EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo flashes on the screen, and we go into the Shockwave video. It runs through as finally ending and we go into a darken arena. Pryotechnics blasts on the stage, and finally they end and the lights come up. The fans wave their signs and yell. Some of the signs read "Joel Pond spits in the face of Death", "One of Lethals friends" (he's in a body cast), and "thanks for stripping Amy!")

JR-Welcome everyone to Saturday Shockwave, where we have quite a show for you tonight.

King-Yeah…MxMxPunk is going to face 4 opponents in one night. Although, I could let the air out of it…and say I think it's been done before.

Kris Gaffney-……..I think you already did.


*Don Simmons walks up to the announcers desk and says.)

Don Simmons-DAMN!

(The EMF tron lights up as the camera is pointed inside a room at a door. Suddenly the door opens as Monty Brown stands in the door way holding Amy Jericho roughly by the upper arm. Amy is wearing her red, strapless dress she was given at the hospital (details in that RP). She shouts to "let go of her", Brown pushes her in the office and shuts the door. Amy stumbles forward, and then falls to the ground after tripping over her dress. We don't know exactly where she is until a voice off camera confirms it for us.)

Cena: "Well Amy... good to see you... and good to see you in dress code.... for once!"

(Amy picks herself up, and she look at Cena angry)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I bet you wish I could say the same for you. But if I didn't see you again, then it would be too soon, and of course I followed the dress code....it's not like I haven't ever willingly stop following it...

Cena: "Oh but you did stop following it didn't you Amy... during my Intercontinental Championship win.. you were clearly visible without a dress on!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-No I didn't...it was not my choice to be stripped down....again.

Cena: "Your decision or not Amy.... your broke the rules and must be punished accordingly. Now... it took me a while to think of exactly what I want you to do... I have to admit.. there are a lot of tempting options.... but then it hit me. Even with a dress... you've been able to defend yourself enough to defy me time and time again.... and so.... I had to come up with something to stop you doing just that. And then it hit me. If you're gonna be kicking your way out of things... and running away all the time... i'd have to limit the use of your feet..... with these!"

(Cena grins as he holds up a pair of High-Heeled Shoes. Amy looks at the shoes, looks away, she knew she was in trouble. But she decided to try to keep her cool and try to taunt her way out, by working on Cena's ego a bit.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-You're a coward Cena, what's the point of making me totally helpless using this. Are you afraid?

Cena: "Not at all..... this is all about the same thing it's always been about Amy... putting you in your place!"

.::Amy Jericho::.-My place is wearing this stupid dress, and stupid high heels? I think it's that your afraid, because one of my moves I hit at Payback actually hurt....and you just don't want to admit it.

Cena: "Hurt Amy? The only thing that hurt me at Payback was the realisation I couldn't hit you with FU like I should hve done.... but the fact is... I got the job done without it... and that's why you are here now. The only thing hurting me now is the fact that you continue to stick your nose in my plans... but it won't carry on for long."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah, you got the job done by hitting me in my sensitive area's and using my thong to get the pin. I swear to god, if you think this is going to make me stop...then you have another thing coming.

Cena:"Oh you'll stop Amy... I doubt you could even stand here in front of me now if it wasn't for all the support your getting from Maria and Jackie... all the time. Why are you back anyway? the EMF was a much better place while you were gone.. then you came back to meddle in my affairs again. But I will put you, and keep you in your place.. these shoes are just the beginning."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, at least I know it's working, huh? I'm back here to show you that even though you have me dressing girly. That doesn't make me weak, and quite frankly, I'll do what it takes to make sure you get what is coming to you. Even if that means wearing these stupid things for years to come...

Cena: "Well i'm glad your willing too.... because that could be exactly what needs to happen! But let me tell you this Amy... if I ever have the... pleasure, of seeing you without a dress in the EMF again... you're punishments will just continue to get worse and worse...."

.::Amy Jericho::.-I don't plan on letting you see me like that again. I know I probably don't have much of a choice and you could do much worst. So give me the damn shoes.

(Cena hands over the shoes, and smirks as he does it.)

Cena: "I hope they don't hurt your feet too much Amy.... I hear these things can cause a lot of pain....."

(Amy rolls her eyes angrly and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I know how they feel like, I haven't totally gone through my life not wearing them after all. You would be surprised how much I've been forced to wear them in my life...

(Amy gives him a angry look and takes the shoes, and goes over to a chair and sits on it. Amy proceeds to struggle with her dress, and not bend over so Cena can get a look down her top. It takes longer due to this, she is able to strap on the high heels that matched her red dress. She stood up on them, she seemed a bit shakey on them. But she knew it was just a matter of time to get use to them.)

Cena: "Wow Amy... every change we make makes you more and more like a woman.... just a shame you have that hideous tattoo..... think we should get rid of it as the next punishment? Then you'd REALLY look the part..."

(Amy gets big eyes and she puts her hand over her tattoo. It scared her to even think about having to go through that...she heard it was quite painful, and Cena could do something like that.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-My shoulder tattoo isn't hideous...even more girlish women than I look right now might have them. But fine, you put me in high heels...are we done?

