EMF: Saturday Shockwave

[Shockwave opens with the usual pyro and theme as cameras go through crazy Cleveland crowd as they are ready for the action tonight. Cameras then go to Jim Ross and "The King" Jerry Lawler.]

JR: Welcome fans to Shockwave, and we have 3 big matches set for tonight! Also we just got word about a hour ago of the reason of X-Cold coming here tonight and that is to sign a contract for a match at Dark Horizon with The Rock!

King: Ohh and you best believe that The Rock is ready!

JR: Rock maybe ready but, can he survive through a match with the EMF Legend, X-Cold?..I Think not King!

King: I guess will see right here tonight want we!

JR: We will..We will...And if you shut your mouth I am hearing one of the men are entering the building as we speak!

[A truck then rolls up and parks into a parking space, as out walks X-Cold. Cleveland fans absolutely errupt as they see what could be EMF's biggest superstar for the first time in months. X-Cold walks in the parking lot heading for the entrance way, talking to some of the crew he has gotten to know through the years.]

JR: And theres the man himself, and I hope when that cocky, arrogant, son of a bitch, The Rock gets here that X-Cold rips in to him.

King: Woah! Easy JR...EASY!

‘Degenerate’s theme’ hits the PA system as the Television Champion himself walks out from behind the curtain. He jumps into the ring

JR: And what an opening match we have for you this evening, folks, as Degenerate defends the Television Championship against the one and only

The lights go down, as ‘Shady Shane’s theme’ plays. Shady Shane walks out.

JR: Shady Shane.

King: Oh great, I can’t wait. This should be thrilling! *pulls out Awake Goggles and falls asleep*

Shady jumps into the ring, as the referee calls for the bell. Shady Shane immediately runs at Degenerate, getting the cheap shot first off. He knocks Degenerate down into the corner, and starts stomping away at him. Eventually the ref pulls shane out of the corner, and forces him to let Degenerate go. Degenerate stands up and gives Shane the crotch chop. They start circling each other, and they lock up. Degenerate changes it into a front headlock, but Shane pushes him into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but Degenerate ducks and gives Shane a dropkick in the back

JR: Good moves by both of these quick men

King: zzzz…. Primetime is a god… zzzzz… you love primetime….

Degenerate picks up Shane by the hair, and goes for the suplex. Just as he’s about to pick him up, Shane reverses it into a DDT! Degenerate goes down hard, as Shane stands back up. He kicks Degenerate a coupe of times, then picks Degenerate up by the hair. Shane slams Degenerate’s head into the turnbuckle, and Degenerate falls down in pain. Shane laughs, and looks at him. Shane starts climbing the turnbuckle as Degenerate is lying on the ground. He jumps off, going for the crossbody, but Degenerate rolls out of the way!

JR: Looks like Degenerate still has some fight left in him!

King: zzzz… no! No, please sir, don’t make me watch another Badd Boy promo! No!!!!! zzzz….

JR: Are you really asleep.

King: I’m not going to dignify that with a response…. Oh, crap.

Degenerate jumps to his feet, as Shane rolls around in pain. Degenerate gives him a kick while he’s down on the ground, and salutes to the crowd, as he picks Shane up by the hair. Degenerate puts him in a front face lock,  and goes for the pumphandle slam, smashing Shane down to the ground!

JR: Oh, it’s over!

Degenerate goes for the pin.


Kick out!

JR: So close!

Degenerate looks pissed off at that, so he picks shane up by the hair again. But shane gives him an eye rake, and Degenerate falls to the ground, screaming. Shane starts kicking him, and goes for the half boston crab while Degenerate is on the ground…

The referee checks for the tap…

Degenerate crawls to the ropes!!! The ref breaks the hold, as Shane yells at him. Shane corners the referee, but Degenerate sneaks up behind him, and rolls him into a small package!!!


Degenerate wins it!!!

JR: That was a close one, both compeditors gave it their all!

King: Are we done with this match then?

JR: Yes.


[3 stretch escalades then pull up, as the camera then zooms on the front of the white escalade as the tag in front reads "PieMan". The 2 black escalades empty out as a army of security guards get out.]

JR: My God! Is it necessary to have all that security...But, then again if I had X-Cold after me, I would get as much security as possible too.

King: JR, you heard The Rock...He aint scared of nobody, that includes X-Cold!

