EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The Shockwave video starts, then when it comes to a end the picture goes into the arena as fireworks blasts off on the stage. The lights come back on and the camera searches around the arena as the fans hold up their signs.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with Jerry "the King" Lawler

King-This shows going to be great, the triple threat match is suppose to pit three guys that absolutely hate each other!

JR - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, .!!!

[Both Assassin and Core come down to the ring seperately to their own music. They look very pissed off at each other as they wait for their opponents. ]

JR - and their opponents, the team of Suicide and Jade Knight.

[Jade Knights theme blasts on the PA system as Jade Knight and Suicide walk to the ring Assassin tests out the ropes. Assassin gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Suicide. (ring, ring, ring) Assassin, trying to get some advantage, puts Suicide in an achilles tendon hold. Assassin is back on his feet. Suicide stands up. Assassin holds Suicide in the corner, choking him with his forearm. Assassin brings in Core for .. Now Core standing. Suicide gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Core comes over and smashes Suicide's head into it. Suicide tags in Knight. Suicide executes the brain buster on Core. They lockup. Knight sends Core to the corner of the ring. ]

King - Core is being double teamed!

[Knight tags in Suicide. Suicide executes the guillotine choke on Assassin. Suicide gets back to his feet. Core tagged in by Assassin. Suicide gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Assassin. Core piledrives Suicide. Suicide executes a corkscrew legdrop on Core. Suicide is back on his feet. Suicide tags Knight. Core puts Knight in the achilles tendon hold. Core stands up. Knight is back on his feet. Knight grabs Core by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. ]

King - Knight executes a armbreaker.

[Core tags Assassin. Knight hits him with a back fist. Flying Tomahawk by Knight sends Assassin down to the mat. Assassin is up again. Knight tags Suicide. Knight short clothslines Assassin. Knight unleashes the Canadian backbreaker on Assassin. Knight with a headscissors takeover on Assassin. Knight rakes his fingers across Assassin's back. ]

JR - Assassin takes a back rake.

[Assassin executes a neck scissors on Knight. Assassin chants start. ]

King - If Assassin keeps using moves like that neck scissors he could win the match!

[Assassin is up again. Assassin sends Knight to ringside. Charles Robinson starts the count (.1) (..2) Knight's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Assassin. Knight is up again. (...3) Knight pokes Assassin in the eyes. (....4) Knight grabs Assassin's arm and strkes his chest. Knight with a powerful choke lift on Assassin. Knight takes Assassin into the ring. ]

JR - Is this a great match or not?

[Core jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Knight. Now Knight standing. Knight goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Core. Knight jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Core. Now Knight standing. Knight applies an arm wrench to Core. Knight brings in Suicide for Suicide and Jade Knight. Core executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Suicide. Suicide gets up dazed, Suicide kicks him into the gut and then twists his arm into a arm bar. Core brings Suicide to his corner and tags in Assassin. Assassin goes to the top rope as Core holds Suicide in place, Suicide comes crashing down hard on the arm/shoulder area.Assassin pulls up Suicide and hits a few knife edge chops. Suicide stumbles out of the ropes as Assassin backs off to allow that to happen. Assassin then lifts up Suicide up and hits a shoulder breaker.]

JR-Assassin and Core are looking to make quick work of Suicide and Jade Knight


[Assassin hits a few stomps to the shoulder, Suicide gets to his knee's as Assassin goes to work on the shoulder area. Then Suicide catches Assassin off guard with a inverted atomic drop. Suicide follows it up with a few fists to the face of Assassin, Suicide trys to whip Assassin off the ropes. But Assassin reverses it, Suicide bounces off and Assassin drives him down off the whip right into the crippler (if I got the moves mixed up, sorry). Knight is about to come in, but then gets knocked off the apron with a running forearm by Core. Finally Suicide taps out and the ref calls for the bell]

JR-Core and Assassin have won this match

King-zzzzzz....it wasn't me....un...it was JR!

