EMF: Saturday Shockwave

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Michael Webber!!! (crowd cheers **)

[Michael Webber comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Brick Lesnar!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Brick Lesnar walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Brick Lesnar gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Michael Webber. Brick Lesnar drops Michael Webber with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Flying kick by Michael Webber takes Brick Lesnar down. Brick Lesnar is up again. Brick Lesnar grabs Michael Webber's head and hites him in the face. Brick Lesnar nails Michael Webber with a belly-to-back suplex. Michael Webber nails Brick Lesnar with an inverted DDT. Michael Webber chants start. ]

The King - That inverted DDT was very good.

[Michael Webber gets back to his feet. Michael Webber locks Brick Lesnar in that boston crab. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Brick Lesnar is fighting the hold. ... ... Brick Lesnar trys to escape. Brick Lesnar escapes. Michael Webber drags Brick Lesnar to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Brick Lesnar gets up. (..2) Flying sommersault drop kick by Brick Lesnar puts him back in the match. Michael Webber climbs to his feet. (...3) Michael Webber with an illegal chokehold on Brick Lesnar. (....4) Michael Webber puts Brick Lesnar in an arm grapevine submission. (.....5) Michael Webber and Brick Lesnar move back into the ring. Michael Webber executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Brick Lesnar. Now Michael Webber standing. Now Brick Lesnar standing. Brick Lesnar hits a ropeflip moonsault on Michael Webber. Brick Lesnar stands up. Brick Lesnar goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Michael Webber. Brick Lesnar climbs to his feet. Michael Webber gets hit with the shooting star press from Brick Lesnar. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Michael Webber kicks out. ]

JR - Not even close!

[Now Michael Webber standing. Michael Webber jabs Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar is hit with a backward kick. Brick Lesnar gets knocked on the ground and Michael Webber flips onto him. Michael Webber knees Brick Lesnar and rolls back to his feet. Brick Lesnar gets up. Brick Lesnar goes for a head and arm suplex but Michael Webber dodges the attack. ]

JR - Michael Webber could use some help about now.

[Japanese armdrag take down from Michael Webber send Brick Lesnar to the mat. ]

The King - Michael Webber executes a Japanese armdrag takedown.

[Michael Webber climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Brick Lesnar. Michael Webber executes the sleeperhold on Brick Lesnar. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Brick Lesnar is fighting the hold. ... ... Michael Webber tightens the hold. Michael Webber breaks the hold. Brick Lesnar grabs Michael Webber's arm and strkes his chest. Michael Webber punches Brick Lesnar in the head. Michael Webber goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Brick Lesnar. Michael Webber is up again. Michael Webber chokes Brick Lesnar. Michael Webber chants start. Brick Lesnar gets up. Michael Webber uses a snap mare takeover on Brick Lesnar. Michael Webber Choke Slams Brick Lesnar. Brick Lesnar looks to be out cold! Brick Lesnar gets hit with the shooting star press from Michael Webber. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Michael Webber!!!

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Bringer of Choas!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Bringer of Choas comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Gillberg!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Gillberg walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Bringer of Choas places Gillberg on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Gillberg walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Bringer of Choas nails Gillberg with a belly-to-back suplex. Bringer of Choas climbs to his feet. Bringer of Choas rakes his fingers across Gillberg's back. Bringer of Choas is speared by Gillberg. Gillberg is up again. Gillberg covers Bringer of Choas. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Bringer of Choas kicks out. Now Bringer of Choas standing. Gillberg punches Bringer of Choas repeatedly. ]

JR - Bringer of Choas takes a weak move.

[Bringer of Choas rakes the face of Gillberg in attempt to make a come back. Gillberg gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Bringer of Choas grabs Gillberg by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Bringer of Choas double underhook faceslams Gillberg hard to the Gillberg. Gillberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Bringer of Choas. The ref starts the count. ...1 Gillberg escapes. Gillberg moves back to his feet. Gillberg gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Bringer of Choas. Gillberg is back on his feet. Bringer of Choas delivers a spine buster to Gillberg. Gillberg stands up. Kneelock submission applied by Bringer of Choas. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) Gillberg escapes. Bringer of Choas comes from behind and bulldogs Gillberg. Bringer of Choas gets back to his feet. Gillberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Bringer of Choas. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Gillberg escapes. Gillberg clotheslines Bringer of Choas. They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. Bringer of Choas puts Gillberg on the top rope and executes a superplex. Bringer of Choas goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Gillberg. ]

JR - flying sitdown splash!

[Bringer of Choas uses a closed fist on Gillberg. Bringer of Choas kicks Gillberg in the stomach. Gillberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Bringer of Choas. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Gillberg escapes. ]

The King - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Bringer of Choas pokes Gillberg in the eyes. Bringer of Choas is speared by Gillberg. Gillberg chants start. Gillberg gets up. Now Bringer of Choas standing. Gillberg clotheslines Bringer of Choas. They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. Gillberg punches Bringer of Choas repeatedly. Bringer of Choas with a frankensteiner on Gillberg. Bringer of Choas climbs to his feet. Gillberg climbs to his feet. They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. Gillberg clotheslines Bringer of Choas. ]

The King - Gillberg with a weak move.

[Gillberg punches Bringer of Choas repeatedly. ]

JR - weak move!

