EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes over the screen, as we go directly into the Shockwave video. It quickly goes through the whole thing, and then we go into the darken arena. Pyrotechnics blasts off on the stage as the camera searches around the crowd.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, and what a show we have for you tonight. Headline by a rare in ring appearance by Chris Jericho.

Kris Gaffney-Your mom is appearing!

King-I got a feeling that we are going to hear those jokes a lot…

“The G.O.A.T” blasts on the PA system, as Just…Rick walks down the isle, and slides into the ring.

JR-Just…Rick has been very impressive since returning

King-He doesn’t want to fall behind…or he’ll be left behind

Kris Gaffney-I know I’ve heard that before….oh well….it only sounds like a guideline anyways (lol, sorry for the references :-D )

“All the things she said” blasts on the PA system as Eric Hasher walks to the ring, Hasher slides into the ring

JR-Hasher along with the Satanic Union has been in a war with ESI

*King nails JR with a coconut*

Kris Gaffney-Where he gets this stuff, I’ll never know…

[Just….Rick and Eric Hasher face off talking trash. Hasher pushes Just….Rick, and then Hasher goes for a fist on Just…Rick. But Just…Rick is able to duck it, and then Eric Hasher turns around and then Just…Rick is able to push Hasher and then Hasher backs to the ropes. Eric Hasher stumbles back to his clear lack of weight, and then Just…….Rick hits a few fists to the face. Hasher is against the ropes, and then Just….Rick tries to whip Eric Hasher into the ropes and then Hasher bounces off the ropes and then he comes off the ropes. Just…Rick goes for a clothesline. Hasher ducks under it and then continues to the other side of the ring. Hasher bounces off the ropes and then Eric Hasher goes for a cross body block. But it’s countered by Just….Rick who goes air born and hits a drop kick before the move can hit. Hasher is in a lot of pain, and then Just….Rick is able to hit a few stomps on the downed Eric Hasher. Eric Hasher is down on the mat, as Hasher stomps on the downed Eric Hasher. Hasher stumbles up to his feet, and then gets knocked down to the after getting hit with a punch to the face. Hasher stumbles to his feet, and then Just…Rick backs off and allows Hasher up. Hasher gets to his feet and then Just…..Rick whips Erich Hasher to the ropes, Hasher bounces off the ropes and then Just…Rick lowers his head and hits a big back body drop. Hasher crashes to the mat, and shockwaves go through out his body and then Hasher gets up and gets kicked in the gut and then Just…Rick hits a kick in the gut, and sets up Hasher and hits a fishermans suplex with a bridge. The ref makes the count, and he gets the 1………………2………..kick out by Eric Hasher. Just….Rick looks angry at the ref for not getting the three there. Just….Rick gets up, and then hits a body slam on Eric Hasher. Just……Rick goes to the apron and climbs to then he measures up. Just…..Rick leaps off of the top rope, and Eric Hasher moves out of the way of the elbow drop before it can connect on him]

JR-Just….Rick went for it all, and got nothing.

Kris Gaffney-Sounds like King’s luck gambling

King-It’s funny, because it’s true

[Both wrestlers are down ton the mat, and then Just…Rick and Eric Hasher get up and then Rick goes for a big fist. But Eric Hasher ducks under it, and then Eric Hasher is able to pick up Just…Rick into a high angle belly to back suplex. It would seem that by accident that Hasher drops Just…Rick into the ropes. The ref lets it go with just a warning, Eric Hasher hits a drop kick to Just….Rick, Just….Rick falls to the outside and then to the arena floor. Eric Hasher falls down to the mat, and then he takes a few moments to rest. Then Eric Hasher goes to the ropes, and then uses the ropes, and sling shots himself over the top rope. Eric Hasher catches Just….Rick with a cross body block on Just…..Rick. Hasher stumbles up to his feet, and then Just….Rick gets picked up to his feet. Just….Rick takes Eric Hasher, and throws him into the steel steps back first. Just….Rick is in pain. Eric Hasher hits a few stomps on the downed Just….Rick.Hasher rolls in Rick and then puts him on the apron and backs up. Hasher hits a running forearm to the face of Just……Rick and then Just….Rick stumbles into the ring and then rolls around on the mat. Eric Hasher jumps on the apron and then climbs to the top rope. He measures up, and then leaps off the top rope as Just…Rick stumbles to his feet and then Eric Hasher catches Just………..Rick with a cross body block into the cover and he gets the 1………………….2…………..kick out by Just………Rick.]