"Love Fury Passion Enrgy" blasts on the PA system as Mercedes walks to the ring

King-It's a smooth entrance!

JR-Mercedes has a bit of a challenge in the former women's champion Natashia

"Natashia's theme" blasts on the PA system as Natashia walks to the ring

JR-Natashia has been away from the EMF for a while, what a return it would be to have Natashia win the title on her redebut.

King-Well Mercedes will find a smooth way to defeat Natashia!

[Mercedes and Natashia lock up, Mercedes puts Natashia in a side head lock. Natashia looks for a way out of the hold and then backs up to the ropes and then whips Mercedes out of the head lock. Mercedes bounces off the ropes and comes flying with a hard forearm to the face of Natashia that knocks her down. Natashia gets up, only to be picked up and body slammed. Mercedes runs to the ropes taking maybe a little too much time to drop the big elbow. But Natashia is able to avoid contact as Mercedes goes crashing into the mat. Mercedes gets up holding her arm, Natashia waits for this and hits a arm bar take down.Natashia then puts Mercedes into a arm bar and then holds it on the mat for a little bit to hit a few knee drops into the arm. Natashia then puts on the arm bar and holds it as Mercedes gets up and looks for a way out of the hold. Mercedes backs up Natashia to the ropes and whips her off the arm bar. Natashia bounces off the ropes and knocks Mercedes to the mat with a hard shoulder block. Natashia runs to the ropes, Natashia bounces off the ropes. Mercedes stays down and Natashia runs to the opposite side of the ring. Mercedes then sets up and hits a monkey flip on Natashia. Natashia goes flying all the way across the ring to the ropes. Natashia gets up stumbled. Mercedes charges and hits a clothesline over the top rope. Mercedes then goes threw the ropes and follows Natashia to the outside. Mercedes pulls up Natashia and leads her to the stairs. Mercedes then slams Natashia's face into the steps once.....twice..then Mercedes throws Natashia into the ring. Mercedes then climbs onto the apron and climbs to the top rope. Mercedes waits for Natashia to get to get up. Mercedes stands ready as she waits for Natashia to turn around, but Natashia falls on the ropes shaking them and making Mercedes fall on the top rope. Natashia climbs to the top rope where Mercedes is and sets her up and then hits a hurricanarana from the top rope down to the mat. Natashia quickly gets back up after hitting the move and then goes threw the ropes and climbs back up to the top rope and then leaps off the top rope for a top rope flying elbow drop . But Mercedes is able to move at the last second]

JR-We have seen two high risk moves not paid off

King-high risk moves should burn in HELL!

[Mercedes able to get up and waits for Natashia to get to her feet as well. So she can kick her in the gut and set her up. Then Mercedes hits a snap suplex on Natashia, Mercedes then starts to bash Natashia's head against the mat as the ref makes Mercedes break up the hold (if you really want to call it that). Mercedes pulls up Natashia and hits a few forarm shots the face that backs up Natashia to the ropes. Mercedes whips Natashia off the ropes, Natashia bounces off the ropes and Mercedes puts Natashia in a sleeper hold. But before she can Natashia hits a jaw breaker on Mercedes to break the hold . Mercedes backs up a little bit holding her jaw. Mercedes backs up Natashia hits a few fists that sends Mercedes into the corner, Natashia then hits a few kicks into the gut of Mercedes. Natashia then whips Mercedes to the opposite side turnbuckle. Mercedes hits into the opposite side turnbuckle hard and back first. Mercedes stumbles out of the corner, Natashia runs to the ropes. Natashia bounces behind Mercedes off the ropes and then hits a one handed face buster. Natashia goes into the cover and gets a 1...........2......kick out. Natashia then grabs Mercedes legs and then drags her to the middle of the ring, Natashia trys to turn her into the boston crab and does it. Mercedes is in a lot of pain as she looks for a way out of the hold. Slowly Mercedes goes to the ropes, but shes a little ways off from getting there. Mercedes is almost there, the ref asks Mercedes if she wants to give up, but Mercedes refuses. Mercedes is closer to the ropes and finally grabs on the ropes and the ref makes Natashia break the hold]

JR-Mercedes was just barely able to get to the ropes

King-That was a smooth escape!

