EMF: Saturday Shockwave

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, Fyre!!! (crowd boos ********)

[Fyre comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and her opponent, Nikki Flare!!! (crowd boos again *******)

Jim Ross - I expect a good match King.

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Woo-hoo I think it's going to be hot! Nikki Flare might torch my ass WOO!

Jim Ross - You are a dirty old man.

[Nikki Flare walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Fyre drops Nikki Flare with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Nikki Flare checks her boots. (ring, ring, ring) Fyre short clothslines Nikki Flare. Fyre grabs Nikki Flare and applies an arm wrench. Nikki Flare climbs to her feet. Nikki Flare punches Fyre in the head. Nikki Flare tackles and begins punching Fyre. Fyre is up again. Fyre places Nikki Flare over by the turnbuckle. Fyre jumps off with a flying somersault neckbreaker. Fyre chants start. Fyre measures Nikki Flare up and drops a closed fist. Fyre moves back to her feet. Nikki Flare chops Fyre. Nikki Flare bounces Fyre off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Nikki Flare is back on her feet. Fyre gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Nikki Flare. Nikki Flare kicks Fyre on the mat. Nikki Flare executes a corkscrew legdrop on Fyre. Nikki Flare neck snaps Fyre. Nikki Flare lifts Fyre into the air and delivers a spine buster. Nikki Flare chants start. Nikki Flare measures Fyre up and drops a closed fist. Nikki Flare stands up. Nikki Flare covers Fyre. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Fyre escapes. Now Fyre standing. Nikki Flare gouges Fyre's eyes out. Fyre pins Nikki Flare against the ropes and chokes her with her forearm. A flying bodypress by Fyre takes Nikki Flare to the mat with authority. Fyre gets back to his feet. Nikki Flare executes a huge gutbuster on Fyre. Nikki Flare puts Fyre in an arm grapevine submission. Nikki Flare covers Fyre hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Fyre kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - Nikki Flare should have known she wouldn't win the match with that.

[Fyre is up again. Nikki Flare bites Fyre's arm out of desparation. Nikki Flare grabs Fyre's leg and takes her down. Fyre moves back to his feet. Nikki Flare short lariats Fyre. Now Fyre standing. Fyre climbs to the top and hits Nikki Flare with a flying clothesline. Fyre is up again. Fyre drags Nikki Flare to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Fyre hits Nikki Flare with an elbowdrop. Now Fyre standing. (...3) Nikki Flare gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Fyre. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - diving elbow smash! SMOKIN'!

[Fyre moves back to her feet. Nikki Flare gets back to her feet. (....4) Fyre gets nailed with a double axhandle chop from Nikki Flare. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Nikki Flare and Fyre move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Nikki Flare knees Fyre and rolls back to his feet. Fyre is back on her feet. Fyre puts Nikki Flare on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Fyre chants start. Fyre moves back to her feet. Nikki Flare stands up. Nikki Flare gets knocked to the ground while Fyre locks her in the chinlock deathlock submission. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Fyre tightens the hold. ... ... Nikki Flare trys to escape. ... Nikki Flare is fighting the hold. Nikki Flare escapes. Fyre tiger suplexes Nikki Flare, bringing her crashing down to the mat. Fyre chants start. Now Fyre standing. Fyre leg drops Nikki Flare. Nikki Flare gives Fyre a reverse neckbreaker. Nikki Flare applies an arm wrench to Fyre. Nikki Flare uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Fyre down. Nikki Flare goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - 'Bout Time!
Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, Sunny!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Sunny comes to the ring. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and her opponent, Angelina!!! (crowd boos *********)

[Angelina walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Angelina gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Sunny. Sunny gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Angelina. (ding, ding, ding) Angelina gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Sunny kicks Angelina in the groin. ]

Jim Ross - kick to the groin! Wait that's not as effective in a women's match.

[Sunny executes a huge gutbuster on Angelina. Angelina gets up. Angelina uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Sunny is down. Angelina covers Sunny. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 Sunny kicks out. Sunny is up again. ]

Jim Ross - The EMF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Angelina tackles and begins punching Sunny. Angelina covers Sunny hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Sunny kicks out. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Angelina should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Sunny is back on her feet. Angelina gets hit with a back heel kick. Sunny fist drops Angelina on the mat. Sunny moves back to her feet. Angelina is up again. Sunny rakes the face of Angelina in attempt to make a come back. Sunny executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Angelina's head onto the mat. Sunny gets back to her feet. Angelina gets back to her feet. Sunny drags Angelina to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Sunny with a huge fisherman buster on Angelina. (..2) Angelina gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Sunny. Sunny stands up. Angelina stands up. Sunny uses a snap mare takeover on Angelina. Angelina gets up. Sunny and Angelina move back into the ring. Sunny hits a tiger driver on Angelina. Sunny gets up. Sunny puts Angelina in an arm grapevine submission. She let's go and it's the incredible slingshot suplex!!! Angelina gets hit with the shooting star press from Sunny. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - Sunny has won the match!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Sunny!!!

[Shockwave kicks off with the regular pyro and theme as its scans the crowd showing the jam packed arena. Cameras then cut to the back as one stretch escalade pulls up followed by another one. Out from the first one steps out Primetime, then Wes, then The Rock. Rock, Primetime, and Wes look over the parking lot a bit as Wes then ask Rock.]

Wes: Is it really necessary to have a seperate limo for security.

The Rock: Who said they was security?

[Rock opens up the door of the other stretch escalade as out steps numerous good looking girls. Primetime is quick to get a couple around him as he puts his arm around two of the girls.]