Cena: "Ironic isn't it.... a Wedding dress and high heels are what got you caught in the first place... and lead to the hell your suffering now... and now here you are again... in the exact same position... running away."

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah....it wasn't my idea to wear them then either. It sucks you had to turn a day that should have been one of the greatest day of my life to something where you'd can try to control my individality. Trust me, I didn't sneak up on you on purpose. But I wouldn't change anything...

Cena: "Then your a fool Amy.... because in your position.. i would DIE to go back in time and avoid crossing John Cena. I can make your life a living hell.... death would probably be more pleasant."

.::Amy Jericho::.-The only thing I'd change is make sure I didn't get caught, but regardless...I wouldn't have changed everything I've done thus far. You do realize that you have sent me to hell and back, and I'm still here. Sure, you took away my identity, but have you broken my spirit...I think not.

Cena: "You haven't achieved anything though have you Amy? I still broke Jackie's heart on my terms.... that was the only aim of mine you were fighting against... and you failed to stop it. And I much prefer you looking like a woman.... rather than you pretending to be a man... just because you want to feel like you have any sense of authority! You look a million times better as a woman Amy...

.::Amy Jericho::.-Hard to stop anything that was going to happen anyways no matter what. You are totally wrong, I wasn't going to stop Jackie's heart break, what was going to stop is the sneaking around BS you were doing, and make you pay for it. Regardless of how it ended up, I did guide Jackie to that...even if she ended up losing it again. That was her choice, not mine. By the way, just because I am a woman, doesn't mean I don't have any authority. Because if you remember right, I'm still the rightful Vice President, and no matter what...you can do whatever you want to me, but I'll always have the power to strike back.

Cena: "As the President of this company... i'm not really afraid of a Vice President.... no offence. But Amy... one day you will thank me for this... when you realise how much more attractive you look in your new image... and how much attention it can gain you..."

(cena goes over to Amy and begins to stroke her cheek, in much the same way he had previously played with her hair. Amy smacks away Cena's hand and stumbles away from Cena and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-I'll never thank you for taking away a part of my idenity. This will never be me, so I don't care if it does bring me any attention, the only attention that I want is when people are praising me due to the fact I finally got rid of you

(Amy stumbles over herself a few times in her new shoes before leaving Cena just laughs at the sight of her stumbling, and then closes the door behind her as we fade out into the ring.)

(OOC Note- I didn't know which name I was suppose to use, so I used Death. If it was wrong, my mistake, and I'll change it the next time.)

("Death's theme" blasts on the PA system as Death walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

JR-Death showed promise last time he was here.

King-Which wasn't very long…why you expect he's back?

Kris Gaffney-Probably to stop Dewey Pond from stealing his gimmick?

("Rage's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rage walks to the ring with Mickie James.)

JR-Rage hasn't been on a winning streak that's for sure.

King-That's putting it nicely

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure.

[Death and Rage face off in the middle of the ring, they start to talk trash. Suddenly the slightly more experienced (in the EMF anyways) hits a slap. Obviously this is a respect thing, and Death lets it soak in for a moment, and then Rage tries to hit a punch on Death. But Death ducks, and Rage turns around and he gets hit with a fist to the face. That stuns him, Rage tries to fire back. But Death ducks and hits a few fists to the face stringing them together. Rage is in the ropes, and Death tries to whip Rage off the ropes. But it's reversed by Rage, Death goes off the ropes. He comes off the ropes and then Rage lowers his head, and Death counters it with a kick to the face and Rage is in pain. Death stumbles to the ropes. Rage charges at Death, and Death counters this by ducking and low bridging the ropes. Rage goes to the outside and Death takes a few moments to measure up and plan his next move. He then charges as Rage gets up with the help of the apron and Death hits a baseball slide to the face and Rage goes down on the mat. He rolls out of the ring, and pulls up Rage and hits a snap suplex on outside. Rage is in pain and Death takes Rage and brings him over the steel steps and smashes his head on the steps. He bounces off and he throws Rage into the ring and Death jumps on the apron and on the top rope as Rage stumbles up to his feet. Once he's where he wants him to be, Death leaps off the top rope and hits a back elbow into the face of Rage. Rage goes down to the mat and Death goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………….kick out by Rage. Death hits a few stomps on the downed Rage, Rage goes into the corner and gets up with help of the ropes in the corner. Rage pulls himself up, Death hits a few fists to the face and whips Rage to the opposite side of the ring. Death takes his time and charges into the corner and he hits a boot to the face that totally flattens Death on the mat.]

JR-Death let his guard down, and paid for it.

King-If Rage beats death, we'll never hear the end of it.

Kris Gaffney-Wouldn't you be cocky if you beat death?

King-I have…it's called announcing with JR!