JR-Almost three there, you can tell that neither wrestler wants to lose

King-Does anyone want to lose?

Kris Gaffney-um…..you?

[Hasher pulls up Just….Rick up, and whips him to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, from there Hasher tries to pick up Just…Rick . But Just….Rick is able to get free, and then Just…Rick pushes Just…Rick to the ropes. He tries to roll up Hasher for the pin 1………………2……….Hasher does the heelish thing, and grabs Just…..Rick’s tights while Rick’s body is shielding the ref, and reverses the pin and gets the 1…………..2…………..3]

JR-Hasher stole this win

(OOC-Good job by both, I just felt that Hasher slightly the better RP. I made it a heelish ending to keep the TV title situation, Rick…I have an idea for something for you at the PPV to hopefully I can put together. So don’t worry, I haven’t forgot that. If anyone has any suggestions for how to lead into it...then I'm open to listen and edit to an alternate ending)

“Motograter” blasts on the PA system as Lil Exploder walks to the ring, and slides into the ring

JR-This should be an interesting match up, both are up and coming superstars

King-Really? I didn’t know this guy existed

Kris Gaffney-That’s because this is his first match…


“CJ Lethal’s theme” blasts on the PA system as Lethal walks to the ring. He steps over the ropes and enters the ring

JR-Lethal is known as the enforcer of the Satanic Union

King-Which means he gets the Satanic Union gets things their not old enough to get

Kris Gaffney-They don’t like porn….

King-Oh, right…ok

[CJ Lethal and Lil Exploder, face off in the middle of the ring. They talk a little trash, being the bigger and stronger of the two CJ Lethal pushes Lil’ Exploder half way across the ring and then Lil’ Exploder stumbles up in the corner. CJ Lethal presues Lil’ Exploder, Lethal goes for a fist. But it’s ducked under as Lethal is now in the corner, Lil’ Exploder hits a few fists to the face and then CJ Lethal pushes Lil’ Exploder out of the way, and then Lil- Exploder goes flying back being that CJ Lethal is obviously the big man in this match. Lil’ Exploder gets up. CJ Lethal goes for a clothesline, it’s ducked under by Lil’ Exploder. CJ Lethal turns around only to be met with a standing drop kick, CJ Lethal is stunned, Lethal stumbles back. CJ Lethal doesn’t go down, so Lil Exploder looks at CJ Lethal who is almost stunned enough to go down to the mat runs to the ropes. He then comes off the ropes, and then leaps in the air and hits a running shoulder tackle that stumbles CJ Lethal. Lethal looks like he might fall, but he doesn’t. So Lil’ Exploder runs to the ropes, and then comes off the ropes. Lethal goes for a big boot to try to counter any other move, but it’s ducked under by Lil’ Exploder. He goes to the ropes, and comes off the ropes. Lil’ Exploder comes off the ropes, and CJ Lethal turns around and gets a flying shoulder block that finally takes down CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal stumbles up to his feet, Lethal goes right to where Lil Lethal is waiting and then he DDT’s CJ Lethal into the mat. Lil’ Exploder goes into the cover, and gets the 1…………..2………..kick out by CJ Lethal that sends Lil’ Exploder flying. Exploder is on the mat on his knee’s trying to think of what to do CJ Lethal is in the sitting position and then Lil’ Exploder hits a low front drop kick into the face of CJ Lethal that takes him down to the mat. Knowing that he must press the advantage, Lil’ Exploder hits a few stomps on the downed CJ Lethal. Lethal gets up, Exploder chop blocks him down to the mat. Lil’ Exploder goes to the top rope, and waits for CJ Lethal. Lethal leaps from the top rope, and then goes for a cross body block…that’s caught in mid air.]