Wes: Hell guys you know I am a married man...I can't be doing stuff like that.

Primetime: Who said they was for you?

[All 3 men chuckle a bit as Primetime walks off the scene with two of the girls. Rock and Wes sit back a bit as Rock then notices Badd Boy walking inside the parking lot.]

The Rock: haha..Look who it is the less talented Ikeda brother...

Badd Boy: Don't push my buttons Rock, now is not the time nor place.

The Rock: Relax, The Rock didn't mean to put you in such a bad mood, you know if The Rock didn't know any better. He would say you was jealous that The Rock didn't pick you instead of Wes over here.

Badd Boy: You just got everyone figured out here, don't cha Rock?

The Rock: The Rock can see it, yeah he can just hense the jealous. But, let The Rock put you in a good mood, maybe a song would do just that! Want The Rock to play you a song?

Badd Boy: I am getting the feeling, that I dont have a choice.

The Rock: Damn right, Gillberg...Guitar!

[All of a sudden Gillberg pops up from behind a storage box and tosses The Rock his guitar. Gillberg then ducks back down as the crowd begins to laugh.]

Badd Boy: What the hell was the deal with that...

The Rock: Shew..Shew..The Rock is about to play!

The Rock
Another Saturday Night, and the Great One is happy!
He got some pie and he ate it good..
She then leaned down and said "Please Rock oh hurry."
"Badd Boy will be here soon..."

[With that verbal slap in the face, Badd Boy tries to make his way to The Rock's direction. Wes is quick to stop him as he just puts his hand against his chest breaking up Badd Boy from The Rock.]

Wes: Woah! Woah! Bro! Can't you take a joke?

Badd Boy: I'll show ya a damn joke!...

[Badd Boy pushes Wes back a bit as then security guards make a wall between the two men.]

Wes: Ohh I see how its gonna be..Well let me tell you whats not a joke. And thats the reality of me kicking your ass for that IC title! Just like your talent, that belt will soon be no longer with you. So why don't you think about that.."bro"!

[Rock just chuckles a bit as Wes begins to walk back away from Badd Boy. Rock then puts his arms up on two security guards shoulders as he gets a good look at Badd Boy.]

The Rock: Tell Ashlee, that was some of the best pie, The Rock has ever tasted...

[Badd Boy then tries again to get at Rock as Rock just laughs it off and begins to walk to his locker room.]

"Impact theme" blasts on the PA system as Impact walks to the ring

JR-This rookie was impressive in his dark match against X-Cold-T

King-Yeah, but that was against a Resident Jobbers member. Next thing you will tell me that a win over Jarred means something

"Johnny's theme" blasts on the PA system as Johnny walks to the ring

King-You might as well make this match for the TV title, anyone who gets beat up Angelus "Jobber of life" has to be a jobber

JR-Well to be fair to Degenerate he was blindsided

King-I guess...

[Impact and Johnny lock up, Impact hits a few knee lifts to break the lock up and then Impact hits a few more fists that stumble Johnny back. Impact then picks up Johnny and then nails him with a body slam on Johnny and then hits a quick leg drop on Johnny. Knowing that won't finish Impact he pulls up Johnny and then hits a few knife edge chops to Johnny and then tries to whip him to the ropes and then Johnny reverses the whip and sends Impact to the ropes, Impact bounces off the ropes and then Johnny lowers his head and goes for a back body drop. But Impact counters with a attempt at a sun set flip. Impact then tries to get him over, but Johnny is able to make sure that he doesn't fall and then Johnny is able to get his full balance and then Johnny tries to punch Impact as he tries to get Johnny in the sun set flip. But then Impact moves out of the way, Johnny holds his hand as Impact waits for Johnny. Impact then hits a hammer lock body slam on Johnny. Johnny gets up trying to shake this move off. But then stumbles right into Impact who hits an arm breaker on Johnny. Impact then puts his arm on the mat and then holds it there and then measures up Johnny's arm and then hits a few hard knee drops into the arm and then puts on an arm bar on Johnny. Johnny then starts to make it to his feet and then gets fully to his feet, then Johnny backs up Impact to the ropes and then whips Impact off the ropes, Impact bounces off the ropes and comes off fast and then nails Johnny with a hard shoulder block that sends Johnny hard to the mat and then Impact runs to the ropes and then bounces off the ropes. Johnny is up by the time he bounces back and then leap frogs over Impact, Impact bounces off the other side of the ring and then Impact bounces off the ropes and then Johnny nails a standing drop kick on Impact. Johnny gets up as Impact stumbles up after a few seconds and then Johnny kicks Impact into the gut and then hooks him and then nails him with a double armed DDT on Impact. Johnny then goes into the cover and gets a 1......................2............kick out, Johnny then pulls up Impact in the seated position and then puts on a chin lock and then Impact starts to fade away. But then Impact comes to and then gets to his feet and then backs up Johnny and then whips him to the ropes. Johnny comes off the ropes and then Impact goes for a clothesline, but Johnny ducks it and continues to the other side of the ring and then Johnny leaps in the air and then nails a flying clothesline on Impact. Impact goes down and then crawls into the corner and then Johnny comes into the corner and then nails a few shoulder blocks into the gut in the corner and then the ref makes him move away and then Impact comes back and then puts him on the top rope and then Johnny hits a few knife edge chops on Impact to stun him even more and then climbs to the top rope and then sets up Impact and then hits a super plex on Impact and then crawls into the cover and gets a 1.....................2.......................kick out]