[Rage rolls out of the ring and then grabs Death's legs and pulls him into the ring post and then he measures up and then hits Rage's legs against the ring post. Death is in pain as Rage does it again and Death is still in pain. Rage takes a few moments to rest on the outside as Death pulls himself out of the corner and then Rage jumps on the apron and waits for Death. Death gets up and turns towards Rage, Rage hits a shoulder block into the gut. This stumbles Death back and Rage goes up to the top rope and waits for Death to turn towards him and then Rage jumps off the top rope and hits a flying clothesline off the top rope. He goes into the cover and gets a 1……………2……….kick out by Death. Rage picks up Death, and hits a few forearm shots to the face of Death and Rage whips Death to the ropes and then he comes off the ropes and Death hits a back elbow to the face that takes down Death. Death looks like he is in pain, and he gets up to his feet Rage takes Death by the hair and throws him into the steel post. He looks in a lot of pain and he falls out of the corner after a while and then he slowly gets up. He turns around and Rage kicks him in the gut sets up Death, and hits a fisherman's suplex with a bridge and gets a 1……………..2……………kick out by Death.]

JR-Almost three.

King-Death…was almost dead..

Kris Gaffney-Try explaining that one!

[Rage looks angry thinking that he should have gotten the pin, so out of frustration he goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and goes for some of high flying move. But Death is able to counter it with a flying heel kick. Rage looks dazed, he stumbles around and goes right into th Death who sets up and hits his flipping DDT and goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2………..3]

JR-A successful re-debut by Death.

King-Rage made the mistake, and Death was able to

(The EMF tron lights up with the image of Amy Jericho, obviously still wearing the strapless red wedding dress she was given as her first one that she was forced to wear thanks to Cena's "dress stip". As we saw a little while ago, she had found out the first of many possible things that could happen if she were to lose her dress for whatever reason. She now is forced to wear high heel shoes with every Cena given dress for Shockwave. She is looking a little shaky on them. She was used to wearing them, it just had been a long time since she last wore heels and any girl could tell you it was never comfortable wearing them. She had to shake it off, and ignore it. She decides to go towards her desk as suddenly a knock can be heard. This catches Amy off guard, and she steps wrong with the shoes and kinda twists her ankle. She uses her desk to make sure she doesn't fall all the way down. She bites her lip in a little pain and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Come in....

(Door opens and Dewey Pond walks in.)

Dewey: Hey Amy. Hows life treatin' you?

(Amy, looks up and gives a look of relief that it was a friend, and not someone ready to make her life worst by stripping down her again like last week says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Not very good...if you can't judge by the looks of me. What about you?

(Amy uses her desk to stay on her feet.)

Dewey: Well, I've been better and been worse. How is Chris?

(Amy shakes her head.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Doing somewhat better, but won't be ready to get out of a hospital bed for a long time. But he's improving at least.

Dewey: Well that's good. Wish him a speedy recovery for me. Anyway, the reason I came over is that as you know, that stupid prick Malis cost us our tag match last week. I want him in the ring this week.

(Amy had to get to her chair, and her ankle was still kind of bugging her)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Hhhhhmmm, well I got to get to my chair...eeer that might be harder than you'll know. Give me a second.

(Amy starts to go around her desk, but she has a noticeable limp.)

Dewey: Oh Amy you're limping. Are you ok?

(Amy almost to her chair looks up)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah...just these god damn shoes I'm forced to wear thanks to Christy Hemme stripping me down last week. I'm just not use to them, and when you came in, I stepped wrong...that's all. I'll be fine.

Dewey: Are you sure?

.::Amy Jericho::.-Yeah...yeah...I might have it checked later, after the show when I can wear stuff that is more me. But it's not as bad as it was originally, that's why I needed the desk for a little bit...but it's getting better now.

Dewey: Ok. So about that match......

(Amy sits in her chair, and looks at the file for the next card, and says.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Well, to a degree it does make sense anyways. Because Malis is going to have a chance to come after your TV title at Survival of the Fittest and I don't think he's booked. If you have a big problem with him...then I don't see a problem with the match happening.

Dewey: Alrighty thanks. Oh I almost forgot to ask, how's Ashley?

(Amy smiles, as she always does when she's talking about her little girl.)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Oh, just fine, the only good thing having to lose my entire indenity dressing like this is that I do get to spend the time with Ashley. Right now Maria is looking after her...or she's looking after Maria...not sure which one's which anymore.

(Dewey laughs)

.::Amy Jericho::.-But yeah, she's good...what about Joel?

Dewey: Joel is doing good; Gettin' real big. He's with my sister tonight. I bet she has her hands full hahaha.

(Amy laughs)

.::Amy Jericho::.-Aw, well...he didn't cause me any problems at all when I looked after him that one time. Although, I know kids can be like that at times.

Dewey: Well that's good. But I know he is gonna be approaching his terrible twos soon. I shudder to think what that must be like

.::Amy Jericho::.-Aw, yeah, that probably won't be fun at all....or so I hear at least. But I guess you'll have to tell me how it works out, Ashley's still a ways off from that.

Dewey: I'll give you the details and prepare you for it.

.::Amy Jericho::.-Thanks, I mean I could ask my Mom at some point. But it's always good to hear different people's perspective of that whole thing. Most of my friends are a lot younger than me, and aren't married, much less have children. So it'll help.