[They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. They lockup. Gillberg sends Bringer of Choas to the corner of the ring. ]

The King - weak move!

[Bringer of Choas executes the front-layout suplex on Gillberg. Bringer of Choas stands up. Gillberg is back on his feet. Bringer of Choas executes a jawbreakeron Gillberg. Bringer of Choas gets back to his feet. Bringer of Choas executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Gillberg. Gillberg stands up. Bringer of Choas hits Gillberg with a Baba chop. Bringer of Choas chants start. Bringer of Choas piledrives Gillberg into the mat. Bringer of Choas hits Gillberg with the Diamond Cutter. Gillberg gets hit with the shooting star press from Bringer of Choas. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Bringer of Choas!!!

The EMF logo flashes over the screen and then Shockwave video starts and then once it ends we go into the arena where fans aren’t all here

*We go down into a dark hall way, where Wes is stomping on a downed Kaedon

Wes-This is just a taste of what you will get tonight

Wes leaves as Kaedon has a pissed look on his face*

and then once that ends we go into the arena where fans aren’t all here

King-What the…were on early

JR-seems so..

King-Man don’t tell me we are televising dark matches *groans *

JR-Well seemly this one for some reason…
JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Mike Awesome!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Mike Awesome comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Hawkeye Hefner!!! (crowd cheers ******)

[Hawkeye Hefner walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Mike Awesome tests out the ropes. Mike Awesome gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Hawkeye Hefner. (the bell rings) Hawkeye Hefner holds his head after recieving an earringer from Mike Awesome. Flying somersault drop kick by Mike Awesome puts him back in the match. ]

JR - flying somersault dropkick!

[Mike Awesome is up again. Mike Awesome jumps and elbow smashes the lying Hawkeye Hefner. Mike Awesome gets back to his feet. Mike Awesome goes for a pin. But then Mike Awesome remembers that this match is a tables match...thus you need to put someone through a table. Hawkeye Hefner trys for a cradle DDT but Mike Awesome avoids it. Hawkeye Hefner tackles Mike Awesome. Mike Awesome stands up. Mike Awesome hits a jumping elbow hrust on Hawkeye Hefner. Hawkeye Hefner is back on his feet. Mike Awesome goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Hawkeye Hefner. Hawkeye Hefner is back on his feet. Mike Awesome is hooked in a full nelson. Hawkeye Hefner throws Mike Awesome off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Mike Awesome climbs to his feet. Mike Awesome executes the twisting moonsault on to Hawkeye Hefner. Mike Awesome climbs to his feet. Mike Awesome with executes a bearhug on Hawkeye Hefner. Earl Hebner asks Hawkeye Hefner if he quits. ... ... Mike Awesome tightens the hold. Mike Awesome breaks the hold. Mike Awesome drags Hawkeye Hefner to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Mike Awesome swings a Steel chair and hits Hawkeye Hefner. Hawkeye Hefner is bleeding as a result. (..2) Mike Awesome hits Hawkeye Hefner with an elbowdrop. Mike Awesome climbs to his feet. (...3) Mike Awesome jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Hawkeye Hefner. Mike Awesome climbs to his feet. (....4) Mike Awesome hits Hawkeye Hefner with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Mike Awesome stands up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Mike Awesome hits Hawkeye Hefner with an elbowdrop. Hawkeye Hefner uses a cradle suplex on Mike Awesome. Hawkeye Hefner gets up. Hawkeye Hefner locks Mike Awesome in that boston crab. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Mike Awesome is fighting the hold. ... ... Hawkeye Hefner tightens the hold. Mike Awesome escapes. A side kick by Mike Awesome turns the match around by knocking Hawkeye Hefner to the mat. Mike Awesome stands up. Hawkeye Hefner is back on his feet. Hawkeye Hefner jumps from the top and nails Mike Awesome with a flying axhandle smash. Mike Awesome is up again. Hawkeye Hefner gets elbowed to his midsection by Hawkeye Hafner. Hawkeye Hefner hits a jumping elbow hrust on Mike Awesome. Mike Awesome is up again. Mike Awesome gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Hawkeye Hefner. Hawkeye Hefner hits Mike Awesome with the Harlem Sidekick! Hawkeye Hefner wraps his legs around Mike Awesome's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... Mike Awesome is fighting the hold. ... Mike Awesome trys to escape. Hawkeye Hefner breaks the hold. Hawkeye Hafner hits Mike Awesome with a flying senton. Hawkeye Hefner knees Mike Awesome and rolls back to his feet. Hawkeye Hafner executes a corkscrew legdrop on Mike Awesome. Hawkeye Hefner goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Mike Awesome. Hawkeye Hefner gets back to his feet. Mike Awesome is back on his feet. Hawkeye Hefner Jackhammers Mike Awesome onto the mat! Hawkeye Hefner hurricanranas Mike Awesome and then Hawkeye looks to the outside at the tables]

King-um….new guy, get the tables

JR-I suppose

[Taz shouts instructions to Hawkeye who slides into the ring, as Hawkeye’s head is turned, Scott Hall runs down the ring and then knocks down Taz and then hits a few fists before Hawkeye goes over Hall backs off and then Hawkeye is seemly going after Hall, but Awesome comes from behind and hits a low blow. Hawkeye turns around and then gets kicked in the gut and then Awesome picks him up for the Awesome bomb, but then Hawkeye is able to slide out of it and then Awesome turns around and then Hawkeye hits a kick in the gut and then whips Awesome to the gut and then Awesome bounces off and then Hawkeye hits the spinning spine buster through the table. The match is over as Hawkeye slides out of the ring