[The army of security guards swarm the white escalade as you can even barely even see it, you then hear the backdoor open as cameras cant even get a glimpse of The Rock. The door then shuts back as Security begin to walk forward guarding Rock as they then enter the building.]

JR: Yeah, The Rock aint scared alright but he has so much security you cant even see him you just see a wall of security guards. Now you tell me King he aint scared...

King: Rock maybe scared but, I know for a fact he aint scared of X-Cold...He's probably scared of all these ugly freaks in Cleveland.

JR: Well I will prove my point when he steps in the ring with X-Cold for that contract signing.

(EMF goes to adds and comes back)

[A man carrying a briefcase is then shown as he then stops at a locker room door with the name "Raptor" on it. The man then knocks on the door as Raptor opens up and gives the man a strange look as he dont know who the hell he is.]

Raptor: Who the hell are you?...

Man: Are you Raptor?

Raptor: [Points at locker room door.] Can you read?

Man: Yes sir, I can...I was told to drop this briefcase off to you.

Raptor: Well stop flapping your gums and had me the damn thing.

[Raptor rips the briefcase out of the man's hand as he looks at the briefcase and then notices the man with his hand extend asking for a tip. Raptor just gives him a go to hell look and then spits his gum into his hand.]

Raptor: Heres a tip beat it before I beat your ass...

[Raptor then pie-faces the delivery man as he sits the briefcase on a storage box outside in the hallway and begins to unlock it, Raptor then opens it up revealing quite a bit of money inside the briefcase and a small white letter. Raptor then reads the letter and laughs a bit as he throws the letter back into the briefcase of money and closes it up. Teddy Long is then seen walking through the same hallway as he then sees Raptor getting a very afraid look on his face.]

Teddy Long: I know playa..I know...I am just gonna save you the trouble.

[Teddy Long then tosses himself through the wall as Raptor just shakes his head a bit and walks off briefcase in hand.]

“Capital Punishment” blasts on the PA system as Punisher walks to the ring

JR-Punisher has been a solid world champion

King-wonder how he’s done it…..*listening to Puns music* Punisher is a god…..I like Punisher….I DO!

“Steelhart theme” blasts on the PA system as Steelhart walks to the ring

JR-If Steelhart could win this match, it would help his career

King-I don’t think anything can help Steelhart’s career….it’s been screwed ever since he ran into Counterfeit

[Steelhart and Punisher lock up, Punisher puts Steelhart into a hammer lock from the lock up and then puts Steelhart into a side head lock. Punisher tightens the hold and then Steelhart looks for a way out of the hold and then Steelhart slowly fights out of the hold with a top wrist look. Steelhart has Punisher in a bit of pain and then Steelhart takes his leg and then knocks Punisher to the mat. Steelhart then puts on a arm bar, the ref asks Punisher if he wants to give it up. But he refuses, Punisher then makes his way to his feet and then looks for a way out of this hold. Punisher then starts hitting Steelhart in the gut with a few punches breaking the hold and then Punisher follows it up with a few more punches to the face of Steelhart that stumbles Steelhart to the ropes. Punisher then tries to whip Steelhart to the ropes, but Steelhart reverses the whip and sends Punisher to the ropes. Steelhart is a bit stunned from the punches and stumbles around as Punisher bounces off the ropes and then leaps high in the air and hits a flying clothesline. Punisher gets up ready as Steelhart stumbles up and then Punisher kicks Steelhart into the gut and then nails a DDT. Punisher then goes to the ropes and measures up Steelhart and then nails a big leg drop and goes into the cover and gets a 1……………….2………….kick out, Punisher pulls up Steelhart and then nails a few hard knife edge chops to Steelhart, Steelhart stumbles back and then Steelhart stumbles back to the ropes and then Punisher whips Steelhart to the ropes, Steelhart bounces off the ropes. Then Punisher lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop and then sends Steelhart flying through the air, but Steelhart is able to land on his feet and then charges at the ropes and jumps on the ropes and spring boards into a cross body block. Punisher then turns around at the last second and then is able to catches Steelhart in mid air as he goes for the cross body block. Then Punisher walks into the middle of the ring and then sets up and then nails a fall way slam on Steelhart. Steelhart is hurt and then crawls into the corner, Punisher measures him up as Steelhart pulls himself up using the ropes and then Punisher charges at Steelhart and nails a clothesline in the corner, Punisher then backs up and lets Steelhart stumble out of the corner only to push him back into the corner with little effort and then hits a few knife edge chops and then puts Steelhart up on to the top rope Punisher then yells some stuff at the crowd and then climbs to the top rope. Punisher then wastes too much time in hooking Steelhart, Punisher then goes for a super plex. But in mid air Steelhar blocks it into a pin and gets a 1………………2………..kick out]