Dewey: Well thanks alot for the match Amy. And if you ever need anything, like a babysitter for Ashley or whatever, Tori and I are here for you. You know how much Joel loves when Ashley comes over.

.::Amy Jericho::.-It's no problem, just my job. I'll also keep that in mind and thanks. Ashley seems to get along with him; and other babies as well in my experience.

Dewey: Well that's great. I'll talk to you later. Thanks again

.::Amy Jericho::.-Alright, I'll see you Dewey.

(Dewey exits the office as Amy continues her paper work as we fade into the ring once again.)

("CJ Lethal's theme" blasts on the PA system as CJ Lethal walks to the ring, he steps over the top rope, and waits for his opponent.)

JR-CJ Lethal's the first of 4 opponents.

King-Punk better watch out, CJ's serious…he even decided to bash basketballs to get ready.

Kris Gaffney-I think he would make a perfect center for me…he should talk to me if he wants to continue his basketball career!

("Grindtime" blasts on the PA system as the world champion MxMxPunk walks to the ring along with Dustin Miller.)

JR- What do you supposive it says on wikipedia about CJ Lethal?

King-Probably that he would be great as a demolition man after wrestling…

Kris Gaffney-That brings up the letters….M….D…K…wait a minute…you don't think…naaaaa.

[CJ Lethal and MxMxPunk pace around the ring and knowing that he has to be quick and get this match over quickly as possible he hits a quick few kicks to the leg. He's in pain and then CJ Lethal stumbles around with this and MxMxPunk runs to the ropes, he comes off the ropes and then CJ Lethal goes for a big boot. But it's ducked under by MxMxPunk who continues to the other side of the ring and then he spring boards off the ropes and then he is able to grabs a hold of the head of CJ Lethal and hits a tornado DDT on CJ Lethal and MxMxPunk goes into the cover and gets the 1………………2…….CJ Lethal throws MxMxPunk off the cover. MxMxPunk goes flying into the air and then MxMxPunk thinks of what move he is going to do next. CJ Lethal is getting up to his knee's and then MxMxPunk hits a flipping snapmare that sends down CJ Lethal and MxMxPunk measures up and goes for some sort of kick as CJ Lethal gets up on his knee's, but he's caught Lethal from his knee's throws down his leg. He pushes MxMxPunk to the ropes and then MxMxPunk stumbles back and comes off the ropes and MxMxPunk goes for a running clothesline. But it's ducked under by CJ Lethal, MxMxPunk grabs CJ Lethal by the throat and lifts him up in a double handed choke. But before he can drop him, MxMxPunk hits an eye rake and he drops MxMxPunk and MxMxPunk is able to land on his feet and hits a perfect drop kick on CJ Lethal. CJ Lethal stumbles, but he does not go down. MxMxPunk goes to the ropes and comes off the ropes and then he hits a jumping clothesline that stuns CJ Lethal, but it once again does not take CJ Lethal off his feet. MxMxPunk decides he needs to fly. He goes to the outside and climbs to the top rope and measures up as CJ Lethal stumbles to his feet, and CJ Lethal gets up and MxMxPunk goes for a cross body block. But it's caught by CJ Lethal, and CJ Lethal holds Punk for a moment.]

JR-The extremely dominate CJ Lethal caught MxMxPunk in mid air

King-He's just not extremely bright…or extremely calm

Kris Gaffney-That's for sure…

[CJ Lethal switches MxMxPunk on to his shoulder and drives him down with a running powerslam. CJ Lethal takes a few moments to rest and MxMxPunk is getting up to his feet and MxMxPunk gets knocked down with a running clothesline. MxMxPunk goes down and bounces back up and gets knocked down once again with another fist to the face. MxMxPunk stumbles back into the corner, and then CJ Lethal hits a few fists to the face and whips MxMxPunk into the opposite corner as CJ Lethal comes running into the corner and hits a clothesline into the corner. MxMxPunk looks really dazed, he stumbles out of the corner and CJ Lethal kicks him in the gut and then sets up MxMxPunk lifts him and hits a power bomb into the corner. CJ Lethal, takes a moment to rest and then he pulls MxMxPunk up in the corner and then hits a few elbows into the corner and then CJ Lethal takes MxMxPunk and hip tosses him out of the corner. MxMxPunk comes crashing down on the mat and he slowly gets to his feet with help of the ropes and then turns around right into the waiting CJ Lethal and CJ Lethal throws a punch. MxMxPunk is stunned and CJ Lethal whips MxMxPunk to the ropes and he comes off the ropes and then CJ Lethal uses MxMxPunk's momentum to throw him up in the air and he comes crashing down on the mat.]

JR-Looks like CJ Lethal is building up momentum

King-That's never good…especially if your one of his friends.