[Natashia pulls up Mercedes slowly and hooks her up for a suplex, Natashia trys to hit it. But Mercedes blocks it and then hits a snap suplex of her own. Natashia gets up dazed, but is able to charge at Mercedes which she just counters by hitting a release hiptoss. Natashia gets up even more dazed, Mercedes kicks Natashia in the gut and hits a DDT. Mercedes goes into the cover and gets the 1.......2....kick out. Mercedes then goes to the outside and waits for Natashia to get to her feet from the top rope. Once she does Mercedes hits the Mercedes-go-round on Natashia for the 1..........2........3]

"Across the Nation" blasts on the PA system as Hardy walks to the ring

King-Hey JR


King-When did we get to RAW?

"Firestorm's theme" blasts on the PA system as Firestorm walks to the ring

King-Thanks for trying to win the Internet title for Scott Mann, Firestorm.

JR-You don't know that King....

[Firestorm and Hardy lock, Firestorm puts Hardy in a arm bar and then twists his arm into the arm bar once again to add even more pressure. Firestorm then yanks the arm, Hardy goes down to one knee and then gets up as Firestorm turns the arm bar into a hammer lock. Hardy looks for a way out and then takes Firestorm over with a snapmare to release the hammer lock, Hardy then puts a sit down sleeper on Firestorm quickly gets up before the hold can do any effect. Hardy hits a few elbows into the gut into Firestorm and then follows it up with a jaw breaker that fianlly gets Firestorm off and stumbles back to the ropes. Firestorm has to hold on to the top rope to keep up as Hardy gets to his feet, Hardy hits a few fists to the face. Hardy whips Firestorm to the ropes, Firestorm bounces off the ropes and Hardy knocks Firestorm down with a running firearm. Hardy keeps running and bounces off the ropes and trys for a high elbow drop and...................hits it. Hardy then goes for the cover and gets the 1.......2...kick out, Hardy then starts to choke Firestorm and the ref counts to 5 and makes Hardy break the hold. Hardy pulls up Firestorm and then whips him off the ropes. Firestorm bounces off the ropes, Firestorm leaps into the air and hits a flying forearm to the head that knocks down Hardy. Firestorm tells Hardy to get up, Hardy gets up and charges at Firestorm. Firestorm hits a hiptoss and falls through with it making it kind of a hip toss slam. Hardy gets up holding his back as he stumbles around and right into the waiting arms of Firestorm who picks up Hardy and then drops him into a back breaker. Firestorm then pulls Hardy to the middle of the ring and then sets up Hardy and turns him into a single boston crab. The ref asks Hardy if he wants to give it up. But Hardy slowly crawls to the ropes, but can't get there yet. Hardy seemly gives up and the ref asks Hardy if he wants to give it up. But Hardy says he isn't going to give up. Hardy starts to crawl towards the ropes and makes a few attempts at the ropes and then goes for one last attempt and finally grabs the ropes and the ref makes Firestorm break the hold. Hardy gets up on his hand and knee's only to be hit with a elbow drop into the back of the neck that sends Hardy on the bottom rope. Firestorm uses the ropes to choke Hardy, the ref uses his 5 count and Firestorm breaks the choke]

JR-Firestorm is doing whatever he can to win the match

*King jumps on the desk and rips off his shirt to reveal his "cheat to win" shirt.*