JR-Punisher does not want to be upsetted here

King-Yeah Steelhart doesn’t want to go home to an angry dog….I mean wife

[Steelhart stumbles up to his feet as well does Punisher, Punisher trying to get the upper hand throws a few wild punches that land on Steelhart. Steelhart stumbles back and then Punisher whips Steelhart off the ropes, Steelhart bounces off the ropes. Punisher lowers his head and then goes for a back body drop. But Steelhart kicks Punisher in the face to make Punisher stand up, Punisher charges at Steelhart blindly which is easily countered with a front fall through spine buster. Both Punisher and Steelhart are down, but Steelhart who is starting to recover from the beating and slowly gets up using the ropes to get up. Around this time Punisher has stumbled up as well stunned, Punisher goes over to Steelhart who is playing like he’s still more hurt then he really is and goes for a punch, but it’s blocked and returned by Steelhart. Then followed with a few hard punches, Steelhart then kicks Punisher into the gut and then picks Punisher up to his shoulders. Steelhart goes to the middle of the ring and then nails Pun with a Death Valley Driver. Steelhart then climbs into the cover and gets a 1………………….2…………kick out.]

JR-Almost three

King-……..tell them something they don’t know JR!

[Steelhart then goes to the top rope and then measures up Punisher, Punisher stumbles to his feet. Steelhart waits for the right time and leaps off the top rope, Punisher is able to hit a fist into the gut that stuns Steelhart, enough so Punisher can put Steelhart on his shoulders. But Steelhart struggles and then some how turns it into a small package and gets the quick 1………………2…………….3]


King-ahhhhh SHUT UP JR…

Finkel:"Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the nights main event! The match is scheduled for one fall, with television time remaining, and is to be contested under hardcore rules. Now, introducing first....he is accompanied to the ring by Lizzie Borden, and he is the reigning EMF Extreme Champion......Barbedwire Chris!"

{"Chris' Music" starts to play, causing the fans to go into a frenzy of boos. Lizzie and Chris step out from behind the curtain and walk to the edge of the stage, stopping as Chris throws his arms up into his trademark cross stance, his kendo stick in one hand and the Extreme Title in the other. A bottle of water comes flying from the crowd as Chris and Lizzie start towards the ring, nailing Chris in the temple and causing him to stop a moment and smile just before rolling intot he ring and posing with Lizzie again...}

Finkel:"And now introducing his opponent. He hails form Greensboro, North Carolina, weigning in at 290 pounds........"Demon Chylde" Jarred Carthallion!!!"

{"Ahna-Nathrak Ahna-Khunt Ahna-Khed" is heard throughout the arena as ICP's "Echo Side" begins to play. The lights in the arena go out and the stage explodes into flames and as the flames die, Jarred steps out onto the stage, a pure look of evil glowing in his eyes as he quickly walks across the stage, shedding his trench coat, and running to the ring. Jarred slides into the ring, but before he can get to his feet, Chris begins attacking him with the Kendo stick, leaving Jarred's back bright red and instantly welted and bruised. After several moments of this, Chris finally stands back and allows Jarred to get to his feet. Jarred slowly gets up, using the ropes to steady himself, but as soon as he turns around, Chris nails him in the head with the Kendo stick, shattering it and sending Jarred back to the mat in a bloody heap....}

J.R:"Well ladies and gentlemen, last week Jarred issued a challenge to Punisher, and told Chris that he would get his. But so far, Jarred has been the one on the receiving end of the punishment."

King:"Jarred is already laying in the ring bleeding and we're not even five minutes into this match. Jarred may have actually bitten off more than he can chew this time!"