JR-almost three

King-This is going to go forever, that ref only knows how to count to 2

[Johnny gets back up using the ropes and then Impact slowly gets to his feet, Johnny then hits a few fists on Impact and then stuns him. Johnny then pulls Impact out of the ropes and then sets him up and hits a brain buster on Impact. Johnny then takes a bit too much time playing to the crowd and then goes to the ropes and goes out on the apron and then goes to the top rope. Johnny measures up Johnny and then flys through the air and then goes for a double ax handle, but Impact hits a drop kick on Johnny as he flys towards him. Johnny then goes down hard on the mat as Impact goes to his knee's and uses one hand to hold himself up. Johnny and Impact then stumble to their feet, Johnny goes for a fist. But then is able to go for a wild fist and then it's blocked by Impact and then returned by Impact. Impact is too beat down to follow up, so Johnny goes for another fist. But it's blocked by Impact and returned by Impact and this time is able to follow it up with a few hard fists that back up Johnny. Impact then whips Johnny off the ropes, Johnny bounces off the ropes and then Impact lowers his head and then hits Johnny with a back body drop. Johnny stumbles up right into Impact and then nails a front spine buster on Johnny. Impact goes into the cover and hooks the leg and gets a 1....................2................kick out by Johnny. Impact looks extreme pissed/fustrated, then he gets up and then nails a few hard stomps on Johnny and pulls him up and then whips him to the ropes and then Johnny bounces off the ropes and then Impact puts Johnny in a sleeper and then hits a sleeper slam. Impact gets back to his feet and then calls for his finisher.]

JR-It would seem that Impact is trying to end the match here

King-yeah it's about that time...

[Impact pulls Johnny up and then kicks him in the gut and sets him up and gets him up in a power bomb. Holds him up there for a few seconds and then flips him over in a DDT to nail his finisher the Impact Icer. Impact then goes into the cover and gets a 1..........2..........3]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time,Rita Van Toad!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[RVT comes to the ring with manager RVT!. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - and her opponent, Sierra Van Der Pohl!!!

[Sierra walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Earl Hebner checks RVT's boots and knee pads. Sierra executes a pumphandle suplex on RVT. (ring, ring, ring) RVT hits a flying karate chop right to Sierra's neck. Sierra legsweeps RVT. RVT climbs to her feet. RVT gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Sierra. RVT does a cartwheel and kicks Sierra in the face. Now Sierra standing. RVT hits a koppo kick on Sierra. Sierra stands up. Sierra executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on RVT. Sierra slingshot elbow drops RVT. RVT gets hit with the shooting star press from Sierra. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 RVT kicks out. ]

Jim Ross - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Sierra sends RVT to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Sierra cuts RVT with a blade. RVT is bleeding as a result. (..2) Sierra does a cartwheel and kicks RVT in the face. RVT is back on her feet. (...3) RVT whips Sierra's feet from under her with a side kick. Sierra climbs to her feet. (....4) Sierra slaps RVT. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. RVT and Sierra move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. RVT and Sierra move back to ringside. RVT takes Sierra into the ring. Sierra is hit with a backward kick. Sierra moves back to her feet. Sierra delivers a short-arm clothesline to RVT. RVT stands up. Sierra pokes RVT in the eyes. RVT places Sierra on the top turnbuckle and executes the German suplex, that has to hurt! Sierra climbs to her feet. RVT and Sierra go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Jim Ross - Are you enjoying this match?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - No sir!

Jim Ross - Did you just call me sir?

Jerry "The King" Lawler - Yes ma'am!

[(..2) RVT uppercuts Sierra. (...3) RVT on the turnbuckleSierra rising from the mat,RVT leaps from the top rope with a bodypress. RVT gets up. (....4) RVT measures Sierra up and drops a closed fist. Sierra is up again. RVT uses a standing moonsault on Sierra. RVT stands up. (.....5) ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - This is how wrestling should not be!

[RVT hits Sierra with a flying senton. ]

Jerry "The King" Lawler - flying senton splash!

[RVT and Sierra move back into the ring. RVT hits an electrifying flying somersault headbutt on Sierra. Now RVT standing. Sierra is knocked to the ground by RVT's handspring moonsault. RVT chants start. Sierra piledrives RVT. Sierra applies an arm wrench to RVT. RVT is up again. Sierra thrust kicks RVT in the head. Sierra catches RVT in the crucifx and goes for the pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Jerry "The King" Lawler - The winner of this match, Sierra Van Der....something!!!

[Rock and Wes are shown sitting on some storage boxes as Rock has his guitar acrossed his lap, tuning it. Wes just sits there with his arms crossed just looking around the backstage.]

Wes: You know that song for Badd Boy you sang earlier, priceless. haha, simply priceless.

The Rock: You liked that huh? Well man The Rock is gonna go looking for Prez Mike..Jabroni best be making me another match with that jabroni, X-Cold! You know The Rock had him beat before his skank got in the way.

Wes: Ohh so your saying you got beat by a girl...

[The Rock no longer looks at his guitar as he gives Wes a stare as he just begins to become red over laughing.]

The Rock: The Rock didn't get by no girl! [Crowd laughs and cheers. Rock then tilts his head up to talk to the people.] The Rock said he didn't get by no girl..No he didn't! You know The Rock is already beginning to hate you.

Wes: haha, Chill..You know I was kidding. And ohh yeah by the way Mike isn't here tonight, looked for him earlier said he was interviewing someone for the open of the VP job.

The Rock: Let me tell you som...Sweet Cream on a Ice Cream SAMICH! Who is that!