JR-Well the rookie has won this match, but that’s not the bigger news as Scott Hall has attacked Taz

King-Guess he’s JUST ANOTHER VICTIM of chico

[Shockwave starts up with the regular get up of pyro and theme music as fans are going crazy as we are coming straight from the PPV. A lot more Josh Hanley signs are shown in the crowd as many are congratulating him for his title win at the PPV. Fans are still going crazy but, soon go quiet as Prez Mike’s theme song hits as some fans cheer and some boo. Fans in the front rows are bowing doing the we are not worthy gesture. Prez Mike then gets in the ring as a red carpet is spread on the canvas of the ring. Inside the ring is the world heavyweight title inside a glass case stand, Prez Mike grabs a mic from the ring announcer as his theme song then cuts out.]

Prez Mike: Thank you, but I didn’t come out here for myself tonight…No, I came out for one reason and that is the presentation of the world title to one Mr. Josh Hanley! [Crowd cheers] So…Without any ado…Ladies and Gentlemen, your new world heavyweight champion…Josh Hanley!

[Josh Hanley’s theme music hits as fans come to their feet, Josh proceeds down the ramp acknowledging the crowd on hand. Josh proceeds up the ring steps and inside the ring as he steps in between the ring ropes. Josh goes over and shakes the hand of Prez Mike as Mike signals to kill the music.]

Prez Mike: Josh, I just like to congratulate you on not one but, two big wins in your quest to become world champion, first winning the battle royal and getting to the elimination chamber match at Survival of the Fittest, and then going on to Survival of the Fittest and proving to the other 5 gentlemen in that match and to the people watching at home that you do deserve to be world champion. Congratulations! And with that said I would like to present the world heavyweight title to Josh…

[All of a sudden the lights then turn off as Prez Mike still talks while the lights are off.]

Prez Mike: What the hell is this? Can someone please fix the damn lights please!

[Suddenly a familiar theme hits as fans begin to go nuts, Prez Mike can’t believe it as he looks over and the belt goes missing.]

JR: No way! He is suppose to be banned from the EMF.


[Finally a figure appears at the top of the stage as several colorful lights hit off his shadow, the figure then releases something in his hand as the world title comes dangling from his right arm. The camera goes to Hanley as he hops up and down getting ready for a fight. The figure then walks out from the lights as the camera gets a shot of the man and it is not Triple H. Fans all boo, as the man continues to act like they are cheering him as he waves to some of the fans. The man hops up on the apron as a spotlight hits him, the man then reaches back and throws his arms up, spitting out some water. The man then walks in and looking at Josh laughing while holding his world title. The man then request Prez Mike’s mic.]

Man: Be cool now, I come in peace…Well for now. I would like to introduce myself to you and to all these peons out in the crowd here tonight…[Boos] My name is Jay Levesque. And yes, I am kin to the one and only, the EMF’s best world champion of all time, TRIPLE H! But, lets face facts Josh…Everyone has been saying it, you aren’t world championship material…Now are you? You’ll be lucky to hold on to that belt for one month. You aren’t a great wrestler, your just a lucky one…Unlike my cousin who was the best! But, Josh I didn’t come out here to verbally bitch slap ya around, no…I came here to warn you. "He" is coming Josh, and straight for you…That world title has made you a marked man Josh, and you are now getting hunted by one of the most dangerous men to ever step in between those ropes. So Josh, now that the warning is out there, the only thing left to be said is enjoy this moment, enjoy these idiots chanting your name, enjoy this belt…

[Jay Levesque hands the world title over in Josh’s direction as Josh slowly reaches out, Jay then quickly drops the world title belt as the fans "oh".]

Prez Mike: Hold on one damn minute, you come in here as if you own the place and make the statements that "he" is coming back and all this other garbage. Well is this is your cousin you speak of, that’s going to be kind of hard to do with him being banned from the EMF.

Jay Levesque: haha, funny you would say such a thing Mike cause as of May 31st at the strike of 12, I official do own this place. I knew my cousins end was coming but, I just didn’t know when…And when the company’s stock came up for sale well lets just say I couldn’t help myself. And over this past couple months, I’ve been watching…Watching my investment and let me just say Mike, I am not impressed. The lack of star quality of our roster is at a all time low, and not just star quality but, quality itself is missing…Well I am here to help that. Here to get the true stars to higher points and for the lower stars well, fired! So Josh, step it up or either your ass along with many of your friends and foes will find their asses FIRED!

[Josh rips the mic away from Jay as he becomes angered, Josh reaches down picking up his world title.]

Josh Hanley: Guess that leaves me to do one thing…[Josh then clobbers Jay with the world title.] And that is to step it up…

[Josh Hanley’s theme music hits as cameras get a shot of Jay Levesque knocked out cold.]

JR: My God another Levesque under power here at the EMF…This is trouble.

King: I LOVE IT!

[ If you smell blasts throughout the arena as The Rock down the eisle, microphone in hand as he hopes into the ring ]

Rock: Finnally the Rock has comeback as the new Extreme Champion!!