*Kris smashes a basketball*

[MxMxPunk stumbles up, but he's able to turn the tide by raking CJ's eyes. MxMxPunk goes to the outside, and climbs to the top rope. But it's countered by CJ who shakes the ropes and MxMxPunk falls on the top rope. He's in pain, CJ Lethal starts to climb on the ropes and gets him in a powerbomb position, MxMxPunk realizes this, and knowing he's in trouble starts to hit CJ with fists to stun him. MxMxPunk is able to stun him enough and then he turns around and slides out the back and gets CJ into a power bomb position. MxMxPunk tries to pull CJ Lethal off the turnbuckle. But is having trouble. CJ tries to hit MxMxPunk, but loses his balance, and slips off the turnbuckle on the back of his head into a powerbomb that stacks CJ on his shoulders. Using his body to block the view. Due to this break, CJ too stunned to realize that his shoulders are down, and MxMxPunk is able to hold him down while the ref counts 1………….2……….3, and he kicks out a little too late.]

King-A lot of basketballs are in fear of their lives right now…

*Kris gets off the phone*

Kris Gaffney-The IBA Mavs GM said we should sub in Elliot for Punk.

(OOC-Good RP CJ, just liked MxMxPunk's better)

("Strangehold" blasts on the PA system as Dewey Pond walks to the ring with the TV title.)

JR-It took Dewey Pond a long time to gain a title, but he has and hasn't let go since.

King- Yeah, but there are many coming for his head.

Kris Gaffney-Including me..I mean…JR.

(MxMxPunk stayed in the ring.)

[Dewey Pond pace around the ring, seems that MxMxPunk might be tired after the last few matches he's gone through thus far. MxMxPunk locks up, but Dewey Pond is able to move faster and hits a clubbing blow to the back of the head that takes down the world champion. Dewey Pond hits a few stomps on the downed MxMxPunk who gets to his feet and Dewey Pond waits for him to stumble towards him. Dewey Pond tries to pick up MxMxPunk into a scoop slam, but he slides out the back and he pushes Dewey Pond to the ropes and Dewey Pond comes off the ropes and MxMxPunk goes for a clothesline. But Dewey Pond ducks under, and waits for Punk to turn around on the other side. MxMxPunk turns around and gets kicked in the gut by Dewey Pond and Dewey Pond hooks up MxMxPunk for a double under hook back breaker. Dewey Pond goes into the cover and gets the 1……………2……….kick out by MxMxPunk. Although it's a somewhat weak cover, even though it's early on. Due to his early matches, Dewey Pond takes MxMxPunk by the hair and hits a few forearm shots to the face and then Dewey Pond whips MxMxPunk to the ropes and Dewey Pond tries to hip toss him. But it's blocked and the world champion tries to counter. But it's blocked once again and Dewey Pond hits a short arm clothesline that takes down MxMxPunk. Punk crawls into the corner and Dewey Pond hits a few fists to the face and whips Punk to the opposite side of the ring and he crashes into the corner and then Dewey Pond runs and tries to hit a monkey flip. But it's reversed and MxMxPunk turns it around before Dewey Pond can hit it and throws him. MxMxPunk throws a punch, but it's blocked and MxMxPunk stumbles back. Dewey Pond leaps off, but MxMxPunk catches Dewey Pond from a front drop kick into a sit down powerbomb!]

JR-Television champion made a mistake.

King-Eeerrr, he does that a lot…we could ask Joel…if he could talk.

Kris Gaffney-We don't have to ask him, the promo for their last match speaks for him.

[MxMxPunk takes a few moments to rest and rolls out of the ring and then climbs up to the top rope and Dewey Pond leaps off the ropes and he hits a double axe handle that takes down Dewey Pond and MxMxPunk has gotten a chance to rest. MxMxPunk gets up and rusn to the ropes as Dewey Pond has sit up and MxMxPunk hits a front drop kick to the face of Dewey Pond that takes down the TV champion. MxMxPunk hits a leg drop, still obviously very tired and goes into the cover and gets a 1………….2…..kick out by Dewey Pond. Dewey Pond is dazed and it looks like MxMxPunk is picking up momentum. Dewey stumbles into the corner and MxMxPunk hits a few fists to the face of Dewey Pond. MxMxPunk tries to whip to the corner, but it's reversed and MxMxPunk goes crashing into the corner and Dewey Pond charges into the corner and goes for some sort of move that we won't know. Because MxMxPunk was able to get his boot up that stuns, and turns Dewey Pond away from MxMxPunk who pulls himself up to the second rope and comes off the second rope with a bulldog off the top rope. Both wrestlers are down, but MxMxPunk is crawling into the cover (even though he's in control, he's still tired). He gets a 1………………2………….kick out by Dewey Pond. MxMxPunk argues that it was 3, but then doesn't bother it with it as any longer and goes back to where Dewey Pond is and Dewey Pond is able to turn the tables on MxMxPunk and he hits a few knife edge chops. Dewey Pond tries to whip MxMxPunk to the ropes, he does and MxMxPunk lowers his head and goes for a back body drop. MxMxPunk gets lifted in the air, but stuggles and comes back down into a DDT on Dewey Pond. MxMxPunk calls for the cross over.]

JR-The champion looks like he's going to finish off the TV champion here.