{Chris smiles down at the bloodied Jarred, as he tosses the broken Kendo stick out of the ring. Chris drops down and covers Jarred, hooking his near leg, thinking he's ended this already. Referee Charles Robinson drops into position to make the count......1....2.....Jarred drapes his free leg over the bottom rope just in time to stop the count. Chris sits up on his knees in disbelief of what just happened. He holds his hand up showing the ref three fingers and threatening him if he don't count faster. Chris then delivers a few punches to the bloodied forehead of Jarred before finally standing up and pulling Jarred up with him. chris backs Jarred intot he ropes and then whips him across the ring. As Jarred bounces back from the far side ropes, Chris takes to the air and delivers a well executed drop kick that catches Jarred square in the sternum. Jarred lands hard on the canvas, clutching his chest in pain as Chris stands back up and gloats the crowd and yells something down to Lizzie. Chris walks over and bends down, grabbing Jarred by the hair, slowly starting to pull him up. But as Jarred gets to his knees, he quickly raises his arm up between Chris' legs, low blowing him, and causing Chris to let go of his hair. But before Chris can do anything in response, Jarred grabs him by the waist, holding him up, as he delivers two more shots to Chris' groin.}

J.R:"Well Jarred has finally gotten in a bit of offense here, and in this match those low blows are perfectly legal King."

King:"Thats right J.R! Jarred just used the great equalizer!"

{Chris falls to the mat holding himself in pain as Jarred slowly stands up, falling back into the ropes as he tries to gather himself. Jarred wipes the blood from his face and eyes and then begins to relentlessly stomp Chris all over the body, drawing blood from his mouth and nose as his foot lands squarely on Chris' face. Chris clutches his face in pain as Jarred bends over and pulls him to his feet, only to back him into the nearest corner. Jarred grabs Chris by the chin and gets nose to nose with him, screaming something into his face. He then delivers a hard knee to Chris gut just before he picks him up and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Jarred steps up onto the top turnbuckle with Chris and maneuvers himself around behind Chris. Jarred drapes a leg over the back of Chris' head, and then jumps off the top rope, driving Chris face first into the ring mat with a Fame-Asser off the top rope. Jarred quickly rolls Chris over and overs him, hooking the far leg as Charles Robinson gets into position to make the count.....1....2.......Chris kicks out just in time to stop the count. Jarred gets up, pulling Chris up with him and delivering a few chops to Chris' chest as he backs him into the ropes. Jarred begins to viciously assault Chris, punching and kicking him all over his body, until he finally falls to his knees. But when he does, Jarred pulls him back up, draping his arms over the top rope, and then pulling the middle rope up over them, tieing Chris up in the ropes.}

J.R:"Jarred has turne this match around in the last few moments, and now has Chris tied up in the ropes, helpless and defenseless."

King:"Shut up Captain Obvious! I can't concetrate on Lizzie's hardcore puppies!"

{Jarred slaps Chris across the face a few times and then rolls outside the ring. Jarred walks over to the time keeper's table and throws the time keeper out of his chair, folding the chair up and sliding back in the ring with it. Jarred slowly walks over to where Chris is tied up in the ropes and stands there taunting him as he raises the chair over his head and brings it crashing down into the top of Chris skull. Jarred laughs as Chris sits there helpless and he begins to beat Chris senseless with the chair cracking him in the head and body with it over and over again, hitting him a dozen times or better, and only stopping when the chair was too dented and bent to use anymore. Jarred tosses the bloodied and dented chair out of the ring and pulls Chris out of the ropes, allowing him to fall to the mat. Jarred spits on Chris as he bends over to pick him up, but as he does, Lizzie hurries around the ring and pulls a baggy out of the front of her shirt. She quickly dumps its contents out in her hand and then throws the substance into Jarred's eyes.....}

J.R:"Lizzie just threw a white substance into Jarred's eyes, causing him to fall back onto the mat. I don't know what that is that she just used on him, but whatever it was it may have just save Chris' life."

King:"You talk too damn much J.R! Can't you ever let me drool over a woman in peace!"

{Lizzie reaches into the ring and begins to shake Chris, traying to get him to stand up. Mean while, Jarred has fallen to the mat and is rolling around, rubbing his eyes, trying to get whatever it was that she threw into this face out of them. Finally, Chris reaches up and grabs the ropes, and begins to slowly pull himself to his feet. Lizzie climbs up on the ring apron, and grabs Chris under the arms, helping him to his feet. Chris finally reaches his feet, and when he does he looks over at Jarred and charges at him, dropping to the mat and delivering a baseball slide that knocks Jarred out of the ring to the floor. Chris rolls outside to the floor and pulls the blinded Jarred to his feet, and whips him into the ring barrier chest first. Jarred bounces back in pain, and Chris grabs him, dropping him to the floor with a reverse DDT. Chris stands back up and grabs Jarred by the hair, pulling him back to his feet and then whipping him into the ring post shoulder first. Jarred bounces off the ring post, and right back to Chris who grabs him by his hair and tights and throws him head first into the ring steps. Jarred hits the steps hard, knocking the top layer away from the ring. Chris picks Jarred up and rolls him back in the ring. Chris then kneels down and raises the ring skirting up, grabbing a table and pulling it from under the ring. Chris picks the table up and pushes it in the ring. Chris rolls back into the ring and stomps Jarred a few times. Chris turns around and grabs the table, standing it up on one end and pulling the legs out on it and then setting it up. But Chris takes a little too long to do this and Jarred crawls up behind him and once again low blows him. Jarred stands up and tosses the table over the top rope to the floor below. As the table lands on the outside of the ring, Chris gets back to his feet and begins towards Jarred, but Jarred turns around and lays Chris out with a masive Super Kick.}

