EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo shows on the screen as we go into the Shockwave video, it ends we go into the darken arena as fireworks blasts on the stage. They stop and the lights turn on as fans wave their signs and yell at the top of their voice. Some of the signs read "X-Factor", "Don't remove Chyna's jacket", and "AAAAAHH, Kris #1 fan"

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along side Jerry "The King" Lawler and Kris "KG" Gaffney. What a show we have for you tonight.

King-Headline by the ongoing feud between Revolution and their former stablemate Devin Malis

Kris Gaffney-Also…Chyna tries to gain revenge again, and still fail.

("Who I am" blasts on the PA system as Chyna walks to the ring, and steps into the ring.)

King-This is Kris is favorite diva.

Kris Gaffney-The hell it is.

JR-I think Cena is really trying hard to put over Natasha as a credible wrestler, it would work better if she could execute half of the moves she attempted better.

("All About the Money" blasts on the PA system as Natasha Jones walks to the ring along side John Cena.)

JR-Even though Chyna does not have a great record, you have got to wonder what he's thinking. She might not win, but Chyna is still strong as hell.

King-What better way to prove that she's worth the title!

Kris Gaffney-Just whatever you do, DO NOT! I repeat…DO NOT…remove the jacket

[Natasha Jones runs into the ring and tries to do some sort of move, but it looks like she hit a brick wall hitting Chyna and she falls flat on her back. Natasha doesn't know what to think of this, she gets up and then hits a few fists to the face. But they seem not to be doing any anything, at some point Chyna grabs Natasha's fist and starts to crush her hand and then hits a head butt that takes down Natasha down, maybe even out. (she's not really out, just really dazed) Chyna goes into t cover, and gets the 1………….2…..whether Natasha would have kicked out or not we will never know, because Chyna pulls her up. Chyna pulls Natasha Jones by the hair and hits a few stomps into the gut, and then she whips Natasha Jones to the other side of the ring and Natasha Jones bounces out of the corner and Chyna hits a big back body drop that sends Natasha flying through the air and crashing down on the mat. Natasha Jones is down on the mat, Chyna puts her boot on her throat and starts to choke Natasha until the ref counts to 4. Chyna lets go, and pulls Natasha up, and then picks her up and puts her into a bear hug and starts to sqeeze the lift out of her, the ref asks her if she wants to give it up. Natasha Jones looks to be fading, but not wanting it to be over. Chyna drives Natasha Jones into the turnbuckle and she hits a few shoulder blocks into the corner. Chyna whips Natasha Jones into the other side of the ring and does her cart wheel, double back flip elbow into the corner. Natasha Jones stumbles out of the corner, Chyna whips Nat to the ropes. Natasha with whatever she has left bounces off, and launches her body in the air for desperation cross body block. But Chyna ducks it easy, and she instead gets the ref. Natasha stumbles up, Chyna sneaks up and goes for a low blow!]

JR-Oh geez…

King-How many times has Chyna tried that?

Kris Gaffney-Too many…and it never worked. Why doesn't he look at Cena's match with Amy Jericho....and that's legal!

JR-Don't give Chyna any idea's….or Natasha will be flat as a board by the time this match is over.

[Chyna tries to low blow her again, but it doesn't work. Natasha Jones looks weirded out, and gets kicked in the gut and lifted up for a power bomb. But before she can be driven into the mat John Cena comes into the ring, and chop blocks Chyna's legs from under her and Natasha Jones falls safely to the ground. John Cena slides out of the ring and then grabs a chair and slides it into the ring. Chyna is in pain, John Cena tries to get Natasha to come around. Luckily she wasn't very unconscious, just trying to recover from everything she's gotten, Cena gives her the chair and says something. Natasha takes the chair and measures up. Natasha Jones hits a chair shot to the leg that Cena clipped from behind. John Cena takes the chair from Natasha as the ref is getting back to his feet as he slides out of the ring. Natasha Jones goes int thecover, and gets the 1……………..2……….Natasha gets thrown off the cover, she looks like she doesn't know what to do. Cena shouts instructions and Natasha Jones hits a low drop kick into the weaken leg of Chyna, being that it's been weakened, it has an effect. Chyna goes down to one knee. Natasha hits a few stomps on the leg of Chyna. Natasha Jones takes Chyna's leg, and is able to drag Chyna to the ropes and puts her leg on the bottom rope and Natasha jumps on the second rope and jumps off and hits a elbow drop (easy enough). It's effective though, as it weakens Chyna even more, and Natasha hits a few stomps on the downed Chyna's leg. Natasha Jones drags Chyna to the middle of the ring, still seemly having troubles. She tries to hook a figure four, but looks like she is having trouble on exactly how it's hooked, just know it's a good hold for a leg injury. Before she can even try much, Chyna pushes Natasha off, and she goes into the ref knocking him down. Although not quite out like last time, just enough to stun him.]

