulls out a Singapore cane, he slides into the ring and measures up TTT who is getting to his feet. Rex swings the cane over the back of TTT, TTT turns around in pain and then TTT turns around and gets blasted with a head shot. TTT goes down to his hands and his knee's. Rex starts to choke TTT with the cane, the ref asks if TTT wants to give up. TTT refuses, Rex gets frustrated and decides to go for it all. He goes to the outside, and climbs up to the top rope with the Singapore Cane. He leaps off as TTT gets up, but gets caught by TTT. Who grabs Rex by the throat with one hand. But Rex hits a brutal low blow.]

King-There goes one..

Kris Gaffney-That means he's back to normal now.

JR-That was in desperation, but it's no DQ…you do what you can to win

[TTT goes down to his knee's, Candice doesn't like that and gets on the apron and yells something Rex looks over. Candice jumps down and then she runs Rex chases her on the outside, until TTT grabs him by the hair and lifts him up to the apron. Rex seemly was baiting TTT into this, and hits a hang man that stuns TTT. Rex slides in quickly and takes out one leg with a chop to the leg of TTT and Rex locks in the Rextinction and is able to get TTT down with the short cuts he's taken (legal in this match though). TTT look like he's fading…and he's out, the ref asks if he wants to give it up…..TTT doesn't answer, Rex holds on and refuses to let go….the ref asks again…nothing. He throws the match out as a technical submission.]

JR-TTT couldn't answer while Rex had that dangerous hold, the ref had no choice to throw it out.


(OOC-Don't get me wrong, we had Rex winning anyways. But there is an issue I need to reference, TTT….do not edit your RP after the deadline. If it's edited without my permission, then it could be DQed. In this case, it doesn't matter either way you look at it (close or the RP was DQed). Rex had the slight edge anyways, just for future reference Troy.)

("King of King" blasts on the PA system as Dude Nick walks out on the stage along side Melina.)

JR-It's good to see Nick after so long.

King-with a new manager…how does he get so lucky?

Kris Gaffney-No clue…..

("Grindtime" blasts on the PA system as MxMxPunk walks to the ring holding the world championship, followed by Dustin Miller.)

King-Seems Dustin didn't find anything on wikipedia.

Kris Gaffney-Surprising…they usually have EVERYTHING

JR-Well, regardless if you agree with it or not, he won the championship fair and square.

[Dude Nick and MxMxPunk pace around the ring and the newly crowned world champion lock up with Dude Nick and Dude Nick over powers him and throws him into the corner and Dude Nick tries to smash MxMxPunk in the corner with a fist. But it's ducked under by MxMxPunk and Dude Nick is in the corner and then MxMxPunk hits a few fists to the face and tries to whip Dude Nick to the opposite side of the ring to the turnbuckle. But Dude Nick stops and then puts on the breaks as MxMxPunk tries to whip him. Dude Nick pulls MxMxPunk back and MxMxPunk gets thrown over the top rope. Dude Nick turns around and then MxMxPunk hits a hang man on the top rope. Dude Nick stumbles back stunned, but doesn't go down. MxMxPunk jumps on the apron and quickly climbs to the top rope and then leaps off and hits a missile drop kick. Once again this only stuns the big man. MxMxPunk looks not believing that Dude Nick isn't off his feet yet. MxMxPunk runs to the ropes, and comes off the ropes and then Dude Nick goes for a big boot to the face. But Punk slides under and then MxMxPunk hits a shoulder block into the supporting leg of Dude Nick. Dude Nick falls to his knee's and then MxMxPunk measures up and charges to the ropes and comes off and then he goes for a clothesline. But MxMxPunk ducks under and then he goes to the opposite side of the ring and leaps off of the ropes and spring boards off the second rope and hits a cross body block on Dude Nick into the cover. He gets the 1…………….2…………..MxMxPunk gets thrown off the cover. MxMxPunk lands on his knee's and gets up and then Dude Nick stumbles up to one knee and then MxMxPunk hits a low drop kick into the face and MxMxPunk goes up to the top rope and waits for Dude Nick gets up, Dude Nick stumbles up to his feet and MxMxPunk leaps off the top rope for a cross body block. But it's caught and Dude Nick, Dude Nick walks near the ropes and then hits a fall away slam over the top rope and MxMxPunk crashes to the outside.]

Kris Gaffney-Looks like Nick's power turned this match around…

King-That's what Punk gets for being 90 pounds.

JR-Regardless, Dude Nick's going to get quite a while to rest.