King-He really wants to get him back for the last match.

Kris Gaffney-Wouldn't you?

King-Eeeerrr…I probably would have changed my name…

[MxMxPunk starts to go to the top rope. But he notices that Dewey is getting up to his feet, so he realizes he needs to do one more move. MxMxPunk pulls Dewey Pond up to his feet and then hits a few fists to the face and then whips Dewey Pond off the ropes. He bounces off, MxMxPunk goes for a thrust kick, but it's ducked under. MxMxPunk runs to the ropes and spring boards off it. But Dewey Pond is able to catch MxMxPunk into a variation of the Dew Drop. But he falls away from the cover, both wrestlers are down, MxMxPunk crawls into the corner and away from everyone. He was able to take off the turnbuckle cover, and turns around as Dewey Pond charges and goes for a splash. MxMxPunk moves out of the way and Dewey Pond goes crashing into the turnbuckle. MxMxPunk kicks Pond in the gut before he fall and hits a double arm DDT in perfect position and goes up to the top rope and hits the cross over and goes into the cover and gets the 1…………….2…………3.]

JR-Punk was able to avenge his loss…but with some of his usual tactics.

King-Hey! He did lose that last match unfairly…fight fire with fire, right?


(We go into the president's office once again with John Cena. Who seems pretty happy with himself about what he did to Amy. Knowing now that not only does Amy look more feminate than she can stand. He knwos that she can't run away easily now. But he was about to get an unexpected visitor. Becky Bayless bursts into the door, looking flustered and quite upset. She is flanked, as ever, by the massive MMM. She stops for a moment and takes a deep breath before begining to screech at Cena.)

Becky: WHAT is the meaning of this?

John Cena-Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Maybe you should knock first, but what exactly are you talking about?

Becky: This disgrace, this abominable booking that has meant that I, the greatest woman on this roster am left without a match.

John Cena-Oh, that, Becky, you should know that even the best EMF superstars don't have a match every week. Besides, it's not like there wasn't much I could do. The card is booked solid, others had a hand in that.

Becky: Well, I suppsoe I should be resting after that hard fought battle last week, but I want a match next week. I have some pent-up anger after mummys latest call.

John Cena-Yeah, just take it easy. I mean you have a week to rest, I mean at the worst...you'll have a chance to gain a women's title shot soon. Although, it probably isn't my business, but what exactly did she say that got you so angry?

Becky: The bitch is going through "rough times", as usual. She doesn't like her new job and her new boss is mistreating her. Stupid bitch is having trouble looking after the kid as well, if she didn;t want it she shouldn't have had it in the first place.

John Cena- Aw, so it's that sister of yours again?

Becky: Of course it is, stupid bint.

John Cena-Yeah, I can relate. I have my own problems with my ex-wife and her friends. Their all hard to get rid of....but I'm sure in all due time. But I will find something for you next week, but if you would excuse me, I have some paper work to do.

Becky: Okay, but just remember, I'm Becky Bayless...

(Becky stops herself, realising who she is talking too.)

Becky: And I am better than everyone but you!

John Cena-Nice save, I'm sure we'll talk again Becky.

Becky: You wish, I mean, I hope so sir

John Cena-Oh, don't take that wrong. Just meant at some point it'll happen. But regardless, if you don't mind...

(Becky turns to leav she opens the door, only to find stood outside none other than Amy Jericho and Jackie Gayda. Jackie has her women's title over her shoulder. Amy starts to fiddle with her skirt, she looks very uncomfortable, and miserable in her girly clothes. The three do not say anything for a moment. Amy and Jackie do not know what to make of this, as they know Becky is going to be one of the one going for a shot at Jackie's title. Becky stares at Amy as though she is an alien for a while, she then turns to Jackie and stares at the title draped over her shoulder. Slowly she mouths "It's mine" before turning on her heel and walking off down the coridor with MMM, leaving behind a very confused Amy and a bemused Jackie. Jackie doesn't look happy, but Amy signals to Jackie just to let it go. Jackie and Amy walk down the hall way as the clicking of Amy's new shoes (OOC-hopefully will be explained soon) can be heard as we fade back into the ring.)

("For Whom the Bell Tolls" blasts on the PA system as Rex walks to the ring as Rex does his usual spitting blood entrance.)

King-Here comes the EMF's answer to Heidenreich.

Kris Gaffney-Actually…we don't a Heidenreich…we had the Heidenreich in the EMF before…remember, he helped Gene Snitsky kidnap the Vice President?

King-Oh right…they should have a poetry contest or something. And if it doesn't…we can easily just put a repeat on!

(MxMxPunk stayed in the ring, cooling down in the ring, and having the things he need to do so handed to him while he was waiting for the next match.)