JR-The ref is stunned….again.

King-That ref probably is getting sick of being attacked.

Kris Gaffney-I know I would….*King and Kris attack JR randomly*

[Natasha Jones gets up, and runs at Chyna who goes for a clothesline. She ducks under it and goes to the ropes, and leaps in the air for a body press that's caught by Chyna. Before Chyna can do anything John Cena trips up Chyna. Nat falls on top of Chyna as the ref is ready to count as John Cena holds downthe foot of Chyna (which means she can't kick out for whatever reason…worked for others, right? It's the best ending I can think of without Cena coming into the ring and F-Uing Chyna) 1……………2……………3]

King-Nat's still undefeated.

JR-Once again if it wasn't for Cena, I doubt she would be living had Chyna really got her hands on her

(Cena gets Nat out of there quickly as the EMF tron lights up with the image of the Attitude Vice President's office. Suddenly Randy Orton walks into the room without knocking and says.)

.::Randy Orton::.-You know, you would be well served to acknowledge me, when greatness walks into the room.

Torrie Wilson- What do you want **Torrie looks up bothered by his presence**

.::Randy Orton::.-You know, why exactly are you in this position anyways as Attitude Vice President. I mean, isn't it against the law to fake your own death? But then again, when were talking about an idea that came from a closet homosexual, no talent, piece of crap. I guess that gives you the sympathy factor, so I could see why Tony gave you this job.

Torrie Wilson- At least I wasn't dishonorably discharged from the marines!

.::Randy Orton::.-What can I say, they knew I was too great for the Marine core, but god knows Torrie....the fact is, the reason why everyone thinks your dead is because of crap like him. Those god damn backstabbing pieces you hear about backstage, and you know that for a fact. So while you sit here and look pretty in your chair, you can go and watch Randy Orton show the world why he's the real staff member in the Attitude group.

Torrie Wilson-too great for the Marine core more like you don't know how to follow simple directions and go MIA for 82 days... besides mr. orton **gets up in his face** if anyone here likes to sit back and look pretty its you.

.::Randy Orton::.-Surprised you can count that high Torrie, but it doesn't matter. The simple fact is that if that didn't happen, maybe I wouldn't have lived out my destiny. My destiny in the ring, being the Legend Killer. It's something that I should have known all along, after all...I am a third generation superstar, and now. It's my time to make sure that the Attitude name is never forgotten, that's right. Just as I saw the Other World do...I'm going to be the one, along with the great Tony Ikeda are going to make sure the TAW name is never forgotten. Just remember Torrie, babe, your just here for the ride.

Torrie Wilson-Besides mr. orton **gets up in his face** if anyone here likes to sit back and look pretty its you!

.::Randy Orton::.-That's rich coming from a blonde, we all know what they say about your inteligence, and we all know when it comes to leading...well...you crumble too...easy.

Torrie Wilson-OoOoOo the legend killer im so scared! What you lured out a bunch of retired wrestlers and spit on them and "RKO'ed" them or wait you needed your daddy's interference to kill the legend of taker PLEASE! And being a daddy's boy I guess you would follow in your old man's footsteps and be nothing more than someone greater than yourself's lackey...