J.R:"Dear God! Jarred nearly decapitated Chris with that super kick King!"

King:"Too bad he didn't, because then Lizzie would be single, and then I could move in on her!"

{Jarred takes advantage of the fact that he has knocked Chris back to the mat, and he quickly goes for the cover. Charles Robinson falls to the mat to make the count....1....2...Chris throws his shoulder up right after the two count. Frustrated, Jarred gets up and grabs the ref by the throat, backing him into a corner and screamig at him. Chris slowly gets to his feet, reaching into his tights and pulling out a pair of spike brass knuckles. He makes his way up behind Jarred, and spins him around, nailing him with the spiked knuckles as he turns to face him. Chris drops to his knees beside Jarred and begins to brutally pummel him with the spiked brass knuckles, cutting Jarred even deeper than he already was. Chris finally stops and pulls Jarred to his feet and signals that its all over. Chris bends Jarred over, getting him into position to be picked up for the Brainbuster. But Chris takes his own sweet time, and when he picks Jarred up, Jarred floats over behind Chris. Jarred spins Chris around and viciosly kicks him in the stomach, doubling him over and allowing Jarred to tuck Chris' head between his knees. Jarred then picks Chris up and delivers a devestating Soul Reaver! Jarred rolls over and hooks both of Chris' legs for the pin as Charles Robinson makes the count....1.....2......3!!!!!}

J.R:"I can't believe it! Jarred has somehow managed to come back and win this match. I don't know what was wrong with Chris, but he did it to himself by taking too long to execute those moves tonight!"

King:"Oh, poor Lizzie has to get that ring with bloodied Chris. I wish she get in the bed with me instead."

{Jarred rolls out of the ring and slowly begins to make his way towards the back as LIzzie rolls in the ring and begins to check on Chris. But suddenly somebody slides the table from earlier back into the ring, and when the camera pans up to see who it is, Angelus is seen sliding into the ring behind Lizzie. Angelus grabs Lizzie by the back of her hair and tosses her over the top rope to the floor. Angelus then turns around and sets the table up in the middle of the ring. Once the table is standing again, Angelus turns back around and pulls Chris to his feet, rolling him onto the table, and then climbing up on it with him. Angelus pulls Chris to his feet and turns him so that his back his facing him. Angelus then bends him over backwards and picks him up onto his shoulder, putting him into position for a reverse Razor's Edge, and then driving him face first through the table with the "Slain". Angelus stands up and smiles down at the bloodied and broken Chris. He walks over to the corner and picks up the Extreme Championship, which LIzzie had brought into the ring, and he then walks back over to Chris, holding the title in his righ hand, as he assumed a crucifix stance over Chris's broken body, mocking him as Shockwave goes to a commercial

JR: Here it is, its time for the contract signing for the match at Dark Horizon, X-Cold vs The Rock!

["Crush em'" from Megadeth is then heard as everyone in the arena then stands to their feet for the arrival of X-Cold. Fans begin to chant "X-Cold" as out steps X-Cold from the curtains, X-Cold stops at the top of the ramp and looks at the Cleveland crowd as they are going crazy.]

King: Wow he looks great since the last time we saw em, I mean that mullet it just wasnt working.

JR: It’s been years since we have seen this man in a EMF ring, but I dont think any of our EMF fans have forgot about him!

King: Oh just wait till the ovation The Rock will get from these morons. They will blow the roof of this place when The Great One comes out!