Rock: Now as the Rock holds the first ever 'Rock Show' he looks upon the crowd that he is Extreme Champion of and The Rock thinks that its about damn time that The Rock has done something for the people, The Rock has made movies, The Rock has defeated Twilight in a long gruelling match that was interupted, now The Rock didnt mind that the interfearence helped him in the long run, but the Rock just wants to clear up that The Rock had the match in the bag, in no way did Punisher change the outcome of The Rocks match.

Rock: Now The Rock was supposed to have a guest tonight but he hasnt gotten back to The Rock, but as a free cop-out to all of you, The Rock has comeback!

Rock: Now The Rock wants every single one of his fans to know something, there are some new wrestlers in the EMF that think they are going to take Extreme to new heights, but The Rock has taken Extreme to the clouds and far, far above, The Rock will be the Extreme Champion for the people, and as long as the people want The Rock, The Rock will serve the people, I dont care what your name is, The Rock has ended the winning streak of Twilight and will do whatever is next on the list of impossibilites, The Rock is and will stay, The Extreme Champion, now IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKING!

[ The Rock leaves the ring giving the microphone to a nearby stage hand and walks up the ramp to the stage before raising his head in acknowledgement to the cheering fans ]

[Jay Levesque is shown talking on the phone in his office as he has a ice pack on his head.]

Jay: Did you see what that son of a bitch, Hanley did to me! I thought my first day at work would be better then this shit! You best rip him to pieces when you get your hands on him!...What, hell yea I am a Levesque, I ain't gonna let him get away with this...Anyways, I'll call ya back..Got someone at my door. Alright, bye. Come in!!

[The door then opens as Ric Flair, Shane McMahon, and Vince McMahon all come in clapping their hands. Jay smiles shaking each of their hands.]

Shane McMahon: You did it man, we are back in business just like 3 short months ago...I knew Triple H had something in his book of tricks.

Ric Flair: Sir, let me just tell you as apart of the Levesque staff I will be proud to represent you. And I can say for both of these men in saying they will be awesome for a job on your staff.

[Jay Levesque raises his hand looking over the 3 men...]

Jay Levesque: You guys have all had many years in the wrestling biz, and not only that but, suceed as well...Well let me be the first to tell each three of you....your fired. You see you guys spit on the Levesque name when you let Triple H go down to Jericho, and now I look apon all three of you and spit on your's. Have a great day gentlemen...

Shane McMahon: But...

Jay Levesque: Have a great...day...gentlemen....

[Jay makes the hand signal for them to go away as all three men walk out upset. Jay leans back and begins to talk to himself.]

Jay: Now, what can I do to you...Mr. Hanley...[Randy Orton is then shown walking by his office door as Mr. Levesque knows who Orton is, he yells for him. Orton then stops peaking his head into the door as he gets a smile over his face as he knows who Jay is. Jay gets up smiling as he extends his hand to Orton and shakes it.] Good to see you man, how you been?

Orton: I've been doing alright, hows your first day been?

Jay: Horrible..That punk Josh Hanley just showed me up on my first day. Well thats where I kinda need your help, Randy...You see I don't know much of EMF's roster. Nor do I care about the roster here, cause lets face it...They are nothing special. But, Randy I need to know who is the most roughest...Most bad ass of them all here. You see I need someone to teach Hanley a lesson...

Orton: Hmmmm...[Orton rubs his chin, Orton then gets a smile over his face.] Boy, do I have the man just for you...Wait right here while I go get him.

[Orton turns around as he runs into a blonde bombshell, Orton gets a smile on his face as the woman is very attractive.]

Orton: Well hello...

Woman: Hello...

Jay: Randy, I like for you to meet my wife and vice president...Michelle Levesque.

Orton: Ohhh...errr...sorry about that...Let me just go get that guy I told you about...

Jay: You do that...

“Who I am” blasts on the PA system as Chyna comes out with her pyro cannon and then shoots that off before coming into the ring

JR-Um…King, I never really got that theme…if she’s not a women, and she’s not a man..then what the hell is she?

King-Well it’s obvious…a she man

JR-aw…got you

“freakly frog sounds” blasts on the PA system as Rita runs to the ring, but then slips on a banana peel on the ramp


King-Well…that shouldn’t be that surprising.

(Rita is unconscious by the banana peel and then Road Van Toad comes running with a bucket of water, a marble rolls by and Road Van Toad goes smashing into the steel ramp unconscious, the water goes flying on Rita, who’s now pissed)