.::Randy Orton::.-Oh trust me, I don't need my father, or anyone else. If it was up to me, I would be the Vice President. I wouldn't say President, because I do have respect for Tony. But really, you are just as useful as Amy Jericho in her office. She sits around on her ass, look at papers, and try to seem important, when they know that it's people like me who are doing all the work. I mean you want to talk about retired people. I'm the single reason that guy with a horrible name won't show his face, it's the single reason why he's now the world record holder for sucking men...not a closet homo? I doubt it Torrie, I don't that seriously. Your here in a real company now, a company I've been displaying my greatness for years. I am the reason that people can't lock their doors at night, because they think the mighty Karate Master might break down their doors, and beat the crap out of them, that's right I was the one who made him realize that. It's only further evidence of my greatness

Torrie Wilson-If you're so great than why was I handpicked by Tony? Little old insignificant me, picked to be vice president over the GREAT Randy Orton? Now I know you can't be insulting the badd boy's intelligence by saying that he chose the wrong person. Oh are we used to having passive little blonde bimbos fall to their knees around you, cause baby then we're going to have a big problem **she looks him up and down, bringing her left index finger to her lips**

.::Randy Orton::.-Oh please, who was talking about that. Of course that's what in your mind, and I wouldn't blame you. All the girls want Randy Orton, it's just a matter of who's worth my time, and let me tell you, if I wanted you, you would be on your knees. By no means would I insult Tony, but I'm here to tell you...that you should know your place, a place that is lower than mine, because I'm Randy Orton and I deserve a lot more respect than our token female.

Torrie Wilson-heeehee if you wanted me.. who says that even if you wanted all of this ** runs a hand down her body ** that you could handle it... thats right little girls all want Randy Orton... but can you handle a woman?

.::Randy Orton::.-You think I haven't had a real woman before Torrie? Once again, your minds in the gutter again. I know you want me. But I was saying if I wanted you, it would be that easy. But no one said you are worth the time of the legend killer, I'm in here to remind you of your place. Because that's a thing that Amy Jericho had to learn the hard way. So I would stay out of the way, unless you want to get hurt just like her.

Torrie Wilson-Oooo we both know you want me, or else you wouldn't care if I got hurt. Besides I know my place, and thats as Vice President of Attitude Mr. Commisioner... So you can eye my job all you want, but you're not getting it. Its like I'm not that easily scared... my old job, before my alleged "death" I was threatened by a psycho or two and they didn't scare me and either do you.

.::Randy Orton::.-...oh right, that's exactly what I meant. You keep thinking that....wishing that Torrie...maybe one day it might come true, but probably not. But hey, I won't stop you from doing what women all around the world do. As far as your job goes, by all means...keep it, all you need to know is not get in my way. This isn't exactly the type of threatening you are used to, where the only storyline is every wrestler in the company plays "plant the lips on the owners ass". These people are serious here, this will be nothing like you are use to, let me promise you that. That in all seriousness, I can tell you for a fact!

Torrie Wilson-oOo sweetie don't talk like you even have the slightest clue as to what happened in my past, because lets face it you think you know me and apparently to you, I'm nothing more than just another woman, and in your narrowminded neanderthal view woman are beneath men, or rather beneath you. So RANDY, I advice you to **puts on a plastic Ms Americaish smile** back off and stay out of my way. For I'm not just another token female, I'm here to do what's best for Attitude, and if you dont like it, then too badd

.::Randy Orton::.-Oh, I don't think, I know! But as far as your job, by all means...do what you can, maybe you can make my job just a little more easier. Although I see...I think I understand how you got here. I mean it's so obvious...I should have seen it before. Because we all know who else use to take Tony's catch phrase. So let me ask you, is it the same...you get fame for lying on your back? If I do say so myself, your at least a better choice than the last chick that was doing that.

Torrie Wilson-Ooo you think that little of me, that I need to sleep my way into this job, just because the WWE made me do that stupid storyline that I had to seduce Vince during the whole invasion thing doesnt mean that I actually did it. I do have some integrity, and I'm going to tell you this once. So listen carefully, if you EVER and I mean EVER insinuate a comparison between myself and that two bit whore than you'll be lying on your back on the way to a HOSPITAL after I'm done with you, got it?

.::Randy Orton::.-Hey, I didn't say it, you did. I was just call it as I see it, did I hit a nerve. God knows I would if I was being compared to that if I were you either. I haven't even got into your WWE stuff. Just because whether you think so or not, I'm just being a nice guy about it. But I could change that easy, I mean there is a lot to work with there...isn't there.

*Orton grins a cocky grin*

Torrie Wilson-**stares down at him** I admit I paid my dues there, doing many things that I would not do in my normal life, but that was ACTING, was it acting when you pooped it that bag back then too?

