EMF: Saturday Shockwave

(The EMF logo shows up on the screen and the Shockwave video starts, once it ends we go into the arena as pyro blasts on the stage. Fan scream their lungs out as the Shockwave theme plays, the lights turn on and the camera starts to search around the crowd and finally goes to JR and the King.)

JR-Welcome to Saturday Shockwave, I'm good ol' JR along with the King

King-aw damn it the EMF is getting filled with talent again....urge to bet money....so great

"Jade Knight theme" blasts on the PA system as Jade Knight walks to the ring

JR-This is a match behind two of the newest EMF superstars...

King-Newest, Assassin been here so many times he probably remembers who cut the first EMF promo (that was a wrestler named DMX by the way...)

"Assassin theme" blasts on the PA system and Assassin walks to the ring

King-hey wait a minute....he's a Assassin...which means he kills people. Hey he could be a Sniper! Shit maybe I'm marked!

*JR shakes his head*

[Knight and Assassin pace around the ring. Assassin stops in the corner, Knight charges in, but Assassin moves out of the way and lets Knight crash into the turnbuckle. Assassin hits a few knife edge chops in the corner and then brings out Knight and then whips him to the ropes. Knight bounces off the rope and Assassin hits a running back elbow that knocks Knight to the ground hard. Assassin then pulls up Knight by his arm and puts him into an arm bar. Assassin then hits a few short arm shoulder blocks into Knight. Assassin then pulls up Knight and twists his arm and then hits a elbow into the arm. This sends Knight down, Assassin pulls up Knight and then whips him to the ropes. Assassin charges and trys to hit a running knee lift into the gut of Knight, but flows over it and into a school boy. Assassin gets up and gets hit with a few fists. Knight whips Assassin to the ropes and hits a spinebuster, Knight gets up and runs to the ropes and hits a quick leg drop. Knight goes into the cover with no hook of the leg and gets a 1......2...kick out, Knight pulls up Assassin and then pulls up one of his legs. Knight then puts Assassin in a capture suplex and then hits it. Knight then goes over to the fallen Assassin and then puts on a arm extension. The ref asks Assassin if he wants to give it up, but Assassin refuses. Assassin gets up slowly and gets Knight rolled into a school by for a 1.....2...kick out and Knight holds on the arm extension. Assassin is able to inch over a few and is able to grab on to the ropes with his other hand the ref makes Knight break the arm extension. Knight drags Assassin out of the middle of the ring and then holds his arm in place and hits a few quick knee drop into the arm. Knight allows Assassin to get up and then puts him in a arm bar and then goes for a kick to the face. Assassin ducks the kick and is able to set up and hit a release germen suplex. Both wrestlers are down the ref uses his standing ten count 1......2......3.......4......5....both Assassin and Knight stumble to their feet. Knight still dazed from the germen suplex and Assassin from the attacks on his arm. Knight takes a wild swing, but Assassin blocks it and hits a knife edge chop. Knight fires one also, they go back and forth until Assassin hits a knee lift into the gut and then kicks Knight in the gut and hits a russian leg sweep]

King-good, I was starting to get a headache with that whoooo chant

JR-Assassin has gain control King

[Assassin puts Knight in a leg sissors as he is down and puts as much pressure in that as he can. Knight is able to escape and run to the ropes. Assassin gets up as Knight bounces off the ropes and uses Knight's momentum and throws him into the air. But Knight is able to land a hurricanarana on Assassin because of this. Assassin gets tossed and gets up a little stunned, Knight then drop kicks him and Assassin goes through the ropes. Knight goes to the outside and pulls up Assassin. Knight then hits a few fists to Assassin. Knight then whips Assassin to the barcade. Assassin stays there as Knight charges at Assassin, but Assassin counters with a back body drop over the barcade. Assassin goes down holding his back from the impact of the last move. Then Assassin gets up and pulls up Knight who can't really do anything. Assassin then hooks Knight up and then suplexs over the barcade to ring side once again. Knight slowly gets up by the apron and then Assassin rolls him into the ring and is able to beat the count before he can get counted out. Assassin takes his time to get up on the apron. Knight has already made it to his feet and stumbles towards Assassin. Knight goes for a fist, but Assassin ducks it and then hits a shoulder block into the gut of Knight that doubles over Knight, Assassin then uses the ropes and sling shots himself over and takes him down into a sunset flip and gets a 1.....2...kick out. Knight and Assassin go in oppsite directions after the kick out. Knight stumbles towards Assassin and Assassin hits a arm breaker. Assassin then goes for his finishing submission the crippler. But is unable to lock it in all the way as Knight is slowly able to shruggle from the hold being put on him. Assassin hits a few fists into the shoulder of Knight and goes for the crippler and is able to lock it on. But but by then Knight is too close to the ropes and simply grabs on the ropes and the ref calls for the break up.]