JR-Lethal’s strength just might be too much for Lil Exploder to over come

King-Did he play football JR?

Kris Gaffney- Or basketball…the Magic need more help…

[CJ Lethal is driven down into a splash power slam from there, and Lethal goes into the pin from there and gets the 1…………….2…………kick out by Lil’ Exploder. CJ Lethal has to take sometime to rest and then CJ Lethal picks up Lil’ Exploder and then hits a few forearm shots to the face. CJ Lethal whips Lil’ Exploder to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then CJ Lethal lowers his head and hits a big back body drop to Lil’ Exploder. Lil’ Exploder stumbles up to his feet, and then gets knocked down to the mat and then gets up and stumbles into the corner and CJ Lethal goes into the corner. Lethal follows where Lil’ Exploder is in the corner and then CJ Lethal hits a few knee’s into the gut and brings CJ Lethal out of the corner. Lil’ Exploder whips CJ Lethal to the other side of the ring. CJ Lethal stumbles out of the corner and then CJ Lethal picks up Lil’ Exploder and then drops him for a body press slam. Lil Exploder stumbles up to his feet. CJ Lethal hits a few forearm shots to the face. CJ Lethal whips Lil’ Exploder to the ropes, he bounces off the ropes. CJ Lethal goes for a clothesline, but he ducks under and continues to the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, and then CJ Lethal knocks down Lil’ Exploder hits a big boot to the face. CJ Lethal gets picked up, and CJ Lethal gets picked up nails a powerbomb, and stacks him on his shoulders. He gets the 1………………2…………….kick out.]

JR-Almost three there, it looks like CJ Lethal might want to try to finish this match here

Kris Gaffney- And that’s exactly what he’s about to do…

[Lethal grabs Lil’ Exploder and puts him on the top rope, and then climbs to the top rope. CJ Lethal gets him set for the Lethal bomb, before he can hit it. Lethal’s finisher gets countered with a modified version of Lil’ Exploders own finisher the Supreme Explosion. He’s able to hook the leg after driving Lethal’s head into the mat from the top as Lethal is still trying to fight out (it wasn’t his real finisher, just a modified version). But Lethal has been taken totally guard, as he gets pinned for the 1…………….2………..3]

“Bad, Bad Man” blasts on the PA system as John Cena walks down to the ring, and gets in the ring as “pushing me away” blasts on the PA system as Josh Hanley walks to the ring

JR-It’s been a very confusing situation on why Hanley would turn on Dewey Pond

King-Um…maybe because he’s Dewey Pond?

Kris Gaffney-Or…he’s just sick of losing?

King-Makes sense to me *smacks JR in the back of the head*

“Strangle hold” blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks down the ramp, he stops as he waits for his partner “Break the Walls down” blasts on the PA system with the usual intro that I don’t want to write. Jericho is standing with his hands out stretched, and spins around. Him and Pond slide into the ring.

JR-It should be interesting to see if Jericho has any ring rust, but then again…he’s been out of wrestling for years…and came back out of the blue only to give performances that few can give.

King-So where is Amy?

Kris Gaffney-She’s….too pregnant.

King-Oh right, I remember now.