[Rex and MxMxPunk lock up, Rex obviously being fresh, and a lot stronger anyways pushes MxMxPunk down. MxMxPunk slides out of the ring and then decides to rethink his strategy. It would seem that Rex is not going to allow this though, as he slides out of the ring and starts to chase MxMxPunk. MxMxPunk runs away for a time, and slides into the ring and Rex comes in after him and MxMxPunk drops an elbow drop while Rex is coming into the ring. MxMxPunk waits for Rex to get up and then he hits a fist to Rex. Rex stumbles back, and then MxMxPunk tries to whip Rex to the ropes, but it's reversed and then MxMxPunk goes to the ropes and Rex tries to back body drop MxMxPunk, but it's countered with a swinging neck breaker. MxMxPunk goes into the cover and gets the 1…………..2……..kick out by Rex. MxMxPunk hits a few stomps on the downed Rex who tries to get up with the help of the rope and MxMxPunk uses the ropes to choke Rex. The ref counts to 4, and MxMxPunk lets go of the hold, MxMxPunk tries to whip Rex off the ropes, but Rex reverses the whip and sends MxMxPunk off the ropes. MxMxPunk bounces off the ropes Rex goes for a standing clothesline. But it's ducked under, and MxMxPunk goes off the ropes and Rex turns around only to get knocked down by a flying back elbow by MxMxPunk. Rex goes down, but he clearly is getting up slowly, MxMxPunk measures and then once Rex has stumbled to his feet, MxMxPunk charges at Rex and hits a hurricanarana on Rex into a pin and he gets a 1………2………kick out. Rex stays on the mat and MxMxPunk back to the ropes and hits a diving elbow drop coming off of the ropes. MxMxPunk then does the "ballin" signal to the crowd, which makes some of the crowd say "ballin" too. (not because they like him, just because they like saying that) MxMxPunk goes to the outside, and goes to the apron.]

JR-It looks like MxMxPunk is going to try to do some sort of move to put this match away as quickly as possible.

King-He better…he has Kincaid after this.

Kris Gaffney-Why fear Rex…when he can fear scientology!

[MxMxPunk waits for Rex to get up. Rex stumbles up to his feet, MxMxPunk spring boards off the top rope into a flying seated seanton, but it's blocked and turned into what else…a power bomb! Both wrestlers are down on the mat and the ref starts in standing 10 count. Rex and MxMxPunk get up to their feet around the 6 count, and Punk throws a fist to the face that connects and he goes for another fist, but Rex ducks under and Rex hits a few stinging fists to the face that stun Punk, but doesn't take him down. He then hits a fist that finally knocks down MxMxPunk. Rex takes a few moments to rest on one knee and MxMxPunk is getting up and Rex hits an inverted atomic drop that stuns MxMxPunk and Rex runs to the ropes and comes off them and hits a running shoulder block that takes down MxMxPunk. MxMxPunk gets up stunned, and stumbles into Rex who is waiting, Rex hits a belly to belly suplex on MxMxPunk. Rex gets up, and then goes to the ropes and then comes off the ropes and hits a knee drop to the face of MxMxPunk. He goes into the cover and gets a 1…………………2……………………………….kick out by MxMxPunk. Rex hits a few stomps on the downed, MxMxPunk stumbles up to his feet and he hits a kick to the gut and then he sets up MxMxPunk and hits a gut wrench diving power bomb and goes into the cover, and gets the 1……………….2………………………kick out.]

JR-Long two count.

King-You know, if Rex was looking for a move to display…why the powerbomb? Sure it's impactful…but not very quick, and you certainly can't string them together, if you were going to display the variations of a move, why something so slow to develop?

Kris Gaffney-Why don't you tell him that?

King-…….I rather not.

[Rex gets up and calls for the Rextinction, MxMxPunk stumbles up to his feet. He gets up and Rex locks on the Rextinction. Rex tries to grapevine the leg, but it's blocked, and MxMxPunk looks for a way out of the hold. But he realizes that he needs a way out of it, Punk runs to the corner and runs up the turnbuckle and falls backwards into a pin and he was able to get a 1………….2………..3.]

JR-Shades of Bret Hart

King-Does this mean a year from now MxMxPunk will rant about a screw job for the rest of his life?

(OOC-LOL, I still can't believe you thought I wouldn't remember that RP from March. But otherwise, I tried to be nice about this with a surprise roll up, because you seemly were taken off guard…even though it's no fault of mine. And as I write this, there is an air of uncertainity with this ending, so don't be surprised with anything.)

("Vitamin R" blasts on the PA system as Scott Kincaid walks to the ring. He steps inside the ring and waits for the bell to ring.)

JR-We know Scott Kincaid is phenomenal in the ring, although this is his first match in at least a year. It's clear that Kincaid is in great shape for this return, but nothing but real matches can shake off ring rust.

King- This is all Amy's fault…

Kris Gaffney-Well if you want to complain, I doubt she'll be able to sneak or run away without spraining her ankle..