JR-Knight was lucky he was able to get to the ropes. He wouldn't survive that move.


[Assassin gets up and then puts Knight in place. Assassin goes for his trademark triple power. bomb (RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR) Assassin gets him up. But Knight is able to flip down behind Assassin. Assassin spins around and Knight kicks him into the gut and hits the nightmare. Knight goes into the cover, one of Assassin's arms is under the rope. But the ref doesn't see it and Knight gets the 1.......2......3]

King-Damn it Knight cheated!! I hate cheaters

JR-Badddddddddddddd angle King

JR - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Chris Benoit!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Chris Benoit comes to the ring. ]

JR - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Kiel Hardy!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Kiel Hardy walks to the ring. Charles Robinson is the referee for this contest. Chris Benoit executes a pumphandle suplex on Kiel Hardy. Kiel Hardy executes a pumphandle suplex on Chris Benoit. (ding, ding, ding) Chris Benoit connects with a flying knee. Kiel Hardy goes down. Chris Benoit rolls onto Kiel Hardy connecting with a knee. Kiel Hardy hits a tiger driver on Chris Benoit. ]

King - That tiger driver was very good.

[Kiel Hardy stands up. Chris Benoit gets hit with the shooting star press from Kiel Hardy. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 Chris Benoit kicks out. Chris Benoit climbs to his feet. Kiel Hardy puts the chicken wing on Chris Benoit. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Kiel Hardy breaks the hold. ]

JR - My God!! What a match!

[Kiel Hardy does a cartwheel and kicks Chris Benoit in the face. Chris Benoit gets back to his feet. Chris Benoit does a cartwheel and kicks Kiel Hardy in the face. Kiel Hardy catches Chris Benoit leg, but Chris Benoit reverses it with an enzuigiri to Kiel Hardy's head. Kiel Hardy climbs to his feet. Chris Benoit nails Kiel Hardy with a belly-to-back suplex. Kiel Hardy moves back to his feet. Kiel Hardy uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Chris Benoit is down. Chris Benoit gets locked into the headscissors submission by Kiel Hardy. Referee Charles Robinson is checking for a tap out. ... Chris Benoit trys to escape. ... ... Chris Benoit trys to escape. ... Kiel Hardy breaks the hold. Kiel Hardy lifts Chris Benoit into the air. Holds him and drops him to the mat. Kiel Hardy chants start. Kiel Hardy moves back to his feet. Chris Benoit gets up. Chris Benoit executes a headlock takedown. Kiel Hardy moves back to his feet. Flying Tomahawk by Chris Benoit sends Kiel Hardy down to the mat. Kiel Hardy stands up. Chris Benoit gets elbowed to his midsection by Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Kiel Hardy comes over and smashes Chris Benoit's head into it. Kiel Hardy hits Chris Benoit with the Asai moonsault bodyblock. Now Kiel Hardy standing. Chris Benoit gets back to his feet. Kiel Hardy pins Chris Benoit against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Kiel Hardy Choke Slams Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit looks to be out cold! makes the cover with a reverse cradle. Charles Robinson counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

JR - We've got ourselves a winner!

JR - The winner of this match, Kiel Hardy!!!

"nWo" blasts on the PA system as Dragon and Primetime walks to the ring

JR- You have got to wonder how Edge and Christian are going to get past this

King-Well Primetime is past his time and Dragon hasn't been in the ring in a while and one more...Edge and Christian are winners...not loser WINNERS *King pulls a Christian*

"You think you know me" blasts on the PA system as Edge and Christian walks to the ring