[Dude Nick does get a chance to rest and then he rolls out of the ring and grabs MxMxPunk who is getting up very stunned and then Dude Nick picks up MxMxPunk over his shoulders and drops him for a snake eyes over the steel steps. He bounces off of the steps and then MxMxPunk falls to the mat and Dude Nick hits a few stomps on the downed MxMxPunk and picks him up by the hair and picks him up in a body press and throws him over the top rope from the arena floor. Dude Nick gets up on the apron and then steps over the top rope. MxMxPunk is trying to get up with help of the ropes and then he chokes MxMxPunk with the second rope. The ref counts to 4 and Dude Nick lets go of the choke hold, and then Dude Nick backs off and goes back on the attack. Dude Nick grabs MxMxPunk by the hair and brings him back up and then he hits a few forearm shots to the face and then he whips MxMxPunk to the ropes and then MxMxPunk bounces back and Dude Nick lifts him over his head for a body press. But before he can throw MxMxPunk down, MxMxPunk reaches down and rakes the eyes. He lets go of MxMxPunk. MxMxPunk falls to the mat and then into the corner. MxMxPunk charges at Dude Nick, but Nick puts him in a bear hug and drives him into the corner. Dude Nick hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut and then finally he lets up and whips him to the opposite side of the ring and then he crashes into the corner and Dude Nick lowers his head and hits a back body drop. MxMxPunk crashes down on the mat, he stumbles up and Dude Nick picks him up and drops him for a side walk slam and gets the 1…………………..2………….kick out by MxMxPunk.]

JR-Kick out by the world champion.

King-What a way to come back, if Nick were to beat the world champion.

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure!

[Dude Nick picks up MxMxPunk by the hair and picks him up over his shoulder and drops him face first into the turnbuckle. He stumbles around and right into Nick who hits an inverted Russian leg sweep. Dude Nick gets up and calls for the Dudemeister, MxMxPunk stumbles up. Suddenly that unknown girl jumps on the apron as Dude Nick kicks him in the gut and turns around to go for it, Melina is going after her, she jumps down and backs up. This still make Dude Nick blink enough for MxMxPunk to turn the Dudemeister attempt into a school boy with his feet on the rope for the 1………….2……..3]

JR-Punk steals one!

King-That's a confidence booster, hopefully he doesn't decide to do something like get put in 4 matches

*Price is Right losing theme is played*

("Masterpiece" blasts out s Chris Masters makes his way down the ramp ,carrying the Intercontinental Championship.)

Finkle: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall... and it is for the EMF Intercontinental Championship. Introducing first... he is the EMF Intercontinental Champion... Chris Masters!"

("Bad, Bad Man" hits as John Cena makes his way out with Natasha Jones. Cena basically sprints down the ramp and into the ring and the bell sounds. Chris Masters is quick on the offense, knocking Cena down with a clothesline and then stomping away at him. Masters lifts Cena up and backs him against a turnbuckle before clotheslining him hard into it. Cena stumbles out and Masters hits a scoop slam. He grabs Cena's leg and applies a one-leg Boston Crab. Cena tries to grab the rope but it is just out of reach. Cena uses his spare leg to kick Masters off. Cena stands up but Masters runs and clotheslines him. Cena falls over the top rope, holding on to prefent his fall to the floor.)

J.R: "Good, Solid start from the champion..."

King: "why are we having this match again?"

Kris: "Because they both want the red-head on the outside?"

King: "Because Team Jericho wanted Chris Masters due to his achieving EVERYTHING?"

Kris: "Because Masters betrayed Cena and helped Jackie?"

J.R: "Oh will you two shup up and watch...."

(Masters goes over to Cena who is standing on the apron but Cena hits a shoulder through the ropes. He then grabs Masters and suplexes him down to the outside. Masters stumbles to his feet and Cena hits a double axe-handle to the outside. He grabs Masters and then Irish Whips him into the Steel Steps. He grabs Masters's head and slams it into the steps again (4). Cena rolls into the ring and the referee begins to shout at him. Cena gets in the Refs face so the ref doesn't notice as Masters attempts to stand using the steps and Nat shoves him haed back into them. (6). Cena rolls out of the ring to break the referees count. He grabs Masters and drags him over to the barricade. He slams Masters into it and then hits hard Chops to the chest. After a few of these, Cena pulls Masters away and throws him into the ring. Cena rolls in himself, and then starts to choke Masters using the bottom rope. The referee starts a count and Cena breaks it on 4.)

J.R: "Cena semingly not interested in playing within the rules..."

King: "He'd have been DQ'ed if he wasn't...."

Kris: "Perhaps he should have been already..."

(Cena picks up Masters and nails a Suplex. He covers and gets the 1.... 2.... kick out. Cena lifts Masters again and throws him into the corner. Cena charges but Masters throws a boot up and kicks Cena in the face. Cena stumbles back and Masters gets behind him and goes for the Masterlock... but Cena is able to drop to his knees and roll out of the hold. Cena gets up but Masters nails another big boot to send him back to the mat. Masters rolls him over and stomps away at Cena's back. He lifts him up and hits a DDT into the cover for the 1.... 2.... kick out. He lifts Cena again and hits some chops, backing him against the ropes. He then whips Cena across the ring and nails a Spinebuster as Cena comes back off the ropes. He covers again for the 1.... 2.... kick out!)