[Nikki Flare then walks out of her locker room as both Wes and Rock kinda stand up to get a good look at her, with Rock about breaking his neck twisting it like he is doing. Wes then whistles as Nikki not really paying attention to it continues to walk the opposite way down the halls. Rock begins to sing as then you can notice Black Widow behind both Rock and Wes with her arms crossed not looking to pleased.]

The Rock: Hey Nikki..You so fine...You so fine..You can blow my...

Widow: WES!

[Crowd Laughs]

[Rock and Wes both kinda jump as they are startled by Widow's screaming. Wes closes his eyes a bit as he slowly begins to turn. Rock just points at him and laughs getting payback from the comment earlier. Rock and Wes then turn around.]

The Rock: Uhh you know The Rock is a busy man, will see ya later Wes.

Wes: Ahh come on man, you aint gonna leave me here like this now.

The Rock: [mocking voice] So your saying you got beat by a girl..[/mocking]

Wes: Ahh come on man it was a joke.

The Rock: You are on your own on this one...Yo baby, wait up.

[Rock takes off to go find Nikki as Wes still tries to get Rock's attention.]

Wes: Rock..Rock..Get your ass back here man...Hello Kat.

Black Widow: haha..Don't hello Kat, me. What do you call that?

Wes: Come on baby, I didn't mean nothing by it. We was, well we was just having fun, meant nothing by it.

Widow: You done stuttering? So you was just having "fun" huh?

Wes: Yeah..Just fun...

Widow: Well I can tell you who won't be having any fun tonight...

[Widow walks off as Wes closes his eyes and grits his teeth with anger. Rock then comes back looking for Widow or Nikki one as he stands beside Wes.]

The Rock: haha, sounds to me someone is in the dog house.

Wes: You know I fucking hate you, right?

[Rock chuckles a bit as he pats Wes on the back.]

The Rock: The Rock knows..he knows..

[Rock walks off as Wes just leans up against the wall, shaking his head in anger.]

[Degenerate's theme then hits as he comes out to a pretty big roar of the crowd. Degenerate rolls inside the ring as he gets in the middle of the ring and awaits Wes Ikeda.]

JR: Degenerate seems to be eager for this fight...

[Wes' theme then hits as he comes out to some pretty loud boos. Wes just kinda gives the crowd a go to hell look as he then notices Degenerate in a down position waiting for a fight. Wes tells the referee to space Degenerate away from him. Wes then climbs inside the ring as he awaits the bell.]

JR: Many fans are not pleased with Wes' actions as of late. And especially his choice to join The Rock last Saturday on Shockwave.

King: Hey there's nothing wrong with wanting to gain power!

[Wes charges at Degenerate, but Degenerate steps aside and pushes him out of the ring. Wes goes flying out of the ring and Degenerate follows. Degenerate stands on the apron waiting for Wes to get up. Degenerate flys off the apron trying for an axe handle on Wes, but Wes counters this with fists to the gut, Degenerate doubles over and Wes goes over then hits a russian leg sweep on the floor. Wes pulls Degenerate up and throws him into the steel steps. Degenerate gets up in pain and stumbles around, Wes rolls in Degenerate in the ring. Degenerate gets up and caughts Wes on the apron and hits a few fists. But Wes stuns Degenerate with a shoulder block in the gut, Wes climbs to the ropes. But Degenerate hits against the ropes and knocks Wes down, Wes sits on the turnbuckle in a lot of pain as Degenerate climbs up. Degenerate hits another fist to Wes and hits a superplex on Wes]

King: You know when Wes stradled that ring rope, I thought that be horrible for him but, Widow has made it clear he aint getting any tonight..So its not like he needs it! ha!

JR: Degenerate doesn't want to lose to Wes, he has a point to prove to Wes.

[Degenerate stomps the fallen Wes over and over again, the crowd cheers loud as Degenerate turns away to play to the crowd. Then turns back to Wes who suprises him with an atomic drop. Degenerate jumps around in pain, Wes whips Degenerate to the ropes and hits a back body drop, Degenerate rolls out quickly and walks away from Wes. Wes walks after him, Degenerate then turns around as Wes charges, Degenerate throws his arm out as Wes runs right into a clothesline. Degenerate pulls Wes up and bashes Wes' head against the apron and then rolls him into the ring, Degenerate gets in the ring and runs to the ropes and hits a elbow drop across the troat. Wes slowly gets up as Degenerate waits and comes from behind him, Degenerate sets Wes up and hits the Sidebuster on Wes. Degenerate covers Wes {1......2....kick out!!!!} Degenerate looks up at the ref checking to see if he got 3, Degenerate pulls Wes up again who is very dazed. Degenerate sets Wes up again and hits a german suplex with a bridge {1....2....Wes puts his foot on the rope.}]

JR: Wes won't go down, though he was lucky he was near the ropes.

King: Come on Wes get em!

[Degenerate waits for Wes to get up as he sends him into the ropes and nails a clothesline. Degenerate then hooks in Wes' legs as he goes for a Boston Crab. Wes refuses to turn with him, as Degenerate the settles for a slingshot. Degenerate hooks his legs up as he sends him into the corner but, referee Charles Robinson doesn't notice this as he is sandwich in the corner of the ring.]

King: Referee down..I repeat we got a referee down!

[Wes lays still down as then Rock takes off running down the aisle. Degenerate notices this as he walks over to the apron Rock is nearing. Rock climbs up as Degenerate goes for a punch, Rock ducks sending Degenerate into a spin. Degenerate then turns around as he is met by Enforcer! Enforcer then kicks Degenerate in the gut as he hooks Degenerate's arms up and hits him with a variantion of a double arm DDT.]