JR-Well there are no doubt that they are great tag team champion

King-Winners *DDP comes out of no where and makes King think more positive!*

[Edge goes for a few fists, but Dragon ducks the second one and waits for Edge to turn around and hits a few of his own. Edge stumbles back in pain. Dragon whips Edge off the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes and Dragon kicks Dragon in the gut and then runs to the ropes, he bounces off that side of the ropes and hits a swing neck breaker. Dragon pulls up Edge slowly up then hits one.....two...three short arm shoulder blocks into the shoulder of Edge. Edge stumbles around, Dragon runs to the ropes and bounces off and goes for a clothesline. But Edge is able to hit a powerslam. Both wrestlers are down, but Edge is able to get up as Dragon follows behind him. Edge hits a few fists into the face of Dragon, Dragon stumbles around Edge runs to the ropes and hits a running shoulder block. Dragon goes down to one knee, Edge waits for a moments and then runs to the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes as Dragon stumbles to his feet. Edge then hits a spinning heel kick to knock Dragon to the mat. Edge hits a few stomps as Dragon crawl away to the ropes. Edge pulls Dragon up and hits a few knife edge chops to Dragon. Dragon reels back and Edge goes for a whip on Dragon. But Dragon reverses it and Edge goes running to the ropes, Edge bounces off the ropes. Dragon lowers his head for a back body drop, but kicks him in the face. Dragon pops up, Edge goes for a clothesline. But Dragon ducks under and then hooks Edge up and hits a reverse vertical suplex. Dragon is able to get up and shake off all the punishment that Edge dished out. Edge is up by this time and charges at Dragon. But Dragon side steps out of the way and then throws Edge over the top rope as he is charging. Edge then goes crashing to the ground, Dragon tags in Primetime. Primetime runs to the ropes and Primetime then jumps over the top rope and into a flip that takes Edge down who had just finally gotten to his feet. Primetime slowly gets up and pulls up Edge with him. Primetime then rolls Edge into the ring, Primetime climbs to the top rope and waits for Edge to get up. Once Edge gets up Primetime leaps off and goes for a ax handle. But as Primetime is in flight, Edge jumps in the air and hits a drop kick to Primetime. Both wrestlers are down to the ground as both of their corners try to get a tag.]

JR-Both wrestlers need a tag

King-I got 20 bucks on both of them....anyway I can't lose!!

[Edge makes the tag to Christian who comes in as Primetime has stumbled to his feet. Christian hits a few fists to Primetime that stumble him. Christian trys to whip Primetime off the ropes. But Primetime reverses it and Christian goes to the ropes. Christian bounces off and hits a flying cross body block on Primetime, Christian doesn't go for the cover instead allows Primetime to get up. Primetime takes a wild swing at Christian who easily ducks it and sets up and hits a modified back breaker. Christian then goes into the cover and gets a 1......2....kick out. Christian puts a chin lock on Primetime, Primetime gets up and hits a few elbows into the gut and then backs to the ropes and whips Christian off of the chin lock. Christian bounces off the ropes and knocks Primetime down with a shoulder block. Primetime gets up dazed, Christian then takes Primetime down with a release arm drag take down. Primetime gets up and gets hit with a drop kick that sends Primetime flying backwards into the turnbuckle. Christian goes to the turnbuckle and then climbs up for a ten punch combo 1............2..........3..........4........5..........6.......7.......8......9.........10. Christian goes down and then whips Primetime to the oppsite side turnbuckle. Primetime then uses the corner to jump behind Christian and hook him to hit a reverse DDT. Primetime goes down and starts to crawl over to his corner, Christian dives to try to stop Primetime. But Primetime is able to tag in Matt Dragon, Dragon comes into the ring and knocks down Christian with a hard first. Edge comes into the ring and charges at Dragon. But Dragon knocks him down with a hard clothesline. Edge gets up only to get a super kick the jaw that sends him into the corner. Dragon then pulls up Edge and then whips him to the ropes. Edge bounces off the ropes and Matt Dragon hits a back body drop over the top rope to the arena floor on Edge. Matt Dragon goes for the cover on Christian and gets a 1.....2..kick out as the camera shows Edge weakly getting to his corner.]

Jim Ross - These competitors are giving it their all!

King - What a move!

*Christian runs towards Matt, Matt clotheslining Christian, Matt Dragon as stunned as Christian, .. but Christian stays on his feet .. stumbling backwards toward the turnbuckle, Edge taps Christian blindly, the referee motioning the tag in. Matt Dragon slowly comes to, standing near the middle of the ring.. Edge scales the top rope, Primetime standing in his corner yelling madly, Edge steadies himself, Matt coming too, Matt goes to knock Edge off the top turnbuckle, Edge diving off and spearing Matt mid-air! The crowd goes nuts, Matt's head bouncing off the canvas, Edge rolls Matt up, the referee sliding over for the count, one, suddenly Primetime moves to the center of the ring on the apron, two, Primetime grabs onto the top rope, pulling himself over and landing on Edge and Matt, breaking the count. The fans boo in anger, Christian jumping into the ring as well. Christian charges Primetime, Edge getting up. Christian grabs onto Primetime, flinging him towards the ropes, Edge steadies himself, Christian preparing for Primetime to come back. Matt comes too, kicking Christian in the gut from his position on the canvas, Primetime comes rushing back towards Christian, jumping over him and slamming him down on the canvas with a roll up, one, two, Edge sends a boot to the back of Primetime's head, breaking the count*

Jim Ross - Neither team can take advantage here!