[X-Cold slowly steps in the ring as a desk sits in the middle of the ring. X-Cold then goes to climb his ropes as then salutes the Cleveland crowd. Organs the drown out X-Cold's theme song as the regular video is then played for The Rock, Rock's theme then kicks in as no one comes out for a bit with X-Cold pacing back and forth in the ring like a lion. Out from the curtain then steps Gillberg dressed as The Rock with the regular leather vest and leather pants, along with a huge bull belt buckle, and terrible looking drawn on tatoos like the Rock's. X-Cold looks at Gillberg as if to say what the hell you doing here. Gillberg then takes a mic out from his pocket.]

King: WOAH! Rock has really fell off the wagon!

Gillberg: I'm really sorry to dissapoint you X-Cold. But, I hate to regret you that The Rock couldn't bring himself down enough to make his way here in Cleveland. [Crowd Boos] No, you see X-Cold...Rock is a HUGE movie star, and currently he is on location of his next GREAT movie! But, dont get all sad Cleveland because I give you VIA satelite the people's champion!, The Great One!, THE ROCK!!!

[Rock is then shown sitting in the back of his escalade, as a couple girls sit in the back with him. Rock is shown flirting with a couple girls as he then notices the camera.]

Rock: Oh shit, we on...Why dont you tell me next Jabroni besides sitting there playing with yourself and gawking at The Rock. Look at you looking at the people's strudle and the people's jewels damn have some self-control you sick freak! Your not a pie man are you, you more into the strudle?

[Camera man shakes the camera "no" as Rock stares at the man.]

Rock: Try to focus man, and dont be pointing that camera at The Rock's personal of areas cause they get hot baby... Ain't that right BABY?! [points to a girl inside the stretch escalade as she just rubs on Rock's chest.] Now, on to things..X-Cold, is your monkey ass having a good time their in that shit hole known as Cleveland haha. Seriously man, Seriously...I'm sorry I couldnt make it tonight but, as that piece of trash Gillberg said The Rock is currently out at the next site of Rock's next big movie. But, you see thats the life of a big star like The Rock, something you have no idea of X-Cold, because you see you are beneath The Rock, you are just a nobody, a nothin... You see The Rock would love to be their in Cleveland, no not to be in Cleveland with those jackasses, no I would love to be there to slap the taste right out of your non-talented ass! So after 3 weeks you finally work up the balls to come face The Rock, and it just so happens when The Rock can't be there...Yeah, you got alot of class, alot of class and its all low.

JR: Rock knew damn well that X-Cold was gonna be here!

Rock: But, you know The Rock aint gonna get all mad. No, you see The Rock thought he do some to cheer himself up since he couldn't be there to whip that lil' ass all over Cleveland. So The Rock thought of a helluva idea, he thought he go see one of his old WWE buddies. But, you see there is only one of Rock's WWE buddies that live around here in Arizona, X-Cold. You have any idea of who The Rock is talking about? HMMM Does your little short yellow bus riding ass know who The Rock is talking about?

[X-Cold is standing their getting furious as you see him mouth "son of a bitch".]

Rock: Well if you are like some of those morons there in Cleveland, The Rock is talking about one Miss Stephanie McMahon-Walker

JR: He wouldn't?!

King: Oh he would! He would!

[Rock then steps out of his stretch escalade as the camera man then steps out with him.]

Rock: Get a good shot of that house there, [Rock points to a house as the camera man zooms in on the house] Look familiar to ya X-Cold? Wonder if Stephanie and the kids are home?..Well why wait lets go check it out!

[Rock walks forward towards the house as X-Cold is running his hands through his hair getting really pissed. Rock then knocks on the door as Stephanie then opens up the door, noticing its the Rock she quickly tries to slam the door but, Rock then puts his foot inside the door as Rock forces himself inside of X-Cold's and Steph's house.]

Rock: Ahh Steph, is that anyway to treat of friend of the family?!

Steph: You just got one thing wrong Rock, you never was a friend!

Rock: The Rock is shocked, The Rock comes here to say hello and he gets nothing but disrespect! You know fans never did get a real look at the real X-Cold and Stephanie's house. So why dont we do that right now. shall we?

Steph: Rock, I want you to get the hell out of my house!

Rock: All in due time baby, all in due time...Wow, check this out some of X-Cold's stuff from his wrestling days. Got the World heavyweight title hanging up, some nice pictures of some of his greatest matches..Like he had any great matches! The only great match involving him will be when The Rock whips his candyass! Oh man, check this out a trophy for best wrestler of EMF...Says who?! [Rock launches the trophy straight at the ground as it breaks in several pieces.]