[Rita and Chyna lock up, then Chyna pushes Rita down. Rita looks around and then stumbles up and then Chyna says to lock up again and then Chyna pushes Rita down again. Rita looks a little fustrated as Chyna tells her to try again, Rita looks like she’s going to do it. But then pokes Chyna in the eye, Chyna stumbles back and then Rita hits a few forearms and then goes for fist. But then Chyna grabs Rita’s fist and then seemly squeezes it, Rita moves around in pain and then Chyna then uses it to pick up Rita and then slam her on the mat and then Rita stumbles up and then Chyna picks up Rita and then hits a few forearms and then Chyna whips Rita off the ropes, Rita bounces off the ropes and Chyna lowers her head and then hits a back body drop on Rita. Rita goes flying on the mat. Rita stumbles up and then runs at Chyna who hits a few release arm drags, then Rita stumbles up and then goes for a wild punch. Chyna ducks it and then Rita spins around in Chyna hits an atomic drop on Rita. Rita stumbles a few steps and then Chyna backs to the ropes and then nails a running bulldog and then Chyna hits a few hard stomps to the face of Rita. Rita slowly crawls to the corner and then Chyna hits a few stomps into the gut of Rita. Rita goes down in the corner and then Chyna uses her boot to choke Rita, the ref counts to 5 and Chyna releases it and then backs up a little bit and then comes back into the corner Rita is in and then pulls her up and then tries to whip her to the opposite side of the ring, Rita goes crashing in the corner back first and stays there as Chyna sets up and calls for something she starts to do the cart wheel, back flip combo into a elbow into the corner, but Rita then comes to life and then counters it with a back drop toe hold and sends Chyna flying into the turnbuckle in the back of her head. This buys time for Rita to recover a little bit, Rita stumbles up and then Chyna is up in the corner and then Rita hits a few shoulder blocks and then tries to do a back flip, but just falls on her back. Chyna looks at her weird and then goes for the pin and then gets a 1………………2………….kick out. Chyna pulls Rita and then picks her up over her shoulder and then goes into the corner and then tries to do a running power slam. But Rita hooks her leg on the turnbuckle and then she slides out of the back of Chyna, Chyna looks back as Rita is now sitting on the top rope. Chyna goes running, Rita leaps off and then hits a front flying drop kick on Chyna.]

JR-Nice move by Rita

King-That doesn’t happen to much in the Van Toad family, Rita’s a danger to Chyna and herself in that ring!

[Rita wanting to keep the advantage (she hasn’t ever had one before), she pulls up Chyna and then hits a few forearms and then Rita tries to whip Chyna off the ropes, but then Chyna reverses it. Rita groans fustrated as she bounces off the ropes and then Rita is able to counter with a leg scissors hurricanarana that dumps Chyna on her head. Knowing that one of her messed up moves might have knocked Chyna out, Rita quickly goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………kick out. Rita pulls up Chyna and then tries to hit a fist, but then Chyna blocks it, Chyna goes for a fist, but Rita blocks it and then hits a monkey flip, Chyna stumbles up and then Rita kicks Chyna in the gut and then hits a snap DDT on Chyna. Rita goes into the cover and gets the 1…………………2…………kick out. Rita hits the mat in frustration and then gets up and then hits a few stomps on the downed Chyna and then Rita goes to the outside and then waits for Chyna to get up, Chyna stumbles up after a few moments and then Rita goes for the Ritacanarana off the top rope, almost killing herself in the process and then Rita stumbles up and then does the thumb to herself, much like her brother and then backs to the ropes and goes for a leg drop, but Chyna moves out of the way]

JR-Not a smart move by Rita

King-and that runs in the family…as you probably know JR

[ Chyna then measures up Rita, and goes for a clothesline. But then Rita ducks it and then hits a reverse of fates on Chyna, Rita then goes to the top rope and then goes for the Rita sault, and then leaps for it. But Chyna moves out of the way and Rita goes crashing into the mat, but her legs smack the ref and the ref is down. Rita stumbles up and then Chyna comes from behind and hits a low blow! But Rita looks at Chyna not effected, Chyna shrugs her shoulders and then kicks Rita in the gut and then picks her up and hits a Chyna bomb. The ref has come back around and then goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2………….3]

JR-Seems Chyna got caught up in the heat of battle, but regardless she has won this match

King-Maybe Chyna should make a note on her hands…low blows don’t work on females!

[Suddenly someone dressed in all black, we don’t really know if it’s a man or a woman slides into the ring where Chyna isn’t looking. Chyna turns around and gets an RKO by the masked person. Rita stumbles up and then gets an RKO as well]

King-Who the hell is that...

JR-Well I think it’s pretty obvious from the RKO…

*We fade into the backstage area, where Randy Orton is looking on with a confused look on his face *

.::Randy Orton::.-Well after that strange turn of events…I’d like to announce that hours ago I conducted an interview with the man here in the Extreme Measures Federation…Eric Bischoff.

(The Bischoff clips are all obviously from a different times, Orton is piecing together interviews to get the answers he wants)

Randy Orton-Welcome Eric

Eric Bischoff-thanks Randy..

Randy Orton-First off we saw that the EMF superstars all teamed up on you to get you out of the battle royal, what are your feelings on that?

Eric Bischoff-They will pay! Don’t think they won’t pay!

Randy Orton-Hey you don’t need to tell me, I know for a time you were connected to Jarred, what you think about hanging with that legendary wannabe?

Eric Bischoff-It was the worst time in my life..

Randy Orton-Man..I don’t blame you. Anyways what would you do if you saw Jarred right now

Eric Bischoff-I’d kick his teeth down his throat

Randy Orton-Don’t blame you there, what you think about Wes. What you think about hanging around him?