King - I don't believe this!

*Edge grabs onto Primetime's head, guiding him to his feet, Edge whips Primetime into the ropes, Matt slowly coming to, Edge goes for a clothesline, Matt Dragon gets to his feet and runs into the ropes, bouncing off the ropes and heading toward Edge and Primetime, Primetime ducks the clothesline, noticing Matt and kicking Edge in the stomach, Matt reaches Edge, jumping in the air and grabbing his head, plowing it into the canvas, BREATH OF FIRE, BREATH OF FIRE! Matt rolls up Edge, Christian climbing to the top turnbuckle, Christian dives off the turnbuckle to interrupt the count, Primetime catching him with a dropkick to the jaw, the referee slides over, Matt being the legal man, making the count, one, two.... three!! Matt Dragon and Primetime have upset Edge and Christian and in the process have become Tag Team Champions!*

Jim Ross - The nWo has gold to it's name!

King - Good god!

*Matt Dragon rolls over in exhaustion, Primetime rolling out of the ring and grabbing the Tag Team Championship belts, tossing one over toward Matt. Primetime rolls into the ring and raises the belt in victory. The crowd boos as Chris Jericho, Tazz and Shawn Micheals appear from behind the curtains, walking down to the ring. Matt Dragon gets to his feet, tossing his belt onto Edge in anger. Shawn and Jericho slide under the bottom rope, Tazz jumping up onto the apron. Matt Dragon guides Edge to his feet, whipping him into the ropes, Matt ducks out of the way, Primetime seizing the opportunity, kicking Edge in the gut and hitting him with the Primetimer! The fans let out boos, Matt Dragon picking up Christian and tossing him into the turnbuckle. Jericho walks over toward Edge, putting him in the Walls of Jericho, the fans littering the ring with rubbish. Shawn climbs to the top turnbuckle, Matt sliding one of the tag championship belts over Edge's head, Shawn leaping off the top turnbuckle and coming down on Edge's head hard with a flying elbow. Shawn jumps into the air, nWo sign raised. Tazz walks over toward Matt Dragon, whose littering Christian with body shots in the corner of the ring .. Tazz speaks to Matt, Matt motioning toward Christian and smiling .. Tazz gives Christian a few body shots of his own, propping Christian up on the top turnbuckle.. Tazz grabs Christian in a bear hug, lifting him off the turnbuckle and suplexing him to the matt! The nWo has sent a message to the wWo!*

Jim Ross - Leave them alone, damn nWo!

King - Oh my god .. this is awesome! nWo's carnage!

*Matt Dragon and Primetime raise the Tag belts in the middle of the ring, Shawn, Jericho and Tazz all raising the nWo signs as the capacity crowd goes crazy with boos, the nWo theme music hitting the PA System and the EMF going to commercial*

(OOC-It was a good job by both, eeeeerrr tough choice either way. So good job to both teams with their RP's!)

Wasabi comes out to the ring to a new theme…. As “Crawling in the Dark” by Hoobastank blasts over the PA system, and a huge blast from his new Pyro, from a machine labeled “Mr. Pyro”

Wasabi snatches the mike of Howard Finkle and yells “MINE” in a really childish way.

Wasabi: Yeah, I know… Hoobastank. You’re thinking, what with their wak infinity symbol, German bier name, and that crazy 360 revolving guitarist, but I really, really love the song. Almost as much as I hate Jake Jeckyl. But if you don’t like it, get your own damn theme!!!! Jake is going down tonight- Because I hate him… I hate him so very much. With a passion. But onto other matters. I’m out here for a reason. Edge, Christian- You wrecked my girlfriend. And you pissed me off. So, fine, leave the wWo. But Rachel… You crossed the line. I’m out here to announce something for her… She is quitting wrestling, she’s had enough. She is sick of Ashlee, she’s sick of wrestling. So, she’s back to being my manager, and she’s off the roster. And she’ll give the title, to the first person that wants it. So, if you want the womens title, come get it!