Steph: I am gonna tell you again Rock..GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!

Rock: You know what Steph, know you role shut your mouth, take all your little bitching and shove it up your skank ass!

[Rock then breaks the glass of where the belt is at and then straps it around his waist.]

Rock: Check The Rock out, damn The Rock looks good...This belt looks 10 times better around The Rock's waist instead of that piece of trash, X-Cold. Wait, you know The Rock knows what the fans what to see and thats where all the magic happens, or maybe its where all the STDs happen. Yes, the spot where 2 of the absolute most ugliest creatures ever were created... yes, The Rock is talking about X-Cold and Steph's 2 snot nose kids...

[Rock heads for the bedroom as Steph is trying to grab Rock's arm trying to restrain him as Rock just over powers Steph.]

Rock: Ohh..Here we are, a place very familiar to all the boys of the EMF, eh Steph?!

Steph: Rock, I am warning you...I'm gonna call the cops!

Rock: [In his mocking voice] I'm gonna call the cops [/mocking voice] Steph, just sit your ass down or in your case The Rock guesses lay your skank ass down since thats what your used to and enjoy the show baby, cause Rock entertains like no other right X-Cold?

[X-Cold is going insane in the ring as he just stands looking at the EMF tron wondering whats gonna happen next. Rock then opens up a drawer.]

Rock: Oh look at this...We gonna need the gloves!

[Camera man tosses the gloves to The Rock, as Rock then slips them on.]

Rock: Can't risk in getting any of those funny looking red bumps, huh Steph?!

[Rock pulls out a teddy and throws it at Steph, as Steph then tries to slap Rock but, Rock grabs her hand.]

Rock: Hows it feel Steph? Hows it feel to know in a couple weeks you may have to pick out a casket for your husband after he goes ONE!...ON!...ONE!..With THE GRRREAT ONE?!

Steph: No how does it feel Rock, to know that this time you bit off more then you can chew.

Rock: haha..Funny..Real Funny! But, not as funny as the look on your face after what The Rock does to your husband!

Steph: You know what, I think I have a phone call to make...

Rock: Ok..Ok..Rock can sense when he aint wanted.

Steph: You was never wanted Rock! So get the hell out!...

[Rock walks for the front door as Steph follows Rock out the door.]

Rock: Oh yeah Steph..Just one more thing..

[Rock tosses up Steph's arm as he gives her a Rock Bottom right in the floor as Rock quickly springs up laughing. X-Cold's son, Steve walks in as he screams "Mom". Steve the runs for his mom as he then turns around and kicks Rock right in his shin.]

Rock: Why you lil piece of shit...

[Rock then picks the kid up and stuffs him closet as he props a door up to it, trapping the young kid.]

Rock: You like that X-Cold? Does The Rock got your attention now? Yeah, The Rock thought that would get your attention...You want The Rock at Dark Horizon, well you got The Rock at Dark Horizon...And at Dark Horizon X-Cold, The Rock will show you why there is only one true superstar, only one true Great One!..And that is the jabroni beatin, [tongue thing] pie eatin, Elbow dropping, Heart stopping, locked, clocked, eyebrow cocked...People's Champ..The Rock! So that leaves The Rock with only one thing to say..Can you feel the chill?...No wait, that aint it that damn well aint it...This is it...IF YA SMELLALALAOWWW...WHAT THE ROCK...IS COOKIN!

[About the time The Rock gets done, Raptor jumps X-Cold from behind as he begins to club X-Cold in the back. X-Cold then throws some punches back, as Gillberg runs done to attack X-Cold. X-Cold then floors Raptor with a punch as Gillberg sets in the corner getting ready to deliver the spear. X-Cold then turns around as Gillberg charges at X-Cold, as X-Cold then moves with Gillberg striking Raptor. Raptor barely budges as Gillberg just goes bouncing off Raptor. Raptor then stares at Gillberg as a idiot as he then turns around straight into a chiller from X-Cold, pumping the crowd up. X-Cold then stands back up as he then stares at Gillberg, Gillberg then begs for forgiveness, X-Cold will have nothing with it as he still walks forward at Gillberg. Gillberg then slides under the bottom rope and begins to runaway. X-Cold then chases after as he then catches him at the top of the ramp, X-Cold then body presses him over his head as he launches him off the stage straight into some arena equipment. Sparks begin to fly as Gillberg's body bounces off the equipment. X-Cold just stands furious on top of the stage as Shockwave ends.]