[Firestorm puts Hardy over the second rope and then runs to the ropes, Firestorm bounces off the ropes and leaps. But Hardy moves out of the way at the last second, Firestorm lands on the ropes in a lot of pain and slowly falls and gets his foot stuck in the ropes. Hardy kicks Firestorm a few times and then runs to the ropes and hits a baseball slide to the help less Firestorm. The ref makes Hardy back off and then gets Firestorm out of the ropes. Firestorm gets up dazed, Hardy hits a few fists backing him into the corner. Hardy hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut of Firestorm. Hardy trys to whip Firestorm to the opposite side of the ring. But Firestorm reverses the whip and Hardy goes back first into the opposite side turnbuckle. Firestorm charges in and then hits a clothesline in the corner to Hardy. Firestorm then backs up and hits a few knife edge chops in the corner. Firestorm then puts Hardy on the top rope, Firestorm takes a little time to climb up. But he finally does it, but before he can set up for the super plex Hardy hits a few shots to the ribs of Firestorm that stuns him. Hardy pushes Firestorm off the top turnbuckle, Hardy gets set on the top turnbuckle as he waits for Firestorm to get up.]

JR-If Hardy can hit this, he could finish off Firestorm

King-Another high risk move...

[Hardy leaps off as Firestorm gets up for a hurricanarana. But Firestorm blocks it into a power bomb, Hardy falls directly on his neck very weird. The ref goes to check Hardy as he is in extreme pain saying something. The ref calls for the bell and then waves someone to come down. Firestorm rolls out of the ring and grabs the Attitude Internet championship. As EMT's run down, they tell Hardy to keep still as a strentch comes down. They put Hardy on the thing that makes him not move his neck (lol not sure what the hell that thing is called, I think a stablezer). One of the EMT's says something to JR.

JR-Well I was just told that Hardy has a neck injury, we are not sure how serious it is right now. But they are making sure that Hardy doesn't move just in case. This isn't good King.

*King jumps on the table rips his "cheat to win" shirt to reveal his "that's what you get for taking high risk moves" shirt

JR-......well anyways when we have information on the condition of Kiel Hardy we will pass it along

"to the end" blasts on the PA system as Def Metal walks to the ring

King-Thanks for..

JR-don't even complete that sentence King

"n.....W....o Matt Dragon's theme" blasts on the PA system as Dragon walks to the ring

JR-Def Metal was able to get a upset win over Dragon, I believe he'll be seeking revenge in this match

King-Though it was only a fluke....AND I HATE FLUKES!

"Raptors theme" blasts on the PA system

JR-Things just haven't gone the wWo way have they

King-I guess he that was the price the wWo had to pay for the lockdown

[Matt Dragon and Raptor hit a few forearms to Def Metal rocking him back. Dragon and Raptor whip him off the ropes, then Dragon realizes what he is doing and then hits a clothesline that knocks down Raptor. Dragon isn't paying attention to Def Metal who comes charging in after bouncing from the ropes and then knocks Dragon over the top rope with a clothesline over the top. Raptor is able to get behind Def Metal without even him noticing it to try a school boy for the 1..........2.....kick out. Def Metal gets up as does Raptor, Raptor charges at Def Metal. But Def Metal takes Raptor down with a drop toe hold. Def Metal quickly gets to the nearest turnbuckle as Raptor comes up holding his face after getting hit with the drop toe hold. Def Metal comes flying off the second turnbuckle and knocks Raptor down with a flying double ax handle. Def Metal slowly runs to the ropes and hits a quick knee drop to Raptor. Then Def Metal goes for the cover and gets a 1..........2....suddenly a hand reaches out and pulls Def Metal to the outside. Matt Dragon pulls Def Metal up and hits a few fists that stun him. Dragon then puts Def Metal over his shoulder and then charges at the ring post. But Def Metal slips out the back and then pushes Dragon into the ring post. Dragon goes down in alot of pain, Def Metal pulls Dragon up and trys to whip him to the nearest steel steps, but Dragon reverses the whip and sends Def Metal charging into the steps. Def Metal goes shoulder first into the steps knocking them over , Dragon goes over to the opposite side that Def Metal is. Dragon then grabs Def Metal's arm and then uses the ring post as almost a shoulder block combo on Def Metal. Dragon then stops and Def Metal falls to the arena floor in a lot of pain, Dragon rolls inside the ring as Raptor charges at Dragon. Raptor then gets taken down by an another drop toe hold (damn Raptor that's twice you got fooled by the move) and Raptor goes throat first into the second rope. Raptor hangs on the rope. Dragon pulls Raptor up and leaves him hanging on the top rope, Dragon then takes his legs and kicks him in the mid section. Raptor goes down Dragon stomps him. Dragon then notices Def Metal who crawled into the ring while Dragon wasn't paying attention and recovers in the corner, Dragon goes over and hits a few hard fists in the corner. Dragon then whips Def Metal to the opposite side turnbuckle, Def Metal goes crashing into the corner. Dragon charges in for a clothesline into the corner, but Def Metal gets his foot up before Dragon can hit the move the clothesline in the corner. Dragon stumbles around, Def Metal pulls himself up to the second rope as Dragon stumbles right towards him and then hooks him and hits the tornado DDT. Quickly Def Metal goes into the cover and gets the 1.....2...Raptor breaks up the cover.]