Wasabi places the title in the ring, and sits down at the announce table, as “Paradise Pier, area music” plays over the PA system, as AN ARKIE runs to the ring, commando style. He grabs the title, commando style, and runs to the back, sneakily, commando style, as his music plays, commando style. Wasabi gets back in the ring…

Wasabi: Right- Now bring it on Jake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Jeckyl's theme" blasts on the PA system as Jake Jeckyl walks to the ring

*King starts to juggle and then stops that knocks out JR*

King-un...you didn't see anything

[Wasabi and Jeckyl pace around the ring, Jeckyl charges in. But Wasabi is able to hit a hard kick into the gut of Jeckyl. Jeckyl doubles over, Wasabi pulls him up and hits a fist into the face of Jeckyl. Jeckyl goes down. Wasabi hits a few stomps into the gut of Jeckyl who is trying to get up. Jeckyl uses to the ropes to get up, but as he does Wasabi grabs Jeckyl's legs as he holds on to the second rope. Wasabi then pulls Jeckyl off and Jeckyl goes face first into the mat. Wasabi waits for Jeckyl get up, Jeckyl then gets up. Wasabi trys for a short arm clothesline. But Jeckyl ducks it and Jeckyl is able to hit a release germen suplex on Wasabi. Jeckyl is hurt, but is able to get back up. Wasabi gets up as well stumbling around, Jeckyl is able hit a few forearms to the head of Wasabi and then follows it up with a whip to the ropes. Wasabi bounces off the ropes and then gets taken down by a front spinebuster. Jeckyl gets up fast and then picks up Wasabi and kicks him in the gut and then runs to the ropes and hits the spinning neck breaker on Wasabi. Jeckyl goes for the cover and gets a 1......2...kick out. Wasabi gets up and charges at Wasabi and Jeckyl hits a arm drag take down. Wasabi gets up and charges at him, Jeckyl then takes him down for a arm drag take down into a arm bar. Wasabi looks for a way out, Wasabi gets up. Jeckly twists his arm once again and then yanks Wasabi down. Wasabi quickly nips up and then backs Jeckyl to the ropes and then whips Jeckyl off the ropes out of the arm bar. Wasabi goes for a clothesline, but Jeckyl ducks it. Jeckyl bounces off the other side of the ring and then Wasabi is able to catch Jeckyl and hits a tilerwhirl back breaker on Jeckyl. Wasabi holds Jeckyl on his knee strentching his back. The ref asks if he wants to give it up. But Jeckyl refuses to give up, after a while Jeckyl is able to get back up somehow (even though Wasabi is pushing his chin down. Jeckyl then grabs Wasabi's arm and hits a hard kick, Jeckyl gets up and falls to the ropes as he is very hurt from the last few moves.]

JR-Jeckyl just bought himself some time

King-He's running!!

[ Wasabi gets up and charges at Jeckyl who is by the ropes. Jeckyl then side steps and throws Wasabi in the air and hangs him on the top rope. Jeckyl backs up and waits Wasabi to turn around. Jeckyl then hits a clothesline and knocks him down. Jeckyl then hits a elbow drop and then gets a 1.....2...kick out. Jeckyl then takes Wasabi and then whips him hard to the turnbuckle. Wasabi stumbles out of the corner, Jeckyl then takes Wasabi down with a double leg sweep. Jeckyl then points Wasabi in the right direction and hits a caltpualt. Wasabi hits the top turnbuckle face first and then stumbles out of the corner. Jeckyl picks up Wasabi and body slams him, Jeckyl then takes Wasabi and turns Jeckyl over with a boston crab. Wasabi screams in pain, the ref asks Wasabi if he wants to give it up. But Wasabi refuses. Wasabi trys to bridge up to flip Jeckyl over. But he can't enough to reverse the hold, Jeckyl then puts as much pressure as he can. Wasabi bridges up once again and then slowly starts to make his way towards the ropes. Wasabi is almost there, Wasabi then at a last attempt is able to grab the ropes as the ref tells Jeckyl to break the hold. The ref counts to 5 and Jeckyl breaks the hold. Jeckyl pulls Wasabi to the middle of the ring and then drops a knee drop on Wasabi back. Jeckyl then pulls up Wasabi and hits the knife edge chop. Jeckyl then trys to whip Wasabi off the ropes. But Jeckyl reverses the whip, Jeckyl bounces off the ropes. Jeckyl and Wasabi then knocks each other down with a double clothesline. The ref then starts his standing 10 count 1............2.........3........4.......5.........6......7, Jeckyl and Wasabi get up at about the same time. Jeckyl goes for a fist. But Wasabi blocks it up and hits a few hard fists, then Jeckyl then backs up. Wasabi then whips Jeckyl to the ropes. Jeckyl bounces off the ropes and gets taken down by a powerslam right into a pin for the 1......2....kick out]

JR-long three count

King-god if this match goes any longer, I'm going to go to sleep. Don't bother waking me up for the rest of the show...

JR-Actually this is the last match


[Wasabi waits as the stumbled Jeckyl gets up and then runs to the ropes and hits a one armed face crusher. Wasabi climbs to the top rope and hits the hang time and into the cover for the 1.....2.....3]

JR-Wasabi has defeated Jeckyl


(Wasabi holds up the World title as Shockwave goes off the air)