JR: What the hell, Enforcer is out here and he just hit Final Enforcement on Degenerate!

[Enforcer slides out the ring, as Wes slowly stands. Wes then picks up Degenerate from behind and hits a full nelson slam. Charles Robinson then begins to make to as he then notices Wes making a cover. {1...2...3!!}]

JR: Damn that Enforcer...He just screwed over Degenerate!

[Rock slides in the ring as he tells Enforcer to come on in. Wes leans against the ropes as he is resting up, Rock then brings his forearms up as he slams them down pointing to Enforcer then to Degenerate. Enforcer just nods as he picks Degenerate up and hits a mean 360 powerbomb which folds Degenerate up. Rock just laughs a bit as Wes then notices Enforcer about to leave the ring. Wes stops him as he gives the signal the Rock made for the powerbomb. But, Wes this time points to the outside.]

JR: Now come on! Don't do this...Enforcer for what I heard ended a man's career with this move last week.

King: Now who was that...Dusk? or Dawn? Don't matter!...

[Enforcer slowly picks up Degenerate as he lifts him up in the powerbomb postion. Enforcer then takes off for the ropes as he throws Degenerate straight over the top unto the hard cement floor. Crowd chants "Holy Shit!"]

JR: MY GOD! Someone get out here now, Enforcer may've broke Degenerate's neck! That move is called "The Silencer" and thats a good name because this has got me absolute silenced...This..This is just sick, King.

King: Someone may want to poke him with a stick...

"Kincaid theme" blasts on the PA system as Kincaid walks to the ring

JR-He helped lead Twilight and Messiah to victory in the match last week!

King-JR that match wasn't on air, no one knows about it...or cares!

"Twilight theme" blasts on the PA system as Twilight walks to the ring

JR- Twilight also had a huge say in the match last week

King-You never listen to me

"Enforcer theme" blasts on the PA system as Enforcer walks to the ring

JR-Enforcer may have came out on the losing side, but he didn't walk out like a loser.

King-Well your a loser when your team mates are named Dusk and Dawn...that's almost as bad as Wes...but not quite

[Kincaid, Enforcer, TwilighT start in three different corners of the ring and then look at each other as they hold singpore canes. Kincaid is the first to move and then charges at Twilight. Twilight counters with a cane shot to the gut and then takes end of the cane and then jabs it into the back of Kincaid, Kincaid goes down. Though as Twilight does this Enforcer comes from the back of Twilight and then hits a hard vicious cane shot to the back. Twilight turns around with the look of extreme pain and then Enforcer jabs it into the gut of Twilight. Twilight doubles over, Enforcer drops the cane and then hits a few hard fists that back Twilight to the ropes and then whips Twilight to the ropes and then Twilight bounces off the ropes and then Enforcer hits a back body drop. Twilight stumbles up holding his back, Enforcer kicks Twilight into the gut and then quickly sets Twilight up and then nails a seated piledriver. Enforcer goes into the cover and gets a 1................2............kick out. Enforcer gets up and then waits for Twilight to get up, but he doesn't get up so he turns to Kincaid who is behind him and is able to nail him with a cane shot. But it's blocked by Enforerand then Enforcer hits a few hard punches to the face of Kincaid who holds on to the cane and then Enforcer tried to whip him off the ropes, but Kincaid reverses it and sends Enforcer to the ropes. Enforcer bounces off the ropes and then Kincaid hits a can shot to the gut and then doubles over. Kincaid raise the cane in the air and then bounces off the ropes and then places the cane in the back of the neck of Enforcer as he does a swinging neck breaker on Enforcer that sends the cane back of his neck on impact with the mat. Kincaid then goes into the cover and gets a 1...................2............Twilight breaks up the cover and then waits for Kincaid to get to his feet. Kincaid then gets up and takes a wild swing. Twilight ducks it and runs to the ropes and then jumps on the second rope into a swing board cross body block that nails Kincaid. Twilight rolls off and doesn't go for the cover and then rolls to the outside and then pulls out a fire exstingisher and then Enforcer. Sees that Twilight is on the outside getting something, but really can't see what it is from where he is in the ring getting in the way. Enforcer then goes between the ropes and then grabs Twilight by the hair and then tries to pull him into the ring and then Twilight takes the exstingisher and then uses the form to blind. Enforcer stumbles backwards in the waiting arms of Kincaid and then he sets up the blinded Enforcer and then nails a snap suplex.]