JR-Def Metal could have had it won there

King-Well that's why Wasabi hates triple threats, always a way to lose....without really losing

[Raptor pulls up Def Metal and hits a hard fist into the face of Raptor. Raptor then fires back with a few of his own. Raptor and Def Metal exchange fists, Def Metal gets the upper hand and Raptor rocks back. But Raptor comes back with a knee to the gut of Def Metal. Raptor pulls up the doubled over Def Metal and measures him up and hits a hard fist into the face of Def Metal that sends Def Metal reeling, Raptor whips Def Metal off the ropes. Def Metal bounces off the ropes, Raptor goes for a clothesline but Def Metal ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring. Raptor is able to spin around as Def Metal is bouncing off the other side of the ring, Raptor then hits a spinning spine buster on Def Metal. Raptor then hits a few fists on Def Metal while he's down. Raptor gets up and pulls up Def Metal with him, Raptor hits a european upper cut. Def Metal is some what effected, but is able to throw a fist that is easily blocked. Raptor then hits a hard fist into the face to counter and then follows it up with a knife edge chop as Raptor reels on the ropes. Raptor follows it up with another knife edge chop . Raptor backs up and allows Def Metal to stumble out. Raptor kicks Def Metal in the gut and sets him up, then hits the northern lights suplex with a bridge. While he is in this move, he doesn't see Dragon on the second rope as he gets a 1.....2...Dragon leaps off and hits a second rope flying leg drop on Raptor that breaks up the bridge. Def Metal is down after the northern lights suplex, as is Raptor Dragon gets up and waits for Raptor get up. When he does Dragon hits a super kick that knocks down Raptor. Def Metal gets up, Dragon kicks Def Metal in the gut and sets him up for a piledriver and hits the pull up piledriver on Def Metal. Dragon then stacks Def Metal on top of Raptor, Dragon then hits a stomp on Def Metal and then goes through the ropes and climbs up to the top rope. Dragon then gets set and hits the Dragon bomb on both Raptor and Def Metal, but after he does this move Dragon is hurt from the move. Dragon can't make the cover.]

King-OK their all dead

JR-Dragon has taken himself and the rest out with that Dragon Bomb!

[Dragon rolls out of the ring, both Def Metal and Raptor get up. Angry Rapyor pushes Def Metal, Def pushes him back. Suddenly it breaks out into a huge brawl that sees both wrestler fall out of the ring and continue to brawl, Dragon just shakes his head. As the ref can't regain control and calls for a no contest. But Raptor and Def Metal are still brawling up the ramp]

JR-The ref has called for the end of this match due to the fact he can't get control of it...I guess it's far from over with Def Metal and Raptor

*King jumps on the table and rips off his "that's what you get for doing high risk moves" shirt to reveal his "thanks for making another Raptor/Def Metal feud Def Metal" shirt!

[Saturday Shockwave goes off the air as bunch of refs come between the two, but they still try to beat the shit out of each other]