(Orton laughs, and smirks)

.::Randy Orton::.-That was all in good fun, and putting a few stuck up diva's in their place. All apart of the business, if you don't believe me, why don't you ask Sable. But was I acting, no...and who's to say I wouldn't do it again, so I wouldn't be mouthing off to me Torrie...or if not...the maybe you should keep your bag close?

Torrie Wilson-**Torrie raises her eyebrow** Or maybe I should just keep my eye on your ass

.::Randy Orton::.-Exactly..just as I knew you would. Now if you excuse me, I got more important things to do.

(Orton gets out of there quickly so that he has the final word.)

("Tori's theme" blasts on the PA system as Tori walks to the ring, and slides into the ring.)

King-Here comes my nomination for Mom of the year.

JR-Well regardless, Tori is an experience competitor and won't be easy to defeat.

Kris Gaffney-Think she'll go for the title, so that the Pond's can be double champions?

King-Who knows…our women's champion is a cleaning lady after all.

("Mickie" blasts on the PA system as Mickie skips to the ring, and does her usual entrance.)

JR-She might not seem it now…but Mickie can be a little unbalanced.

King-And a stalker

Kris Gaffney-I think you are thinking of another person

King-Am I?

("Rylee's theme" blasts on the PA system as Rylee walks to the ring, and slides into the ring waits for the bell to ring.)

JR-Rylee is a very talented competitor

King-Yeah, just a matter of working off that rust.

Christian-Think I have a chance?

Kris Gaffney-Probably not…

Christian-DAMN IT!!

[Tori, Rylee and Mickie James pace around the ring and then they figure out what they are going to do with this situation Tori and Rylee suddenly start to team up on Mickie James. Hammering away at Mickie James, beating her down and throws her to the outside. Tori comes from behind and hits a clubbing blow to the back of the head and stumbles back Rylee. Tori turns around and hits a few fists to the face and whips Rylee to the ropes, but it's reversed by Rylee. Tori goes to the ropes and she hits a back elbow to the face. Tori goes down to the mat, Mickie James is getting on the apron. Tori swings at Mickie James. Mickie James ducks under, and hooks Tori, Rylee tries to punch Tori, but Tori ducks under and she hits Mickie James instead. She goes flying into the barricade and smashes into it face first and Rylee shrugs her shoulders at the mis-cue. But Tori is able to come from behind Rylee and goes for a school boy and gets a 1……2………kick out by Tori. Rylee and Tori go off in different directions. They get up at the same time, Rylee charges at Tori and goes for a running clothesline. But's ducked under by Tori who takes Rylee by the hair and snapmares her and puts her in the sitting position. Tori hits a low drop kick to the back of Tori and goes into the cover and gets a 1…………..2……..kick out by Rylee. Rylee goes into the corner, and Tori hits a few fists to the face of Rylee and whips her into the corner and she crashes into the corner. Rylee stumbles out of the corner and Tori picks up Rylee and drops her for a side walk slam. She goes into the cover and gets a 1………..suddenly Mickie James grabs Tori's leg and pulls her out of the ring and gets hit with a few fists to the face Mickie James takes a Singapore Cane and hits Tori in the gut doubling her over and Mickie measures up and hits a cane shot to the back of Tori. Mickie James gets on the apron and Rylee tries to attack her. But she counters it by hitting a shoulder into the gut and climbs to the top rope. Mickie James measures up and leaps off the top rope and hits a cross body block on Rylee into a cover and gets a 1………….2……….kick out.]

King-That's not going to sit well with Mickie

Kris Gaffney-We might have to get those people in the white coats back for Mickie.

JR-Well, first she needs to focus if she wants a chance to win, that's the bottom line

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin-Did I ever tell you…I hate you?