Eric Bischoff-I’d rather go to the dentist…

Randy Orton-I suppose if given that choice we would all choose to go to the dentist than listen to Wes, final question…we know you are making your big return. What you think will happen to all EMF superstars

Eric Bischoff-There will be no survivor’s; it will be great

Randy Orton-whoa calm down, but I suppose they got it coming. Good to hear from you Bisch, this is Randy Orton signing off

*We fade back into the arena *

JR-Wait…if Orton is there, who was out in the ring

King-It’s DDP!! DDP’s the stalker *hits the Diamond Cutter on JR *

“Sabu’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Sabu walks in the ramp and then waits in the isle

King-ummm what is he waiting for

JR-not sure King

“Michael’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Michael walks to the ring

JR-that answer your question

King-yeah…should have known…

[Sabu and Michael hammer each other with fists and then Michael gets the upper hand and then picks Sabu and then slams him on the steel ramp and then Sabu is in a lot of pain and then Michael picks up Sabu and then rolls him into the ring and then Michael looks to the outside and then grabs a chair and then slides into the ring as Sabu is stumbling to his feet, Michael puts the chair over his head and then goes for a chair shot, but then Sabu counters with a sit down reverse jaw breaker and then Michael stumbles back and drops the chair and then Sabu grabs the chair and then jabs it into the gut of Michael and then throws it on the ground as Michael is doubled over and then Sabu runs to the ropes…bounces off and then nails a running bulldog into the steel chair. Michael then holds his face and then Sabu kicks Michael while he’s down and then picks him up and then throws him into the second rope and then starts to choke him on the second rope and then Sabu backs off and then waits for Michael to get up, once he does Sabu hits a few hard fists and then whips him to the ropes. Michael bounces off the ropes and then Sabu charges at him and then hits a flying clothesline that knocks Michael down and then Sabu kicks Michael in the gut and then hits a running knee lift and then Michael is down on the mat and then Sabu throws him to the outside and then Sabu goes to the outside himself and then sets up a table. Sabu then throws Michael on there and then hits a few clubbing blows then Michael is still slightly moving more than Sabu wants, Sabu disppaears from the picture and then comes back with a chair and then smashes Michael with the chair and then climbs to the apron and then leaps on the second ropes and sping boards backwards and nails a moonsault into the table and then smashes Michael into it. Sabu seems a little bit hurt with this, but is able to comes out of the wreckage and then grabs Michael and then throws him against the steel steps and then throws it into the ring and then Sabu hits a few fists on Michael to make sure he stays in the corner and then once he does, Sabu then grabs the chair that he was using before and then puts it close to where Michael is, then Sabu runs and then jumps on the chair and then leaps off from then and hits a poetry in motion like move]

JR-I would call that poetry in motion…but the Hardyz have been doing that move for years

King-Aw still doesn’t make Sabu a poor man’s Hardy boy

[Michael stumbles out and then corner and then Sabu picks him up and then slams him and then Sabu takes the chair and then goes to the second rope and then Sabu leaps off and then puts the chair under him. But then Michael rolls out of the way under the ropes and then Sabu goes crashing into the mat. Sabu is in a lot of pain and then Michael uses the ropes to get up, once he does Sabu stumbles up and then into where Michael is. Michael then grabs Sabu by the head and then drops him for a hang man and then Michael goes to the outside and then takes out a table and then slides it into the ring and then Michael puts it in the corner and then takes the chair and then smashes it on Sabu that makes him stumble backwards into the table and then he’s set up on the table and then somehow Michael is able to get Sabu to hold the chair and then quickly Michael goes to the other side of the ring and then goes running and then leaps up for a big splash Sabu and the chair and connects sending Sabu into the table and making the chair crush into his chest and then Michael falls back in pain as the fans give a respectable reaction from that move. Michael then hits a few stomps after recovering and then goes to the outside and then pulls out a ladder and then pushes into the ring. Michael then look at the tables and then starts to stack them up right by the apron and and a few more stacks as there are no shortage of tables. Michael then looks into the ring as Sabu has appearently recovered enough to get up and then set up the ladder near the ring pand then starts climbing. Michael finishes doing what he wants to do and then goes back to the ring]

JR-What is Sabu doing

King-No one really knows, from what I hear no one understands him….I wonder if he likes America?

[Michael slides into the ring and then starts to climb into the other opposite where Sabu is. Sabu and Michael get to the top and then they start hammering each other with first, first off Sabu gets the advantage, but then Michael is able to gain the advantage, suddenly the ladder starts to move from under as the wrestlers don’t really care due to they are fighting, but then the ladder starts to fall to the outside and both wrestlers are tossed to the outside and through the stack of tables, Michael’s arm happens to be on top of Sabu and then the ref counts 1………………2……………….3]

JR-Michael won this match, the rookie is off to a good start

King-We just entered a dimension; beyond experience and entertainment…we have entered…the newbie zone AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!! [Randy Orton is shown walking through the hallway with Bischoff trailing him, Bischoff is decked out in his karate gear and Orton is carrying a duffle bag. Orton then opens up the door as Michelle Levesque is shown sitting on Jay's lap...Michelle hops up scared as Jay gets a angry look on his face.]

Jay: Don't you knock?!

Randy: Sorry, I am sorry...But, I got that guy you wanted...So without any further ado here he is...The deadly karate master himself...Mr. Eric Bischoff!

[Eric walks in demonstrating a few kicks and jabs as Jay sits their puzzled.]

Jay: This is the guy?...This guy isn't even that big.

Randy: Who needs to be big when you have hands and feet that our lethal weapons, you just watch this...

[Randy pulls out a wooden board as he looks at Eric Bischoff and tells him to break it. Bischoff gets himself pumped as he then leans forward with a sidekick breaking the board in half. Jay looks at Michelle if he is pretty impressed.]