King-it's the suplex of DOOM


King-You never have anything to say, I hate you JR

[Enforcer is left sitting up and Kincaid drop kicks Enforcer to the back of the head. Twilight jumps up on top of the turnbuckle and as Kincaid turns around he is met with a flying crossbody. Twilight gets Kincaid up and whips him into the ropes and meets him on the return with a hurricanrana. Twilight leaps off of the ropes and is met by a shoulder block by Enforcer who gets to his feet. Enforcer picks Twilight up and lifts him over his head. Enforcer walks over to the ropes and throws Twilight over the top to the arena floor. Kincaid gets up behind Enforcer and lifts him right over the top. Enforcer lands on his feet while resting his head on his arms on the apron. Kincaid hits the ropes, picks up speed and does a baseball slide taking Enforcer down and knocking him into the security railing. Twilight slowly makes his way to his feet. He looks at Enforcer and waits for Enforcer to stand up. Twilight takes a few steps back and Enforcer does make it to his feet. Twilight charges in, jumps up on the railing running a few steps then dives off with a senton splash taking both men down. Kincaid steps to the outside and grabs Twilight by the back of the head then drops him with a reverse DDT. Kincaid grabs Enforcer and pulls him up. Kincaid goes for an irish whip, but Enforcer reverses it and sends Kincaid into the steel steps at ringside. Enforcer then grabs Twilight and sends him right into Kincaid. Enforcer walks over to the two men and grabs them by their heads then does a double headbutt. He then goes for a double suplex...but Twilight and Kincaid use their power and leverage to reverse it and suplex Enforcer. Twilight turns around and hits a roundhouse kick to Kincaid. Twilight then slides into the ring and jumps up onto the top turnbuckle. He leaps off with a shooting star press but Kincaid rolls out of the way. Kincaid gets to his feet, grabs Twilight and throws him inside of the ring. Twilight stumbles to his feet as does Enforcer on the outside. Kincaid heads for the ropes and as he hits them he gets a club from behind by Enforcer. Enforcer then rolls into the ring grabbing Kincaid and delivering a piledriver. Twilight charges at Enforcer and jumps at him only to be caught and slammed down with a spine buster. Enforcer grabs Kincaid again and sends him into the ropes as he hits the other side. Enforcer goes for a clothesline, but so does Kincaid they nail each other and all three men are down.

JR-All three are down...

King-No shit JR

[Enforcer is seemly the one least hurt and then rolls out of the ring and then pulls out a table and sets it up on the outside and then sees that Kincaid has gotten up and is stumbling around the ring. Enforcer gets to the apron and then hits a hang man on Kincaid. Kincaid stumbles back and then comes back to the ropes and then Enforcer pulls Kincaid to the apron and then sets him up for a piledriver and then steps off the apron and piledrives Kincaid with a piledriver off the apron through the table. The fans starts to chant "ECW! ECW! ECW!", Enforcer gets up and is about to go into the cover when Badd Boy comes running down to the ring and then nails Enforcer in the back with a chair. Enforcer stumbles around in pain and Badd Boy goes for a full nelson, but Enforcer is able to elbow out of it and then Enforcer tries to get away. But Badd Boy follows him into the back, while this is happening Twilight goes for the cover on Kincaid who is in the wreckage of the table and gets the 1.....................2................3]

*The backstage camera goes on with the Rock down bleeding a bit from the fore head. The camera goes into full view of Jarred standing over Rock with a chair. Jarred rubs the chair with Rock's blood and then leaves knowing that another member of Rock's stable would be there soon*

JR-Seems like everything finally caught up with the Rock

King-Aw...don't worry JR, he won't let Demon Job get away with that.

[Jarred's theme then hits as fans begin to loud very loudly, Jarred does his normal entrance routine as he steps inside the ring and leans against the ropes with a very layed back attitude.]

JR: Seems to me that Jarred isn't taking this match seriously.

[Messiah's theme then hits as he is very fast to get to the ring to brawl with Jarred. Tim White the referee is quick to step infront of the two men as Messiah talk a little bit of trash to each other. Then all of a sudden "Snap your finger, Snap your neck" then hits as Jarred turns his attention away from Messiah and glares at Primetime who just has a smile on his face. Primetime circles the ring as he takes a seat at King's and JR's table. Primetime throws his headset on as he just waves and smiles at Jarred. Jarred points at Primetime warning him not to get involved. Messiah then walks over and spins Jarred around as he points to himself telling Jarred he best worry bout him.]

JR: Messiah is telling Jarred, that Primetime should be the least of his worries right now.

[Tim White signals for the bell beginning this contest as Jarred and Messiah slowly walk from their corners. Jarred and Messiah face off for a moment before locking up. They struggle back and forth, and Jarred eventually gains the advantage. Jarred whips Messiah into a corner and quickly follows. Jarred rushes into the corner with a series of right hands which has Messiah almost fly out of the ring, Jarred backs up and goes for a clothesline as Messiah ducks. Jarred hits the turnbuckle hard and stumbles back. Messiah hits Jarred with a quick drop kick knocking him to the mat. Jarred gets back to his feet and the two men face off]

JR: Quick start by both men..

[Messiah and Jarred stand nose to nose, exchanging words. After a moment Messiah slaps Jarred right across the face. Jarred rubs his cheek and turns back to face Messiah. Jarred then slaps Messiah hard on the face, and Messiah stumbles back a step. Messiah turns with an angry look on his face and throws a punch at Jarred. Jarred blocks the punch and slaps Messiah again. Messiah is now even more worked up than before. Messiah lunges at Jarred with a big roundhouse punch, but Jarred ducks under it. As Messiah turns back to face Jarred he is met with another slap. Jarred is grinning, and the audience seems to love this exchange, but Messiah has now become enraged by Jarred's actions. Messiah charges at Jarred spearing him, and sending him hard to the mat. Messiah quickly unloads with a series of punches on the down Jarred. Jarred tries to guard, but can't. Messiah finally gets to his feet satisfied with his work. Jarred stumbles up to his feet with a bloodied nose]

JR: Jarred picked a bad strategy there. He just literally kept slapping Primetime till he snapped.

Primetime: Damn call it the way you see it, Jarred's getting his ass kicked...And by a rookie. hahaha, how is he gonna beat me when he getting his nose busted open by a rook!

Ross: King... You have said a word this whole match. Mind doing your job and calling the match.

King: Alright... Messiah just punched Jarred a couple times, nose is busted... THERE!