[Pond and Jericho stand in their corner talking over who will start, it would seem that Pond is going to start. To Pond’s delight, it would seem that Josh Hanley is going to start, but then as the match starts. Before they can even start to talk trash, Cena says something from his corner, and then Hanley tags in John Cena. It would seem they were playing mind games on Dewey Pond. John Cena has his attention turned, laughing at the fake out. Dewey Pond runs into the corner and catches Cena off guard with a few fists to the face and then knocks him down to the ground. After he’s done this, Dewey Pond goes after Josh Hanley who drops down on the mat around ring side before he can get hit. Dewey Pond has a few choice words for Josh Hanley. Hanley looks like he’s distracting, Dewey Pond turns around and then gets hit with a big clothesline by John Cena. Dewey Pond is down on the mat and then John Cena hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond. John Cena hits a few stomps on the downed Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond tries to get up, John Cena uses the ropes to choke Dewey Pond. The ref counts, finally Cena breaks on 4 as the ref warns Cena. Cena warns the ref back, John Cena pulls up Dewey Pond and then hits a few forearm shots to the face. John Cena whips Dewey Pond to the ropes, Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes. John Cena lowers his head, and then hits a big back body drop on Dewey Pond. Cena comes off the ropes, and hits a big leg drop on Pond. Cena gets up, and decides not to go for the cover, instead he takes Pond and brings him over to the corner, and then tags in Josh Hanley who climbs up to the top rope as John Cena holds Dewey Pond’s arm and then Josh Hanley comes across the shoulder with a double axe handle. Dewey Pond falls down to his hands and knee’s and then Josh Hanley backs up and then hits a kick to the ribs. Hanley is in pain, and then Dewey Pond gets up to his feet. Josh Hanley whip hits a few forearms to the face of Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond goes to the ropes and then Josh Hanley tries to whip Dewey Pond to the ropes. Dewey Pond bounces off the ropes, Pond ducks a clothesline. He then goes to the ropes, and then Dewey Pond goes for a clothesline. But it’s ducked, and Pond continues to the other side of the ring. Hanley turns around and Hanley and Pond get a double clothesline.]

JR- Both wrestlers are down

Kris Gaffney-Might be a good idea to tag

King-That’s the idea…

[Luckly Dewey Pond is near the corner where Jericho has his hand out. Dewey Pond makes the tag to Jericho, Josh Hanley gets up and then Jericho comes into the ring and then hits a few fists to the face and then Jericho stumbles back. Hanley hits a fist for good measures, Josh Hanley whips Jericho to the ropes. Jericho reverses it, Josh Hanley goes to the ropes and Jericho hits a spinning wheel kick that sends down Hanley. Hanley rolls out of the ring, Jericho’s about to go after Hanley. But John Cena comes into the ring, and tries to hit a clothesline. Jericho ducks it and then Cena turns around only to be blasted by a super kick by Jericho. Cena looks really stunned on his feet, Jericho look’s like he might be going for his pattern bulldog before Lionsault. But then Jericho gets a smile, as he picks up Cena and drops him for a body slam on Cena near the turnbuckle. Jericho puts up a hand sign much like his wife usually does. He climbs to the top rope, and lands a moonsault on John Cena 1…………..2…Josh Hanley pulls out of the ring (meh…it happens). Hanley takes Jericho and throws him into the ring steps shoulders first. Then before Hanley can go on the attack, Dewey Pond attacks from behind stumbling Hanley. Hanley turns around and then Dewey Pond takes Hanley down with a double leg take down and fires away with fists to the face. Cena takes Jericho as he’s stunned and smashes his head into the steel steps and then rolls into the ring]

JR-This match is breaking down

King-That’s never good…

[Inside the ring, Jericho gets slammed down with the inside slam. Cena goes to the ropes, and drops the 5 knuckle shuffle, pulls up Jericho and goes for the F-U. But Jericho slides out the back, Cena turns around and then Cena gets taken down with a double leg take down instead of going for the walls of Jericho, and then he gets hit with a few fists to the face. Obviously he’s too pissed to put on the hold, the two keep rolling for the advantage getting in the shots when he can. The ref jumps out of the ring obviously giving up on the match. Shockwave goes off the air with everyone fighting

(OOC-This is the ending for now, just because I need to get the results up. There could be a little more added…but it won’t be much more different than this.