Jay: You think you could do that to that punk, Hanley's head?

Eric: Well...

Randy: Without a shadow of a damn doubt he can, not only will he whip his ass but, he will humilate him just like he did to you tonight...

[Jay remembers what Josh did to him tonight as he gets angered, Jay stands turning red and shaking as he then slams his hands down on his desk.]

Jay: You got yourself a deal...next week: Josh Hanley vs Eric Bischoff...Karate match. And the three judges...Michelle Levesque, Randy Orton, and finally...hmmmm...ME!

[Orton smiles and shakes his hand as him and Eric walks off, Jay stands there thinking to himself as Orton and Bischoff leave. Jay then reaches over picking up one of the boards from Orton's duffle bag. Jay then barely bends the board and it snaps in half as the crowd begins to laugh. Jay scratches his head a bit thinking to himself as a phone call is then heard. Jay quickly reaches over grabbing it.]

Jay: Yea, Mr. Levesque speaking...What?...Well you just hold em off till I get there.

[Jay hangs up the phone.]

Jay: Come on, I hear someone is fighting close to our limo...[Jay grabs Michelle's coat wrapping it around her.]

[Jay and Michelle go walking out to the parking lot as there is Kaedon and Wes Ikeda fighting one another in the parking lot. Jay runs over grabbing Wes Ikeda as Wes shoves him off. Michelle goes to help her husband up as she goes running over, Kaedon then gets a right hand on Wes sending him back. Wes bumps into Michelle as she goes crashing into the side of the limo, Jay gets pissed as he stands up yelling "Security!", many security guards come running out as both men are seperated.]

Jay: Get Kaedon out of here, and as for you Wes Ikeda...You think its cool to push women around here...Well thats gonna change cause your ass is suspend indefinately without pay until I see fit! Now security throw his ass outta here.

[Wes shoves off a couple security guards as he walks off on his own terms. Jay then goes over picking up Michelle asking her if she is ok and she shakes her head yes as he hugs her.]

*We go to the backstage, where Badd Boy is standing suddenly Kaedon comes out of no where and smashes him with a chair and then Badd Boy goes down and then Kaedon hits a few stomps on the downed Badd Boy. Then Kaedon grabs Badd Boy and then throws him into a door smashing the door open and Badd Boy goes into the room. As Kaedon walks off, Vince McMahon looks at the carnage and smiles his evil smile and we go back to the ring*

JR-What was that for?

King-maybe he thinks Badd Boy was going to get involved...I don't know.

“almost over” blasts on the PA system Wes walks to the ring

King-hhhmmmm…it pays to attack Wes *grabs a chair and looks like he’s about to attack Wes *

JR-Sit down King…

King-…hhhmmmm JR…Wes…JR…Wes *does the hand scale things *

“Some kind of monster” blasts on the PA system as Kaedon walks to the ring with Vince McMahon

King-What the…he remembered a theme song

JR-That’s rare, I will give you that

[Wes and Kaedon come out hammering on each other, Wes gains the advantage and then pound Kaedon with a few hard fists and then Wes whips Kaedon to the ropes and does, Kaedon bounces off the ropes and then Wes knocks him down with a running forearm. Kaedon stumbles up and charges, he gets knocked down by a drop kick by Wes. Wes then hits a few hard stomps on the downed Kaedon, Kaedon slowly gets up to a few European upper cuts and then Kaedon stumbles back and then Wes whips Kaedon to the ropes and then hits a back body drop as Kaedon bounces off the ropes. Kaedon stumbles up near the ropes and then Wes hits a running clothesline over the top rope. Kaedon goes crashing into the arena floor, Wes then goes to the outside and then Kaedon is getting up by this time and then Wes takes Kaedon and then throws him against the steel steps and then Wes backs up and then tries to go for a running knee into the steel steps and then at the last second Kaedon moves out of the way and then Wes stumbles back. Kaedon takes a few moments to recover and then Kaedon is able to hit a chop block to the back of the legs take Wes down and then Kaedon hits a few stomps and then pulls up Wes and then throws him into the ring. Kaedon rolls into the ring and then Wes stumbles up and then Kaedon hits a few forearms and then Kaedon whips Wes to the ropes and then, Wes bounces off the ropes and Kaedon lowers his head. Though Wes turns it into an attempt for a double under hook suplex, but then Kaedon tries to block it. Wes hits a few clubbing blows to the back and then goes back to it. But Kaedon is able to counter it by putting Wes on his back and tries to hit a whiplash spinebuster and then Wes is able to shake free and then flips to the ground into a sun set flip and then gets him over and gets a 1…………2……..kick out, Kaedon gets up and then quickly runs to the ropes and then goes for a low drop kick, but then Wes quickly lays back down and Kaedon misses him, Kaedon stumbles up and then Wes kicks Kaedon in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a snap suplex on Kaedon and then backs up to the ropes and then leaps up and then nails a leg drop on Kaedon]