[Messiah and Jarred lock up. Jarred gets an advantage and shoot Messiah into the ropes. Messiah bounces back towards Jarred, who swings a quick clothesline. Messiah ducks it and keeps running. Jarred quickly turns, ready for Messiah's second attempt. Messiah hits the ropes and Jarred leaps up with a hurricane DDT. Jarred and Messiah quickly get up as Messiah hits a quick toe hold. Messiah pulls Jarred up only to bodyslam him right back to the mat. Messiah quickly climbs to the second turnbuckle in the nearest corner and leaps off hitting Jarred with a big leg drop]

Ross: Nice series there by these two. Both of these men are showcasing there in ring ability here instead of letting it turn into a brawl.

Primetime: Technical ability? Jarred has that?...hmmmmmm

[Messiah pulls Jarred up and begins to unload on him with a series of rights and lefts. Jarred stumbles back against the ropes, catching himself on them for support. Messiah charges at Jarred with a clothesline, Jarred drops down, pulling the top rope with him, and Messiah tumbles to the outside. Jarred slides to the outside as TIm White starts his count (1...). Messiah gets to his feet and he and Jarred begin to exchange blows (2...). Jarred gets the upperhand and whips Messiah towards the ring steps. Messiah hits the steps hard and flips over them, dislodging the top set of steps (3...). Jarred wearily walks over and picks up Messiah, Jarred rolls Messiah back into the ring (4...). Jarred then grabs the dislodged portion of the ring steps and tosses them in, before rolling in himself]

King: Alright! Things are gonna get interesting! Ring steps have so many uses!

[Jarred stomps Messiah before pulling him to his feet. Jarred leads Messiah over to the steps and walks up onto the top step. Jarred then pulls Messiah up onto the bottom step and begins to hook him for a suplex. Jarred then lifts Primetime into the air for a suplex and hold him vertical. Jarred is standing on the top step of the ring steps as he holds Primetime high in the air. Jarred then turns Messiah in the air and drops him into the Jackhammer off the steps and hard onto the mat. Jarred hooks the leg as Tim White goes for the count (1...2...KICKOUT!)]

Ross: Jackhammer off the ring steps!

King: Messiah shoulda just stayed down and finished this snooze fest off.

Ross: This has been a first rate match so far, and if you would keep your head in the match you would know that!

[The arena lights the turn off as the sounds of organs then hit, "IS COOKIN'" Then blast throughout the arena as out walks The Rock. Rock walks down the ramp strolling very slowly. Jarred looks at Primetime and Messiah both making sure they aren't charging him. Rock just stares at Jarred as Jarred follows The Rock who is walking around the ring. Rock then takes his seat beside Primetime at the announce table.]

Primetime: Hey glad you can join us, man you been missing some funny shit...Jarred is getting his ass beat by a rookie.

[A frustrated Jarred pulls Messiah up. Jarred whips Messiah into the corner and follows closely behind him. Jarred leaps into the air with a clothesline, but Messiah moves out of the corner just in time. Jarred stumbles out of the corner and Messiah grabs him in a headlock. Messiah then drives Jarred's face into the mat with a Sit-down Bulldog. Messiah rolls Jarred over and makes a quick cover. Tim White slides into position and makes the count (1...2...KICKOUT!)]

JR: You can tell Messiah wants this win in a bad way!

The Rock: Look at that monkey's ass, there ya go just lay there holding your nose. [mocking voice] My nose is bleeding [/mocking] And this man is our CEO of this company. The man has absolute no intelligence, take his brain put it in a bird's...ZING! Flyes backwards.

[Primetime and Rock laugh a bit as Jr tries to get a word of them but, cant.]

[Messiah slowly picks up the body of Jarred, as Jarred out of no where hits a Rock Bottom. Jarred then stands whipping some blood off his nose and laughing at Rock.]

The Rock: No that sum bitch didn't!...

[Jarred postions him for the Legendary End as all of a sudden Wes' theme then hits. Jarred then notices Wes on top of the stages as Jarred and the ref near the ropes as the ref has seen enough of this and is telling Wes to get back. Jarred still has his back turned as Messiah is slowly getting to.]

Primetime: Time to end this!

[Primetime dashes for the ring as Jarred is slowly turning around, Primetime hits a kick to the gut and a Primetime Plunge which sends Jarred on his neck. Primetime quickly dashes out the ring. Messiah then begins to get to as he falls back on the ropes, the referee then turns back around as Wes just leaves as the ref asked. Messiah then picks Jarred up quickly and then hits Holy Revelation. Messiah then quickly hooks the leg. {1...2...3!!}]

The Rock: Patheic Jarred, patheic....[Rock tosses down his headset.]

[Rock and Primetime celebrate on stage as Jarred still lies down in the ring.]

*The camera goes backstage and moves towards the CEO office and goes in to see that it's totally trashed. The camera then focuses on CEO Jarred's desk where a vase of flowers are on the desk with a tag on them. The camera zooms in to the tag that reads

"To: Jarred
From: The new VP of the EMF"

The backstage camera fades away back into the arena

JR-Seems that Prez Mike already hired a new VP

King-Great since he trashed CEO jobbers office were going to have to listen it for the next week....I'm begining to wish Raptor didn't injure Wasabi.

"Steelharts theme" blasts on the PA system as Steelhart walks to the ring

King-Didn't this match happen already?