[Mickie James hits a few stomps on the downed Rylee, Rylee tries to get up with the help of the ropes. Mickie James starts to choke her with the ropes and finally the ref makes her let go of the hold after the count of 4. Mickie James backs off as the ref warns her, and she says it's no DQ. So she doesn't care, to show this point she goes over to the corner and takes the second turnbuckle pad off. Rylee is getting up in the corner opposite of where Mickie is, Mickie runs into the corner and hits a running knee into the gut in the corner. Rylee is stunned, and Mickie James tries to whip her to the corner and does. She is about to crash into the steel, but she uses her foot to stop herself. Mickie James see's this and goes running into the corner where Rylee is for some sort of move that Rylee counters and Mickie James with a drop toe hold that sends Mickie James face first into the corner. She is able to block it a little bit with her hands, and she goes down to the mat and Rylee goes into the cover and gets the 1………………..2………..Mickie James gets the foot on the ropes to save the match for herself, and Tori. Rylee hits a few stomps on Mickie James who gets up in the corner and Rylee hits a few forearm shots to the face of Mickie James and does a hip toff out of the corner. Mickie James lands in a sitting position and Rylee hits a flipping snapmare. Rylee goes into the corner, and gets a 1………….2…….Tori pulls Rylee off the cover, and to the outside.]

JR-That was close, Rylee almost had the victory there

King-Victory! Where's be been?

[Tori throws Rylee into the steps and rolls into the ring, Mickkie James is getting up near the ropes. Tori charges at Mickie James, but Mickie is able to counter the move with a hot shot to the top rope. Tori bounces off, and stumbles around. Mickie James kicks her in the gut and goes for her DDT. But it's countered into the Tori Plex and she gets the 1…………2………..3 just before Rylee can break it up.]

JR-Mickie could have had this match, she just didn't hit that move in time

("Grindtime" blasts on the PA system as MxMxPunk walks to the ring along side Dustin Miller.)

King-You know…wikipedia says if someone is holding on to the ropes or having their foot under the rope…then a pin or hold has to be broken!

JR-Yes, but the ref also can't call what he can't see.

Kris Gaffney-Obviously he needs to get some new glasses.

("X-Factor's theme" blasts on the PA system as Dan Godwin walks to the ring, he slides into the ring and waits for the match to begin.)

JR-This is an impressive new comer, one in which a lot of people are buzzing about. But this is going to be one tough challenge against a wrestler who could be world champion in a few weeks.

King-He could.

Kris Gaffney-He might as well just leave the ring, but before he goes…he should sign the "get Elliot more time" petition that MxMxPunk has!

[MxMxPunk and X-Factor pace around the ring and then they lock up with in the center of the ring. They look for power advantage, like usual X-Factor is able to gain it over MxMxPunk and then he pushes him back, but MxMxPunk is able to slip out the back and then he hits a drop kick into the back of the leg of X-Factor. Dan Godwin (sorry, decided to change it up) stumbles forward and drops to one knee as MxMxPunk comes off the ropes and goes for a running clothesline. It's ducked under by Dan Godwin, MxMxPunk continues to the other side of the ring and then comes off the other of the ring. Dan Godwin turns around and MxMxPunk hits him with a flying forearm shot to the face, Dan Godwin goes down and gets up quickly as MxMxPunk backs to the ropes, and comes off the ropes, and hits a running clothesline that takes down Dan Godwin. Dan Godwin stumbles up a lot more slowly, and MxMxPunk kicks him in the gut and goes for a DDT. Dan Godwin spins out of it, and goes for a shortarm clothesline. It's ducked under by MxMxPunk who is behind Dan Godwin, and goes for a waist lock. But it's countered by Dan Godwin with a reverse drop toe hold. Dan Godwin falls on his face, MxMxPunk puts Dan Godwin in a side head lock and hold the pressure on the newcomer. The ref makes sure for whatever reason he wants to give it up, and he predictability refuses. Dan Godwin gets up and backs to the ropes and whips MxMxPunk off the hold. MxMxPunk goes to the ropes. Dan Godwin lowers his head for a back body drop. But it's countered by MxMxPunk grabbing his hair and driving him down to the mat. MxMxPunk hits a elbow, followed by another falling double axe handle to the face of Dan Godwin. MxMxPunk goes into the literal press, and gets the 1…………….2………Dan Godwin gets his shoulder up, MxMxPunk doesn't question it. He picks up Dan Godwin and lifts up and drops Dan Godwin over his knee for a back breaker. MxMxPunk gets up and thinks he has this match well in control, he picks up Dan Godwin and hits a body slam. MxMxPunk goes to the apron, and to the top rope. He leaps off the top rope for some sort of move, what…we'll never know, because Dan Godwin gets his boot up.]