[Scott Kincaid and MxMxPunk pace around the ring, MxMxPunk tries to lock up. But Scott Kincaid takes down MxMxPunk with a single leg take down and goes into a literal press and gets a 1…………..2…….MxMxPunk rolls the shoulder up being tired from the last matches. Scott Kincaid floats over into a front face locks, and Scott Kincaid hold it on and MxMxPunk gets to his feet. Not having the strength to do anything right now, he is unable to stop Scott Kincaid from hitting a knee to the face stunning MxMxPunk and then he doubles over MxMxPunk and Scott Kincaid hits a gut wrench suplex on MxMxPunk and he goes into the cover once again and gets a 1……………..2………..kick out . Scott Kincaid gets up and hits a standing diving elbow drop and pulls up MxMxPunk. Scott Kincaid hits a few forearm smashes to the face and whips MxMxPunk to the ropes and MxMxPunk comes off the ropes and Scott Kincaid tries to hip toss him, but MxMxPunk floats over and goes for a clothesline of his own and then it's blocked and Scott Kincaid goes for a short arm clothesline. But it's ducked under by MxMxPunk who goes for a germen suplex, but he's countered with a back heel trip and then Scott Kincaid turns around and starts to set up, and lock on a figure four leg lock. The ref asks MxMxPunk if he wants to give it up, because he's already tired he puts his shoulders on the mat, and then the ref counts 1…………..2…………just before the hand goes down for the final three, MxMxPunk is able to lift his shoulder up. But it seems he might tap, until Dustin Miller yells something out about the rules and how close he is to the ropes and MxMxPunk is able to realize that and grabs the rope and Scott Kincaid breaks the hold and lifts up MxMxPunk. Scott Kincaid hits a head butt, this stuns Kincaid. But he shakes it off, and then he whips MxMxPunk to the ropes and MxMxPunk comes off the ropes and Scott Kincaid goes for a thrust kick as he comes off. MxMxPunk goes to the ropes. Kincaid turns around and they hit heads and go down to the mat.]

JR-That might have been a small tactical error by Kincaid.

King-He probably meant to do that.

Kris Gaffney-Yes…what he said…

[Scott Kincaid and MxMxPunk get up to their feet and MxMxPunk seems a little less effected and he ducks under a Scott Kincaid punch and he pushes Kincaid forward into the ref. He bumps the ref enough to stun him, so he doesn't see him hitting a low blow on Scott Kincaid. Kincaid stays there in pain and then MxMxPunk hits a DDT and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2………….kick out by Scott Kincaid. MxMxPunk looks like he thought he would have stole the match with that, and then MxMxPunk thinks of his next move without worrying about whether or not he should have won this match already. MxMxPunk watches as Scott Kincaid goes into the corner and then he hits a few shoulder blocks into the gut in corner and then MxMxPunk takes Kincaid out of the corner and then whips him to the ropes and he bounces off the ropes and he comes off the ropes. Scott Kincaid bounces off the ropes, and he goes for a clothesline. But it's ducked under and Scott Kincaid goes to the ropes and then comes off fast and MxMxPunk hits a tirlerwhirl back breaker on Scott Kincaid and turns him around and goes for the cover and gets the 1……………2………..kick out. MxMxPunk puts Scott Kincaid into a sitting position and then MxMxPunk backs up and hits a snapmare flip and Scott Kincaid goes down to the mat and MxMxPunk hits a few stomps on the downed Scott Kincaid. Scott Kincaid gets pulled up to a sitting position and puts on a surfboard stretch the ref asks Scott Kincaid if he wants to give it up, he refuses to.]

JR-Scott Kincaid is being wore down with a submission, that is very odd, usually it's the other way around.

King-It must be that ring rust you were talking about!!

[Scott Kincaid gets up to his feet and slowly starts to turn the move and then he hits a knee into the gut and northern lights suplex that sends MxMxPunk flying and out of the ring. He falls out ring, Scott Kincaid slides out of the ring, and goes back on the attack. Scott Kincaid whips MxMxPunk to the steps. Scott Kincaid waits for MxMxPunk to get up, once he does he charges to MxMxPunk. But MxMxPunk is able to throw him over his head and Scott Kinciad crashes into the ring post, and bounces back and falls down the count is up to 5. MxMxPunk rolls into the ring, and the ref keeps counting 6…………..7…………8..Scott Kincaid is getting up and looks like he might make it in, but suddenly he senses something and turns around just as the girl who has been interfering in MxMxPunk's matches lately was sneaking behind Kincaid. The girl backs up, and it doesn't seem like Kincaid is going after her. But it drew his attention enough for the ref to count……..9……..10.]

JR-Damn it! MxMxPunk was successful!

King-Who is this girl…think someone can…I mean, she's baaaaaaad.

(MxMxPunk slides out of the ring as Shockwave goes off the air happy to get wins in all four matches.

(OOC-I don't know if I like this ending, but I did it for many reasons. Mostly due to requests, with that…I don't know if I could do better. Call it a place holder ending for now, because there is a chance I could change it or use it (right person won though, that's what matters). As for the decision, really believe what you want to believe. Due to my lack of a staff, I'll go with my opinion and my gut feeling. Nothing to do with length…as for Punk's RP repetitive…maybe a little..but not enough in my view..most points were simply well developed, rather than repetitive. That's all needs to be explained. The RP's were good regardless, sorry it took longer than expected, I tried to look into that calm and I'm sure it was not in my view, so I'm going with my opinion.)