JR-Yeah it's the third match of the series

King-Oh great you mean I have to sit through another Dirty D/Steelhart match

"Dirty D's theme" blasts on the PA system as Dirty D walks to the ring

King-Someone has to tell Dirty D that kidnapping of girlfriends are normal around the EMF, seems to happen all the time

JR-.....sad thing is he's telling the truth

[Steelhart and then Dirty D don't wait for Barbedwire Chris, Steelhart and Dirty D pace around the ring a little bit and then Dirty D takes his eyes off of Steelhart for a few seconds and then Dirty D comes charging into the corner and then hits a few hard fists and then follows it up with a few knee lifts into the gut. Steelhart then takes Dirty D out of the corner and then whips Dirty D to the ropes Dirty D bounces off the ropes. Steelhart then charges and then hits a running diving clothesline on Dirty D that takes him down. Steelhart gets up and then waits until Dirty D to get up. Dirty D stumbles up and then Steelhart then picks up Dirty D and then sets him up over his shoulder and then charges. But Dirty D is able to slide out the back by hooking his feet on the turnbuckle. Dirty D sits on the top turnbuckle as Steelhart sees this and charges back in the corner. Dirty D leaves his foot up and then Steelhart goes crashing. Steelhart stumbles back and then Dirty D stands on the second rope and then nails him with front missile drop kick on Steelhart. Steelhart stumbles up and then gets nailed with a few hard punches by Dirty D that backs Steelhart to the ropes. Dirty D then whips Steelhart to the ropes and then Steelhart bounces off the ropes, Steelhart leaps in the air and then goes for a cross body block. But Dirty D is able to catch Steelhart, Dirty D then takes Steelhart over with a fall away slam. Dirty D then goes into the cover and then gets a 1.............2............kick out. Dirty D pulls Steelhart up and then nails a few hard fists to Steelhart face and then gets and then nails him with a few stomps on Steelhart. Steelhart crawls over to the ropes and then Dirty D then starts to choke Steelhart with the ropes and then throws Steelhart to the outside. Dirty D then turns around and gets hit with a hard chair shot by Barbedwire Chris. Chris goes into the cover and then goes into the cover and then gets a 1.............2..............Dirty D puts his foot on the ropes to break up the cover. Chris then puts the chair near the corner and then pulls up Steelhart and then leads him into the corner, Chris then goes to the second turnbuckle and then sets him up for a tornado DDT on the chair. But Steelhart is able to push Chris off, Chris stumbles out to about the middle of the ring. Chris then charges at Steelhart and then Steelhart counters with a drop toe hold into the steel chair.]

JR-Good counter by Steelhart

King-You know the way this match started it almost seemed normal...like someone was wrestling for another match...what the hell was Chris doing until he appeared

JR-picking his spot I believe...

[Dirty D climbs to the top rope as Steelhart is on his knee's trying to recover from the beating he been given. Dirty D leaps off the top rope and then hits a flying leg drop on Steelhart. Dirty D turns around Steelhart and goes into the cover and then gets a 1...............2............Chris then weakly dives and then breaks up the count. Dirty D pulls up Steelhart and then hits a few hard punches that makes him reel the ropes and then whips him off the ropes, Steelhart bounces off the ropes and then Dirty D nails him with a spinning heel kick that sends Steelhart. Dirty D then rolls out of the ring and then looks under the ring and then pulls out a table from under the ring and then slides it into the ring and then sets it in the corner and then goes to the other side of the ring and then takes off the padding off the top turnbuckle and then Dirty D pulls up Steelhart, Dirty D then hits a few chops and fists till Steelhart has his back on the table and then Dirty D sets up Steelhart and then tries to whip him to the opposite side of the ring. But Steelhart reverses the whip and sends Dirty D crashing back first into the turnbuckle. Dirty D shoots out of the corner and then Steelhart hits a one man flap jack on Dirty D that sends Dirty D flying into the table that was set up in the corner. The fans chant holy shit as Steelhart goes for the cover and gets a 1..........2...........Chris comes and breaks up the count and then Chris throws Steelhart to the outside and then Chris then takes a chair and then hits it against the mat and then waits for Dirty D to pull himself from the table. Dirty D stumbles out of the wreckage. Dirty D stumbles around and then turns around to Chris, Chris goes for a chair shoot but Dirty D ducks the chair. Dirty D waits for Chris to reload with the chair and then kicks it back in Chris's face with a super kick. Dirty D then goes to his knee's to recover from moves with such as going through the table. Dirty D then goes to ropes and then waits for Steelhart to get back to his feet. Steelhart stumble to his feet and then Dirty sling shots himself over the top rope and then nails him with a flying cross body over the top rope and both wrestlers are down. Dirty D is able to pull himself up and then he pulls Steelhart up and then rolls him into the ring and then climbs up on the apron and then looks around to the crowd and then takes his time to climb to the top rope. But before he can do anything, Steelhart charges the turnbuckle and quickly runs up it and then hits a quick super belly to belly suplex on Dirty D. Steelhart then crawls into the cover as fast as he can (which is right now pretty slowed) and gets into the cover and gets a 1...................2...........kick out]

JR-It may be over here!

King-almost...but I bet it won't be

[Dirty D stumbles up near the ropes, Steelhart charges to knock him over the top rope with a clotheline, but Dirty D counters with a back body drop over the top rope. Steelhart goes crashing into the floor, Barbedwire Chris stumbles up and Dirty D quickly hits the rebal stand on Chris on a chair and then Dirty D goes into the cover and gets a 1................2............3 before Steelhart can break the move]

(eeeeeerrrr very close, just so you know this was one of the matches that was hard to call.)

King-god I know we had a one month curse on the world title...now we have a one week curse on the extreme title.

[Dirty D grabs the extreme title and gets out of the ring side area as Shockwave fades away]