JR-It's a good thing that Dan Godwin did that, because the match has been in favor of MxMxPunk

King-That's what X-Factor gets for being new…

Kris Gaffney-I don't know…he doesn't seem to like the color green.

[MxMxPunk falls to the mat, the ref starts his standing 10 count as both wrestlers are down on the mat. MxMxPunk is the first to get to his feet, and hits a knee to the gut to try to get the match under control. MxMxPunk thinks he has the match once again in control, he whips Dan Godwin to the ropes, and "the X-Factor" bounces off the ropes. MxMxPunk goes for a move, but it's quickly gotten out of, and X-Factor is behind MxMxPunk and pushes him to the ropes and goes for a roll up. But MxMxPunk hooks the ropes, and Dan Godwin does a reverse summesault into the middle of the ring. He gets up and charges at MxMxPunk, MxMxPunk side steps him and throws him over the top rope. But Dan Godwin lands on the apron. MxMxPunk turns around and gets hit with a hang man. MxMxPunk stumbles back and Dan Godwin comes into the ring and hits a running clothesline that knocks down MxMxPunk. MxMxPunk gets up slowly, and then gets knocked down by a fist. MxMxPunk gets up quickly, but is clearly dazed. Dan Godwin hits a few fists to the face of MxMxPunk and tries to whip him to the ropes, but it's reversed by MxMxPunk. Dan Godwin comes off the ropes. MxMxPunk lowers his head for a back body drop, but it's countered by Dan Godwin with a swinging neck breaker. Dan Godwin goes into the cover and gets the 1………….2………..kick out by MxMxPunk. MxMxPunk goes to the corner, and Dan Godwin showing no back off and hits a few fist to the gut and whips MxMxPunk to the ropes. Punk crashes into the corner, and shortly followed by Dan Godwin]

JR-Dan Godwin might be looking to put this one away

King-No way is the MVP going to lose to the "Hero"

Kris Gaffney-I don't see Jarred anywhere…

[Dan Godwin hits a running knee into the gut, MxMxPunk stumbles out of the corner and Dan Godwin kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. He calls for the end as he sets up for the eXecution. MxMxPunk is getting up, suddenly Muhammad Hassan jumps on the apron and says something. Dan Godwin goes for a fist, Hassan jumps off MxMxPunk comes from behind and rolls up Hassan and gets the tights out of the sight of the ref for the 1…………….2…………3]

JR-Hassan distracted Dan Godwin out of this match!

King-He has a right to stand there!

(OOC-I went out a limb and used Hassan to promote the next match, if there is a problem I'll remove it and sorry in advance. But I figured it also fit due to the closeness of this match. I forgot anything I said, please tell me too)

(other OOC-Extremely close, but from what me and my staff member see. Both were quality RP's in their own way. There were a few area's that we liked Punk slightly better, and my own personal gut feeling is this. So I'll get this done and over with. Sorry about the wait, good job to both RPers, both RP's were fun to read, and wasn't easy to pick)

("Mr. Kennedy" blasts on the PA system as Ken Kennedy walks to the ring, he has the extreme championship over his shoulder as he slides into the ring.)

JR-Ken Kennedy has been a long time extreme champion, but this match is not about the extreme championship

King-No, Kennedy still has a link to Revolution, and we all remember the things that happened with Devin Malis and Revolution months back.

Kris Gaffney-Why is it his fault? Didn't Kennedy stay back while they were turning on him?

King-Luckily AJ isn't around

*AJ bounces into the picture, but King swats him away and he goes flying off screen*

("Cold" blasts on the PA system as the crowd gives a mixed reaction.)

JR-If you didn't notice, the mixed reaction is due to Malis questionable tactics against Jackie Gayda.

King-Well, guess that serves Jackie right for hanging around Masters

("Masterpiece" blasts on the PA system as Chris Masters does his usual entrance.)

JR-You know, I really don't know what to think about this man. But at least he finally woke up about Cena.

King-Yeah, it's somewhat confusing!