J.R: "Both men coming close to ending this thing..."

King: "Are you kidding J.R... Cena's LETTING Masters have offence...."

Kris: "Like you LET me have your mom..."

(Masters seems to want to keep the offence on Cena's midsection. He lifts him and hits a series of Knife-edge chops. He backs Cena into the corner and charges for a clothesline and nails it. Natasha then grabs Masters' foot from the outside. He tries to kick her off and Cena rolls him through and gets the 1.... 2..... kick out. Cena lifts Masters up and hits a Brainbuster. He then pumps up his sneakers before running and nailing the 5-knuckle shuffle! He goes into another cover for 1.... 2................. kick out. Cena calls for the ending of the match with an FU! He lifts Masters to his feet but then Masters hits a desperate thumb to the eye, followed by a release-German suplex. Cena stumbles up and Masters applies the Masterlock!!)

J.R: "This is it... Masters finally gets one over Cena!"

King: "Oh come on J.R.... Cena's come back from worse!"

Kris: "He DID survive naked Chyna... though I bet Naked Ashlee would kill him off...."

*King and Kris vomit*

(Cena seems to be fading to the hold, and stretches towards the top rope. Right on time.. Natasha leaps onto the apron and distracts the referee, allowing Cena to use a foot to low-blow Masters. Masters falls over, looking hurt bad. Cena goes over and applies the STFU! Masters struggles in pain towards the ropes. Suddernly Jackie Gayda rushes down the ramp and pulls Natasha off of the apron. Amy Jericho follows nervously behinnd Jackie. Jackie seems to be shouting at Nat over the interference, and then Nat plants a slap on Jackie. The two begin to trade shots until new officials swarm down to seperate them. While this is going on, Masters manages to reach out and grab the bottom rope. Cena keeps it locked in until the refs count of 4, and then breaks the hold. Masters seems to be drained totally, and Cena calls for the FU! Cena lifts Masters onto his shoulders and plants him down with the FU! Cena covers and gets the 1............... 2................................................... suddernly the referee is pulled out of the ring by none other than.... X-Factor!)

King:"WHAT?? DAMN HIM!!!"

J.R: "It's about time someone turned the scales the other way...."

Kris: "This was over... but Revolution had other ideas...."

(X-Factor socks the referee with a right hand and then rolls into the ring. Cena stands up confused and walks right into the eXecution! X-Factor throws Masters over Cena, but then Malis runs in through the crowd and he and X-Factor brawl in the ring. Malis clotheslines X-Factor over the top rope and their brawl continues on the outside. Jackie and Nat are still seperated by referees trying to hold them back. Suddernly, Malis gets the better of X-Factor, and kicks him in the gut and hits the Soul Catcher! Malis runs down the ramp again and into the ring, looking to put Cena on top of Masters instead, but Amy bravely grabs his foot. Malis turns and stares at Amy with an angry stare. He runs after her and Malis looks to give chase, but Amy is blocked by... CHRISTY HEMME! Amy decides to take her chances with Hemme rather than Malis and charges at her, but Hemme just grabs a handful of Amy's dress and tugs it clean off, leaving Amy in her pink Bra and Panties! Hemme just laughs and shoves Amy down before leaving her embaressed on the ramp. Jackie persuades the referees on the outside to let her go and help Amy. She runs up the ramp and picks Amy up, leading her away, apologising as she does. One of the refs who was restraining her gets into the ring where Cena has since managed to get out of the pin and pull himself to his feet, but Masters has done the same.)

J.R: "Maybe this'll settle down and become a wrestling match now..."

King: "Who cares... BRA AND PANTIES!!"

Kris: "I have to side with King here... the match lost all hope when Dveni Mlais got involved... but the Bra and Panties made up for it!"

(Cena and Masters trade right hands and it's hard to see who has more in them. Cena seems to get some momentum and then backs Masters into a corner and hits a clothesline. As Masters staggers out, Cena hoists him up for the FU! Masters rolls out the back of it and hits a German Suplex, this time keeping the arms locked. He manages to re-arrange his hold and apply a... MASTERLOCK! This time Cena really is fading.. but Malis, who is still at ringside, grabs the IC Championship and rolls into the ring. The referee spots him and goes over to tell him to leave, but in doing so doesn't notice Natasha slide into the ring with Cena's Tag Team Title and smash Masters round the back of the head. Masters stumbles, and the weak Cena is able to peel off a quick FU before collapsing on top of Masters. The referee turns and notices this, as Nat slides out the ring and counts 1..... 2....... 3!!!)

J.R: "NO!! He stole it!!"

King: "Oh come on J.R... he had it won long before... with the first FU...."

Kris: "True... but the fact is.... WE SAW BRA AND PANTIES!! What an ass that Amy has..."

(Shockwave goes off the air with Cena being handed the IC Title, and embracing Nat, as the commentators and the whole crowd stare into space.)