[Wes goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2…….kick out, Kaedon rolls away and up to his feet near the ropes. Wes pissed charges at Kaedon and then Kaedon, then counters the move with a hot shot and then Wes bounces off and then Kaedon is able to take a few moments to recover. Wes does as well and then charges at Kaedon and then Kaedon counters with an inverted atomic drop on Wes. Wes stumbles back and then Kaedon kicks Wes in the gut and then sets him up and then nails a fishermans suplex for the 1…………….2…….kick out, Kaedon hits a few stomps on the downed Wes and then Wes stumbles up and then Kaedon hits a few hard forearms and then Kaedon whips Wes off the ropes. Wes bounces off the ropes and then Kaedon then hits a fall through hip toss on. Wes stumbles up holding his back and then Kaedon then picks up Wes and then hits a back breaker and then Kaedon stomps on Wes and then pushes Wes on his stomach and then backs up and then leaps up and then nails a knee drop across the back of Wes. Kaedon then hits a few fists after Wes has stumbled up and then whips him to the ropes and then Kaedon whips Wes off the ropes and then Wes bounces off the ropes and then Kaedon goes for a big boot and then Wes ducks it and then continues to the other side of the ring and bounces off the ropes. Then Wes leaps in the air for a cross body block, but then Kaedon is able to catch Wes in mid air and then nails a fallaway slam on Wes. After taking some time, Wes stumbles up and then Kaedon hits a running big boot on Wes and then Kaedon goes into the cover]

JR-Kaedon is an unstoppable hoss!

King-Kaedon might be pissed if he ever hears you call him a “hoss”….*King steals JR’s cowboy hat and speaks in his best JR voice * Kaedon is a bah gawd hoss!

[1…………….2……….kick out, Wes stumbles out and then Kaedon measues up Wes. Kaedon charges at Wes for a clothesline, Wes counters the clothesline with a full nelson slam. Kaedon falls far away from Wes, Wes is stunned. Wes uses the ropes and then gets to his feet, then slowly pulls himself on the top rope and then waits for Kaedon. Kaedon stumbles up, Wes leaps off for a double axe handle, but then Kaedon hits a fist into the gut and then Wes stumbles up and then nails the Kaedon Krush. Goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2…………..3, Wes seemly tries to kick out but too late. Kaedon smiles, but then doesn’t look done with Wes, Kaedon hits a few stomps away from Wes, Wes rolls away as Kaedon measures up Wes by the ropes and then goes for a clothesline over the top rope. But Wes counters with a back body drop on Kaedon. Kaedon lands on his feet and then Wes climbs to the top rope and then leaps off, and catches him with a cross body block, soon the two wrestlers start fighting up the ramp.]

(We then cut away from the fight)

[Randy Orton is shown walking through the hallway with Bischoff trailing him, Bischoff is decked out in his karate gear and Orton is carrying a duffle bag. Orton then opens up the door as Michelle Levesque is shown sitting on Jay's lap...Michelle hops up scared as Jay gets a angry look on his face.]

Jay: Don't you knock?!

Randy: Sorry, I am sorry...But, I got that guy you wanted...So without any further ado here he is...The deadly karate master himself...Mr. Eric Bischoff!

[Eric walks in demonstrating a few kicks and jabs as Jay sits their puzzled.]

Jay: This is the guy?...This guy isn't even that big.

Randy: Who needs to be big when you have hands and feet that our lethal weapons, you just watch this...

[Randy pulls out a wooden board as he looks at Eric Bischoff and tells him to break it. Bischoff gets himself pumped as he then leans forward with a sidekick breaking the board in half. Jay looks at Michelle if he is pretty impressed.]

Jay: You think you could do that to that punk, Hanley's head?

Eric: Well...

Randy: Without a shadow of a damn doubt he can, not only will he whip his ass but, he will humilate him just like he did to you tonight...

[Jay remembers what Josh did to him tonight as he gets angered, Jay stands turning red and shaking as he then slams his hands down on his desk.]

Jay: You got yourself a deal...next week: Josh Hanley vs Eric Bischoff...Karate match. And the three judges...Michelle Levesque, Randy Orton, and finally...hmmmm...ME!

[Orton smiles and shakes his hand as him and Eric walks off, Jay stands there thinking to himself as Orton and Bischoff leave. Jay then reaches over picking up one of the boards from Orton's duffle bag. Jay then barely bends the board and it snaps in half as the crowd begins to laugh. Jay scratches his head a bit thinking to himself as a phone call is then heard. Jay quickly reaches over grabbing it.]

Jay: Yea, Mr. Levesque speaking...What?...Well you just hold em off till I get there.

[Jay hangs up the phone.]

Jay: Come on, I hear someone is fighting close to our limo...[Jay grabs Michelle's coat wrapping it around her.]

[Jay and Michelle go walking out to the parking lot as there is Kaedon and Wes Ikeda fighting one another in the parking lot. Jay runs over grabbing Wes Ikeda as Wes shoves him off. Michelle goes to help her husband up as she goes running over, Kaedon then gets a right hand on Wes sending him back. Wes bumps into Michelle as she goes crashing into the side of the limo, Jay gets pissed as he stands up yelling "Security!", many security guards come running out as both men are seperated.]

Jay: Get Kaedon out of here, and as for you Wes Ikeda...You think its cool to push women around here...Well thats gonna change cause your ass is suspend indefinately without pay until I see fit! Now security throw his ass outta here.

[Wes shoves off a couple security guards as he walks off on his own terms. Jay then goes over picking up Michelle asking her if she is ok and she shakes her head yes as he hugs her as Shockwave goes off the air]