[Ken Kennedy and Devin Malis face off in the middle of the ring, and talk some trash. Then they start to pace around the ring, and lock up Ken Kennedy is able to go behind Devin Malis into a waist lock, and does a take down into a front face lock. Devin Malis does a hammer lock. Devin Malis gets up to the feet, and looks for a way out of the hammer lock. Ken Kennedy starts to put on the pressure, but then it's reversed Devin Malis Ken Kennedy has to think of a move out of the same hammer lock that he had on Devin Malis. Ken Kennedy runs forward and ducks sending Devin Malis flying out of the ring. Ken Kennedy takes a few moments and then charges at Devin Malis who is getting up near the apron and knocks him down with a baseball slide that sends Ken Kennedy down to the mat, and then Ken Kennedy is on the apron, he waits for Devin Malis to get up to his feet and leaps off the apron. He nails a flying axe handle to the head of Devin Malis. Devin Malis falls down to the mat, and Ken Kennedy hits a few stomps on the downed Devin Malis and pulls up Devin Malis and throws him into the steps. Devin Malis is in pain. Ken Kennedy pulls up Devin Malis and tries to whip him to the steps and it's reversed by Devin Malis. Before Ken Kennedy goes into the steps is able to block the impact with his foot. Devin Malis see's this and tries to make sure he gets this match into his control. Devin Malis charges at Ken Kennedy, but it's countered with a drop toe hold that sends Devin Malis face first into the steps. Ken Kennedy takes a few moments, and pulls up Devin Malis and puts him on his shoulders and faces him towards the corner. Ken Kennedy charges with Devin Malis on his shoulder, but Malis is able to slide out the back and push Ken Kennedy into the ring post.]

JR-That might have bought Devin Malis sometime.

Chris Masters-I thought it would have been an improvement on Malis if he went head first one more time..

King-Your probably right…

[Ken Kennedy stumbles forward holding his shoulder, and Devin Malis ignoring his pain rolls in Ken Kennedy into the ring and takes a few moments to rest, and climbs to the apron and to the top rope. He waits for Ken Kennedy to go where he wants and leaps off of the top rope. Ken Kennedy is caught with a missile drop kick and Devin Malis goes into the cover and gets the 1……………..2………kick out. Devin Malis shakes his head that he didn't get the pin. Ken Kennedy gets up to his feet a bit dazed, Devin Malis hits a few fists to the face and then tries to whip Ken Kennedy off the ropes. But it's reversed by Devin Malis. Devin Malis comes off the ropes, seemly Ken Kennedy is still dazed. Because he catches him with a flying forearm shot to the face. Ken Kennedy goes down to the mat, and gets up, and charges at Devin Malis. Devin Malis takes him down with a flying forearm to the face ta and Ken Kennedy get up at th4e same time and Devin Malis hits an inverted atomic drop. Devin Malis stumbles a few steps back, and Ken Kennedy backs up to the ropes and runs and hits a running clothesline that knocks down Ken Kennedy. Ken Kennedy stumbles into the corner and Devin Malis starts a 10 punch combo 1……………….2………….3…………4………….5………..6……….7…………8………9………10. The ref makes Devin Malis backs off, and he goes back on the attack. He hits a few forearm shots to the face of Ken Kennedy and whips him to the other side of the ring. Ken Kennedy crashes into the corner. Devin Malis charges into the corner and leaps up and hits a monkey flip. The impact makes Ken Kennedy bounce off the mat, and Devin Malis measures up and waits. Ken Kennedy turns into where Devin Malis is waiting, Devin Malis kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a vertical suplex and drops him for a sit down face buster. Ken Kennedy on impact turns on his back.]

JR-Devin Malis could win it here.

Chris Masters-The hell he is..

*Masters leaves*

King-Yeah, I wish I could do that too

Kris Gaffney-But you can't!

King-You tried a few weeks back…after all.

[Before Devin Malis goes into the cover, Chris Masters jumps on the apron and distracts the ref. This makes Devin Malis turn his attention, the ref tries any fight between Masters and Malis to start. Suddenly Kennedy comes from behind, and goes for some sort of blow from behind. But Malis moves out of the way, Kennedy almost hits Masters, but he stops. Allowing Malis to come from behind and school boy Kennedy and gets the 1………..2……….3]

JR-What an upset!

(Malis holds up his hands in victory, and notices Masters in the ring. He looks like he's ready to fight, suddenly he's turned around and BAM! Hit with the execution by Dan "X-Factor" Godwin. There is a stare down between Masters and Godwin, but suddenly it turns into a smile and they shake hands as Shockwave goes off the air.)